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Kai updates


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Hi! I'm back! Hello to all whom I have not seen in a long long time and missed, including, but not limited to...

Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord

Mega Wolf


Horatio (so much for alphabetising! :) )


anyone else who for somereason is eluding my memory... :) !

Great to be back!

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Hi!  I'm back!  Hello to all whom I have not seen in a long long time and missed, including, but not limited to...

Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord

Mega Wolf


Horatio (so much for alphabetising! :) )


anyone else who for somereason is eluding my memory... :) !

Great to be back!

Welcome back!!!! :D

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Hi!  I'm back!  Hello to all whom I have not seen in a long long time and missed, including, but not limited to...

Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord

Mega Wolf


Horatio (so much for alphabetising! :) )


anyone else who for somereason is eluding my memory... :) !

Great to be back!

*does dance* Yay, you're back!

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Oh yes! I like these... just like the PTMYs. :lol:  :lol:






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How can I make you less so?

Answer the following...


Are you and Kaei the same people, Like TGHL and Darkness or Bob, or Phoenix?


Do you know kaei at all?


Did you and Kaei make your UNs like this just to confuse me...


How come Kai is so close looking to Kaei, did someone make it like that cause the other one was already?


So Kai was your original name, and now you are Kaise?


Silvia was Kaei's original name but now he/she is Kaei?


How come you and Kaei have like about the same amount of posts...

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Answer the following...


Are you and Kaei the same people, Like TGHL and Darkness or Bob, or Phoenix?


Do you know kaei at all?


Did you and Kaei make your UNs like this just to confuse me...


How come Kai is so close looking to Kaei, did someone make it like that cause the other one was already?


So Kai was your original name, and now you are Kaise?


Silvia was Kaei's original name but now he/she is Kaei?


How come you and Kaei have like about the same amount of posts...

*shakes head to clear it*

Alright, your answers:

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Answer the following...


Are you and Kaei the same people, Like TGHL and Darkness or Bob, or Phoenix?


Do you know kaei at all?


Did you and Kaei make your UNs like this just to confuse me...


How come Kai is so close looking to Kaei, did someone make it like that cause the other one was already?


So Kai was your original name, and now you are Kaise?


Silvia was Kaei's original name but now he/she is Kaei?


How come you and Kaei have like about the same amount of posts...

This is total coincidence! I didn't even realize this! Thank you for pointing that out to me!


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Answer the following...


Are you and Kaei the same people, Like TGHL and Darkness or Bob, or Phoenix?


Do you know kaei at all?


Did you and Kaei make your UNs like this just to confuse me...


How come Kai is so close looking to Kaei, did someone make it like that cause the other one was already?


So Kai was your original name, and now you are Kaise?


Silvia was Kaei's original name but now he/she is Kaei?

How come you and Kaei have like about the same amount of posts...

Kaei is Kaei's original name, I believe. Then, she lost her username and signed up as silvia, then quit because she became irritated with Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord, then was persuaded to come back by Horatio, and finally came back as her original username.

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Answer the following...


Are you and Kaei the same people, Like TGHL and Darkness or Bob, or Phoenix?


Do you know kaei at all?


Did you and Kaei make your UNs like this just to confuse me...


How come Kai is so close looking to Kaei, did someone make it like that cause the other one was already?


So Kai was your original name, and now you are Kaise?


Silvia was Kaei's original name but now he/she is Kaei?


How come you and Kaei have like about the same amount of posts...

Err, no. My original name was not Kai, but now I am Kaise, because the name Kai was already taken, and Kaise was a step further and lower down.

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Kaei is Kaei's original name, I believe.  Then, she lost her username and signed up as silvia, then quit because she became irritated with Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord, then was persuaded to come back by Horatio, and finally came back as her original username.

And I am so glad she did come back! :D

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Answer the following...


Are you and Kaei the same people, Like TGHL and Darkness or Bob, or Phoenix?


Do you know kaei at all?


Did you and Kaei make your UNs like this just to confuse me...


How come Kai is so close looking to Kaei, did someone make it like that cause the other one was already?


So Kai was your original name, and now you are Kaise?


Silvia was Kaei's original name but now he/she is Kaei?


How come you and Kaei have like about the same amount of posts...

Errr, no. Kaei was her username at a previous messageboard, and she kept that name. I came in much later as Kaise, because I was too lazy to think of a better name and wanted to cover Kai, as silvia seemed to be getting too much attention.

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Answer the following...


Are you and Kaei the same people, Like TGHL and Darkness or Bob, or Phoenix?


Do you know kaei at all?


Did you and Kaei make your UNs like this just to confuse me...


How come Kai is so close looking to Kaei, did someone make it like that cause the other one was already?


So Kai was your original name, and now you are Kaise?


Silvia was Kaei's original name but now he/she is Kaei?


How come you and Kaei have like about the same amount of posts...


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Answer the following...


Are you and Kaei the same people, Like TGHL and Darkness or Bob, or Phoenix?


Do you know kaei at all?


Did you and Kaei make your UNs like this just to confuse me...


How come Kai is so close looking to Kaei, did someone make it like that cause the other one was already?


So Kai was your original name, and now you are Kaise?


Silvia was Kaei's original name but now he/she is Kaei?


How come you and Kaei have like about the same amount of posts...

Of Course! We share the same computer (Which is one reason why we are never both on at the same time! We are alter-egoes (more like shadows, but that word is evil)! We are twins!

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Answer the following...


Are you and Kaei the same people, Like TGHL and Darkness or Bob, or Phoenix?


Do you know kaei at all?


Did you and Kaei make your UNs like this just to confuse me...


How come Kai is so close looking to Kaei, did someone make it like that cause the other one was already?


So Kai was your original name, and now you are Kaise?


Silvia was Kaei's original name but now he/she is Kaei?


How come you and Kaei have like about the same amount of posts...

I know who you're talking about when you say TGHL (Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord), but I don't know a Darkness, Bob, or Phoenix/...!?

Here's a chart for you


Kai=Silvia's alter-ego


Kai(does not equal) Silvia

Kai(does not equal) Kaei


kaise=Silvia's alter-ego


Kaise(does not equal) Silvia

Kaise(does not equal) Kaei

Silvia's alter-ego=Kai

Silvia's alter-ego=Kaise

Silvia's alter-ego=Sae

Silvia's alter-ego=Silvia (occasionally, and originallly)

Silvia's alter-ego=Kaei (sometimes)



Sae=Silvia's alter-ego

Sae=Silvia (occasionally, and originally)

Sae=Kaei (sometimes)

Silvia(does not equal) Kai

Silvia(does not equal) Kaise

Silvia=(occasionally, and originally) Silvia's alter-ego

Silvia=(occasionally, and originally) Sae


Kaei(does not equal) Kai

Kaei(does not equal) Kaise

Kaei=(occasionally, and originally) Silvia's alter-ego

Kaei=(occasionally, and originally) Sae


What this means is that I have the tendency to steal things of Kaei's,- e-mail accounts, web accounts, sanities- and I probably subconsciously stole the name as well.

*sighs* I do hope that's all.

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I know who you're talking about when you say TGHL (Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord), but I don't know a Darkness, Bob, or Phoenix/...!?

Here's a chart for you


Kai=Silvia's alter-ego


Kai(does not equal) Silvia

Kai(does not equal) Kaei


kaise=Silvia's alter-ego


Kaise(does not equal) Silvia

Kaise(does not equal) Kaei

Silvia's alter-ego=Kai

Silvia's alter-ego=Kaise

Silvia's alter-ego=Sae

Silvia's alter-ego=Silvia (occasionally, and originallly)

Silvia's alter-ego=Kaei (sometimes)



Sae=Silvia's alter-ego

Sae=Silvia (occasionally, and originally)

Sae=Kaei (sometimes)

Silvia(does not equal) Kai

Silvia(does not equal) Kaise

Silvia=(occasionally, and originally) Silvia's alter-ego

Silvia=(occasionally, and originally) Sae


Kaei(does not equal) Kai

Kaei(does not equal) Kaise

Kaei=(occasionally, and originally) Silvia's alter-ego

Kaei=(occasionally, and originally) Sae


What this means is that I have the tendency to steal things of Kaei's,- e-mail accounts, web accounts, sanities- and I probably subconsciously stole the name as well.

*sighs*  I do hope that's all.

*eyes open at all that work* :blink::blink::blink:

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How were you reading with your eyes closed?

:)  :)  :lol:  <_>

Actually, I have been working outside all day and when I moderate, sometimes I start reading and my eyelids close and after a few minutes, I wake up again and continue. Very strange feeling. :lol:

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I suppose it was useless to tell you to wake up, as you wouldn't have been able to get to that post if asleep, so therefore I would be telling you to wake up when you were already awake!

No, it was the big font. It penetrated my lids and woke me up. :lol::lol::lol:

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NOOOO!!! Thats Mine! I forbide you from using that!

Moneylover, please calm down. First of all we were talking about the arrows and how it would be great if there was one inside the post. Second, for someone to copy something that you do is a very sincere form of flattery. You should be pleased that someone likes what you do enough to copy you. :D

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Moneylover, please calm down.  First of all we were talking about the arrows and how it would be great if there was one inside the post.  Second, for someone to copy something that you do is a very sincere form of flattery.  You should be pleased that someone likes what you do enough to copy you. :D

Im kidding :mellow:

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the first "Kai" post went something like "hi Lexx, it's me Kai"


if you had mistaken me for someone else, that's an honest mistake, but the way you receved the undead dog thing made me think. that is quite the cooncidence,if you honestly have no idea, then it is truely sad the reruns are on so rarely, fior you have stumbled upon the name of one of the most interesting characters in recent science fiction. and then ther is the "bad habits die hard, including me" which is just the kind of thing he'd have said.

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the first "Kai" post went something like "hi Lexx, it's me Kai"


if you had mistaken me for someone else, that's an honest mistake, but the way you receved the undead dog thing made me think. that is quite the cooncidence,if you honestly have no idea, then it is truely sad the reruns are on so rarely, fior you have stumbled upon the name of one of the most interesting characters in recent science fiction. and then ther is the "bad habits die hard, including me" which is just the kind of thing he'd have said.

1. So you knew the "Kai" whose username was Kai? What were they like? Did they leave or something? Anyway, I'm not them. I am Kaise, but I would have had the username of Kai had it not been already taken.

2. I have no idea what you are talking about with "if you had mistaken me for someone else, that's an honest mistake," Please explain for me. :)

3. I don't know anything about an undead dog thing, and I don't know what you mean by "the way you received the undead dog thing". Also, how did it make you think? Plese explain for me. :)

4. What reruns are you talking about? I don't watch much TV.

5. What do you mean by "one of the most interesting characters in recent science fiction"?

6. Who are you comparing me to by saying that "Bad habits die hard, and that includes me!" Whois it taht would have said that? Kai? The sci-fi character? Please tell me!

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Outs in a safe, that goes in a safe, that goes in a safe...x100

Outs? You left it outside a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe?

Alright, or rather, you left the brain outside a safe, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain. No wonder Mega Wolf stole it back so easily-- she probalby took it from you while you were putting empty safes within empty safes.

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I hate when people do this.. <_<

Outs?  You left it outside a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe, which is in a safe?

Alright, or rather, you left the brain outside a safe, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain,  and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain, and then put the safe minus brain into a safe, and put that into a safe minus the brain.  No wonder Mega Wolf stole it back so easily-- she probalby took it from you while you were putting empty safes within empty safes.

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When you make a little mistake and they mut bug you about it..PATTY,

*wonders who he is talking about*

*thinks perhaps it is time to grab Moneylover by his ankles and turn him upside down over a money collection pit*

BTW, I let one very good typo slide... maybe....

*wonders what a mut bug is*

*thinks perhaps it is a bug that barks like a dog*


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  • 5 months later...
ok, so neither of you ever watched that show?

oh well, it was good while it lasted. I will refrain from posting that one song from it, finding a translation would have been a bit of a challenge now.

If it cannot be translated, then by all means, go ahead and post it. HampsterKing is avoiding posting other languages where the post is nasty. :D

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the issue is, although it is a fictious language, a translation does exist, I just don't know were, and I can't really recall exactly what is says.I do know it is typical warrior-race stuff, but I would want to know for sure before posting it, lest some other fan of the show, or worse, someone who hated it, but bothered to look it up did.

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the issue is, although it is a fictious language, a translation does exist, I just don't know were, and I can't really recall exactly what is says.I do know it is typical warrior-race stuff, but I would want to know for sure before posting it, lest some other fan of the show, or worse, someone who hated it, but bothered to look it up did.

I understand. Thank you. I had no idea. :D

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