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Sorry for the lack of posting, I've been absurdly busy. I had two weeks of both Mad Science camps and Wal-Mart. This left no time to shower, let alone do anything else (I ended up sacrificing some sleep time to shower when I had to). Yeah, not doing that again. After those two weeks, I was in NY for five days with Shane. We stayed at camp and went kayaking, swimming, and went to the Renaissance Faire. It was a wonderful time, and a much needed vacation after the previous two weeks. ^_^ Shane's birthday was also two weeks ago; I got him a giant nerf gun. He was thrilled. :lol: I'll have to track down a couple pictures from the weekend to put up. I ended up taking both cameras with me, since the old one has a waterproof case and the new one does not. The new one does take very nice pictures, even on the auto setting, which is what I use most of the time.


I am worried though, it's mid-August and I still haven't found a teaching job. I don't suppose you have any connections in the teaching world of NJ? :rolleyes:

Actually I have one very big contact in the New Jersey area. Let me get in contact this him and see what he can do. I will call this evening.

Oh, awesome! Thanks! ^_^

I called and left a message, he should call back today. Also, I have a couple friends who are teachers in New Jersey, I am going to see if I can track them down. My brain did not compute. My apologies for not thinking of them before.

lol that's okay, I usually prefer to do things on my own. Right now though, having no real job prospects, I'm starting to panic.

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lol that's okay, I usually prefer to do things on my own. Right now though, having no real job prospects, I'm starting to panic.


Actually you will be doing things totally on your own. The only thing that I may be able to provide is a contact to call or a place for you to look.


The old adage, it's not what you know, but who you know, is pretty true. I encourage you to think of everyone you know to help you with leads. Some pan out, others don't, but all this is doing is helping you widen your base. You still have to pass the interview.


Have you ever thought about trying to get a foot in the door as a substitute teacher? I don't know anything about this, but I would think that if you could get to know people in the school this might be an asset to obtaining a full time position. Once they met you, they would really like you, and perhaps this would open some doors. But as I said, I have no knowledge of how you go about becoming a substitute teacher or what is involved.

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That's something I'm looking into now, having not had any interviews yet.

I have spoken with three people in your area and they all said they would let me know if there was something they could find by early next week.

Cross your fingers. There is one more person that I can try.

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I had a major disappointment the other day. I got a voicemail from a job I applied to saying they wanted to interview me. Naturally, I was all sorts of excited. I called back, but there was no answer. I called again a few hours later, and the guy said that the position had already been filled, and they didn't find out until after he called me. <_<


I've applied to a few more jobs, but not gotten and replies yet.

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I had a major disappointment the other day. I got a voicemail from a job I applied to saying they wanted to interview me. Naturally, I was all sorts of excited. I called back, but there was no answer. I called again a few hours later, and the guy said that the position had already been filled, and they didn't find out until after he called me. <_>


I've applied to a few more jobs, but not gotten and replies yet.


Oh nooooooooo!

What a blow. I know you were really disappointed. I am so, so sorry.

As for my end, people are still looking. It would have been somewhat easier had you asked me a little earlier, but do not give up hope.

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Bleh, I've been in a bad mood lately. It's probably just a fun combo of hormones and not having a teaching job, but part of me is afraid that it's the depression I saw around this time last year coming back. :unsure: I thought that was mostly about Phil, but I'm over Phil and very happy with Shane, so I'm starting to get concerned.


Work at wal-mart hasn't been fun. Our department is under-staffed, and they've made us change the way we stock things, so I have to spend a lot more time inside the cooler now, which is NOT fun. The good news though, is that Dan, one of my coworkers, has heard from Juan, the coworker who's been MIA for over a week. Juan apparently had some personal stuff going on, and is going to try and get his job back. I really hope they take him back, because we need him.

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The bad mood is totally understandable. As far as you being depressed around this time of the year, I would not worry yet because you have a lot of high stress problems at the moment. Not having a teaching job is probably higher on the list than Phil, plus the stress of your current job. Let's give it a bit more time and see how you feel when things change for the better. The problem is that you are looking for a teaching job in a depressed market.


As far as teaching, I was asked this question... what areas are you interested in working? I know you are living in your grandmother's house, so this limits where you can go for a job. Please let me know some parameter cities so I can pass this information along.


Good news about Juan, but I don't know what the policy is at Wal-mart and they may have a no re-hire policy. Too bad he just didn't tell his manager that he needed a week off for personal problems. I'm glad you all heard from him, I hope they give him his job back.

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I want to teach middle school science, and the way things are right now, I'll take anything anywhere in NJ. There seem to be no jobs where I am right now (a bit south of Toms River), so I've already accepted that I'll probably have to get an apartment near wherever I end up teaching.

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I want to teach middle school science, and the way things are right now, I'll take anything anywhere in NJ. There seem to be no jobs where I am right now (a bit south of Toms River), so I've already accepted that I'll probably have to get an apartment near wherever I end up teaching.

Thank you. I will pass this information along. Hopefully we can get you an open door for an interview.

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I'm considering making a facebook fan page for myself to try to get a teaching job/sell some of my photography. I'm thinking that it might be an interesting social experiment in networking. Maybe if enough of my friends "like" it, one of their friends will see it, and happen to have connections for me. Also, if/when I do get a teaching job, my students could "like" my fan page instead of trying to friend me. Thoughts?

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I'm considering making a facebook fan page for myself to try to get a teaching job/sell some of my photography. I'm thinking that it might be an interesting social experiment in networking. Maybe if enough of my friends "like" it, one of their friends will see it, and happen to have connections for me. Also, if/when I do get a teaching job, my students could "like" my fan page instead of trying to friend me. Thoughts?

That sounds like a good idea. Let me run it by my friend who is a human resources person at work. She would be honest on how that is viewed by a big company. My friend who is a teacher in Florida could also let me know what she thinks. The human resources person I would have to ask on Monday, but my friend I could ask today or tomorrow. You could review all the really great company, actor, musician, etc. fan pages and see what you like and don't like about their pages to develop your own.


I also liked your idea about the Science Educator at the Liberty Science Center. Were you able to go over there and inquire about employment?


Also, if you put your photographs up for sale, don't forget to have a copyright message across the photograph and block the ability for people to drag it onto their desktops and copy it. I know that you know all that, but I figured I would mention it anyway.

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Hey JF, I hope you've been okay. I'm sorry that you're having problems finding work and I really hope that turns around soon. It must be a real pain and such a disappointment but keep trying! I also LOVE your artwork, especially the one photograph of the cat and some of your landscape shots are spectacular. Keep on adding your pictures to your DA account and I'd love to take a look.

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I went ahead and made the fan page. As for the pictures, I don't mind if people want to copy them, and am disabling the ability to download the full size, so they'd have to buy the prints if they want good ones.

Great idea. I think this will be a plus for you. Hopefully you will make lots of money with your photographs.

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I went ahead and made the fan page. As for the pictures, I don't mind if people want to copy them, and am disabling the ability to download the full size, so they'd have to buy the prints if they want good ones.

Great idea. I think this will be a plus for you. Hopefully you will make lots of money with your photographs.

I hope so, but there are WAY better pictures up on deviantart for people to buy. Absolutely stunning. If you've never been there, go take a look. (of course, there are also some absolutely terrible ones too)

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I went ahead and made the fan page. As for the pictures, I don't mind if people want to copy them, and am disabling the ability to download the full size, so they'd have to buy the prints if they want good ones.

Great idea. I think this will be a plus for you. Hopefully you will make lots of money with your photographs.

I hope so, but there are WAY better pictures up on deviantart for people to buy. Absolutely stunning. If you've never been there, go take a look. (of course, there are also some absolutely terrible ones too)

Been there for a long while. As you mentioned, there is some incredible art with some phenomenal artists. Of course, there is some not-so-good art, but I admire the people for trying.


Remember, people do not necessarily buy the best quality art or photographs, they buy what they like. You have some wonderful photographs that I think people will really love.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Things have been kinda busy lately. I never did get a teaching job, so I'm stuck at wal-mart for the time being. I'm working on applying to substitute teaching jobs, and I have a Mad Science program lined up in October. So, that's that, not great and not horrible. Shane has started his classes, and is continuing to work at Target part time, so it's going to be a little harder to see him now. It's also football season, so his TV is going to take him away from the computer fairly often. I kinda wish I had cable now so I could watch with him, but cable is expensive, and I probably wouldn't watch TV unless I was watching something with him anyways. >_< So, life isn't exactly wonderful, but it's not terrible either.

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I'm still looking and talking to people. I wish you had mentioned something just a little bit earlier.


How long does the Mad Science event last? Do they pay okay for the effort? The good thing about those is the exposure for you. Perhaps someone will walk in who knows of a teaching job and can refer you. You never know who you meet and where these things occur. Sorry that you are still at Wal-mart... but it does pay some bills.


Shane needs to put down the remote and forget about football... especially with you in his life. Football can't even come close. All kidding aside, I know it must be hard not seeing as much of each other as you would like.


Who ever imagined how expensive it is to live... in addition to the regular expenses, such as electric and phone, you have other amenities that are becoming necessities... cable, internet, etc.. These things can drain your bank account faster than quicksand. There should be a program where you can pay just a little for only a few of the channels that you want. Of all the channels we have, I only look at a small group.


Do you ever reconsider the science educator job at the Liberty Science Center? Were you able to apply? That sounded like a pretty good idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just heard about a teaching job for a junior high science teacher. Let me know if you are interested. I have a fax number for you.

I don't have access to a fax machine, but I might be interested, depending on a few things.

FedEx Office (Kinko's) has fax machines for a small fee, a dollar or two. Regarding the position, I'll try and get more information and get back to you.

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So....it looks like by the end of this month, I will have four jobs. :wacko:


Walmart: This will be dropped down to half shifts to fit everything else in but still pay bills.

Mad Science: This will be a 6 week after school program, and should be a lot of fun!

Homebound Instruction: This started today. I'm teaching a 6th grade boy science at his home for two hours a week. So far, it seems like it should be interesting.

Tutoring: If all goes well, I will be working part time as an SAT tutor in a learning center. The pay isn't great for what I'm doing, and the hours aren't enough to let me quit Walmart, but it will look good on a resume.

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So....it looks like by the end of this month, I will have four jobs. :wacko:


Walmart: This will be dropped down to half shifts to fit everything else in but still pay bills.

Mad Science: This will be a 6 week after school program, and should be a lot of fun!

Homebound Instruction: This started today. I'm teaching a 6th grade boy science at his home for two hours a week. So far, it seems like it should be interesting.

Tutoring: If all goes well, I will be working part time as an SAT tutor in a learning center. The pay isn't great for what I'm doing, and the hours aren't enough to let me quit Walmart, but it will look good on a resume.

Hope you don't go crazy. Fours jobs are going to be tough, but at least you are doing some teaching, tutoring, mad science, so that keeps you in the same mode of thinking.


I found out that you needed experience for the science teacher position. I will keep looking.

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I did student teaching and lots of field work, but I don't know if that counts as "experience." I'm debating not taking the tutoring job. The hours aren't steady or consistent, and I'm not sure I want to give up that much free time.

The experience they were looking for was previous teaching experience. We all are still looking for you.


As for the tutoring job, you will definitely make the right decision. You are the only person who knows your limitations.

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I've decided on not taking the tutoring job. I don't want to live my life having to say "no" or "maybe" to things all the time because I don't have a consistent schedule, and I don't want all my free time taken up. I also considered the amount of gas that it takes to drive up there and back. Compared with how little I'll be getting paid ($12.25/hr for SAT tutoring, and it's a job that requires a teaching certification/degree) and how few hours I'd be working at a time, it's not worth it. For a comparison, the job I'm starting at Mad Science does not require a degree, and is $30/hr, and the homebound teaching job is $25/hr. Now if only I could pick up more homebound teaching jobs... :rolleyes:

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I've decided on not taking the tutoring job. I don't want to live my life having to say "no" or "maybe" to things all the time because I don't have a consistent schedule, and I don't want all my free time taken up. I also considered the amount of gas that it takes to drive up there and back. Compared with how little I'll be getting paid ($12.25/hr for SAT tutoring, and it's a job that requires a teaching certification/degree) and how few hours I'd be working at a time, it's not worth it. For a comparison, the job I'm starting at Mad Science does not require a degree, and is $30/hr, and the homebound teaching job is $25/hr. Now if only I could pick up more homebound teaching jobs... :rolleyes:

You are so right. Great decision. Are there other Mad Science locations where you could work? We have these Mathnasium places for math, but I don't know anything about them. Perhaps I will go into one today and check it out. Unfortunately, I think the pay is probably low and not worth it. Are there any job search places you can register with? The hardest part is finding the openings to apply for.

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There are no other Mad Sciences nearby. I am registered on a few job search places (which is how I got my homebound teaching job).


The low pay for tutoring wouldn't bug me so much if I was guaranteed a decent amount of hours that were consistent, or if it wasn't so far away, or if it didn't REQUIRE a teaching certificate. I mean, I get paid $9.40/hr at walmart, but I currently get 40 hours a week, the same days and time every week, and that job doesn't even require you to have finished high school. Also, it's five minutes from my house, so gas isn't much of an issue.

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There are no other Mad Sciences nearby. I am registered on a few job search places (which is how I got my homebound teaching job).


The low pay for tutoring wouldn't bug me so much if I was guaranteed a decent amount of hours that were consistent, or if it wasn't so far away, or if it didn't REQUIRE a teaching certificate. I mean, I get paid $9.40/hr at walmart, but I currently get 40 hours a week, the same days and time every week, and that job doesn't even require you to have finished high school. Also, it's five minutes from my house, so gas isn't much of an issue.

Great thinking! At least you have weighed all the options. Not only is gas a cost, there is wear and tear on your car, and just plain overall use of things that will need to be replaced, such as tyres.

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I made a topic in Warm Wishes called Memoirs of a Bullied kid. PLEASE please please go read it. It's something very personal to me, and very well-written.


In other news: getting my hair cut today! o.o There will be pictures eventually.

Bullying is such a horrible act. Everyone needs to be involved to stop bullying. Thank you for posting that topic.

As for your haircut, my apologies for not getting back faster. I have been at work and continuing with my training. My line check is from Hong Kong to Memphis, so I am here in Hong Kong for the next few days.


I'll be waiting for pictures.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Things got busy!


First off: Haircut! post-1041-007332800 1287470348_thumb.jpg

The magical trick was parting my hair off to the side and using hair wax to style it.


I was at camp this past weekend for my dad's birthday. It was nice seeing my family again, but it was cold up there!


Shane and I have been together for about a year now. ^_^ Our relationship never really had any defining "okay we're going out now" moment, so we've declared the entire month of October to be our anniversary, with the 17th being the official facebook date (we met in person the first time on the 16th, and it was pretty clear we both had feelings for each other at that point). We're going to celebrate during the weekend of Halloween though. :) It's interesting. On one hand, the year has gone by so fast, but on the other hand, it feels like we've known each other for years. I credit that to our open and honest policy from the start, which let us get to know each other really fast. Probably the best relationship decision I ever made.


Mad Science started again today, which went well. I'm on half shifts at Wal-Mart to make sure I have time to sleep and have a life.


SHINY NEW TV! ^_^ So, funny story here. I was tossing around the idea of buying a TV earlier in the summer, but decided it was pointless because I didn't have cable and wouldn't use it that often. Recently, I found out that basic cable was only $10 per month, and thought that would be a great idea because I could watch TV shows when Shane watches them, even when he's not here. I looked at the offer online, and it showed like 800 channels. So I found this TV that I wanted, and an HDMI cable to hook up my computer for fun. After I got the TV home, I realized that the website was misleading, and I had to select my cable package from a drop down list, which was like 20 mostly lame channels. The next cheapest, with almost 100 channels, was over $60 per month! :o You would think there would be some middle ground! Naturally, I was upset, but I went ahead and set up my shiny new TV to see how it looks. It's AWESOME. Awesome color and resolution, right now it's basically a giant computer monitor and speakers that makes my pictures look amazing. Impressed with my new TV, I went back to the comcast website to poke around at the cable packages some more. I don't know what I clicked on, but I came up with a fancy promotional rate of 20 something dollars per month for 6 months, $40something for the next 6, and then the normal rate after that. I decided I could live with that, but couldn't make heads or tails of which options I had to select (you would think they'd make it easier to follow). So, I called to ask, and ended up getting it set up over the phone. By asking a simple question, I ended up with not only the promotional rate, but the installation will be about $20 less than the website said, and they're extending the promotional rate on my internet for another 6 months. I should have cable TV on Wednesday if all goes well. ^_^

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Your hair looks fantastic!!!!!! I really think whoever cut your hair did a fabulous job as it really makes you look pretty!!! Once you get your hair trained to be parted on the side, you should not have to use the hair wax any more.


Happy birthday to your father. Camp... is that a place your family has somewhere or do you go to a campsite for a weekend of camping? Sorry it was cold, but hopefully you all had a great time!!!


Congratulations to you and Shane on your one year anniversary!!! You are so right... this is the best relationship decision you have ever made. Shane sounds like the perfect guy for you and I am so thrilled you both found each other.


Yeah for Mad Science!!! Glad to hear you are spending less time at Wally-World. It is nice to have a life again. :D


Wonderful!!! A shiny new television is always wonderful!!!! How fantastic that you were able to work a much better deal over the phone! You did great!!! We had Comcast and dumped them! Every day Comcast had interference or some sort of outage and trying to get them on the phone was really frustrating. We went to AT&T U-verse and the service is amazing. We got more channels for less money. Another thing you can also try is when your good deal is up, try negotiating again for another good deal or threaten to leave. They will sometimes give you another six months or year at a great rate. Who is the maker of your television?


Again... superb hair cut!!! I really love your new look!!!

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Yeah, the Comcast people actually TOLD me to call them when my promotional rate expires and ask if they have any other promotions they can hook me up with. My TV is a Vizio. It's a 37" LCD TV, and I got it from Wal-Mart for $468 (well, less than that because I get a discount). I figured it would be worth it to spend the money on a TV that's going to last me awhile, and I'm happy so far. Pictures viewed on my computer look awesome (REALLY awesome on Shane's gaming laptop), as does Shane's xbox360 (which he's only ever played on an old tube TV - HUGE difference.) So yes, I'm happy with it. The cable has been successfully hooked up, and it took less than a half hour to do. I decided to not get the HDTV box, as that was another $15/month, so the cable image quality isn't that great. But, that's not the fault of the TV, and it's good enough for now. Maybe when I have more expendable income, I'll upgrade.

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The Vizio is an up and coming television. I have heard only good things about this brand. You should be pleased as this is such a great addition to your technological collection. :lol: One of these days I will have to break down and upgrade, but my old Phillips works so good, I cannot see any reason to change. Plus, one reason that I have not changed is that every time I consider the purchase, there is new technology on the market and I just decide to wait until the prices for that new technology comes down. Thus, I will probably have my old unit until it dies.


Good idea about calling Comcast back when your promotion is up. Hopefully they will continue to give you another promotional rate.

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I was a bit wary about getting a Vizio, as I hadn't heard of the brand outside of walmart before, but a coworker has the same TV and said it was a good one, so I went for it. As for the technology, I guess it depends on what you really want. I wasn't too picky, I just wanted something that was cheap and with better quality than my old TV. If you want to get really fancy, you're looking at a TON of money for an LED HDTV with 3D. Having looked at a bunch of TVs, I can say that LED does have the best picture quality by far, but it's pricey.

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One of the guys I work with just bought an LED and he really loves the picture quality. The other guy I flew with bought a Vizio and he is really happy with it. The best part of this is the fact that this is an American company, making the televisions right here in South Dakota. You did great!!!


You mother should be really pleased with your cleaning job, as I am sure she is happy that you are living there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mom coming over went well with no problems, and my anniversary weekend with Shane was awesome. I'll add more details later, but wanted to share that THERE IS FROST ON MY CAR! WHAT.

FROST ?!?!?!?!?!?



Brings back memories of your last snow shoveling event. What a nightmare that was!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Things have been super busy lately.


Anniversary weekend was good. Shane was here for a few days. We went to 6 Flags on Saturday (day before Halloween), and lounged around the house on Sunday before I went to work. Mom told me to expect about 50 trick-or-treaters, and we got about 10, so I had lots of leftover candy. I decided to bring in a bag of it and share with my coworkers at the meeting at the start of the shift.


Last weekend, I went with Shane and his family to their place in NY, which was awesome. It's like camp, only a bigger "cabin," indoor plumbing, and no obnoxious neighbors!


Nothing really interesting to report with work lately, aside from the fact that by some miracle I'm NOT scheduled to work on Thanksgiving or Black Friday, so I get to go home! ^_^


Mom has been here (again) for the past few days, which went well. Shane and I have been making it a little more obvious that we're hoping to be engaged in the not too distant future, and she seems to be okay with that, which is good.


And now, I am sick. I got that nasty cold type thing that's been going around, and called out of work for tonight.

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Busy is good.


Great anniversary weekend, 6 Flags is always fun.


We had no trick-or-treaters. :( I stopped buying candy a couple years ago. A few years ago we had maybe three and I gave them more candy than they probably wanted. At least I purchased the candy I liked so when there was lots left over, we ate was left. :lol: Your colleagues must have been so happy when you brought the candy.


Shane's cabin sounds pretty nice. What a nice way to spend to time away from New Jersey. :D I love upstate New York.


How lucky that you will have Thanksgiving and Black Friday off. I always work on holidays, so I have no idea what it is like to be off on those special days.


It is terrific that your mother has some idea of what your plans are. I cannot wait until you spread the phenomenal news on here! How soon do you think this event will happen? Your parents should be really pleased.


Hope you get over your cold soon. Colds are no fun. I have had a sore throat for about one week and I am really tired of it. Good idea calling in sick, you don't need to run yourself down.

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I was really surprised to get those days off, since they told us multiple times that EVERYONE was going to be scheduled, even if it was our regular days off (which it is for me). The only thing I can think of is that when I went down to part time to fit in mad science, I put down that I wasn't available on Thursdays and Fridays so they wouldn't change that on me, and that when it came up, the computer didn't schedule me.


As for being engaged, I don't know when it will happen. Shane is trying to pay for the classes he's taking now out of pocket so that he doesn't have to take out loans, which isn't leaving much extra money for buying things like an engagement ring. On the other hand though, he's been expressing the sentiment of wanting to propose and marry me as soon as possible, so who knows? We already know that we want to get married, and we've looked at and discussed rings together, so it's really all a matter of whenever he's ready, financially or otherwise. Aside from making it "official" with the whole ring and "will you marry me," bit, we might as well already be engaged. I did tell him, at least, to not spend a ridiculous amount of money on a ring. I don't want a ring just to have a sparkly piece of jewelry, I want it so that when I tell people I'm engaged and they go, "Ohhh lemme see the ring!" I have something to show them. I told Shane I'd rather spend the money on the wedding or a down payment on a house or something. I don't like huge gaudy jewelry anyways. :rolleyes:


And yeah, being sick is no fun. Shane is coming over to visit this evening, and I haven't decided whether I'm going in to work or not tonight.

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Yeah for Mad Science and Thursday and Fridays off!!! You could not have worked that out any better! You have to love those computers!!! :D


You are so smart when it comes to priorities and the expense of a wedding. I have a friend who just had a very close family wedding and saved the money towards a down payment on a house. Great idea and smart. You would be much better off to try and work something out to try and buy your grandmother's house with the money that would have been paid for the wedding to go to the down payment. You are brilliant!!!


As for the ring, I am with you, not as important. After I was hanging by my ring on the stairs of the airplane and thought I was going to lose my finger, I stopped wearing rings altogether. That really scared me. All the weight of my body was hanging by my ring and finger and I thought I was going to lose my finger. Luckily I pulled myself up and no serious damage was done. One of my friends was surprised with a necklace as her engagement 'ring'. Her boyfriend found a beautiful heart. He's a pretty cool guy and this was a terrific idea.


Say hello to Shane for us! You both are going to have a great night.


Get well soon!!!

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We couldn't afford this house, and I don't want to live here anyways. Actually, I don't want to live in NJ at all. There are just too many people here too close together. Shane and I will probably live in an apartment for a few years while we get some teaching experience down and prepare to move to a better place. Our wedding is bound to be pricey. We don't have tons of friends, but family alone will be more than 60 people. :rolleyes:


Hanging by a ring? :o That sounds painful! I was very specific to tell Shane that I do NOT want a ring where the stone sticks out like with a traditional ring. I work with my hands too much, and often have to wear gloves for Mad Science. I've heard of people doing other engagement jewerly. I've also heard of one girl who was a nurse who got an engagement ipod, with something engraved on it. I thought that was really clever too.


As it is though, I wear two rings and a necklace all the time; a ring Shane gave me last Christmas, a ring I bought myself, and the necklace Shane gave me. Earrings I wear as I see fit. I have to be careful to not wear things that get tangled or caught easily when I'm at Walmart, and things that won't hurt me when I'm going to be cuddling with Shane. Usually I like to wear longer earrings to balance out the short hair, but I can't always do that.

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What state do you both think you might like to live? There are lots of great places where you both could get jobs, that are not in New Jersey.


Sixty relatives... :lol: I think I would elope! :lol:

You're right, your wedding is going to be expensive!!!


It was terribly painful, hanging by my ring. I still remember that day. Like you I have a necklace that I always wear, never take it off. I have a pair of earrings that I also never take off, they are little posts. No dangly earrings for me as the motorcycle helmet and airplane headset are not good for dangly earrings, so I stick to simple posts. Great idea of the engagement iPod... :D, how creative! There are lots of great ideas for alternative engagment rings, I had just never thought of them until now. Let's see what you both come up with!


Oh, by the way, don't forget to add your HampsterDance family to the number attending the wedding. :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

Hokay, so crazy stuff. @_@


Biggest stress is that my student loans are all coming in, and are bringing my expenses up to more than I make each month, so unless I get a better job, I'll eventually have to find some other way to live, probably moving back to CT, which would be really hard.


Things with Shane are going well. We've looked a little more seriously at rings, though he can't afford them right now, as he's paying off the classes he's taking now as he goes, and that takes up most of his income.


Mad Science is over, so I'm back up to full time at Walmart, which is kinda sad. Shane is done with his classes for the semester too.


I got to go home for Thanksgiving and see some extended family, which was fun times. I got to meet one of my cousins' girlfriend, and she seems cool. Also, the best time to travel during Thanksgiving is definitely 3am. :rolleyes:


I was able to be home for Christmas! I don't know who approved my time off request, but if I find out I have to give them a cookie or something. So, being home was good. Everyone liked their presents, which was good. I got all sorts of cooking stuff, as requested. My sister requested cash for her trip to New Zealand. My dad got all of her cash in dollar coins, put it in a wooden chest that he made, and hid it in the woods. He took down the GPS coordinates and made a fake geocaching page. My sister's presents under the tree were two small boxes, the first containing small keys, and the second with the URL to the fake page. We all then took a fun walk in the woods over a very frozen swamp as my sister went geoCASHing and found her cold hard cash. :lol: She was thoroughly amused.


Because of the impending blizzard, I left a little earlier than I planned last night, though I could have left later (I'm still awake and there's not really any snow yet). The forecast calls for like a foot of snow, so we'll see how that goes, as I have work tomorrow night.


So, that's pretty much all the bigish news lately. :rolleyes:

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The stress from money is a very big one and sometimes it is so frustrating because no matter how you do the math, you just cannot get the bills paid. Moving back to Connecticut would be even harder. Once you have been out on your own, living under your parent's roof again, no matter how fantastic your parents are, is tough.


Good news about you and Shane and your relationship. If you both get more serious, you don't actually need a ring. The ring can come later, especially if you both could combine living expenses.


Oh... I didn't know that Mad Science was such a short job. Will it come around again, and if so, would you be able to get back there?


Traveling in the middle of the night always seemed like a great idea to me as you miss all the crazies during the day. Of course, my family did not like the thought, but my thinking was, I fly all night, how about drive all night? That line of thinking never went over very well. Plus beating the blizzard traveling home was a magnificent idea. Glad you are home safe and sound.


Your father sounds so creative and very cool! The Christmas gift for your sister was amazing! What an outstanding idea and how much fun it was for the whole family.

The chest must have weighed a ton. When does she plan on traveling to New Zealand? It was terrific that you were able to be home for Christmas. Glad you received your cooking supplies. What kind of cooking do you enjoy doing?


Good luck with work, I think this weekend will be an insane time with shoppers spending all the money they received for Christmas. Perhaps the reason you were given Christmas off was because they new that the days after would be a worker's nightmare. Good luck. :lol: Perhaps the real reason you were off was just the luck you had when Thanksgiving and Christmas fell on your days off. If the holidays fell on Monday or Tuesday, you might have not been so lucky.


Thanks so much for the update... we were wondering how you were doing.

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The ring thing isn't so much for me to have a ring as it is for me to fend off all the "where's your ring" nonsense, especially with my mom. My logic is that it seems much more legit to move in with someone you are officially planning to marry than someone you're just dating (which is why I hate calling Shane my "boyfriend," because he's so much more than that). When you live with your boyfriend, you get all the "what if you break up?" nonsense. When you live with your fiancee, it makes more sense to people because you're at that stage where you're already combining your lives to get ready to get married anyways, so moving in together helps that.


Mad Science runs 6 week after school programs, which is what I was doing. They'll do another one starting around February, and if I don't have a better job, I'll probably do it again.


As long as you're well-rested, night travel is probably far safer because there are so few cars on the road. The only thing to watch out for is drunks on weekends and holidays, but if there are few cars, they're easy to spot and avoid. Shane's parents were concerned that I was leaving their house at like 9pm to head to my house, it was kinda funny.


I don't really do much cooking since I don't have the time, but it doesn't help that most of the stuff I had is junk. It's all my grandma's ancient stuff, or my stuff from the dollar store lol. So I figured that having good cooking supplies will make it easier, for both me and Shane (who probably cooks in my house more often than I do, he actually likes to cook). When I cook, it's usually something simple in the microwave. :rolleyes: But, now that I have stuff to cook with, I can make cupcakes, pancakes, other cakes, pasta, fried burgers, smoothies, toast, and all sorts of things much easier. The handle was starting to fall off of the pot we were using for pasta. :rolleyes:


I was really surprised to get Christmas off because I normally work on Saturdays, and they said everyone would have to work because they needed people to change the store over to not-Christmas. I put in the request anyways, despite being told that they'd probably all get denied, and was shocked when I saw it was approved. It seems that they approved a few Christmas requests though, which is pretty cool. I think tonight will be a quiet night, what with it being the middle of a blizzard and all. My road isn't even plowed, so I don't know if I'll even get to work on time, if at all. :wacko:

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Very good point about the ring... you could save the diamond until later and maybe opt for a different type ring for now. Princess Diana had a sapphire. You are totally right in your point of view and the questions people ask.


I had no idea Mad Science was for such a short time. If you don't have a job, that would be a great alternative while you search.


Night travel is the only way to go in my thinking... but some of that may be the fact that I have a rodentia heritage. Nocturnal in almost everything. :rolleyes:


Outstanding that Shane likes to cook!!! Grab that man immediately!!! At least you get to do the fun food stuff. Some of the pots and pans that your grandmother had might be worth some money. Don't be so anxious to throw them out. There are some collectors who really like the old stuff. As for the ones where the handles are falling off... glad to hear you received a replacement before you burnt yourself. Thank goodness for Christmas.


Oh my goodness... you were fortunate! Someone there really likes you! Bake lots of cookies for that person. I had no idea the store switched to non-Christmas that fast.


As for the blizzard, I am really happy you left early and are back home safe and sound. You definitely don't want to be on the roads in that weather. Please keep a blanket in your car, a large can of Fix-A-Flat and a gallon jug of water. This will help should you ever get stranded. At least you will have a blanket to help keep you warm and if you need it, some water. The large can of Fix-A-Flat will get you out of any area and off the side of the road fast, should you have a flat tyre. I never travel anywhere without the largest size of Fix-A-Flat in the trunk. Even in Memphis, we have a blanket in each car. Enough of acting like a parent... just happy that you are home. Good luck trying to get to work tomorrow. But hopefully the snow plows will have gotten the streets plowed, including yours.


We had some snow flurries and I am so happy that nothing stuck. The maniac drivers here have no idea how to drive when it rains, then add the snow, slick surface, and it is like the entire city turned into a bumper car game. This is when I really don't want to leave the house. Snow and black ice are really treacherous to the drivers here. You could always get a pair of snowshoes or a dogsled to get to work. :lol:

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Heh, I actually ended up walking to work, as it's less than a mile away. Less than 10 people showed up. I can't even see my car anymore, save for a small patch and the antenna and mirror. My road is not plowed at all. I have never seen this much snow in my life. It definitely made for an interesting walk though. :rolleyes:

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Oh my... at least you clocked in. Your motivation to make the trek to work shows extreme dedication!!! Now hopefully you won't have any customers. I can't imagine why anyone in the world would go out in that weather to shop at Wally-World.


How much snow actually fell? Down here there are all sorts of numbers for the northeast. How much did you get? As far as the plow coming to your street... not anytime soon. Are you able to walk to Shane's?

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Lol Shane lives 45 minutes away by car, so no, I can't really walk there.


It's hard to tell just how much we got, since the snow got blown around a lot by the winds. Definitely close to two feet though.


We actually did have some customers; all people with trucks that had four wheel drive. There were very few people though. :rolleyes:


I almost had to walk again last night, but my neighbor and his buddy with a snow blower came over and helped dig me out. What should have been at least 6 hours of shoveling took less than an hour, and it was awesome. My driveway is more clear than the roads are now.

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Ohhhhh, I had no idea Shane lived so far away. You are right... walking is not an option. :lol:


About two feet is amazing! With the wind, you end up with huge snow drifts!!!


Of course, this is the only time the four wheel drive truck makes any sense. All the rest of the time, in my eyes, if you don't live on a farm, it is a tremendous gas-guzzler. Of course the drivers of those vehicles would be out... even if they had no place to go. :lol: I'm still impressed at you walking to work. You are so dedicated and this shows what a fantastic employee you are!!!


Bake cookies for those neighbors!!! How wonderful they are to help you clear your driveway, and less than an hour is really outstanding! The snow-blower is an amazing invention. :)


Hope life in blizzard world gets back to normal soon. One lady at the gym was so excited because she works for a company with it's headquarters just outside of Boston, and she got to take a "snow day" because the headquarters declared it. Of course when this happens, we don't get snow days. They usually have the airports plowed continuously as the snow is falling. The delays come when you need to get de-iced.

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What a mess!!! With the windy conditions, it was really hard to keep the runways clear. As soon as the plow went one way down the runway clearing the path, the wind blew more snow back onto the freshly plowed area. It was too difficult to keep up with the blowing snow.


It does not matter your motives, you still impress me!!!

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Oh my!!!!!


I am amazed that you even left the house!!! I cannot believe you even left the house!!!!!

When I had a mental picture, I was not even close. This snow looks so much more than I ever imagined!


Thank you so much for the photograph!!!

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So apparently, Mark (one of my main bosses) never put me back to full time in the system, so I don't have insurance right now like I was supposed to. In addition, my hours (along with everyone else's) have been cut. The good news though, is that Fred (the good boss, Mark's equal) is going to hopefully fix it. Then things get tricky: Mad Science wants me back, which means I'd have to go back to part time and lose my insurance anyways. So I'm hoping I can do one of two things: either stay at full time status and work part time hours, or get all my doctor appointments in as soon as I get insurance, and switch back to part time at the last second. Of course, I also have to check with mad science that they'd be okay with and able to cover me if I get offered a teaching job and have to quit.


Last night when I got home for lunch, there was a cop outside my neighbor's house. Apparently his dog had been wandering around the neighborhood and barking at the door, and said neighbor was nowhere to be found. I tried calling his cell phone, but there was no answer. I hope he's alright, and that he can get his dog back (it was freezing, and I helped the cop get it into her patrol car to keep it warm until animal control could take care of it).


On a better and less complicated note, I got my trash outside on time today. :rolleyes:

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What a mess at work, you definitely need to have insurance if Fred can fix it. Were the hours cut due to a lack of sales? Good news that Mad Science wants you, does that start in February? I think if you let Mad Science know that you would give them proper notice, they should have no problem with you taking a teaching job. The teaching jobs never give you a job immediately, they always make you jump through some sort of hoops. Any prospects along the teaching route? I hope so, but have no idea how things are up in your area.


Having a policeman outside your neighbor's house is a scary way to arrive home. You were so nice to get the dog into the police car to warm him up. Any news on your neighbor? Did the police look inside? Where was his car? I cannot imagine that he would leave the house with the dog outside.


Trash pick-up... those poor guys are going to have a really awful time doing their jobs. That's one job I would never want to do. New York City is just starting to get things cleaned up with the trash.

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Our store on its down is actually doing awesome, but Walmart as a company is getting hit by the recession. I think the cut in hours was to compensate for the holiday pay that was given out for Christmas and probably New Year.


I'm not sure when Mad Science starts, but probably February, yes. Some teaching jobs DO sometimes start immediately if they need you badly enough. I've heard of people getting called and asked to start the next day. I have no real prospects right now, but I have applied for a bunch of openings.


As for my neighbor, I haven't heard from him. He doesn't have a car, so you can't tell when he's home. I know he's been going through a rough time, apparently he and his girlfriend split, though they're still friends (mom has said they've been sort of on and off for awhile). My guess is he probably had a little too much to drink at a friend's house or something. Either that or he's a really heavy sleeper.

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That makes total sense about getting employees hours back in line after the Christmas season. I had not considered that, but now that you mention it, I can see how this fits in.


Well, I hope you get one of those teaching jobs you have applied for. Good luck on your applications. I think your new look with the haircut will impress the interviewers.


How rough for your neighbor, I hope things start looking up for him. He will need to get to the pound to retrieve his dog. They are going to give the dog shots and if the dog stays there long enough, he will be neutered. All these expenses are passed on to the owner and I do not believe he needs another headache at this time. Hopefully he gets things straightened out.

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Not knowing anything about the teaching world, is there anything that you can do to enhance your resume? I think the part-time jobs with Mad Science would help. Have you ever heard of these places called Mathnasium? We have one in Memphis, but I don't know too much about them. How about one of those Sylvan Learning Centers? I'm probably asking dumb questions, but I figured that I would ask anyway. The pay is probably awful, but it might be something to consider.


Hopefully he has rescued his dog from the pound. I certainly would not like to see the dog lose his life. :(

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Oh snap, I've been away longer than I thought. :blink: I'm still alive, not much has really gone on, aside from lots of work. A couple of you tracked me down on the great book of faces, so you can always check up on me there, as I do check that every day. I had a job interview, didn't get the job. Did another session of Mad Science, which was fun. That 6th grade kid I was teaching started a new program, so that ended.


I'm still stuck at Walmart, which is getting more and more frustrating, as they aren't allowed to put me back up to full time. Quite a few people have quit or been fired, and they aren't allowed to hire new people unless it's a "business critical need." So, they keep trying to do more work with less people. I'm no good at that. I prefer doing quality work, and am simply not good at quantity work. Last night they stuck me in grocery (which I hate), and in an aisle that I'm not familiar with, and my shoulder has been bothering me for over a week now. Then my boss walked by, saw how far along the aisle I was, and told me to hurry up. When I tried to explain that I didn't know the aisle and my shoulder still hurts, he just walked away. Some days it feels like they're trying to get me to quit (which I would gladly do, if I had a better option).


I have another job interview for a subbing position on the 26th, so I'm hoping for the best. It looks like the district only pays about $75 a day though, and I don't know if I'd be guaranteed five days a week. It would come out about the same as Walmart, but with much better hours and working conditions. So, we'll see what happens. Still, it's been almost a year since I graduated college. I want my money back. <_< Because of the student loan bills, I'm really stuck between a rock and a hard place. All the jobs that get me more "experience," are part time and/or temporary jobs that won't pay the bills. All the jobs that pay the bills don't get me more experience, or are apparently unattainable.


Life outside of work has been pretty good. Shane was able to schedule his days off to be the same as mine, so I get to spend a lot of time with him, which is awesome. He loves me so much, and keeps me sane. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. The weather has been getting nicer, which has meant good weather for going for walks on my weekends with Shane, and also lower heating bills. :rolleyes: This summer, I plan to not have the AC on to save on electricity.


So yeah, that's pretty much it.

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Sounds like your relationship with Shane is the best thing that ever happened to the two of you. This is wonderful!!!


Good luck on your interview, I certainly hope that you get the sub job. At least you would be in your field if you got the teaching job and Walmart would be a thing of the past. I have been asking my friends who are teachers in your area, and they say no openings yet. They are still looking for any teaching position opening for me to pass on to you.


You have my admiration... I would go crazy if I had to work at Walmart. You will be out of there soon. Take care of that shoulder... the work in the grocery aisle will only aggravate the problem. I hope that you are in a different department until your shoulder heals.


The summer without air conditioning should not be too bad, only a few days of torture when it comes to high heat and humidity, but perhaps you will make it through the summer.


Glad to see you again.

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Things are starting to look a little better for me. I have an interview this Friday at a camp that's right around the corner from camp (where I used to spend my summers, and will be spending this summer if I get the job). I only applied to it yesterday! I also got my insurance card from Walmart today, but I don't know if I can use it yet, since I'm still part time and haven't been there a year yet (unless someone changed it and didn't tell me).

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Insurance is really important. Most companies will not send you an insurance card unless you are covered and able to use it immediately, so I am thinking positively about this.


Good luck on the interview Friday. Camp would be a nice change. What would happen with Walmart?

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Insurance is really important. Most companies will not send you an insurance card unless you are covered and able to use it immediately, so I am thinking positively about this.


Good luck on the interview Friday. Camp would be a nice change. What would happen with Walmart?

Just checked with their customer service, and yes, I'm covered! Now I can get my shoulder checked out, and get myself put on birth control! If I get the job, and it pays well enough, I'll quit Walmart.

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Terrific news!!! Insurance is a big plus. Hope that shoulder turns out to be nothing. Good idea to use the insurance for all your needs. Your insurance should also have a dental plan. I would check on this and take advantage of it. If you don't need any work, then a check-up and cleaning is a good place to start. Most insurance has at least two cleanings per year covered. Also, look into the vision coverage. You should be able to get a yearly check-up and at least one pair of glasses. Take advantage of these if you have the extra cash, because when you leave you will not have insurance again for a specified period.

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The dental plan is separate, and is a stupid plan in general, since you need to be paying into it for a year before it takes effect. The checkups and such I do plan to get done asap, which might be tough, because things keep coming up.


On that note, interviews abound! The camp interview went really well, and it was strongly implied that I have a job this summer as long as my references check out. In the parking lot after that interview, I checked my voicemail to clear out the one my dad left me (not enough cell reception at the cabin to do that), and there was another voicemail from a charter school that wants to interview me on Monday! The charter school is interesting, I saw the post on the NJHire website, but you have to pay a fee, which I can't afford, to apply through the website. So I sent them an email expressing my interest, and included my resume. They called me up on Thursday as Shane and I were loading up the car to request some more information, and I guess they liked what they saw! The fact that they went out of their way to contact me instead of just using the people who applied through the website makes me think that they really need a science teacher, so that's a good sign for me. Tuesday is my interview for the subbing position. So three interviews in one week = awesome!


Also, I got my new phone, which is adorable. It's a Kin OneM. Only problem so far is that the backup assistant that is supposed to move your contacts into your new phone doesn't work with it, so I have to take a trip to the Verizon store later and get them to do it. Or maybe I'll just ask everyone to text me with their numbers. :rolleyes:

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Oh my goodness!!!! I am so excited for you!!! Good luck on your interview. You will be great! Hopefully the charter school will be what you are looking for and they will like you equally as well as you like the school. This is simply wonderful news. We will keep you in our thoughts, hearts and prayers for good fortune to be on your side. If you like it, then we hope you get it.


Save time... get Verizon to load your data. You would not want to miss anyone and lose their numbers.


As for the dental plan, that stinks. One year. Hopefully you will be able to use your dental benefits before you upgrade positions.


WOW I am so very excited for you!!!


Good luck!!

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I really hope the interviews go well - today was another bad day at work. One of my managers has taken a liking to putting me in the grocery department, which I hate and am generally bad at. And even though he knows I never do well there, he always makes disapproving faces and comments about how I need to work faster, even though I'm doing the best I can. Today I asked him if I could work on Wednesday (they still have me on part time schedule), and he said he couldn't add people (which, last I checked, is an outright lie because he and other managers have done it in the past), and that he could only take hours away. With that, I gently inquired about taking a half shift tomorrow (because of the interview, though I just told him something came up at the last possible second, which is true), and he said I can leave early if I have to, but it would "count against me," whatever that means. I need to do the math on how long it's going to take to get to my interview and back, and see if I can reasonably work two full shifts in a row with that (I think it's like an hour and a half away, nearly in NY).

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You will have to find a way to get on the 'good' side of this rotten guy. He sounds miserable. If there was some way you could let him know you 'love' being in the grocery department, he would probably move you out. Pick another department that you really like and subtly suggest that you hate that department and say thank you so much for putting you in the grocery department as you have realized this is your favorite department. All of this must be sort of subtle. Meaning you can mention it once or twice, but when you see him coming smile, as hard as that may be. It will undermine his thinking and he just might move you out of the grocery department. If and when you are placed in another department, then frown whenever he comes by and tell him you hate it there. Is there any way you can talk to a different manager or is this guy your immediate supervisor?


I don't know how you work with him. You are amazing to keep putting up with this. I know you have to for survival, but it is really sad that a manager such as this is in such a position.


You will do great in your interview, you have to. You definitely get out from under this manager.

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Heh, my friends and I were actually joking about how I should tell him I like grocery. Luckily, there are two managers that alternate every four days. Unfortunately, this is the week I get the one I don't like for all four days. The other one is much nicer and likes putting me in stationary/crafts, which I enjoy doing. I'm tempted to use the "open door" policy to talk to the one I don't like about how I've been feeling, even though he likely won't care, and taking it to the store manager if it doesn't work. But if I get a new job, I'll probably just wait it out until I leave, and then write a lengthy note to the store manager about my thoughts (which include much more than the manager currently getting on my nerves).

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If you ever use the open door policy, check out the state laws regarding recording conversations. If your laws are similar to Tennessee, you are permitted to record the conversation without his knowledge. In Tennessee, our law states that only one person has to know that the encounter is being recorded. So you can record the meeting. This has proven to be an incredible tool when it comes to managers who have a tendency to lie.

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I got the idea before I went to bed yesterday to write a letter for him to read at his leisure, and that's what I did. I ended up taking a half shift today, and the manager was NOT happy about that, but I think after he read the letter he was a little more okay with it. I ended up getting called into the office to talk about my letter, and he wasn't mad, but not thrilled either. Oddly enough, he said he thinks I do best in grocery, and that's why he puts me there. I think he's crazy, but whatever. I feel better now that I've expressed my concerns to him. Anyways, turns out that interview is more like two hours away - closer to camp than to my house! I know that with a drive that long, taking a full shift at work and getting three hours of sleep would be a bad idea. :rolleyes:

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The interview yesterday went really well. The principal kept saying how impressed he was with me (apparently largely in part because my Praxis scores were the highest anyone's come in to interview with, and my grades were good), and seemed to really like all my answers to his questions. He said that the next step for me is to come in to teach a sample lesson. ^_^ The school itself seems really awesome. I'd be teaching 4th and 5th grade science in a new charter school that's opening next year (it will be a sister school of the one I interviewed at). Both schools place a large emphasis on science and art, as well as technology (I was told SmartBoards, ipods, and laptops). The school seems like an awesome place for me. I found it interesting that he told me what the starting salary would be - something that generally doesn't happen on a first interview (and salary in question is much higher than I expected, and will enable me to comfortably pay my bills, and still have money left over to save). I also noticed that a very large percentage of the teachers in the school were young. So, I'm very excited about possibly getting this job.


Today I had an interview at a much closer town for a high school subbing position, which went pretty well. I was interviewed by the vice principal, who said that though he's slightly reserved about my lack of experience with older kids, he thinks I'd be a good candidate. So, we'll see where that goes.


I also got the email today to go up to meet with the program coordinator at that camp I interviewed at last Friday, so it looks like I'm going to be up at camp again this weekend. I hope I get the jobs I interviewed for, because all this driving to NY with these gas prices is going to make me go broke pretty fast. :wacko:

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Oh right - follow up to that letter I wrote to my manager: in the letter, I wrote at the end what things I was good at and enjoyed doing. Last night, he had me working on some projects to condense all the Easter stuff, and fill in new features and the like. (I had mentioned that I like working on projects and features and such; pretty much anything that makes me think.) For once he was actually happy with what I got done (I'm good at fitting a lot of stuff into small spaces, which is what he wanted me to do, and I was able to get rid of a pallet of ramen, half a pallet of pasta sides, and the remains of a pallet of ketchup, all of which have been dragged out to the floor and sent back for the past several nights). He said that tonight he has another project for me to work on, so I'm happy about that. Working on projects is much more interesting than just throwing things on shelves. At any rate, it is very refreshing to know that my manager took what I said seriously.

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WOW!!! What a success you were with your letter to your manager! I am so impressed!!! Your letter must have been well written and directly on point, so congratulations!!! It sounds like you have made great strides with him and are showing your potential in the special projects. This is outstanding news!!!


The interviews sounded like you were exceptional. The new charter school that is opening sounds like the job of your dreams. Lots of young teachers, technological options and science are a great base to start working with. Your Praxis scores and grades were excellent as you worked hard to do a good job, so I am pleased that the Principal noticed and stated this. It sounds like you made a great impression on him. I hope you get the job. Where is this school going to be located? If you get the job, when do you have to start? Would you be able to accept the camp counselor position and be able finish the summer before your duties at the school begin? I am going to assume that you get both positions as things seem quite positive. As for the substitute position, I am not sure why he is concerned, it is not like you are getting hired for a permanent position, you are going to be a substitute. I think you could do a good job, with the older kids, and cannot see any problems arising. You are smart and have a good ability to deal with people, so I believe this would be no problem for you. Hopefully you get all three positions!


Did anyone mention when you should be receiving their decisions? Let us hope soon. At least the camp has to be quick so you can prepare to go.


Good luck!!!

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The science teaching job is in northern NJ. I'd rather not mention the specific area in case any future students come across this. :rolleyes: Hopefully I will hear back from them soon about teaching my sample lesson.


The camp job is a go, and they'll be paying me more than Walmart - enough to pay my bills! ^_^ I'm not looking forward to telling my managers, especially since I have to request off a bunch of days for orientations and training. >_< But, the camp job will be a lot of fun, and a lot of hard work and experience for teaching. The camp ends mid-August, which should be plenty of time to take on the teaching position (the camp hires lots of teachers, so I assume that they are sensitive to this type of thing anyways).


As for the letter I wrote my manager, I always write things to the point (unless I have a page requirement to fill :rolleyes: ), and I ran it past Shane to make sure it made sense. I had my yearly evaluation (early, but whatever) a few days ago, and one of the things that was mentioned was that I am good at communicating effectively and professionally, or something like that. :lol:

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Totally understand on not mentioning the town. I am positive that you will be successful on your teaching lesson interview. This sounds like such a terrific school and excellent opportunity for you.


Congratulations on the camp job!!! Great news on the better pay. Like you, I would not look forward to telling my Wal-mart managers. The camp job will be a superb way to spend the summer making money before your teaching job begins. I am positive you will receive a job offer from them. Your yearly evalutaion sounded very good. Your skills as an effective and professional communicator will make you an excellent teacher. Very smart to run your letter past Shane as that gives you an objective point of view. Perhaps your letter added to your positive evaluation.


It sounds like you are on a very positive employment track. The ability to pay your bills will take quite a bit of stress off your shoulders. What a relief!


Keep us posted on your next step in the teaching interview!

Good luck!!!

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Well, telling my manager I'm leaving was much more painless than expected. :) Now I need to get all those doctor appointments over with as fast as possible before my insurance goes away. :rolleyes:


In other news, Bin Laden is finally dead! Of course, some other jerk will likely replace him, but it's still good news.

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Great news!!!! I am glad to hear you found it easier than you anticipated to inform your manager of your exit. Get a copy of the yearly review you just had. It is always good for future reference. You may have to request this in writing, but it is an asset that you do not want to let slide. Please do this, even if it means another meeting with your manager. Find the one you like or perhaps request a copy of your personnel file from human resources. They should have no problem honouring your request.


Yes, Bin Laden is dead, and you are one million percent accurate in that there will be someone else to replace him. My concerns are that the 'new' leader will have to prove himself, and rather rapidly, with an attack on the USA. My other concerns are the young terrorists, such as the twelve year-old suicide bomber in Morocco. Recruiting and utilizing children of this age is awful and may even disarm adults when it comes to terrorists. If you are sitting in a cafe and you see a twelve year-old, would you be alarmed? Most likely not. The next six months to a year will prove very interesting.


As far as the death of Bin Laden, I was shocked to get home to see actors and actresses being interviewed and they said they would not believe he was dead until they saw pictures. I was wondering... have they ever heard of Photoshop? :lol: You can not believe everything you see with your eyes either.

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Heh, yeah, it would be pretty easy to photoshop pictures of Bin Laden, though I think the pictures should have been released to anyone who wanted to see them, just as a form of closure to the people most affected. I don't think it would make the terrorists much more angry than they already are.


I still haven't gotten any solid word from the school I interviewed at. I did call twice, Wednesday and Thursday, and they said to call back early Monday if I didn't hear anything. I had been discouraged that it was taking so long, but then I remembered that it's a new school, so they probably have a TON of people to call back and schedule interviews for, so it makes sense that it's taking longer than normal. I have, however, been applying to other jobs just in case, and plan to continue doing so until I get an actual job offer.

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Keep applying to other jobs, but the old saying goes, "no news is good news". Hopefully this will apply in your case. As you mentioned, this is a new school, and perhaps they have had a large number of people apply. You are handling this quite well, and I am hoping it works out in your favour.


Regarding Bin Laden... I would not want to see pictures. If the pictures were gory, perhaps this might anger some people when they saw the image. Or perhaps it might raise his status to martyr. Not releasing the pictures in his case is something I think I agree with.

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People would regard him as a martyr and get angry regardless. I would not want to see the pictures either, but I think they shouldn't be kept so secret either. I think that there are ways to release the photos and still be tasteful about it, and not make it into a huge spectacle.

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Well, I would give people the choice to view it or not, not post it on billboards or something.


In other news, I called the charter school today (as instructed), and actually ended up getting ahold of the principal who interviewed me. He said he remembered me, and said to give HR another week to call me, because they are calling so many people. So, the fact that he remembered me is good, and hopefully calling him will keep me in his mind for later.


I have, however, applied to a ton of other teaching positions, so hopefully I'll get one of them if this one doesn't work out.

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This is such a tough time for you. Waiting is so difficult. It seems like the companies have no idea just how hard it is for the interviewee (?) to be put on hold. Yes, I do agree, it is excellent that the principal remembered you. This is great news!!! They were interviewing for a number of positions, is this correct? My mind is a bit clogged at the moment, so I apologize for not remembering. If so, then it makes total sense to take longer than they anticipated, although it does not make it any easier on you. The good news is that they did not immediately eliminate you. We have to look at the positive side of things.


The other good news is that there are teaching jobs looking for applicants. I am pleased to hear this as this means that you have a lot more opportunity to get a teaching job. You will get something soon, I am positive of this.


Thank you for the update.

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Absolutely, very, very old. They should do like another company I know of, they advise you that if you do not hear something within two weeks, then consider yourself not a candidate. That would make it much, much easier.


Focus on some of the other schools that you applied to. Hopefully something good will turn out.

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Welp, still no word from the school. This weekend was the spring kickoff at camp, which was fun. I got to run an activity where kids decorated flower pots and planted seeds in them. Also went shopping with mom on Saturday, which was nice. Aside from that, nothing really new.

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*hums the Jeopardy theme* We planted a few different types of herb seeds. Apparently oregano and marjoram seeds are really tiny. Like grains of sand tiny.


Coming back to work last night, I found out there are a whole bunch of idiotic rumors going around about my friends. They're so stupid, they're almost funny, but they are potentially damaging if someone's dumb enough to believe them. And also lots of boy drama, which isn't all unrelated. The more my friends talk about their lives and relationships, the more I love my own. :rolleyes: But yeah, sometimes it's nice to have a reputation as "the innocent one," even if it's a somewhat false assumption. (I know more than people think I do, even if I don't partake in so many *ahem* questionable activities. So innocent in actions, perhaps, but not in knowledge.)


Also, it suddenly got very toasty here in NJ. It's over 80 degrees, and it's been in the 60's all week.

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I'm still upset. And confused. The interview and the phone call I made seemed so positive, I'm really baffled as to why they didn't have me teach a sample lesson. The only things I can think of was that maybe I was the first person they interviewed, or that maybe they ran across someone who doesn't like me. I think I might write a letter asking what happened, to see if there's anything I can fix.

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It is totally understandable for you to still be upset and confused. It is distressing when you get to a positive interview and are rejecting. Many companies keep people 'positively hanging' until they find the exact person they are looking for. In my opinion, the thought that maybe they ran across someone who doesn't like you probably is not what happened. They may have a certain type person they were looking for, or have some other preference, such as previous teaching experience, that they did not inform you about.


When you write your letter, I would suggest you ask the question for what you could do to improve yourself for future interviews. They may or may not give you the information you are seeking, but at least it will help you feel better.


Please let us know what they say.

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I haven't heard anything from the letter I wrote, and probably won't, but I guess it was worth a try. In better news, I have only one week left at Walmart! Oddly enough, they gave me a full 40 hours this week. So, I have to clean up the house and finish getting my supply lists together now.

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I know how disappointed you are in the manner in which this school handled itself. Glad that your last week at Walmart is a full forty hours. You can probably use the extra money. The summer camp should be a lot of fun and be a good stepping stone for your teaching job, that I am certain you will get.


Good luck getting prepared for your next adventure. You will be leaving before you know it.


Here is a tip for when you leave, turn off your hot water heater. This will save you a considerable amount of money if your hot water heater is electric.

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I know how disappointed you are in the manner in which this school handled itself. Glad that your last week at Walmart is a full forty hours. You can probably use the extra money. The summer camp should be a lot of fun and be a good stepping stone for your teaching job, that I am certain you will get.


Good luck getting prepared for your next adventure. You will be leaving before you know it.


Here is a tip for when you leave, turn off your hot water heater. This will save you a considerable amount of money if your hot water heater is electric.


Oooh, good call, I hadn't thought of that! I'll still be stopping down here during some of my weekends though, and other people might be spending the night in the house while I'm gone. So, I guess it'll depend on just how much use the house will get.

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Oooh, good call, I hadn't thought of that! I'll still be stopping down here during some of my weekends though, and other people might be spending the night in the house while I'm gone. So, I guess it'll depend on just how much use the house will get.

It only takes about 15 minutes for the hot water to heat up, so if anyone is staying there, they can turn on the hot water heater before use, let it heat up and shut it off before the last shower is taken before they leave. This way the hot water heater does not heat up extra water just to sit in the container when you are gone. And even with marathon showers, you will not use up all your hot water in your last shower. Our electric bill was cut over thirty percent, with more savings when we turned off the other devices, such as the television and verify that all other appliances that reside in the standby mode were also off.


You have no idea just how much electricity you use when these appliances sit in the standby mode until you leave the house and turn them all off, then compare your electric bill to a month when they have all remained on. When I spoke with the cable company in Florida, they tried telling me that the cost of leaving the cable box and television on was minimal, and blah, blah, blah..., but our electric bill was reduced to almost nothing when we turned all those things off. What remained on were a few lights that cycled on timers, to give the impression someone was still there, and the air conditioner set on a much higher temperature setting, to reduce the humidity. After I saw the savings, I became a firm believer in the shutting off of appliances that sit in standby. When you think about it, there are quite a number of these devices in your home... for example, anything with a clock. I just hit the circuit breaker box and labeled the circuit breakers that I wanted to turn off with a little orange dot.

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I started keeping things on power strips so I could shut them all off at once, and it does make a big difference - about $20 off my electric bill.

Interesting, today in the Wall Street Journal, Asia edition, they had a very long article on hidden power drains and the different gadgets that help you avoid this. Pretty interesting article.


Exactly what you are doing is one of the topics mentioned! Great thinking on your part.

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Hehe nice. I'm up at camp now. As you can see, we do have internet, sort of. We have camp-wide wireless satellite internet that doesn't really work when it rains (or if you look at it the wrong way), and has very limited bandwidth. But, it's enough to check up on things and send IMs, so it's better than nothing by far.


Also, done with Walmart! It seems like they'll take me back in the fall if I can't get a better job, which is good.

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The good news is that you will have a job after summer is over. Not the best place to be, but a paycheck. I am hoping that you get the best teaching position somewhere and will never have to go back to Walmart.


:lol: Feed your internet chocolate chip cookies... it will be happy then. :lol:

Some internet is better than no internet, but I am so spoilt with having superb access, that any glitch makes me frown. What a baby I am.


At least you have some access to the outside world. So hopefully we will hear from you occasionally. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Today starts the first official week of camp! Though, I've been there all this past week for archery training, ropes training, new camper orientation, and getting my animals. Last Monday was rocket training, but that was outside of camp. I was with the same people for archery and ropes training for four days, so I've made some friends, one of which is living at the camp and has volunteered to take care of the animals on the weekends.


I have SO MANY animals. Outside we have a goat, a sheep, chickens, ducks, bunnies, and guinea pigs. Inside we have three dwarf hamsters, a teddy bear hamster, a guinea pig that I'm 75% sure is pregnant, a large bunny, a laughing dove, a baby leopard gecko, baby bearded dragon, tarantula, hermit crabs, and a betta fish. We're going to be getting a green snake, but it's coming in later.


I do have some questions about the hamsters. The three dwarf hamsters lived together in the pet store, and were brought home in the same small box, but they beat the crap out of each other on the ride home. They were still fighting a bit after I put them in the cage, so I separated them. I also got bit when I tried to pick one up. Is there anything I can do about that?

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Camp sounds like it will be terrific fun. At least you made it though training without putting an arrow into someone, so I would say you are off to a good start. :lol: Nice to hear you have made friends. :D The rocket training... I will enjoy hearing your rocket adventures. Perhaps you will find a new interest.


As for the dwarf hamsters... supposedly the dwarf siblings are supposed to live together and get along. But the first problem is that most often the pet store does not sex the dwarfs. They could have fought because they were cooped up in a little box for the ride home, but that should not have happened. Dwarf hamsters are most noted for having a mean disposition. The camp really should have not chosen those little guys. As far as biting you, there could be a few reasons... one is due to the stress of change. They were most likely afraid and when you tried to pick them up, this was a little too soon. What should have happened was that they were put in their cage and put off in a quiet corner for a couple days. Most likely the fighting would have subsided. Stress of change is one of the reasons they fight and bite. You can try them again in the same cage, but keep them in a place where no one will bother them for a couple days. This should allow them to get adapted to their surroundings with no other stresses. If they still fight, then you will have to find the bully, harder said then done, and remove that particular one into another cage. If you cannot find the one trouble maker, then they will all have to live in separate cages. The cage also has to be big enough for them to have some space. A ten gallon tank is not big enough for three dwarf hamsters as start to grow, but for the summer this should be okay. Regarding the biting... I am hoping a couple days to get used to his surroundings should take care of the problem, but I am not totally sure on this. For the small kids, I would not recommend allowing them to put their hands into any cage. You pick up the hamsters, even the larger ones. Also I know that you are aware of not allowing anyone to just put their hand in the cage without first waking the hamsters up. Even the big ones will bite out of fear. Keep some neosporin handy, just in case someone gets bitten. What I tell kids is "everything with teeth can bite... even humans".


Please keep me posted. I am going to call friends of mine who own a pet store and have both dwarfs and Syrians to ask their advice.

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Yeah, I honestly wasn't too keen on so many hamsters, but the camp likes them because they're cute and fluffy. We also have a teddy bear hamster which doesn't seem too friendly either. I know handling them should get them used to people, but I need a way to do it without getting bit. >_< Unfortunately, there aren't many quiet spots in my area of camp.

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One of the big problems is that pet stores sell these hamsters when they are way too young. They are scared and their only instinct is to bite. I would give them a day or two, if you are able, with no human contact. Then start by putting your hand in the cage and letting them come up and smell you. This should eliminate any fear. The big problem for you is that, this takes time, which you really do not have. The other argument in your defense is that you do not want someone bitten and this is the best way to accomplish that.

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The problem is they go to bite when you do that, probably thinking the fingers are a snack. My boss showed me how she picks them up with a cardboard tube, and puts them in her hand, and didn't get bit, which was interesting. Definitely gonna be awhile before I let the kids touch them.


In better news, Shane is here! He's visiting for almost a whole week! ^_^

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How terrific Shane is there with you!!!! Enjoy your week!!!


The tube idea is a good one. I had never tried a technique such as that. Another thought is to make sure that all the kids wash their hands before they handle the animals. Food smells on their hands will represent dinner to the hamsters.

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It was great having Shane here for the week! Yesterday I taught him how to paddle a canoe. ^_^ Also apparently yesterday, our "fat" guinea pig had three babies, which surprisingly look like mini guinea pigs, rather than hairless blobs as rodent babies tend to.

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It was great having Shane here for the week! Yesterday I taught him how to paddle a canoe. ^_^ Also apparently yesterday, our "fat" guinea pig had three babies, which surprisingly look like mini guinea pigs, rather than hairless blobs as rodent babies tend to.

Wonderful on your week with Shane!!! As for the guinea pig and babies, I know you know this, but give the mother at least a week with almost no interaction from the kids. As you mentioned that you have almost no quiet place, you can take a towel and cover the side of the cage where the babies are. This should help the mother during the initial phase of child rearing.


Please keep us informed.

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  • 1 month later...

What? New boards? Shiny. Anyways, camp is over. It was fun overall, but I'm glad to be back in the land of properly functioning internets. I still have no teaching job, and also no any other type of job. I'm looking into waitressing, and also taking an online masters program to get a M.ed in School Counseling. I would likely be able to defer my loans while I take the classes, and it would give me another job option. Anyone have any suggestions on good online universities that offer that particular degree?

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Let me ask my friend who is in that field. She just finished accomplishing your goal with an online university.


I am sorry that you are jobless. Waitressing is a good way to make some money while you finish your master's. It sounds like a very good plan you have to expand your qualifications. A wild idea just popped into my head, I wonder if you could get a short stint with the Peace Corps. It could very well be a teaching job that gave you the experience you need. Of course, you would be away from Shane and not have good internet, but it is another option, if that is something that interests you.

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Nah, only getting to see Shane every other weekend over the summer was bad enough.


In other news: earthquake in NJ! That was quite bizarre. It's not unusual for passing trucks to rattle the windows, but I noticed that my bike and the things hanging on it was moving in the kitchen, and I felt a little unsteady. Quite interesting.


Yesterday I applied to two different Applebees and a TGI Fridays. One Applebees wasn't hiring, one was just hiring hostesses, and Fridays is hiring, and the manager was super nice. So, we'll see where that goes.


I also might have an interview at a charter school tomorrow. I'm waiting to hear back on an exact time.

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Hurricane is coming, and I'll be in NY. Shane and I plan to go to the ren faire on Saturday, I think it's gonna be soggy. So, I dunno how much damage it'll do, power's probably going to get knocked out, so if you don't hear from me, don't worry.

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Being away from Shane was tough, but that is what made the weekends even better.


The news about the earthquake in New Jersey took me by surprise. I could not remember what fault line you all had up there. That definitely must have been a very strange experience.


Hope you did not lose power and were able to get through the hurricane without any problems. Did you have any damage to your grandmother's house? As for the faire... was it still held? :o My thoughts were that it might have been cancelled.


Good luck with your interview at the charter school. I know this is the job you would prefer. Were they looking for previous experience? Hopefully not. As for the Applebees and Fridays, I have my paws crossed. Maybe the interviewer will not keep you hanging when it comes to a response.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a great trip for you to plan for the future. When do the leaves start turning colours? It will be magnificent to see the beauty from Mt. Washington with all the variations. Especially with your ability to take photographs, it would be an amazing photo-journey.

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Some of the trees were just starting to turn when we were up there, but going up Mt. Washington any later in the season than we did increases the chances of snow. In fact, they had snow at the observatory just a few days after we left. I'll have to find and resize a couple of pictures.

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Hokay, picked out five pictures. I made them 25% of the original size, but I have a feeling they may still end up huge.


post-1041-0-44241300-1316442980_thumb.jpg The view from the summit of Mt. Clay (the one next to Mt. Washington)


post-1041-0-07912200-1316443019_thumb.jpg Me at the summit of Mt. Washington the next day, with the "view" behind me. It was so foggy that we were maybe 50 feet from the top, wondering how far away we were. Then some fog blew away, and there were huge buildings looming over us. The result was a collective, "OH!"


post-1041-0-52919300-1316443094_thumb.jpg A shot of a couple hikers getting ready to board the cog train.


post-1041-0-75727300-1316443122_thumb.jpg Artsy shot on the way down.


post-1041-0-24723000-1316443142_thumb.jpg I'm broke, but after seeing so many "This car climbed Mt. Washington" bumper stickers, I HAD to get this shirt. (Sitting at our campsite just below tree line on Mt. Clay.)

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Amazing pictures!!! No, not too big at all. The perfect size!!!!! Thank you for posting those!


The artsy shot was terrific and by the way, those people waiting to board the cog train are not 'hikers' but 'riders'. :lol: YOU most definitely deserve the t-shirt!!!!! As for the fog and being so close to the buildings... that is hilarious. I totally understand what it was like. When I was in Alaska the fog was that thick. Amazing.

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Either state, I would go to FedEx or *cough, cough* UPS. They hire for the fall season until just past Christmas. If you are always on time and like where you are, they offer you full time employment. Initially you are hired with a guarantee of 17.5 hours per week, with medical, dental and vision benefits. As the season gets closer to Christmas, you will be working more hours than you ever desired. You get in the door as a package handler and I can help you if you choose to try. I will give you a reference which is worth quite a bit when it comes to getting in the door. They also have a $3000 per year tuition reimbursement in case you are interested in working towards your Masters.

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That may be worth looking into. Right now I have a couple promising things out there. On Friday I had an interview at Movado, which is a store in the mall that sells fancy watches. Tomorrow I have an interview at Dress Barn, and on Thursday, I have orientation for substitute teaching (required to just get into the system, and doesn't guarantee a job). So, hopefully those work out.

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Movado watches are beautiful! I hope you get the job!!! Dress Barn would be a better place than Wally World, and either way, I hope you get something soon! You can always work the shift at FedEx before or after the other shifts at your other jobs. If you wanted, it could only last through the end of December or first week in January, but it would be an additional chunk of money and health benefits. The health benefits are worth their weight in platinum.


Good luck with the substitute teaching! This is really what you want, so I hope it works and you get a full week of substitute teaching every week.

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Health benefits I have through my dad's insurance again (I was too old, but then the policy changed), and his benefits are really awesome. So, that's a good thing. My Dress Barn interview went well, and I like it better than Movado, even though it's further away. They seem much more laid back there, and the dress code is easier (Movado would have me wearing all black, whereas at Dress Barn I can pretty much just wear my teaching clothes). Either way, any retail job is going to be part time and wanting me on nights and weekends, so it fits well with being able to sub during the school day.

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That is terrific news about your health insurance. What a great thing for the insurance company to change it's requirements. The old requirements were so narrow-minded and you are so very fortunate.


Hope the Dress Barn hires you and really soon. Waiting is so hard. I am sorry that it is part-time, but in this case it sounds perfect. You can get your foot in the door substitute teaching and then have something where you can count on money coming in. Is it safe to assume that you are still in New Jersey or is your teaching license good for Connecticut as well? Shane will be crazy if you are not near.

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Oh, I've moved back in with my parents in CT. I guess I didn't say that clearly. >_< I'm not happy about it, and I'm sure Shane isn't either. I am applying for my CT certification so I can teach in both states. Also, I have a cold now. And orientation is tomorrow. Bleh.

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Orientation was easy, mostly common sense stuff. As it turns out, I'm living right between two different branches of the substitute teaching staffing company, so I need to get some paperwork filled out for the other one that's sort of close to where I life, so that I have more local options. Also, the fancy watch store is sending me for a drug test, so that's encouraging. It'll be good to get out of the house. My sister's boyfriend is back on the other side of the planet for the school year, so she's been super grouchy and prone to attitude problems lately.

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Glad to hear that orientation went well. It sounds really perfect that you are between two branches, that will double your chances for substitute days.


Usually most companies will not send you for drug testing unless they are serious, so this is a very good sign!!! Even though you have this as a third choice on your list, at least it is something.


Ohhhh, your sister must be really missing her boyfriend to be so grouchy. For you getting a job and getting out of the house will be great. It looks like things are looking up for you.

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