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I find it strange that even the kindest, most caring, wonderful people in the world would not be saved.


And I think it is the term "saved" that keeps some people from converting. Like, saying that everything they have ever known is wrong, they are wrong, their beliefs are wrong, all that.

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And now I'm going to go make a couple of signs reminding everyone to close the suite door gently instead of letting it slam. :)

Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer*

Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong.

It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me.


Beer pong? That's a new one.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful).

Alcohol always makes people get louder. :lol:

Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud.

I know <_< And I doubt they'll leave. Oh well, I should probably get to sleep before they get too far out of control. If I fall into a deep enough sleep before they get really loud, they won't wake me up. Good night Horatio. :)

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bed bugs bite. :lol:

I actually slept! ^_^ After a little while, they kicked their drunk friends out of the suite and things settled down. At least once I heard, "Ssssshhhh! She's sleeping!" :rolleyes: And this morning (by which I mean about 10 minutes ago) they said to just tell them when I'm going to sleep from now on so they can take measures to quiet down, which I thought was really nice. :)

Very nice. Maybe this will work out after all.

Maybe, but I still have my roomie to contend with.

*slaps forehead*

I had forgotten about her.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledgehammer for the corner of the room*

Yeah. I'm working on part one of irritation education by example right now. I've got Brennan in the room. I've got a lab report to do, and he's researching nerf gun modifications. :rolleyes: And of course, my roomie has the TV on slightly louder than necesary.

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And now I'm going to go make a couple of signs reminding everyone to close the suite door gently instead of letting it slam. :)

Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer*

Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong.

It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me.


Beer pong? That's a new one.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful).

Alcohol always makes people get louder. :lol:

Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud.

I know <_ and i doubt they leave. oh well should probably get to sleep before too far out of control. if fall into a deep enough really loud won wake me up. good night horatio. src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)">

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bed bugs bite. :lol:

I actually slept! ^_^ After a little while, they kicked their drunk friends out of the suite and things settled down. At least once I heard, "Ssssshhhh! She's sleeping!" :rolleyes: And this morning (by which I mean about 10 minutes ago) they said to just tell them when I'm going to sleep from now on so they can take measures to quiet down, which I thought was really nice. :)

Very nice. Maybe this will work out after all.

Maybe, but I still have my roomie to contend with.

*slaps forehead*

I had forgotten about her.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledgehammer for the corner of the room*

Yeah. I'm working on part one of irritation education by example right now. I've got Brennan in the room. I've got a lab report to do, and he's researching nerf gun modifications. :rolleyes: And of course, my roomie has the TV on slightly louder than necesary.

You need to disable the television. :lol:

*thinks... lose the remote*

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And now I'm going to go make a couple of signs reminding everyone to close the suite door gently instead of letting it slam. :)

Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer*

Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong.

It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me.


Beer pong? That's a new one.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful).

Alcohol always makes people get louder.

Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud.

I know. And I doubt they'll leave. Oh well, I should probably get to sleep before they get too far out of control. If I fall into a deep enough sleep before they get really loud, they won't wake me up. Good night Horatio. :)

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bed bugs bite. :lol:

I actually slept! ^_^ After a little while, they kicked their drunk friends out of the suite and things settled down. At least once I heard, "Ssssshhhh! She's sleeping!" :rolleyes: And this morning (by which I mean about 10 minutes ago) they said to just tell them when I'm going to sleep from now on so they can take measures to quiet down, which I thought was really nice. :)

Very nice. Maybe this will work out after all.

Maybe, but I still have my roomie to contend with.

*slaps forehead*

I had forgotten about her.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledgehammer for the corner of the room*

Yeah. I'm working on part one of irritation education by example right now. I've got Brennan in the room. I've got a lab report to do, and he's researching nerf gun modifications. :rolleyes: And of course, my roomie has the TV on slightly louder than necesary.

You need to disable the television. :lol:

*thinks... lose the remote*

lol really. :rolleyes:

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or cut and/or melt some important wires...

Now you're talking. :lol:

Hahaha. :rolleyes: Nah, I'm not going to do anything extreme...yet...I'm going to find out about switching my room today.

Nothing extreme? :lol:

I say go for The Terminator!!! :lol::lol::lol:

That would definitely get her attention.

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New roomie FTW! ^_^ The res. life lady gave me the names and room numbers of three roomie-less girls in the other building and left it up to me to deal with the rest. So I looked up the first one, and saw that she was a Christian like me, and she seemed pretty nice, so I sent her a message explaining my situation, and she messaged me back. I'm switching rooms on Tuesday. ^_^ So I just need to hold out for the rest of the week. (And I'm not going to be around this weekend anyways, going to camp). So just a few more days. :)

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New roomie FTW! ^_^ The res. life lady gave me the names and room numbers of three roomie-less girls in the other building and left it up to me to deal with the rest. So I looked up the first one, and saw that she was a Christian like me, and she seemed pretty nice, so I sent her a message explaining my situation, and she messaged me back. I'm switching rooms on Tuesday. ^_^ So I just need to hold out for the rest of the week. (And I'm not going to be around this weekend anyways, going to camp). So just a few more days. :)

Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. :D

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New roomie FTW! ^_^ The res. life lady gave me the names and room numbers of three roomie-less girls in the other building and left it up to me to deal with the rest. So I looked up the first one, and saw that she was a Christian like me, and she seemed pretty nice, so I sent her a message explaining my situation, and she messaged me back. I'm switching rooms on Tuesday. ^_^ So I just need to hold out for the rest of the week. (And I'm not going to be around this weekend anyways, going to camp). So just a few more days. :)

Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. :D

Yep! ^_^ Things are finally looking up. In about 20 minutes, I'm going over to Marius and Brennan's room to watch heros (Brennan records it because we both have night class).

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New roomie FTW! ^_^ The res. life lady gave me the names and room numbers of three roomie-less girls in the other building and left it up to me to deal with the rest. So I looked up the first one, and saw that she was a Christian like me, and she seemed pretty nice, so I sent her a message explaining my situation, and she messaged me back. I'm switching rooms on Tuesday. ^_^ So I just need to hold out for the rest of the week. (And I'm not going to be around this weekend anyways, going to camp). So just a few more days. :)

Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. :D

Yep! ^_^ Things are finally looking up. In about 20 minutes, I'm going over to Marius and Brennan's room to watch heros (Brennan records it because we both have night class).

Yeah!!!! :)

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New roomie FTW! ^_^ The res. life lady gave me the names and room numbers of three roomie-less girls in the other building and left it up to me to deal with the rest. So I looked up the first one, and saw that she was a Christian like me, and she seemed pretty nice, so I sent her a message explaining my situation, and she messaged me back. I'm switching rooms on Tuesday. ^_^ So I just need to hold out for the rest of the week. (And I'm not going to be around this weekend anyways, going to camp). So just a few more days. :)

Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. :D

Yep! ^_^ Things are finally looking up. In about 20 minutes, I'm going over to Marius and Brennan's room to watch heros (Brennan records it because we both have night class).

Yeah!!!! :)

Heros was was an interesting one. (it was the season finale). And of course I came back to my roomie sleeping with the tv on full blast. :glare: Or at least I think she's sleeping...

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New roomie FTW! ^_^ The res. life lady gave me the names and room numbers of three roomie-less girls in the other building and left it up to me to deal with the rest. So I looked up the first one, and saw that she was a Christian like me, and she seemed pretty nice, so I sent her a message explaining my situation, and she messaged me back. I'm switching rooms on Tuesday. ^_^ So I just need to hold out for the rest of the week. (And I'm not going to be around this weekend anyways, going to camp). So just a few more days. :)

Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. :D

Yep! ^_^ Things are finally looking up. In about 20 minutes, I'm going over to Marius and Brennan's room to watch heros (Brennan records it because we both have night class).

Yeah!!!! :)

Heros was was an interesting one. (it was the season finale). And of course I came back to my roomie sleeping with the tv on full blast. :glare: Or at least I think she's sleeping...

Perhaps she has a hearing problem. Maybe she should get that checked. :lol:

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New roomie FTW! ^_^ The res. life lady gave me the names and room numbers of three roomie-less girls in the other building and left it up to me to deal with the rest. So I looked up the first one, and saw that she was a Christian like me, and she seemed pretty nice, so I sent her a message explaining my situation, and she messaged me back. I'm switching rooms on Tuesday. ^_^ So I just need to hold out for the rest of the week. (And I'm not going to be around this weekend anyways, going to camp). So just a few more days. :)

Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. :D

Yep! ^_^ Things are finally looking up. In about 20 minutes, I'm going over to Marius and Brennan's room to watch heros (Brennan records it because we both have night class).

Yeah!!!! :)

Heros was was an interesting one. (it was the season finale). And of course I came back to my roomie sleeping with the tv on full blast. :glare: Or at least I think she's sleeping...

Perhaps she has a hearing problem. Maybe she should get that checked. :lol:

Maybe...and again with the talking on the cel phone when I'm sleeping this morning. When I get a phone call, I go outside, especially if my roomie's sleeping.

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New roomie FTW! ^_^ The res. life lady gave me the names and room numbers of three roomie-less girls in the other building and left it up to me to deal with the rest. So I looked up the first one, and saw that she was a Christian like me, and she seemed pretty nice, so I sent her a message explaining my situation, and she messaged me back. I'm switching rooms on Tuesday. ^_^ So I just need to hold out for the rest of the week. (And I'm not going to be around this weekend anyways, going to camp). So just a few more days. :)

Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. :D

Yep! ^_^ Things are finally looking up. In about 20 minutes, I'm going over to Marius and Brennan's room to watch heros (Brennan records it because we both have night class).

Yeah!!!! :)

Heros was was an interesting one. (it was the season finale). And of course I came back to my roomie sleeping with the tv on full blast. :glare: Or at least I think she's sleeping...

Perhaps she has a hearing problem. Maybe she should get that checked. :lol:

Maybe...and again with the talking on the cel phone when I'm sleeping this morning. When I get a phone call, I go outside, especially if my roomie's sleeping.

*sends Jesusfreak a bugler to play reveille*

*evil laugh is heard*

You get yourself up around 05H00, then let the bugler begin about one foot from the head of her bed.

ROFOCLH...oh yeah!!!

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New roomie FTW! ^_^ The res. life lady gave me the names and room numbers of three roomie-less girls in the other building and left it up to me to deal with the rest. So I looked up the first one, and saw that she was a Christian like me, and she seemed pretty nice, so I sent her a message explaining my situation, and she messaged me back. I'm switching rooms on Tuesday. ^_^ So I just need to hold out for the rest of the week. (And I'm not going to be around this weekend anyways, going to camp). So just a few more days. :)

Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. :D

Yep! ^_^ Things are finally looking up. In about 20 minutes, I'm going over to Marius and Brennan's room to watch heros (Brennan records it because we both have night class).

Yeah!!!! :)

Heros was was an interesting one. (it was the season finale). And of course I came back to my roomie sleeping with the tv on full blast. :glare: Or at least I think she's sleeping...

Perhaps she has a hearing problem. Maybe she should get that checked. :lol:

Maybe...and again with the talking on the cel phone when I'm sleeping this morning. When I get a phone call, I go outside, especially if my roomie's sleeping.

*sends Jesusfreak a bugler to play reveille*

*evil laugh is heard*

You get yourself up around 05H00, then let the bugler begin about one foot from the head of her bed.

ROFOCLH...oh yeah!!!

I don't want to get up the early, and I'm not even sure what time that means. :rolleyes:

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New roomie FTW! ^_^ The res. life lady gave me the names and room numbers of three roomie-less girls in the other building and left it up to me to deal with the rest. So I looked up the first one, and saw that she was a Christian like me, and she seemed pretty nice, so I sent her a message explaining my situation, and she messaged me back. I'm switching rooms on Tuesday. ^_^ So I just need to hold out for the rest of the week. (And I'm not going to be around this weekend anyways, going to camp). So just a few more days. :)

Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. :D

Yep! ^_^ Things are finally looking up. In about 20 minutes, I'm going over to Marius and Brennan's room to watch heros (Brennan records it because we both have night class).

Yeah!!!! :)

Heros was was an interesting one. (it was the season finale). And of course I came back to my roomie sleeping with the tv on full blast. :glare: Or at least I think she's sleeping...

Perhaps she has a hearing problem. Maybe she should get that checked. :lol:

Maybe...and again with the talking on the cel phone when I'm sleeping this morning. When I get a phone call, I go outside, especially if my roomie's sleeping.

*sends Jesusfreak a bugler to play reveille*

*evil laugh is heard*

You get yourself up around 05H00, then let the bugler begin about one foot from the head of her bed.

ROFOCLH...oh yeah!!!

I don't want to get up the early, and I'm not even sure what time that means. :rolleyes:

05 H (H=Hours) 00 (Minutes)

I was just thinking how turnabout is fair play. LOL

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Bugle is supposed to be pretty hard to play...

I didn't know that.


Only mechanism for changing notes is how your lips vibrate.



I learnded that in scouts! =D

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Bugle is supposed to be pretty hard to play...

I didn't know that.


Only mechanism for changing notes is how your lips vibrate.



I learnded that in scouts! =D

That's really cool.

Wait... you have vibrating lips? :lol:

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Bugle is supposed to be pretty hard to play...

I didn't know that.


Only mechanism for changing notes is how your lips vibrate.



I learnded that in scouts! =D

That's really cool.

Wait... you have vibrating lips? :lol:


Learnded, yes. And vibrating lips is the basis of all brass instrument...

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Bugle is supposed to be pretty hard to play...

I didn't know that.


Only mechanism for changing notes is how your lips vibrate.



I learnded that in scouts! =D

That's really cool.

Wait... you have vibrating lips? :lol:


Learnded, yes. And vibrating lips is the basis of all brass instrument...

*wonders what the girls think of vibrating lips* LOL

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Bugle is supposed to be pretty hard to play...

I didn't know that.


Only mechanism for changing notes is how your lips vibrate.



I learnded that in scouts! =D

That's really cool.

Wait... you have vibrating lips? :lol:


Learnded, yes. And vibrating lips is the basis of all brass instrument...

*wonders what the girls think of vibrating lips* LOL


I can only imagine what you are thinking about.

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Bugle is supposed to be pretty hard to play...

I didn't know that.


Only mechanism for changing notes is how your lips vibrate.



I learnded that in scouts! =D

That's really cool.

Wait... you have vibrating lips? :lol:


Learnded, yes. And vibrating lips is the basis of all brass instrument...

*wonders what the girls think of vibrating lips* LOL


I can only imagine what you are thinking about.

That when you try and carry on a conversation, you sound like...



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Bugle is supposed to be pretty hard to play...

I didn't know that.


Only mechanism for changing notes is how your lips vibrate.



I learnded that in scouts! =D

That's really cool.

Wait... you have vibrating lips? :lol:


Learnded, yes. And vibrating lips is the basis of all brass instrument...

*wonders what the girls think of vibrating lips* LOL


I can only imagine what you are thinking about.

That when you try and carry on a conversation, you sound like...



Yeah, sure. Whatever you say. :rolleyes:


So, today after dinner, Marius, Brennan and I set off on a quest for two things: the newest season of Scrubs, and scrunchies crunchies (the Shop-Rite version of Cap'n Crunch). Somehow, we also ended up going to Kohls, Blockbuster, Target, the Shop-Rite a half hour away, and Brennan's house. :rolleyes: Now, about that chem homework...

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Yay 3 hour naps! ^_^I'll be going to camp this weekend either today or tomorrow, so if you don't see me around, that's why.

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Everyone is going away this weekend... it will be very quiet. :blink:

Have lots of fun. :)

I know! Of course, this will be if/when my parents and/or Ian get their act together. Because it's getting more and more complicated as we go...

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Yay 3 hour naps! ^_^I'll be going to camp this weekend either today or tomorrow, so if you don't see me around, that's why.

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Everyone is going away this weekend... it will be very quiet. :blink:

Have lots of fun. :)

I know! Of course, this will be if/when my parents and/or Ian get their act together. Because it's getting more and more complicated as we go...

Sometimes I wonder how the easiest things can become so very complicated. :lol:

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Yay 3 hour naps! ^_^I'll be going to camp this weekend either today or tomorrow, so if you don't see me around, that's why.

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Everyone is going away this weekend... it will be very quiet. :blink:

Have lots of fun. :)

I know! Of course, this will be if/when my parents and/or Ian get their act together. Because it's getting more and more complicated as we go...

Sometimes I wonder how the easiest things can become so very complicated. :lol:

Oh, I know. It just keeps getting more complicated. Right now, I'm waiting for Ian to call me to say if he can go so I can call and tell dad if he has to come get me or not. :rolleyes: And it's looking like I'll be leaving (if it's my dad that brings me, at least) either tomorrow night or Saturday morning.

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Yay 3 hour naps! ^_^I'll be going to camp this weekend either today or tomorrow, so if you don't see me around, that's why.

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Everyone is going away this weekend... it will be very quiet. :blink:

Have lots of fun. :)

I know! Of course, this will be if/when my parents and/or Ian get their act together. Because it's getting more and more complicated as we go...

Sometimes I wonder how the easiest things can become so very complicated. :lol:

Oh, I know. It just keeps getting more complicated. Right now, I'm waiting for Ian to call me to say if he can go so I can call and tell dad if he has to come get me or not. :rolleyes: And it's looking like I'll be leaving (if it's my dad that brings me, at least) either tomorrow night or Saturday morning.

When you do get to go... have a great weekend! :D

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Yay 3 hour naps! ^_^I'll be going to camp this weekend either today or tomorrow, so if you don't see me around, that's why.

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Everyone is going away this weekend... it will be very quiet. :blink:

Have lots of fun. :)

I know! Of course, this will be if/when my parents and/or Ian get their act together. Because it's getting more and more complicated as we go...

Sometimes I wonder how the easiest things can become so very complicated. :lol:

Oh, I know. It just keeps getting more complicated. Right now, I'm waiting for Ian to call me to say if he can go so I can call and tell dad if he has to come get me or not. :rolleyes: And it's looking like I'll be leaving (if it's my dad that brings me, at least) either tomorrow night or Saturday morning.

When you do get to go... have a great weekend! :D

And it gets more complicated. *At the moment* mom's going to get me tomorrow around noon. What car she takes will depend on if Ian still wants to go (now that he doesn't have to drive)

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Yay 3 hour naps! ^_^I'll be going to camp this weekend either today or tomorrow, so if you don't see me around, that's why.

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Everyone is going away this weekend... it will be very quiet. :blink:

Have lots of fun. :)

I know! Of course, this will be if/when my parents and/or Ian get their act together. Because it's getting more and more complicated as we go...

Sometimes I wonder how the easiest things can become so very complicated. :lol:

Oh, I know. It just keeps getting more complicated. Right now, I'm waiting for Ian to call me to say if he can go so I can call and tell dad if he has to come get me or not. :rolleyes: And it's looking like I'll be leaving (if it's my dad that brings me, at least) either tomorrow night or Saturday morning.

When you do get to go... have a great weekend! :D

Hahaha we finally got everything straightened out. Ian couldn't go ultimately because it's his dad's birthday. So mom's going to be here in a little bit, and I'll be gone until Monday or Tuesday. You have a great weekend too! ^_^

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Yay 3 hour naps! ^_^I'll be going to camp this weekend either today or tomorrow, so if you don't see me around, that's why.

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Everyone is going away this weekend... it will be very quiet. :blink:

Have lots of fun. :)

I know! Of course, this will be if/when my parents and/or Ian get their act together. Because it's getting more and more complicated as we go...

Sometimes I wonder how the easiest things can become so very complicated. :lol:

Oh, I know. It just keeps getting more complicated. Right now, I'm waiting for Ian to call me to say if he can go so I can call and tell dad if he has to come get me or not. :rolleyes: And it's looking like I'll be leaving (if it's my dad that brings me, at least) either tomorrow night or Saturday morning.

When you do get to go... have a great weekend! :D

Hahaha we finally got everything straightened out. Ian couldn't go ultimately because it's his dad's birthday. So mom's going to be here in a little bit, and I'll be gone until Monday or Tuesday. You have a great weekend too! ^_^

*already misses Jesusfreak*

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I'm back! I was actually back yesterday, but I didn't have time to get on here because of the whole moving and classes thing. I'm all moved in now, and my roomie seems really nice, and I'm right downstairs from Marius and Brennan (when they're actually on campus) and it's awesome. ^_^ And my friends helped me move, which was also awesome, especially when moving the giant fridge down three flights of stairs. My weekend at camp was mostly construction work (for me, in the form of hauling heavy stuff like rolled up carpet, dressers, desks, etc. down the hill, and helping dad get it into the dressser), except for the one part where I was so tired I actually broke down crying and left to take a four hour nap. :wacko: Our new cabin needs a lot of work, but once it's done, it's going to be awesome because it's like twice the size of our old one. And now my arms feel really funny... :rolleyes:

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist. :lol:

Hahaha :lol: Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. :P

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist. :lol:

Hahaha :lol: Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. :P

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! :lol:

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist. :lol:

Hahaha :lol: Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. :P

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! :lol:

lol :P I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. :) And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist. :lol:

Hahaha :lol: Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. :P

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! :lol:

lol :P I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. :) And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!! :lol:

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. :D

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist.

Hahaha :lol: Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol :P I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. :) And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!! :lol:

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. :D

Yup! ^_^ And I get to sleep in tomorrow...:)

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist.

Hahaha :lol: Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol :P I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. :) And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!! :lol:

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. :D

Yup! ^_^ And I get to sleep in tomorrow...:)

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist.

Hahaha :lol: Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol :P I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. :) And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!! :lol:

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. :D

Yup! ^_^ And I get to sleep in tomorrow...:)

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! ^_^ And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist.

Hahaha :lol: Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol :P I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. :) And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!! :lol:

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. :D

Yup! ^_^ And I get to sleep in tomorrow...:)

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! ^_^ And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist.

Hahaha :lol: Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol :P I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. :) And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!! :lol:

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. :D

Yup! ^_^ And I get to sleep in tomorrow...:)

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! ^_^ And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?

I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist.

Hahaha :lol: Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol :P I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. :) And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!! :lol:

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. :D

Yup! ^_^ And I get to sleep in tomorrow...:)

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! ^_^ And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?

I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O

Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind.

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist.

Hahaha :lol: Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol :P I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. :) And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!! :lol:

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. :D

Yup! ^_^ And I get to sleep in tomorrow...:)

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! ^_^ And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?

I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O

Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind.

lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways.

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist.

Hahaha :lol: Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol :P I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. :) And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!! :lol:

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. :D

Yup! ^_^ And I get to sleep in tomorrow...:)

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! ^_^ And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?

I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O

Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind.

lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways.


*brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee*

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist.

Hahaha :lol: Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol :P I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. :) And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!!

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in.

Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow...:)

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! ^_^ And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?

I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O

Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind.

lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways.


*brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee*

Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. ^_^ I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. :)

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist.

Hahaha :lol: Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol :P I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. :) And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!!

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in.

Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow...:)

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! ^_^ And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?

I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O

Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind.

lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways.


*brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee*

Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. ^_^ I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. :)

If I ever slept that late, I would be having some kind of panic attack that I had lost the entire day. :lol:

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist.

Hahaha :lol: Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol :P I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. :) And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!!

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in.

Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow...:)

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! ^_^ And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?

I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O

Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind.

lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways.


*brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee*

Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. ^_^ I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. :)

If I ever slept that late, I would be having some kind of panic attack that I had lost the entire day. :lol:

Nah, my day generally runs until at least 1am anyways, so it's not really a big deal. ^_^

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist.

Hahaha LOL Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!!

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in.

Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow...:)

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! ^_^ And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?

I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O

Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind.

lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways.


*brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee*

Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. ^_^ I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. :)

If I ever slept that late, I would be having some kind of panic attack that I had lost the entire day. :lol:

Nah, my day generally runs until at least 1am anyways, so it's not really a big deal. ^_^

Lucky you! :lol:

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist.

Hahaha LOL Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!!

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in.

Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow...:)

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! ^_^ And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?

I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O

Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind.

lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways.


*brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee*

Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. ^_^ I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. :)

If I ever slept that late, I would be having some kind of panic attack that I had lost the entire day. :lol:

Nah, my day generally runs until at least 1am anyways, so it's not really a big deal. ^_^

Lucky you! :lol:

lol :P Today we had a rather impressive thunderstorm, and I took some video footage. That reminds me...let's see if I can upload videos here... It says "uploading file" but it's sure taking its time. But then again the video is almost nine minutes long... Aw, it doesn't look like it worked. :(

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist.

Hahaha LOL Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!!

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in.

Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow...:)

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! ^_^ And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?

I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O

Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind.

lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways.


*brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee*

Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. ^_^ I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. :)

If I ever slept that late, I would be having some kind of panic attack that I had lost the entire day. :lol:

Nah, my day generally runs until at least 1am anyways, so it's not really a big deal. ^_^

Lucky you! :lol:

lol :P Today we had a rather impressive thunderstorm, and I took some video footage. That reminds me...let's see if I can upload videos here... It says "uploading file" but it's sure taking its time. But then again the video is almost nine minutes long... Aw, it doesn't look like it worked. :(

I wonder if it was a few seconds long, if it would work.

*thinks about trying this*

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And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...

You have been profiled as a terrorist.

Hahaha LOL Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!!

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in.

Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow...

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?

I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O

Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind.

lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways.


*brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee*

Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. :)

If I ever slept that late, I would be having some kind of panic attack that I had lost the entire day. :lol:

Nah, my day generally runs until at least 1am anyways, so it's not really a big deal. ^_^

Lucky you! :lol:

lol :P Today we had a rather impressive thunderstorm, and I took some video footage. That reminds me...let's see if I can upload videos here... It says "uploading file" but it's sure taking its time. But then again the video is almost nine minutes long... Aw, it doesn't look like it worked. :(

I wonder if it was a few seconds long, if it would work.

*thinks about trying this*

Hm...let's find out...Aw, "Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload this type of file" :( Lame.

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Hahaha LOL Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!!

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in.

Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow...

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?

I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O

Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind.

lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways.


*brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee*

Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. :)

If I ever slept that late, I would be having some kind of panic attack that I had lost the entire day. :lol:

Nah, my day generally runs until at least 1am anyways, so it's not really a big deal. ^_^

Lucky you! :lol:

lol :P Today we had a rather impressive thunderstorm, and I took some video footage. That reminds me...let's see if I can upload videos here... It says "uploading file" but it's sure taking its time. But then again the video is almost nine minutes long... Aw, it doesn't look like it worked. :(

I wonder if it was a few seconds long, if it would work.

*thinks about trying this*

Hm...let's find out...Aw, "Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload this type of file" :( Lame.

Let me complain to HampsterKing. :lol:

*thinks we should have another topic called HampsterTube where videos are permitted*

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Hahaha LOL Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.

It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined!

lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!!

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in.

Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow...

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?

I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O

Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind.

lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways.


*brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee*

Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. :)

If I ever slept that late, I would be having some kind of panic attack that I had lost the entire day. :lol:

Nah, my day generally runs until at least 1am anyways, so it's not really a big deal. ^_^

Lucky you! :lol:

lol :P Today we had a rather impressive thunderstorm, and I took some video footage. That reminds me...let's see if I can upload videos here... It says "uploading file" but it's sure taking its time. But then again the video is almost nine minutes long... Aw, it doesn't look like it worked. :(

I wonder if it was a few seconds long, if it would work.

*thinks about trying this*

Hm...let's find out...Aw, "Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload this type of file" :( Lame.

Let me complain to HampsterKing. :lol:

*thinks we should have another topic called HampsterTube where videos are permitted*

I could have sworn I responded to this post...oh well. I think uploading videos would be so awesome! ^_^

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lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! ^_^

Life is good!!!!!!!!

Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in.

Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow...

And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele.

Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)

This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted?

I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O

Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind.

lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways.


*brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee*

Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. :)

If I ever slept that late, I would be having some kind of panic attack that I had lost the entire day. :lol:

Nah, my day generally runs until at least 1am anyways, so it's not really a big deal. ^_^

Lucky you! :lol:

lol :P Today we had a rather impressive thunderstorm, and I took some video footage. That reminds me...let's see if I can upload videos here... It says "uploading file" but it's sure taking its time. But then again the video is almost nine minutes long... Aw, it doesn't look like it worked. :(

I wonder if it was a few seconds long, if it would work.

*thinks about trying this*

Hm...let's find out...Aw, "Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload this type of file" :( Lame.

Let me complain to HampsterKing. :lol:

*thinks we should have another topic called HampsterTube where videos are permitted*

I could have sworn I responded to this post...oh well. I think uploading videos would be so awesome! ^_^

Oh yeah!!! I totally agree!!!!

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So, it's raining, and I need a haircut, and I'm bored, and I don't want to do my lab report or studying. :rolleyes:

I say... do a hamster Sunday.

Kick back, put on some good music, great movie or grab a good book, and enjoy your Sunday.

If you want a little excitement, turn on Motorcycle Racing from Murello, Italy and watch for the greatest motorcycle rider ever in the race.

Valentino Rossi! WOOT!!!!!

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*thinks: hampster sundae*

*thinks yummy*

Friendly's Butter Crunch Ice Cream, dark chocolate jimmies from Brussels, some marshmallow fluff... sounds like heaven to me!



I was thinking more of a sundae made from hampsters. xD

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*thinks: hampster sundae*

*thinks yummy*

Friendly's Butter Crunch Ice Cream, dark chocolate jimmies from Brussels, some marshmallow fluff... sounds like heaven to me!



I was thinking more of a sundae made from hampsters. xD


*is totally stunned that Cheesemaster would entertain thoughts like this*

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*thinks: hampster sundae*

*thinks yummy*

Friendly's Butter Crunch Ice Cream, dark chocolate jimmies from Brussels, some marshmallow fluff... sounds like heaven to me!



I was thinking more of a sundae made from hampsters. xD


*is totally stunned that Cheesemaster would entertain thoughts like this*


*Is not suprised at 'Raishey's stunned status*

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*thinks: hampster sundae*

*thinks yummy*

Friendly's Butter Crunch Ice Cream, dark chocolate jimmies from Brussels, some marshmallow fluff... sounds like heaven to me!



I was thinking more of a sundae made from hampsters. xD


*is totally stunned that Cheesemaster would entertain thoughts like this*


*Is not suprised at 'Raishey's stunned status*

*falls over with all four paws in the air*

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*thinks: hampster sundae*

*thinks yummy*

Friendly's Butter Crunch Ice Cream, dark chocolate jimmies from Brussels, some marshmallow fluff... sounds like heaven to me!



I was thinking more of a sundae made from hampsters. xD


*is totally stunned that Cheesemaster would entertain thoughts like this*


*Is not suprised at 'Raishey's stunned status*

*falls over with all four paws in the air*


lol. xD

Silly 'Raishey.

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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

Get typing. Or else!

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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

Get typing. Or else!


typing the report, not another post, that is. xD

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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

Get typing. Or else!

Getting there. I've finished the first two sections of my report. Three more to go.

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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

Get typing. Or else!


typing the report, not another post, that is. xD

E X A C T L Y !!!!!!! :)

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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

Get typing. Or else!

Getting there. I've finished the first two sections of my report. Three more to go.

No more posts until you have finished the report. :rolleyes:

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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

Get typing. Or else!


typing the report, not another post, that is. xD

E X A C T L Y !!!!!!! :)



Well, you should have specified in your own post. look, she already posted here because of your mistake.

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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

Get typing. Or else!

typing the report, not another post, that is. xD

E X A C T L Y !!!!!!! :)

Well, you should have specified in your own post. look, she already posted here because of your mistake.

*is devastated that I am not perfect*

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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

Get typing. Or else!

typing the report, not another post, that is. xD

E X A C T L Y !!!!!!! :)

Well, you should have specified in your own post. look, she already posted here because of your mistake.

*is devastated that I am not perfect*

I, too, would be shocked to find out that I am not perfect.


I lack arrogance, as that would be a flaw.

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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

Get typing. Or else!

typing the report, not another post, that is. xD

E X A C T L Y !!!!!!! :)

Well, you should have specified in your own post. look, she already posted here because of your mistake.

*is devastated that I am not perfect*

I, too, would be shocked to find out that I am not perfect.


I lack arrogance, as that would be a flaw.

:lol: LOL :lol:

I need to make coffee to keep up with you this evening.

Had your share of sugar?

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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

Get typing. Or else!

typing the report, not another post, that is. xD

E X A C T L Y !!!!!!! :)

Well, you should have specified in your own post. look, she already posted here because of your mistake.

*is devastated that I am not perfect*

I, too, would be shocked to find out that I am not perfect.


I lack arrogance, as that would be a flaw.

:lol: LOL :lol:

I need to make coffee to keep up with you this evening.

Had your share of sugar?


I had a bif thing of arizona sweet tea, so yes, I have. xDE

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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

Get typing. Or else!

typing the report, not another post, that is. xD

E X A C T L Y !!!!!!! :)

Well, you should have specified in your own post. look, she already posted here because of your mistake.

*is devastated that I am not perfect*

I, too, would be shocked to find out that I am not perfect.


I lack arrogance, as that would be a flaw.

:lol: LOL :lol:

I need to make coffee to keep up with you this evening.

Had your share of sugar?

I had a bif thing of arizona sweet tea, so yes, I have. xDE

LOL... I can tell.

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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

Get typing. Or else!

typing the report, not another post, that is. xD

E X A C T L Y !!!!!!! :)

Well, you should have specified in your own post. look, she already posted here because of your mistake.

*is devastated that I am not perfect*

I, too, would be shocked to find out that I am not perfect.


I lack arrogance, as that would be a flaw.

:lol: LOL :lol:

I need to make coffee to keep up with you this evening.

Had your share of sugar?

I had a bif thing of arizona sweet tea, so yes, I have. xDE

LOL... I can tell.



Wow, I made a lot of typos and you didn't say a thing.

Something wrong?

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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

Get typing. Or else!

typing the report, not another post, that is. xD

E X A C T L Y !!!!!!! :)

Well, you should have specified in your own post. look, she already posted here because of your mistake.

*is devastated that I am not perfect*

I, too, would be shocked to find out that I am not perfect.


I lack arrogance, as that would be a flaw.

:lol: LOL :lol:

I need to make coffee to keep up with you this evening.

Had your share of sugar?

I had a bif thing of arizona sweet tea, so yes, I have. xDE

LOL... I can tell.

Wow, I made a lot of typos and you didn't say a thing.

Something wrong?

I can't make fun of you if I am trying to keep up with you. LOL

But... don't think I didn't see them.

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I'm DONE! :P With my lab report anyways. Still have studying to do, but that can happen a little later. :rolleyes:

Yeah that you have finished. As it is 23H00, when do you think you will be studying??? LOL

Mm...2am maybe? Too much later than that, I won't be able to function properly tomorrow. I have some time to study tomorrow too.

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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

Get typing. Or else!

typing the report, not another post, that is. xD

E X A C T L Y !!!!!!! :)

Well, you should have specified in your own post. look, she already posted here because of your mistake.

*is devastated that I am not perfect*

I, too, would be shocked to find out that I am not perfect.


I lack arrogance, as that would be a flaw.

:lol: LOL :lol:

I need to make coffee to keep up with you this evening.

Had your share of sugar?

I had a bif thing of arizona sweet tea, so yes, I have. xDE

LOL... I can tell.

Wow, I made a lot of typos and you didn't say a thing.

Something wrong?

I can't make fun of you if I am trying to keep up with you. LOL

But... don't think I didn't see them.



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But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying. :rolleyes:

Yes, that does present a little problem. :lol:

Now get off the computer and start studying.

And, that's an order.

But my lab report has to be typed. :rolleyes: And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.

Get typing. Or else!

typing the report, not another post, that is. xD

E X A C T L Y !!!!!!! :)

Well, you should have specified in your own post. look, she already posted here because of your mistake.

*is devastated that I am not perfect*

I, too, would be shocked to find out that I am not perfect.


I lack arrogance, as that would be a flaw.

:lol: LOL :lol:

I need to make coffee to keep up with you this evening.

Had your share of sugar?

I had a bif thing of arizona sweet tea, so yes, I have. xDE

LOL... I can tell.

Wow, I made a lot of typos and you didn't say a thing.

Something wrong?

I can't make fun of you if I am trying to keep up with you. LOL

But... don't think I didn't see them.


:lol: Hey... I thought that was 'thinking fast on my paws'!

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We still love you. Nobody can catch everything. At least you do a better job than me. :P And for the record, I did actually go to bed a little after 2am. And I'm pretty sure I did a good job on both my quiz and my exam. And of course I got into class and realized my lab report is actually due wednesday instead to today. Duh. :rolleyes: Nothing else of interest happened today. It's been pretty quiet.

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We still love you. Nobody can catch everything. At least you do a better job than me. :P And for the record, I did actually go to bed a little after 2am. And I'm pretty sure I did a good job on both my quiz and my exam. And of course I got into class and realized my lab report is actually due wednesday instead to today. Duh. :rolleyes: Nothing else of interest happened today. It's been pretty quiet.

Quiet is good. :)

I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz.

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We still love you. Nobody can catch everything. At least you do a better job than me. :P And for the record, I did actually go to bed a little after 2am. And I'm pretty sure I did a good job on both my quiz and my exam. And of course I got into class and realized my lab report is actually due wednesday instead to today. Duh. :rolleyes: Nothing else of interest happened today. It's been pretty quiet.

Quiet is good. :)

I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz.

Quiet is good, but boring. I've been talking to Marius online on a somewhat regular basis, which is always fun. He's a very peculiar person. I've never met someone whose mind works the way his does, and that fascinates me. Ian, on the other hand, has not been online, which is rather depressing. But he wasn't feeling well and had work or something last I checked. Oh, and one thing of half interest did occur today. Lindsay (after asking first) gave her friend Steve my sn. She's been saying for awhile that I'll probably get along with him really well and all that. Although, despite the fact that I barely got a chance to talk to him (I had some last second studying that had to get done), I can tell that he doesn't quite seem like my type. But we'll see.

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We still love you. Nobody can catch everything. At least you do a better job than me. :P And for the record, I did actually go to bed a little after 2am. And I'm pretty sure I did a good job on both my quiz and my exam. And of course I got into class and realized my lab report is actually due wednesday instead to today. Duh. :rolleyes: Nothing else of interest happened today. It's been pretty quiet.

Quiet is good. :)

I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz.

Quiet is good, but boring. I've been talking to Marius online on a somewhat regular basis, which is always fun. He's a very peculiar person. I've never met someone whose mind works the way his does, and that fascinates me. Ian, on the other hand, has not been online, which is rather depressing. But he wasn't feeling well and had work or something last I checked. Oh, and one thing of half interest did occur today. Lindsay (after asking first) gave her friend Steve my sn. She's been saying for awhile that I'll probably get along with him really well and all that. Although, despite the fact that I barely got a chance to talk to him (I had some last second studying that had to get done), I can tell that he doesn't quite seem like my type. But we'll see.

Nice of Lindsay to ask first. Now to wait to hear what happens with Steve. :)

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We still love you. Nobody can catch everything. At least you do a better job than me. :P And for the record, I did actually go to bed a little after 2am. And I'm pretty sure I did a good job on both my quiz and my exam. And of course I got into class and realized my lab report is actually due wednesday instead to today. Duh. :rolleyes: Nothing else of interest happened today. It's been pretty quiet.

Quiet is good. :)

I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz.

Quiet is good, but boring. I've been talking to Marius online on a somewhat regular basis, which is always fun. He's a very peculiar person. I've never met someone whose mind works the way his does, and that fascinates me. Ian, on the other hand, has not been online, which is rather depressing. But he wasn't feeling well and had work or something last I checked. Oh, and one thing of half interest did occur today. Lindsay (after asking first) gave her friend Steve my sn. She's been saying for awhile that I'll probably get along with him really well and all that. Although, despite the fact that I barely got a chance to talk to him (I had some last second studying that had to get done), I can tell that he doesn't quite seem like my type. But we'll see.

Nice of Lindsay to ask first. Now to wait to hear what happens with Steve. :)

lol I guess so.

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We still love you. Nobody can catch everything. At least you do a better job than me. :P And for the record, I did actually go to bed a little after 2am. And I'm pretty sure I did a good job on both my quiz and my exam. And of course I got into class and realized my lab report is actually due wednesday instead to today. Duh. :rolleyes: Nothing else of interest happened today. It's been pretty quiet.

Quiet is good. :)

I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz.

Quiet is good, but boring. I've been talking to Marius online on a somewhat regular basis, which is always fun. He's a very peculiar person. I've never met someone whose mind works the way his does, and that fascinates me. Ian, on the other hand, has not been online, which is rather depressing. But he wasn't feeling well and had work or something last I checked. Oh, and one thing of half interest did occur today. Lindsay (after asking first) gave her friend Steve my sn. She's been saying for awhile that I'll probably get along with him really well and all that. Although, despite the fact that I barely got a chance to talk to him (I had some last second studying that had to get done), I can tell that he doesn't quite seem like my type. But we'll see.

Nice of Lindsay to ask first. Now to wait to hear what happens with Steve. :)

lol I guess so.

Well, if he turns out to be some sort of dud, you will know immediately and place him in the friend category. :lol:

On the other hand, you might be able to bring out his wild side. :lol:

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We still love you. Nobody can catch everything. At least you do a better job than me. :P And for the record, I did actually go to bed a little after 2am. And I'm pretty sure I did a good job on both my quiz and my exam. And of course I got into class and realized my lab report is actually due wednesday instead to today. Duh. :rolleyes: Nothing else of interest happened today. It's been pretty quiet.

Quiet is good. :)

I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz.

Quiet is good, but boring. I've been talking to Marius online on a somewhat regular basis, which is always fun. He's a very peculiar person. I've never met someone whose mind works the way his does, and that fascinates me. Ian, on the other hand, has not been online, which is rather depressing. But he wasn't feeling well and had work or something last I checked. Oh, and one thing of half interest did occur today. Lindsay (after asking first) gave her friend Steve my sn. She's been saying for awhile that I'll probably get along with him really well and all that. Although, despite the fact that I barely got a chance to talk to him (I had some last second studying that had to get done), I can tell that he doesn't quite seem like my type. But we'll see.

Nice of Lindsay to ask first. Now to wait to hear what happens with Steve. :)

lol I guess so.

Well, if he turns out to be some sort of dud, you will know immediately and place him in the friend category. :lol:

On the other hand, you might be able to bring out his wild side. :lol:

Well, as much as I hate to sound so judgemental, the use of chatspeak outside of things that really shorten typing (lol, brb, ttyl) is instant minus points for me. Next thing I noticed was his buddy icon, which was a penguin playing ice hockey. That combined with his away message about watching some sports game on TV signals to me: sports fan, which is minus points depending on how extreme he is about it. And I think his sn is something sports related too, but I don't know enough about sports to tell. But like I said, we'll see. Hopefully there's more to him than sports and chatspeak.

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We still love you. Nobody can catch everything. At least you do a better job than me. :P And for the record, I did actually go to bed a little after 2am. And I'm pretty sure I did a good job on both my quiz and my exam. And of course I got into class and realized my lab report is actually due wednesday instead to today. Duh. :rolleyes: Nothing else of interest happened today. It's been pretty quiet.

Quiet is good. :)

I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz.

Quiet is good, but boring. I've been talking to Marius online on a somewhat regular basis, which is always fun. He's a very peculiar person. I've never met someone whose mind works the way his does, and that fascinates me. Ian, on the other hand, has not been online, which is rather depressing. But he wasn't feeling well and had work or something last I checked. Oh, and one thing of half interest did occur today. Lindsay (after asking first) gave her friend Steve my sn. She's been saying for awhile that I'll probably get along with him really well and all that. Although, despite the fact that I barely got a chance to talk to him (I had some last second studying that had to get done), I can tell that he doesn't quite seem like my type. But we'll see.

Nice of Lindsay to ask first. Now to wait to hear what happens with Steve. :)

lol I guess so.

Well, if he turns out to be some sort of dud, you will know immediately and place him in the friend category. :lol:

On the other hand, you might be able to bring out his wild side. :lol:

Well, as much as I hate to sound so judgemental, the use of chatspeak outside of things that really shorten typing (lol, brb, ttyl) is instant minus points for me. Next thing I noticed was his buddy icon, which was a penguin playing ice hockey. That combined with his away message about watching some sports game on TV signals to me: sports fan, which is minus points depending on how extreme he is about it. And I think his sn is something sports related too, but I don't know enough about sports to tell. But like I said, we'll see. Hopefully there's more to him than sports and chatspeak.

Sports, sports, sports... B O R I N G !!!!!!

Definite turn-off for a hamster like me.

There are so many more things to life than sports.

The only person who is exempt from this boring sports blather is my favorite motorcycle rider, Valentino Rossi. :)

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We still love you. Nobody can catch everything. At least you do a better job than me. :P And for the record, I did actually go to bed a little after 2am. And I'm pretty sure I did a good job on both my quiz and my exam. And of course I got into class and realized my lab report is actually due wednesday instead to today. Duh. :rolleyes: Nothing else of interest happened today. It's been pretty quiet.

Quiet is good. :)

I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz.

Quiet is good, but boring. I've been talking to Marius online on a somewhat regular basis, which is always fun. He's a very peculiar person. I've never met someone whose mind works the way his does, and that fascinates me. Ian, on the other hand, has not been online, which is rather depressing. But he wasn't feeling well and had work or something last I checked. Oh, and one thing of half interest did occur today. Lindsay (after asking first) gave her friend Steve my sn. She's been saying for awhile that I'll probably get along with him really well and all that. Although, despite the fact that I barely got a chance to talk to him (I had some last second studying that had to get done), I can tell that he doesn't quite seem like my type. But we'll see.

Nice of Lindsay to ask first. Now to wait to hear what happens with Steve. :)

lol I guess so.

Well, if he turns out to be some sort of dud, you will know immediately and place him in the friend category. :lol:

On the other hand, you might be able to bring out his wild side. :lol:

Well, as much as I hate to sound so judgemental, the use of chatspeak outside of things that really shorten typing (lol, brb, ttyl) is instant minus points for me. Next thing I noticed was his buddy icon, which was a penguin playing ice hockey. That combined with his away message about watching some sports game on TV signals to me: sports fan, which is minus points depending on how extreme he is about it. And I think his sn is something sports related too, but I don't know enough about sports to tell. But like I said, we'll see. Hopefully there's more to him than sports and chatspeak.

Sports, sports, sports... B O R I N G !!!!!!

Definite turn-off for a hamster like me.

There are so many more things to life than sports.

The only person who is exempt from this boring sports blather is my favorite motorcycle rider, Valentino Rossi. :)

Hahaha agreed. I have a hard enough time keeping track of my own life, let alone the sports world.

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We still love you. Nobody can catch everything. At least you do a better job than me. :P And for the record, I did actually go to bed a little after 2am. And I'm pretty sure I did a good job on both my quiz and my exam. And of course I got into class and realized my lab report is actually due wednesday instead to today. Duh. :rolleyes: Nothing else of interest happened today. It's been pretty quiet.

Quiet is good. :)

I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz.

Quiet is good, but boring. I've been talking to Marius online on a somewhat regular basis, which is always fun. He's a very peculiar person. I've never met someone whose mind works the way his does, and that fascinates me. Ian, on the other hand, has not been online, which is rather depressing. But he wasn't feeling well and had work or something last I checked. Oh, and one thing of half interest did occur today. Lindsay (after asking first) gave her friend Steve my sn. She's been saying for awhile that I'll probably get along with him really well and all that. Although, despite the fact that I barely got a chance to talk to him (I had some last second studying that had to get done), I can tell that he doesn't quite seem like my type. But we'll see.

Nice of Lindsay to ask first. Now to wait to hear what happens with Steve. :)

lol I guess so.

Well, if he turns out to be some sort of dud, you will know immediately and place him in the friend category. :lol:

On the other hand, you might be able to bring out his wild side. :lol:

Well, as much as I hate to sound so judgemental, the use of chatspeak outside of things that really shorten typing (lol, brb, ttyl) is instant minus points for me. Next thing I noticed was his buddy icon, which was a penguin playing ice hockey. That combined with his away message about watching some sports game on TV signals to me: sports fan, which is minus points depending on how extreme he is about it. And I think his sn is something sports related too, but I don't know enough about sports to tell. But like I said, we'll see. Hopefully there's more to him than sports and chatspeak.

Sports, sports, sports... B O R I N G !!!!!!

Definite turn-off for a hamster like me.

There are so many more things to life than sports.

The only person who is exempt from this boring sports blather is my favorite motorcycle rider, Valentino Rossi. :)



Sports bore me. though i do like playing some of them.

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We still love you. Nobody can catch everything. At least you do a better job than me. :P And for the record, I did actually go to bed a little after 2am. And I'm pretty sure I did a good job on both my quiz and my exam. And of course I got into class and realized my lab report is actually due wednesday instead to today. Duh. :rolleyes: Nothing else of interest happened today. It's been pretty quiet.

Quiet is good. :)

I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz.

Quiet is good, but boring. I've been talking to Marius online on a somewhat regular basis, which is always fun. He's a very peculiar person. I've never met someone whose mind works the way his does, and that fascinates me. Ian, on the other hand, has not been online, which is rather depressing. But he wasn't feeling well and had work or something last I checked. Oh, and one thing of half interest did occur today. Lindsay (after asking first) gave her friend Steve my sn. She's been saying for awhile that I'll probably get along with him really well and all that. Although, despite the fact that I barely got a chance to talk to him (I had some last second studying that had to get done), I can tell that he doesn't quite seem like my type. But we'll see.

Nice of Lindsay to ask first. Now to wait to hear what happens with Steve. :)

lol I guess so.

Well, if he turns out to be some sort of dud, you will know immediately and place him in the friend category. :lol:

On the other hand, you might be able to bring out his wild side. :lol:

Well, as much as I hate to sound so judgemental, the use of chatspeak outside of things that really shorten typing (lol, brb, ttyl) is instant minus points for me. Next thing I noticed was his buddy icon, which was a penguin playing ice hockey. That combined with his away message about watching some sports game on TV signals to me: sports fan, which is minus points depending on how extreme he is about it. And I think his sn is something sports related too, but I don't know enough about sports to tell. But like I said, we'll see. Hopefully there's more to him than sports and chatspeak.

Sports, sports, sports... B O R I N G !!!!!!

Definite turn-off for a hamster like me.

There are so many more things to life than sports.

The only person who is exempt from this boring sports blather is my favorite motorcycle rider, Valentino Rossi. :)

Hahaha agreed. I have a hard enough time keeping track of my own life, let alone the sports world.

So true. I have trouble keeping track of myself as well. My life is good. All my friends here at HampsterDance

are the best. My cage is equipped with a wheel, lots of seeds, nuts, fruits and veggies, my Adam Zapple lappy,

my shiny black motorcycle and a great iPod with tons of music. As I see it, there is no need to life through someone else. :)

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We still love you. Nobody can catch everything. At least you do a better job than me. :P And for the record, I did actually go to bed a little after 2am. And I'm pretty sure I did a good job on both my quiz and my exam. And of course I got into class and realized my lab report is actually due wednesday instead to today. Duh. :rolleyes: Nothing else of interest happened today. It's been pretty quiet.

Quiet is good. :)

I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz.

Quiet is good, but boring. I've been talking to Marius online on a somewhat regular basis, which is always fun. He's a very peculiar person. I've never met someone whose mind works the way his does, and that fascinates me. Ian, on the other hand, has not been online, which is rather depressing. But he wasn't feeling well and had work or something last I checked. Oh, and one thing of half interest did occur today. Lindsay (after asking first) gave her friend Steve my sn. She's been saying for awhile that I'll probably get along with him really well and all that. Although, despite the fact that I barely got a chance to talk to him (I had some last second studying that had to get done), I can tell that he doesn't quite seem like my type. But we'll see.

Nice of Lindsay to ask first. Now to wait to hear what happens with Steve. :)

lol I guess so.

Well, if he turns out to be some sort of dud, you will know immediately and place him in the friend category. :lol:

On the other hand, you might be able to bring out his wild side. :lol:

Well, as much as I hate to sound so judgemental, the use of chatspeak outside of things that really shorten typing (lol, brb, ttyl) is instant minus points for me. Next thing I noticed was his buddy icon, which was a penguin playing ice hockey. That combined with his away message about watching some sports game on TV signals to me: sports fan, which is minus points depending on how extreme he is about it. And I think his sn is something sports related too, but I don't know enough about sports to tell. But like I said, we'll see. Hopefully there's more to him than sports and chatspeak.

Sports, sports, sports... B O R I N G !!!!!!

Definite turn-off for a hamster like me.

There are so many more things to life than sports.

The only person who is exempt from this boring sports blather is my favorite motorcycle rider, Valentino Rossi. :)

Sports bore me. though i do like playing some of them.

Playing them is great. I like running, riding my motorcycle, swimming, horseback riding, to name a few, but I

am not a Television Sports Fan.

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I can't stand car races. >.


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. :lol:

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I can't stand car races. >.<


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. :lol:



My dad likes watching it. >.< I don't get it. Although, the crashes are usually pretty interesting.

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I can't stand car races. >.<


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. :lol:

Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. :)

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I can't stand car races. >.


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. :lol:

My dad likes watching it. >.

B O R I N G........

Now if there was a crash every lap until all the cars had been eliminated... I might consider watching for a second or two.

But that would be so very painful.

Kind of like watching the grass grow.

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I can't stand car races. >.<


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. :lol:

My dad likes watching it. >.< I don't get it. Although, the crashes are usually pretty interesting.

B O R I N G........

Now if there was a crash every lap until all the cars had been eliminated... I might consider watching for a second or two.

But that would be so very painful.

Kind of like watching the grass grow.



yeah. that is why I go somewhere else when it is on. xD

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I can't stand car races. >.


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. :lol:

Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. :)

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? :lol:

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)

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I can't stand car races. >.<


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. :lol:

Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. :)

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? :lol:

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)




(pronounced snork)

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I can't stand car races. >.<


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. :lol:

Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. :)

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? :lol:

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)

Hahaha I don't know, let me go look...they just call it a spork. Lame. But the utensil itself is pretty cool. Looks like something from Ikea (it is by a swedish company, called light my fire.)It was nifty enough that I got one for myself. I found them in the camping accessories section of wal-mart.

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I can't stand car races. >.


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. :lol:

Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. :)

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? :lol:

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)

Hahaha I don't know, let me go look...they just call it a spork. Lame. But the utensil itself is pretty cool. Looks like something from Ikea (it is by a swedish company, called light my fire.)It was nifty enough that I got one for myself. I found them in the camping accessories section of wal-mart.

*buzzer sounds*

Wrong. A spork is the duo combination of a spoon and a fork.

You have a trio.

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I can't stand car races. >.


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. :lol:

Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. :)

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? :lol:

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)


(pronounced snork)


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I can't stand car races. >.<


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. :lol:

Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. :)

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? :lol:

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)

Hahaha I don't know, let me go look...they just call it a spork. Lame. But the utensil itself is pretty cool. Looks like something from Ikea (it is by a swedish company, called light my fire.)It was nifty enough that I got one for myself. I found them in the camping accessories section of wal-mart.

*buzzer sounds*

Wrong. A spork is the duo combination of a spoon and a fork.

You have a trio.

Hey, I didn't ome up with the name. I called it a spoon/fork/knive. :rolleyes:

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I can't stand car races. >.


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. :lol:

Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. :)

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? :lol:

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)

Hahaha I don't know, let me go look...they just call it a spork. Lame. But the utensil itself is pretty cool. Looks like something from Ikea (it is by a swedish company, called light my fire.)It was nifty enough that I got one for myself. I found them in the camping accessories section of wal-mart.

*buzzer sounds*

Wrong. A spork is the duo combination of a spoon and a fork.

You have a trio.

Hey, I didn't ome up with the name. I called it a spoon/fork/knive. :rolleyes:

*sees Jesusfreak meditating over the spoon/fork/knife*

Ommmmmme, ommmmmmmme...

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I can't stand car races. >.<


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. :lol:

Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. :)

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? :lol:

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)

Hahaha I don't know, let me go look...they just call it a spork. Lame. But the utensil itself is pretty cool. Looks like something from Ikea (it is by a swedish company, called light my fire.)It was nifty enough that I got one for myself. I found them in the camping accessories section of wal-mart.

*buzzer sounds*

Wrong. A spork is the duo combination of a spoon and a fork.

You have a trio.

Hey, I didn't ome up with the name. I called it a spoon/fork/knive. :rolleyes:

*sees Jesusfreak meditating over the spoon/fork/knife*

Ommmmmme, ommmmmmmme...

*Come :P My brain is on vacation already.

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I can't stand car races. >.


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. :lol:

Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. :)

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? :lol:

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)

Hahaha I don't know, let me go look...they just call it a spork. Lame. But the utensil itself is pretty cool. Looks like something from Ikea (it is by a swedish company, called light my fire.)It was nifty enough that I got one for myself. I found them in the camping accessories section of wal-mart.

*buzzer sounds*

Wrong. A spork is the duo combination of a spoon and a fork.

You have a trio.

Hey, I didn't ome up with the name. I called it a spoon/fork/knive. :rolleyes:

*sees Jesusfreak meditating over the spoon/fork/knife*

Ommmmmme, ommmmmmmme...

*Come :P My brain is on vacation already.

I can be so cruel sometimes. :lol:

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I can't stand car races. >.<


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. :lol:

Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. :)

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? :lol:

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)

Hahaha I don't know, let me go look...they just call it a spork. Lame. But the utensil itself is pretty cool. Looks like something from Ikea (it is by a swedish company, called light my fire.)It was nifty enough that I got one for myself. I found them in the camping accessories section of wal-mart.

*buzzer sounds*

Wrong. A spork is the duo combination of a spoon and a fork.

You have a trio.

Hey, I didn't ome up with the name. I called it a spoon/fork/knive. :rolleyes:

*sees Jesusfreak meditating over the spoon/fork/knife*

Ommmmmme, ommmmmmmme...

*Come :P My brain is on vacation already.

I can be so cruel sometimes. :lol:

:P I'm done with English classes... :rolleyes:

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I can't stand car races. >.


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. LOL

Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. :)

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? LOL

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)

Hahaha I don't know, let me go look...they just call it a spork. Lame. But the utensil itself is pretty cool. Looks like something from Ikea (it is by a swedish company, called light my fire.)It was nifty enough that I got one for myself. I found them in the camping accessories section of wal-mart.

*buzzer sounds*

Wrong. A spork is the duo combination of a spoon and a fork.

You have a trio.

Hey, I didn't ome up with the name. I called it a spoon/fork/knive. :rolleyes:

*sees Jesusfreak meditating over the spoon/fork/knife*

Ommmmmme, ommmmmmmme...

*Come :P My brain is on vacation already.

I can be so cruel sometimes. :lol:

:P I'm done with English classes... :rolleyes:

True. :)

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I can't stand car races. >.<


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. LOL

Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. :)

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? LOL

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)

Hahaha I don't know, let me go look...they just call it a spork. Lame. But the utensil itself is pretty cool. Looks like something from Ikea (it is by a swedish company, called light my fire.)It was nifty enough that I got one for myself. I found them in the camping accessories section of wal-mart.

*buzzer sounds*

Wrong. A spork is the duo combination of a spoon and a fork.

You have a trio.

Hey, I didn't ome up with the name. I called it a spoon/fork/knive. :rolleyes:

*sees Jesusfreak meditating over the spoon/fork/knife*

Ommmmmme, ommmmmmmme...

*Come :P My brain is on vacation already.

I can be so cruel sometimes. :lol:

:P I'm done with English classes... :rolleyes:

True. :)

And I'm quite happy about it. ^_^

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I can't stand car races. >.


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

:lol: I wouldn't even make the start of a car race. :lol:

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. LOL

Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. :)

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? LOL

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)

Hahaha I don't know, let me go look...they just call it a spork. Lame. But the utensil itself is pretty cool. Looks like something from Ikea (it is by a swedish company, called light my fire.)It was nifty enough that I got one for myself. I found them in the camping accessories section of wal-mart.

*buzzer sounds*

Wrong. A spork is the duo combination of a spoon and a fork.

You have a trio.

Hey, I didn't ome up with the name. I called it a spoon/fork/knive. :rolleyes:

*sees Jesusfreak meditating over the spoon/fork/knife*

Ommmmmme, ommmmmmmme...

*Come :P My brain is on vacation already.

I can be so cruel sometimes. LOL

:P I'm done with English classes... :rolleyes:

True. :)

And I'm quite happy about it. ^_^

I need English classes. :lol:

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I can't stand car races. >.<


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

I wouldn't even make the start of a car race.

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. LOL

Hahaha XD Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts. :)

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? LOL

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)

Hahaha I don't know, let me go look...they just call it a spork. Lame. But the utensil itself is pretty cool. Looks like something from Ikea (it is by a swedish company, called light my fire.)It was nifty enough that I got one for myself. I found them in the camping accessories section of wal-mart.

*buzzer sounds*

Wrong. A spork is the duo combination of a spoon and a fork.

You have a trio.

Hey, I didn't ome up with the name. I called it a spoon/fork/knive. :rolleyes:

*sees Jesusfreak meditating over the spoon/fork/knife*

Ommmmmme, ommmmmmmme...

*Come :P My brain is on vacation already.

I can be so cruel sometimes. LOL

:P I'm done with English classes... :rolleyes:

True. :)

And I'm quite happy about it. ^_^

I need English classes. :lol:

Hahaha :rolleyes: Yeah, this morning, my alarm didn't go off, and when I woke up I was already 15 minutes late to class. I managed to get dressed, gather my stuff, and get to class within 7 minutes. :rolleyes:

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I can't stand car races. >.


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

I wouldn't even make the start of a car race.

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. LOL

Hahaha Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts.

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? LOL

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)

Hahaha I don't know, let me go look...they just call it a spork. Lame. But the utensil itself is pretty cool. Looks like something from Ikea (it is by a swedish company, called light my fire.)It was nifty enough that I got one for myself. I found them in the camping accessories section of wal-mart.

*buzzer sounds*

Wrong. A spork is the duo combination of a spoon and a fork.

You have a trio.

Hey, I didn't ome up with the name. I called it a spoon/fork/knive. :rolleyes:

*sees Jesusfreak meditating over the spoon/fork/knife*

Ommmmmme, ommmmmmmme...

*Come :P My brain is on vacation already.

I can be so cruel sometimes. LOL

:P I'm done with English classes... :rolleyes:

True. :)

And I'm quite happy about it. ^_^

I need English classes. LOL

Hahaha :rolleyes: Yeah, this morning, my alarm didn't go off, and when I woke up I was already 15 minutes late to class. I managed to get dressed, gather my stuff, and get to class within 7 minutes. :rolleyes:

*hands Jesusfreak The Speedy Gonzalez Award*

I don't think I would have accomplished anything near that. :lol:

My mindset could have gone one of two directions... I would have opened my eyes, seen I was late, jumped up and ran around like a maniac accomplishing nothing except looking like I had lost total control, run to class and arrived late or... Ooops. Might as well roll over and forget about it. Then decided I could not sleep, made coffee and realized that I had just made a dumb move by missing class. Either way, I would have been placing additional stress on myself by not setting 13 alarms. :lol:

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I can't stand car races. >.<


round and round and round it goes, when it stops...


I will be watching something else.

I wouldn't even make the start of a car race.

Daytona is about one hour and fifteen minutes away and the only way I have seen the track is

from the street that passes it on an OFF day. LOL

Hahaha Yeah, I don't watch sports on TV, except on rare occasion the interesting ones like gymnastics or ice skating or ski/snowboard stunts type things. Things where there is really room for creativity. Even playing sports, I'm not a huge fan of most of them, although I'd rather play them than watch them on TV in most cases. I'm more of an independant sport person. Hiking, camping, swimming, skiing, tree climbing (if that counts), jumping on a trampoline. Things that don't require other people and aren't competitive.


And today was productive. I finally got a haircut. And I got groceries, father's day presents, and graduation presents. And a bigger case for my camera, which is something I was looking for for a long time. It's actually a nintendo ds case (got it at the game store for $5, awesome deal), and it's big enough to fit my camera, cell phone, spare batteries (those first three are all I really needed), chap stick, pocket knife, and some other small things. So now I don't need to worry about hauling my pocket book around for shorter trips. For my dad for father's day, I got him a machete (he lost the one he had several years ago), a spoon/fork/knife (all in one utensil), and three packages of the lemon cookies he likes from shop-rite (because there are no shop-rites near our home). For my sister, I got flip flops (for shower shoes for college), a really pretty water fountain thing, and a yellow spoon/fork/knife (dad's is a slate blue, and I got a lime green one for myself). So now I'm done! And I think everyone will be happy with their respective gifts.

Sounds like you had a very great day.


Tell me, what is a spoon/fork/knife called? A Sporkife? LOL

(Okay... that was a little dumb.)

Hahaha I don't know, let me go look...they just call it a spork. Lame. But the utensil itself is pretty cool. Looks like something from Ikea (it is by a swedish company, called light my fire.)It was nifty enough that I got one for myself. I found them in the camping accessories section of wal-mart.

*buzzer sounds*

Wrong. A spork is the duo combination of a spoon and a fork.

You have a trio.

Hey, I didn't ome up with the name. I called it a spoon/fork/knive. :rolleyes:

*sees Jesusfreak meditating over the spoon/fork/knife*

Ommmmmme, ommmmmmmme...

*Come :P My brain is on vacation already.

I can be so cruel sometimes. LOL

I'm done with English classes... :rolleyes:


And I'm quite happy about it. ^_^

I need English classes. LOL

Hahaha Yeah, this morning, my alarm didn't go off, and when I woke up I was already 15 minutes late to class. I managed to get dressed, gather my stuff, and get to class within 7 minutes. :rolleyes:

*hands Jesusfreak The Speedy Gonzalez Award*

I don't think I would have accomplished anything near that. :lol:

My mindset could have gone one of two directions... I would have opened my eyes, seen I was late, jumped up and ran around like a maniac accomplishing nothing except looking like I had lost total control, run to class and arrived late or... Ooops. Might as well roll over and forget about it. Then decided I could not sleep, made coffee and realized that I had just made a dumb move by missing class. Either way, I would have been placing additional stress on myself by not setting 13 alarms. :lol:

Hahaha :rolleyes: If I decided not to go, it would make it too easy to miss more classes in the future. This is the first time I've been late so far.

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So, I'm more than a little concerned about Ian. He hasn't been online in a week, and when I called him last night to check up on him, it went straight to voicemail. I left him a message basically telling him to contact me in any way he sees fit and let me know how he's doing, and that I miss him. I might try calling again tonight, and if this goes on for too long, I'm calling his mom's cell or his house phone. :unsure:

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So, I'm more than a little concerned about Ian. He hasn't been online in a week, and when I called him last night to check up on him, it went straight to voicemail. I left him a message basically telling him to contact me in any way he sees fit and let me know how he's doing, and that I miss him. I might try calling again tonight, and if this goes on for too long, I'm calling his mom's cell or his house phone. :unsure:

I completely understand your concern. Hopefully everything is okay with him.

Please keep us posted as to what you find out.

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Okay, I called him once I got back from lab. He has mono, and has been in bed and unable to eat in 5 days. Poor kid. But at least he's not dead or something, which was my primary concern. And he said, "I've been thinking about you a lot lately. A lot..." :wub: And I told him about the roses outside the science building, and how they smell pretty. ^_^ I'll have a to get a picture with my phone to send to him...

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Okay, I called him once I got back from lab. He has mono, and has been in bed and unable to eat in 5 days. Poor kid. But at least he's not dead or something, which was my primary concern. And he said, "I've been thinking about you a lot lately. A lot..." :wub: And I told him about the roses outside the science building, and how they smell pretty. ^_^ I'll have a to get a picture with my phone to send to him...

*thump, thump... thump, thump... thump, thump...*

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Okay, I called him once I got back from lab. He has mono, and has been in bed and unable to eat in 5 days. Poor kid. But at least he's not dead or something, which was my primary concern. And he said, "I've been thinking about you a lot lately. A lot..." :wub: And I told him about the roses outside the science building, and how they smell pretty. ^_^ I'll have a to get a picture with my phone to send to him...

*thump, thump... thump, thump... thump, thump...*


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I just got back from a rather lovely walk around campus. :) And I've decided that I need to take such walks around campus much much more often.

Excellent idea. Walks are good. :D

They are! ^_^ And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting.

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I just got back from a rather lovely walk around campus. :) And I've decided that I need to take such walks around campus much much more often.

Excellent idea. Walks are good. :D

They are! ^_^ And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting.

*keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking*


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I just got back from a rather lovely walk around campus. :) And I've decided that I need to take such walks around campus much much more often.

Excellent idea. Walks are good. :D

They are! ^_^ And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting.

*keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking*


lol :PI guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen.

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I just got back from a rather lovely walk around campus. :) And I've decided that I need to take such walks around campus much much more often.

Excellent idea. Walks are good. :D

They are! ^_^ And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting.

*keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking*


lol :PI guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen.

*believes it will happen*

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I just got back from a rather lovely walk around campus. :) And I've decided that I need to take such walks around campus much much more often.

Excellent idea. Walks are good. :D

They are! ^_^ And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting.

*keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking*


lol :PI guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen.

*believes it will happen*

:) I hope so...

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I just got back from a rather lovely walk around campus. :) And I've decided that I need to take such walks around campus much much more often.

Excellent idea. Walks are good. :D

They are! ^_^ And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting.

*keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking*


lol :PI guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen.

*believes it will happen*

:) I hope so...

*has a very hard time being silent*


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I just got back from a rather lovely walk around campus. :) And I've decided that I need to take such walks around campus much much more often.

Excellent idea. Walks are good. :D

They are! ^_^ And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting.

*keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking*


lol :PI guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen.

*believes it will happen*

:) I hope so...

*has a very hard time being silent*


So, I just got off the phone with my mom, and she basically said she's okay with it, as long as I know what I'm getting myself into, and as long as he doesn't pull me down in my Christian walk. So, I think my next plan of action is to take a shower, because I just got up. And my next plan of action for the whole Ian thing, is to tell him I came to my conclusion on the whole "burning with passion" verse thing. :rolleyes:

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I just got back from a rather lovely walk around campus. :) And I've decided that I need to take such walks around campus much much more often.

Excellent idea. Walks are good. :D

They are! ^_^ And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting.

*keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking*


lol :PI guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen.

*believes it will happen*

:) I hope so...

*has a very hard time being silent*


So, I just got off the phone with my mom, and she basically said she's okay with it, as long as I know what I'm getting myself into, and as long as he doesn't pull me down in my Christian walk. So, I think my next plan of action is to take a shower, because I just got up. And my next plan of action for the whole Ian thing, is to tell him I came to my conclusion on the whole "burning with passion" verse thing. :rolleyes:

*is very happy*

I am thrilled that your mother is okay with a relationship with Ian. My feeling is that your mother sees you're in love. My thoughts are that Ian is not going to try and make you change your religion. If you both respect each other and do not try and change each other's beliefs, then I think you two will be a fantastic couple with a phenomenal relationship.

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I just got back from a rather lovely walk around campus. :) And I've decided that I need to take such walks around campus much much more often.

Excellent idea. Walks are good. :D

They are! ^_^ And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting.

*keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking*


lol :P I guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen.

*believes it will happen*

:) I hope so...

*has a very hard time being silent*


So, I just got off the phone with my mom, and she basically said she's okay with it, as long as I know what I'm getting myself into, and as long as he doesn't pull me down in my Christian walk. So, I think my next plan of action is to take a shower, because I just got up. And my next plan of action for the whole Ian thing, is to tell him I came to my conclusion on the whole "burning with passion" verse thing. :rolleyes:



I hope it works out for you. ^.^

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I just got back from a rather lovely walk around campus. :) And I've decided that I need to take such walks around campus much much more often.

Excellent idea. Walks are good. :D

They are! ^_^ And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting.

*keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking*


lol :PI guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen.

*believes it will happen*

:) I hope so...

*has a very hard time being silent*


So, I just got off the phone with my mom, and she basically said she's okay with it, as long as I know what I'm getting myself into, and as long as he doesn't pull me down in my Christian walk. So, I think my next plan of action is to take a shower, because I just got up. And my next plan of action for the whole Ian thing, is to tell him I came to my conclusion on the whole "burning with passion" verse thing. :rolleyes:

*is very happy*

I am thrilled that your mother is okay with a relationship with Ian. My feeling is that your mother sees you're in love. My thoughts are that Ian is not going to try and make you change your religion. If you both respect each other and do not try and change each other's beliefs, then I think you two will be a fantastic couple with a phenomenal relationship.

I think it's less that than the fact that I've known Ian for four years, and that she knows I've been praying about it, and that I should know better than anyone else what God wants in my life. And I think my mom has been praying about it too, and feels the same thing. So, it should be interesting to see where things go from here. Aside from telling Ian my conclusion on that Bible thing, I need some good way to find out if he's in love with me too...

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I just got back from a rather lovely walk around campus. :) And I've decided that I need to take such walks around campus much much more often.

Excellent idea. Walks are good.

They are! And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting.

*keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking*


lol :P I guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen.

*believes it will happen*

:) I hope so...

*has a very hard time being silent*


So, I just got off the phone with my mom, and she basically said she's okay with it, as long as I know what I'm getting myself into, and as long as he doesn't pull me down in my Christian walk. So, I think my next plan of action is to take a shower, because I just got up. And my next plan of action for the whole Ian thing, is to tell him I came to my conclusion on the whole "burning with passion" verse thing. :rolleyes:



I hope it works out for you. ^.^

Thanks :) I do too...

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I just got back from a rather lovely walk around campus. :) And I've decided that I need to take such walks around campus much much more often.

Excellent idea. Walks are good. :D

They are! ^_^ And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting.

*keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking*


lol :PI guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen.

*believes it will happen*

:) I hope so...

*has a very hard time being silent*


So, I just got off the phone with my mom, and she basically said she's okay with it, as long as I know what I'm getting myself into, and as long as he doesn't pull me down in my Christian walk. So, I think my next plan of action is to take a shower, because I just got up. And my next plan of action for the whole Ian thing, is to tell him I came to my conclusion on the whole "burning with passion" verse thing. :rolleyes:

*is very happy*

I am thrilled that your mother is okay with a relationship with Ian. My feeling is that your mother sees you're in love. My thoughts are that Ian is not going to try and make you change your religion. If you both respect each other and do not try and change each other's beliefs, then I think you two will be a fantastic couple with a phenomenal relationship.

I think it's less that than the fact that I've known Ian for four years, and that she knows I've been praying about it, and that I should know better than anyone else what God wants in my life. And I think my mom has been praying about it too, and feels the same thing. So, it should be interesting to see where things go from here. Aside from telling Ian my conclusion on that Bible thing, I need some good way to find out if he's in love with me too...

From what you have mentioned of his actions... there is absolutely no doubt in mind that he is most definitely in love with you.

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I just got back from a rather lovely walk around campus. :) And I've decided that I need to take such walks around campus much much more often.

Excellent idea. Walks are good. :D

They are! ^_^ And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting.

*keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking*


lol :PI guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen.

*believes it will happen*

:) I hope so...

*has a very hard time being silent*


So, I just got off the phone with my mom, and she basically said she's okay with it, as long as I know what I'm getting myself into, and as long as he doesn't pull me down in my Christian walk. So, I think my next plan of action is to take a shower, because I just got up. And my next plan of action for the whole Ian thing, is to tell him I came to my conclusion on the whole "burning with passion" verse thing. :rolleyes:

*is very happy*

I am thrilled that your mother is okay with a relationship with Ian. My feeling is that your mother sees you're in love. My thoughts are that Ian is not going to try and make you change your religion. If you both respect each other and do not try and change each other's beliefs, then I think you two will be a fantastic couple with a phenomenal relationship.

I think it's less that than the fact that I've known Ian for four years, and that she knows I've been praying about it, and that I should know better than anyone else what God wants in my life. And I think my mom has been praying about it too, and feels the same thing. So, it should be interesting to see where things go from here. Aside from telling Ian my conclusion on that Bible thing, I need some good way to find out if he's in love with me too...

From what you have mentioned of his actions... there is absolutely no doubt in mind that he is most definitely in love with you.

It's *really* hard to say. He acts in a romantic way with pretty much everyone. It's just part of his character.

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I just got back from a rather lovely walk around campus. :) And I've decided that I need to take such walks around campus much much more often.

Excellent idea. Walks are good. :D

They are! ^_^ And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting.

*keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking*


lol :PI guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen.

*believes it will happen*

:) I hope so...

*has a very hard time being silent*


So, I just got off the phone with my mom, and she basically said she's okay with it, as long as I know what I'm getting myself into, and as long as he doesn't pull me down in my Christian walk. So, I think my next plan of action is to take a shower, because I just got up. And my next plan of action for the whole Ian thing, is to tell him I came to my conclusion on the whole "burning with passion" verse thing. :rolleyes:

*is very happy*

I am thrilled that your mother is okay with a relationship with Ian. My feeling is that your mother sees you're in love. My thoughts are that Ian is not going to try and make you change your religion. If you both respect each other and do not try and change each other's beliefs, then I think you two will be a fantastic couple with a phenomenal relationship.

I think it's less that than the fact that I've known Ian for four years, and that she knows I've been praying about it, and that I should know better than anyone else what God wants in my life. And I think my mom has been praying about it too, and feels the same thing. So, it should be interesting to see where things go from here. Aside from telling Ian my conclusion on that Bible thing, I need some good way to find out if he's in love with me too...

From what you have mentioned of his actions... there is absolutely no doubt in mind that he is most definitely in love with you.

It's *really* hard to say. He acts in a romantic way with pretty much everyone. It's just part of his character.


*puts brain into mode B*

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I just got back from a rather lovely walk around campus. :) And I've decided that I need to take such walks around campus much much more often.

Excellent idea. Walks are good.

They are! And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting.

*keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking*


lol :PI guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen.

*believes it will happen*

:) I hope so...

*has a very hard time being silent*


So, I just got off the phone with my mom, and she basically said she's okay with it, as long as I know what I'm getting myself into, and as long as he doesn't pull me down in my Christian walk. So, I think my next plan of action is to take a shower, because I just got up. And my next plan of action for the whole Ian thing, is to tell him I came to my conclusion on the whole "burning with passion" verse thing. :rolleyes:

*is very happy*

I am thrilled that your mother is okay with a relationship with Ian. My feeling is that your mother sees you're in love. My thoughts are that Ian is not going to try and make you change your religion. If you both respect each other and do not try and change each other's beliefs, then I think you two will be a fantastic couple with a phenomenal relationship.

I think it's less that than the fact that I've known Ian for four years, and that she knows I've been praying about it, and that I should know better than anyone else what God wants in my life. And I think my mom has been praying about it too, and feels the same thing. So, it should be interesting to see where things go from here. Aside from telling Ian my conclusion on that Bible thing, I need some good way to find out if he's in love with me too...

From what you have mentioned of his actions... there is absolutely no doubt in mind that he is most definitely in love with you.

It's *really* hard to say. He acts in a romantic way with pretty much everyone. It's just part of his character.


*puts brain into mode B*

Hahaha yeah. I think I'm going to wait until he's better before I say anything. I don't want to shock his system or anything. :rolleyes: And I think that since he's been stuck in bed and thinking about me, there's a good chance he's been thinking about God too, and I don't want to interfere with anything God's trying to tell him. Because who knows? Maybe he'll come out of this illness knowing Jesus as the Messiah and his savior.

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