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Yeah, it was a semi-permanent blue dye. It's mostly faded out now, but there are some places where you can tell it's still dyed.

You could always wait until the blue is gone and then donate it. Your hair is so beautiful!!!

My hair is short now! It's not as pretty as it was long, but it's still cute. The hair people took my hair for locks of love anyways to see if they'll take it, which is pretty cool. And Phil can come over for dinner tomorrow! ^_^

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Yeah, it was a semi-permanent blue dye. It's mostly faded out now, but there are some places where you can tell it's still dyed.

You could always wait until the blue is gone and then donate it. Your hair is so beautiful!!!

My hair is short now! It's not as pretty as it was long, but it's still cute. The hair people took my hair for locks of love anyways to see if they'll take it, which is pretty cool. And Phil can come over for dinner tomorrow! ^_^

That's great. I think they could just take out the blue pieces and still use the remaining hair.

So... where's the picture?

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So, now that my hair is cut short, mom's insisting that I get my ears pierced (which she's been harassing me about for years anyways). I'm going to humor her and get it done (she's paying for it anyways). I figure it'll help the elementary school kids I'm going to be working with figure out that I'm a girl, and prevent the awkwardness that happens when people buy me earrings without knowing my ears aren't pierced. I asked Phil his opinion, and as usual, he said "whatever you want to do" and "whatever is more comfortable to you." He's so funny. I think he's just afraid of giving me the wrong answer or something. :lol: I pointed out to him today that the only reason I ask him these things is that I don't have an opinion either, and that his is the only opinion I really care about, and that there are no wrong answers. I'm not going to be one of those horrible cruel girls that says "does this make me look fat?" :rolleyes:

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... "does this make me look fat?" :rolleyes:

If the guy is smart... the answer to that question is always... NO! :lol:

But then he gets in trouble for not being honest. It's a no-win situation! I feel so bad for guys who are subjected to that..... I mean seriously, like any guy in his right mind would want his girl to think she's fat. And Phil I think tends to worry about messing up in some way or another. It's kinda cute really, knowing that he cares so much about how I feel, but a touch frustrating when I want his honest opinion about something lol. :lol:

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... "does this make me look fat?" :rolleyes:

If the guy is smart... the answer to that question is always... NO! :lol:

But then he gets in trouble for not being honest. It's a no-win situation! I feel so bad for guys who are subjected to that..... I mean seriously, like any guy in his right mind would want his girl to think she's fat. And Phil I think tends to worry about messing up in some way or another. It's kinda cute really, knowing that he cares so much about how I feel, but a touch frustrating when I want his honest opinion about something lol. :lol:

No, he is being totally honest. In "his" eyes the female asking the question, is not fat. I know a colleague who is seriously obese. Her boyfriend looks at her. thinks she is the most beautiful lady in the world and that she is NOT fat. *screeeeeammmmm* And he is being totally honest.


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.


Some guys will never be totally honest when you are asking a fashion, body, looks question. :lol:

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Hokay, I took some pictures of myself last night so you can see the hair/earrings. However, I haven't moved pictures from my camera to my computer since Thanksgiving, so it's gonna be awhile before I get to the ones with my hair lol. Also, I might be going to Phil's sometime today, not sure when, because Phil isn't online right now. :unsure: So until then, working on pictures! Yay!

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Phil goes back to college tomorrow. :( The past couple days were fun though, we got to hang out a bit which was good. Today I've been tired and in a bad mood for no good reason though. :closedeyes:

No... you were in a bad mood for a very good reason... Phil was gone and you were missing him. :D

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Yesterday I went out with my mom and picked out my birthday present; a long black leather coat. ^_^ It comes to about my ankles, it's pretty awesome. I think I'm going to wear it with my combat boots on Saturday when I see Phil. I'm going to pick him up to join my family for a birthday lunch, and then take Phil out to Wal-Mart (or whatever store is in the area) to pick up some stuff he needs. (His ipod is missing and the hinges on his laptop are broken, and he doesn't want his grandparents to know because they'd get mad, so he's going to get a new ipod and some velcro to make a makeshift thing to hold his screen up.) Oh, and I forgot to mention this I think, but two days before he left for school, he got me flowers and a big stuffed teddy bear for my birthday. ^_^ Tomorrow I have an eye doctor's appointment (better late than never), and Friday I have to start packing, Sunday I go back to college. :wacko:

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Yesterday I went out with my mom and picked out my birthday present; a long black leather coat. ^_^ It comes to about my ankles, it's pretty awesome. I think I'm going to wear it with my combat boots on Saturday when I see Phil. I'm going to pick him up to join my family for a birthday lunch, and then take Phil out to Wal-Mart (or whatever store is in the area) to pick up some stuff he needs. (His ipod is missing and the hinges on his laptop are broken, and he doesn't want his grandparents to know because they'd get mad, so he's going to get a new ipod and some velcro to make a makeshift thing to hold his screen up.) Oh, and I forgot to mention this I think, but two days before he left for school, he got me flowers and a big stuffed teddy bear for my birthday. ^_^ Tomorrow I have an eye doctor's appointment (better late than never), and Friday I have to start packing, Sunday I go back to college. :wacko:

Incredible few days you have had. The leather coat sounds beautiful! The hinges on laptops are a weak point. How old is Phil's laptop? I'm sure he will come up with something that works to hold it. He is so thoughtful to get you a birthday present. What have you named the teddy bear? Thanks for reminding me, I need to have an eye exam and should schedule something today. Thanks!!!

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I don't think it's more than two years old, but I even had a hinge break on my laptop. My dad was able to make a really nice replacement though, so the other one is still intact. For Phil's, we're going to use velcro straps and adhesive straps to secure the screen to the rest of the laptop, kind of like those stadium seats that have backs on them. Using velcro means it'll be easy to adjust to whatever angle it needs to be. I didn't name the teddy bear Phil gave me lol, but it's on my bed with the other stuffed animal he gave me awhile back. And yeah, I'm way overdue for an eye doctor's appointment lol. It's probably been about three years. :rolleyes:

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I don't think it's more than two years old, but I even had a hinge break on my laptop. My dad was able to make a really nice replacement though, so the other one is still intact. For Phil's, we're going to use velcro straps and adhesive straps to secure the screen to the rest of the laptop, kind of like those stadium seats that have backs on them. Using velcro means it'll be easy to adjust to whatever angle it needs to be. I didn't name the teddy bear Phil gave me lol, but it's on my bed with the other stuffed animal he gave me awhile back. And yeah, I'm way overdue for an eye doctor's appointment lol. It's probably been about three years. :rolleyes:

Name that Teddy Bear!!!!!!!!

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lol I haven't named stuffed animals in years. :rolleyes: Anyways, eye doctor appointment went well, just a slight adjustment to my prescription. The eye drops made seeing outside in bright daylight nearly impossible. :ph34r:

A sadist must have invented those eye drops.


Now... name that poor little teddy bear!

This is the special bear from Phil.


Mr. Bear.


There... I have named him.

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Well, the eye drops make your pupils expand, so they let more light in, and that hurts your eyes.

I was originally going to apply for a degree in optometry so I got a job at an optician for a while to see what it was like and I learnt a lot while I was there. I saw a lot of people stumble around with those eye drops. That's why I like to bring sunglasses with me when I go in case he uses the drops. There have been times in the past when I've gone there for a contact lens appointment and he makes me take out my lenses and I've forgotten my glasses. That happened once and I had driven there so I was essentially marooned and blind with no way to get home. :rolleyes:

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Haha wow, another reason I like my glasses. :lol: My problem though is not only the brightness, but the drops make my vision blurry anyways, even with glasses.


Yesterday I went out to a late lunch with Phil and my family, which was fun. Today I have to load up the car and go back to college, and classes start tomorrow. Winter break ended so fast. :(

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I'm really angry with the education department right now. I got an email this afternoon saying that the section of ELD classes I'm in didn't have enough people in it, so we were all moved to section 1 (I was in section 3). Section 1, however, is the section I DIDN'T want to take because I've heard nothing but bad things about the professor, and even my adviser implied that it was a bad section for me. So I tried to register myself for section 2, which still had three seats open. However, I had to drop my section 1 classes to do that, and it gave me an error message about not having permission. I got the same message when I tried to get into my section 1 class, and had to go to the registrar to fix it. She could only put me in section 1, saying that she was told to do that, and that she was told section 2 was closed (despite having three seats open). No real reason was given. Also, this class starts TOMORROW and I already bought books for the class I was supposed to be in. So now I'm really angry and frustrated, and do not want to be in this class with a professor I've heard so many bad things about.

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Registration, one of the more frustrating parts of college :closedeyes: I hope you will be able to resolve this. That is very short notice to cancel a section - one of my sections for this semester dropped but I was notified in like, November about it. :unsure:

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Registration went perfectly. But it was really dumb to tell me THE DAY BEFORE a class that they've moved me into a different section with different professors. I don't know what I'm going to do about my books now, since I need my mom's credit card to return them.

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I'm really angry with the education department right now. I got an email this afternoon saying that the section of ELD classes I'm in didn't have enough people in it, so we were all moved to section 1 (I was in section 3). Section 1, however, is the section I DIDN'T want to take because I've heard nothing but bad things about the professor, and even my adviser implied that it was a bad section for me. So I tried to register myself for section 2, which still had three seats open. However, I had to drop my section 1 classes to do that, and it gave me an error message about not having permission. I got the same message when I tried to get into my section 1 class, and had to go to the registrar to fix it. She could only put me in section 1, saying that she was told to do that, and that she was told section 2 was closed (despite having three seats open). No real reason was given. Also, this class starts TOMORROW and I already bought books for the class I was supposed to be in. So now I'm really angry and frustrated, and do not want to be in this class with a professor I've heard so many bad things about.

That's awful!!! Some one should be able to stand up for you. You should not have to take that course. Your frustration and anger are justified as there should be a real reason. You should not have to register for that class. Is there no one you can talk to?

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My adviser gave me the name and number of someone to call today, so I might give it a shot.

I hope it is not "MIGHT" but put your foot down and get them to accomplish something. You know how to be forceful yet nice.

Just don't accept what you are told as the last answer. Unless of course, you are in agreement with that answer.


You can do it. Get out of that class!!!

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Well, the teacher of the math section (who is also teaching the section I got switched into) said we were put there to keep the number of people in the classes close to even, which I think is fair. Also, it looks like the books are all the same, and the supposedly awful teacher seems fairly reasonable. So it might not be worth bothering.

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This time, I am asking for contact lenses. I have never worn contacts, but am always misplacing my glasses. So, now is the time for contacts.

My life has changed so much since I got my contacts. I can do all sorts of things with them in, especially sports like swimming that have now become a LOT easier. I have dailies so there's little risk of infection and I can wear sunglasses with ease. Plus, I look so much nicer without glasses.


Best. Invention. Ever.

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This time, I am asking for contact lenses. I have never worn contacts, but am always misplacing my glasses. So, now is the time for contacts.

My life has changed so much since I got my contacts. I can do all sorts of things with them in, especially sports like swimming that have now become a LOT easier. I have dailies so there's little risk of infection and I can wear sunglasses with ease. Plus, I look so much nicer without glasses.


Best. Invention. Ever.

I need those.

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Oh, interesting comment was made yesterday. I was talking to Phil, who was telling me how ballroom went (background story, my parents are going to ballroom at his college now because it's open to all), and he said that he ended up talking to my parents for like an hour. And also, he's been especially affectionate lately (which might just be because of my birthday). I'm half wondering if he asked my parents if he could marry me.....?

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Oh, interesting comment was made yesterday. I was talking to Phil, who was telling me how ballroom went (background story, my parents are going to ballroom at his college now because it's open to all), and he said that he ended up talking to my parents for like an hour. And also, he's been especially affectionate lately (which might just be because of my birthday). I'm half wondering if he asked my parents if he could marry me.....?

Would your mother let you know if he asked?

How wonderful it would be for you if he did ask you!!!


Would you wait until you both were finished with school?

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I don't think she would, but I'm under the impression that a proposal is usually sort of a surprise. (I say "sort of" because the guy should be pretty darn sure she'll say yes, and the girl should be kind of expecting it). And I think my relationship with Phil is more or less at that point. I've told my parents and sister a few times that if he proposes, I'll say yes, and I think they'd be more than happy to relay that information to him. Also, I recently sent him a message about some stuff that had been on my mind that we just never had a good time to talk about. It was a really long message, but the first part of it I told him how sincere I am when I say "I love you" and how it's not a just because sort of thing. And I also said that I feel like what we have is something that could last forever, and I hope it does. However, facebook ate his response, so he just told me later that what his response was, was pretty much just a carbon copy of what I told him. So, that's very encouraging to me. ^_^


As for getting married, no, not until after we've graduated. I don't think we could handle trying to plan a wedding whilst being 5 hours apart and full time students. I'm guessing maybe a year after we graduate. That'll give us time to get jobs and a place to live and money and such.

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I don't think she would, but I'm under the impression that a proposal is usually sort of a surprise. (I say "sort of" because the guy should be pretty darn sure she'll say yes, and the girl should be kind of expecting it). And I think my relationship with Phil is more or less at that point. I've told my parents and sister a few times that if he proposes, I'll say yes, and I think they'd be more than happy to relay that information to him. Also, I recently sent him a message about some stuff that had been on my mind that we just never had a good time to talk about. It was a really long message, but the first part of it I told him how sincere I am when I say "I love you" and how it's not a just because sort of thing. And I also said that I feel like what we have is something that could last forever, and I hope it does. However, facebook ate his response, so he just told me later that what his response was, was pretty much just a carbon copy of what I told him. So, that's very encouraging to me. ^_^


As for getting married, no, not until after we've graduated. I don't think we could handle trying to plan a wedding whilst being 5 hours apart and full time students. I'm guessing maybe a year after we graduate. That'll give us time to get jobs and a place to live and money and such.

How fantastic!!! Phil sounds so perfect for you and I certainly hope that he asks you soon. The great news is that you both are thinking exactly alike.

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I kind of hope he asks me soon too because it would be fun and exciting, but at the same time, it wouldn't really change much, so it wouldn't matter much to me if he waits another year or so to propose. I mean, at the moment, neither one of us are anywhere close to being ready to get married, so all an engagement would do is give me a shiny piece of jewelry and change our relationship status. I guess the relationship status change would make the rest of the world view our relationship more seriously, but I don't really care much about most of the rest of the world's opinion. I think we both know pretty much where we stand in our relationship, which is good enough for me, and I'd rather Phil propose when he's ready than rush into things.

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The past couple days have been busy. I found and ordered new glasses (and sunglasses), got the van's oil changed, and found something to wear for Valentine's day. I am soooo looking forward to being able to spend Valentine's day with Phil. This is the first year EVER that I wasn't single for Valentine's day, so it's kind of exciting. ^_^ Also, it's freezing outside! Lucky for me, Starbucks is on the way between the parking lot and my dorm building and it was open, so I got myself a raspberry mocha made with soy. ^_^ [Note: yes, starbucks is a waste of money, but I can pay for it with the campus dollar things we have, so I'm not really spending money on it (I always have extra at the end of the year)]

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The past couple days have been busy. I found and ordered new glasses (and sunglasses), got the van's oil changed, and found something to wear for Valentine's day. I am soooo looking forward to being able to spend Valentine's day with Phil. This is the first year EVER that I wasn't single for Valentine's day, so it's kind of exciting. ^_^ Also, it's freezing outside! Lucky for me, Starbucks is on the way between the parking lot and my dorm building and it was open, so I got myself a raspberry mocha made with soy. ^_^ [Note: yes, starbucks is a waste of money, but I can pay for it with the campus dollar things we have, so I'm not really spending money on it (I always have extra at the end of the year)]

St. Valentine... this will definitely be one day you will always remember. :D

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Oi, today has really just been one of those days. Starting with last night, when my roomie came into the room with food to eat right when I was about to go to sleep, so I got less sleep than I wanted. Class was rather boring with added anxiety because I had just realized I had to get a TB test done before field work next week (I was worried about the snow shutting down the health center). I had to leave lunch early to get my insurance card (which I apparently didn't need), and went and got the test done after class. I really didn't want to be in the health center as there's been this really nasty stomach bug going around, and I really don't want it. Dinner was really bad. First, they didn't have any plain pizza (pretty much the only thing there I like). So next attempt was cereal. I poured myself a bowl, only to find that there was no soy milk! Then all the big tables were taken so there was no good place for us all to sit. Somehow the guys found a table after me and Kim sat down. Around that time I decided dry cereal isn't even close to dinner, and came back to my room to make soup. You know your dining hall fails at life when canned soup makes a better meal. Even ramen would have been better. Then I was playing maplestory, and some lag made me accidentally close it (thankfully I didn't die). Also, people keep freaking slamming their doors (despite threats of the whole hallway getting written up), and they didn't cancel night class because of the snow (which is getting slippery). Add to this the fact that being back in an all girls floor is probably making my hormones worse, and you have all the things that put me in a bad mood (noises, deprivation of sleep, deprivation of food, and hormones). I would take a nap but I have night class soon (my roomie came into the room this afternoon right as I was about to take a nap too <_< )


In better news though, I get to see Phil on Thursday. :)

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Oi, today has really just been one of those days. Starting with last night, when my roomie came into the room with food to eat right when I was about to go to sleep, so I got less sleep than I wanted. Class was rather boring with added anxiety because I had just realized I had to get a TB test done before field work next week (I was worried about the snow shutting down the health center). I had to leave lunch early to get my insurance card (which I apparently didn't need), and went and got the test done after class. I really didn't want to be in the health center as there's been this really nasty stomach bug going around, and I really don't want it. Dinner was really bad. First, they didn't have any plain pizza (pretty much the only thing there I like). So next attempt was cereal. I poured myself a bowl, only to find that there was no soy milk! Then all the big tables were taken so there was no good place for us all to sit. Somehow the guys found a table after me and Kim sat down. Around that time I decided dry cereal isn't even close to dinner, and came back to my room to make soup. You know your dining hall fails at life when canned soup makes a better meal. Even ramen would have been better. Then I was playing maplestory, and some lag made me accidentally close it (thankfully I didn't die). Also, people keep freaking slamming their doors (despite threats of the whole hallway getting written up), and they didn't cancel night class because of the snow (which is getting slippery). Add to this the fact that being back in an all girls floor is probably making my hormones worse, and you have all the things that put me in a bad mood (noises, deprivation of sleep, deprivation of food, and hormones). I would take a nap but I have night class soon (my roomie came into the room this afternoon right as I was about to take a nap too <_>


In better news though, I get to see Phil on Thursday. :)

What an awful day! Tomorrow just has to be better!!!


Seeing Phil will be the bright spot of your week!!!

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Ugh, I just can't win. I had a hard time finding the book I needed today, and then was late to night class (I thought it was at 6:45 like the others, but Kevin texted me at 6:10 saying that it started at 6:00). As class was ending, I realized I forgot my keys. Luckily, my roomie was just down the hall, but yeah, I wasn't happy. Now I have to do *more* homework, pack, and go to sleep. >_<

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My roomie (unintentionally) kept me up again last night. I would ask her to leave the room the nights I need to go to bed early, but I hink she'd claim that's unreasonable (she never kicks me out of the room, but she, unlike me, can sleep through anything). Blehhh....I just hope I actually make it up there to see Phil. With all that's been going on, I'm half expecting the car to break down or crash or something >_<

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My roomie (unintentionally) kept me up again last night. I would ask her to leave the room the nights I need to go to bed early, but I hink she'd claim that's unreasonable (she never kicks me out of the room, but she, unlike me, can sleep through anything). Blehhh....I just hope I actually make it up there to see Phil. With all that's been going on, I'm half expecting the car to break down or crash or something >_

You need to pick up some earplugs. The little yellow or white foam ones are the best. If you are afraid of not waking because you can't hear the alarm, then you should order the Shake Awake Alarm Clock. You clip it to your pajamas or whatever you are sleeping in, then go to sleep. The other option is to put it under your back, then head off to sleep. You will wake up with this alarm clock. It is a clock used by the hearing impaired and is a dream. The clock gives you two options... vibrate or loud.

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Earplugs aren't good for wearing for long periods of time. >_ (he's in class right now though) But yeah, after the last few days being here with Phil is an amazingly nice change. ^_^

Actually that is not true. Ear plugs happen to be very good for your ears. Ear plugs block out certain noises that are harmful for your ears. The airplanes that fly for 12 plus hours straight, the pilots wear their earplugs continuously while they are around and in the airplane. My sensitive little hamster ears always have earplugs at night, at work, on the motorcycle and any time I think the noise will harm my hearing.


This is why OSHA recommends hearing protection a lot more than people know.


Glad you are up there with Phil.


Hi Phil!!!



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Ear plugs are definitely good for blocking out noises that can damage your hearing, but they're still not good to leave in your ears for a long time. Better than going deaf from loud noises, but still not great. That's why a lot of people who are around noisy things a lot wear those big ear muff things instead.


Anyways, my weekend was amazing, despite the fact that my description of it is going to make it sound awful. :rolleyes: First off, I made awesome time getting there despite leaving later than I expected (I had to get my TB test checked), and was only a little bit late for anime club, which was fun times. Friday was pretty much declared a pajama day, which was nice. At some point, I told Phil I want to keep him forever, and he said something along the lines of, "I think I can arrange that." That made me *really* happy. However, late Friday night/early Saturday morning, I got hit with this nasty 24 hour stomach bug that's been going around. I couldn't even keep water down. (One of my friends had it not too long ago and was taken to the hospital because of dehydration). So yeah, that was bad. But Phil took amazing care of me. He was so worried about me, and stayed with me the entire day. He was so sweet. Ooh, I have to go to class, I'll finish this story later. >_<

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Hokay now I'm back from class lol. When I was sick, Phil made it a point to ask me how I was doing, if I needed anything, etc. He *ran* to the co-op to get me crackers and ginger ale (he ran so he'd be out of the room for the shortest time possible), and even opened my bottle of water for me before handing it to me. At one point, he just sort of sat by the end of the bed not doing anything. He was just so concerned about me, it was incredible. I'm so lucky and so blessed to have such an amazing boyfriend. I slept through most of Saturday. Sunday when I got up I was feeling much better, but really lightheaded from having not eaten anything. And of course it figures that on Sunday Phil wasn't feeling well, only he had a headache and a backache (probably from stressing over me being sick), so it was my turn to take care of him, which was still okay. Because he was in pain and I was lightheaded, we spent most of the day napping, and he was feeling better by the end of the night. And then this morning I had to come back to my school. This semester my first Monday class isn't until 2:50pm, so I was able to leave at 9:00am, which means more sleep, less traffic, but also $24 for the parking garage (when I had to leave earlier, I was able to get out of the garage before the attendant got there so the gates were up and I didn't have to pay). Phil decided to pay for $20 of it, which I thought was really sweet too. So, despite the fact that my weekend would have normally been considered awful, it was actually awesome, because Phil and I kind of got a real chance to demonstrate how much we care for each other, and how much we love each other, and it just gave me even more confidence about our relationship and how strong it really is. ^_^

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You both were made for each other.


Glad you both are over the flu and feeling better.

It seems that way more and more. :wub: He seems to have a sinus infection at the moment. He hasn't gotten the stomach bug yet, but he probably will, unless you can transmit antibodies through saliva too. :mellow:


Today was my first day of field work with my 3rd grade class. They seem like a great group of kids, and my teacher seems pretty cool too. They have SO much energy! :blink: I wish I had that much energy all the time. :rolleyes:

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You both were made for each other.


Glad you both are over the flu and feeling better.

It seems that way more and more. :wub: He seems to have a sinus infection at the moment. He hasn't gotten the stomach bug yet, but he probably will, unless you can transmit antibodies through saliva too. :mellow:


Today was my first day of field work with my 3rd grade class. They seem like a great group of kids, and my teacher seems pretty cool too. They have SO much energy! :blink: I wish I had that much energy all the time. :rolleyes:

It seems that only the bad bugs are transmitted. Never the good ones. LOL


Good luck with the class. Sounds like you will have a great semester.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Toto's topic reminded me how horribly neglected my topic is. Basically, my ELD classes own my life. The amount of stuff they expect us to get done is unreasonable beyond belief. There just aren't enough hours in the day. So that's why I haven't been posting a whole lot.


So, time for a State of the Jesusfreak Address. XD


Classes: As I already said, they own my life. My ELD Literacy is the worst by far, probably more work than all my other classes combined. I had to drop choir just to have an extra three hours to get stuff done. So, that has me kinda stressed. Astronomy is easy beyond words, and the teacher is entertaining. My BHP class this semester is Bible as Literature and Philosophy, which is a fun class. I already have my schedule put together for next semester, and course registration is this Friday already. :wacko: I'm going to talk to one of my former education professors about doing an independent study for the two technology credits I need (I am NOT getting up at 8am to be taught things I've known since middle school). The cool thing is that I'll do the work over the summer, but register it for the fall semester so I don't pay extra for it. I might see about doing my BHP thesis over the summer too, though I'll have to register that for the spring semester if I don't register it for the summer.


College life: does not mix well with being an education major. My roomie has a tendency to (probably unintentionally) keep me awake the nights before I have to get up at 6 or 7 in the morning for field work or class. Not good. Most aspects of my college life have been shoved in a corner due to my classes. We're hoping for an apartment next year. If we get the one we want, it means we all have our own rooms, and share a kitchen, bathroom, living room, and washer/dryer. Also, the new apartment building will have its own parking lot (which is exciting since student teaching next year will require getting up early in the morning and driving, and walking to the parking lot on the other side of campus when it's 20 degrees outside is NOT fun).


Boyfriend: We are still together, and all is well outside of the being 5 hours apart and loaded down with work bit. The lest time I saw him was Valentine's Day weekend (which was lots of fun ^_^ ) and I won't see him until my spring break in a little less than two weeks. His spring break is next week, and he's not bringing his computer with him since he wants to put off his grandparents getting angry about both hinges being broken on it (not his fault, those computers are known to have poorly made hinges). He will, however, have his ipod which has a web browser, so we can still probably send facebook messages. Not as fast as AIM, but close enough. The past couple weeks I've been missing him more than I've ever missed anyone in my life. It's not easy, but I'm still happy to have someone as awesome as him to miss.


Family: I don't know much about what's going on with my family since I haven't had much time to talk to them. I do know that my parents have been going to ballroom lessons at Phil's college (which Phil hasn't been going to since his classes are tough this semester too), and leaving Grandma at home with a home health aid. But then my mom had some suspicions about the aid (which from what she told me were fairly reasonable), and hired one of her friends from church (who could use the extra money) to watch Grandma instead. My sister is at community college this semester, I don't know if I mentioned that or not. And she's still going out with (if you can call it that) her boyfriend who's in New Zealand.


Other: We're supposed to get snow! That's always exciting. And I should be getting a new cell phone sometime around Tuesday, which is also exciting. It flips open sideways and has a keyboard for texting (which I don't do often, but it'll be nice during the summer when I go to camp some weekends and don't have internet).


I think that's about it. :rolleyes:

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Life sounds jam-packed and going well.


Say hi to Phil for us. Sorry you both are missing each other. Spring break will be here before you know it .


Keep up the good work. At least you have figured out how to manipulate your schedule for the summer and fall.


Glad to see you popped in an posted. Was wondering how life was treating you.


As for the snow...


...it hit Memphis.


Sleet, really wet, heavy snow, followed by three plus inches of dry snow, freezing overnight. What an awful mess.


Jesusfreak... you can have all the snow.



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OMG I'm going to kill my roomie. About two weeks ago, her computer died (again). She handed it over to Best Buy to diagnose the problem and (hopefully) fix it. They said it should be about a week. My roomie is now saying her computer will be back in 4-8 weeks. Here's the problem: since she doesn't have a computer to play with, she's been watching TV and playing video games CONSTANTLY. She doesn't do it when I'm sleeping, and she turns the volume down when I'm studying, but it's still really annoying. Yesterday when I was reading, she came in and asked if I would mind some quiet noise. I said yes, and she proceeded to clean up her entire part of the room, which needed to be done, but made *more* noise than the TV probably would have. And of course, this is one of those older TVs that has no headphone jack. So yeah, the constant TV noise is driving me nuts. >_<

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OMG I'm going to kill my roomie. About two weeks ago, her computer died (again). She handed it over to Best Buy to diagnose the problem and (hopefully) fix it. They said it should be about a week. My roomie is now saying her computer will be back in 4-8 weeks. Here's the problem: since she doesn't have a computer to play with, she's been watching TV and playing video games CONSTANTLY. She doesn't do it when I'm sleeping, and she turns the volume down when I'm studying, but it's still really annoying. Yesterday when I was reading, she came in and asked if I would mind some quiet noise. I said yes, and she proceeded to clean up her entire part of the room, which needed to be done, but made *more* noise than the TV probably would have. And of course, this is one of those older TVs that has no headphone jack. So yeah, the constant TV noise is driving me nuts. >_

Exactly the reason I told Jesse that a studio is really nice.

Sorry to hear you are going through the noisy roommate problem.

Hopefully Best Buy will get her computer back soon and NOT in eight weeks.


You might consider 'breaking' the Tele for a bit.

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OMG I'm going to kill my roomie. About two weeks ago, her computer died (again). She handed it over to Best Buy to diagnose the problem and (hopefully) fix it. They said it should be about a week. My roomie is now saying her computer will be back in 4-8 weeks. Here's the problem: since she doesn't have a computer to play with, she's been watching TV and playing video games CONSTANTLY. She doesn't do it when I'm sleeping, and she turns the volume down when I'm studying, but it's still really annoying. Yesterday when I was reading, she came in and asked if I would mind some quiet noise. I said yes, and she proceeded to clean up her entire part of the room, which needed to be done, but made *more* noise than the TV probably would have. And of course, this is one of those older TVs that has no headphone jack. So yeah, the constant TV noise is driving me nuts. >_<

Exactly the reason I told Jesse that a studio is really nice.

Sorry to hear you are going through the noisy roommate problem.

Hopefully Best Buy will get her computer back soon and NOT in eight weeks.


You might consider 'breaking' the Tele for a bit.

Next year we're hoping for an apartment, which means we each have our own rooms and this won't matter so much.

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OMG I'm going to kill my roomie. About two weeks ago, her computer died (again). She handed it over to Best Buy to diagnose the problem and (hopefully) fix it. They said it should be about a week. My roomie is now saying her computer will be back in 4-8 weeks. Here's the problem: since she doesn't have a computer to play with, she's been watching TV and playing video games CONSTANTLY. She doesn't do it when I'm sleeping, and she turns the volume down when I'm studying, but it's still really annoying. Yesterday when I was reading, she came in and asked if I would mind some quiet noise. I said yes, and she proceeded to clean up her entire part of the room, which needed to be done, but made *more* noise than the TV probably would have. And of course, this is one of those older TVs that has no headphone jack. So yeah, the constant TV noise is driving me nuts. >_

Exactly the reason I told Jesse that a studio is really nice.

Sorry to hear you are going through the noisy roommate problem.

Hopefully Best Buy will get her computer back soon and NOT in eight weeks.


You might consider 'breaking' the Tele for a bit.

Next year we're hoping for an apartment, which means we each have our own rooms and this won't matter so much.

That would be an ideal living situation!!!

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Ugh, I confronted my roomie about how the constant noise from the TV and video games is making it hard for *me* to relax, and she basically said, "there's nothing else I can do in the room." And that if she had her computer, she'd be doing that instead. So, just blowing me off and making it seem like I'm being unreasonable. <_<

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Ugh, I confronted my roomie about how the constant noise from the TV and video games is making it hard for *me* to relax, and she basically said, "there's nothing else I can do in the room." And that if she had her computer, she'd be doing that instead. So, just blowing me off and making it seem like I'm being unreasonable. <_>

How about reading? That is something else she can do in the room. She needs to try and be work with you until her computer is out of the shop. It sounds like she is not doing anything at all to be a good roommate. She is the one being unreasonable.

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Ugh, I confronted my roomie about how the constant noise from the TV and video games is making it hard for *me* to relax, and she basically said, "there's nothing else I can do in the room." And that if she had her computer, she'd be doing that instead. So, just blowing me off and making it seem like I'm being unreasonable. <_<

How about reading? That is something else she can do in the room. She needs to try and be work with you until her computer is out of the shop. It sounds like she is not doing anything at all to be a good roommate. She is the one being unreasonable.

Exactly! She has tons of books and comic books (probably thousands of comic books). I might try talking to her sometime today to see about working out some quiet hobbies for her. Maybe get her into sewing or origami or something. I've got some great origami books at home, and she can easily make square shaped paper from normal paper (origami paper is expensive). And sewing can be cheap if you get the remnant fabrics from wal-mart or something. I mean, if I didn't have a computer, there are *tons* of other things I could be doing that aren't video games, and even then, there's a nice big screen TV downstairs that's usually not being used. Oooh....maybe I can pay her to hem my pants for me one of these days. :rolleyes:

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Ugh, I confronted my roomie about how the constant noise from the TV and video games is making it hard for *me* to relax, and she basically said, "there's nothing else I can do in the room." And that if she had her computer, she'd be doing that instead. So, just blowing me off and making it seem like I'm being unreasonable. <_>

How about reading? That is something else she can do in the room. She needs to try and be work with you until her computer is out of the shop. It sounds like she is not doing anything at all to be a good roommate. She is the one being unreasonable.

Exactly! She has tons of books and comic books (probably thousands of comic books). I might try talking to her sometime today to see about working out some quiet hobbies for her. Maybe get her into sewing or origami or something. I've got some great origami books at home, and she can easily make square shaped paper from normal paper (origami paper is expensive). And sewing can be cheap if you get the remnant fabrics from wal-mart or something. I mean, if I didn't have a computer, there are *tons* of other things I could be doing that aren't video games, and even then, there's a nice big screen TV downstairs that's usually not being used. Oooh....maybe I can pay her to hem my pants for me one of these days. :rolleyes:

Superior idea. Sad that you are the one who has to come up with creative ideas. You have lots of patience. The actions and thoughts you have shown, indicate you will be a fantastic teacher. Let's hope she works with you.

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Well, she shut down the other activities idea, saying that they all either cost money or aren't fun. >_> However, we did move the TV right next to where she sits so it's not so close to my head.

She sounds like a selfish person. She needs to room with a person such as herself, that does not want to give in at all.

Of course she probably wouldn't get it.


I don't think I could be as nice as you are. You get The Red Rose Award for being so very nice.

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Well, she shut down the other activities idea, saying that they all either cost money or aren't fun. >_> However, we did move the TV right next to where she sits so it's not so close to my head.

She sounds like a selfish person. She needs to room with a person such as herself, that does not want to give in at all.

Of course she probably wouldn't get it.


I don't think I could be as nice as you are. You get The Red Rose Award for being so very nice.

Well, in her defense, she probably doesn't have a lot of money to spend. Finances have always been a problem for her.

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Well, she shut down the other activities idea, saying that they all either cost money or aren't fun. >_> However, we did move the TV right next to where she sits so it's not so close to my head.

She sounds like a selfish person. She needs to room with a person such as herself, that does not want to give in at all.

Of course she probably wouldn't get it.


I don't think I could be as nice as you are. You get The Red Rose Award for being so very nice.

Well, in her defense, she probably doesn't have a lot of money to spend. Finances have always been a problem for her.

There are quite a number of things you can do that are respectful of your roommate. You can watch the television in the lounge, go to the school library, in your room you can study and read. If you must make noise, then I would suggest going to the campus area where others are gathered, but this might take some money. You just happen to be quite nice.

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Let's see, course registration for next semester went well, I got into all the classes I need. I met with one of my former professors today about my technology independent study and my honors thesis, which also went well. The independent study sounds like a lot of fun, and my thesis idea sounds workable. Also, spring break starts on Thursday! ^_^

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You had a great day overall. I see you are up early today.

I had to be up early for my education class, which starts at 8:30am. >_


Days that I have field work (like Thursday) I have to be up at 6am.

On the days when I am at work, that is about my bedtime. :blink:

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So, today I finished a lesson plan, did laundry, and packed (as much as I could for now) and haven't even had my first class yet. :blink:

Too much sugar! LOL

Seriously... how productive you are today. :)

lol I had to, because I knew I wouldn't have time the rest of today. I had class from 2:50 until about now, and will have dinner at 5, then class 6-9, and I have to go to bed at around 10, because I have to get up at 6am tomorrow.

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So, today I finished a lesson plan, did laundry, and packed (as much as I could for now) and haven't even had my first class yet. :blink:

Too much sugar! LOL

Seriously... how productive you are today. :)

lol I had to, because I knew I wouldn't have time the rest of today. I had class from 2:50 until about now, and will have dinner at 5, then class 6-9, and I have to go to bed at around 10, because I have to get up at 6am tomorrow.

Tomorrow looks like another long day for you.

How's Phil? :D

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So, today I finished a lesson plan, did laundry, and packed (as much as I could for now) and haven't even had my first class yet. :blink:

Too much sugar! LOL

Seriously... how productive you are today. :)

lol I had to, because I knew I wouldn't have time the rest of today. I had class from 2:50 until about now, and will have dinner at 5, then class 6-9, and I have to go to bed at around 10, because I have to get up at 6am tomorrow.

Tomorrow looks like another long day for you.

How's Phil? :D

Phil, last I checked, was getting over a nasty cold and in a rather bad mood for some reason. I think he's suffering from internet withdrawal. :rolleyes: (both hinges on his computer broke, and he doesn't want his grandparents to know about this yet, because they'll yell at him for being irresponsible, when in fact HP just makes crappy hinges (my sister and I have both had to replace a hinge on our computers.). We were keeping in touch through facebook messages because Phil was able to get to facebook through the wireless on his new ipod, but it died and he seems to have left the charger at college, so now we just have text messages, and sometimes his sister's computer)


As for today, I'm leaving for home straight from field work today. ^_^

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So, today I finished a lesson plan, did laundry, and packed (as much as I could for now) and haven't even had my first class yet. :blink:

Too much sugar! LOL

Seriously... how productive you are today. :)

lol I had to, because I knew I wouldn't have time the rest of today. I had class from 2:50 until about now, and will have dinner at 5, then class 6-9, and I have to go to bed at around 10, because I have to get up at 6am tomorrow.

Tomorrow looks like another long day for you.

How's Phil? :D

Phil, last I checked, was getting over a nasty cold and in a rather bad mood for some reason. I think he's suffering from internet withdrawal. :rolleyes: (both hinges on his computer broke, and he doesn't want his grandparents to know about this yet, because they'll yell at him for being irresponsible, when in fact HP just makes crappy hinges (my sister and I have both had to replace a hinge on our computers.). We were keeping in touch through facebook messages because Phil was able to get to facebook through the wireless on his new ipod, but it died and he seems to have left the charger at college, so now we just have text messages, and sometimes his sister's computer)


As for today, I'm leaving for home straight from field work today. ^_^

One thing I have as a rule in my life... never go anywhere without my array of chargers. LOL


Please tell Phil to get better soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ugh, my computer is being really flaky. If I suddenly drop of the face of the boards, it's probably due to a dead computer. Or maybe lots of schoolwork. >_


Not your computer!!!!!

How awful.


*hopes that Jesusfreak's computer survives*


Work for school we totally understand, but a dead computer !?!?!?!?!?!

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Ugh, my computer is being really flaky. If I suddenly drop of the face of the boards, it's probably due to a dead computer. Or maybe lots of schoolwork. >_<


Not your computer!!!!!

How awful.


*hopes that Jesusfreak's computer survives*


Work for school we totally understand, but a dead computer !?!?!?!?!?!

Well, I've had it for almost three years, and I take it with me everywhere. It's been turning itself off/on for no apparent reason.

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Ugh, my computer is being really flaky. If I suddenly drop of the face of the boards, it's probably due to a dead computer. Or maybe lots of schoolwork. >_


Not your computer!!!!!

How awful.


*hopes that Jesusfreak's computer survives*


Work for school we totally understand, but a dead computer !?!?!?!?!?!

Well, I've had it for almost three years, and I take it with me everywhere. It's been turning itself off/on for no apparent reason.

Perhaps this might be an easy fix? Hopefully it can be fixed.

Three years is still not too old to die. Outdated perhaps, but it should last.

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Ugh, my computer is being really flaky. If I suddenly drop of the face of the boards, it's probably due to a dead computer. Or maybe lots of schoolwork. >_<


Not your computer!!!!!

How awful.


*hopes that Jesusfreak's computer survives*


Work for school we totally understand, but a dead computer !?!?!?!?!?!

Well, I've had it for almost three years, and I take it with me everywhere. It's been turning itself off/on for no apparent reason.

Perhaps this might be an easy fix? Hopefully it can be fixed.

Three years is still not too old to die. Outdated perhaps, but it should last.

Well, the problem seems likely to be heat related. I'm fairly certain that the interior fans aren't running, and the program I have logging the computer temperature says it's almost hot enough to cook on. :wacko: So, at the moment I'm using my roomie's cooling mat, and planning on dropping it off with dad for a weekend in a couple weeks so he can take it apart and clean out/replace the fan.


In other news, today Phil came up with the idea that he's mixing up his priorities between me and maplestory (often not giving most of his attention to the game instead of to me). This is more of a problem when I'm with him in person, but it hasn't really upset me to the point of directly calling him out on it. Either way, I'm kind of glad he saw it as a problem on his own, and really glad that he *wants* to do something about it. Since I need to leave my computer with dad for a weekend anyways, he agreed to try to have a computer-free weekend when I do that. It should be a lot of fun. ^_^ It also means a lot to me that he thinks he should pay more attention to me than his games (which is kinda obvious most of the time) because he's been a gamer since forever. I'm amazed that we've been going out for almost a year, we've never had an argument, and that this is our biggest problem so far. ^_^

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Ugh, my computer is being really flaky. If I suddenly drop of the face of the boards, it's probably due to a dead computer. Or maybe lots of schoolwork. >_


Not your computer!!!!!

How awful.


*hopes that Jesusfreak's computer survives*


Work for school we totally understand, but a dead computer !?!?!?!?!?!

Well, I've had it for almost three years, and I take it with me everywhere. It's been turning itself off/on for no apparent reason.

Perhaps this might be an easy fix? Hopefully it can be fixed.

Three years is still not too old to die. Outdated perhaps, but it should last.

Well, the problem seems likely to be heat related. I'm fairly certain that the interior fans aren't running, and the program I have logging the computer temperature says it's almost hot enough to cook on. :wacko: So, at the moment I'm using my roomie's cooling mat, and planning on dropping it off with dad for a weekend in a couple weeks so he can take it apart and clean out/replace the fan.


In other news, today Phil came up with the idea that he's mixing up his priorities between me and maplestory (often not giving most of his attention to the game instead of to me). This is more of a problem when I'm with him in person, but it hasn't really upset me to the point of directly calling him out on it. Either way, I'm kind of glad he saw it as a problem on his own, and really glad that he *wants* to do something about it. Since I need to leave my computer with dad for a weekend anyways, he agreed to try to have a computer-free weekend when I do that. It should be a lot of fun. ^_^ It also means a lot to me that he thinks he should pay more attention to me than his games (which is kinda obvious most of the time) because he's been a gamer since forever. I'm amazed that we've been going out for almost a year, we've never had an argument, and that this is our biggest problem so far. ^_^

It is great news that Phil came to this conclusion on his own. Much better than if you had brought it up. A computer-free weekend... almost the equivalent of a television-free weekend for a couch potato. You both will have a fantastic time!


Your father is so talented!!! How great that he can work on your computer. I wish I had those talents. :D

*round of applause for Jesusfreak's father*

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Housing selection was today, and I GOT MY ON CAMPUS APARTMENT!!! I'm super excited about that. It's four single rooms that share a bathroom, kitchen, livingroom, and washer/dryer. It's in the new apartment building that is still being worked on, so everything will be brand new (no worrying about what happened on those couches.....). The buildings also have their own parking lot, which is nice. I'm a bit worried that my roomie will back out though. She's super worried about the cost since she's getting a meal plan (an extra $4000 instead of spending that money on groceries), and she made a weak attempt at getting us to go for a non-kitchen apartment. After housing selection, she went right back to the room instead of sticking around to chat. If she does back out, we have another person we can pull in, but it'll be sad because she won't have me to live with again, and she's kind of worried about being roommate-less. So, we'll see what happens. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about finding a place off campus.

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Housing selection was today, and I GOT MY ON CAMPUS APARTMENT!!! I'm super excited about that. It's four single rooms that share a bathroom, kitchen, livingroom, and washer/dryer. It's in the new apartment building that is still being worked on, so everything will be brand new (no worrying about what happened on those couches.....). The buildings also have their own parking lot, which is nice. I'm a bit worried that my roomie will back out though. She's super worried about the cost since she's getting a meal plan (an extra $4000 instead of spending that money on groceries), and she made a weak attempt at getting us to go for a non-kitchen apartment. After housing selection, she went right back to the room instead of sticking around to chat. If she does back out, we have another person we can pull in, but it'll be sad because she won't have me to live with again, and she's kind of worried about being roommate-less. So, we'll see what happens. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about finding a place off campus.

Time to celebrate!!! How exciting for you! No more noise when you want to sleep, no more disruptions... you won't know how to act. :lol:

This is fantastic! New buildings, new everything and you will be one of the first to use the facilities!!! It will be nice having your own parking right near your door, being able to socialize when you want and best of all, when you want quiet, you go into your room and close the door.

Awesome!!! You really have something great to look forward to for next year. I hope your roommate is able to stay with you all.

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Housing selection was today, and I GOT MY ON CAMPUS APARTMENT!!! I'm super excited about that. It's four single rooms that share a bathroom, kitchen, livingroom, and washer/dryer. It's in the new apartment building that is still being worked on, so everything will be brand new (no worrying about what happened on those couches.....). The buildings also have their own parking lot, which is nice. I'm a bit worried that my roomie will back out though. She's super worried about the cost since she's getting a meal plan (an extra $4000 instead of spending that money on groceries), and she made a weak attempt at getting us to go for a non-kitchen apartment. After housing selection, she went right back to the room instead of sticking around to chat. If she does back out, we have another person we can pull in, but it'll be sad because she won't have me to live with again, and she's kind of worried about being roommate-less. So, we'll see what happens. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about finding a place off campus.

Time to celebrate!!! How exciting for you! No more noise when you want to sleep, no more disruptions... you won't know how to act. :lol:

This is fantastic! New buildings, new everything and you will be one of the first to use the facilities!!! It will be nice having your own parking right near your door, being able to socialize when you want and best of all, when you want quiet, you go into your room and close the door.

Awesome!!! You really have something great to look forward to for next year. I hope your roommate is able to stay with you all.

AND REAL FOOD! I think all of us except Christina are opting out of the meal plan so we can cook dinner for ourselves instead of getting dining hall "food." And even if Christina bails on us, we plan to pull in Lara's friend Kyra, who's pretty cool. And yeah, super excited about my own room. We have control over the temperature in the rooms beyond opening windows too. :D

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Housing selection was today, and I GOT MY ON CAMPUS APARTMENT!!! I'm super excited about that. It's four single rooms that share a bathroom, kitchen, livingroom, and washer/dryer. It's in the new apartment building that is still being worked on, so everything will be brand new (no worrying about what happened on those couches.....). The buildings also have their own parking lot, which is nice. I'm a bit worried that my roomie will back out though. She's super worried about the cost since she's getting a meal plan (an extra $4000 instead of spending that money on groceries), and she made a weak attempt at getting us to go for a non-kitchen apartment. After housing selection, she went right back to the room instead of sticking around to chat. If she does back out, we have another person we can pull in, but it'll be sad because she won't have me to live with again, and she's kind of worried about being roommate-less. So, we'll see what happens. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about finding a place off campus.

Time to celebrate!!! How exciting for you! No more noise when you want to sleep, no more disruptions... you won't know how to act. :lol:

This is fantastic! New buildings, new everything and you will be one of the first to use the facilities!!! It will be nice having your own parking right near your door, being able to socialize when you want and best of all, when you want quiet, you go into your room and close the door.

Awesome!!! You really have something great to look forward to for next year. I hope your roommate is able to stay with you all.

AND REAL FOOD! I think all of us except Christina are opting out of the meal plan so we can cook dinner for ourselves instead of getting dining hall "food." And even if Christina bails on us, we plan to pull in Lara's friend Kyra, who's pretty cool. And yeah, super excited about my own room. We have control over the temperature in the rooms beyond opening windows too. :D


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aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh giant pile of homework! :wacko: I'm glad to say I'm making good progress though. I have 9 tangible things I have to get done this weekend, and I have 8 of them done. The last one is a letter of self-reflection, and that is literally all I know about the assignment. No other explanation was given as to what this letter needs to be. I also have a quiz on Monday and and exam on Tuesday that I have to study for. If I have time, I'm going to do an essay that is due next Wednesday so I don't have to worry about it next weekend when I have no computer and I'm visiting Phil. So, here's hoping for the best. :wacko:

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Argh! Just when I think everything is going great, something comes along to inform me that I can't do anything right. My mom called me and asked if I had filled out the paperwork for a psychology honors society. I said no, because I have been doing homework all weekend, and it required a check, and I didn't have the money or checkbook for it. She asked when it was due, and it turns out it was due on the 26th. With that, she sounded all mad, said goodbye, and hung up on me. Within about a minute, and right as I was about to start writing my paper (which I just finished getting background info for), my roomie came in, and declared that she was going to play video games for an hour and a half to relax because the computer lab she usually uses was being used. Now mind you, not long ago, we worked out that she could play video games at a reasonable volume of her choosing from 8pm until whenever we went to bed, except on Mondays and Wednesdays because I go to bed early those nights for my early class the next day. I told her I was working on a paper, and wanted quiet. She said it was only an hour or so, and I decided to see how loud the game would be. It was loud, so I asked her to turn it down so I could concentrate. With that, she flipped out on me because it was just an hour and a half and she wanted to relax, and I never compromise for her, etc. etc. If I was capable of concentrating anywhere else on campus, I'd gladly go elsewhere, but I CAN'T. She can play video games downstairs, or even in the rec center. I might have been willing to work around this one hour and half if I had known (granted she didn't know she was going to want to play video games either), but she just came in all suddenly demanding to play video games during a time that we agreed I would have to do work. I can't help the fact that I have tons of work to do, and I can't help the fact that I can't concentrate outside of the room. Also, it's just that this weekend is especially rough. I'm not even going to be around this weekend, maybe next weekend, and almost definitely the weekend after that. I explained these things to her, and she seemed to understand, but then she said that even after this discussion, nothing had changed, and the problem was still there, we're just going to talk about it later, and left. I don't know what she expects me to do, because aside from agreeing on times like we already did, there's nothing else I can do. It's not my choice to have sensitive hearing, be a late sleeper, or have trouble concentrating. The only reason she's usually the one to have to change instead of me is because she's capable of it and I'm usually not.

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Argh! Just when I think everything is going great, something comes along to inform me that I can't do anything right. My mom called me and asked if I had filled out the paperwork for a psychology honors society. I said no, because I have been doing homework all weekend, and it required a check, and I didn't have the money or checkbook for it. She asked when it was due, and it turns out it was due on the 26th. With that, she sounded all mad, said goodbye, and hung up on me. Within about a minute, and right as I was about to start writing my paper (which I just finished getting background info for), my roomie came in, and declared that she was going to play video games for an hour and a half to relax because the computer lab she usually uses was being used. Now mind you, not long ago, we worked out that she could play video games at a reasonable volume of her choosing from 8pm until whenever we went to bed, except on Mondays and Wednesdays because I go to bed early those nights for my early class the next day. I told her I was working on a paper, and wanted quiet. She said it was only an hour or so, and I decided to see how loud the game would be. It was loud, so I asked her to turn it down so I could concentrate. With that, she flipped out on me because it was just an hour and a half and she wanted to relax, and I never compromise for her, etc. etc. If I was capable of concentrating anywhere else on campus, I'd gladly go elsewhere, but I CAN'T. She can play video games downstairs, or even in the rec center. I might have been willing to work around this one hour and half if I had known (granted she didn't know she was going to want to play video games either), but she just came in all suddenly demanding to play video games during a time that we agreed I would have to do work. I can't help the fact that I have tons of work to do, and I can't help the fact that I can't concentrate outside of the room. Also, it's just that this weekend is especially rough. I'm not even going to be around this weekend, maybe next weekend, and almost definitely the weekend after that. I explained these things to her, and she seemed to understand, but then she said that even after this discussion, nothing had changed, and the problem was still there, we're just going to talk about it later, and left. I don't know what she expects me to do, because aside from agreeing on times like we already did, there's nothing else I can do. It's not my choice to have sensitive hearing, be a late sleeper, or have trouble concentrating. The only reason she's usually the one to have to change instead of me is because she's capable of it and I'm usually not.

Actually you have been more than willing to give in to her on more occasions than you remember. College is for learning, not playing video games. Your roomie is not only demanding, but inconsiderate. Due to the fact that you were studying and she was goofing off, she should be the one to compromise in this situation. You both had worked out a time for video games and this was not the time. In this particular instance, I must side with you as the first priority should be of the person studying.


Please try and put her selfishness behind you and focus on the homework. As for the paperwork for the honours society, perhaps you can turn it in late. I'm sorry that your mother was upset and hung up on you. That didn't help with your focus and concentration. Hopefully you will be able to get something done after all the distractions.


You really are doing a great job with your grades, homework and all else. I hope you can look at this side of things and realize the positive accomplishments. As for the honours society, well, after you get out of school, nobody really cares about whether or not you were in the psychology honours society, so put that behind you. You can do it next year.


You are doing great and I am really proud of you. Keep up the great work.

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My mom's big deal is that it will look good on my resume. I still have the paper that says I was eligible, and even if I did the paperwork, I wouldn't have time to participate. Mom's been really irrational about things like that lately.


And yeah, I think that homework should trump video games too. She says that I should go to a study lounge or something, but I can't concentrate on my work when I'm not in my room. If I was able to concentrate in other places, I'd gladly spend the day doing work elsewhere. I can understand why my always needing quiet to work and sleep gets annoying, but she needs to realize that I can't do anything about it, and take her anger elsewhere. If I wasn't doing homework, I would have let her play her video games. The noise would still be annoying, but I wouldn't have a legit reason for needing quiet then.

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Well, my studying has paid off so far. I got 100% on my education midterm, and 91% on my developmental disabilities exam (which is really good considering all the really stupid unimportant trick questions she asked that had nothing to do with the study guide). Also, today is THURSDAY! ^_^ Busy day for me. Workshop at school, field work with teaching TWO lessons, shopping, driving to CT and dropping my computer off with Dad so he can replace the fan, and then visiting with Phil for the weekend! ^_^

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Well, my studying has paid off so far. I got 100% on my education midterm, and 91% on my developmental disabilities exam (which is really good considering all the really stupid unimportant trick questions she asked that had nothing to do with the study guide). Also, today is THURSDAY! ^_^ Busy day for me. Workshop at school, field work with teaching TWO lessons, shopping, driving to CT and dropping my computer off with Dad so he can replace the fan, and then visiting with Phil for the weekend! ^_^

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Great test grades. Your studying did indeed pay off!!!


Although today will be busy, you will be thinking about the weekend, so I am certain it will go really fast.

Then your computer will be with your father and you will be on your way to a 'electronics-free' weekend with Phil.


I'm certain you are excited about this weekend! :)

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My two lessons went really well, my computer seems to be in proper working order, and my weekend was amazing, even though a large percentage of it was spent napping lol. ^_^ Highlights included a nearly 12 hour long dungeons and dragons campaign at his older sister's place, going for a walk, and watching Castle (spiffy show by the way). He was going to teach me how to dance yesterday, but he had a headache and was somewhat dizzy, so he ended up sleeping for most of the day to make the pain go away. He felt really bad about it, but he needed rest. Hopefully next time I visit he will be able to teach me, since the Gala (like prom for the ballroom people) is that weekend too, and we're going to that. ^_^ Next weekend is Easter, so I'll be home for that, and Phil might join us for Easter dinner/lunch/food. It'll depend on his exams and such though. >_<

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My two lessons went really well, my computer seems to be in proper working order, and my weekend was amazing, even though a large percentage of it was spent napping lol. ^_^ Highlights included a nearly 12 hour long dungeons and dragons campaign at his older sister's place, going for a walk, and watching Castle (spiffy show by the way). He was going to teach me how to dance yesterday, but he had a headache and was somewhat dizzy, so he ended up sleeping for most of the day to make the pain go away. He felt really bad about it, but he needed rest. Hopefully next time I visit he will be able to teach me, since the Gala (like prom for the ballroom people) is that weekend too, and we're going to that. ^_^ Next weekend is Easter, so I'll be home for that, and Phil might join us for Easter dinner/lunch/food. It'll depend on his exams and such though. >_

Your father is terrific at being able to get your laptop up and running again.

*sends Jesusfreak a batch of freshly baked angelfood muffins for her father*


Will post more later. Must get off the computer.

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So, interesting couple of days. It turned out that Phil is unable to come over for Easter, as he has two quizzes on Monday, and will need Sunday to study (and is also sort of afraid his grandparents would get mad at him for visiting me and not them, though at the time they hadn't mentioned anything Easter-related to him). However, he came up with the idea that I could visit him Thursday-Friday, and then be home for the rest of the weekend so I could still see him, even though he couldn't come over.


Wednesday night I called mom to let her know about this plan, and she seemed more annoyed than I expected that he wasn't coming over (he had perfectly reasonable reasons for it). This turned into an odd rant from her about how she's worried for me because she thought he was being snippy with me one day at dinner, that he keeps making excuses for things, and that this is what my sister's exes did to her, and that I might be blinded by my love, etc. Even dad said that he thinks he needs to stand up to his grandparents, and wondered where our relationship was going. I asked my sister about it, and she said similar things to what mom said, which I though was strange, since I'm not seeing ANY of this. It totally came out of nowhere; I was just thinking how great our relationship was. I told Phil about what mom and dad said (but not what my sister said, since she wants to see how he acts at gala without him knowing she's keeping an eye on him), and he said he was getting some angry vibes from mom last time he was with her, but wasn't sure why. It worried me that they were all saying the same thing, and my parents were right when they had problems with my sister's exes.


However, after thinking and praying about it for awhile, I think everything is fine. I never noticed him being snippy with me, and nothing he's said has bothered me enough to remember it as being a problem. I know that he would *never* intentionally say something to upset me, and when I talked to him about it, he confirmed this. I'm guessing my parents were just interpreting what he said wrong (he has kind of a strange sense of humor with very subtle sarcasm, so it's easy to misunderstand him sometimes). His excuses so far have all checked out as being legit, and if he stands up to his grandparents, he might have to move back to North Carolina with his stepmom, who he can't stand, so it's not really an option. And I know he doesn't make excuses to get out of seeing me/passive-aggressively trying to break up with me, because he does make an effort to come up with ways to see me as often as he can, even though he can't drive himself (like by paying for my ticket for gala, and coming up with the idea to see him yesterday-today). Also, we agreed to be direct with each other should any problems arise.


Of course, all these things can be dismissed as me being blinded to it and making excuses. However, I came to this conclusion: Phil and I are both *happy* with our relationship. Neither one of us has any complaints about anything the other one does. Anything that is bothering my parents is not bothering me or Phil, and I figure that as long as we're both happy with each other, that's all that really matters. And as of today (since it is now past midnight), we have been going out for one year. :wub:

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You have had enough people sticking their noses into your life, but how about one more hamster nose?


First, remember, your parents and sister always are trying to look out for you. So, sometimes this clouds their judgment. Personally, I only have heard one side, but I am going to venture my opinion on the one side.


Phil seems like a very, very nice and considerate person. He knows and respects how his grandparents feel and tries to live up to the rules they set and their desires to take care of their grandson. Just like your parents are upset that Phil will not be there for Easter, his grandparents would feel bad if Phil were not at their home for Easter. I think that Phil worked out a great solution for everyone. You two visit on Thursday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday are spent studying and having Easter with his grandparents. He has one priority of studying for quizzes, one priority to see you and one priority to see his grandparents. In this particular case, I think Phil has worked out a great solution. Remember, Easter is just a day and you both can celebrate that "day" a couple days early.


Regarding the relationship between you and Phil. You both are happy. Your relationship seems to be working and I think that is what is important. In my opinion, you should just let your relationship continue until you decide it is not good for you. Relationships take effort and I do believe from what you have said, Phil tries very hard to make yours work, so I would see where your relationship goes and if it grows.


Last, perhaps your parents are hurt that Phil is not going to be a part of your family for Easter dinner. Well, this will be an on-going problem for the rest of your life. There are two or more sets of 'parents' and they all want the 'kids' to spend it at their home. So, you both will always be choosing what holiday will be spent where. Just remember that people's feelings will always be hurt no matter what you do, so all you can do is what works best for you.


Enough said.


Happy Easter. :D


P.S. I get the ears. :lol:

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Haha :lol: I'm not really mad at my parents, I'm more worried that they see something wrong, since it's unusual for us to have such differing opinions. And Phil isn't going to spend Easter at home, he's going to stay at school to study. His grandparents did end up inviting him home for Easter, but he turned that down because he needs to study. They weren't too happy about that, but he's doing what he has to do, and I'm proud of him for making sure he gets his work done.

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Haha :lol: I'm not really mad at my parents, I'm more worried that they see something wrong, since it's unusual for us to have such differing opinions. And Phil isn't going to spend Easter at home, he's going to stay at school to study. His grandparents did end up inviting him home for Easter, but he turned that down because he needs to study. They weren't too happy about that, but he's doing what he has to do, and I'm proud of him for making sure he gets his work done.

Oh no! I was not trying to imply that you were mad at your parents. Hopefully you see a side of Phil that your parents and sister will see later.

And yes, I am really proud of Phil to take his studies so seriously and study when he could be goofing off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This weekend was awesome! ^_^ Phil finally taught me how to dance this weekend, and Gala was tons of fun. Apparently I'm pretty good at American rumba. Not so much at swing, but I think I can get better with practice. :rolleyes: Also, my sister got an awesome picture of us, which I put in my pictures topic. ^_^ Sadly, I probably won't be able to visit Phil again until I'm done for the semester, since we only have about three weeks left, along with finals and papers and projects and such. And I just discovered a faster way to get there too. <_<

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This weekend was awesome! ^_^ Phil finally taught me how to dance this weekend, and Gala was tons of fun. Apparently I'm pretty good at American rumba. Not so much at swing, but I think I can get better with practice. :rolleyes: Also, my sister got an awesome picture of us, which I put in my pictures topic. ^_^ Sadly, I probably won't be able to visit Phil again until I'm done for the semester, since we only have about three weeks left, along with finals and papers and projects and such. And I just discovered a faster way to get there too. <_>

The saying goes, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder.", you can let us know if this is true. Sorry that you both will be apart for so long.

Your dancing will definitely improve with practice. :D

Good luck on your finals, papers and projects if I forget to mention again.

The picture of you and Phil is perfect. You definitely need to frame this one!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Too lazy. Or busy. Take your pick. Well really I don't have much work left except 3 written finals and 1 oral final.


And JF get to work on your paper.

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Too lazy. Or busy. Take your pick. Well really I don't have much work left except 3 written finals and 1 oral final.


And JF get to work on your paper.

Jesse!!!! :D

Good luck on your finals, although I am guessing you will get all A+++++!

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I've been super busy :wacko: I'm one paper, one exam, and one portfolio away from summer vacation though. I've been trying to work on my paper all day long, but it's been really hard to concentrate. I only have two and a half pages out of 8+ and I don't even have outside sources yet. I want this paper done by the end of tomorrow. My roomie came back from Formal a little while ago, and said she might have some friends over in a bit (they are hanging out in Lara's room, but if Lara and Mike start making out, it'll be awkward, and they can't go to a lounge because they want to drink). I told her I'm working on a paper, and she said, "I have nights" while blatantly ignoring the distraction of her playing video games for an hour (I let her do that assuming she'd be gone all night) and then the hour some of our friends spent in our room getting ready for Formal (which I did not give an okay for). Seriously, I'm sure her other friends have rooms too. And it's FINALS week, a paper that's worth a huge part of my grade should come before having a place to drink. Ugh.

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I've been super busy :wacko: I'm one paper, one exam, and one portfolio away from summer vacation though. I've been trying to work on my paper all day long, but it's been really hard to concentrate. I only have two and a half pages out of 8+ and I don't even have outside sources yet. I want this paper done by the end of tomorrow. My roomie came back from Formal a little while ago, and said she might have some friends over in a bit (they are hanging out in Lara's room, but if Lara and Mike start making out, it'll be awkward, and they can't go to a lounge because they want to drink). I told her I'm working on a paper, and she said, "I have nights" while blatantly ignoring the distraction of her playing video games for an hour (I let her do that assuming she'd be gone all night) and then the hour some of our friends spent in our room getting ready for Formal (which I did not give an okay for). Seriously, I'm sure her other friends have rooms too. And it's FINALS week, a paper that's worth a huge part of my grade should come before having a place to drink. Ugh.

I admire you. She and I would have had a serious row. You have the patience of a saint. When it comes to finals week, drink in someone's room who doesn't care about studying. This girl is seriously selfish.

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I've been super busy :wacko: I'm one paper, one exam, and one portfolio away from summer vacation though. I've been trying to work on my paper all day long, but it's been really hard to concentrate. I only have two and a half pages out of 8+ and I don't even have outside sources yet. I want this paper done by the end of tomorrow. My roomie came back from Formal a little while ago, and said she might have some friends over in a bit (they are hanging out in Lara's room, but if Lara and Mike start making out, it'll be awkward, and they can't go to a lounge because they want to drink). I told her I'm working on a paper, and she said, "I have nights" while blatantly ignoring the distraction of her playing video games for an hour (I let her do that assuming she'd be gone all night) and then the hour some of our friends spent in our room getting ready for Formal (which I did not give an okay for). Seriously, I'm sure her other friends have rooms too. And it's FINALS week, a paper that's worth a huge part of my grade should come before having a place to drink. Ugh.

I admire you. She and I would have had a serious row. You have the patience of a saint. When it comes to finals week, drink in someone's room who doesn't care about studying. This girl is seriously selfish.

Yeah, thankfully they never did come into our room, but the very concept still annoyed me. I might attempt a talk with her about how for at lest the next couple days, that I'm going to want relative quiet for the next few days even past video game hours, just so I can get my work done. I let her play video games during some of my study hours; it would be nice if she did the same for me sometimes. And after Thursday, she can do whatever she wants because I'll be done, and hopefully gone.

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I've been super busy :wacko: I'm one paper, one exam, and one portfolio away from summer vacation though. I've been trying to work on my paper all day long, but it's been really hard to concentrate. I only have two and a half pages out of 8+ and I don't even have outside sources yet. I want this paper done by the end of tomorrow. My roomie came back from Formal a little while ago, and said she might have some friends over in a bit (they are hanging out in Lara's room, but if Lara and Mike start making out, it'll be awkward, and they can't go to a lounge because they want to drink). I told her I'm working on a paper, and she said, "I have nights" while blatantly ignoring the distraction of her playing video games for an hour (I let her do that assuming she'd be gone all night) and then the hour some of our friends spent in our room getting ready for Formal (which I did not give an okay for). Seriously, I'm sure her other friends have rooms too. And it's FINALS week, a paper that's worth a huge part of my grade should come before having a place to drink. Ugh.

I admire you. She and I would have had a serious row. You have the patience of a saint. When it comes to finals week, drink in someone's room who doesn't care about studying. This girl is seriously selfish.

Yeah, thankfully they never did come into our room, but the very concept still annoyed me. I might attempt a talk with her about how for at lest the next couple days, that I'm going to want relative quiet for the next few days even past video game hours, just so I can get my work done. I let her play video games during some of my study hours; it would be nice if she did the same for me sometimes. And after Thursday, she can do whatever she wants because I'll be done, and hopefully gone.

Good idea to try and speak with her about your next couple days. Hopefully she will be willing to go along with your plan. Somehow, though, I believe she might agree, then do whatever she wanted. If this happens, please try and not let it disrupt your studies.


And then you will be gone! Yeah!!!

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I've been super busy :wacko: I'm one paper, one exam, and one portfolio away from summer vacation though. I've been trying to work on my paper all day long, but it's been really hard to concentrate. I only have two and a half pages out of 8+ and I don't even have outside sources yet. I want this paper done by the end of tomorrow. My roomie came back from Formal a little while ago, and said she might have some friends over in a bit (they are hanging out in Lara's room, but if Lara and Mike start making out, it'll be awkward, and they can't go to a lounge because they want to drink). I told her I'm working on a paper, and she said, "I have nights" while blatantly ignoring the distraction of her playing video games for an hour (I let her do that assuming she'd be gone all night) and then the hour some of our friends spent in our room getting ready for Formal (which I did not give an okay for). Seriously, I'm sure her other friends have rooms too. And it's FINALS week, a paper that's worth a huge part of my grade should come before having a place to drink. Ugh.

I admire you. She and I would have had a serious row. You have the patience of a saint. When it comes to finals week, drink in someone's room who doesn't care about studying. This girl is seriously selfish.

Yeah, thankfully they never did come into our room, but the very concept still annoyed me. I might attempt a talk with her about how for at lest the next couple days, that I'm going to want relative quiet for the next few days even past video game hours, just so I can get my work done. I let her play video games during some of my study hours; it would be nice if she did the same for me sometimes. And after Thursday, she can do whatever she wants because I'll be done, and hopefully gone.

Good idea to try and speak with her about your next couple days. Hopefully she will be willing to go along with your plan. Somehow, though, I believe she might agree, then do whatever she wanted. If this happens, please try and not let it disrupt your studies.


And then you will be gone! Yeah!!!

Nope, she maintained she wanted all of her hours, and then got all annoyed when I said I wanted all of my hours (she's buying back textbooks for a company, and I told her that too many people coming to the room when I'm studying might be a problem). Seriously now, I know it's her job and everything, but that's just stupid. She's playing a game rather loudly right now, I kinda hope an RA yells at her since it's past quiet hours. <_<

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I've been super busy :wacko: I'm one paper, one exam, and one portfolio away from summer vacation though. I've been trying to work on my paper all day long, but it's been really hard to concentrate. I only have two and a half pages out of 8+ and I don't even have outside sources yet. I want this paper done by the end of tomorrow. My roomie came back from Formal a little while ago, and said she might have some friends over in a bit (they are hanging out in Lara's room, but if Lara and Mike start making out, it'll be awkward, and they can't go to a lounge because they want to drink). I told her I'm working on a paper, and she said, "I have nights" while blatantly ignoring the distraction of her playing video games for an hour (I let her do that assuming she'd be gone all night) and then the hour some of our friends spent in our room getting ready for Formal (which I did not give an okay for). Seriously, I'm sure her other friends have rooms too. And it's FINALS week, a paper that's worth a huge part of my grade should come before having a place to drink. Ugh.

I admire you. She and I would have had a serious row. You have the patience of a saint. When it comes to finals week, drink in someone's room who doesn't care about studying. This girl is seriously selfish.

Yeah, thankfully they never did come into our room, but the very concept still annoyed me. I might attempt a talk with her about how for at lest the next couple days, that I'm going to want relative quiet for the next few days even past video game hours, just so I can get my work done. I let her play video games during some of my study hours; it would be nice if she did the same for me sometimes. And after Thursday, she can do whatever she wants because I'll be done, and hopefully gone.

Good idea to try and speak with her about your next couple days. Hopefully she will be willing to go along with your plan. Somehow, though, I believe she might agree, then do whatever she wanted. If this happens, please try and not let it disrupt your studies.


And then you will be gone! Yeah!!!

Nope, she maintained she wanted all of her hours, and then got all annoyed when I said I wanted all of my hours (she's buying back textbooks for a company, and I told her that too many people coming to the room when I'm studying might be a problem). Seriously now, I know it's her job and everything, but that's just stupid. She's playing a game rather loudly right now, I kinda hope an RA yells at her since it's past quiet hours. <_>

I hope the RA hears her, but my guess is that she won't get reprimanded.


You are far too generous. My guess is that dorm rooms are not intended for business/jobs/etc. She is quite lucky that I am not her roommate as I would have turned her in to the school. You have every right to be able to study without her conducting business. Just my random two cents.


Good luck.

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I've been super busy :wacko: I'm one paper, one exam, and one portfolio away from summer vacation though. I've been trying to work on my paper all day long, but it's been really hard to concentrate. I only have two and a half pages out of 8+ and I don't even have outside sources yet. I want this paper done by the end of tomorrow. My roomie came back from Formal a little while ago, and said she might have some friends over in a bit (they are hanging out in Lara's room, but if Lara and Mike start making out, it'll be awkward, and they can't go to a lounge because they want to drink). I told her I'm working on a paper, and she said, "I have nights" while blatantly ignoring the distraction of her playing video games for an hour (I let her do that assuming she'd be gone all night) and then the hour some of our friends spent in our room getting ready for Formal (which I did not give an okay for). Seriously, I'm sure her other friends have rooms too. And it's FINALS week, a paper that's worth a huge part of my grade should come before having a place to drink. Ugh.

I admire you. She and I would have had a serious row. You have the patience of a saint. When it comes to finals week, drink in someone's room who doesn't care about studying. This girl is seriously selfish.

Yeah, thankfully they never did come into our room, but the very concept still annoyed me. I might attempt a talk with her about how for at lest the next couple days, that I'm going to want relative quiet for the next few days even past video game hours, just so I can get my work done. I let her play video games during some of my study hours; it would be nice if she did the same for me sometimes. And after Thursday, she can do whatever she wants because I'll be done, and hopefully gone.

Good idea to try and speak with her about your next couple days. Hopefully she will be willing to go along with your plan. Somehow, though, I believe she might agree, then do whatever she wanted. If this happens, please try and not let it disrupt your studies.


And then you will be gone! Yeah!!!

Nope, she maintained she wanted all of her hours, and then got all annoyed when I said I wanted all of my hours (she's buying back textbooks for a company, and I told her that too many people coming to the room when I'm studying might be a problem). Seriously now, I know it's her job and everything, but that's just stupid. She's playing a game rather loudly right now, I kinda hope an RA yells at her since it's past quiet hours. <_<

I hope the RA hears her, but my guess is that she won't get reprimanded.


You are far too generous. My guess is that dorm rooms are not intended for business/jobs/etc. She is quite lucky that I am not her roommate as I would have turned her in to the school. You have every right to be able to study without her conducting business. Just my random two cents.


Good luck.

Well, chances are if I complained to the RA, I would be told we need to compromise and that maybe I should study in the library or something (and I can't concentrate outside the room). We both live in the room, and it belongs to both of us, and I understand she's not getting much time to relax in our room, but still, I have work to do.

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I've been super busy :wacko: I'm one paper, one exam, and one portfolio away from summer vacation though. I've been trying to work on my paper all day long, but it's been really hard to concentrate. I only have two and a half pages out of 8+ and I don't even have outside sources yet. I want this paper done by the end of tomorrow. My roomie came back from Formal a little while ago, and said she might have some friends over in a bit (they are hanging out in Lara's room, but if Lara and Mike start making out, it'll be awkward, and they can't go to a lounge because they want to drink). I told her I'm working on a paper, and she said, "I have nights" while blatantly ignoring the distraction of her playing video games for an hour (I let her do that assuming she'd be gone all night) and then the hour some of our friends spent in our room getting ready for Formal (which I did not give an okay for). Seriously, I'm sure her other friends have rooms too. And it's FINALS week, a paper that's worth a huge part of my grade should come before having a place to drink. Ugh.

I admire you. She and I would have had a serious row. You have the patience of a saint. When it comes to finals week, drink in someone's room who doesn't care about studying. This girl is seriously selfish.

Yeah, thankfully they never did come into our room, but the very concept still annoyed me. I might attempt a talk with her about how for at lest the next couple days, that I'm going to want relative quiet for the next few days even past video game hours, just so I can get my work done. I let her play video games during some of my study hours; it would be nice if she did the same for me sometimes. And after Thursday, she can do whatever she wants because I'll be done, and hopefully gone.

Good idea to try and speak with her about your next couple days. Hopefully she will be willing to go along with your plan. Somehow, though, I believe she might agree, then do whatever she wanted. If this happens, please try and not let it disrupt your studies.


And then you will be gone! Yeah!!!

Nope, she maintained she wanted all of her hours, and then got all annoyed when I said I wanted all of my hours (she's buying back textbooks for a company, and I told her that too many people coming to the room when I'm studying might be a problem). Seriously now, I know it's her job and everything, but that's just stupid. She's playing a game rather loudly right now, I kinda hope an RA yells at her since it's past quiet hours. <_>

I hope the RA hears her, but my guess is that she won't get reprimanded.


You are far too generous. My guess is that dorm rooms are not intended for business/jobs/etc. She is quite lucky that I am not her roommate as I would have turned her in to the school. You have every right to be able to study without her conducting business. Just my random two cents.


Good luck.

Well, chances are if I complained to the RA, I would be told we need to compromise and that maybe I should study in the library or something (and I can't concentrate outside the room). We both live in the room, and it belongs to both of us, and I understand she's not getting much time to relax in our room, but still, I have work to do.

You are very, very nice. I don't think I would have the strength and character to be as understanding as you are.

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I got to see where I'm living next year, and it is GORGEOUS! I'm SO excited about it. ^_^

Wonderful! Great news for you! At least you can spend the summer feeling great about next year's housing.

Jesse got a studio for next year. I think he will be pleased with this.

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I think I will too, but I'll just have to make sure to be proactive about seeing people so that I don't drive myself batty. :lol:


I saw the pictures JF. It looks very nice. And you got a good view too, that's always a plus.

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^_^ So, after getting my work done early, I was able to get home yesterday, and am now relaxing with only the noise of the fridge. :rolleyes: Tomorrow I'm going to see about applying for some jobs and hope for the best.

I hope you have better luck than last summer. :lol:

Of course, I might suggest that if you are working, you will have less time with Phil.

:rolleyes: LOL :rolleyes:


Oh... the noise of the icebox is much nicer than the noise from your now 'old' roommate. LOL

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I feel deprived: Saudi Arabia had a DQ but there isn't a single branch in Britain! Am I missing anything?

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So, Phil seems to have been acting kinda distant lately, and I don't know what's up with that. He insists that everything is fine, but he's just not acting like it's fine. I told him I'm worried, and he says I have nothing to worry about, and that anything that's bothering him he'll just sort out on his own. That's all well and good, but I still worry about him and want to know what's bothering him. I wanted to talk to him about this, but apparently his grandfather cut the internet and said he needed to go to bed (usually his curfew is 11, and he doesn't have work until 12 tomorrow). So, I'm a bit concerned that he's not talking to me about things, whatever they are. We were both on maplestory for most of the day, and didn't have a chance to really talk because he was training, and in a bad mood. He also hasn't been on aim much. So, I dunno what's up with all of this, but I hope I can get him to talk to me more. Communication is important. :closedeyes:

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So, Phil seems to have been acting kinda distant lately, and I don't know what's up with that. He insists that everything is fine, but he's just not acting like it's fine. I told him I'm worried, and he says I have nothing to worry about, and that anything that's bothering him he'll just sort out on his own. That's all well and good, but I still worry about him and want to know what's bothering him. I wanted to talk to him about this, but apparently his grandfather cut the internet and said he needed to go to bed (usually his curfew is 11, and he doesn't have work until 12 tomorrow). So, I'm a bit concerned that he's not talking to me about things, whatever they are. We were both on maplestory for most of the day, and didn't have a chance to really talk because he was training, and in a bad mood. He also hasn't been on aim much. So, I dunno what's up with all of this, but I hope I can get him to talk to me more. Communication is important. :closedeyes:

Yes, communication is important, but there are times when someone just has to sort things out in their own head. Give him time. If you push, it may only keep him from talking. So, just treat Phil like nothing is wrong and don't worry about him not telling you everything. It will happen, he just needs to know you are there with him and you can give him the support he needs without him spilling his guts.

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So, Phil seems to have been acting kinda distant lately, and I don't know what's up with that. He insists that everything is fine, but he's just not acting like it's fine. I told him I'm worried, and he says I have nothing to worry about, and that anything that's bothering him he'll just sort out on his own. That's all well and good, but I still worry about him and want to know what's bothering him. I wanted to talk to him about this, but apparently his grandfather cut the internet and said he needed to go to bed (usually his curfew is 11, and he doesn't have work until 12 tomorrow). So, I'm a bit concerned that he's not talking to me about things, whatever they are. We were both on maplestory for most of the day, and didn't have a chance to really talk because he was training, and in a bad mood. He also hasn't been on aim much. So, I dunno what's up with all of this, but I hope I can get him to talk to me more. Communication is important. :closedeyes:

Yes, communication is important, but there are times when someone just has to sort things out in their own head. Give him time. If you push, it may only keep him from talking. So, just treat Phil like nothing is wrong and don't worry about him not telling you everything. It will happen, he just needs to know you are there with him and you can give him the support he needs without him spilling his guts.

Well the problem isn't so much him not telling me everything as that he acts differently when he's preoccupied with something, and then insists that nothing is wrong, when something clearly is. And naturally, since I see the effects of his being bothered by something in the form of him being super quiet and sounding annoyed with me, I start to worry that it has something to do with me, and I worry that something is upsetting him, because I don't like seeing him upset whether it's my fault or not. So, I'd be okay even if he just told me a general thing about what's bothering him and saying he doesn't want to talk about it. That would be fine. But knowing nothing at all scares me for some reason. Also, when he gets like this, the way he acts towards me makes me question how he feels about me, since he tends to act like he's annoyed with me when he's upset over something. Like, I asked when I get to see him again, and he said, "idk, I have work late for the next four days or more, and I have to eat dinner." Now, I hang out with him after dinner with no problems, so statements like this make it sound like he doesn't care about seeing me, which is really discouraging. Now, he was acting like this around finals, so I dismissed it as finals stress, but now he's home, and I have no idea what's causing this. :unsure:

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So, Phil seems to have been acting kinda distant lately, and I don't know what's up with that. He insists that everything is fine, but he's just not acting like it's fine. I told him I'm worried, and he says I have nothing to worry about, and that anything that's bothering him he'll just sort out on his own. That's all well and good, but I still worry about him and want to know what's bothering him. I wanted to talk to him about this, but apparently his grandfather cut the internet and said he needed to go to bed (usually his curfew is 11, and he doesn't have work until 12 tomorrow). So, I'm a bit concerned that he's not talking to me about things, whatever they are. We were both on maplestory for most of the day, and didn't have a chance to really talk because he was training, and in a bad mood. He also hasn't been on aim much. So, I dunno what's up with all of this, but I hope I can get him to talk to me more. Communication is important. :closedeyes:

Yes, communication is important, but there are times when someone just has to sort things out in their own head. Give him time. If you push, it may only keep him from talking. So, just treat Phil like nothing is wrong and don't worry about him not telling you everything. It will happen, he just needs to know you are there with him and you can give him the support he needs without him spilling his guts.

Well the problem isn't so much him not telling me everything as that he acts differently when he's preoccupied with something, and then insists that nothing is wrong, when something clearly is. And naturally, since I see the effects of his being bothered by something in the form of him being super quiet and sounding annoyed with me, I start to worry that it has something to do with me, and I worry that something is upsetting him, because I don't like seeing him upset whether it's my fault or not. So, I'd be okay even if he just told me a general thing about what's bothering him and saying he doesn't want to talk about it. That would be fine. But knowing nothing at all scares me for some reason. Also, when he gets like this, the way he acts towards me makes me question how he feels about me, since he tends to act like he's annoyed with me when he's upset over something. Like, I asked when I get to see him again, and he said, "idk, I have work late for the next four days or more, and I have to eat dinner." Now, I hang out with him after dinner with no problems, so statements like this make it sound like he doesn't care about seeing me, which is really discouraging. Now, he was acting like this around finals, so I dismissed it as finals stress, but now he's home, and I have no idea what's causing this. :unsure:

My guess is that Phil is back home under his grandparents roof and their rules. This has to be extremely stressful. He has lived at college with his own rules as to when he will be on the computer, when he can come and go and now he is back home being treated like a kid. This must be hard for him. Please believe in yourself that the relationship you both have is a good one. Please give him time. It is not you.

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So, Phil seems to have been acting kinda distant lately, and I don't know what's up with that. He insists that everything is fine, but he's just not acting like it's fine. I told him I'm worried, and he says I have nothing to worry about, and that anything that's bothering him he'll just sort out on his own. That's all well and good, but I still worry about him and want to know what's bothering him. I wanted to talk to him about this, but apparently his grandfather cut the internet and said he needed to go to bed (usually his curfew is 11, and he doesn't have work until 12 tomorrow). So, I'm a bit concerned that he's not talking to me about things, whatever they are. We were both on maplestory for most of the day, and didn't have a chance to really talk because he was training, and in a bad mood. He also hasn't been on aim much. So, I dunno what's up with all of this, but I hope I can get him to talk to me more. Communication is important. :closedeyes:

Yes, communication is important, but there are times when someone just has to sort things out in their own head. Give him time. If you push, it may only keep him from talking. So, just treat Phil like nothing is wrong and don't worry about him not telling you everything. It will happen, he just needs to know you are there with him and you can give him the support he needs without him spilling his guts.

Well the problem isn't so much him not telling me everything as that he acts differently when he's preoccupied with something, and then insists that nothing is wrong, when something clearly is. And naturally, since I see the effects of his being bothered by something in the form of him being super quiet and sounding annoyed with me, I start to worry that it has something to do with me, and I worry that something is upsetting him, because I don't like seeing him upset whether it's my fault or not. So, I'd be okay even if he just told me a general thing about what's bothering him and saying he doesn't want to talk about it. That would be fine. But knowing nothing at all scares me for some reason. Also, when he gets like this, the way he acts towards me makes me question how he feels about me, since he tends to act like he's annoyed with me when he's upset over something. Like, I asked when I get to see him again, and he said, "idk, I have work late for the next four days or more, and I have to eat dinner." Now, I hang out with him after dinner with no problems, so statements like this make it sound like he doesn't care about seeing me, which is really discouraging. Now, he was acting like this around finals, so I dismissed it as finals stress, but now he's home, and I have no idea what's causing this. :unsure:

My guess is that Phil is back home under his grandparents roof and their rules. This has to be extremely stressful. He has lived at college with his own rules as to when he will be on the computer, when he can come and go and now he is back home being treated like a kid. This must be hard for him. Please believe in yourself that the relationship you both have is a good one. Please give him time. It is not you.

I got to see him today when I went grocery shopping, which was good. ^_^ I know our relationship is good, but it bothers me how little we've been talking lately. Unfortunately, I was unable to talk to him about that today. >_<

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So, Phil seems to have been acting kinda distant lately, and I don't know what's up with that. He insists that everything is fine, but he's just not acting like it's fine. I told him I'm worried, and he says I have nothing to worry about, and that anything that's bothering him he'll just sort out on his own. That's all well and good, but I still worry about him and want to know what's bothering him. I wanted to talk to him about this, but apparently his grandfather cut the internet and said he needed to go to bed (usually his curfew is 11, and he doesn't have work until 12 tomorrow). So, I'm a bit concerned that he's not talking to me about things, whatever they are. We were both on maplestory for most of the day, and didn't have a chance to really talk because he was training, and in a bad mood. He also hasn't been on aim much. So, I dunno what's up with all of this, but I hope I can get him to talk to me more. Communication is important. :closedeyes:

Yes, communication is important, but there are times when someone just has to sort things out in their own head. Give him time. If you push, it may only keep him from talking. So, just treat Phil like nothing is wrong and don't worry about him not telling you everything. It will happen, he just needs to know you are there with him and you can give him the support he needs without him spilling his guts.

Well the problem isn't so much him not telling me everything as that he acts differently when he's preoccupied with something, and then insists that nothing is wrong, when something clearly is. And naturally, since I see the effects of his being bothered by something in the form of him being super quiet and sounding annoyed with me, I start to worry that it has something to do with me, and I worry that something is upsetting him, because I don't like seeing him upset whether it's my fault or not. So, I'd be okay even if he just told me a general thing about what's bothering him and saying he doesn't want to talk about it. That would be fine. But knowing nothing at all scares me for some reason. Also, when he gets like this, the way he acts towards me makes me question how he feels about me, since he tends to act like he's annoyed with me when he's upset over something. Like, I asked when I get to see him again, and he said, "idk, I have work late for the next four days or more, and I have to eat dinner." Now, I hang out with him after dinner with no problems, so statements like this make it sound like he doesn't care about seeing me, which is really discouraging. Now, he was acting like this around finals, so I dismissed it as finals stress, but now he's home, and I have no idea what's causing this. :unsure:

My guess is that Phil is back home under his grandparents roof and their rules. This has to be extremely stressful. He has lived at college with his own rules as to when he will be on the computer, when he can come and go and now he is back home being treated like a kid. This must be hard for him. Please believe in yourself that the relationship you both have is a good one. Please give him time. It is not you.

I got to see him today when I went grocery shopping, which was good. ^_^ I know our relationship is good, but it bothers me how little we've been talking lately. Unfortunately, I was unable to talk to him about that today. >_

It was good that you were unable to discuss what was on your mind. Work is never a good place for that. :)

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