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I'm back at school now (been back for a week now, had to move in early because of student teaching orientation). My class seems pretty cool, my roommates still seem uncooperative, and Shane has bronchitis. (He's had cold-like symptoms since December, and he finally went to the doctor yesterday). My family is also sick, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick too. :rolleyes:

Please get well soon or hopefully you don't get sick. If you do get sick, please pay attention and watch that you don't do too much and get a relapse. The relapse is a million times worse.


Great news on the class. Glad you are enjoying it.

I have my chamomile tea and have been making sure to take vitamin C in addition to my usual multivitamin lol. I can't afford to be really sick.

Sounds like you are taking all the correct precautions. Hopefully the sickness will pass you by.

Hehe, the sniffly nose started today, and a few people noticed that my voice is messed up (much lower than usual). I'm still in good spirits overall though, which is the important part.

Oh no! I hope that is all the suffering you have to endure.

lol it's worse today. I'm hoping it doesn't get worse than this though, because I still have school tomorrow, and then I'm hopefully gonna visit Shane.

Noooooooo! Not worse!!!!!!


Of course, Shane probably was the one who passed this awful cold on to you, so I can see you being really nice and returning it back to him. :lol:

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lol, I feel mostly better now. Friday was the worst of it. ^_^

Great news! How is Shane? Hopefully both of you are feeling much better now.

Shane is on antibiotics now lol, and is sounding much better. He's still coughing sometimes, but not as much. Today mom is coming over to take me out shopping. ^_^

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lol, I feel mostly better now. Friday was the worst of it. ^_^

Great news! How is Shane? Hopefully both of you are feeling much better now.

Shane is on antibiotics now lol, and is sounding much better. He's still coughing sometimes, but not as much. Today mom is coming over to take me out shopping. ^_^

Have fun at the mall.

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Everybody is getting sick now. Well, at least such a cold doesn't stay long. I think you're already fine, aren't you.

My worst day was thursday and now I feel perfect again.



Let me know what you think of Windows 7.


I also have Windows 7 for a few months now. The 64 bit professional edition. For free. ^_^ My faculty entered the MSDN AA.

I really like 7. The only thing which doesn't work is my TV Card. The manufacturer still didn't develop a new driver. I still have XP running in parallel, but since I'm too lazy to boot it just for watching TV, I simply don't watch TV anymore, despite of a bit via the internet. :lol:

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Everybody is getting sick now. Well, at least such a cold doesn't stay long. I think you're already fine, aren't you.

My worst day was thursday and now I feel perfect again.



Let me know what you think of Windows 7.


I also have Windows 7 for a few months now. The 64 bit professional edition. For free. ^_^ My faculty entered the MSDN AA.

I really like 7. The only thing which doesn't work is my TV Card. The manufacturer still didn't develop a new driver. I still have XP running in parallel, but since I'm too lazy to boot it just for watching TV, I simply don't watch TV anymore, despite of a bit via the internet. :lol:

Funny, I actually just installed 7 yesterday! I like it so far overall. It's very pretty. ^_^ I don't like their new version of windows media player though. And yes, I am feeling better. Just a teeny bit of leftover congestion lol. I heard there's a stomach bug going around the school, and I really hope I don't get that one.

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I went outside this afternoon (we have a snow day, in case that wasn't obvious). The snow is up to my KNEES. As I walked around campus, snow accumulated on me, and after awhile I was able to see better *without* my glasses on. Definitely not a safe day to be outside unless you're properly equipped (I myself was in snow pants and a winter coat, as well as snow boots and thick gloves, probably should have worn my face mask and hat too). I'm hoping for a snow day tomorrow too because there's no way I'm making it out of the parking lot tomorrow. Anyways, here are some pictures. I discovered today that sharpening photos makes snow pictures look a LOT better.








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I'm guessing the power's back on now? or are you somewhere else? sorry to hear that. I got hit by quite a bit of snow down here too, almost got stranded on campus. Gotta love Connecticut.

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I'm guessing the power's back on now? or are you somewhere else? sorry to hear that. I got hit by quite a bit of snow down here too, almost got stranded on campus. Gotta love Connecticut.

Yeah, power is back on now. I think NJ actually got more snow than CT this time. I'm looking forward to going outside tomorrow and seeing just how much there is. ^_^

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Those pictures are great!!!!!!!!! There is so much snow!!!!!!! OMG is right!!!!!

I am guessing you will have a second snow day. Even if you could dig your car out, where could you drive? :lol:


Hopefully your power is back on. Those glow sticks will not create any heat. :lol: Do you have lots and lots of blankets?


Your pictures are beautiful! I especially loved the picture of you with the foggy glasses and the snow accumulating on your head. In another, your footprints were filled up with snow so fast! I must say that I quit complaining about our couple inches when you had a few feet!


Thanks for braving the cold to bring us some fantastic pictures.


*hands Jesusfreak a cup of steamy hot cocoa to warm her up*

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My weekend was good, Shane got me chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day. ^_^ We took a walk, watched a movie, and got some pizza. Good day, until I got back to my campus to discover that they STILL haven't plowed the parking lot! I'm furious about this. I called facilities today, and they gave me a bunch of rubbish about how "they're doing the best they can" and "there's nowhere to put the snow" and "public safety has shovels" and "you can park in another parking lot [on the other side of campus]." Meanwhile, someone has parked in the spot I spent two hours digging out, the handicapped spots (that no one can park in because there are no handicapped people authorized to park there) are plowed, and the spots at the end of the parking lot that no cars are near have not been touched even 4+ days after the snow has stopped. I pay extra money to live in the apartment building with a nearby parking lot because I have to drive every day for student teaching. I did not pay to dig out a new parking spot every day, and I did not pay to walk from the other side of campus because facilities can't be bothered to plow a few more spaces. I ended up sending a lengthy email to the housing director about all of this, because I'm furious. I doubt the lady from facilities that I talked to has even SEEN the parking lot.

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Wow, sorry to hear that. Up here the snow has already melted to a minimum. But we're supposed to get hit with more, ugh...we'll see. Hope people will start being more responsible at your place.

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My weekend was good, Shane got me chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day. ^_^ We took a walk, watched a movie, and got some pizza. Good day, until I got back to my campus to discover that they STILL haven't plowed the parking lot! I'm furious about this. I called facilities today, and they gave me a bunch of rubbish about how "they're doing the best they can" and "there's nowhere to put the snow" and "public safety has shovels" and "you can park in another parking lot [on the other side of campus]." Meanwhile, someone has parked in the spot I spent two hours digging out, the handicapped spots (that no one can park in because there are no handicapped people authorized to park there) are plowed, and the spots at the end of the parking lot that no cars are near have not been touched even 4+ days after the snow has stopped. I pay extra money to live in the apartment building with a nearby parking lot because I have to drive every day for student teaching. I did not pay to dig out a new parking spot every day, and I did not pay to walk from the other side of campus because facilities can't be bothered to plow a few more spaces. I ended up sending a lengthy email to the housing director about all of this, because I'm furious. I doubt the lady from facilities that I talked to has even SEEN the parking lot.

Let the air out of his tyres. He had no right to park in your spot.

*evil laugh*

That should teach him!

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That's annoying...

Here the roads were very slippery in the morning. All the cars were sliding. The winter services ran out of salt already some weeks ago and there's insufficient replenishment.

However, we had a nice sunny day with temperatures slightly above 0 and at least main roads are again free of snow.

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I was delighted to find that they plowed the parking lot while I was at school today. Some cars are still blocked in by snow, but the empty spaces were all nicely cleared out. ^_^ I did notice that the road near my building is slippery, but hopefully things will start thawing out soon.

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Ugh....things were going well with my roomies, and now this happens. Last night, my roomies were playing DDR when I needed to go to bed, so I wandered out into the livingroom to ask them to quiet down. They turned it down a little bit, but gave me a hard time about it, saying things like, "You know, quiet hours don't start until 11, if we were in standard dorms we wouldn't be asked to turn it down until then," and "There, I turned it down to 15, we usually watch TV on 40." This doesn't change the fact that 10 is when I NEED to go to bed, and that I can still hear it loud enough to keep me awake. Minutes later, I hear "It's open!" followed by "Oh, okay sure." I can only assume the RA (whose room is adjacent to the wall the TV is against and also a student teacher) asked them to turn it down. Problem is, they probably think I complained. The DDR was turned down, but later not only was the TV on loud, but I was awoken by the buzzer of the laundry machine not once (which I would have dismissed as a mistake), but THREE TIMES! The buzzer jarring me out of sleep and stress combined made it impossible for me to fall asleep until after 11, when they all finally quieted down as promised. Now, I'm awake on less than 7 hours of sleep, and exhausted, and I have to teach today. I'm considering writing a letter to them later about how I feel, since I always get my head bit off and have things turned against me when I talk to them in person.

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I had a chat with the RA, she did in fact ask my roomies to quiet down. Apparently not only was it keeping her up, she also got complaints from the people downstairs. I asked her to clarify next time that it's her complaining and not me asking her to do it so I don't get the backlash. She's cool with that and actually sent all of us in our apartment an email asking us to be respectful of the other people in the building who have different schedules as there are a lot of us with internships/student teaching/early classes/sports in the building that go to bed early, and to reconsider our game-playing hours. I haven't talked to anyone in my apartment since the night before last, aside from saying "hi" to Christina who I happened to pass by when I was coming in. They were nice and quiet last night, but I'm still pretty mad about how they treated me the previous night, so I'm going to wait for them to come to me. I'm done being nice with them, when they so clearly have no respect for me as a human being.

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Noise is soooooo frustrating. I totally understand. People can be so self-centered.


As for the buzzer, I would turn the buzzer on the dryer off. You can do it. Someone might turn it back on, but in the meantime, you sleep won't be disturbed. Try it. There might be others who appreciate you eliminating the sound. And the best part is, you don't have to tell anyone.


Glad the RA was helpful and will clarify if there is a next time. Hopefully not.

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There is no way (or at least no way anyone could find) to turn off the buzzer. We all do agree that it's obnoxious. Today I finally realized that I feel like Cinderella with the three evil step-sisters. They don't respect me, and go do things without me, and don't tell me things that it would be nice of them to tell me about. I think the fact that I have a Prince Charming to go with it is the only thing keeping me sane this semester.

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There is no way (or at least no way anyone could find) to turn off the buzzer. We all do agree that it's obnoxious. Today I finally realized that I feel like Cinderella with the three evil step-sisters. They don't respect me, and go do things without me, and don't tell me things that it would be nice of them to tell me about. I think the fact that I have a Prince Charming to go with it is the only thing keeping me sane this semester.

Call the manufacturer. Sometimes they have secret information. :lol:


Shane is such a great guy and definitely your Prince Charming. I can't wait until your semester is over and you don't have to deal with these people.

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I'm tempted to call facilities and ask if they can do it. (If I do it, I get blamed for "breaking" it.)


And yes, I look forward to the end of the semester too, though I have no idea what I'll be doing at that point. I'm currently thinking I might stick around in NJ for a little while. I know I'll be certified here straight out of college, and Shane's going to be stuck here while he gets his teaching certification here as well. Once he's ready and able to support himself, assuming we're still together, we can look into other things.


Oh also, my sister is visiting this weekend! She wanted to go shopping with me before she leaves for New Zealand to visit her boyfriend. Yesterday we went and hung out with Shane, which was a lot of fun. ^_^

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I'm tempted to call facilities and ask if they can do it. (If I do it, I get blamed for "breaking" it.)


And yes, I look forward to the end of the semester too, though I have no idea what I'll be doing at that point. I'm currently thinking I might stick around in NJ for a little while. I know I'll be certified here straight out of college, and Shane's going to be stuck here while he gets his teaching certification here as well. Once he's ready and able to support himself, assuming we're still together, we can look into other things.


Oh also, my sister is visiting this weekend! She wanted to go shopping with me before she leaves for New Zealand to visit her boyfriend. Yesterday we went and hung out with Shane, which was a lot of fun. ^_^

Great point! I would still call the manufacturer first, find out how it's done, when they tell you it can't be done, you let them know that it can and give them the procedure. :lol:


That sounds like a good plan. Hanging around New Jersey to be near Shane will be quite nice for you. I do believe you both will still be together when he finishes school.


How wonderful for your sister!!!!!! New Zealand!!!!! I have always wanted to go there. One day I will.


Hope you both had a good shopping day.

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Shopping was good. :) Jenny leaves today, and I'm going to go spend a bit more time with Shane, since he was sad I didn't get to hang out with him longer when Jenny was around lol.



It's good that he is sad that he doesn't get enough time with you!!!!!!


Hope your sister has a great holiday!!!!!!

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Today my supervisor came in to observe the lesson I was teaching (which was a continuation of a science lab), and it went really well. He had no criticisms, just a couple suggestions (which is to be expected from someone with more than 40 years of educational experience), and was impressed with my classroom management and how I have good voice projection and authority, especially for someone who is both a new student teacher and a tiny person (at a little over 5 feet tall and 100lbs, some of my 5th grade students are actually bigger than me).

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Today my supervisor came in to observe the lesson I was teaching (which was a continuation of a science lab), and it went really well. He had no criticisms, just a couple suggestions (which is to be expected from someone with more than 40 years of educational experience), and was impressed with my classroom management and how I have good voice projection and authority, especially for someone who is both a new student teacher and a tiny person (at a little over 5 feet tall and 100lbs, some of my 5th grade students are actually bigger than me).

Congratulations! That had to make you feel so, so good!


I didn't realize you were that height. For some reason I always thought you had another six or seven inches on you.

It must be strange having fifth graders who are taller than you are. Glad you have mastered the voice and command of the class!


WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!

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Hehe yeah, I'm tiny. I recently bought some power bars and candy bars to try and put on a couple pounds. I tend to wear heels to school, but there's one girl who's 5'5" which is taller than me even in heels. So at my size, I have to have a strong presence to be taken seriously. Oddly enough, some of my most intimidating teachers were tiny women.

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Hehe yeah, I'm tiny. I recently bought some power bars and candy bars to try and put on a couple pounds. I tend to wear heels to school, but there's one girl who's 5'5" which is taller than me even in heels. So at my size, I have to have a strong presence to be taken seriously. Oddly enough, some of my most intimidating teachers were tiny women.

You made me remember one teacher who was 4'10". I don't even think she weighed 80 pounds with her winter clothes on. She had the tiniest voice...

until she got mad. Then whoaaaaaaaaaa... the schools in China could hear her. She scared us all the first day that happened. As I recall, it never happened again in our class. She was a great teacher.

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Hehe yeah, one of the things my supervisor said was that tiny people often have tiny voices, and that he was glad that's not the case with me. I can be quite loud. :rolleyes:

It would be great if we could see a video of you as an instructor. Now that would be outstanding!!


You made me think of some of my other teachers/professors... the good, the bad and the crazy. :lol: One of my psychology professors was a total wacko. He was brilliant, but nuts. I remember I was in his Priniciples of Psychological Testing class, and we had to take all these psychological tests and then analyze our results. On one test I was normal. Just normal. He was really upset. Evidently you have to be somewhat nuts to become a psychologist... or at least that was his belief. After I left his office that day, I remember thinking it might be time to change my major.


My anthropology professor was amazing. She had the ability to make this one of the best classes I ever took and it was not one I had started out being particularly interested in. She had our class sitting at the Staten Island Zoo watching and recording the actions of the monkeys. She was teaching us observation techniques, which applied very well to the role of a psychologist.

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Hehe nice! You were a psych major?


I actually do need to record a video of myself teaching for my seminar, but I don't know if we're allowed to post such a video online, since it has all the kids in it.

Use a lot of little dots and block all their little faces! :lol:


Industrial Psychology was what I was interested in. It only took one professor to make me realize I was making a big mistake. :lol:

I should send him a thank you note. :lol:

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I don't know how to do that on videos, and it would probably take ages to accomplish. o.O


Industrial psychology....that makes a lot of money, but I think flying airplanes is way cooler. :rolleyes: (I took an interest in airplanes and flying at a young age because of my dad, and my parents joked that I would get my pilots license before my drivers license, which sadly didn't happen lol)

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I don't know how to do that on videos, and it would probably take ages to accomplish. o.O


Industrial psychology....that makes a lot of money, but I think flying airplanes is way cooler. :rolleyes: (I took an interest in airplanes and flying at a young age because of my dad, and my parents joked that I would get my pilots license before my drivers license, which sadly didn't happen lol)

You can still get your pilots license. You will have lots of time for that. Plus now that your school is almost finished, you having nothing in your way. :D


I learned to fly and drive earth-moving equipment before I learned how to drive a car.

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Haha awesome! Unfortunately, I don't have the money for flying lessons, let alone the money to maintain and fuel an airplane. Maybe someday, but I'm not especially optimistic.

Renting is the way to go for us poor folks. :lol: This way the flight school maintains the aircraft and you only pay when you want to fly.


As for flying lessons... just wait until you become a teacher. You can always take a lesson at a time. The hours really do add up. Then you can get your license. :D And it hasn't cost an arm and a leg up front.

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Maybe once I'm financially settled, I'll do it over a summer vacation. Or when I retire. :rolleyes:


Never put off until retirement the fun you can have today.

Summer is a great time. You can come to Florida, stay at my house and I will teach you how to fly. You'll get your license and then return home to prepare for the upcoming school year. It would take no time at all. :) Now this is an idea I like!!!

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LOL this is funny. I decided to use my snow day to clean up my room properly, and do some laundry. I was confronted by Lara and Christina, who reprimanded me for doing laundry in the morning without checking to see if everyone was awake. Not only had the buzzer not even gone off yet, ALL of them were already awake. Also, their buzzer went off 10 minutes after my bedtime last night. Seriously? :lol:

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We have ANOTHER snow day today, after an early dismissal yesterday. I have mixed feelings about the snow day. It's nice to have the day off and get some extra sleep, but since we already had two snow days, this one gets taken out of spring break. :(

At some point, the snow days become a nuisance.

My suggestion... don't shovel out your car. :lol: Well, you can only shovel it out if you are not going to move it today, just in preparation for school tomorrow.


On Bloomberg Television, they showed some pictures of downtown Manhattan. I'm glad I don't live up North. :lol: Imagine the folks who live in New Hampshire? They are really having more snow than ever! :o

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LOL this is funny. I decided to use my snow day to clean up my room properly, and do some laundry. I was confronted by Lara and Christina, who reprimanded me for doing laundry in the morning without checking to see if everyone was awake. Not only had the buzzer not even gone off yet, ALL of them were already awake. Also, their buzzer went off 10 minutes after my bedtime last night. Seriously? :lol:

I admire your restraint, patience and ability not to rip Lara and Christine's heads off. In my humble opinion... these two need to get a life. Sounds like they just like being mean and nasty. I could not be as nice as you. You are really an angel as you are dealing with this so well. Personally, I would have lost my temper by now.

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Oh, I'm done with them. I'll be cordial and all, but I've stopped caring or taking them into consideration with anything I do anymore. So, while I won't purposely schedule my laundry to wake them up, I won't let them sleeping stop me either. If the buzzer goes off, they'll live. Finals week should be interesting, seeing as I have no finals or student teaching during that time.... :rolleyes:


I'm also going to be writing a note online about things we learned when we were in grade school, like the golden rule and things like that. It'll be interesting to see what sort of reaction I get to it.

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Oh, I'm done with them. I'll be cordial and all, but I've stopped caring or taking them into consideration with anything I do anymore. So, while I won't purposely schedule my laundry to wake them up, I won't let them sleeping stop me either. If the buzzer goes off, they'll live. Finals week should be interesting, seeing as I have no finals or student teaching during that time.... :rolleyes:


I'm also going to be writing a note online about things we learned when we were in grade school, like the golden rule and things like that. It'll be interesting to see what sort of reaction I get to it.

Good for you! I wouldn't care about those people either. Buzzer or not, they will live. Finals week will be fantastic for you.

Great to know that you have raised above them!

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lol in a way, yeah. I'm a firm believer in everything happening for a reason. I can trace the long chain of events back to elementary school. :rolleyes: I'm kind of hoping Phil ends up with a friend of ours from maplestory. The two of them have a lot in common.

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lol in a way, yeah. I'm a firm believer in everything happening for a reason. I can trace the long chain of events back to elementary school. :rolleyes: I'm kind of hoping Phil ends up with a friend of ours from maplestory. The two of them have a lot in common.

That would be nice. But I think Phil has a long way to go before he gets into a committed relationship. Perhaps I am wrong, but a couple, few years and time away from his grandparents. What do you think?

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Sounds about right to me. Most logical scenerio to me would be the friend moving up here, and renting an apartment with Phil just to have a place to live. The friend in question is a Wiccan Mexican living in the Bible Belt. Not the best environment for him. :rolleyes:

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Sounds about right to me. Most logical scenerio to me would be the friend moving up here, and renting an apartment with Phil just to have a place to live. The friend in question is a Wiccan Mexican living in the Bible Belt. Not the best environment for him. :rolleyes:

I have a couple friends who were Wiccan, got married in the strangest marriage ceremony I have ever seen and then divorced as quickly. Regarding Phil, my gut feeling is that this will not be too good. Oh... :o

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Well, Phil's a Christian of some sort, but both of them are incredibly accepting, so it could work. They both have their fair share of issues though. This could either make them perfect for each other, or make things fall apart. (if they even get together)


In other news, teaching is going well. My supervisor observed me again and liked what he saw, my cooperating teacher likes me, and everything is all good there. Things are still going wonderfully with Shane, no real news to report there. Everything has been mostly calm lately. :)

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Well, Phil's a Christian of some sort, but both of them are incredibly accepting, so it could work. They both have their fair share of issues though. This could either make them perfect for each other, or make things fall apart. (if they even get together)


In other news, teaching is going well. My supervisor observed me again and liked what he saw, my cooperating teacher likes me, and everything is all good there. Things are still going wonderfully with Shane, no real news to report there. Everything has been mostly calm lately. :)

No news is fantastic news!!! The last days of your college career are almost here and your life as a worker bee is soon to begin. Make plans to enjoy this last summer as these are your last days of freedom, so to speak. :lol:

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I'm planning on being a teacher. While I'll likely pick up summer jobs, I'll technically have my summers off. :rolleyes:

The key word is "technically". :lol: The school will want extra days before the year starts and although I only have a couple friends who are teachers, I do know they have other school things to think about, so grab all those carefree days early!


*tosses Jesusfreak a wonderful Empire Apple*


Actually, now that I think of it, one of my friends, a special needs teacher, works the summer school program for her kids as well. There is some arrangement she has where she gets some time off, but I am not certain just how that works. She is teaching me how to sign. :D

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Some teach summer school, and teachers usually have to be around a couple days before and after the school year, but most do essentially have their summers off. It seems new teachers around here make somewhere between $40,000 and $50,000 a year, which isn't bad at all.

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Some teach summer school, and teachers usually have to be around a couple days before and after the school year, but most do essentially have their summers off. It seems new teachers around here make somewhere between $40,000 and $50,000 a year, which isn't bad at all.

That's a great starting salary. How soon are you permitted to start applying for teaching positions? Do you have to take some sort of certification test for each state you would like to teach in? How does all that work?

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I can put my applications up now, but I am technically not certified until after I finish student teaching and pay the fees for certification. Most states require a minimum score on certain Praxis tests (like the SATs for teachers), as well as things like a background check. I already took my elementary ed Praxis tests, and I think I have to take one for science as well. Different states have different requirements, though the only one I'm really familiar with is NJ.

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Today I trimmed my 400+ person buddy list on facebook down to 80-something, after realizing that I don't consider most of them to be my friends at all. This realization was triggered by my roommates shattering that last teeny bit of hope that they were still technically friends. Apparently they all went to UBall this weekend, which I would have liked to go to if I knew anyone else that was going. It required you to purchase tickets in advance too, so it's not like it was a spur-of-the-moment thing where I happened to not be around. So, that hurt, and I realized that my feelings way back in the beginning of the year are true: I am a stranger in my own apartment. With that, my roommates were deleted in my friends list purge. :rolleyes:

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I had a wonderful weekend though now I'm sick. I drove Shane home and spent the weekend with him and his family, which was fun. His family is really nice. ^_^ We saw Alice in Wonderland yesterday, which was pretty good. The whole being sick thing is lame though. It stated on Thursday with a sore throat and slight nausea, and by Friday my voice wasn't quite right. Shane insisted on kissing me anyways, and now he's sick too lol. :rolleyes: On Saturday my voice was completely gone, and the whole congestion thing started up (along with the usual runny nose, coughing, etc.). Yesterday and today my voice is still messed up, and today I took the day off to rest and go to the health center. They did a strep test (which was my guess since one of my kids had a sore throat on Thursday too, and he had a sibling with strep), but the quick one came up negative. They gave me a thermometer and a note saying to stay home (which I was doing anyways, but it's good to have in case anyone questions it). It's also spring break week here, so my roomies are all gone, which is nice. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

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Ohhhhh, I am so sorry you are sick. :( The good news is that you have the place to yourself. Nice! Chicken soup, hot tea with lemon and honey, these help, but I do warn you, watch yourself and do not jump back into things 150% or you will have the relapse that is the worst. I lost my voice the second time for almost two weeks because I felt better and started back with everything I was doing and more.


So nice of you to share your germs with Shane... LOL. You're so bad. :rolleyes:


Doctor's notes are always a very, very good back-up. If asked, it is good to be able to produce it.


I want to see Alice in Wonderland.

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Sun does help your body...something with vitamin D.

Absolutely! I don't think I could exist in either of the pole regions where it is dark most of the time.

Not unless my house was equipped with some sort of vitamin D lights. :lol: Kind of like the human version of plant grow lights.


How's your cold?

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It's on its way out, but I still have the annoying cough. I took a walk today, it's SO nice out! Now hopefully they'll fix my hot water so I can take a shower without becoming hypothermic. :rolleyes:

Good news! Glad you are feeling better.

NO HOT WATER??????? I would die!!!!!!!!!

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In the house where I live the boilers for hot water were also broken for more than one week a few months ago. Just cold water, not even a bit warmish. Like this they saved lots of water and energy I guess. I never did high-speed showering before. For washing yourself you really don't need much water if you are using it efficiently as I experienced. :lol:

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After a few of the hurricanes we had not hot water and I really shouldn't complain. At least it was in the 70's so the water never got really cold. Not like Germany or New Jersey. After I got a generator, the first thing I connected AFTER the coffee pot, was the hot water heater. The good news was that all you needed was about fifteen minutes of heating the hot water heater and then it was perfect for a shower.

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Yeah, but at least they fixed it shortly after I called. The weather has been gorgeous all weekend. I spent the night at Shane's house before bringing him back to school today. Yesterday we went to a St. Patrick's Day parade, which was fun, though I got sunburn. We also went for a nice walk in the woods, rented a movie, went out to dinner, and went grocery shopping. :rolleyes: It was a really nice weekend overall. Now I'm back at college, as are my roomies. I didn't notice the chinchilla back though, which is interesting.

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Yeah, but at least they fixed it shortly after I called. The weather has been gorgeous all weekend. I spent the night at Shane's house before bringing him back to school today. Yesterday we went to a St. Patrick's Day parade, which was fun, though I got sunburn. We also went for a nice walk in the woods, rented a movie, went out to dinner, and went grocery shopping. :rolleyes: It was a really nice weekend overall. Now I'm back at college, as are my roomies. I didn't notice the chinchilla back though, which is interesting.

Too much effort for your roomies to care for a chinchilla. It seems as though they are pretty self-absorbed.


Glad your weekend was beautiful. Rain, rain and more rain. Of course, I am not complaining because I still can't go out and play anyway. Two more weeks... hopefully. This doctor better not be playing an April's Fool joke on me. :rolleyes: Memphis does not have any St. Patrick's Day parades. :(

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We have your rain now. :rolleyes: I think the RA may have noticed the chinchilla and told the roomies to take it home, but I don't know, since no one has said anything to me about it.

What would they say if you asked? If the RA told them to take it home, do you think they would blame it on you?

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I doubt it, they knew I was sort of okay with it, or at least okay enough to not tell on them. I might ask later. My guess is the RA saw it when she did fire safety inspections Friday night at the start of spring break.

You're probably right. I wonder who's parents are taking care of the little guy now.

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Apparently Christina left it home because she had to take the train back to school, and wasn't able to bring it back, but I guess Lara and Christina are gonna go get it, or something.

So the little guy will be back. At least the RA didn't kick him out.

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I finally caved and bought an ipod touch. So far it's pretty cool, but I still plan to get a plugin to use windows media player instead of itunes. :rolleyes:

Ohhhhh, give in and get the iTunes. It is so much easier than the windows junk.

You can do it. How do you want to gain respect from your students and be the coolest teacher? :lol:

Not with windows. :D

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itunes actually hasn't worked for syncing my music to my ipod. The plugin with wmp, however, worked perfectly fine. So far it's pretty cool. Anyone have any suggestions for interesting apps?

I wonder why iTunes didn't work for syncing your music. :(



Ohhhhhh, I have lots and lots of apps. But interesting... probably not. Enjoy Sudoku is a free and one of the best Sudoku's. I have Bloomberg, Flight Control, Google Earth, N Y Times, Brushes, Pandora, Shazam, Zillow, Red Laser, Yelp, Planets, Voice Transformer, Expressions, UYH, Words, Morse Code, Dunkin Donuts, APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day), a bunch of weather and radar apps (if one is good, ten are better), NPR News, WSJ Aji Reader, Aji Annotate, Bejeweled2, Flight Track, FedEx Mobile, myPantone, Color Expert, 1Password, Dictionary (which might have come with it), iHandy Level, and then a bunch of games, exercise, running apps, work-out apps, and then apps that are totally useless but I liked them. Can't remember which ones were free, but you will see when you look them up. UYH is pretty cool as you write with your finger and you see the memo in your handwriting. (Use Your Handwriting or Use Your Hand). I make notes and it seems pretty large when you are writing, but then it resizes it.

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Ah, nice! I already have a few of those, or ones that are similar lol. What do they all do? o.O

Bloomberg, NYT, WSJ, NPR are news organizations.

Shazam is cool because you hold it up to any speaker, and it will tell you the name of the song playing.

Brushes I believe you have to pay for, but it is the greatest paint program for your iPod or iPhone. You create the pictures with your finger.

1Password is great because you have a four digit password to get into the program and then you have access to all your passwords that you require for your sites.

Bejeweled 2 you pay for, which I really didn't want to, but the game is fun, and Flight Control, which I think you also have to pay for, are just great games. The Flight Control is expanding the variety of airports that you can play controller, so that is getting lots more fun.

Dunkin Donuts is a must because I always want to know where my local coffee fix is located.

Aji Reader and Aji Annotate are for the manuals I want to access. They store them and have a fantastic search ability.

Expressions is just an app that has Latin phrases... such as carpe diem. I like this.

Words is a free scrabble game that you play with friends.

Planets show the location of the planets you should be able to see in your area. That is one of my favorites.

Let me search, I have a zillion more.

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Hehe, nice. I've already downloaded a bunch of apps (all free). Let's see...




Meebo (signs into a bunch of IM clients at once)


Echofon (for twitter)

Google (used for my google calendar)

Google Earth

The Weather Channel (better than the weather app that's pre-installed)


Medscape (from WebMD)

Yellow Pages

Epicurious (recipes)

Zippo Lighter (basically a lighter animation, amusing for concerts if you don't normally carry a lighter)

iGlowStick (it's a glowstick on your ipod! :lol: )

Lightsaber (Same basic concept as the last two, only a lightsaber. It even makes noise.)


Tap Tap (a music/rhythm game like DDR or guitar hero)

MMazeLite (one of those marble maze games that you tilt your ipod to play)

Pocket Tanks (Shane has this on his computer and loves it. Basically you have a tank and try to blow up the other tank by choosing your type of explosive, angle, and power)

Pretty Particles (It's silly, you have to see it to understand)

Doodle Buddy (Sounds like the brushes thing you were talking about before)

$ Origami Lite (origami for paper money!)

ICHC 2.0 (pictures from the cheezburger websites, lolcats and such)

xkcd (pulls comics from the popular website, incredibly geeky)

Philosoraptor (amusing statements)

WTFact (random useless but interesting information)



In other news: This seems to be the week of bad things happening to or around people I know.

Shane: Having a bad day today, someone he didn't know but lived in his dorm killed himself last week.

Dad: Somehow got a virus on his computer, but was able to clean it up.

Lara: Having a hard time with her class because she can't get a book she needs.

Christina: Injured her foot and her computer died again.

Jess: Her family got in a car crash, and no one knows anything else.

Phil: His great grandmother died, which was coming, but still sad.

So yeah, interesting. o.O

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Hehe, nice. I've already downloaded a bunch of apps (all free). Let's see...




Meebo (signs into a bunch of IM clients at once)


Echofon (for twitter)

Google (used for my google calendar)

Google Earth

The Weather Channel (better than the weather app that's pre-installed)


Medscape (from WebMD)

Yellow Pages

Epicurious (recipes)

Zippo Lighter (basically a lighter animation, amusing for concerts if you don't normally carry a lighter)

iGlowStick (it's a glowstick on your ipod! :lol: )

Lightsaber (Same basic concept as the last two, only a lightsaber. It even makes noise.)


Tap Tap (a music/rhythm game like DDR or guitar hero)

MMazeLite (one of those marble maze games that you tilt your ipod to play)

Pocket Tanks (Shane has this on his computer and loves it. Basically you have a tank and try to blow up the other tank by choosing your type of explosive, angle, and power)

Pretty Particles (It's silly, you have to see it to understand)

Doodle Buddy (Sounds like the brushes thing you were talking about before)

$ Origami Lite (origami for paper money!)

ICHC 2.0 (pictures from the cheezburger websites, lolcats and such)

xkcd (pulls comics from the popular website, incredibly geeky)

Philosoraptor (amusing statements)

WTFact (random useless but interesting information)



In other news: This seems to be the week of bad things happening to or around people I know.

Shane: Having a bad day today, someone he didn't know but lived in his dorm killed himself last week.

Dad: Somehow got a virus on his computer, but was able to clean it up.

Lara: Having a hard time with her class because she can't get a book she needs.

Christina: Injured her foot and her computer died again.

Jess: Her family got in a car crash, and no one knows anything else.

Phil: His great grandmother died, which was coming, but still sad.

So yeah, interesting. o.O

Oh my! Next week has to be better... it simply could not get any worse.


I have a bunch of the same apps you have, but did not mention. The Weather Channel is good. My phone is charging, when it gets next to me I will tell you some of the other apps I have. Also, a great one is the AAA for the automobile. Of is you have a different company that does towing, I would use that one.



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That makes sense. I know my grandmother has AAA, but I don't know if that applies to my car too or not.

Probably not, unless she did a family plan or let you know that you were included. Perhaps your parents have a towing plan. Sometimes with their insurance, so I would ask. If not, it is a pretty good idea when you become a teacher.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Aaah topic neglect! Things have been kinda busy. Spring break was good, I went home for the second half of it. My parents are remodeling the bathroom, so I helped out a bit with that. School has been keeping me busy; I have all subject areas in student teaching now. My portfolio was also due this past Tuesday, so that took up a lot of my time as well. Things with Shane are awesome, I drove him home for a job interview last weekend and got to spend some time with his family, which was good. Last Thursday I got inducted into Psi Chi, which is a psychology honor society. Mom and my sister came, and brought Shane along as a surprise. ^_^ This weekend is my cousin's bridal shower, and I get to see Shane (he's closer to where the shower is, so I'm going to the shower from his place). My graduation is coming up soon too, which is really exciting. ^_^

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Aaah topic neglect! Things have been kinda busy. Spring break was good, I went home for the second half of it. My parents are remodeling the bathroom, so I helped out a bit with that. School has been keeping me busy; I have all subject areas in student teaching now. My portfolio was also due this past Tuesday, so that took up a lot of my time as well. Things with Shane are awesome, I drove him home for a job interview last weekend and got to spend some time with his family, which was good. Last Thursday I got inducted into Psi Chi, which is a psychology honor society. Mom and my sister came, and brought Shane along as a surprise. ^_^ This weekend is my cousin's bridal shower, and I get to see Shane (he's closer to where the shower is, so I'm going to the shower from his place). My graduation is coming up soon too, which is really exciting. ^_^

Congratulations on getting into Psi Chi! Sounds like life is going very well. That is wonderful!!! What a nice surprise your mother and sister did, bringing Shane along to the induction. I'm sure you were very happy.


No more topic neglect please... we miss you when your smiling face is not around.

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Tomorrow is my last day of student teaching! :wacko: I have mixed feelings. I'm going to miss the kids, but I'm really happy to be graduating. Graduation is on the 14th. For anyone who knows what college I go to, the commencement ceremony will allegedly be broadcast on the university website, for anyone who cares to get up early enough to watch. :rolleyes: It looks like I might be staying at Grandma's house (which grandma no longer lives in, if you recall) for the summer, provided I can find a way to support myself during the summer. I'll need money for food, gas, and internet. So, we'll see. I don't know that I'll be able to get a job to support myself (any teaching job wouldn't be during the summer).


Things are going wonderfully with Shane. At this point, it seems like it's not "if" he proposes, but "when." He said he wants both of us to have jobs first, which is understandable. He's really a great guy, and he always goes out of his way to make me smile. ^_^

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If you were in Florida, there would be some summer teaching jobs. There is a trend towards getting kids grades back up to an acceptable level and they have started holding some summer classes. Of course, these are probably taken by teachers who are at the same school during the year, but I will ask my friend, who has been teaching there, what she thinks are options for you. Of course, you probably would have had to have applied by now, but I will ask anyway. In addition, things are probably a lot different down here, than they are up north.


If I am correct, your grandmother's house was not really far from your parents house, is this correct? Same state as your parents... so you probably won't be in New Jersey with Shane? It would be great if you could stay in your grandmother's house as it needs to be lived in. When you don't operate a vehicle, live in a house, things go bad. Seals dry up, and things like that happen. This is a great idea. Are your parents going to charge you a lot of rent? Hopefully you will get a job that can give you the money to live in her house. That would be a wonderful way to spend the summer.


If your college commencement was on cable, I would watch. I would love to see you graduate!!! The 14th... exciting!


As for Shane, perhaps we ought to start calling you Mrs. Shane. :lol: He sounds like such a wonderful guy and when you both are stable, then is the perfect time to think about your future. He has a good plan and it appears that he has thought about this quite a bit.


I am so happy for you. Your life seems to be on the right track.

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Grandma's house is in NJ, actually very close to Shane's home. Part of the idea for me living there is indeed because no one is there right now, and insurance is cheaper. Also, some things have gone wrong in the house because of it being empty (most notably a pipe breaking and flooding the house because no one was there to notice). I won't be getting charged rent for at least the first few months. So, we'll see what happens.

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Grandma's house is in NJ, actually very close to Shane's home. Part of the idea for me living there is indeed because no one is there right now, and insurance is cheaper. Also, some things have gone wrong in the house because of it being empty (most notably a pipe breaking and flooding the house because no one was there to notice). I won't be getting charged rent for at least the first few months. So, we'll see what happens.

What a wonderful opportunity! Your grandmother sure picked the right place to have her home. :lol: It works out great for your to see Shane during the summer. How close is your grandmother's house to Newark airport?

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Graduation is sooooon! ^_^ I'm very excited about it. I probably already said this, but it's online on the college website, for those who know where I go. I'm done with all school-related obligations now, so all that's left is moving out. I have decided that I am in fact going to stay at grandma's house. I figured out that I spend about $500 per month (probably less than that), so it would cost me about $2000 for the summer. I know that I'll have $1000 when I graduate, so all that's left is to find a job to cover the other half of that. Also Comcast internet doesn't require a contract, which means I don't have to pay for a full year of internet.


Yesterday was fun. I got to hang out with Shane, Ian (Shane's friend), Shayna (Shane's other friend), and Nick (Shayna's husband) at Shayna and Nick's apartment. They're all fun people. The apartment is cute too, and really cheap as far as apartments in NJ go (which is surprising, since they're in the district I've been student teaching in, which is a kinda high class place). If I get a job around here, I might look for a place there as well. Ian (who's a city boy) was surprised at how green the complex was (trees and such). :lol: It was a lot of fun to hang out with all of them for the evening. They're all really intelligent, but in slightly different ways. I'm glad that Shane is friends with such awesome people, and also that I'm becoming friends with them too. :)

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Now that the college chapter is almost over, you are moving on to the next portion of your life. I'm certain you will find a teaching job you like in the area you want. Hopefully your grandmother's house will be the best place for you and your teaching job.


Sounds like you had a great time with Shane, and now your, friends. Sounds like this is going to be a fantastic summer for you.


I'll be watching your graduation. Wave to the camera! :D

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I don't actually intend to stay in Grandma's house permanently. Just for the summer. If I get a job in the area, I'll likely only stay there until I can get my own apartment or something. I'm heading down there today though, to drop off some of my things. Yay for moving out! (Especially since "finals week" means "stay up late and be loud week" for my roommates)

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I don't actually intend to stay in Grandma's house permanently. Just for the summer. If I get a job in the area, I'll likely only stay there until I can get my own apartment or something. I'm heading down there today though, to drop off some of my things. Yay for moving out! (Especially since "finals week" means "stay up late and be loud week" for my roommates)

Only a few more days to put up with the roomies.

If your parents allowed you, why not stay in your grandmother's house? Not your style or furniture type reason? At least you would be taking care of the property.

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It'll depend on where I get a job, but I know that mom would like to rent the house out eventually, for much more than I could afford on my own. It's also bigger than I need, and not really in a place that I want to live for a long time.


I'm home for mothers day now. I didn't bring my computer, so I'm typing this on my iPod lol.

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It'll depend on where I get a job, but I know that mom would like to rent the house out eventually, for much more than I could afford on my own. It's also bigger than I need, and not really in a place that I want to live for a long time.


I'm home for mothers day now. I didn't bring my computer, so I'm typing this on my iPod lol.

You have to love those Apple products!!! Have a good mother's day at home!!!


I'm sure that the right job in the right place will come along sooner than you think. Then your mother can get the house rented out and you can get your own place that is the right size for you.

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I'm all moved in now! I'm currently using some neighbors unprotected wireless signal, which is flaky at best. XD I should be getting my own internet in a day or two, which is exciting. Now here's hoping I get a job...

OUTSTANDING!!!!!!! Wonderful news!!!!!!!! I don't protect my wireless. If someone wants to use it... go for it. But when you get your own, this will be wonderful. The AT&T Uverse I have is incredibly fast.

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I'm all moved in now! I'm currently using some neighbors unprotected wireless signal, which is flaky at best. XD I should be getting my own internet in a day or two, which is exciting. Now here's hoping I get a job...

OUTSTANDING!!!!!!! Wonderful news!!!!!!!! I don't protect my wireless. If someone wants to use it... go for it. But when you get your own, this will be wonderful. The AT&T Uverse I have is incredibly fast.

I'm getting comcast, because they don't require a yearly contract. My modem and router arrived this morning, and in theory, the cable should be turned on sometime today, so here's hoping that happens and it all works. I spent the past couple days driving around, and it's pretty hard to get lost around here. There are always signs for the parkway. I'm gonna have to start paying for things with cash more often, so I have change for the toll plazas. :rolleyes:

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I'm all moved in now! I'm currently using some neighbors unprotected wireless signal, which is flaky at best. XD I should be getting my own internet in a day or two, which is exciting. Now here's hoping I get a job...

OUTSTANDING!!!!!!! Wonderful news!!!!!!!! I don't protect my wireless. If someone wants to use it... go for it. But when you get your own, this will be wonderful. The AT&T Uverse I have is incredibly fast.

I'm getting comcast, because they don't require a yearly contract. My modem and router arrived this morning, and in theory, the cable should be turned on sometime today, so here's hoping that happens and it all works. I spent the past couple days driving around, and it's pretty hard to get lost around here. There are always signs for the parkway. I'm gonna have to start paying for things with cash more often, so I have change for the toll plazas. :rolleyes:

We dropped Comcast for AT&T Uverse, which also doesn't require a contract and here, is less expensive then Comcast. Comcast was always having outages, which really was inconvenient. For you teaching school, this probably doesn't matter as most of our outages were during the day. Plus, during the hours of 17H00 to 20H00, when people got home from work, Comcast was slower than dial up. :rolleyes: AWFUL!!! I'm sure you will have much better luck up there with Comcast than we did down here. Customer service is not a high point here in Memphis.


Don't you have those toll passes in New Jersey? We have had them for a zillion years in Florida. They are incredible. You buy the thing for about ten dollars, and give them a credit card or your bank number and within minutes, you are on your way to the non-stop lanes. We have these things where you just keep driving and go underneath a reader and anyone who has to pay for the toll has to go off to the side and stop at the toll booths that are to the side of the freeway. It's a wonderful invention.

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We have them too, they call it EZPass here. I don't have one though, since I'm from CT, and rarely had to take toll roads when I was in college. The major highway here is a toll road though, so I might get one. The problem though, is they can use your time between tolls to give you speeding tickets. :rolleyes:

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We have them too, they call it EZPass here. I don't have one though, since I'm from CT, and rarely had to take toll roads when I was in college. The major highway here is a toll road though, so I might get one. The problem though, is they can use your time between tolls to give you speeding tickets. :rolleyes:

:o They do that????? :o

Well, if they really wanted to, they could give you a ticket even if you pay cash. Every car that passes through the toll booth gets it's picture taken.

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We have them too, they call it EZPass here. I don't have one though, since I'm from CT, and rarely had to take toll roads when I was in college. The major highway here is a toll road though, so I might get one. The problem though, is they can use your time between tolls to give you speeding tickets. :rolleyes:

:o They do that????? :o

Well, if they really wanted to, they could give you a ticket even if you pay cash. Every car that passes through the toll booth gets it's picture taken.

That's true, but the EZPass just makes it easy to catch speeders. They can probably take their data and sort it by the amount of time it took to get from plaza A to plaza B, and send out automated tickets for everyone going faster than a certain speed.

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We have them too, they call it EZPass here. I don't have one though, since I'm from CT, and rarely had to take toll roads when I was in college. The major highway here is a toll road though, so I might get one. The problem though, is they can use your time between tolls to give you speeding tickets. :rolleyes:

:o They do that????? :o

Well, if they really wanted to, they could give you a ticket even if you pay cash. Every car that passes through the toll booth gets it's picture taken.

That's true, but the EZPass just makes it easy to catch speeders. They can probably take their data and sort it by the amount of time it took to get from plaza A to plaza B, and send out automated tickets for everyone going faster than a certain speed.

Do they really do that or are you just speculating?

Florida does not use the EZPass for speeding tickets... yet. If New Jersey does it and makes money, then I am certain that it won't be long before Florida catches on. I don't speed, so it doesn't bother me to use the EZPass.

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We have them too, they call it EZPass here. I don't have one though, since I'm from CT, and rarely had to take toll roads when I was in college. The major highway here is a toll road though, so I might get one. The problem though, is they can use your time between tolls to give you speeding tickets. :rolleyes:

:o They do that????? :o

Well, if they really wanted to, they could give you a ticket even if you pay cash. Every car that passes through the toll booth gets it's picture taken.

That's true, but the EZPass just makes it easy to catch speeders. They can probably take their data and sort it by the amount of time it took to get from plaza A to plaza B, and send out automated tickets for everyone going faster than a certain speed.

Do they really do that or are you just speculating?

Florida does not use the EZPass for speeding tickets... yet. If New Jersey does it and makes money, then I am certain that it won't be long before Florida catches on. I don't speed, so it doesn't bother me to use the EZPass.

I've heard enough first-hand accounts to believe it, especially since it's so easy to do. It does bother me, because the speed limits are much slower than they should be. I follow speed limits whenever I feel that the speed limit is as fast as it is safe to drive. Aside from that, I'll do between 5 and 10mph over the limit, depending on the road and state (NJ is having financial problems, so I keep it to less than 10mph over here, since the cops are out for tickets).

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Do they really do that or are you just speculating?

Florida does not use the EZPass for speeding tickets... yet. If New Jersey does it and makes money, then I am certain that it won't be long before Florida catches on. I don't speed, so it doesn't bother me to use the EZPass.

I've heard enough first-hand accounts to believe it, especially since it's so easy to do. It does bother me, because the speed limits are much slower than they should be. I follow speed limits whenever I feel that the speed limit is as fast as it is safe to drive. Aside from that, I'll do between 5 and 10mph over the limit, depending on the road and state (NJ is having financial problems, so I keep it to less than 10mph over here, since the cops are out for tickets).

I guess Florida will be next for using EZ Pass for speeding tickets. What speed limit to you have on the freeways? Our freeway speed limit is 65 to 70, local roads is 45 around towns. Some of the roads to the beach are 55.


Do you have the intersection cameras? In Tennessee we have lots of those. The cameras have actually cut down on accidents in several intersections. What I find amazing is that people will run a red light if they feel that no one is "watching" and risk getting into an accident, but it they think they will get caught on camera, the number of cars running the red light decreases about 75%.

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There was this older lady in the gym and she was talking about her ticket for running a red light. She was really hilarious. She said, yup... that is me. From the front, the back... I can't even argue it. My dog is in the picture and you can probably read his dog tag the picture is that clear. I guess I will just have to pay it.


Well, I still think you ought to get an EZ Pass, it will make your life so much easier and save time. Leave the house five minutes earlier and you won't need to speed. :lol:


And I hope I didn't mislead you, we have our share of 20, 25, 30 mph streets, it is just that on the freeway when you are nearing a town, the speed limit goes down to 45 and with no towns nearby, the bypass is 65. It isn't until you are on I-40 that the speed limit is 70.


I am still smiling at how great your photographs were. You and Shane make a great couple!!!

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Well, it looks like I might be working a full-time night position at wal-mart stocking shelves. The hours are going to be awful, but there will be a lot of them, and I'll be getting paid at least $9/hr, which is nice. It'll also leave me open for interviews for teaching jobs.


I got to spend the day with Shane yesterday, which was a lot of fun. We spent a good part of the day playing DDR, which was good because we both need to get back in shape. :rolleyes:

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Eh, I didn't mind stocking shelves at True Value, so I doubt Wal-Mart would be any different. If another job comes along, I can always take it. Also, I'm guessing it's possible that if a day shift opens there, they might consider current workers to fill it first.

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Eh, I didn't mind stocking shelves at True Value, so I doubt Wal-Mart would be any different. If another job comes along, I can always take it. Also, I'm guessing it's possible that if a day shift opens there, they might consider current workers to fill it first.

I like True Value... I wouldn't mind being there. Hardware stores always interested me with all the great stuff. Wal-Mart... I wouldn't walk in there if that was the last store in the world. Kind of like getting the creepy-crawlies when you even get near the parking lot. :lol:


So, in the meantime... welcome to the Dark Side. Having days off to interview for teaching jobs is great, but working days will be even better. I agree with you, they will probably hire from within to fill the day openings and leave the nights for the newbies. Smart thinking!!!

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I had an interview with Mad Science today! ^_^ They're a group that does after school programs, camps, parties, etc. where they teach science, but in crazy and fun ways. It was a group interview with three other people, and I think I was the best of those three. I'll know sometime next week if I got the job. I also have another meeting at wal-mart on Thursday, which is a good thing as far as I can tell. Mad science won't be lots of hours, and it'll all be during the day, so it works well with working nights at wal-mart.

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I had an interview with Mad Science today! ^_^ They're a group that does after school programs, camps, parties, etc. where they teach science, but in crazy and fun ways. It was a group interview with three other people, and I think I was the best of those three. I'll know sometime next week if I got the job. I also have another meeting at wal-mart on Thursday, which is a good thing as far as I can tell. Mad science won't be lots of hours, and it'll all be during the day, so it works well with working nights at wal-mart.

Wonderful!!!! Mad Science sounds like such fun! I think that would be a great part-time summer job. I certainly hope that you get both the jobs.

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I did indeed get both jobs! ^_^ My orientation at Wal-Mart is today, so that should be interesting. Also, my Memorial Day weekend was awesome, as I got to spend lots of time with Shane and my Family. ^_^


How fantastic that things are working out fantastic for you! This is great news!!!!!


A good Memorial Day weekend always helps! :D How wonderful that you, your family and Shane could be together.

Life is just about perfect for you! Now to land the perfect teaching job you want, and the rest is history!


Thank you for starting my day off with a smile!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Things are going well so far this summer, and I've been super busy. I've been spending a lot of time with Shane, which is always a wonderful time. I could go on about how awesome he is and how perfect we are for each other, but I'll spare you the nausea. :rolleyes: I guess I'll have to update you in groups of things, since so much has gone on lately.


Wal-Mart: Going well so far. All in all, it's a relatively boring job, and working in the fridge is cold. I've been working day shifts for training, but I start my night shift tomorrow night. Last night, in my attempt to shift to a nocturnal sleep schedule, I stayed up until 4am. But then my body decided, at 10am that daylight means it's time to get up. <_<


Mad Science: I've had one training session so far, where I basically just learned some of the lessons I'll have to teach. It seems like a lot of fun so far! ^_^


Praxis Test: I had to take my Praxis test for middle school science last weekend, and I think it went well enough.


Derek's Graduation Party: This was on the same day as my Praxis, and Derek lives relatively close to where I took my test, so it worked out well. I had a lot of fun hanging out with my friends, but noticed that I don't really have much in common with them. I was sad that we were drifting apart after this past school year, but it seems kind of okay now, though I do hope we stay in touch. This is normal for me though, I tend to cycle through friends every 3-4 years it seems.


Christie's Wedding: Christie is my oldest cousin on my mom's side (the only one older than me on that side), and she got married yesterday! Her husband seems pretty cool, even though I just met him yesterday. By all accounts, the wedding was a fairly normal wedding, and it was a lot of fun. Lots of driving was involved though, as it was 6 hours away from camp (which is where I met up with my family to drive over there).


Shane: It's been really good to spend lots of time with Shane this summer. Even though I've been working full time at wal-mart, we still manage to see each other at least once or twice a week. In fact, I just saw him yesterday on my way home from camp. He's been frustrated though, about not being able to get a job, because he's broke now. But, he has an interview at Target today, so here's hoping that goes well. While Shane having a job too might make finding time to be together hard, he'll at least have spending money, so we have more options on stuff to do when we're together. We did tie-dye together not too long ago, which was a lot of fun. :lol: Also, my parents like him, which is good. They're not too fond of my sister's boyfriend. They like him as a person, but not as a significant other for her.


Family: They all seem to be doing relatively well. Jenny is at a new camp, which is going well as far as I know. The new camp is treating her much better than the one she worked at for the past few years. My mom has been spending a lot of time hanging out with her friends from grade school in NJ. Dad's just been being dad, no real news to report on his end. Grandma, as far as I know, has still been doing well at her assisted living place.


Upcoming Stuff: Shane's graduation party is next weekend, which should be fun. We'll see how switching to the night shift at wal-mart goes, as well as starting actual work at Mad Science (I have one more training session on Friday).

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Great news from you!!! Glad to hear that you and Shane are spending a lot of time together. Nausea... no, I don't think so. It is always great to hear about how awesome another person is, even if you are partial. :)


Wal-Mart: I would hate working in the fridge. :( Having worked the all-night schedule, here are some options I recommend. First, you will have to try things out to see what works best for you. For me, I go to sleep around 18H00 to 19H00 for a few hours sleep before having to get up for work. Then I come home and sleep a few more hours. Some of my colleagues stay up all day, after working all night, and go to bed around 16H00. That never works for me, but see how it works for you. If I go to bed in the morning, my body always wakes me up in about four hours to let me know it is time to get up. That is why I sleep in two shifts. Probably not the best for deep sleep, but the only thing that works for me.


Mad Science: Now, this sounds like terrific fun!!! I would love this. Good luck.


Praxis Test: Pretty sure that you did well on your Praxis. You always do well on these tests. Please keep us posted.


Derek's Graduation Party: Not you, but the changing of friends happens to most people as they are growing up. You grow and change and this happens for your friends as well. You will make some friends now that last a lifetime and some that are gone in a few years, but I think you will find friends that are more on the same level as you are, and these will be friends who last. Derek's graduation party sounded like a great time. Glad you could work it in after your Praxis.


Christie's Wedding: It is nice to hear that your first impression of Christie's husband is a good one. The drive, even though it was with your parents, sounded way too long for me. How far away is your camp from your grandmother's house?


Shane: Spending lots of time together is the best way to get to know someone. When Shane finds a job, you two will still find time to work together, although it won't be as much as you like. That is usually how it goes, when you have money, you don't have time, and when you have time, you don't have money. The tie-dye sounds like a terrific way to spend time together. As for your parents, I am excited that they like Shane, but feel sorry for your sister's boyfriend. Your parents must see something that they are uncomfortable about. That's a tough one for your sister.


Family: Thank you for updating us on your family and to hear that they are all doing well. Hope Jenny enjoys the new camp. Sounds like a good choice on her part. Your mother has been hanging out with grade-school friends? WOW! That's amazing. Hope she is really having a good time. Your father gets to do nothing but act like a father... after all, he could be out doing death defying stunts in some type of aeroplane. :) Good news for everyone that your grandmother is happy with her new assisted living place. That takes an enormous load of stress from your parents.


Upcoming Stuff: We look forward to your update.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wal-mart has been good overall, and I still haven't yet started teaching actual lessons at mad science, as the camp I was supposed to teach got canceled. Shane's graduation party was last week, which was a lot of fun. ^_^ Apparently one of Shane's aunts told him that she can tell how much I love him by the way I look at him. Hehe. :wub:


I had jury duty earlier this week, which was just stupid. I drove all the way to CT, but I didn't have a "valid" reason to get out of being on a jury. The lady in charge of excuses asked if anyone was going to be away on business, and I stood up and informed her that I was working full time in NJ, but apparently that didn't count. The attorneys, however, thought it was strange that I even drove to CT for jury duty, and let me go. :rolleyes: While I was home though, I was able to gather a lot of my belongings to take back to NJ. Now I have to put them all away...


Shane and I both requested off for a few days in August so we can go up to camp and go to the Renaissance Faire together. It should be fun. ^_^


I found out last night that sparklers are illegal in NJ, and my sister told me today that they're illegal in NY too. What is wrong with these people? We're allowed to have lighters, stoves, grills, propane torches, cars, but SPARKLERS ARE TOO DANGEROUS??? People these days.... *headdesk* I told Shane we need to move out of NJ asap, or at least before we have kids. MY KIDS ARE GONNA PLAY WITH SPARKLERS GOSHDARNIT!

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Nice to hear you are surviving Wally World. Oh, I am so sorry to hear about Mad Science. You must have been disappointed.


Great way to celebrate graduation with a fantastic party. Tell Shane I said Congratulations!


Love... it's those starry eyed looks. No hiding them! :lol: You both will have a great time at the Faire, glad to hear that you both could work the same days off. Camping should be really nice at that time of year. Enjoy yourselves.


I'm surprised that you drove to Connecticut for jury duty. At least the lawyers had some sense about themselves and let you out of your responsibility.


Now that you have organized your items from old home, this will make New Jersey a little more like your new home.


Sparklers... illegal?!?!? There is no accounting for governmental stupidity. No idea what the thinking is behind that law. I guess you will just have to have your kids in Connecticut. :lol:

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I taught my first Mad Science lessons on Wednesday! It was a lot of fun. ^_^


Shane and I spent the last couple days together, which was nice. The not nice part was that he was only here for so long because his ear infection started to hurt really badly and he didn't want to drive home. I took good care of him though, and he seems to be doing better. He's going to be visiting some family in NY next week, with no internet and cell reception that's bad at best. I'm going to miss him. :(


I ordered a new camera! The Canon Powershot SX120. I had been looking at it back in November, but now I can afford it, and it should be here in a week or so. I'm quite excited about that. ^_^

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Great news that you had a good time in first Mad Science class. What did you teach in the first class? I think I would like taking a course called Mad Science. It sounds like fun.


Your second degree should have been in nursing. :lol: Glad Shane's ear infection is gone. Ears are so sensitive to many problems and can some infections can be really painful. Shane knew that the best care he would receive would be from you and so I'm sure he was glad to be with you as you nursed him back to health.


No internet and really bad cell phone reception???? HORRORS!!!! I could not imagine being in a place with no connection to the outside world. Are they in the Adirondacks? :lol: I am certain you will miss him immensely!!! Is he going for the entire week?


You are going to love your new camera. You take fantastic pictures, so this will give you lots more opportunity to a zillion more great pictures. The Canon Powershot SX120 is a terrific camera and I am certain you will find all the features are fun to work with. Good luck and I am excited to know we will be seeing some beautiful new pictures soon.


Have you had any teaching interviews? Any news about what may be opening in a school district that you would like to work in? Hopefully you will hear about a job opening that pleases you and you can rest knowing that you will be starting as a teacher soon. Please keep us posted.

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My mad science classes were a pre-k class involving dinosaurs and paleontology, and a 2nd grade(?) class about slime and polymers. Yes, the slime class made slime to take home.


I'm glad Shane is feeling better too. He was funny, he had to call home and let his parents know he was going to be here, and his mom asked what staying here was going to do for him. He told me he thought that was a stupid question, and that if nothing else, he'd rather be here just for moral support.


And yeah, it's going to be hard to get in touch with him for a whole week. He should be able to send and receive texts whenever the family goes out, but not where they're staying, as it's in the middle of nowhere. It's not really near anything I could direct you to on a map. He talks about this place all the time though, it's a house his (extended) family owns in the woods, and they all vacation up there, and go there every year for Thanksgiving. I hope I get to see it someday.


The new camera should be fun, and should be here sometime between the 15th and the 20th.


No interviews yet. There aren't many openings, and most applications take FOREVER to fill out! They're asking for stuff I need to go hunting down documents to find out. I did apply to one though, that only wanted a resume and cover letter. That one is about an hour from here, but looks like an awesome district, and it's just a one year leave position, which is exactly what I want.

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Both the pre-k and 2nd grade classes sound like fun. I think I would love teaching those classes if I was in your shoes. Especially the slime... I love that one!!!


Duh... let's think about this one. Shane sick with you or his mother. :lol: You definitely win hands down. No choice there. :lol: And I agree with Shane... stupid question by his mother. But, this is her boy, so... she is permitted stupid questions.


I am sure you will be seeing that house in the middle of nowhere. If you are permitted, I would love to know what town it is in. I worked for a camp in Onchiota which was the greatest fun. The Adirondacks are such a beautiful area. Maybe you will see it this Thanksgiving! Wouldn't that be spectacular!!! Plus we would have great pictures taken with your new camera. :D


Next week, this is when your new camera arrives. I'm as excited as you because I know you will post outstanding pictures!


Please do me a favour and keep a copy of all the applications you make. Also, when you dig up those documents, make an extra copy and keep it in your file with the application. A one-year leave position in an awesome district would be a superb way to start your career. Let's hope you get a favourable response from the school. The one hour commute would be somewhat of a hassle, but as the job is only for one year, you could live through the commute.


I missed taking a picture of a snake outside our house today. The snake has been hanging around looking for chipmunk dinner and I hope he doesn't get any of mine. They are so cute and the babies are not the smartest. The birds were making such loud noises that I went to look and saw him. He went into a hole in the side of the house and is in hiding. He will probably come out this evening when under the cover of darkness, he thinks the coast is clear. Perhaps tomorrow I will see him again.

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Today has been a good day. I got my Praxis score, and I passed! ^_^ My camera also came in today, two days early! It seems to be living up to my expectations so far. I'm still waiting on the case and the bigger memory card though; they were shipped separately. Shane seems to have cell reception good enough for sending and receiving texts, which is wonderful. Not just because we can talk, but because we're starting to talk seriously about looking at engagement rings and planning for a life together, which is immensely exciting to me. ^_^

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Today has been a good day. I got my Praxis score, and I passed! ^_^ My camera also came in today, two days early! It seems to be living up to my expectations so far. I'm still waiting on the case and the bigger memory card though; they were shipped separately. Shane seems to have cell reception good enough for sending and receiving texts, which is wonderful. Not just because we can talk, but because we're starting to talk seriously about looking at engagement rings and planning for a life together, which is immensely exciting to me. ^_^

Wonderful news!!! I am glad you both will be in contact and the news about looking at engagement rings is fantastic!!! You started my day on the best note ever! I can understand why you are so excited! When did Shane bring up the subject? This is so great!!!!


Glad to hear you like your camera. Since you ordered the camera, you would think that they would send it with the larger memory card at ship time. We want to see pictures, so I am also excited your camera arrived early.


As for the Praxis, I knew you would do well. Congratulations!!!


Have to run to work, so I will add more later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the lack of posting, I've been absurdly busy. I had two weeks of both Mad Science camps and Wal-Mart. This left no time to shower, let alone do anything else (I ended up sacrificing some sleep time to shower when I had to). Yeah, not doing that again. After those two weeks, I was in NY for five days with Shane. We stayed at camp and went kayaking, swimming, and went to the Renaissance Faire. It was a wonderful time, and a much needed vacation after the previous two weeks. ^_^ Shane's birthday was also two weeks ago; I got him a giant nerf gun. He was thrilled. :lol: I'll have to track down a couple pictures from the weekend to put up. I ended up taking both cameras with me, since the old one has a waterproof case and the new one does not. The new one does take very nice pictures, even on the auto setting, which is what I use most of the time.


I am worried though, it's mid-August and I still haven't found a teaching job. I don't suppose you have any connections in the teaching world of NJ? :rolleyes:

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Sorry for the lack of posting, I've been absurdly busy. I had two weeks of both Mad Science camps and Wal-Mart. This left no time to shower, let alone do anything else (I ended up sacrificing some sleep time to shower when I had to). Yeah, not doing that again. After those two weeks, I was in NY for five days with Shane. We stayed at camp and went kayaking, swimming, and went to the Renaissance Faire. It was a wonderful time, and a much needed vacation after the previous two weeks. ^_^ Shane's birthday was also two weeks ago; I got him a giant nerf gun. He was thrilled. :lol: I'll have to track down a couple pictures from the weekend to put up. I ended up taking both cameras with me, since the old one has a waterproof case and the new one does not. The new one does take very nice pictures, even on the auto setting, which is what I use most of the time.


I am worried though, it's mid-August and I still haven't found a teaching job. I don't suppose you have any connections in the teaching world of NJ? :rolleyes:

Actually I have one very big contact in the New Jersey area. Let me get in contact this him and see what he can do. I will call this evening.

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Sorry for the lack of posting, I've been absurdly busy. I had two weeks of both Mad Science camps and Wal-Mart. This left no time to shower, let alone do anything else (I ended up sacrificing some sleep time to shower when I had to). Yeah, not doing that again. After those two weeks, I was in NY for five days with Shane. We stayed at camp and went kayaking, swimming, and went to the Renaissance Faire. It was a wonderful time, and a much needed vacation after the previous two weeks. ^_^ Shane's birthday was also two weeks ago; I got him a giant nerf gun. He was thrilled. :lol: I'll have to track down a couple pictures from the weekend to put up. I ended up taking both cameras with me, since the old one has a waterproof case and the new one does not. The new one does take very nice pictures, even on the auto setting, which is what I use most of the time.


I am worried though, it's mid-August and I still haven't found a teaching job. I don't suppose you have any connections in the teaching world of NJ? :rolleyes:

Actually I have one very big contact in the New Jersey area. Let me get in contact this him and see what he can do. I will call this evening.

Oh, awesome! Thanks! ^_^

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Sorry for the lack of posting, I've been absurdly busy. I had two weeks of both Mad Science camps and Wal-Mart. This left no time to shower, let alone do anything else (I ended up sacrificing some sleep time to shower when I had to). Yeah, not doing that again. After those two weeks, I was in NY for five days with Shane. We stayed at camp and went kayaking, swimming, and went to the Renaissance Faire. It was a wonderful time, and a much needed vacation after the previous two weeks. ^_^ Shane's birthday was also two weeks ago; I got him a giant nerf gun. He was thrilled. :lol: I'll have to track down a couple pictures from the weekend to put up. I ended up taking both cameras with me, since the old one has a waterproof case and the new one does not. The new one does take very nice pictures, even on the auto setting, which is what I use most of the time.


I am worried though, it's mid-August and I still haven't found a teaching job. I don't suppose you have any connections in the teaching world of NJ? :rolleyes:

Actually I have one very big contact in the New Jersey area. Let me get in contact this him and see what he can do. I will call this evening.

Oh, awesome! Thanks! ^_^

I called and left a message, he should call back today. Also, I have a couple friends who are teachers in New Jersey, I am going to see if I can track them down. My brain did not compute. My apologies for not thinking of them before.

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