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Hokay, things are looking better now. In addition to Dress Barn, I also start subbing tomorrow. It's gonna be a looong day, but I'm excited. Also, I have an interview on Thursday for a full time paraprofessional position in a special ed behavior management class, in the one district that I have a good connection in, so that's really exciting. ^_^

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What a wonderful way to start the day... with OUTSTANDING news!!!!!




This is the news we have all been waiting for! Not only do you substitute teach and get your food in the door, you will have another option to show how good you are!!!!! I am so excited for you!


Good luck!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Oh, right, so I'm still alive. My new job has been really good so far. It's interesting and challenging. I like it. My job at Dress Barn is more or less drawing to a close. After New Years starts "winter hours," which pretty much takes me off the schedule. My boss is gonna keep me on payroll though, so I can fill in and come back on vacations (and continue to get my employee discount).


Shane and I are still doing well, aside from the haven't seen each other in over two months thing. Thankfully, I'll be spending most of Christmas break with him. ^_^ He also seems to have been hinting about proposing to me for Christmas, but maybe I'm just reading too much into things.

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Well I guess that things are finally going your way!!!!! Wonderful news!!!!! Although you will not be fully employed at Dress Barn, the discount is great and being able to fill in and work holidays and perhaps summer, might be a great alternative.


Hopefully you will post good news after seeing Shane for the Christmas break. I do not believe you are reading too much into it as you both have discussed the topic before. Perhaps he misses you so much he just needs to make things permanent. :)


Lastly, I am thrilled to hear that you are happy with your job. This is outstanding as far as a career move and hopefully it will be something that can offer you more options, whether in Connecticut or New Jersey. At least you can now state that you have 'experience'!!!!!

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I'll probably go back to that summer camp again this summer, but I'm keeping my options open. Thankfully, my temporary certifications for CT came in, so I get a raise of about $3/hr, which helps with the not working at DB.


My week with Shane was really nice and much needed. He didn't propose, but we had an awesome time together. He got me a Big Bang Theory shirt and a "Soft Kitty" singing stuffed animal (a joke from BBT). I'm wearing the shirt as I type. XD


I got clothes money for Christmas from my parents, so I've been able to do a lot of shopping lately, which is always fun. I do, however, need to do some thorough weeding out of my older clothes. :ph34r:

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Nice to know that you and Shane had a terrific week, although I would not have expected anything less. :) The proposal is coming. Good things take time. :lol:


Enjoy the shopping, I know I would not want to be in the stores while everyone was out in mass, looking for great deals. So, I admire you!!!


When you weed out your clothes, please think of donating them to one of the charities. They will usually give you a receipt to use for taxes, but I do not know if you will need that. It is good to have either way.


On my way back from Hong Kong to Memphis, we are leaving the hotel in one hour and fifteen minutes, so I am going to run.


Congratulations on the raise! I know you needed that. :)

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That's great. I had no idea some of the donation places shipped the clothing to other towns. One of my favourite is the Good Will domestic violence department. What is donated specifically to the domestic violence is not put in the Good Will general area. These donations go just to victims of domestic violence. They use all items, even things such as shower cutains, bath mats, silverware, dishes, furniture, some things you would never think about. If you consider that the families are setting up new homes, they can use everything. My other favourite is the Paralyzed Veterans association.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It finally snowed here! Yay! We got at least six inches, which is fun. Tomorrow I get to take another Praxis test for my CT certifications, and there is some talk about one of the science teachers in my school retiring soon. So, that's pretty exciting. I've also been shuffled around into some new classrooms, which is cool (technically I'm a floater, and the class I was working with didn't need me as much anymore, so this happens from time to time).

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I am thrilled the snow is up in Connecticut and not in Florida :lol:


It sounds like the school is going to offer you some great opportunities. Good luck on your Praxis. I know you will do very, very well and have your CT certification before you know it. It would be great if you could get that science position. Perhaps the experience with Mad Science will give you an edge. How long does it take for you to receive your test results? And then how long after that does it take to receive your certification? Keep us informed please.

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I have my temporary certification now. It's good for one year, and I can upgrade it once my tests are passed. I need to take two Praxis tests that NJ didn't make me take, and the CT Foundations of Reading test. Once those are all passed, I think I get a five year certificate or something. I forget how long it takes the results to come in, I wanna say it's like a month or something. The test I'm taking today though is on a computer, so I think they can tell me what I got as soon as soon as I finish. At least, that's how it worked for the other computer based Praxis that I took.

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Outstanding!!! Good luck on your tests! So, after this Praxis, you have one more Praxis to go, is this correct? The Foundations of Reading test should be easy for you, so that should be a non-event and your certificate will be in your hand before you know it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks! I passed the Praxis I took, which is good. And yes, one more to go, and then the reading test. Shouldn't be too tough. My birthday was this weekend, and I got a Samsung Stratostphere (droid phone), and it's a lot of fun to play with. Shane took me out to dinner when I was in NJ this weekend, and also out ice skating (he's never been, so I got to teach him, which was fun times). So, good weekend for me. :)

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:lol: I wish I could have seen a video of Shane learning to ice skate. Those first steps are always hilarious. Ice Skating and dinner, sounds like the perfect way to spend your birthday! The Samsung phone sounds like a really nice device. Congratulations on a terrific birthday!!!!


The next Praxis will be easier for you and as you said the reading test should not be tough, so I am thinking that you will have your certification very, very soon.


Great news on a fantastic weekend!!!!!! Thank you for the update.

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  • 8 months later...

Oh jeez have I really not been here since JANUARY? Yeesh. Things are going well for me. I have a one-year teaching job, filling in for a year-long maternity leave, but still salaried as a teacher, so that's awesome. I'm hoping this will lead to something permanent. I'm still with Shane, and things are still awesome there. Hurricane Sandy is starting to pick up around here, but we'll be fine. We have plenty of food and water, and switched over to propane heat last year, so we'll be warm. Hope all is well with you guys. :)

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I am thrilled to hear that you finally secured a teaching job! Wonderful. You are probably right in thinking this will lead to a permanent position. Are you in Connecticut or back in New Jersey? What kind of school and what are the subjects? Please, do tell us more!!!


Tell Shane we said hello! How are things going for him?


Smart move on the propane heat. At least if you do not have electricity, you will be warm. I like that thinking!!!


We are thinking of you with the hurricane. Please check in to let us know you all made it through okay.

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I am still in CT, and I'm teaching 7th grade science. So far it's going well for me. Shane is doing alright, he's working at Target and hating it. He's run into some trouble with his student teaching and withdrew from the program. He will, however, start subbing soon, and hopefully that will give him some experience to help him along. He's considering waiting until we move in together in CT to finish his education at a better school up here, because his current school is not helping him at all.

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Your teaching position is excellent!!! I think it would be great for Shane to move up there with you and continue on with his education. Sounds like you both have a really good plan. As you mentioned, the subbing will help him immensely. Tell him we are thinking of him and hope he will be out of Target soon.


Hope the weather did not dump too much snow on you all and you still have power.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 years later...

Oh wow, I guess if you didn't know any better, you'd think I got washed away in that hurricane! It knocked out power and closed school for a week! In the 6+ years since, I got a permanent teaching job at the same school, teaching 8th grade. Shane and I got married two years ago, and it's nice to be living together. He's currently back in school on a completely different career path that should earn him a better income. All in all, things are going well!

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