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Rally of the troops

Guest Skwerlhugger Will

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No TGHL, Stella Squirrel asked to be signed up.  So I did that for her. :D

Doesn't matter, you are all off to jail for high treason! You were planning to overthrow HK! So now you all get a free trip to jail! Even you Darth Squirrel/Tayino! Do not pass Go, Do not collect £200.

*shakes up, then opens a ginger beer!!*

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1.  Stella Squirrel

2.  Stoopid Squirrel

3.  Darth Squirrel

1. Stella Squirrel

2. Stoopid Squirrel

3. Darth Squirrel

4. Colonel Acornormanmanjensen(A.K.A. Colonel A-man-man)


The squirrel in my back yard wanted to sign up.

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Doesn't matter, you are all off to jail for high treason! You were planning to overthrow HK! So now you all get a free trip to jail! Even you Darth Squirrel/Tayino! Do not pass Go, Do not collect £200.

*shakes up, then opens a ginger beer!!*

Wonderful... my favorite, Ginger Beer!!!!! I will have a tin of Ginger Altoids to go with the Ginger Beer. Can you please put some whipped cream on top! :D

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Doesn't matter, you are all off to jail for high treason! You were planning to overthrow HK! So now you all get a free trip to jail! Even you Darth Squirrel/Tayino! Do not pass Go, Do not collect £200.

*shakes up, then opens a ginger beer!!*

The Squirrel (sith) can cloud the mind of anyone. Even the Great Hampsterking!!


(I created this)

"I pledge Alligiance to the Acorn"

"of The United Squirrel World"

"And to the slavery"

"For which it allows"

"Of humans everywhere"

"And of everykind."

"May the Blessings of"

"The Squirrel Leader"

"Shine down on me"

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The Squirrel (sith) can cloud the mind of anyone. Even the Great Hampsterking!!


(I created this)

"I pledge Alligiance to the Acorn"

"of The United Squirrel World"

"And to the slavery"

"For which it allows"

"Of humans everywhere"

"And of everykind."

"May the Blessings of"

"The Squirrel Leader"

"Shine down on me"


I like that! :D

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will
The Squirrel (sith) can cloud the mind of anyone. Even the Great Hampsterking!!


(I created this)

"I pledge Alligiance to the Acorn"

"of The United Squirrel World"

"And to the slavery"

"For which it allows"

"Of humans everywhere"

"And of everykind."

"May the Blessings of"

"The Squirrel Leader"

"Shine down on me"

how do you put it in?

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1. Stella Squirrel

2. Stoopid Squirrel

3. Darth Squirrel

4. Colonel Acornormanmanjensen(A.K.A. Colonel A-man-man)

5. Otter Human (slave)

6. Magma Squirrel (He eats out of muh birdfeeder.)

7. PsiSquirrel (One of my RP characters.)

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Then someone must have planted it amongst your sugar supply!  :o

*whistles as if I was innocent and I didn't really put in the super sugar* Umm... I didn't do it?


My Common Sense: Yeah right you lying common sense owner

Me: Shut up, you truthful common sense.

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*whistles as if I was innocent and I didn't really put in the super sugar* Umm... I didn't do it?


My Common Sense: Yeah right you lying common sense owner

Me: Shut up, you truthful common sense.

I never listen to common sense *rolls boulder off cliff onto sugar factory* Oops... Thats what happens when I don't listen....

Common Sense: Prepare to be BEATEN!


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I never listen to common sense *rolls boulder off cliff onto sugar factory* Oops... Thats what happens when I don't listen....

Common Sense: Prepare to be BEATEN!


NOO! NOT THE SUGAR FACTORY! *rocks back and forth in a corner*

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NOO! NOT THE SUGAR FACTORY! *rocks back and forth in a corner*

*sees what is about to happen to the Sugar Factory, hops in jet with missiles armed and ready, takes off and shoots missile at boulder, exploding it into dust just nanoseconds before it landed on the factory*

Phew! That was too close for comfort. :blink::unsure::blink:

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*sees what is about to happen to the Sugar Factory, hops in jet with missiles armed and ready, takes off and shoots missile at boulder, exploding it into dust just nanoseconds before it landed on the factory*

Phew!  That was too close for comfort. :blink:  :unsure:  :blink:

*Second boulder rolls onto Horatio's sunflower seed stock*

Oops.... *scuffs talons on floor*

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*Second boulder rolls onto Horatio's sunflower seed stock*

Oops.... *scuffs talons on floor*

*is still flying when red boulder alert light illuminates... fires missile....... circles around to see if boulder disintegrated into dust or it hit sunflower seed stock* :unsure:

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*is still flying when red boulder alert light illuminates... fires missile....... circles around to see if boulder disintegrated into dust or it hit sunflower seed stock* :unsure:

*Sunflower seeds suddenly spray everywhere, falling like a steady rain*

*runs off and hides before Horatio realises who pushed the boulder*

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I know!  You kept me on, like, all day.

Is that a god or bad thing?

I made a nice acorn pie for you, squirlly. *smiles like so  :) *

Why don't you take it to your leader? *not telling him it is an edible bomb and when someone eats it they go boom*

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*steeples fingers* Excellent, everyone is now too distracted in everything else to realise they have forgotten about the revolution...


I havent


Anywhoooooooooooooooo I wold like to join the revolution's G.I. as a freakishly huge wolf/Werewolf!






I spled havent rong dint i?

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*steeples fingers* Excellent, everyone is now too distracted in everything else to realise they have forgotten about the revolution...

Mr. TGHL... I hate to inform you of this, but there is no revolution. If you look closely at the title you will find that you have signed up for a type of hand lotion. It is called Reve lotion. :lol::lol::lol:

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Schimmislick's post was to the point!!!    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

and easy to moderate too i would expect :)

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ptmy :lol:


which address do you send avatars too , and also do they have to be handdrawn or can you send things from other websites?

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Ok *lowers werewolf into pure silver*

*gets perfect silver statue of werewolf*

*sells statue on E-Bay*

*while Horatio is at work flying his jet plane for FedEx, TGHL's package that has been purchased by an Ebayer, is now being shipped on Horatio's jet*



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LE? Where? *searches everywhere for LE*

yes where is she?

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Studying very hard in school.

:D  :D

kk! i should really be doing that..... :unsure:

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No u sold me and my statue when i was in it

Isn't TOTO the  lawyer around here?

Well I was not to know that you were in it, your fault for getting stuck in there. Anyway, international law is on my side! Since I sold the statue, not YOU as a person I am free from any charges becuase it wasn't you that I sold! If I has stated on e-bay that I was selling you as a person then I would be in trouble.

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Well I was not to know that you were in it, your fault for getting stuck in there. Anyway, international law is on my side! Since I sold the statue, not YOU as a person I am free from any charges becuase it wasn't you that I sold! If I has stated on e-bay that I was selling you as a person then I would be in trouble.

Oops... you mean had? :P

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I AM IMMORtal because i am a werewolf


End of Story!

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I AM IMMORtal because i am a werewolf


End of Story!

No, silver kills werewolves. So does chopping off their head and putting a lemon in it. In fact, werewolves aren't that immortal, they can be killed by anything.

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No, silver kills werewolves. So does chopping off their head and putting a lemon in it. In fact, werewolves aren't that immortal, they can be killed by anything.

Not true. If i flick a werewolf, it will not die, and the i will get torn to shreds by said werewolf. And then said werewolf will start to eat said shreds.

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will
Im a Gemini..I hate my birthday..On calenders and stuff its always like flowers and little girls in dresses.. And whats witht the Twins for Gemini..I have no twin..I hardly have a brother..(Half and Step..)

boy same with me...........pwat

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*Skwerl removes the sheet*

oh not-so-mighty-as-me Skwerlyhugger, have you heard Squirrels by Dr.Demento?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
A whole??????  Really, so let me understand this, after the explosion the whole solar system reunites into one giant black unit? :blink:

exactly! and the sudden compaction of matter causes a giant black hole to appear!

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*anti-matter contacts matter and a gigantic explosion ensues and the whole solar system becomes a giant black whole*

It contacts the matter does it?

AM- "Hello Matter, how are you today?"

M- "I am fine, though I can't say much for the left spiral wing of the Horse-head nebula."


Anyway, there is plenty of anti-matter in our universe already. Like interstellar icebergs.

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It contacts the matter does it?

AM- "Hello Matter, how are you today?"

M- "I am fine, though I can't say much for the left spiral wing of the Horse-head nebula."


Anyway, there is plenty of anti-matter in our universe already. Like interstellar icebergs.

nebulas don't have spiran wings, do they? i thought only spiral galaxies did.

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  • 4 weeks later...
nebulas don't have spiran wings, do they?  i thought only spiral galaxies did.

I answered this already, but I need to quote something randomly.

So what do you think of the Iceberg theory? If we build a giant space crusier will it be like the Titanic except Anti-Matter replaces Ice and it is on a much bigger scale?

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I want to harnes the energy of BLACK MATTER and take over the world!!


ALong with a list of other things...






















OK maybe not take over the world but i do want to harness it and make something out of it like a power coar or something














I'm being serious.













Im serious










Im' not kidding

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I want to harnes the energy of BLACK MATTER and take over the world!!


ALong with a list of other things...

OK maybe not take over the world but i do want to harness it and make something out of it like a power coar or something

I'm being serious.


Im serious


Im' not kidding

You mean Dark matter? And I believe that if someone could actually produce a lump of it, we'd be flying energy free, driving energy free etc. in no time.

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