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Wow my roomie is dense. She's been playing some really annoying music, so I finally got fed up with it and very politely said, "Would you mind plugging your headphones in?" And she said she didn't have headphones (apparently she lost hers, and despite having enough money to buy more clothing than can fit in her closet and drawers, still hasn't bought new ones). And she's still playing music. Didn't even bother to like turn it off or something. When she comes into the room, I turn off my music or put headphones on. <_ it just so annoying.>

Annoying and inconsiderate.

Yup. But she got paid back for it while I was gone. (I got annoyed enough to leave and chill in Marius and Brennan's room until Inter-Varsity) Apparently she managed to lock herself in her room. She decided to lock the deadbolt lock in addition to the normal one, and the deadbolt got stuck. So they had to get a maintenance guy and all that to get the door open. The only problem is that when she gets back from wherever she went off to, I'm going to have to hear her chatter about it (loudly) for at least 15 minutes. Which is bad because I'm already kinda annoyed. I met up with everyone for a very brief moment at the coffeehouse, and when we were leaving, the guys all headed towards the parking lot, leaving me with Lara (who everyone thinks is really annoying). We asked where they were going, but they didn't give any real answer. The reason, of course, is because they didn't want Lara to follow them (because she would probably insist that you could fit one more person in the car). I'm pretty sure they were going to wendy's, because they were talking about that earlier. The thing that bothers me though, is that they couldn't be straight up with us and say they were going to wendy's, and didn't have enough room in the car. Or they could have even played the "guys time out" card. You know, something other that outright ditching us. <_ i might talk to them about it later. can understand not wanting lara around but what they did was just plain mean and kinda hurt my feelings too.>


In better news, yes, I'm looking forward to next year. I also found out that even more of my friends are living in the same part of the building as me, so this is pretty awesome!

The only way the guys knew to avoid hurting Lara's feelings, was to exclude the 'girls', not realizing they were now hurting both of your feelings. Too bad you didn't have a good comeback such as 'bring me back a Frosty' or something like that. I am never good at comebacks, until way after the fact.

Yeah, Marius was supposed to come get me to watch Scrubs, but I guess they're not back yet. I'm going to talk to them and tell them what they did wasn't cool. It's not even so much what they did, because it's understandable, it's more how they did it all secretive like. It brings back bad memories from elementary school.

Scrubs is awesome ;D

Yes, yes it is. XD So, yesterday I went over to see Ian's Kantorei concert, which was, as usual, amazing. I got a ride over with Kevin, Marius, and Jackie, who were going to meet up with Priscilla to see some other concert on campus. After the concert, I went out with Ian and his family for a quick dinner, and then hung out with Ian for awhile at his place, and then we came back here to hang out, and had a mini tea party in the kitchen with Marius, Kevin, and Rachel. It was fun. ^_^ And now, the weather is gorgeous, and I have an 8 page paper to write...

Glad you had a great time!

Now... get that paper completed. We will still be here waiting to see how it turned out.

Yeah, I'll get to it in a little bit...I hate writing papers...

I totally understand. I hate writing papers as well.

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Wow my roomie is dense. She's been playing some really annoying music, so I finally got fed up with it and very politely said, "Would you mind plugging your headphones in?" And she said she didn't have headphones (apparently she lost hers, and despite having enough money to buy more clothing than can fit in her closet and drawers, still hasn't bought new ones). And she's still playing music. Didn't even bother to like turn it off or something. When she comes into the room, I turn off my music or put headphones on. <_< It's just so annoying.

Annoying and inconsiderate.

Yup. But she got paid back for it while I was gone. (I got annoyed enough to leave and chill in Marius and Brennan's room until Inter-Varsity) Apparently she managed to lock herself in her room. She decided to lock the deadbolt lock in addition to the normal one, and the deadbolt got stuck. So they had to get a maintenance guy and all that to get the door open. The only problem is that when she gets back from wherever she went off to, I'm going to have to hear her chatter about it (loudly) for at least 15 minutes. Which is bad because I'm already kinda annoyed. I met up with everyone for a very brief moment at the coffeehouse, and when we were leaving, the guys all headed towards the parking lot, leaving me with Lara (who everyone thinks is really annoying). We asked where they were going, but they didn't give any real answer. The reason, of course, is because they didn't want Lara to follow them (because she would probably insist that you could fit one more person in the car). I'm pretty sure they were going to wendy's, because they were talking about that earlier. The thing that bothers me though, is that they couldn't be straight up with us and say they were going to wendy's, and didn't have enough room in the car. Or they could have even played the "guys time out" card. You know, something other that outright ditching us. <_< I might talk to them about it later. I can understand not wanting Lara around, but what they did was just plain mean, and it kinda hurt my feelings too.


In better news, yes, I'm looking forward to next year. I also found out that even more of my friends are living in the same part of the building as me, so this is pretty awesome!

The only way the guys knew to avoid hurting Lara's feelings, was to exclude the 'girls', not realizing they were now hurting both of your feelings. Too bad you didn't have a good comeback such as 'bring me back a Frosty' or something like that. I am never good at comebacks, until way after the fact.

Yeah, Marius was supposed to come get me to watch Scrubs, but I guess they're not back yet. I'm going to talk to them and tell them what they did wasn't cool. It's not even so much what they did, because it's understandable, it's more how they did it all secretive like. It brings back bad memories from elementary school.

Scrubs is awesome ;D

Yes, yes it is. XD So, yesterday I went over to see Ian's Kantorei concert, which was, as usual, amazing. I got a ride over with Kevin, Marius, and Jackie, who were going to meet up with Priscilla to see some other concert on campus. After the concert, I went out with Ian and his family for a quick dinner, and then hung out with Ian for awhile at his place, and then we came back here to hang out, and had a mini tea party in the kitchen with Marius, Kevin, and Rachel. It was fun. ^_^ And now, the weather is gorgeous, and I have an 8 page paper to write...

Glad you had a great time!

Now... get that paper completed. We will still be here waiting to see how it turned out.

Yeah, I'll get to it in a little bit...I hate writing papers...

I totally understand. I hate writing papers as well.

I think writing papers is the worst part of school...

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Wow my roomie is dense. She's been playing some really annoying music, so I finally got fed up with it and very politely said, "Would you mind plugging your headphones in?" And she said she didn't have headphones (apparently she lost hers, and despite having enough money to buy more clothing than can fit in her closet and drawers, still hasn't bought new ones). And she's still playing music. Didn't even bother to like turn it off or something. When she comes into the room, I turn off my music or put headphones on. <_ it just so annoying.>

Annoying and inconsiderate.

Yup. But she got paid back for it while I was gone. (I got annoyed enough to leave and chill in Marius and Brennan's room until Inter-Varsity) Apparently she managed to lock herself in her room. She decided to lock the deadbolt lock in addition to the normal one, and the deadbolt got stuck. So they had to get a maintenance guy and all that to get the door open. The only problem is that when she gets back from wherever she went off to, I'm going to have to hear her chatter about it (loudly) for at least 15 minutes. Which is bad because I'm already kinda annoyed. I met up with everyone for a very brief moment at the coffeehouse, and when we were leaving, the guys all headed towards the parking lot, leaving me with Lara (who everyone thinks is really annoying). We asked where they were going, but they didn't give any real answer. The reason, of course, is because they didn't want Lara to follow them (because she would probably insist that you could fit one more person in the car). I'm pretty sure they were going to wendy's, because they were talking about that earlier. The thing that bothers me though, is that they couldn't be straight up with us and say they were going to wendy's, and didn't have enough room in the car. Or they could have even played the "guys time out" card. You know, something other that outright ditching us. <_ i might talk to them about it later. can understand not wanting lara around but what they did was just plain mean and kinda hurt my feelings too.>


In better news, yes, I'm looking forward to next year. I also found out that even more of my friends are living in the same part of the building as me, so this is pretty awesome!

The only way the guys knew to avoid hurting Lara's feelings, was to exclude the 'girls', not realizing they were now hurting both of your feelings. Too bad you didn't have a good comeback such as 'bring me back a Frosty' or something like that. I am never good at comebacks, until way after the fact.

Yeah, Marius was supposed to come get me to watch Scrubs, but I guess they're not back yet. I'm going to talk to them and tell them what they did wasn't cool. It's not even so much what they did, because it's understandable, it's more how they did it all secretive like. It brings back bad memories from elementary school.

Scrubs is awesome ;D

Yes, yes it is. XD So, yesterday I went over to see Ian's Kantorei concert, which was, as usual, amazing. I got a ride over with Kevin, Marius, and Jackie, who were going to meet up with Priscilla to see some other concert on campus. After the concert, I went out with Ian and his family for a quick dinner, and then hung out with Ian for awhile at his place, and then we came back here to hang out, and had a mini tea party in the kitchen with Marius, Kevin, and Rachel. It was fun. ^_^ And now, the weather is gorgeous, and I have an 8 page paper to write...

Glad you had a great time!

Now... get that paper completed. We will still be here waiting to see how it turned out.

Yeah, I'll get to it in a little bit...I hate writing papers...

I totally understand. I hate writing papers as well.

I think writing papers is the worst part of school...


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Wow my roomie is dense. She's been playing some really annoying music, so I finally got fed up with it and very politely said, "Would you mind plugging your headphones in?" And she said she didn't have headphones (apparently she lost hers, and despite having enough money to buy more clothing than can fit in her closet and drawers, still hasn't bought new ones). And she's still playing music. Didn't even bother to like turn it off or something. When she comes into the room, I turn off my music or put headphones on. <_< It's just so annoying.

Annoying and inconsiderate.

Yup. But she got paid back for it while I was gone. (I got annoyed enough to leave and chill in Marius and Brennan's room until Inter-Varsity) Apparently she managed to lock herself in her room. She decided to lock the deadbolt lock in addition to the normal one, and the deadbolt got stuck. So they had to get a maintenance guy and all that to get the door open. The only problem is that when she gets back from wherever she went off to, I'm going to have to hear her chatter about it (loudly) for at least 15 minutes. Which is bad because I'm already kinda annoyed. I met up with everyone for a very brief moment at the coffeehouse, and when we were leaving, the guys all headed towards the parking lot, leaving me with Lara (who everyone thinks is really annoying). We asked where they were going, but they didn't give any real answer. The reason, of course, is because they didn't want Lara to follow them (because she would probably insist that you could fit one more person in the car). I'm pretty sure they were going to wendy's, because they were talking about that earlier. The thing that bothers me though, is that they couldn't be straight up with us and say they were going to wendy's, and didn't have enough room in the car. Or they could have even played the "guys time out" card. You know, something other that outright ditching us. <_< I might talk to them about it later. I can understand not wanting Lara around, but what they did was just plain mean, and it kinda hurt my feelings too.


In better news, yes, I'm looking forward to next year. I also found out that even more of my friends are living in the same part of the building as me, so this is pretty awesome!

The only way the guys knew to avoid hurting Lara's feelings, was to exclude the 'girls', not realizing they were now hurting both of your feelings. Too bad you didn't have a good comeback such as 'bring me back a Frosty' or something like that. I am never good at comebacks, until way after the fact.

Yeah, Marius was supposed to come get me to watch Scrubs, but I guess they're not back yet. I'm going to talk to them and tell them what they did wasn't cool. It's not even so much what they did, because it's understandable, it's more how they did it all secretive like. It brings back bad memories from elementary school.

Scrubs is awesome ;D

Yes, yes it is. XD So, yesterday I went over to see Ian's Kantorei concert, which was, as usual, amazing. I got a ride over with Kevin, Marius, and Jackie, who were going to meet up with Priscilla to see some other concert on campus. After the concert, I went out with Ian and his family for a quick dinner, and then hung out with Ian for awhile at his place, and then we came back here to hang out, and had a mini tea party in the kitchen with Marius, Kevin, and Rachel. It was fun. ^_^ And now, the weather is gorgeous, and I have an 8 page paper to write...

Glad you had a great time!

Now... get that paper completed. We will still be here waiting to see how it turned out.

Yeah, I'll get to it in a little bit...I hate writing papers...

I totally understand. I hate writing papers as well.

I think writing papers is the worst part of school...




Worst part of school is busy-work. Stuff that doesn't teach anything that is just used to fill up the class.

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I think writing papers is the worst part of school...

I agree! The teacher supposedly grades it objectively, but that almost never really happens. Instead you find something like "you haven't convinced me" written on the margin. And just when you've thought you backed up your point to the four corners of the world, you find "needs more support" on your paper. And there's always those few sentences that make perfect sense to you, but the teacher will circle and write "confusing" or "awkward". Each of those "mistakes" seem to take off a whole letter grade from your paper. Of course there's that research paper for which you need approximately a billion sources that all say the same thing anyway, and you need to find room for all of them in your paper, which then becomes horribly disorganized because hey, you couldn't do it your way! Of course no one wants to see writing your way, because that makes too much sense. No, it's much better to have a sheet shoved in your face listing all the things that the teacher thinks make an awesome paper, but really just insure that the paper is a dumbed-down, easy-to-grade clone of every other paper that somehow still takes forever to do, because it's obviously not good enough if you have a concise position that holds up on its own with just a sentence or two, and you find yourself just rambling on and on because you're playing the game of "elaboration" so you can avoid that "needs more support" being written on your paper which, deep down, you know you're going to get anyway, while trying to conform your thought process to that of the teacher, since the teacher's thinking is just too pure to accept any other form of thought, so in the end you have to suck up to the teacher to get a good grade. And then there's that game of wasting time, which is mostly accomplished when the teacher forces peer editing among the students, which really isn't peer editing because no one gives a crud and the teacher likes to hand out a list for things to check for, so it's more like make-sure-this-paper-is-how-I-want-it editing, sort of like the teacher looking at the papers except the teacher can't be bothered to look through all of them at the time, just like later when the teacher is grading them. Or maybe they'll actually read every word and complain about the task the next day, although they truly did ask for it, and the teacher then takes it out on the students in some way or another, usually digging him or herself into a bigger hole of reading through dumbed-down, easy-to-grade but horribly elaborated assignments that just don't reflect the student's writing skill but rather the teacher's influence on the student's way of writing wherein the closer you are the better your score.


Did I mention I hate writing papers?

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Wow my roomie is dense. She's been playing some really annoying music, so I finally got fed up with it and very politely said, "Would you mind plugging your headphones in?" And she said she didn't have headphones (apparently she lost hers, and despite having enough money to buy more clothing than can fit in her closet and drawers, still hasn't bought new ones). And she's still playing music. Didn't even bother to like turn it off or something. When she comes into the room, I turn off my music or put headphones on. <_< It's just so annoying.

Annoying and inconsiderate.

Yup. But she got paid back for it while I was gone. (I got annoyed enough to leave and chill in Marius and Brennan's room until Inter-Varsity) Apparently she managed to lock herself in her room. She decided to lock the deadbolt lock in addition to the normal one, and the deadbolt got stuck. So they had to get a maintenance guy and all that to get the door open. The only problem is that when she gets back from wherever she went off to, I'm going to have to hear her chatter about it (loudly) for at least 15 minutes. Which is bad because I'm already kinda annoyed. I met up with everyone for a very brief moment at the coffeehouse, and when we were leaving, the guys all headed towards the parking lot, leaving me with Lara (who everyone thinks is really annoying). We asked where they were going, but they didn't give any real answer. The reason, of course, is because they didn't want Lara to follow them (because she would probably insist that you could fit one more person in the car). I'm pretty sure they were going to wendy's, because they were talking about that earlier. The thing that bothers me though, is that they couldn't be straight up with us and say they were going to wendy's, and didn't have enough room in the car. Or they could have even played the "guys time out" card. You know, something other that outright ditching us. <_< I might talk to them about it later. I can understand not wanting Lara around, but what they did was just plain mean, and it kinda hurt my feelings too.


In better news, yes, I'm looking forward to next year. I also found out that even more of my friends are living in the same part of the building as me, so this is pretty awesome!

The only way the guys knew to avoid hurting Lara's feelings, was to exclude the 'girls', not realizing they were now hurting both of your feelings. Too bad you didn't have a good comeback such as 'bring me back a Frosty' or something like that. I am never good at comebacks, until way after the fact.

Yeah, Marius was supposed to come get me to watch Scrubs, but I guess they're not back yet. I'm going to talk to them and tell them what they did wasn't cool. It's not even so much what they did, because it's understandable, it's more how they did it all secretive like. It brings back bad memories from elementary school.

Scrubs is awesome ;D

Yes, yes it is. XD So, yesterday I went over to see Ian's Kantorei concert, which was, as usual, amazing. I got a ride over with Kevin, Marius, and Jackie, who were going to meet up with Priscilla to see some other concert on campus. After the concert, I went out with Ian and his family for a quick dinner, and then hung out with Ian for awhile at his place, and then we came back here to hang out, and had a mini tea party in the kitchen with Marius, Kevin, and Rachel. It was fun. ^_^ And now, the weather is gorgeous, and I have an 8 page paper to write...

Glad you had a great time!

Now... get that paper completed. We will still be here waiting to see how it turned out.

Yeah, I'll get to it in a little bit...I hate writing papers...

I totally understand. I hate writing papers as well.

I think writing papers is the worst part of school...


And calc exams. Those stink too.

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I think writing papers is the worst part of school...

I agree! The teacher supposedly grades it objectively, but that almost never really happens. Instead you find something like "you haven't convinced me" written on the margin. And just when you've thought you backed up your point to the four corners of the world, you find "needs more support" on your paper. And there's always those few sentences that make perfect sense to you, but the teacher will circle and write "confusing" or "awkward". Each of those "mistakes" seem to take off a whole letter grade from your paper. Of course there's that research paper for which you need approximately a billion sources that all say the same thing anyway, and you need to find room for all of them in your paper, which then becomes horribly disorganized because hey, you couldn't do it your way! Of course no one wants to see writing your way, because that makes too much sense. No, it's much better to have a sheet shoved in your face listing all the things that the teacher thinks make an awesome paper, but really just insure that the paper is a dumbed-down, easy-to-grade clone of every other paper that somehow still takes forever to do, because it's obviously not good enough if you have a concise position that holds up on its own with just a sentence or two, and you find yourself just rambling on and on because you're playing the game of "elaboration" so you can avoid that "needs more support" being written on your paper which, deep down, you know you're going to get anyway, while trying to conform your thought process to that of the teacher, since the teacher's thinking is just too pure to accept any other form of thought, so in the end you have to suck up to the teacher to get a good grade. And then there's that game of wasting time, which is mostly accomplished when the teacher forces peer editing among the students, which really isn't peer editing because no one gives a crud and the teacher likes to hand out a list for things to check for, so it's more like make-sure-this-paper-is-how-I-want-it editing, sort of like the teacher looking at the papers except the teacher can't be bothered to look through all of them at the time, just like later when the teacher is grading them. Or maybe they'll actually read every word and complain about the task the next day, although they truly did ask for it, and the teacher then takes it out on the students in some way or another, usually digging him or herself into a bigger hole of reading through dumbed-down, easy-to-grade but horribly elaborated assignments that just don't reflect the student's writing skill but rather the teacher's influence on the student's way of writing wherein the closer you are the better your score.


Did I mention I hate writing papers?


Nice rant.

Which contains many words that I agree with. And none that I don't. xD

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I think writing papers is the worst part of school...

I agree! The teacher supposedly grades it objectively, but that almost never really happens. Instead you find something like "you haven't convinced me" written on the margin. And just when you've thought you backed up your point to the four corners of the world, you find "needs more support" on your paper. And there's always those few sentences that make perfect sense to you, but the teacher will circle and write "confusing" or "awkward". Each of those "mistakes" seem to take off a whole letter grade from your paper. Of course there's that research paper for which you need approximately a billion sources that all say the same thing anyway, and you need to find room for all of them in your paper, which then becomes horribly disorganized because hey, you couldn't do it your way! Of course no one wants to see writing your way, because that makes too much sense. No, it's much better to have a sheet shoved in your face listing all the things that the teacher thinks make an awesome paper, but really just insure that the paper is a dumbed-down, easy-to-grade clone of every other paper that somehow still takes forever to do, because it's obviously not good enough if you have a concise position that holds up on its own with just a sentence or two, and you find yourself just rambling on and on because you're playing the game of "elaboration" so you can avoid that "needs more support" being written on your paper which, deep down, you know you're going to get anyway, while trying to conform your thought process to that of the teacher, since the teacher's thinking is just too pure to accept any other form of thought, so in the end you have to suck up to the teacher to get a good grade. And then there's that game of wasting time, which is mostly accomplished when the teacher forces peer editing among the students, which really isn't peer editing because no one gives a crud and the teacher likes to hand out a list for things to check for, so it's more like make-sure-this-paper-is-how-I-want-it editing, sort of like the teacher looking at the papers except the teacher can't be bothered to look through all of them at the time, just like later when the teacher is grading them. Or maybe they'll actually read every word and complain about the task the next day, although they truly did ask for it, and the teacher then takes it out on the students in some way or another, usually digging him or herself into a bigger hole of reading through dumbed-down, easy-to-grade but horribly elaborated assignments that just don't reflect the student's writing skill but rather the teacher's influence on the student's way of writing wherein the closer you are the better your score.


Did I mention I hate writing papers?

That's my BHP teacher (the one I have to write the paper for) explained perfectly.

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I think writing papers is the worst part of school...

I agree! The teacher supposedly grades it objectively, but that almost never really happens. Instead you find something like "you haven't convinced me" written on the margin. And just when you've thought you backed up your point to the four corners of the world, you find "needs more support" on your paper. And there's always those few sentences that make perfect sense to you, but the teacher will circle and write "confusing" or "awkward". Each of those "mistakes" seem to take off a whole letter grade from your paper. Of course there's that research paper for which you need approximately a billion sources that all say the same thing anyway, and you need to find room for all of them in your paper, which then becomes horribly disorganized because hey, you couldn't do it your way! Of course no one wants to see writing your way, because that makes too much sense. No, it's much better to have a sheet shoved in your face listing all the things that the teacher thinks make an awesome paper, but really just insure that the paper is a dumbed-down, easy-to-grade clone of every other paper that somehow still takes forever to do, because it's obviously not good enough if you have a concise position that holds up on its own with just a sentence or two, and you find yourself just rambling on and on because you're playing the game of "elaboration" so you can avoid that "needs more support" being written on your paper which, deep down, you know you're going to get anyway, while trying to conform your thought process to that of the teacher, since the teacher's thinking is just too pure to accept any other form of thought, so in the end you have to suck up to the teacher to get a good grade. And then there's that game of wasting time, which is mostly accomplished when the teacher forces peer editing among the students, which really isn't peer editing because no one gives a crud and the teacher likes to hand out a list for things to check for, so it's more like make-sure-this-paper-is-how-I-want-it editing, sort of like the teacher looking at the papers except the teacher can't be bothered to look through all of them at the time, just like later when the teacher is grading them. Or maybe they'll actually read every word and complain about the task the next day, although they truly did ask for it, and the teacher then takes it out on the students in some way or another, usually digging him or herself into a bigger hole of reading through dumbed-down, easy-to-grade but horribly elaborated assignments that just don't reflect the student's writing skill but rather the teacher's influence on the student's way of writing wherein the closer you are the better your score.


Did I mention I hate writing papers?


Nice rant.

Which contains many words that I agree with. And none that I don't. xD


And one that I showed my friend. xD and she loved it.

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And one that I showed my friend. xD and she loved it.

Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... :lol: Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. ;)

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And one that I showed my friend. xD and she loved it.

Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... :lol: Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. ;)

Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. :rolleyes: Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! ^_^

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And one that I showed my friend. xD and she loved it.

Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... :lol: Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. ;)

Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. :rolleyes: Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! ^_^

You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more.

*pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak*

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And one that I showed my friend. xD and she loved it.

Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... :lol: Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. ;)

Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. :rolleyes: Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! ^_^

You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more.

*pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak*

It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. :rolleyes: I'm printing it as I type. :)

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And one that I showed my friend. xD and she loved it.

Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... :lol: Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. ;)

Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. :rolleyes: Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! ^_^

You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more.

*pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak*

It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. :rolleyes: I'm printing it as I type. :)

:lol: That's about my speed of procrastination! :lol:

Why do something ahead of time, when you can wait to the very last ultra-stressful second! :lol:

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And one that I showed my friend. xD and she loved it.

Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... :lol: Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. ;)

Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. :rolleyes: Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! ^_^

You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more.

*pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak*

It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. :rolleyes: I'm printing it as I type. :)

:lol: That's about my speed of procrastination! :lol:

Why do something ahead of time, when you can wait to the very last ultra-stressful second! :lol:


I finished up something for bio today in the period before it. Had to right a half-page summary of an article on stem cells.

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And one that I showed my friend. xD and she loved it.

Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... :lol: Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. ;)

Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. :rolleyes: Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! ^_^

You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more.

*pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak*

It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. :rolleyes: I'm printing it as I type. :)

:lol: That's about my speed of procrastination! :lol:

Why do something ahead of time, when you can wait to the very last ultra-stressful second! :lol:


I finished up something for bio today in the period before it. Had to right a half-page summary of an article on stem cells.

You are lucky to be so smart. I am usually trying to put a bunch of baloney together and make it look like I know what I am doing.

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And one that I showed my friend. xD and she loved it.

Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... :lol: Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. ;)

Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. :rolleyes: Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! ^_^

You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more.

*pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak*

It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. :rolleyes: I'm printing it as I type. :)

:lol: That's about my speed of procrastination! :lol:

Why do something ahead of time, when you can wait to the very last ultra-stressful second! :lol:


I finished up something for bio today in the period before it. Had to right a half-page summary of an article on stem cells.

Hahaha I've done that before. Actually I can beat that. Last semester, I typed, and printed a lab report IN and DURING the class it was due. :lol:

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And one that I showed my friend. xD and she loved it.

Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... :lol: Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. ;)

Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. :rolleyes: Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! ^_^

You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more.

*pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak*

It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. :rolleyes: I'm printing it as I type. :)

:lol: That's about my speed of procrastination! :lol:

Why do something ahead of time, when you can wait to the very last ultra-stressful second! :lol:


I finished up something for bio today in the period before it. Had to right a half-page summary of an article on stem cells.

You are lucky to be so smart. I am usually trying to put a bunch of baloney together and make it look like I know what I am doing.




that is what I do for english. xD

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And one that I showed my friend. xD and she loved it.

Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... LOL Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with.

Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! ^_^

You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more.

*pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak*

It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. :rolleyes: I'm printing it as I type. :)

:lol: That's about my speed of procrastination! :lol:

Why do something ahead of time, when you can wait to the very last ultra-stressful second! LOL


I finished up something for bio today in the period before it. Had to right a half-page summary of an article on stem cells.

Hahaha I've done that before. Actually I can beat that. Last semester, I typed, and printed a lab report IN and DURING the class it was due. :lol:

Now that is so bold! :lol:

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And one that I showed my friend. xD and she loved it.

Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... :lol: Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. ;)

Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. :rolleyes: Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! ^_^

You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more.

*pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak*

It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. :rolleyes: I'm printing it as I type. :)

:lol: That's about my speed of procrastination! :lol:

Why do something ahead of time, when you can wait to the very last ultra-stressful second! :lol:


I finished up something for bio today in the period before it. Had to right a half-page summary of an article on stem cells.

You are lucky to be so smart. I am usually trying to put a bunch of baloney together and make it look like I know what I am doing.



that is what I do for english. xD

Do you pull it off?

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And one that I showed my friend. xD and she loved it.

Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... :lol: Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. ;)

Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. :rolleyes: Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! ^_^

You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more.

*pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak*

It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. :rolleyes: I'm printing it as I type. :)

:lol: That's about my speed of procrastination! :lol:

Why do something ahead of time, when you can wait to the very last ultra-stressful second! :lol:


I finished up something for bio today in the period before it. Had to right a half-page summary of an article on stem cells.

You are lucky to be so smart. I am usually trying to put a bunch of baloney together and make it look like I know what I am doing.



that is what I do for english. xD

Do you pull it off?

It usually works pretty well for English classes, actually. :rolleyes:

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So, in other news, final exams are next week. I can't believe the year went by so fast. It feels like I only moved in here like two months ago. Lately for some reason everyone seems a bit messed up. The thing that bothers me is, for some of it, I have no idea why. I know that not everyone has the same reasons. It's just really strange. The only one who's been reasonably open about his stressed-ness is Marius, who's stressed by all the papers he has to do, and by everyone else's stressed-ness. Kevin, who's normally not in a good mood to begin with, has been extra out of sorts, and I'm actually worried about him. Brennan and Jackie just broke up, and I think it's going rough on both of them. Lindsay seems out of it too, but I haven't the slightest clue why. Ian's been stressed and out of sorts for the past week or so, and hasn't been on aim for the past couple of days. So everything's all strange, and it's bothering me. :unsure:

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And one that I showed my friend. xD and she loved it.

Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... :lol: Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. ;)

Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. :rolleyes: Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! ^_^

You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more.

*pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak*

It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. :rolleyes: I'm printing it as I type. :)

:lol: That's about my speed of procrastination! :lol:

Why do something ahead of time, when you can wait to the very last ultra-stressful second! :lol:


I finished up something for bio today in the period before it. Had to right a half-page summary of an article on stem cells.

You are lucky to be so smart. I am usually trying to put a bunch of baloney together and make it look like I know what I am doing.



that is what I do for english. xD

Do you pull it off?

It usually works pretty well for English classes, actually. :rolleyes:

I never was good at the power of persuasion.

My english teachers would see right through it.

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So, in other news, final exams are next week. I can't believe the year went by so fast. It feels like I only moved in here like two months ago. Lately for some reason everyone seems a bit messed up. The thing that bothers me is, for some of it, I have no idea why. I know that not everyone has the same reasons. It's just really strange. The only one who's been reasonably open about his stressed-ness is Marius, who's stressed by all the papers he has to do, and by everyone else's stressed-ness. Kevin, who's normally not in a good mood to begin with, has been extra out of sorts, and I'm actually worried about him. Brennan and Jackie just broke up, and I think it's going rough on both of them. Lindsay seems out of it too, but I haven't the slightest clue why. Ian's been stressed and out of sorts for the past week or so, and hasn't been on aim for the past couple of days. So everything's all strange, and it's bothering me. :unsure:

This is a really tough one. Perhaps more people are worried about the papers and tests, but just not talking like Marius is. Does the nearing of the end of the semester and what is going to happen this summer figure in somehow? I will try and think about this.

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So, in other news, final exams are next week. I can't believe the year went by so fast. It feels like I only moved in here like two months ago. Lately for some reason everyone seems a bit messed up. The thing that bothers me is, for some of it, I have no idea why. I know that not everyone has the same reasons. It's just really strange. The only one who's been reasonably open about his stressed-ness is Marius, who's stressed by all the papers he has to do, and by everyone else's stressed-ness. Kevin, who's normally not in a good mood to begin with, has been extra out of sorts, and I'm actually worried about him. Brennan and Jackie just broke up, and I think it's going rough on both of them. Lindsay seems out of it too, but I haven't the slightest clue why. Ian's been stressed and out of sorts for the past week or so, and hasn't been on aim for the past couple of days. So everything's all strange, and it's bothering me. :unsure:

This is a really tough one. Perhaps more people are worried about the papers and tests, but just not talking like Marius is. Does the nearing of the end of the semester and what is going to happen this summer figure in somehow? I will try and think about this.

I don't think it's just papers, because if that was the case, they'd complain about it openly. I don't think the end of the semester has much to do with it, especialy because most of us are coming back for at least one summer session, although that might be part of Kevin's problem because I know he isn't. But I'm pretty sure his issues are a lot bigger than that...

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So, in other news, final exams are next week. I can't believe the year went by so fast. It feels like I only moved in here like two months ago. Lately for some reason everyone seems a bit messed up. The thing that bothers me is, for some of it, I have no idea why. I know that not everyone has the same reasons. It's just really strange. The only one who's been reasonably open about his stressed-ness is Marius, who's stressed by all the papers he has to do, and by everyone else's stressed-ness. Kevin, who's normally not in a good mood to begin with, has been extra out of sorts, and I'm actually worried about him. Brennan and Jackie just broke up, and I think it's going rough on both of them. Lindsay seems out of it too, but I haven't the slightest clue why. Ian's been stressed and out of sorts for the past week or so, and hasn't been on aim for the past couple of days. So everything's all strange, and it's bothering me. :unsure:

This is a really tough one. Perhaps more people are worried about the papers and tests, but just not talking like Marius is. Does the nearing of the end of the semester and what is going to happen this summer figure in somehow? I will try and think about this.

I don't think it's just papers, because if that was the case, they'd complain about it openly. I don't think the end of the semester has much to do with it, especialy because most of us are coming back for at least one summer session, although that might be part of Kevin's problem because I know he isn't. But I'm pretty sure his issues are a lot bigger than that...

You are right. I feel bad for Kevin. Why are you going back for a summer session? To lighten your load next year?

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So, in other news, final exams are next week. I can't believe the year went by so fast. It feels like I only moved in here like two months ago. Lately for some reason everyone seems a bit messed up. The thing that bothers me is, for some of it, I have no idea why. I know that not everyone has the same reasons. It's just really strange. The only one who's been reasonably open about his stressed-ness is Marius, who's stressed by all the papers he has to do, and by everyone else's stressed-ness. Kevin, who's normally not in a good mood to begin with, has been extra out of sorts, and I'm actually worried about him. Brennan and Jackie just broke up, and I think it's going rough on both of them. Lindsay seems out of it too, but I haven't the slightest clue why. Ian's been stressed and out of sorts for the past week or so, and hasn't been on aim for the past couple of days. So everything's all strange, and it's bothering me. :unsure:

This is a really tough one. Perhaps more people are worried about the papers and tests, but just not talking like Marius is. Does the nearing of the end of the semester and what is going to happen this summer figure in somehow? I will try and think about this.

I don't think it's just papers, because if that was the case, they'd complain about it openly. I don't think the end of the semester has much to do with it, especialy because most of us are coming back for at least one summer session, although that might be part of Kevin's problem because I know he isn't. But I'm pretty sure his issues are a lot bigger than that...

You are right. I feel bad for Kevin. Why are you going back for a summer session? To lighten your load next year?

Yeah. I'm doing the summer session more for fun than anything, although it is making my fall semester schedule delightfully small (only 14 credits compared to my usual 17). I'm in physics class right now. And outside, the trees are starting to get leaves on them, and it's green and pretty. ^_^ *random*

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So, in other news, final exams are next week. I can't believe the year went by so fast. It feels like I only moved in here like two months ago. Lately for some reason everyone seems a bit messed up. The thing that bothers me is, for some of it, I have no idea why. I know that not everyone has the same reasons. It's just really strange. The only one who's been reasonably open about his stressed-ness is Marius, who's stressed by all the papers he has to do, and by everyone else's stressed-ness. Kevin, who's normally not in a good mood to begin with, has been extra out of sorts, and I'm actually worried about him. Brennan and Jackie just broke up, and I think it's going rough on both of them. Lindsay seems out of it too, but I haven't the slightest clue why. Ian's been stressed and out of sorts for the past week or so, and hasn't been on aim for the past couple of days. So everything's all strange, and it's bothering me. :unsure:

This is a really tough one. Perhaps more people are worried about the papers and tests, but just not talking like Marius is. Does the nearing of the end of the semester and what is going to happen this summer figure in somehow? I will try and think about this.

I don't think it's just papers, because if that was the case, they'd complain about it openly. I don't think the end of the semester has much to do with it, especialy because most of us are coming back for at least one summer session, although that might be part of Kevin's problem because I know he isn't. But I'm pretty sure his issues are a lot bigger than that...

You are right. I feel bad for Kevin. Why are you going back for a summer session? To lighten your load next year?

Yeah. I'm doing the summer session more for fun than anything, although it is making my fall semester schedule delightfully small (only 14 credits compared to my usual 17). I'm in physics class right now. And outside, the trees are starting to get leaves on them, and it's green and pretty. ^_^ *random*

I always love spring!

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So, in other news, final exams are next week. I can't believe the year went by so fast. It feels like I only moved in here like two months ago. Lately for some reason everyone seems a bit messed up. The thing that bothers me is, for some of it, I have no idea why. I know that not everyone has the same reasons. It's just really strange. The only one who's been reasonably open about his stressed-ness is Marius, who's stressed by all the papers he has to do, and by everyone else's stressed-ness. Kevin, who's normally not in a good mood to begin with, has been extra out of sorts, and I'm actually worried about him. Brennan and Jackie just broke up, and I think it's going rough on both of them. Lindsay seems out of it too, but I haven't the slightest clue why. Ian's been stressed and out of sorts for the past week or so, and hasn't been on aim for the past couple of days. So everything's all strange, and it's bothering me. :unsure:

This is a really tough one. Perhaps more people are worried about the papers and tests, but just not talking like Marius is. Does the nearing of the end of the semester and what is going to happen this summer figure in somehow? I will try and think about this.

I don't think it's just papers, because if that was the case, they'd complain about it openly. I don't think the end of the semester has much to do with it, especialy because most of us are coming back for at least one summer session, although that might be part of Kevin's problem because I know he isn't. But I'm pretty sure his issues are a lot bigger than that...

You are right. I feel bad for Kevin. Why are you going back for a summer session? To lighten your load next year?

Yeah. I'm doing the summer session more for fun than anything, although it is making my fall semester schedule delightfully small (only 14 credits compared to my usual 17). I'm in physics class right now. And outside, the trees are starting to get leaves on them, and it's green and pretty. ^_^ *random*

I always love spring!

Me too. ^_^

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I love the smell of spring, and the relaxing mix of cool and warmth. Too bad the weather here decided to go into summer mode on Sunday (after winter-like weather for so long) so it was all hot and stuff. It has been cooling off though, and today is rather close to that spring feel. I'm still waiting for the trees to get their leaves though.

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Yes, I do manage to pull it off. Straight A's in english. What you gotta do is throw in a bunch of big words. xD Extricate yourself from the quandry of mediocre essays with a substantial vocabulary.

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Yes, I do manage to pull it off. Straight A's in english. What you gotta do is throw in a bunch of big words. xD Extricate yourself from the quandry of mediocre essays with a substantial vocabulary.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Baffle them with baloney I always say!

You can win more battles with big words than you can ever imagine.

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I love the smell of spring, and the relaxing mix of cool and warmth. Too bad the weather here decided to go into summer mode on Sunday (after winter-like weather for so long) so it was all hot and stuff. It has been cooling off though, and today is rather close to that spring feel. I'm still waiting for the trees to get their leaves though.

Yup, it's pretty comfortable out today. Most of the trees here are *just* starting to get their leaves, so there's like just a small tint of green to them. It's really nice. :)

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Yay weekend! ^_^ I just finished up my scholarship application, and have only two more classes left in my semester (not including exams). The only work I have to do today is a physics assignment due tonight. Yay! ^_^ Tomorrow is Ian's recital, and that should be a lot of fun. Then Sunday and Monday will be used for studying and paper writing.

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Yay weekend! ^_^ I just finished up my scholarship application, and have only two more classes left in my semester (not including exams). The only work I have to do today is a physics assignment due tonight. Yay! ^_^ Tomorrow is Ian's recital, and that should be a lot of fun. Then Sunday and Monday will be used for studying and paper writing.

Whoa... this semester has flown by!!! I am sure you will get A's on all your final exams.

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Yay weekend! ^_^ I just finished up my scholarship application, and have only two more classes left in my semester (not including exams). The only work I have to do today is a physics assignment due tonight. Yay! ^_^ Tomorrow is Ian's recital, and that should be a lot of fun. Then Sunday and Monday will be used for studying and paper writing.

Whoa... this semester has flown by!!! I am sure you will get A's on all your final exams.

It has! And I hope so, but I seriously doubt it. I'm expecting an A in psych and music, a B in physics, and a C (give or take a full letter grade) in calc. I got an A- on my major BHP paper. So it all blances out to about a B.

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Yay weekend! ^_^ I just finished up my scholarship application, and have only two more classes left in my semester (not including exams). The only work I have to do today is a physics assignment due tonight. Yay! ^_^ Tomorrow is Ian's recital, and that should be a lot of fun. Then Sunday and Monday will be used for studying and paper writing.

Whoa... this semester has flown by!!! I am sure you will get A's on all your final exams.

It has! And I hope so, but I seriously doubt it. I'm expecting an A in psych and music, a B in physics, and a C (give or take a full letter grade) in calc. I got an A- on my major BHP paper. So it all blances out to about a B.

You still have great grades. I think you are doing great!!!

*convinces the teacher to make the Calc test easy so Jesusfreak can get an A*

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Yay weekend! ^_^ I just finished up my scholarship application, and have only two more classes left in my semester (not including exams). The only work I have to do today is a physics assignment due tonight. Yay! ^_^ Tomorrow is Ian's recital, and that should be a lot of fun. Then Sunday and Monday will be used for studying and paper writing.

Whoa... this semester has flown by!!! I am sure you will get A's on all your final exams.



one week away from 7/8 of the school year being over...

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Yay weekend! ^_^ I just finished up my scholarship application, and have only two more classes left in my semester (not including exams). The only work I have to do today is a physics assignment due tonight. Yay! ^_^ Tomorrow is Ian's recital, and that should be a lot of fun. Then Sunday and Monday will be used for studying and paper writing.

Whoa... this semester has flown by!!! I am sure you will get A's on all your final exams.


one week away from 7/8 of the school year being over...

It seems like this year went by really fast.

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Yay weekend! ^_^ I just finished up my scholarship application, and have only two more classes left in my semester (not including exams). The only work I have to do today is a physics assignment due tonight. Yay! ^_^ Tomorrow is Ian's recital, and that should be a lot of fun. Then Sunday and Monday will be used for studying and paper writing.

Whoa... this semester has flown by!!! I am sure you will get A's on all your final exams.


one week away from 7/8 of the school year being over...

It seems like this year went by really fast.


I know. Partially because this has been the best school year ever for me. xD

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Yay weekend! ^_^ I just finished up my scholarship application, and have only two more classes left in my semester (not including exams). The only work I have to do today is a physics assignment due tonight. Yay! ^_^ Tomorrow is Ian's recital, and that should be a lot of fun. Then Sunday and Monday will be used for studying and paper writing.

Whoa... this semester has flown by!!! I am sure you will get A's on all your final exams.


one week away from 7/8 of the school year being over...

It seems like this year went by really fast.


I know. Partially because this has been the best school year ever for me. xD

They get better and better. Just wait until you go to college... you will have a great time!

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So, Ian's recital, in classic Ian fashion, was amazing. The last song he sang was a poem that he wrote awhile ago set to music, and it was amazing to hear him sing it. I'm one of very few people that know the origins of the poem, and the way he sang it, you could tell that it was really sung from the heart, and, had the song been much longer, would have had me near tears. Steph, Marius, Christina, and Lara also came along. The reception afterwords was nice, but we couldn't stay for long because Marius and Steph had to study for history. Now I'm just hoping Ian comes back online so I can chat with him (he went dle like, right after I got back to my room). When we got back, I sat and chilled for a little while, then did some origami with Christina, then DDR in the lounge with most of the group of people, and then watched Kevin play guitar hero (he's really good at it!) Kevin's been causing a bit of drama lately. Him and Lara are like mortal enemies. The only reason is that Lara can be loud and obnoxious, and likes to have all conversation revolving around her, and everything that happens to her is some huge deal (and yeah, she can get like that sometimes), and also because Kevin can be a jack***, which is also often true. So he hates Lara, and is mean to her, and she in turn hates him because of it. Lately, he's upset a lot of people. He recently decided he doesn't like Christina anymore either, because not only does she follow Lara around like a sheep (they're roomies, and close friends), but she sees no fault in people, she only sees the good in them, and that bugs Kevin. Kevin also said something really hurtful about Lindsay, and she saw it, and is pretty upset with him. Steph, being Lindsay's roomie, is also upset, because it's so far out of line. The problem is, that the thing with him and Lara keeps causing divisions in the group, and that really upsets me. Like he'll go out of his way to avoid her, and if I'm with him and other people, it makes it akward, because I want to hang out with Kevin and the rest of the guys, but I don't want to just leave Lara behind, because I like Lara too, and it's flat out rude. I can understand that he thinks Lara is annoying (because she is) and wants to avoid her, but he really takes it too far. What he does to her is what my "friends" did to me in 4th or 5th grade, so I know from experience, it really hurts. I've talked with Steph, Christina, and Marius about this, and they all see things pretty much the way I do. Dave and I (more me than Dave) talked to Kevin the other day, and the problem is, he just doesn't care. Like he's a bit concerned that Lindsay and Steph are upset with him, but doesn't care at all about Lara and Christina. And because he really doesn't care, it makes it hard to work with him or use any sort of reason. It's like screaming at a deaf person. So now I'm just hoping that Lara and Kevin just grow up and get over themselves, because I'm really tired of all the akwardness going on. It's really taking a toll on everyone... :closedeyes: Sorry, just needed to rant about that.

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So, Ian's recital, in classic Ian fashion, was amazing. The last song he sang was a poem that he wrote awhile ago set to music, and it was amazing to hear him sing it. I'm one of very few people that know the origins of the poem, and the way he sang it, you could tell that it was really sung from the heart, and, had the song been much longer, would have had me near tears. Steph, Marius, Christina, and Lara also came along. The reception afterwords was nice, but we couldn't stay for long because Marius and Steph had to study for history. Now I'm just hoping Ian comes back online so I can chat with him (he went dle like, right after I got back to my room). When we got back, I sat and chilled for a little while, then did some origami with Christina, then DDR in the lounge with most of the group of people, and then watched Kevin play guitar hero (he's really good at it!) Kevin's been causing a bit of drama lately. Him and Lara are like mortal enemies. The only reason is that Lara can be loud and obnoxious, and likes to have all conversation revolving around her, and everything that happens to her is some huge deal (and yeah, she can get like that sometimes), and also because Kevin can be a jack***, which is also often true. So he hates Lara, and is mean to her, and she in turn hates him because of it. Lately, he's upset a lot of people. He recently decided he doesn't like Christina anymore either, because not only does she follow Lara around like a sheep (they're roomies, and close friends), but she sees no fault in people, she only sees the good in them, and that bugs Kevin. Kevin also said something really hurtful about Lindsay, and she saw it, and is pretty upset with him. Steph, being Lindsay's roomie, is also upset, because it's so far out of line. The problem is, that the thing with him and Lara keeps causing divisions in the group, and that really upsets me. Like he'll go out of his way to avoid her, and if I'm with him and other people, it makes it akward, because I want to hang out with Kevin and the rest of the guys, but I don't want to just leave Lara behind, because I like Lara too, and it's flat out rude. I can understand that he thinks Lara is annoying (because she is) and wants to avoid her, but he really takes it too far. What he does to her is what my "friends" did to me in 4th or 5th grade, so I know from experience, it really hurts. I've talked with Steph, Christina, and Marius about this, and they all see things pretty much the way I do. Dave and I (more me than Dave) talked to Kevin the other day, and the problem is, he just doesn't care. Like he's a bit concerned that Lindsay and Steph are upset with him, but doesn't care at all about Lara and Christina. And because he really doesn't care, it makes it hard to work with him or use any sort of reason. It's like screaming at a deaf person. So now I'm just hoping that Lara and Kevin just grow up and get over themselves, because I'm really tired of all the akwardness going on. It's really taking a toll on everyone... :closedeyes: Sorry, just needed to rant about that.

Ranting is good. Unfortunately Kevin is not going to stop. I do not know what is going on in his life, but it has made him a very miserable person.

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So, Ian's recital, in classic Ian fashion, was amazing. The last song he sang was a poem that he wrote awhile ago set to music, and it was amazing to hear him sing it. I'm one of very few people that know the origins of the poem, and the way he sang it, you could tell that it was really sung from the heart, and, had the song been much longer, would have had me near tears. Steph, Marius, Christina, and Lara also came along. The reception afterwords was nice, but we couldn't stay for long because Marius and Steph had to study for history. Now I'm just hoping Ian comes back online so I can chat with him (he went dle like, right after I got back to my room). When we got back, I sat and chilled for a little while, then did some origami with Christina, then DDR in the lounge with most of the group of people, and then watched Kevin play guitar hero (he's really good at it!) Kevin's been causing a bit of drama lately. Him and Lara are like mortal enemies. The only reason is that Lara can be loud and obnoxious, and likes to have all conversation revolving around her, and everything that happens to her is some huge deal (and yeah, she can get like that sometimes), and also because Kevin can be a jack***, which is also often true. So he hates Lara, and is mean to her, and she in turn hates him because of it. Lately, he's upset a lot of people. He recently decided he doesn't like Christina anymore either, because not only does she follow Lara around like a sheep (they're roomies, and close friends), but she sees no fault in people, she only sees the good in them, and that bugs Kevin. Kevin also said something really hurtful about Lindsay, and she saw it, and is pretty upset with him. Steph, being Lindsay's roomie, is also upset, because it's so far out of line. The problem is, that the thing with him and Lara keeps causing divisions in the group, and that really upsets me. Like he'll go out of his way to avoid her, and if I'm with him and other people, it makes it akward, because I want to hang out with Kevin and the rest of the guys, but I don't want to just leave Lara behind, because I like Lara too, and it's flat out rude. I can understand that he thinks Lara is annoying (because she is) and wants to avoid her, but he really takes it too far. What he does to her is what my "friends" did to me in 4th or 5th grade, so I know from experience, it really hurts. I've talked with Steph, Christina, and Marius about this, and they all see things pretty much the way I do. Dave and I (more me than Dave) talked to Kevin the other day, and the problem is, he just doesn't care. Like he's a bit concerned that Lindsay and Steph are upset with him, but doesn't care at all about Lara and Christina. And because he really doesn't care, it makes it hard to work with him or use any sort of reason. It's like screaming at a deaf person. So now I'm just hoping that Lara and Kevin just grow up and get over themselves, because I'm really tired of all the akwardness going on. It's really taking a toll on everyone... :closedeyes: Sorry, just needed to rant about that.

Ranting is good. Unfortunately Kevin is not going to stop. I do not know what is going on in his life, but it has made him a very miserable person.

I know, and I can only hope something changes his life for the better. He's always been kinda depressed, but lately he's been so bad that I'm actually worried about him. :unsure: Oh, and I talked to Ian online late last night (i.e. until 4am :rolleyes: ) And apparently, he did his entire recital with tracheitis. And it was still amazing. Crazy kid. He said he might come over tonight, so I had to inform him of all the drama that he was going to walk into, especially because he and Kevin have a tendency to get into little arguments about history (Kevin's a history major, and Ian's from Israel and might as well have grown up in the 16th century, and both are opinionated on such things). Oh, and also late last night three of Lacey's friends walked her into the room, and she was drunk. She wasn't stumbling around or about to break anything, so it was kinda fuuny. She climbed into bed, and started talking/complaining about random things, and saying things like, "I have a f***ing amazing rack! Why doesn't he like me?" And apparently she had flashed whoever she was talking about to prove her point. :lol: So let this be a lesson to you all: while getting drunk might make other people laugh at you, it will make you do incredably stupid things that you will probably regret in the morning.

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So, Ian's recital, in classic Ian fashion, was amazing. The last song he sang was a poem that he wrote awhile ago set to music, and it was amazing to hear him sing it. I'm one of very few people that know the origins of the poem, and the way he sang it, you could tell that it was really sung from the heart, and, had the song been much longer, would have had me near tears. Steph, Marius, Christina, and Lara also came along. The reception afterwords was nice, but we couldn't stay for long because Marius and Steph had to study for history. Now I'm just hoping Ian comes back online so I can chat with him (he went dle like, right after I got back to my room). When we got back, I sat and chilled for a little while, then did some origami with Christina, then DDR in the lounge with most of the group of people, and then watched Kevin play guitar hero (he's really good at it!) Kevin's been causing a bit of drama lately. Him and Lara are like mortal enemies. The only reason is that Lara can be loud and obnoxious, and likes to have all conversation revolving around her, and everything that happens to her is some huge deal (and yeah, she can get like that sometimes), and also because Kevin can be a jack***, which is also often true. So he hates Lara, and is mean to her, and she in turn hates him because of it. Lately, he's upset a lot of people. He recently decided he doesn't like Christina anymore either, because not only does she follow Lara around like a sheep (they're roomies, and close friends), but she sees no fault in people, she only sees the good in them, and that bugs Kevin. Kevin also said something really hurtful about Lindsay, and she saw it, and is pretty upset with him. Steph, being Lindsay's roomie, is also upset, because it's so far out of line. The problem is, that the thing with him and Lara keeps causing divisions in the group, and that really upsets me. Like he'll go out of his way to avoid her, and if I'm with him and other people, it makes it akward, because I want to hang out with Kevin and the rest of the guys, but I don't want to just leave Lara behind, because I like Lara too, and it's flat out rude. I can understand that he thinks Lara is annoying (because she is) and wants to avoid her, but he really takes it too far. What he does to her is what my "friends" did to me in 4th or 5th grade, so I know from experience, it really hurts. I've talked with Steph, Christina, and Marius about this, and they all see things pretty much the way I do. Dave and I (more me than Dave) talked to Kevin the other day, and the problem is, he just doesn't care. Like he's a bit concerned that Lindsay and Steph are upset with him, but doesn't care at all about Lara and Christina. And because he really doesn't care, it makes it hard to work with him or use any sort of reason. It's like screaming at a deaf person. So now I'm just hoping that Lara and Kevin just grow up and get over themselves, because I'm really tired of all the akwardness going on. It's really taking a toll on everyone... :closedeyes: Sorry, just needed to rant about that.

Ranting is good. Unfortunately Kevin is not going to stop. I do not know what is going on in his life, but it has made him a very miserable person.

I know, and I can only hope something changes his life for the better. He's always been kinda depressed, but lately he's been so bad that I'm actually worried about him. :unsure: Oh, and I talked to Ian online late last night (i.e. until 4am :rolleyes: ) And apparently, he did his entire recital with tracheitis. And it was still amazing. Crazy kid. He said he might come over tonight, so I had to inform him of all the drama that he was going to walk into, especially because he and Kevin have a tendency to get into little arguments about history (Kevin's a history major, and Ian's from Israel and might as well have grown up in the 16th century, and both are opinionated on such things). Oh, and also late last night three of Lacey's friends walked her into the room, and she was drunk. She wasn't stumbling around or about to break anything, so it was kinda fuuny. She climbed into bed, and started talking/complaining about random things, and saying things like, "I have a f***ing amazing rack! Why doesn't he like me?" And apparently she had flashed whoever she was talking about to prove her point. :lol: So let this be a lesson to you all: while getting drunk might make other people laugh at you, it will make you do incredably stupid things that you will probably regret in the morning.

Sorry to hear about Kevin. Hopefully something does change for the better. If he is flunking out, it seems like things will only get worse, not better.


As for Ian, what an incredible guy. How many more performances does he have? Hopefully he and Kevin keep history out of the conversation this evening. That way they might not have any heated discussions. If Ian is from Israel, when did he leave? Israel still has required military service, so he better not be planning a trip back there any time soon.


Drinking has strange effects on different people and hopefully no one has a video of her. I hope someday she realizes that there is more to someone liking her than her rack. :lol: Conversation is important and I have not known parts of the body to be able to carry on a conversation besides the mouth in conjunction with the brain. :lol:

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So, Ian's recital, in classic Ian fashion, was amazing. The last song he sang was a poem that he wrote awhile ago set to music, and it was amazing to hear him sing it. I'm one of very few people that know the origins of the poem, and the way he sang it, you could tell that it was really sung from the heart, and, had the song been much longer, would have had me near tears. Steph, Marius, Christina, and Lara also came along. The reception afterwords was nice, but we couldn't stay for long because Marius and Steph had to study for history. Now I'm just hoping Ian comes back online so I can chat with him (he went dle like, right after I got back to my room). When we got back, I sat and chilled for a little while, then did some origami with Christina, then DDR in the lounge with most of the group of people, and then watched Kevin play guitar hero (he's really good at it!) Kevin's been causing a bit of drama lately. Him and Lara are like mortal enemies. The only reason is that Lara can be loud and obnoxious, and likes to have all conversation revolving around her, and everything that happens to her is some huge deal (and yeah, she can get like that sometimes), and also because Kevin can be a jack***, which is also often true. So he hates Lara, and is mean to her, and she in turn hates him because of it. Lately, he's upset a lot of people. He recently decided he doesn't like Christina anymore either, because not only does she follow Lara around like a sheep (they're roomies, and close friends), but she sees no fault in people, she only sees the good in them, and that bugs Kevin. Kevin also said something really hurtful about Lindsay, and she saw it, and is pretty upset with him. Steph, being Lindsay's roomie, is also upset, because it's so far out of line. The problem is, that the thing with him and Lara keeps causing divisions in the group, and that really upsets me. Like he'll go out of his way to avoid her, and if I'm with him and other people, it makes it akward, because I want to hang out with Kevin and the rest of the guys, but I don't want to just leave Lara behind, because I like Lara too, and it's flat out rude. I can understand that he thinks Lara is annoying (because she is) and wants to avoid her, but he really takes it too far. What he does to her is what my "friends" did to me in 4th or 5th grade, so I know from experience, it really hurts. I've talked with Steph, Christina, and Marius about this, and they all see things pretty much the way I do. Dave and I (more me than Dave) talked to Kevin the other day, and the problem is, he just doesn't care. Like he's a bit concerned that Lindsay and Steph are upset with him, but doesn't care at all about Lara and Christina. And because he really doesn't care, it makes it hard to work with him or use any sort of reason. It's like screaming at a deaf person. So now I'm just hoping that Lara and Kevin just grow up and get over themselves, because I'm really tired of all the akwardness going on. It's really taking a toll on everyone... :closedeyes: Sorry, just needed to rant about that.

Ranting is good. Unfortunately Kevin is not going to stop. I do not know what is going on in his life, but it has made him a very miserable person.

I know, and I can only hope something changes his life for the better. He's always been kinda depressed, but lately he's been so bad that I'm actually worried about him. :unsure: Oh, and I talked to Ian online late last night (i.e. until 4am :rolleyes: ) And apparently, he did his entire recital with tracheitis. And it was still amazing. Crazy kid. He said he might come over tonight, so I had to inform him of all the drama that he was going to walk into, especially because he and Kevin have a tendency to get into little arguments about history (Kevin's a history major, and Ian's from Israel and might as well have grown up in the 16th century, and both are opinionated on such things). Oh, and also late last night three of Lacey's friends walked her into the room, and she was drunk. She wasn't stumbling around or about to break anything, so it was kinda fuuny. She climbed into bed, and started talking/complaining about random things, and saying things like, "I have a f***ing amazing rack! Why doesn't he like me?" And apparently she had flashed whoever she was talking about to prove her point. :lol: So let this be a lesson to you all: while getting drunk might make other people laugh at you, it will make you do incredably stupid things that you will probably regret in the morning.

Sorry to hear about Kevin. Hopefully something does change for the better. If he is flunking out, it seems like things will only get worse, not better.


As for Ian, what an incredible guy. How many more performances does he have? Hopefully he and Kevin keep history out of the conversation this evening. That way they might not have any heated discussions. If Ian is from Israel, when did he leave? Israel still has required military service, so he better not be planning a trip back there any time soon.


Drinking has strange effects on different people and hopefully no one has a video of her. I hope someday she realizes that there is more to someone liking her than her rack. :lol: Conversation is important and I have not known parts of the body to be able to carry on a conversation besides the mouth in conjunction with the brain. :lol:

The sad thing is, she's sober now and still using the fact that she's really attractive as a reason why he should like her. :ph34r: As for Kevin, as far as I know, he's passing his classes. He's a smart kid, and he knows it. Ian and I were with Kevin as well as Steph, Marius, and Brennan today while they were studying for a history final and they didn't argue at all, so I'm very proud of them both. :) As for Ian, I'm not entirely sure when he left Israel, but I know he served his time in the military when he was 16, I guess shortly before I met him. If he ever was called back, he would probably gladly fight for his country, and visits at least once a year. And on a more random note, Ian smells good, and, since he hugged me several times today, I smell like Ian. ^_^ So, tomorrow I get to finish my bhp paper and write a music paper, and then study for my music and psych exams.

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I'm outside, with wireless internet from the cafeteria, and it's wonderful. ^_^

I love being outside and totally connected with my precious Adam.

Hahaha :P The only bad part was part of something out there flew into my eye, and now the corner of it is all red and itchy. <_<

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I'm outside, with wireless internet from the cafeteria, and it's wonderful. ^_^

I love being outside and totally connected with my precious Adam.

Hahaha :P The only bad part was part of something out there flew into my eye, and now the corner of it is all red and itchy. <_>

Lucky you... no need for glasses.

I would be having a really hard time reading it I didn't have glasses. :lol:

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I'm outside, with wireless internet from the cafeteria, and it's wonderful. ^_^

I love being outside and totally connected with my precious Adam.

Hahaha :P The only bad part was part of something out there flew into my eye, and now the corner of it is all red and itchy. <_<

Lucky you... no need for glasses.

I would be having a really hard time reading it I didn't have glasses. :lol:

Oh, no, I have glasses. I've had them since I was two. Either whatever it was flew around my glasses, or I had taken them off to clean them or something. (For the record, my eyesight is really bad. I can see things clearly without my glasses if they're held about two inches in front of my face. Anything beyond that is fuzzy. :rolleyes: )

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I'm outside, with wireless internet from the cafeteria, and it's wonderful. ^_^

I love being outside and totally connected with my precious Adam.

Hahaha :P The only bad part was part of something out there flew into my eye, and now the corner of it is all red and itchy. <_>

Lucky you... no need for glasses.

I would be having a really hard time reading it I didn't have glasses. :lol:

Oh, no, I have glasses. I've had them since I was two. Either whatever it was flew around my glasses, or I had taken them off to clean them or something. (For the record, my eyesight is really bad. I can see things clearly without my glasses if they're held about two inches in front of my face. Anything beyond that is fuzzy. :rolleyes: )

LOL... kind of like hamsters. :)

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I'm outside, with wireless internet from the cafeteria, and it's wonderful. ^_^

I love being outside and totally connected with my precious Adam.

Hahaha :P The only bad part was part of something out there flew into my eye, and now the corner of it is all red and itchy. <_<

Lucky you... no need for glasses.

I would be having a really hard time reading it I didn't have glasses. :lol:

Oh, no, I have glasses. I've had them since I was two. Either whatever it was flew around my glasses, or I had taken them off to clean them or something. (For the record, my eyesight is really bad. I can see things clearly without my glasses if they're held about two inches in front of my face. Anything beyond that is fuzzy. :rolleyes: )

LOL... kind of like hamsters. :)

:P It was bad enough that when I was really little, thhey almost had to do an operation on my eyes. I was one of those little kids with the huge, thick glasses and an eyepatch. :rolleyes:

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I'm outside, with wireless internet from the cafeteria, and it's wonderful. ^_^

I love being outside and totally connected with my precious Adam.

Hahaha :P The only bad part was part of something out there flew into my eye, and now the corner of it is all red and itchy. <_>

Lucky you... no need for glasses.

I would be having a really hard time reading it I didn't have glasses. :lol:

Oh, no, I have glasses. I've had them since I was two. Either whatever it was flew around my glasses, or I had taken them off to clean them or something. (For the record, my eyesight is really bad. I can see things clearly without my glasses if they're held about two inches in front of my face. Anything beyond that is fuzzy. :rolleyes: )

LOL... kind of like hamsters. :)

:P It was bad enough that when I was really little, thhey almost had to do an operation on my eyes. I was one of those little kids with the huge, thick glasses and an eyepatch. :rolleyes:

Oh my! At least your eyes have been corrected to good vision with glasses.

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This year has been pretty good, but I still think my sophomore year in high school was my best year. This semester has been really stressful, so I'm looking forward to it being over and the summer session starting.

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


This semester was probably my busiest one. A lot of stuff happened, mostly with the A.D.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I'm outside, with wireless internet from the cafeteria, and it's wonderful. ^_^

I love being outside and totally connected with my precious Adam.

Hahaha :P The only bad part was part of something out there flew into my eye, and now the corner of it is all red and itchy. <_<

Lucky you... no need for glasses.

I would be having a really hard time reading it I didn't have glasses. :lol:

Oh, no, I have glasses. I've had them since I was two. Either whatever it was flew around my glasses, or I had taken them off to clean them or something. (For the record, my eyesight is really bad. I can see things clearly without my glasses if they're held about two inches in front of my face. Anything beyond that is fuzzy. :rolleyes: )

LOL... kind of like hamsters. :)

:P It was bad enough that when I was really little, thhey almost had to do an operation on my eyes. I was one of those little kids with the huge, thick glasses and an eyepatch. :rolleyes:

Oh my! At least your eyes have been corrected to good vision with glasses.

This is true. I think a few years down the road when laser eye surgery becomes pretty much foolproof, I might look into that. Everyone says I should get contacts, but those are a pain to take care of. Fixing the problem completely would be better. And today: AAAAAAAAAHHHH CALC TEST!!!!!!!! I just really hope I pass.

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I'm pretty sure I passed my calc test! Yay! ^_^ The worst is now over. Only one more exam to go, and that's on Monday. :)

I have a good feeling about the results of your calc test. Not only will you pass, but you will do way better than you expected.

*crosses paws*


As for Monday's exam... you will do fantastically well!!! Which one is it again?

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I'm pretty sure I passed my calc test! Yay! ^_^ The worst is now over. Only one more exam to go, and that's on Monday. :)

I have a good feeling about the results of your calc test. Not only will you pass, but you will do way better than you expected.

*crosses paws*


As for Monday's exam... you will do fantastically well!!! Which one is it again?

Physics. I'm not too worried about that one. I usually get A's and B's on those. :)

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I'm pretty sure I passed my calc test! Yay! ^_^ The worst is now over. Only one more exam to go, and that's on Monday. :)

I have a good feeling about the results of your calc test. Not only will you pass, but you will do way better than you expected.

*crosses paws*


As for Monday's exam... you will do fantastically well!!! Which one is it again?

Physics. I'm not too worried about that one. I usually get A's and B's on those. :)

Physics you are good in so I know you will ace this final exam!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm pretty sure I passed my calc test! Yay! ^_^ The worst is now over. Only one more exam to go, and that's on Monday. :)

I have a good feeling about the results of your calc test. Not only will you pass, but you will do way better than you expected.

*crosses paws*


As for Monday's exam... you will do fantastically well!!! Which one is it again?

Physics. I'm not too worried about that one. I usually get A's and B's on those. :)

Physics you are good in so I know you will ace this final exam!!!!!!!!!!

I hope so. After calc, my GPA needs all the help it can get. :rolleyes:

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was. <_>

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? :blink:

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was. <_<

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? :blink:

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was. <_>

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? :blink:

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was. <_<

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? :blink:

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was. <_>

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? :blink:

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. :)

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was. <_<

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? :blink:

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. :)

Still haven't found out who it was...

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was. <_>

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? :blink:

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. :)

Still haven't found out who it was...

:blink: :blink: :blink:

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was. <_<

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? :blink:

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. :)

Still haven't found out who it was...

:blink: :blink: :blink:

lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah. :rolleyes:

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was. <_>

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? :blink:

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. :)

Still haven't found out who it was...

:blink: :blink: :blink:

lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah. :rolleyes:

That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day.

*loves diners*

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was. <_<

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? :blink:

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. :)

Still haven't found out who it was...

:blink: :blink: :blink:

lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah. :rolleyes:

That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day.

*loves diners*

It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. :) Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home.

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was. <_>

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? :blink:

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. :)

Still haven't found out who it was...

:blink: :blink: :blink:

lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah. :rolleyes:

That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day.

*loves diners*

It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. :) Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home.

It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen?

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was. <_<

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? :blink:

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. :)

Still haven't found out who it was...

:blink: :blink: :blink:

lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah. :rolleyes:

That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day.

*loves diners*

It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. :) Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home.

It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen?

I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow. <_<

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was. <_>

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think?

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was.

Still haven't found out who it was...


lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah. :rolleyes:

That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day.

*loves diners*

It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. :) Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home.

It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen?

I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow. <_>

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

I wonder who's bright idea that is. LOL

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was.

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think?

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was.

Still haven't found out who it was...


lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah.

That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day.

*loves diners*

It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. :) Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home.

It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen?

I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow. <_<

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

I wonder who's bright idea that is. LOL

I dunno. It's pretty dumb. Oh well. Lindsay, Steph, and I made dinner in the kitchen: pork roll and peiroghies. Desert was freezie pops and doughnuts. We were later joined by Derek and Lara. :) A little later, Christina and I might play some DDR, which will be fun. And then Ian's supposed to come over. Oh, and I went to wal-mart today, and I got shorts. :) So at least things are a little more interesting that yesterday. :rolleyes:

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was.

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think?

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was.

Still haven't found out who it was...


lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah.

That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day.

*loves diners*

It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home.

It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen?

I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow.


I wonder who's bright idea that is. LOL

I dunno. It's pretty dumb. Oh well. Lindsay, Steph, and I made dinner in the kitchen: pork roll and peiroghies. Desert was freezie pops and doughnuts. We were later joined by Derek and Lara. :) A little later, Christina and I might play some DDR, which will be fun. And then Ian's supposed to come over. Oh, and I went to wal-mart today, and I got shorts. :) So at least things are a little more interesting that yesterday. :rolleyes:

Sounds like a really interesting dinner. :rolleyes: LOL I think I would have gone for dessert first. LOL

Glad your day picked up over yesterday. :)

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was.

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think?

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was.

Still haven't found out who it was...


lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah.

That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day.

*loves diners*

It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home.

It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen?

I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow.


I wonder who's bright idea that is. LOL

I dunno. It's pretty dumb. Oh well. Lindsay, Steph, and I made dinner in the kitchen: pork roll and peiroghies. Desert was freezie pops and doughnuts. We were later joined by Derek and Lara. :) A little later, Christina and I might play some DDR, which will be fun. And then Ian's supposed to come over. Oh, and I went to wal-mart today, and I got shorts. :) So at least things are a little more interesting that yesterday. :rolleyes:

Sounds like a really interesting dinner. :rolleyes: LOL I think I would have gone for dessert first. LOL

Glad your day picked up over yesterday. :)

Me too. Ian was supposed to come over again today, but never showed up. :glare: I wanted him to come during daylight hours so he could see all the pretty trees. Lindsay went home today, but Brennan and Marius came back, which was fun. We didn't really do anything particularly interesting though. I got my lab report done, which is good, and the physics exam doesn't *look* like it's going to be too hard. Pretty much everyone's going home tomorrow, so I'm going to try and be awake and ready in time to go eat breakfast with them. I'll see Brennan and Marius again on Sunday or Monday though, because they're doing summer session as well. Tomorrow afternoon will entail lots of packing. LOTS of packing.... :rolleyes:

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was.

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think?

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was.

Still haven't found out who it was...


lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah.

That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day.

*loves diners*

It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home.

It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen?

I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow.


I wonder who's bright idea that is. LOL

I dunno. It's pretty dumb. Oh well. Lindsay, Steph, and I made dinner in the kitchen: pork roll and peiroghies. Desert was freezie pops and doughnuts. We were later joined by Derek and Lara. :) A little later, Christina and I might play some DDR, which will be fun. And then Ian's supposed to come over. Oh, and I went to wal-mart today, and I got shorts. :) So at least things are a little more interesting that yesterday. :rolleyes:

Sounds like a really interesting dinner. :rolleyes: LOL I think I would have gone for dessert first. LOL

Glad your day picked up over yesterday. :)

Me too. Ian was supposed to come over again today, but never showed up. :glare: I wanted him to come during daylight hours so he could see all the pretty trees. Lindsay went home today, but Brennan and Marius came back, which was fun. We didn't really do anything particularly interesting though. I got my lab report done, which is good, and the physics exam doesn't *look* like it's going to be too hard. Pretty much everyone's going home tomorrow, so I'm going to try and be awake and ready in time to go eat breakfast with them. I'll see Brennan and Marius again on Sunday or Monday though, because they're doing summer session as well. Tomorrow afternoon will entail lots of packing. LOTS of packing.... :rolleyes:

Good luck on your test today. I know you will ace your Physics exam. Hopefully you are up and having breakfast with them now.

I don't envy you on the packing.

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was.

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think?

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was.

Still haven't found out who it was...


lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah.

That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day.

*loves diners*

It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home.

It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen?

I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow.


I wonder who's bright idea that is. LOL

I dunno. It's pretty dumb. Oh well. Lindsay, Steph, and I made dinner in the kitchen: pork roll and peiroghies. Desert was freezie pops and doughnuts. We were later joined by Derek and Lara. A little later, Christina and I might play some DDR, which will be fun. And then Ian's supposed to come over. Oh, and I went to wal-mart today, and I got shorts. So at least things are a little more interesting that yesterday. :rolleyes:

Sounds like a really interesting dinner. :rolleyes: LOL I think I would have gone for dessert first. LOL

Glad your day picked up over yesterday. :)

Me too. Ian was supposed to come over again today, but never showed up. :glare: I wanted him to come during daylight hours so he could see all the pretty trees. Lindsay went home today, but Brennan and Marius came back, which was fun. We didn't really do anything particularly interesting though. I got my lab report done, which is good, and the physics exam doesn't *look* like it's going to be too hard. Pretty much everyone's going home tomorrow, so I'm going to try and be awake and ready in time to go eat breakfast with them. I'll see Brennan and Marius again on Sunday or Monday though, because they're doing summer session as well. Tomorrow afternoon will entail lots of packing. LOTS of packing.... :rolleyes:

Good luck on your test today. I know you will ace your Physics exam. Hopefully you are up and having breakfast with them now.

I don't envy you on the packing.

Haha. Awake before 8am... :rolleyes: Nah, I'm going to get breakfast with them around 9. I decided to get dressed before sitting down at the computer this time so I wouldn't end up rushing and running out of time. :rolleyes:

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was.

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think?

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was.

Still haven't found out who it was...


lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah.

That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day.

*loves diners*

It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home.

It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen?

I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow.


I wonder who's bright idea that is. LOL

I dunno. It's pretty dumb. Oh well. Lindsay, Steph, and I made dinner in the kitchen: pork roll and peiroghies. Desert was freezie pops and doughnuts. We were later joined by Derek and Lara. A little later, Christina and I might play some DDR, which will be fun. And then Ian's supposed to come over. Oh, and I went to wal-mart today, and I got shorts. So at least things are a little more interesting that yesterday. :rolleyes:

Sounds like a really interesting dinner. :rolleyes: LOL I think I would have gone for dessert first. LOL

Glad your day picked up over yesterday. :)

Me too. Ian was supposed to come over again today, but never showed up. :glare: I wanted him to come during daylight hours so he could see all the pretty trees. Lindsay went home today, but Brennan and Marius came back, which was fun. We didn't really do anything particularly interesting though. I got my lab report done, which is good, and the physics exam doesn't *look* like it's going to be too hard. Pretty much everyone's going home tomorrow, so I'm going to try and be awake and ready in time to go eat breakfast with them. I'll see Brennan and Marius again on Sunday or Monday though, because they're doing summer session as well. Tomorrow afternoon will entail lots of packing. LOTS of packing.... :rolleyes:

Good luck on your test today. I know you will ace your Physics exam. Hopefully you are up and having breakfast with them now.

I don't envy you on the packing.

Haha. Awake before 8am... :rolleyes: Nah, I'm going to get breakfast with them around 9. I decided to get dressed before sitting down at the computer this time so I wouldn't end up rushing and running out of time. :rolleyes:

Have fun!!!

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So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was.

Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think?

Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...

Would he mention it to you?

Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.

That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out."

Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was.

Still haven't found out who it was...


lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah.

That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day.

*loves diners*

It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home.

It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen?

I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow.


I wonder who's bright idea that is. LOL

I dunno. It's pretty dumb. Oh well. Lindsay, Steph, and I made dinner in the kitchen: pork roll and peiroghies. Desert was freezie pops and doughnuts. We were later joined by Derek and Lara. A little later, Christina and I might play some DDR, which will be fun. And then Ian's supposed to come over. Oh, and I went to wal-mart today, and I got shorts. So at least things are a little more interesting that yesterday. :rolleyes:

Sounds like a really interesting dinner. LOL I think I would have gone for dessert first. LOL

Glad your day picked up over yesterday.

Me too. Ian was supposed to come over again today, but never showed up. :glare: I wanted him to come during daylight hours so he could see all the pretty trees. Lindsay went home today, but Brennan and Marius came back, which was fun. We didn't really do anything particularly interesting though. I got my lab report done, which is good, and the physics exam doesn't *look* like it's going to be too hard. Pretty much everyone's going home tomorrow, so I'm going to try and be awake and ready in time to go eat breakfast with them. I'll see Brennan and Marius again on Sunday or Monday though, because they're doing summer session as well. Tomorrow afternoon will entail lots of packing. LOTS of packing.... :rolleyes:

Good luck on your test today. I know you will ace your Physics exam. Hopefully you are up and having breakfast with them now.

I don't envy you on the packing.

Haha. Awake before 8am... :rolleyes: Nah, I'm going to get breakfast with them around 9. I decided to get dressed before sitting down at the computer this time so I wouldn't end up rushing and running out of time. :rolleyes:

Have fun!!!

I did! :P I'm not sure how I did on my exam, but I'm not too worried about it. I spent most of my day packing. I don't think all this stuff is going to fit in the minivan, even if we do strap stuff to the roof. :unsure: Then I watched Heroes with Christina, which was fun, but not the same without Marius and Brennan. Oh, I forgot to mention something that Ian said when he was here the other day that I thought was both sweet and very interesting. He said that the weekend he spent with me at camp when we went to the Ren Faire was the happiest time of his life. And he was serious. I felt quite honored. And I thought it was interesting too, because I'd have to say the happiest time of my life was those last few days of sophomore year after exams when we would just hang out in the hallway or walk down the street to get Italian ice and just chat. So our happiest moments involve each other. I thought that was really interesting. And I can't believe I go home tomorrow...

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And now, after lots of complicated packing and unpacking, and riding home not in a normal car seat but in the chair from my room, I'm home. :) For a whole three days. Then camp for the weekend, and then moving back into college. Wooo!

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And now, after lots of complicated packing and unpacking, and riding home not in a normal car seat but in the chair from my room, I'm home. :) For a whole three days. Then camp for the weekend, and then moving back into college. Wooo!

I think I would just want to leave the car packed. :lol:

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And now, after lots of complicated packing and unpacking, and riding home not in a normal car seat but in the chair from my room, I'm home. :) For a whole three days. Then camp for the weekend, and then moving back into college. Wooo!

I think I would just want to leave the car packed. :lol:

It would have been nice, but unfortunately we're going to need the car in unpacked form throughout the week.

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So, today I visited my old high school and my church youth group. Everyone was all happy to see me and hear that my first year at college went well. My sister's crazy friends were all over today too, which was fun. :) Tomorrow it's up to camp for the weekend, and then back to college. I already miss my college friends, and I'm looking forward to seeing most of them on Sunday. :)

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So, today I visited my old high school and my church youth group. Everyone was all happy to see me and hear that my first year at college went well. My sister's crazy friends were all over today too, which was fun. :) Tomorrow it's up to camp for the weekend, and then back to college. I already miss my college friends, and I'm looking forward to seeing most of them on Sunday. :)

Glad you arrived. I was thinking that unpacking the car took longer than you anticipated. LOL We will miss you while you are away for the weekend. Hope you have fun up at camp.

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I'm back! And due to some paperwork error, I have no roomie! ^_^ Having my own room is pretty awesome. My friends have been hanging out here most of the day. Classes start tomorrow. And we saw Spiderman 3 today! It was a little corny in some places, but still really good. :)

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I'm back! And due to some paperwork error, I have no roomie! ^_^ Having my own room is pretty awesome. My friends have been hanging out here most of the day. Classes start tomorrow. And we saw Spiderman 3 today! It was a little corny in some places, but still really good. :)

Not having a roomie has some benefits. :lol:

That was such a quick week. Pack up, move home, unpack, go to camp, pack up, move back, start classes. Phew. I'm ready for a nap.

What classes will you be taking? Thanks for the review of Spiderman 3, I think I see this one. A little corny always help to break up the day. :lol:

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I'm back! And due to some paperwork error, I have no roomie! ^_^ Having my own room is pretty awesome. My friends have been hanging out here most of the day. Classes start tomorrow. And we saw Spiderman 3 today! It was a little corny in some places, but still really good. :)

Not having a roomie has some benefits. :lol:

That was such a quick week. Pack up, move home, unpack, go to camp, pack up, move back, start classes. Phew. I'm ready for a nap.

What classes will you be taking? Thanks for the review of Spiderman 3, I think I see this one. A little corny always help to break up the day. :lol:

I know! I'll be taking chem and a lab, and business ethics (takes care of a philosophy requirement). 7.5 hours of classes today. And yeah, Spiderman had some really mixed reviews. I think all the action movie people were disappointed that it wasn't all action. There's romance and a moral lesson involved. :P

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I'm back! And due to some paperwork error, I have no roomie! ^_^ Having my own room is pretty awesome. My friends have been hanging out here most of the day. Classes start tomorrow. And we saw Spiderman 3 today! It was a little corny in some places, but still really good. :)

Not having a roomie has some benefits. :lol:

That was such a quick week. Pack up, move home, unpack, go to camp, pack up, move back, start classes. Phew. I'm ready for a nap.

What classes will you be taking? Thanks for the review of Spiderman 3, I think I see this one. A little corny always help to break up the day. :lol:

I know! I'll be taking chem and a lab, and business ethics (takes care of a philosophy requirement). 7.5 hours of classes today. And yeah, Spiderman had some really mixed reviews. I think all the action movie people were disappointed that it wasn't all action. There's romance and a moral lesson involved. :P

Sounds like my kind of movie. Thanks.

Good luck in your classes. 7.5 hours of classes, I think I would fall asleep in one of them. :lol: I admire you for being so dedicated.

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I'm back! And due to some paperwork error, I have no roomie! ^_^ Having my own room is pretty awesome. My friends have been hanging out here most of the day. Classes start tomorrow. And we saw Spiderman 3 today! It was a little corny in some places, but still really good. :)

Not having a roomie has some benefits. :lol:

That was such a quick week. Pack up, move home, unpack, go to camp, pack up, move back, start classes. Phew. I'm ready for a nap.

What classes will you be taking? Thanks for the review of Spiderman 3, I think I see this one. A little corny always help to break up the day. :lol:

I know! I'll be taking chem and a lab, and business ethics (takes care of a philosophy requirement). 7.5 hours of classes today. And yeah, Spiderman had some really mixed reviews. I think all the action movie people were disappointed that it wasn't all action. There's romance and a moral lesson involved. :P

Sounds like my kind of movie. Thanks.

Good luck in your classes. 7.5 hours of classes, I think I would fall asleep in one of them. :lol: I admire you for being so dedicated.

lol thanks :) I have a roomie now. She seems alright though. I just hope she's not as obnoxious as the people in the next room over. o.O

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I'm back! And due to some paperwork error, I have no roomie! ^_^ Having my own room is pretty awesome. My friends have been hanging out here most of the day. Classes start tomorrow. And we saw Spiderman 3 today! It was a little corny in some places, but still really good. :)

Not having a roomie has some benefits. :lol:

That was such a quick week. Pack up, move home, unpack, go to camp, pack up, move back, start classes. Phew. I'm ready for a nap.

What classes will you be taking? Thanks for the review of Spiderman 3, I think I see this one. A little corny always help to break up the day. :lol:

I know! I'll be taking chem and a lab, and business ethics (takes care of a philosophy requirement). 7.5 hours of classes today. And yeah, Spiderman had some really mixed reviews. I think all the action movie people were disappointed that it wasn't all action. There's romance and a moral lesson involved. :P

Sounds like my kind of movie. Thanks.

Good luck in your classes. 7.5 hours of classes, I think I would fall asleep in one of them. :lol: I admire you for being so dedicated.

lol thanks :) I have a roomie now. She seems alright though. I just hope she's not as obnoxious as the people in the next room over. o.O

For your sake, I hope so too! That would make for a very long summer.

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I'm back! And due to some paperwork error, I have no roomie! ^_^ Having my own room is pretty awesome. My friends have been hanging out here most of the day. Classes start tomorrow. And we saw Spiderman 3 today! It was a little corny in some places, but still really good. :)

Not having a roomie has some benefits. :lol:

That was such a quick week. Pack up, move home, unpack, go to camp, pack up, move back, start classes. Phew. I'm ready for a nap.

What classes will you be taking? Thanks for the review of Spiderman 3, I think I see this one. A little corny always help to break up the day. :lol:

I know! I'll be taking chem and a lab, and business ethics (takes care of a philosophy requirement). 7.5 hours of classes today. And yeah, Spiderman had some really mixed reviews. I think all the action movie people were disappointed that it wasn't all action. There's romance and a moral lesson involved. :P

Sounds like my kind of movie. Thanks.

Good luck in your classes. 7.5 hours of classes, I think I would fall asleep in one of them. :lol: I admire you for being so dedicated.

lol thanks :) I have a roomie now. She seems alright though. I just hope she's not as obnoxious as the people in the next room over. o.O

For your sake, I hope so too! That would make for a very long summer.

Oh yeah. o.O

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So, last night began the drunken antics. The people in the room next to me were all sorts of loud and obnoxious. The girl in the other room in my suite, Rhonda, is in my chem class, and was also annoyed by the noise. I'm hoping to get a suite meeting together sometime soon to discuss things. Not just the noise, but things like keeping the bathrooms clean and whatnot. If things get really bad, I might gather together some other people that are annoyed by the noise and see if we can do some room shuffling to create a quiet, sober suite. Or another idea (that I just thought of and am therefore writing it down) would be to designate one room in the suite for sleeping (move all the beds into that one), one for studying (being awake, and quiet, move all the desks into that one), and one room for just hanging out, like a living room (and we could use that one for general storage). We would keep the living room far from the sleeping room (currently the loud obnoxious people are in the middle room).


Anyways, later today we're going to Staples. I need a notebook and a folder or two. After that maybe I can get everyone to go play DDR or something fun like that. And I miss Ian. Like really miss him. And he's never online. :(

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So, last night began the drunken antics. The people in the room next to me were all sorts of loud and obnoxious. The girl in the other room in my suite, Rhonda, is in my chem class, and was also annoyed by the noise. I'm hoping to get a suite meeting together sometime soon to discuss things. Not just the noise, but things like keeping the bathrooms clean and whatnot. If things get really bad, I might gather together some other people that are annoyed by the noise and see if we can do some room shuffling to create a quiet, sober suite. Or another idea (that I just thought of and am therefore writing it down) would be to designate one room in the suite for sleeping (move all the beds into that one), one for studying (being awake, and quiet, move all the desks into that one), and one room for just hanging out, like a living room (and we could use that one for general storage). We would keep the living room far from the sleeping room (currently the loud obnoxious people are in the middle room).


Anyways, later today we're going to Staples. I need a notebook and a folder or two. After that maybe I can get everyone to go play DDR or something fun like that. And I miss Ian. Like really miss him. And he's never online. :(

You always think of the best ideas! Your idea about designating one room for sleeping and keeping the living room far away from the sleeping room is stellar!!!

That sounds like a really fantastic plan. Good luck. I think everyone would like that idea.

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I hope your dorm situation works out, you sure have some good ideas for it. No one should have to put up with that stuff at college (although I guess it's inevitable unless drinking is banned across the board in the school).

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Thanks :) Luckily all is quiet right now. My roomie was already sleeping when I came back into the room. :) I'll probably talk to them and request that they party in someone else's suite (they have a bunch of other friends that are in their room quite often).

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Thanks :) Luckily all is quiet right now. My roomie was already sleeping when I came back into the room. :) I'll probably talk to them and request that they party in someone else's suite (they have a bunch of other friends that are in their room quite often).

Sounds like a really great idea. Good luck.

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I'm proud of Ian today. :) He was supposed to come over today, but couldn't because his sister was really sick, and I guess he had to go with his mom to get her or something like that. And instead of just not showing up and telling me tomorrow, like he normally does, he actually called and left a voicemail (which, by the way, was really adorable :wub: ).

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I'm proud of Ian today. :) He was supposed to come over today, but couldn't because his sister was really sick, and I guess he had to go with his mom to get her or something like that. And instead of just not showing up and telling me tomorrow, like he normally does, he actually called and left a voicemail (which, by the way, was really adorable :wub: ).


I see the training is working.

*evil laugh is heard*

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I'm proud of Ian today. :) He was supposed to come over today, but couldn't because his sister was really sick, and I guess he had to go with his mom to get her or something like that. And instead of just not showing up and telling me tomorrow, like he normally does, he actually called and left a voicemail (which, by the way, was really adorable :wub: ).


I see the training is working.

*evil laugh is heard*

Hahaha :P

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So, I've been wondering about some stuff lately:


Derek keeps making jokes about Ian, and when he does, he gets really akward about it. And mom noticed how "he always has something nice to say" when he coments on things on a certain networking site. And when the picture of me went missing from my marker board awhile ago, a couple of my friends suggested that he was the one that took it. So it would seem that he likes me. But he has a girlfriend. Weird huh? For the record, I'm not interested in him at all.


Marius and Christina have been spending lots of time together the past couple of days. But wait! There's more! Awhile ago, I told him I thought him and Christina would make a cute couple, but we both agreed that it would be super akward because her and Kevin had broken up, and, yeah. BUT Kevin isn't exactly Mr. Popular right now, because he's apparently been going out with Jackie (Brennan's very recent ex, and mutual friend), since last Tuesday. So it's possible that everyone's pretty much done with Kevin now, which would give Marius more liberty to pursue Christina (especially since he knows it's not going to work out with Priscilla).


Ian's been especially cute on the phone lately. This is what the voicemail he sent me said: "Hello my love! This is Ian. Um, I'm in princeton right now, but unfortunately my little sister's really, really, really sick, and we have to get home right away, so I'm going to have to cancel today. I will see you soon though! I love you! Muah! I'll see you later." Yeah. And I was talking to my friend Ruby the other day online, and told her about the voicemail thing, and she said, "so you two still not saying that you like each other?" :rolleyes:


So that's what's been on my mind lately. And I'm really really bored, and kinda lonely, so that only amplifies the effect.

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So, I've been wondering about some stuff lately:


Derek keeps making jokes about Ian, and when he does, he gets really akward about it. And mom noticed how "he always has something nice to say" when he coments on things on a certain networking site. And when the picture of me went missing from my marker board awhile ago, a couple of my friends suggested that he was the one that took it. So it would seem that he likes me. But he has a girlfriend. Weird huh? For the record, I'm not interested in him at all.


Marius and Christina have been spending lots of time together the past couple of days. But wait! There's more! Awhile ago, I told him I thought him and Christina would make a cute couple, but we both agreed that it would be super akward because her and Kevin had broken up, and, yeah. BUT Kevin isn't exactly Mr. Popular right now, because he's apparently been going out with Jackie (Brennan's very recent ex, and mutual friend), since last Tuesday. So it's possible that everyone's pretty much done with Kevin now, which would give Marius more liberty to pursue Christina (especially since he knows it's not going to work out with Priscilla).


Ian's been especially cute on the phone lately. This is what the voicemail he sent me said: "Hello my love! This is Ian. Um, I'm in princeton right now, but unfortunately my little sister's really, really, really sick, and we have to get home right away, so I'm going to have to cancel today. I will see you soon though! I love you! Muah! I'll see you later." Yeah. And I was talking to my friend Ruby the other day online, and told her about the voicemail thing, and she said, "so you two still not saying that you like each other?" :rolleyes:


So that's what's been on my mind lately. And I'm really really bored, and kinda lonely, so that only amplifies the effect.

I thought Ian was on your mind. :D

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So, I've been wondering about some stuff lately:


Derek keeps making jokes about Ian, and when he does, he gets really akward about it. And mom noticed how "he always has something nice to say" when he coments on things on a certain networking site. And when the picture of me went missing from my marker board awhile ago, a couple of my friends suggested that he was the one that took it. So it would seem that he likes me. But he has a girlfriend. Weird huh? For the record, I'm not interested in him at all.


Marius and Christina have been spending lots of time together the past couple of days. But wait! There's more! Awhile ago, I told him I thought him and Christina would make a cute couple, but we both agreed that it would be super akward because her and Kevin had broken up, and, yeah. BUT Kevin isn't exactly Mr. Popular right now, because he's apparently been going out with Jackie (Brennan's very recent ex, and mutual friend), since last Tuesday. So it's possible that everyone's pretty much done with Kevin now, which would give Marius more liberty to pursue Christina (especially since he knows it's not going to work out with Priscilla).


Ian's been especially cute on the phone lately. This is what the voicemail he sent me said: "Hello my love! This is Ian. Um, I'm in princeton right now, but unfortunately my little sister's really, really, really sick, and we have to get home right away, so I'm going to have to cancel today. I will see you soon though! I love you! Muah! I'll see you later." Yeah. And I was talking to my friend Ruby the other day online, and told her about the voicemail thing, and she said, "so you two still not saying that you like each other?" :rolleyes:


So that's what's been on my mind lately. And I'm really really bored, and kinda lonely, so that only amplifies the effect.

I thought Ian was on your mind. :D

lol :P Yeah, he's usually on my mind, but he has been more so than usual lately. I'm actually chatting with him online now. Apparently his dad isn't doing too well.

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So, I've been wondering about some stuff lately:


Derek keeps making jokes about Ian, and when he does, he gets really akward about it. And mom noticed how "he always has something nice to say" when he coments on things on a certain networking site. And when the picture of me went missing from my marker board awhile ago, a couple of my friends suggested that he was the one that took it. So it would seem that he likes me. But he has a girlfriend. Weird huh? For the record, I'm not interested in him at all.


Marius and Christina have been spending lots of time together the past couple of days. But wait! There's more! Awhile ago, I told him I thought him and Christina would make a cute couple, but we both agreed that it would be super akward because her and Kevin had broken up, and, yeah. BUT Kevin isn't exactly Mr. Popular right now, because he's apparently been going out with Jackie (Brennan's very recent ex, and mutual friend), since last Tuesday. So it's possible that everyone's pretty much done with Kevin now, which would give Marius more liberty to pursue Christina (especially since he knows it's not going to work out with Priscilla).


Ian's been especially cute on the phone lately. This is what the voicemail he sent me said: "Hello my love! This is Ian. Um, I'm in princeton right now, but unfortunately my little sister's really, really, really sick, and we have to get home right away, so I'm going to have to cancel today. I will see you soon though! I love you! Muah! I'll see you later." Yeah. And I was talking to my friend Ruby the other day online, and told her about the voicemail thing, and she said, "so you two still not saying that you like each other?" :rolleyes:


So that's what's been on my mind lately. And I'm really really bored, and kinda lonely, so that only amplifies the effect.

....Yep. That Derek guy likes you. Guys always make fun of the competition and then compliment as much as possible. Especially on them networking sites. XD And having a girlfriend doesn't stop some guys, which is pretty sad. :rolleyes:


Haha. Yay friend drama. It sounds really similar to a drama that went on last year in the"group"(that now barely holds any ties except through me) I was in, only on an older more advanced level. XD


Awww, how cute. =D Well, hopefully his sister gets better soon. And then talking to friends about it always makes it more comically cute because the friend always reinforces it. XD Boredom stinks.

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So, I've been wondering about some stuff lately:


Derek keeps making jokes about Ian, and when he does, he gets really akward about it. And mom noticed how "he always has something nice to say" when he coments on things on a certain networking site. And when the picture of me went missing from my marker board awhile ago, a couple of my friends suggested that he was the one that took it. So it would seem that he likes me. But he has a girlfriend. Weird huh? For the record, I'm not interested in him at all.


Marius and Christina have been spending lots of time together the past couple of days. But wait! There's more! Awhile ago, I told him I thought him and Christina would make a cute couple, but we both agreed that it would be super akward because her and Kevin had broken up, and, yeah. BUT Kevin isn't exactly Mr. Popular right now, because he's apparently been going out with Jackie (Brennan's very recent ex, and mutual friend), since last Tuesday. So it's possible that everyone's pretty much done with Kevin now, which would give Marius more liberty to pursue Christina (especially since he knows it's not going to work out with Priscilla).


Ian's been especially cute on the phone lately. This is what the voicemail he sent me said: "Hello my love! This is Ian. Um, I'm in princeton right now, but unfortunately my little sister's really, really, really sick, and we have to get home right away, so I'm going to have to cancel today. I will see you soon though! I love you! Muah! I'll see you later." Yeah. And I was talking to my friend Ruby the other day online, and told her about the voicemail thing, and she said, "so you two still not saying that you like each other?" :rolleyes:


So that's what's been on my mind lately. And I'm really really bored, and kinda lonely, so that only amplifies the effect.

I thought Ian was on your mind. :D

lol :P Yeah, he's usually on my mind, but he has been more so than usual lately. I'm actually chatting with him online now. Apparently his dad isn't doing too well.

I am so sorry to hear about his father. I will keep his father in my thoughts, heart and prayers.

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So, I've been wondering about some stuff lately:


Derek keeps making jokes about Ian, and when he does, he gets really akward about it. And mom noticed how "he always has something nice to say" when he coments on things on a certain networking site. And when the picture of me went missing from my marker board awhile ago, a couple of my friends suggested that he was the one that took it. So it would seem that he likes me. But he has a girlfriend. Weird huh? For the record, I'm not interested in him at all.


Marius and Christina have been spending lots of time together the past couple of days. But wait! There's more! Awhile ago, I told him I thought him and Christina would make a cute couple, but we both agreed that it would be super akward because her and Kevin had broken up, and, yeah. BUT Kevin isn't exactly Mr. Popular right now, because he's apparently been going out with Jackie (Brennan's very recent ex, and mutual friend), since last Tuesday. So it's possible that everyone's pretty much done with Kevin now, which would give Marius more liberty to pursue Christina (especially since he knows it's not going to work out with Priscilla).


Ian's been especially cute on the phone lately. This is what the voicemail he sent me said: "Hello my love! This is Ian. Um, I'm in princeton right now, but unfortunately my little sister's really, really, really sick, and we have to get home right away, so I'm going to have to cancel today. I will see you soon though! I love you! Muah! I'll see you later." Yeah. And I was talking to my friend Ruby the other day online, and told her about the voicemail thing, and she said, "so you two still not saying that you like each other?" :rolleyes:


So that's what's been on my mind lately. And I'm really really bored, and kinda lonely, so that only amplifies the effect.

I thought Ian was on your mind. :D

lol :P Yeah, he's usually on my mind, but he has been more so than usual lately. I'm actually chatting with him online now. Apparently his dad isn't doing too well.

I am so sorry to hear about his father. I will keep his father in my thoughts, heart and prayers.

Yeah, apparently he's going through a bit of depression. His mom (thus Ian's grandmother) died last year, and it's coming up on the one year anniversary. And Ian's dad I guess hasn't really dealt with the grief yet, and I guess it's catching up to him. And Marissa (Ian's little sister) just turned 13.


Oh, and I'm going to see about switching my room. Today we had a fire drill at 9am. After they let us back in, I came back in the room and went back to sleep. A few minutes later, my roomie came back, and turned on the TV. Being half asleep, I grumbled, "Hey, can we not have the TV on when I'm sleeping?" and then something about my being sensitive to sounds. (There are three things that can really aggrivate me: Lack of food, lack of sleep, and sounds. She's covered two of those so far.) Instead of turning the TV off, she asked if she could just turn it down, which I let her do, grudgingly (note that I'm awake now, and not sleeping like I should be). So yeah, I'm going to see about switching my room later today.

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So, I've been wondering about some stuff lately:


Derek keeps making jokes about Ian, and when he does, he gets really akward about it. And mom noticed how "he always has something nice to say" when he coments on things on a certain networking site. And when the picture of me went missing from my marker board awhile ago, a couple of my friends suggested that he was the one that took it. So it would seem that he likes me. But he has a girlfriend. Weird huh? For the record, I'm not interested in him at all.


Marius and Christina have been spending lots of time together the past couple of days. But wait! There's more! Awhile ago, I told him I thought him and Christina would make a cute couple, but we both agreed that it would be super akward because her and Kevin had broken up, and, yeah. BUT Kevin isn't exactly Mr. Popular right now, because he's apparently been going out with Jackie (Brennan's very recent ex, and mutual friend), since last Tuesday. So it's possible that everyone's pretty much done with Kevin now, which would give Marius more liberty to pursue Christina (especially since he knows it's not going to work out with Priscilla).


Ian's been especially cute on the phone lately. This is what the voicemail he sent me said: "Hello my love! This is Ian. Um, I'm in princeton right now, but unfortunately my little sister's really, really, really sick, and we have to get home right away, so I'm going to have to cancel today. I will see you soon though! I love you! Muah! I'll see you later." Yeah. And I was talking to my friend Ruby the other day online, and told her about the voicemail thing, and she said, "so you two still not saying that you like each other?" :rolleyes:


So that's what's been on my mind lately. And I'm really really bored, and kinda lonely, so that only amplifies the effect.

I thought Ian was on your mind. :D

lol :P Yeah, he's usually on my mind, but he has been more so than usual lately. I'm actually chatting with him online now. Apparently his dad isn't doing too well.

I am so sorry to hear about his father. I will keep his father in my thoughts, heart and prayers.

Yeah, apparently he's going through a bit of depression. His mom (thus Ian's grandmother) died last year, and it's coming up on the one year anniversary. And Ian's dad I guess hasn't really dealt with the grief yet, and I guess it's catching up to him. And Marissa (Ian's little sister) just turned 13.


Oh, and I'm going to see about switching my room. Today we had a fire drill at 9am. After they let us back in, I came back in the room and went back to sleep. A few minutes later, my roomie came back, and turned on the TV. Being half asleep, I grumbled, "Hey, can we not have the TV on when I'm sleeping?" and then something about my being sensitive to sounds. (There are three things that can really aggrivate me: Lack of food, lack of sleep, and sounds. She's covered two of those so far.) Instead of turning the TV off, she asked if she could just turn it down, which I let her do, grudgingly (note that I'm awake now, and not sleeping like I should be). So yeah, I'm going to see about switching my room later today.

Mine is lack of sleep (BIG)!!!!! For sounds I always use ear plugs.

Switching sounds like a must. This girl has no idea of consideration for others. You don't need that aggravation. Good luck.


As for Ian's father, this is tough. I hope he deals with everything this time to start to put it behind him. Some things take much longer than others.

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So, I've been wondering about some stuff lately:


Derek keeps making jokes about Ian, and when he does, he gets really akward about it. And mom noticed how "he always has something nice to say" when he coments on things on a certain networking site. And when the picture of me went missing from my marker board awhile ago, a couple of my friends suggested that he was the one that took it. So it would seem that he likes me. But he has a girlfriend. Weird huh? For the record, I'm not interested in him at all.


Marius and Christina have been spending lots of time together the past couple of days. But wait! There's more! Awhile ago, I told him I thought him and Christina would make a cute couple, but we both agreed that it would be super akward because her and Kevin had broken up, and, yeah. BUT Kevin isn't exactly Mr. Popular right now, because he's apparently been going out with Jackie (Brennan's very recent ex, and mutual friend), since last Tuesday. So it's possible that everyone's pretty much done with Kevin now, which would give Marius more liberty to pursue Christina (especially since he knows it's not going to work out with Priscilla).


Ian's been especially cute on the phone lately. This is what the voicemail he sent me said: "Hello my love! This is Ian. Um, I'm in princeton right now, but unfortunately my little sister's really, really, really sick, and we have to get home right away, so I'm going to have to cancel today. I will see you soon though! I love you! Muah! I'll see you later." Yeah. And I was talking to my friend Ruby the other day online, and told her about the voicemail thing, and she said, "so you two still not saying that you like each other?" :rolleyes:


So that's what's been on my mind lately. And I'm really really bored, and kinda lonely, so that only amplifies the effect.

I thought Ian was on your mind. :D

lol :P Yeah, he's usually on my mind, but he has been more so than usual lately. I'm actually chatting with him online now. Apparently his dad isn't doing too well.

I am so sorry to hear about his father. I will keep his father in my thoughts, heart and prayers.

Yeah, apparently he's going through a bit of depression. His mom (thus Ian's grandmother) died last year, and it's coming up on the one year anniversary. And Ian's dad I guess hasn't really dealt with the grief yet, and I guess it's catching up to him. And Marissa (Ian's little sister) just turned 13.


Oh, and I'm going to see about switching my room. Today we had a fire drill at 9am. After they let us back in, I came back in the room and went back to sleep. A few minutes later, my roomie came back, and turned on the TV. Being half asleep, I grumbled, "Hey, can we not have the TV on when I'm sleeping?" and then something about my being sensitive to sounds. (There are three things that can really aggrivate me: Lack of food, lack of sleep, and sounds. She's covered two of those so far.) Instead of turning the TV off, she asked if she could just turn it down, which I let her do, grudgingly (note that I'm awake now, and not sleeping like I should be). So yeah, I'm going to see about switching my room later today.

Mine is lack of sleep (BIG)!!!!! For sounds I always use ear plugs.

Switching sounds like a must. This girl has no idea of consideration for others. You don't need that aggravation. Good luck.


As for Ian's father, this is tough. I hope he deals with everything this time to start to put it behind him. Some things take much longer than others.

Yeah. Right now, I'm sitting her with my headphones on. And what does my roomie do? Start playing some rather loud and obnoxious music. <_< Seriously now, does she like, not have a brain? And Ian's dad seems like a very strong person. I'm sure he'll be okay in time.

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Annoying people are annoying, yes?

Yeah, pretty much. :P I talked to an RA today, and she said to try to work things out with my roomie (yeah right, even if we did, our lifestyles are so different, it wouldn't be good for either of us). She also said I couldn't move anywhere within the building (unless I switched with someone), so I'll have to talk to the residence life lady Monday morning, and if I can move, it'll probably be into the other building (which would be great, because then I'd be in a normal double room instead of a suite, and it's the same building as Marius and Brennan). Right now my roomie is in the room, with the tv on loud, with one of her guy friends. I would like to leave to call Ian, but I'm afraid that if I leave, coming back into the room might be akward. So I'm only going to hope they get tired of my being here and leave.

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Annoying people are annoying, yes?

Yeah, pretty much. :P I talked to an RA today, and she said to try to work things out with my roomie (yeah right, even if we did, our lifestyles are so different, it wouldn't be good for either of us). She also said I couldn't move anywhere within the building (unless I switched with someone), so I'll have to talk to the residence life lady Monday morning, and if I can move, it'll probably be into the other building (which would be great, because then I'd be in a normal double room instead of a suite, and it's the same building as Marius and Brennan). Right now my roomie is in the room, with the tv on loud, with one of her guy friends. I would like to leave to call Ian, but I'm afraid that if I leave, coming back into the room might be akward. So I'm only going to hope they get tired of my being here and leave.

She sounds so very self-centered and inconsiderate. I hope you get to move.

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Annoying people are annoying, yes?

Yeah, pretty much. :P I talked to an RA today, and she said to try to work things out with my roomie (yeah right, even if we did, our lifestyles are so different, it wouldn't be good for either of us). She also said I couldn't move anywhere within the building (unless I switched with someone), so I'll have to talk to the residence life lady Monday morning, and if I can move, it'll probably be into the other building (which would be great, because then I'd be in a normal double room instead of a suite, and it's the same building as Marius and Brennan). Right now my roomie is in the room, with the tv on loud, with one of her guy friends. I would like to leave to call Ian, but I'm afraid that if I leave, coming back into the room might be akward. So I'm only going to hope they get tired of my being here and leave.

She sounds so very self-centered and inconsiderate. I hope you get to move.

Me too. Moving into the other building would be so nice. All I need is a roomie that can be quiet and not turn lights on when I'm sleeping, is that so much to ask?

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Annoying people are annoying, yes?

Yeah, pretty much. :P I talked to an RA today, and she said to try to work things out with my roomie (yeah right, even if we did, our lifestyles are so different, it wouldn't be good for either of us). She also said I couldn't move anywhere within the building (unless I switched with someone), so I'll have to talk to the residence life lady Monday morning, and if I can move, it'll probably be into the other building (which would be great, because then I'd be in a normal double room instead of a suite, and it's the same building as Marius and Brennan). Right now my roomie is in the room, with the tv on loud, with one of her guy friends. I would like to leave to call Ian, but I'm afraid that if I leave, coming back into the room might be akward. So I'm only going to hope they get tired of my being here and leave.

She sounds so very self-centered and inconsiderate. I hope you get to move.

Me too. Moving into the other building would be so nice. All I need is a roomie that can be quiet and not turn lights on when I'm sleeping, is that so much to ask?

I would think there is a like minded roomie out there for you.

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Annoying people are annoying, yes?

Yeah, pretty much. :P I talked to an RA today, and she said to try to work things out with my roomie (yeah right, even if we did, our lifestyles are so different, it wouldn't be good for either of us). She also said I couldn't move anywhere within the building (unless I switched with someone), so I'll have to talk to the residence life lady Monday morning, and if I can move, it'll probably be into the other building (which would be great, because then I'd be in a normal double room instead of a suite, and it's the same building as Marius and Brennan). Right now my roomie is in the room, with the tv on loud, with one of her guy friends. I would like to leave to call Ian, but I'm afraid that if I leave, coming back into the room might be akward. So I'm only going to hope they get tired of my being here and leave.

She sounds so very self-centered and inconsiderate. I hope you get to move.

Me too. Moving into the other building would be so nice. All I need is a roomie that can be quiet and not turn lights on when I'm sleeping, is that so much to ask?

I would think there is a like minded roomie out there for you.

lol one can hope. So, new idea on my mind: in the Bible, there's that verse that's generally held to mean you're not supposed to date/marry outside of your faith. However, in the same book of the Bible, it also says that it is better to marry than to burn with passion. I haven't quite made a decision on it yet, I'm still thinking it over and praying about it.

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Annoying people are annoying, yes?

Yeah, pretty much. :P I talked to an RA today, and she said to try to work things out with my roomie (yeah right, even if we did, our lifestyles are so different, it wouldn't be good for either of us). She also said I couldn't move anywhere within the building (unless I switched with someone), so I'll have to talk to the residence life lady Monday morning, and if I can move, it'll probably be into the other building (which would be great, because then I'd be in a normal double room instead of a suite, and it's the same building as Marius and Brennan). Right now my roomie is in the room, with the tv on loud, with one of her guy friends. I would like to leave to call Ian, but I'm afraid that if I leave, coming back into the room might be akward. So I'm only going to hope they get tired of my being here and leave.

She sounds so very self-centered and inconsiderate. I hope you get to move.

Me too. Moving into the other building would be so nice. All I need is a roomie that can be quiet and not turn lights on when I'm sleeping, is that so much to ask?

I would think there is a like minded roomie out there for you.

lol one can hope. So, new idea on my mind: in the Bible, there's that verse that's generally held to mean you're not supposed to date/marry outside of your faith. However, in the same book of the Bible, it also says that it is better to marry than to burn with passion. I haven't quite made a decision on it yet, I'm still thinking it over and praying about it.

You already know my point of view. :lol:

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Annoying people are annoying, yes?

Yeah, pretty much. :P I talked to an RA today, and she said to try to work things out with my roomie (yeah right, even if we did, our lifestyles are so different, it wouldn't be good for either of us). She also said I couldn't move anywhere within the building (unless I switched with someone), so I'll have to talk to the residence life lady Monday morning, and if I can move, it'll probably be into the other building (which would be great, because then I'd be in a normal double room instead of a suite, and it's the same building as Marius and Brennan). Right now my roomie is in the room, with the tv on loud, with one of her guy friends. I would like to leave to call Ian, but I'm afraid that if I leave, coming back into the room might be akward. So I'm only going to hope they get tired of my being here and leave.

She sounds so very self-centered and inconsiderate. I hope you get to move.

Me too. Moving into the other building would be so nice. All I need is a roomie that can be quiet and not turn lights on when I'm sleeping, is that so much to ask?

I would think there is a like minded roomie out there for you.

lol one can hope. So, new idea on my mind: in the Bible, there's that verse that's generally held to mean you're not supposed to date/marry outside of your faith. However, in the same book of the Bible, it also says that it is better to marry than to burn with passion. I haven't quite made a decision on it yet, I'm still thinking it over and praying about it.

You already know my point of view. :lol:

lol :P

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BTW, you can't hang out here in the middle of the night without posting. :lol:

I say go for it. :D

Wow you're up late. And I did post. New poem. So there. :P

:lol: Great! :lol:

You haven't stopped up at my topic to see what I have been up to...

you just might be surprised. :rolleyes:

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BTW, you can't hang out here in the middle of the night without posting. :lol:

I say go for it. :D

Wow you're up late. And I did post. New poem. So there. :P

:lol: Great! :lol:

You haven't stopped up at my topic to see what I have been up to...

you just might be surprised. :rolleyes:

Oh really? And where is this topic again?

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BTW, you can't hang out here in the middle of the night without posting. :lol:

I say go for it. :D

Wow you're up late. And I did post. New poem. So there. :P

:lol: Great! :lol:

You haven't stopped up at my topic to see what I have been up to...

you just might be surprised. :rolleyes:

Oh really? And where is this topic again?

HampsterDance Talk.

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BTW, you can't hang out here in the middle of the night without posting. :lol:

I say go for it. :D

Wow you're up late. And I did post. New poem. So there. :P

:lol: Great! :lol:

You haven't stopped up at my topic to see what I have been up to...

you just might be surprised. :rolleyes:

Oh really? And where is this topic again?

HampsterDance Talk.

A motorcycle? Awesome. :D

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I think you and Ian would make a great couple.

lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom.

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I think you and Ian would make a great couple.

lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom.

Your mother would be a good place to start. I think you could have a wonderful marriage and still both have your religions.

Ian sounds like such a nice, considerate and thoughtful person. These type guys do not come along everyday. I think the

religion part could be worked out and you never know, he might surprise you after you both are together.

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And now I'm going to go make a couple of signs reminding everyone to close the suite door gently instead of letting it slam. :)

Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer*

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I think you and Ian would make a great couple.

lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom.

Your mother would be a good place to start. I think you could have a wonderful marriage and still both have your religions.

Ian sounds like such a nice, considerate and thoughtful person. These type guys do not come along everyday. I think the

religion part could be worked out and you never know, he might surprise you after you both are together.

I know. It would still be realy sad knowing that we won't be together for eternity though.

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I think you and Ian would make a great couple.

lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom.

Your mother would be a good place to start. I think you could have a wonderful marriage and still both have your religions.

Ian sounds like such a nice, considerate and thoughtful person. These type guys do not come along everyday. I think the

religion part could be worked out and you never know, he might surprise you after you both are together.

I know. It would still be realy sad knowing that we won't be together for eternity though.

True. But you don't know that yet. He might learn more about your faith when you two are married and decide to convert. Or, there might be a God who is called different names, but all those who are religious, no matter the faith, go to the same eternity. You never know.

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And now I'm going to go make a couple of signs reminding everyone to close the suite door gently instead of letting it slam. :)

Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer*

Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong. <_<

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And now I'm going to go make a couple of signs reminding everyone to close the suite door gently instead of letting it slam. :)

Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer*

Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong. <_>

It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. :wacko: When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me. :lol:


Beer pong? That's a new one.

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I think you and Ian would make a great couple.

lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom.

Your mother would be a good place to start. I think you could have a wonderful marriage and still both have your religions.

Ian sounds like such a nice, considerate and thoughtful person. These type guys do not come along everyday. I think the

religion part could be worked out and you never know, he might surprise you after you both are together.

I know. It would still be realy sad knowing that we won't be together for eternity though.

True. But you don't know that yet. He might learn more about your faith when you two are married and decide to convert. Or, there might be a God who is called different names, but all those who are religious, no matter the faith, go to the same eternity. You never know.

Eh, the Bible makes it pretty clear that there's only one way, and Ian and I have discussed religion super-in-depth a few times. I can only hope and pray for his salvation. I think it's quite possible that he will change his mind (if he can get past his pride), but I can't by any means be foolish enough to expect him to be saved. My mom's pretty convinced that he'll be saved eventually though. So who knows?

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I think you and Ian would make a great couple.

lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom.

Your mother would be a good place to start. I think you could have a wonderful marriage and still both have your religions.

Ian sounds like such a nice, considerate and thoughtful person. These type guys do not come along everyday. I think the

religion part could be worked out and you never know, he might surprise you after you both are together.

I know. It would still be realy sad knowing that we won't be together for eternity though.

True. But you don't know that yet. He might learn more about your faith when you two are married and decide to convert. Or, there might be a God who is called different names, but all those who are religious, no matter the faith, go to the same eternity. You never know.

Eh, the Bible makes it pretty clear that there's only one way, and Ian and I have discussed religion super-in-depth a few times. I can only hope and pray for his salvation. I think it's quite possible that he will change his mind (if he can get past his pride), but I can't by any means be foolish enough to expect him to be saved. My mom's pretty convinced that he'll be saved eventually though. So who knows?

You mother sounds pretty intuitive. It would be nice if she were right. :D

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And now I'm going to go make a couple of signs reminding everyone to close the suite door gently instead of letting it slam. :)

Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer*

Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong. <_<

It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. :wacko: When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me. :lol:


Beer pong? That's a new one.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful).

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And now I'm going to go make a couple of signs reminding everyone to close the suite door gently instead of letting it slam. :)

Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer*

Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong. <_>

It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. :wacko: When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me. :lol:


Beer pong? That's a new one.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful).

Alcohol always makes people get louder. :lol:

Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud.

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I think you and Ian would make a great couple.

lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom.

Your mother would be a good place to start. I think you could have a wonderful marriage and still both have your religions.

Ian sounds like such a nice, considerate and thoughtful person. These type guys do not come along everyday. I think the

religion part could be worked out and you never know, he might surprise you after you both are together.

I know. It would still be realy sad knowing that we won't be together for eternity though.

True. But you don't know that yet. He might learn more about your faith when you two are married and decide to convert. Or, there might be a God who is called different names, but all those who are religious, no matter the faith, go to the same eternity. You never know.

Eh, the Bible makes it pretty clear that there's only one way, and Ian and I have discussed religion super-in-depth a few times. I can only hope and pray for his salvation. I think it's quite possible that he will change his mind (if he can get past his pride), but I can't by any means be foolish enough to expect him to be saved. My mom's pretty convinced that he'll be saved eventually though. So who knows?

You mother sounds pretty intuitive. It would be nice if she were right. :D

Oh, it would be far far beyond nice. It would be on the level of a movie or fairy tale or something. I'm actually kinda curious to know what my pastor thinks about my little loophole. Because if he has a problem with it, he wouldn't perform the wedding, and that would make me rather sad, because my pastor is awesome.

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And now I'm going to go make a couple of signs reminding everyone to close the suite door gently instead of letting it slam. :)

Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer*

Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong. <_<

It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. :wacko: When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me. :lol:


Beer pong? That's a new one.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful).

Alcohol always makes people get louder. :lol:

Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud.

I know <_< And I doubt they'll leave. Oh well, I should probably get to sleep before they get too far out of control. If I fall into a deep enough sleep before they get really loud, they won't wake me up. Good night Horatio. :)

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I think you and Ian would make a great couple.

lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom.

Your mother would be a good place to start. I think you could have a wonderful marriage and still both have your religions.

Ian sounds like such a nice, considerate and thoughtful person. These type guys do not come along everyday. I think the

religion part could be worked out and you never know, he might surprise you after you both are together.

I know. It would still be realy sad knowing that we won't be together for eternity though.

True. But you don't know that yet. He might learn more about your faith when you two are married and decide to convert. Or, there might be a God who is called different names, but all those who are religious, no matter the faith, go to the same eternity. You never know.

Eh, the Bible makes it pretty clear that there's only one way, and Ian and I have discussed religion super-in-depth a few times. I can only hope and pray for his salvation. I think it's quite possible that he will change his mind (if he can get past his pride), but I can't by any means be foolish enough to expect him to be saved. My mom's pretty convinced that he'll be saved eventually though. So who knows?

You mother sounds pretty intuitive. It would be nice if she were right. :D

Oh, it would be far far beyond nice. It would be on the level of a movie or fairy tale or something. I'm actually kinda curious to know what my pastor thinks about my little loophole. Because if he has a problem with it, he wouldn't perform the wedding, and that would make me rather sad, because my pastor is awesome.

I would be interested to know his point of view. Let me know what he says.

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And now I'm going to go make a couple of signs reminding everyone to close the suite door gently instead of letting it slam. :)

Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer*

Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong. <_>

It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. :wacko: When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me. :lol:


Beer pong? That's a new one.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful).

Alcohol always makes people get louder. :lol:

Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud.

I know <_ and i doubt they leave. oh well should probably get to sleep before too far out of control. if fall into a deep enough really loud won wake me up. good night horatio. src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)">

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bed bugs bite. :lol:

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I think you and Ian would make a great couple.

lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom.

Your mother would be a good place to start. I think you could have a wonderful marriage and still both have your religions.

Ian sounds like such a nice, considerate and thoughtful person. These type guys do not come along everyday. I think the

religion part could be worked out and you never know, he might surprise you after you both are together.

I know. It would still be realy sad knowing that we won't be together for eternity though.

True. But you don't know that yet. He might learn more about your faith when you two are married and decide to convert. Or, there might be a God who is called different names, but all those who are religious, no matter the faith, go to the same eternity. You never know.

Eh, the Bible makes it pretty clear that there's only one way, and Ian and I have discussed religion super-in-depth a few times. I can only hope and pray for his salvation. I think it's quite possible that he will change his mind (if he can get past his pride), but I can't by any means be foolish enough to expect him to be saved. My mom's pretty convinced that he'll be saved eventually though. So who knows?

You mother sounds pretty intuitive. It would be nice if she were right. :D

Oh, it would be far far beyond nice. It would be on the level of a movie or fairy tale or something. I'm actually kinda curious to know what my pastor thinks about my little loophole. Because if he has a problem with it, he wouldn't perform the wedding, and that would make me rather sad, because my pastor is awesome.

I would be interested to know his point of view. Let me know what he says.

Yeah. It'll probably be awhile before I talk to him though, what with my being a good 300 miles away and all. :rolleyes: If I talk to him, it'll be during VBS week over the summer. And yeah, I'm interested to see what he thinks on it too, although I already have a good idea of what it is, and it wouldn't be in my favor.

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And now I'm going to go make a couple of signs reminding everyone to close the suite door gently instead of letting it slam. :)

Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer*

Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong.

It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me.


Beer pong? That's a new one.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful).

Alcohol always makes people get louder. :lol:

Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud.

I know <_< And I doubt they'll leave. Oh well, I should probably get to sleep before they get too far out of control. If I fall into a deep enough sleep before they get really loud, they won't wake me up. Good night Horatio. :)

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bed bugs bite. :lol:

I actually slept! ^_^ After a little while, they kicked their drunk friends out of the suite and things settled down. At least once I heard, "Ssssshhhh! She's sleeping!" :rolleyes: And this morning (by which I mean about 10 minutes ago) they said to just tell them when I'm going to sleep from now on so they can take measures to quiet down, which I thought was really nice. :)

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I think you and Ian would make a great couple.

lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom.

Your mother would be a good place to start. I think you could have a wonderful marriage and still both have your religions.

Ian sounds like such a nice, considerate and thoughtful person. These type guys do not come along everyday. I think the

religion part could be worked out and you never know, he might surprise you after you both are together.

I know. It would still be realy sad knowing that we won't be together for eternity though.

True. But you don't know that yet. He might learn more about your faith when you two are married and decide to convert. Or, there might be a God who is called different names, but all those who are religious, no matter the faith, go to the same eternity. You never know.

Eh, the Bible makes it pretty clear that there's only one way, and Ian and I have discussed religion super-in-depth a few times. I can only hope and pray for his salvation. I think it's quite possible that he will change his mind (if he can get past his pride), but I can't by any means be foolish enough to expect him to be saved. My mom's pretty convinced that he'll be saved eventually though. So who knows?

You mother sounds pretty intuitive. It would be nice if she were right. :D

Oh, it would be far far beyond nice. It would be on the level of a movie or fairy tale or something. I'm actually kinda curious to know what my pastor thinks about my little loophole. Because if he has a problem with it, he wouldn't perform the wedding, and that would make me rather sad, because my pastor is awesome.

I would be interested to know his point of view. Let me know what he says.

Yeah. It'll probably be awhile before I talk to him though, what with my being a good 300 miles away and all. :rolleyes: If I talk to him, it'll be during VBS week over the summer. And yeah, I'm interested to see what he thinks on it too, although I already have a good idea of what it is, and it wouldn't be in my favor.

That was my gut feeling, but I am hoping for the best.

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And now I'm going to go make a couple of signs reminding everyone to close the suite door gently instead of letting it slam. :)

Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer*

Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong.

It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me.


Beer pong? That's a new one.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful).

Alcohol always makes people get louder. :lol:

Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud.

I know <_ and i doubt they leave. oh well should probably get to sleep before too far out of control. if fall into a deep enough really loud won wake me up. good night horatio. src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)">

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bed bugs bite. :lol:

I actually slept! ^_^ After a little while, they kicked their drunk friends out of the suite and things settled down. At least once I heard, "Ssssshhhh! She's sleeping!" :rolleyes: And this morning (by which I mean about 10 minutes ago) they said to just tell them when I'm going to sleep from now on so they can take measures to quiet down, which I thought was really nice. :)

Very nice. Maybe this will work out after all.

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I think you and Ian would make a great couple.

lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom.

Your mother would be a good place to start. I think you could have a wonderful marriage and still both have your religions.

Ian sounds like such a nice, considerate and thoughtful person. These type guys do not come along everyday. I think the

religion part could be worked out and you never know, he might surprise you after you both are together.

I know. It would still be realy sad knowing that we won't be together for eternity though.

True. But you don't know that yet. He might learn more about your faith when you two are married and decide to convert. Or, there might be a God who is called different names, but all those who are religious, no matter the faith, go to the same eternity. You never know.

Eh, the Bible makes it pretty clear that there's only one way, and Ian and I have discussed religion super-in-depth a few times. I can only hope and pray for his salvation. I think it's quite possible that he will change his mind (if he can get past his pride), but I can't by any means be foolish enough to expect him to be saved. My mom's pretty convinced that he'll be saved eventually though. So who knows?

You mother sounds pretty intuitive. It would be nice if she were right. :D

Oh, it would be far far beyond nice. It would be on the level of a movie or fairy tale or something. I'm actually kinda curious to know what my pastor thinks about my little loophole. Because if he has a problem with it, he wouldn't perform the wedding, and that would make me rather sad, because my pastor is awesome.

I would be interested to know his point of view. Let me know what he says.

Yeah. It'll probably be awhile before I talk to him though, what with my being a good 300 miles away and all. :rolleyes: If I talk to him, it'll be during VBS week over the summer. And yeah, I'm interested to see what he thinks on it too, although I already have a good idea of what it is, and it wouldn't be in my favor.

That was my gut feeling, but I am hoping for the best.

Me too.

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And now I'm going to go make a couple of signs reminding everyone to close the suite door gently instead of letting it slam. :)

Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer*

Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong.

It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me.


Beer pong? That's a new one.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful).

Alcohol always makes people get louder. :lol:

Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud.

I know <_< And I doubt they'll leave. Oh well, I should probably get to sleep before they get too far out of control. If I fall into a deep enough sleep before they get really loud, they won't wake me up. Good night Horatio. :)

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bed bugs bite. :lol:

I actually slept! ^_^ After a little while, they kicked their drunk friends out of the suite and things settled down. At least once I heard, "Ssssshhhh! She's sleeping!" :rolleyes: And this morning (by which I mean about 10 minutes ago) they said to just tell them when I'm going to sleep from now on so they can take measures to quiet down, which I thought was really nice. :)

Very nice. Maybe this will work out after all.

Maybe, but I still have my roomie to contend with.

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And now I'm going to go make a couple of signs reminding everyone to close the suite door gently instead of letting it slam. :)

Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer*

Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong.

It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me.


Beer pong? That's a new one.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful).

Alcohol always makes people get louder. :lol:

Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud.

I know <_ and i doubt they leave. oh well should probably get to sleep before too far out of control. if fall into a deep enough really loud won wake me up. good night horatio. src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)">

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bed bugs bite. :lol:

I actually slept! ^_^ After a little while, they kicked their drunk friends out of the suite and things settled down. At least once I heard, "Ssssshhhh! She's sleeping!" :rolleyes: And this morning (by which I mean about 10 minutes ago) they said to just tell them when I'm going to sleep from now on so they can take measures to quiet down, which I thought was really nice. :)

Very nice. Maybe this will work out after all.

Maybe, but I still have my roomie to contend with.

*slaps forehead*

I had forgotten about her.

*lends Jesusfreak my sledgehammer for the corner of the room*

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