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So, this week has been considerably more relaxed than the past few weeks. :) I got all the pictures from the ballroom competition up on facebook (I took 333 pictures, about 150 of them made it online). The end result of this was being up until about 3am watching people tag other people, comments, and random friend requests from people who were tagged in the pictures. :lol: Then of course as is my luck, with 7 hours of sleep, my education professor gave us a surprise midterm. :blink: I think I did alright on it all things considered. I also got some exams handed back to me this week, which I did really well on. I got a 99 on the one I got back last night. ^_^ Today and tomorrow are easy because it's just one class each day. JPCS is tonight if I remember to go. Tomorrow there's an even that's supposed to be like halloween all around the world or something like that. It sounds pretty cool. Then Sunday I get to see Phil at 6 Flags! ^_^ That's gonna be fun times. ^_^ And then I drive him back to his college since his mom wouldn't be able to until Monday night or something like that. I think. I have to check with him on what's going on with that.

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So, this week has been considerably more relaxed than the past few weeks. :) I got all the pictures from the ballroom competition up on facebook (I took 333 pictures, about 150 of them made it online). The end result of this was being up until about 3am watching people tag other people, comments, and random friend requests from people who were tagged in the pictures. :lol: Then of course as is my luck, with 7 hours of sleep, my education professor gave us a surprise midterm. :blink: I think I did alright on it all things considered. I also got some exams handed back to me this week, which I did really well on. I got a 99 on the one I got back last night. ^_^ Today and tomorrow are easy because it's just one class each day. JPCS is tonight if I remember to go. Tomorrow there's an even that's supposed to be like halloween all around the world or something like that. It sounds pretty cool. Then Sunday I get to see Phil at 6 Flags! ^_^ That's gonna be fun times. ^_^ And then I drive him back to his college since his mom wouldn't be able to until Monday night or something like that. I think. I have to check with him on what's going on with that.

Do you have any pictures to show us? We would love to see some of the ballroom competition. Glad you had fun. 333 pictures? Incredible. I wouldn't remember taking any of the details when I had to post them. As for the midterm, I am certain you did great. You seem to be very well prepared. Great job on the 99 grade, that is fantastic. When you see Phil, I know you will have a great time, so nothing to say there.

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I see Phil tomorrow! ^_^ *does happy dance* The question is...pirate shirt or no pirate shirt? It's fright fest at 6 Flags so I'm considering wearing the top half of my ren faire costume. :lol:

Pirate shirt!!!

That's what I'm leaning towards lol. XD I'm going to have to make it a point to bring another shirt along though since I don't want to be driving for 4 hours in a corset. :rolleyes:

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I see Phil tomorrow! ^_^ *does happy dance* The question is...pirate shirt or no pirate shirt? It's fright fest at 6 Flags so I'm considering wearing the top half of my ren faire costume. :lol:

Pirate shirt!!!

That's what I'm leaning towards lol. XD I'm going to have to make it a point to bring another shirt along though since I don't want to be driving for 4 hours in a corset. :rolleyes:

Now that would be painful. :lol:

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I see Phil tomorrow! ^_^ *does happy dance* The question is...pirate shirt or no pirate shirt? It's fright fest at 6 Flags so I'm considering wearing the top half of my ren faire costume. :lol:

Pirate shirt!!!

That's what I'm leaning towards lol. XD I'm going to have to make it a point to bring another shirt along though since I don't want to be driving for 4 hours in a corset. :rolleyes:

Now that would be painful. :lol:

lol it's actually not painful. Just after awhile it's mildly uncomfortable, and I don't want that for a 5 hour drive. :lol:

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I see Phil tomorrow! ^_^ *does happy dance* The question is...pirate shirt or no pirate shirt? It's fright fest at 6 Flags so I'm considering wearing the top half of my ren faire costume. :lol:

Pirate shirt!!!

That's what I'm leaning towards lol. XD I'm going to have to make it a point to bring another shirt along though since I don't want to be driving for 4 hours in a corset. :rolleyes:

Now that would be painful. :lol:

lol it's actually not painful. Just after awhile it's mildly uncomfortable, and I don't want that for a 5 hour drive. :lol:

Being a fluffy hamster, I would not want that for five minutes. :lol:

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Well, it turns out Phil grandmother (not the one he lives with) was able to drive him back to his college, so now I'm back on my own campus. It was a fun day at 6 Flags. ^_^ However, I probably won't be able to see Phil again for another 3+ weeks. :(


Three weeksssssssssssss????????

Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, it turns out Phil grandmother (not the one he lives with) was able to drive him back to his college, so now I'm back on my own campus. It was a fun day at 6 Flags. ^_^ However, I probably won't be able to see Phil again for another 3+ weeks. :(


Three weeksssssssssssss????????

Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!

I know. T_T I actually started crying last night when I was talking to Phil online. It's so hard when all you want to do is hug someone but they're 5 hours away. This weekend is Halloween, and I know my friends wanted me to be around for that. The weekend after that Phil has a ballroom competition I think in MA. And the weekend after that he has another ballroom competition in the same city that my high school was in, which I should hopefully be able to attend, and maybe visit with him for that weekend, but I need to talk to him and work out details. The only problem is that I've got lots of projects and papers and exams coming up around that time. But yeah, 3 weeks is entirely too long to go without seeing your love. It reminds me of something Phil said towards the end of the summer before he went back to college, that makes me want to smile and cry at the same time. "Just remember, I'll see you soon, and each time you think of that, it'll be sooner than the last time."

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Well, it turns out Phil grandmother (not the one he lives with) was able to drive him back to his college, so now I'm back on my own campus. It was a fun day at 6 Flags. ^_^ However, I probably won't be able to see Phil again for another 3+ weeks. :(


Three weeksssssssssssss????????

Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!

I know. T_T I actually started crying last night when I was talking to Phil online. It's so hard when all you want to do is hug someone but they're 5 hours away. This weekend is Halloween, and I know my friends wanted me to be around for that. The weekend after that Phil has a ballroom competition I think in MA. And the weekend after that he has another ballroom competition in the same city that my high school was in, which I should hopefully be able to attend, and maybe visit with him for that weekend, but I need to talk to him and work out details. The only problem is that I've got lots of projects and papers and exams coming up around that time. But yeah, 3 weeks is entirely too long to go without seeing your love. It reminds me of something Phil said towards the end of the summer before he went back to college, that makes me want to smile and cry at the same time. "Just remember, I'll see you soon, and each time you think of that, it'll be sooner than the last time."

:wub: :wub: :wub:

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I love snow! ^_^ When I saw it this morning I was like "omg hax." I figure it's God's way of reminding me that it's almost time for winter break. ^_^

Finally, I saw it snow for like a minute at the beginning of my lunch period. Then by the time the rest of my table had gotten there, it had stopped. So I was like "It was snowing!" and my friend was like "No it's not." LOL! :lol:


And it was snowing a tiny bit when my mom drove me home from school....but then it stopped.


I wonder when our first snow day will be...monday nov 10th would be nice, because we have the friday before and the tuesday after off, but not monday. <_<


So anyway....that's my snow news! :D



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Last night I was in a bad mood, so I went to bed early. But instead of falling asleep, I ended up having a sort of emotional breakdown and started crying. I eventually figured I wasn't going to fall asleep, so I climbed back down out of bed and went back online, where I just managed to catch Phil before he went to bed, so we talked for awhile about how I was feeling and he somehow managed to cheer me up. The odd thing was, that there was nothing that really set me off to start crying like that, and I can't even blame this one on hormones. I guess I just really miss Phil, and since I'm not used to really missing people, my brain's not sure what to do about it. And I just saw him a few days ago, and I'll see him again in a couple weeks. It's not like we're separated for months on end or something. So, it's strange.


Today I've been just kind of out of it, although I did manage to go out shopping with Kim and Lara so I could get black pants for my cat costume and some much needed snack food (kind of hard to gain weight when you have nothing to eat :rolleyes: )

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I love snow! ^_^ When I saw it this morning I was like "omg hax." I figure it's God's way of reminding me that it's almost time for winter break. ^_^

Finally, I saw it snow for like a minute at the beginning of my lunch period. Then by the time the rest of my table had gotten there, it had stopped. So I was like "It was snowing!" and my friend was like "No it's not." LOL! :lol:


And it was snowing a tiny bit when my mom drove me home from school....but then it stopped.


I wonder when our first snow day will be...monday nov 10th would be nice, because we have the friday before and the tuesday after off, but not monday. <_<


So anyway....that's my snow news! :D



We had one of those Friday, Tuesday things. I hatedddddddd it!


You guys seem to have a lot of time off! NOT fair!

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I love snow! ^_^ When I saw it this morning I was like "omg hax." I figure it's God's way of reminding me that it's almost time for winter break. ^_^

Finally, I saw it snow for like a minute at the beginning of my lunch period. Then by the time the rest of my table had gotten there, it had stopped. So I was like "It was snowing!" and my friend was like "No it's not." LOL! :lol:


And it was snowing a tiny bit when my mom drove me home from school....but then it stopped.


I wonder when our first snow day will be...monday nov 10th would be nice, because we have the friday before and the tuesday after off, but not monday. <_>


So anyway....that's my snow news! :D



We had one of those Friday, Tuesday things. I hatedddddddd it!


You guys seem to have a lot of time off! NOT fair!

You could always clone yourself. :lol:

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Last night I was in a bad mood, so I went to bed early. But instead of falling asleep, I ended up having a sort of emotional breakdown and started crying. I eventually figured I wasn't going to fall asleep, so I climbed back down out of bed and went back online, where I just managed to catch Phil before he went to bed, so we talked for awhile about how I was feeling and he somehow managed to cheer me up. The odd thing was, that there was nothing that really set me off to start crying like that, and I can't even blame this one on hormones. I guess I just really miss Phil, and since I'm not used to really missing people, my brain's not sure what to do about it. And I just saw him a few days ago, and I'll see him again in a couple weeks. It's not like we're separated for months on end or something. So, it's strange.


Today I've been just kind of out of it, although I did manage to go out shopping with Kim and Lara so I could get black pants for my cat costume and some much needed snack food (kind of hard to gain weight when you have nothing to eat :rolleyes: )

Some days are just tougher than others. For me, they seem to occur when I am extremely exhausted... beyond tired.


Luckily you were able to get online with Phil, that's the positive point of your day.


Hope you got lots of junk food.

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Last night I was in a bad mood, so I went to bed early. But instead of falling asleep, I ended up having a sort of emotional breakdown and started crying. I eventually figured I wasn't going to fall asleep, so I climbed back down out of bed and went back online, where I just managed to catch Phil before he went to bed, so we talked for awhile about how I was feeling and he somehow managed to cheer me up. The odd thing was, that there was nothing that really set me off to start crying like that, and I can't even blame this one on hormones. I guess I just really miss Phil, and since I'm not used to really missing people, my brain's not sure what to do about it. And I just saw him a few days ago, and I'll see him again in a couple weeks. It's not like we're separated for months on end or something. So, it's strange.


Today I've been just kind of out of it, although I did manage to go out shopping with Kim and Lara so I could get black pants for my cat costume and some much needed snack food (kind of hard to gain weight when you have nothing to eat :rolleyes: )

Some days are just tougher than others. For me, they seem to occur when I am extremely exhausted... beyond tired.


Luckily you were able to get online with Phil, that's the positive point of your day.


Hope you got lots of junk food.

Yeah, and I was pretty tired that day too. And Phil is amazing. Other guys need to take lessons from him or something.


As for junk food, I got 3 bags of candy. :D I might go out again on Saturday to get more only on sale. :lol: And I also got the pants I needed, just simple black leggings. As I told Kim and Lara (who came with me), "I haven't worn pants this tight since the 90's!" :rolleyes: They're comfy though, and they'll be nice in the winter to wear under snow pants or long skirts.

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Last night I was in a bad mood, so I went to bed early. But instead of falling asleep, I ended up having a sort of emotional breakdown and started crying. I eventually figured I wasn't going to fall asleep, so I climbed back down out of bed and went back online, where I just managed to catch Phil before he went to bed, so we talked for awhile about how I was feeling and he somehow managed to cheer me up. The odd thing was, that there was nothing that really set me off to start crying like that, and I can't even blame this one on hormones. I guess I just really miss Phil, and since I'm not used to really missing people, my brain's not sure what to do about it. And I just saw him a few days ago, and I'll see him again in a couple weeks. It's not like we're separated for months on end or something. So, it's strange.


Today I've been just kind of out of it, although I did manage to go out shopping with Kim and Lara so I could get black pants for my cat costume and some much needed snack food (kind of hard to gain weight when you have nothing to eat :rolleyes: )

Some days are just tougher than others. For me, they seem to occur when I am extremely exhausted... beyond tired.


Luckily you were able to get online with Phil, that's the positive point of your day.


Hope you got lots of junk food.

Yeah, and I was pretty tired that day too. And Phil is amazing. Other guys need to take lessons from him or something.


As for junk food, I got 3 bags of candy. :D I might go out again on Saturday to get more only on sale. LOL And I also got the pants I needed, just simple black leggings. As I told Kim and Lara (who came with me), "I haven't worn pants this tight since the 90's!" :rolleyes: They're comfy though, and they'll be nice in the winter to wear under snow pants or long skirts.

Candy, candy, candy! YES!!!!!


I had to get my fur trimmed yesterday and while waiting they sat me next to this giant bowl of candy.

:o :o :o :o :o

Did they expect me to sit there and only eat one piece??????????????????

I was pretty bad... I must have popped about ten of those little bite-sized pieces into my mouth. It would have been in their best interest to seat me somewhere else. LOL


That's why I like those cool weather running tights... keep your legs nice and warm.

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I love snow! ^_^ When I saw it this morning I was like "omg hax." I figure it's God's way of reminding me that it's almost time for winter break. ^_^

Finally, I saw it snow for like a minute at the beginning of my lunch period. Then by the time the rest of my table had gotten there, it had stopped. So I was like "It was snowing!" and my friend was like "No it's not." LOL! :lol:


And it was snowing a tiny bit when my mom drove me home from school....but then it stopped.


I wonder when our first snow day will be...monday nov 10th would be nice, because we have the friday before and the tuesday after off, but not monday. <_<


So anyway....that's my snow news! :D



We had one of those Friday, Tuesday things. I hatedddddddd it!


You guys seem to have a lot of time off! NOT fair!

The Friday is because the 8th graders have to take the Test For Admission Into Catholic High School (TACHS)


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Too much to do at not enough time to do it. :wacko: Here's what my life is looking like in the next few weeks:


11/10: Term paper outline and bibliography due, psych law exam

11/11: autism exam and take home component due

11/12: reading due (20-25 pages or so)

11/14: child development presentations start, visit Phil for the weekend?

11/17: BHP exam due

11/18: date for my child development presenation

11/19: presentations begin for both education and behavior modification

11/20: Phil's birthday

12/1: psych law paper due

12/8: psych law exam, education take home final due by 3pm

12/9: autism exam, report due

12/10: behavior mod exam

12/11: child development exam

12/18: term paper due


Visiting Phil will probably happen some other weekend in there too, haven't gotten that far yet, but I clearly have grounds for going insane. :wacko:

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Too much to do at not enough time to do it. :wacko: Here's what my life is looking like in the next few weeks:


11/10: Term paper outline and bibliography due, psych law exam

11/11: autism exam and take home component due

11/12: reading due (20-25 pages or so)

11/14: child development presentations start, visit Phil for the weekend?

11/17: BHP exam due

11/18: date for my child development presenation

11/19: presentations begin for both education and behavior modification

11/20: Phil's birthday

12/1: psych law paper due

12/8: psych law exam, education take home final due by 3pm

12/9: autism exam, report due

12/10: behavior mod exam

12/11: child development exam

12/18: term paper due


Visiting Phil will probably happen some other weekend in there too, haven't gotten that far yet, but I clearly have grounds for going insane. :wacko:

Way, way, way too much to do!!! :wacko:

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I've been in a really bad mood for most of today, and not even for any good reason. The only thing I can think of is hormones, and I've been like this the last few months too. I'm thinking I might talk to my doctor about getting put on birth control or something to readjust my hormones. It might help me gain back the weight I tend to lose at college and clear up my skin too. :rolleyes:

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Aw, that's no good. Hope you can get your hormones in line.

Me too. Hm. Maybe it also has something to do with living on an all girls floor too. Whether it's because of the hormones or because they're mostly annoying door slamming freshmen, I'm not sure. I'm hoping to live in an on-campus apartment next semester. That will put me in a building with mostly other seniors (with honors freshmen in the building attached to ours), and my room will probably be a bit apart from the hallway anyways, since most apartments are four single rooms that share a common area and small kitchen. Also, having my own room will be nice. I love my roomie, but the little things she does are starting to get me nuts, and I'm going to have to keep odd hours because of my ELD classes and student teaching senior year. Also, having a kitchen means we can opt out of a meal plan (I'm not sure if I will or not), and we can cook our own food! And having my own room is nice for a number of obvious reasons sleep and study related, but also if Phil gets any more freedom next year, I don't have to worry about having him in the room for a weekend upsetting a roomie.

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Whether it's because of the hormones or because they're mostly annoying door slamming freshmen, I'm not sure.


Well, the latter sure got on my nerves last year...


I'm hoping to live in an on-campus apartment next semester. That will put me in a building with mostly other seniors (with honors freshmen in the building attached to ours), and my room will probably be a bit apart from the hallway anyways, since most apartments are four single rooms that share a common area and small kitchen.


Nice! I highly recommend apartment living. ^_^ Hopefully that comes with a private bathroom too.


Also, having my own room will be nice. I love my roomie, but the little things she does are starting to get me nuts


I can relate to that too. Or I could last year. I can't find much to be annoyed with in my current roommate. I hope that doesn't mean I'm the annoying one. :P Too bad he's graduating this year.


Also, having a kitchen means we can opt out of a meal plan (I'm not sure if I will or not), and we can cook our own food!


Do you not have a kitchen at all in your current dorm? At my school all the dorms have a kitchen in the common area if it has one, or if not then there's a general one on each floor. Either way having a private kitchen is much better (and you can actually leave your stuff in there without worries!)


Until then, hang in there! *hug* I went through a lot of the same stress you did in my place last year.

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Apartments do have their own bathrooms, but the only downside is we're going to have to clean them ourselves instead of the cleaning people doing it every day like they do in normal housing. All buildings do have a common kitchen, but in most buildings the stove is really tiny and/or doesn't work well, and there's practically no counter space. Also, it's usually pretty gross, and far from most rooms. >_< But yeah, never again am I doing regular housing. First year was honors which was okay, and last year was wellness which was pretty good most of the time, but this year is insane.

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Hokay, revised list of things to do (I've gotten a lot done and rearranged some dates so it's not as bad now) ^_^


This weekend: visit Phil, including ballroom competition

11/18: Child development presentation

11/19: Behavior Modification presentation (should be easy, it's only 5 minutes and requires no research)

11/26: Thanksgiving break starts (requires driving to a hotel and back)

12/1: Psych Law paper due, thanksgiving break ends

12/3: Education presentation

12/8: Psych law final, Education take home exam due

12/9: Autism exam, Autism paper due

12/10: Behavior mod exam

12/11: child development exam, visit Phil?

12/18: term paper due (I can probably turn it in early, and I can go home as soon as I turn it in)

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So, I'm in kind of a bad mood today, which started last night. After I finished my take home exam, I tried to install the new version of maplestory (because for some reason the patches never work). And of course after it downloaded for two hours it wouldn't install properly. The new patch contains the new pirates class that Phil has been excited about since he heard about it, so naturally he was online and playing the second it came out. And of course AIM wasn't working properly with it, so he closed aim and resorted to texting me (which makes for much worse conversation, and this was after not being able to talk to him in class because the wireless wasn't working). After MS refused to install properly the first two times I texted him saying I was going to give up on it as it was 1am. He responded awhile later saying he was going to bed and good night and all that.


I was really quite annoyed that he didn't sign into AIM to chat for a couple minutes and say good night properly, especially since we had hardly talked all day and he doesn't have class on Thursdays so it's not like he was going to bed so he could get up for class. And I guess on itsI own it's just a little thing, but it's underlined by my already existing concern over his maplestory addiction. Now, I know he likes his games, and that's fine, and he generally manages to get his schoolwork done, but sometimes (and I hate putting it this way because I know that's not how it is), it seems like he cares more about his games than he cares about me. Even when I'm visiting him he's usually playing some sort of game, and it's kind of starting to get on my nerves. I mean we do other things sometimes to, and when we do it's fine. Just the maplestory thing seems to be getting a little bit out of hand, and last night kind of pushed me over the edge in terms of being concerned about it. I'm planning on talking to him sometime today if he ever signs into aim. <_<

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Yeah, my apartment doesn't get cleaning services either. My mom's OCD power has rubbed off on me though so I don't really mind it that much. If nothing else it will get you ready for real life. :P


I'm sorry to hear about Phil. I mean, I like playing games too, but it's just when I have nothing better to do (which is quite often in my case) or to unwind, but it seems like he is forming a specific attachment with his gaming, so I can see how you get that uncared-for feeling. I'll pray that you can work things out soon.

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So, I'm in kind of a bad mood today, which started last night. After I finished my take home exam, I tried to install the new version of maplestory (because for some reason the patches never work). And of course after it downloaded for two hours it wouldn't install properly. The new patch contains the new pirates class that Phil has been excited about since he heard about it, so naturally he was online and playing the second it came out. And of course AIM wasn't working properly with it, so he closed aim and resorted to texting me (which makes for much worse conversation, and this was after not being able to talk to him in class because the wireless wasn't working). After MS refused to install properly the first two times I texted him saying I was going to give up on it as it was 1am. He responded awhile later saying he was going to bed and good night and all that.


I was really quite annoyed that he didn't sign into AIM to chat for a couple minutes and say good night properly, especially since we had hardly talked all day and he doesn't have class on Thursdays so it's not like he was going to bed so he could get up for class. And I guess on itsI own it's just a little thing, but it's underlined by my already existing concern over his maplestory addiction. Now, I know he likes his games, and that's fine, and he generally manages to get his schoolwork done, but sometimes (and I hate putting it this way because I know that's not how it is), it seems like he cares more about his games than he cares about me. Even when I'm visiting him he's usually playing some sort of game, and it's kind of starting to get on my nerves. I mean we do other things sometimes to, and when we do it's fine. Just the maplestory thing seems to be getting a little bit out of hand, and last night kind of pushed me over the edge in terms of being concerned about it. I'm planning on talking to him sometime today if he ever signs into aim. <_>

I have some thoughts on this, but will wait until after you and Phil talk. Hope you both work this out.

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Well, I talked to him about last night, and he says that aim wasn't working on his computer at all last night, even after he closed MS, which is why he was texting instead, so that's understandable, although I kind of wish he told me that at the start. It probably didn't even occur to him though. I didn't get the chance to bring up the rest of it though. I might do it this weekend. It's one of those things that's best talked about in person anyways. And maplestory STILL isn't installing properly on my computer, which is getting really frustrating since I was planning on using it for a presentation that's due next week.

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Well, I talked to him about last night, and he says that aim wasn't working on his computer at all last night, even after he closed MS, which is why he was texting instead, so that's understandable, although I kind of wish he told me that at the start. It probably didn't even occur to him though. I didn't get the chance to bring up the rest of it though. I might do it this weekend. It's one of those things that's best talked about in person anyways. And maplestory STILL isn't installing properly on my computer, which is getting really frustrating since I was planning on using it for a presentation that's due next week.

Talking in person was one of the ideas I had, so I'm glad you will be doing that.

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So, upon doing some quick research, I think that estrogen dominance explains my ridiculous mood lately, as well as the headaches and generally not feeling well lately. It also makes sense because it can be caused by things like poor diet (I'm trying to gain weight), stress, and caffeine. Hehe oops. :rolleyes:

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So, upon doing some quick research, I think that estrogen dominance explains my ridiculous mood lately, as well as the headaches and generally not feeling well lately. It also makes sense because it can be caused by things like poor diet (I'm trying to gain weight), stress, and caffeine. Hehe oops. :rolleyes:

Poor diet, hormones, stress... what a bad combination. :wacko:

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So, upon doing some quick research, I think that estrogen dominance explains my ridiculous mood lately, as well as the headaches and generally not feeling well lately. It also makes sense because it can be caused by things like poor diet (I'm trying to gain weight), stress, and caffeine. Hehe oops. :rolleyes:

Poor diet, hormones, stress... what a bad combination. :wacko:

Hehe yep. Trying to solve one problem causes a worse one, apparently. :rolleyes: (The way I was trying to gain weight was mostly by eating lots of candy and unhealthy foods, and by not making any real attempt to balance my diet with other things (I take multivitamins at least), which is one of the main causes of the imbalance. Then add to that how I've been having coffee with dinner a lot recently, and the stress of my insane list of things to do, and you have me as a medical and emotional mess! :rolleyes: However, now that I have a good idea of what's wrong with me, I can try to fix it. One of the things that was suggested was consuming soy, so I'm eating soy ice cream for breakfast. :rolleyes:

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So Phil put up a different away message last night from the usual. Usually it's "Thinking of you, wherever you are, we pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows: starting a new journey may not be so hard; or maybe it has already begun."


Last night (and also now because he didn't change it when he went to class) it was this (Japanese and translation): hajimari desho hajimari nan desho!? kirei ga yami wo terasumitai ni watashi to anata bouken no tochuu isshoni kite kudasai doko ma demo jiyuu ni genjitsu wo koete ashita kakoni natta kyou no ima ga kisekitashika na mirai wo tsuka mou mirai wo I believe you...

It's the beginning, right? It's the beginning, right!?Like how beauty illuminates the dark,You and I are on the middle of an adventure

Let's advance together freely, through thick and thinAnd go beyond realityThe present today that became the past tomorrow is a miracle

A definite futureLet's take hold of the futureI believe you...


In the AIM window I could only see the first part of the Japanese, but I was curious and clicked on the buddy info button to read the rest, and it made me really happy. :wub:

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You both speak Japanese? That's pretty cool.

Haha I wish. The translation was given with the Japanese in Phil's away message (I take it on faith that it's accurate), and I know Phil doesn't speak Japanese, so I'm pretty sure he copy pasted it from somewhere, looks like lyrics to a song.

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So, upon doing some quick research, I think that estrogen dominance explains my ridiculous mood lately, as well as the headaches and generally not feeling well lately. It also makes sense because it can be caused by things like poor diet (I'm trying to gain weight), stress, and caffeine. Hehe oops. :rolleyes:

Poor diet, hormones, stress... what a bad combination. :wacko:

Hehe yep. Trying to solve one problem causes a worse one, apparently. :rolleyes: (The way I was trying to gain weight was mostly by eating lots of candy and unhealthy foods, and by not making any real attempt to balance my diet with other things (I take multivitamins at least), which is one of the main causes of the imbalance. Then add to that how I've been having coffee with dinner a lot recently, and the stress of my insane list of things to do, and you have me as a medical and emotional mess! :rolleyes: However, now that I have a good idea of what's wrong with me, I can try to fix it. One of the things that was suggested was consuming soy, so I'm eating soy ice cream for breakfast. :rolleyes:

There are weight gain protein drinks at the health food store. They are supplements to your meal. Usually they work quite well. Some taste awful, some not so bad. Just buy one at a time to try them to see if you like them.

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So Phil put up a different away message last night from the usual. Usually it's "Thinking of you, wherever you are, we pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows: starting a new journey may not be so hard; or maybe it has already begun."


Last night (and also now because he didn't change it when he went to class) it was this (Japanese and translation): hajimari desho hajimari nan desho!? kirei ga yami wo terasumitai ni watashi to anata bouken no tochuu isshoni kite kudasai doko ma demo jiyuu ni genjitsu wo koete ashita kakoni natta kyou no ima ga kisekitashika na mirai wo tsuka mou mirai wo I believe you...

It's the beginning, right? It's the beginning, right!?Like how beauty illuminates the dark,You and I are on the middle of an adventure

Let's advance together freely, through thick and thinAnd go beyond realityThe present today that became the past tomorrow is a miracle

A definite futureLet's take hold of the futureI believe you...


In the AIM window I could only see the first part of the Japanese, but I was curious and clicked on the buddy info button to read the rest, and it made me really happy. :wub:

Sweet message. Phil does have a very good side.

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I'm back from visiting Phil, which was fun times as usual. ^_^ He and Jenny did really well at the ballroom competition, and even placed 8th in, I think it was foxtrot or tango, I forget now lol. And they made quarterfinals and semifinals in a whole bunch of things. ^_^ And as usual, I took an insane amount of pictures, which will hopefully be edited and on facebook by the end of wednesday. I would probably elaborate more on the weekend, but I'm super tired and have to get my presentations done. >_<

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I'm back from visiting Phil, which was fun times as usual. ^_^ He and Jenny did really well at the ballroom competition, and even placed 8th in, I think it was foxtrot or tango, I forget now lol. And they made quarterfinals and semifinals in a whole bunch of things. ^_^ And as usual, I took an insane amount of pictures, which will hopefully be edited and on facebook by the end of wednesday. I would probably elaborate more on the weekend, but I'm super tired and have to get my presentations done. >_

Welcome back! Things were very quiet while you were away.


Congratulations to the dancing duo! Please post sme pics here.

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I'm back from visiting Phil, which was fun times as usual. ^_^ He and Jenny did really well at the ballroom competition, and even placed 8th in, I think it was foxtrot or tango, I forget now lol. And they made quarterfinals and semifinals in a whole bunch of things. ^_^ And as usual, I took an insane amount of pictures, which will hopefully be edited and on facebook by the end of wednesday. I would probably elaborate more on the weekend, but I'm super tired and have to get my presentations done. >_<

Welcome back! Things were very quiet while you were away.


Congratulations to the dancing duo! Please post sme pics here.

lol I see that.


It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here.

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I'm back from visiting Phil, which was fun times as usual. ^_^ He and Jenny did really well at the ballroom competition, and even placed 8th in, I think it was foxtrot or tango, I forget now lol. And they made quarterfinals and semifinals in a whole bunch of things. ^_^ And as usual, I took an insane amount of pictures, which will hopefully be edited and on facebook by the end of wednesday. I would probably elaborate more on the weekend, but I'm super tired and have to get my presentations done. >_

Welcome back! Things were very quiet while you were away.


Congratulations to the dancing duo! Please post sme pics here.

lol I see that.


It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here.

Hope the presentation is coming along well. We want just a couple pictures, please.

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I'm back from visiting Phil, which was fun times as usual. ^_^ He and Jenny did really well at the ballroom competition, and even placed 8th in, I think it was foxtrot or tango, I forget now lol. And they made quarterfinals and semifinals in a whole bunch of things. ^_^ And as usual, I took an insane amount of pictures, which will hopefully be edited and on facebook by the end of wednesday. I would probably elaborate more on the weekend, but I'm super tired and have to get my presentations done. >_<

Welcome back! Things were very quiet while you were away.


Congratulations to the dancing duo! Please post sme pics here.

lol I see that.


It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here.

Hope the presentation is coming along well. We want just a couple pictures, please.

lol presentation. I have no ability to concentrate right now, it's horrible. It's just a 5 minute presentation and one page paper. I have one slide, a heading, and one sentence done. I'm a horrible student. XD

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I'm back from visiting Phil, which was fun times as usual. ^_^ He and Jenny did really well at the ballroom competition, and even placed 8th in, I think it was foxtrot or tango, I forget now lol. And they made quarterfinals and semifinals in a whole bunch of things. ^_^ And as usual, I took an insane amount of pictures, which will hopefully be edited and on facebook by the end of wednesday. I would probably elaborate more on the weekend, but I'm super tired and have to get my presentations done. >_

Welcome back! Things were very quiet while you were away.


Congratulations to the dancing duo! Please post sme pics here.

lol I see that.


It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here.

Hope the presentation is coming along well. We want just a couple pictures, please.

lol presentation. I have no ability to concentrate right now, it's horrible. It's just a 5 minute presentation and one page paper. I have one slide, a heading, and one sentence done. I'm a horrible student. XD

No, you're not a horrible student. You're just in love. :wub: :wub: :wub:

Love sidetracks even the best of students. LOL

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I'm back from visiting Phil, which was fun times as usual. ^_^ He and Jenny did really well at the ballroom competition, and even placed 8th in, I think it was foxtrot or tango, I forget now lol. And they made quarterfinals and semifinals in a whole bunch of things. ^_^ And as usual, I took an insane amount of pictures, which will hopefully be edited and on facebook by the end of wednesday. I would probably elaborate more on the weekend, but I'm super tired and have to get my presentations done. >_<

Welcome back! Things were very quiet while you were away.


Congratulations to the dancing duo! Please post sme pics here.

lol I see that.


It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here.

Hope the presentation is coming along well. We want just a couple pictures, please.

lol presentation. I have no ability to concentrate right now, it's horrible. It's just a 5 minute presentation and one page paper. I have one slide, a heading, and one sentence done. I'm a horrible student. XD

No, you're not a horrible student. You're just in love. :wub: :wub: :wub:

Love sidetracks even the best of students. LOL

I still don't have it done. It's due for night class, so I'll have to finish it today.

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I'm back from visiting Phil, which was fun times as usual. ^_^ He and Jenny did really well at the ballroom competition, and even placed 8th in, I think it was foxtrot or tango, I forget now lol. And they made quarterfinals and semifinals in a whole bunch of things. ^_^ And as usual, I took an insane amount of pictures, which will hopefully be edited and on facebook by the end of wednesday. I would probably elaborate more on the weekend, but I'm super tired and have to get my presentations done. >_

Welcome back! Things were very quiet while you were away.


Congratulations to the dancing duo! Please post sme pics here.

lol I see that.


It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here.

Hope the presentation is coming along well. We want just a couple pictures, please.

lol presentation. I have no ability to concentrate right now, it's horrible. It's just a 5 minute presentation and one page paper. I have one slide, a heading, and one sentence done. I'm a horrible student. XD

No, you're not a horrible student. You're just in love. :wub: :wub: :wub:

Love sidetracks even the best of students. LOL

I still don't have it done. It's due for night class, so I'll have to finish it today.

Tick, tock, tick, tock...


Quit thinking of Phil. :lol:

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I'm back from visiting Phil, which was fun times as usual. ^_^ He and Jenny did really well at the ballroom competition, and even placed 8th in, I think it was foxtrot or tango, I forget now lol. And they made quarterfinals and semifinals in a whole bunch of things. ^_^ And as usual, I took an insane amount of pictures, which will hopefully be edited and on facebook by the end of wednesday. I would probably elaborate more on the weekend, but I'm super tired and have to get my presentations done. >_<

Welcome back! Things were very quiet while you were away.


Congratulations to the dancing duo! Please post sme pics here.

lol I see that.


It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here.

Hope the presentation is coming along well. We want just a couple pictures, please.

lol presentation. I have no ability to concentrate right now, it's horrible. It's just a 5 minute presentation and one page paper. I have one slide, a heading, and one sentence done. I'm a horrible student. XD

No, you're not a horrible student. You're just in love. :wub: :wub: :wub:

Love sidetracks even the best of students. LOL

I still don't have it done. It's due for night class, so I'll have to finish it today.

Tick, tock, tick, tock...


Quit thinking of Phil. :lol:

I don't think that's possible. :rolleyes:

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I'm back from visiting Phil, which was fun times as usual. ^_^ He and Jenny did really well at the ballroom competition, and even placed 8th in, I think it was foxtrot or tango, I forget now lol. And they made quarterfinals and semifinals in a whole bunch of things. ^_^ And as usual, I took an insane amount of pictures, which will hopefully be edited and on facebook by the end of wednesday. I would probably elaborate more on the weekend, but I'm super tired and have to get my presentations done. >_

Welcome back! Things were very quiet while you were away.


Congratulations to the dancing duo! Please post sme pics here.

lol I see that.


It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here.

Hope the presentation is coming along well. We want just a couple pictures, please.

lol presentation. I have no ability to concentrate right now, it's horrible. It's just a 5 minute presentation and one page paper. I have one slide, a heading, and one sentence done. I'm a horrible student. XD

No, you're not a horrible student. You're just in love. :wub: :wub: :wub:

Love sidetracks even the best of students. LOL

I still don't have it done. It's due for night class, so I'll have to finish it today.

Tick, tock, tick, tock...


Quit thinking of Phil. :lol:

I don't think that's possible. :rolleyes:

LOL I didn't think so. LOL

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lol me too. This is when I wish apartments could be co-ed. Apartments are 4 single rooms with a shared kitchen, living room, and bathroom, so idk what the big deal is. I have tons of guy friends I could live with, but not many girl friends, and the ones I do have already have other plans. So, now I'm hoping there are other people who want to do an apartment too that are looking for someone like me to live with (although it's still early in the year for most people to be thinking about housing).

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Today was nice. I don't have anything due until next Monday, so my day was spent getting some cleaning done, and just wandering around the internet, and playing DDR for a bit. ^_^ Yesterday I managed to get some much-needed shopping done, which was good. I got everything I needed except strawberry chapstick, but I won't need that for awhile since it's for Phil. (I wear strawberry chapstick, and almost every time Phil sees me apply it, he kisses me and makes some comment about stealing my chapstick or something. So I want to get him his own thing of strawberry chapstick for when I'm not around to steal it from. :lol: )

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Today was nice. I don't have anything due until next Monday, so my day was spent getting some cleaning done, and just wandering around the internet, and playing DDR for a bit. ^_^ Yesterday I managed to get some much-needed shopping done, which was good. I got everything I needed except strawberry chapstick, but I won't need that for awhile since it's for Phil. (I wear strawberry chapstick, and almost every time Phil sees me apply it, he kisses me and makes some comment about stealing my chapstick or something. So I want to get him his own thing of strawberry chapstick for when I'm not around to steal it from. :lol: )

Rite Aid... they have strawberry chapstick. :)

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Today was nice. I don't have anything due until next Monday, so my day was spent getting some cleaning done, and just wandering around the internet, and playing DDR for a bit. ^_^ Yesterday I managed to get some much-needed shopping done, which was good. I got everything I needed except strawberry chapstick, but I won't need that for awhile since it's for Phil. (I wear strawberry chapstick, and almost every time Phil sees me apply it, he kisses me and makes some comment about stealing my chapstick or something. So I want to get him his own thing of strawberry chapstick for when I'm not around to steal it from. :lol: )

Rite Aid... they have strawberry chapstick. :)

lol I don't know where there's a Rite Aid around here, but wal-mart should have it. I wasn't looking too hard last time I was there.

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Today was nice. I don't have anything due until next Monday, so my day was spent getting some cleaning done, and just wandering around the internet, and playing DDR for a bit. ^_^ Yesterday I managed to get some much-needed shopping done, which was good. I got everything I needed except strawberry chapstick, but I won't need that for awhile since it's for Phil. (I wear strawberry chapstick, and almost every time Phil sees me apply it, he kisses me and makes some comment about stealing my chapstick or something. So I want to get him his own thing of strawberry chapstick for when I'm not around to steal it from. :lol: )

Rite Aid... they have strawberry chapstick. :)

lol I don't know where there's a Rite Aid around here, but wal-mart should have it. I wasn't looking too hard last time I was there.

I wouldn't step foot into Wal-mart. Even for Phil!

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Today was nice. I don't have anything due until next Monday, so my day was spent getting some cleaning done, and just wandering around the internet, and playing DDR for a bit. ^_^ Yesterday I managed to get some much-needed shopping done, which was good. I got everything I needed except strawberry chapstick, but I won't need that for awhile since it's for Phil. (I wear strawberry chapstick, and almost every time Phil sees me apply it, he kisses me and makes some comment about stealing my chapstick or something. So I want to get him his own thing of strawberry chapstick for when I'm not around to steal it from. :lol: )

Rite Aid... they have strawberry chapstick. :)

lol I don't know where there's a Rite Aid around here, but wal-mart should have it. I wasn't looking too hard last time I was there.

I wouldn't step foot into Wal-mart. Even for Phil!

Wal-mart is generally fast, cheap, and easy, so that's usually where I go. *is a broke college student*

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Today was nice. I don't have anything due until next Monday, so my day was spent getting some cleaning done, and just wandering around the internet, and playing DDR for a bit. ^_^ Yesterday I managed to get some much-needed shopping done, which was good. I got everything I needed except strawberry chapstick, but I won't need that for awhile since it's for Phil. (I wear strawberry chapstick, and almost every time Phil sees me apply it, he kisses me and makes some comment about stealing my chapstick or something. So I want to get him his own thing of strawberry chapstick for when I'm not around to steal it from. :lol: )

Rite Aid... they have strawberry chapstick. :)

lol I don't know where there's a Rite Aid around here, but wal-mart should have it. I wasn't looking too hard last time I was there.

I wouldn't step foot into Wal-mart. Even for Phil!

Wal-mart is generally fast, cheap, and easy, so that's usually where I go. *is a broke college student*

And they put mom and pop business out of business. Besides, they don't actually give you much of a break. The sizes are usually a little smaller than elsewhere, so you think you are getting a break.

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Yeah, I can't say I like how they do business, but around here it's what we have. :closedeyes:

No Target? :o

CVS has strawberry chapstick.


...how many stores do you know the inventory of? :P

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Yeah, I can't say I like how they do business, but around here it's what we have. :closedeyes:

No Target? :o

CVS has strawberry chapstick.


...how many stores do you know the inventory of? :P

When it comes to Chapstick... I am the inventory king!!!

Any inventory you want information on?











In reality... I am always in search of the natural chapstick and it seems like some places carry it, some carry it and are always sold out and some... who knows.

So, I pay attention to all the other chapstick varieties that are out there and strawberry caught my little beady hammy eye. :lol:

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Ohyeah, my topic. :rolleyes: My Thanksgiving was fun. We went out to dinner with half of Mom's side of the family, and then some of us went swimming in the pool at the hotel. I had to drive myself to the hotel from college, and beat my family there by about 10 minutes. :lol: Yesterday I went out shopping with my sister, which was really draining because the mall was packed. Phil texted me while I was there saying he was coming home that day, but would probably be going straight to sleep because he was tired. I suggested that maybe I'd visit him at college today since Jenny had to be driven up there anyways, and he said that it would be good to see me if I'm on campus, but that he had a tough exam to study for and probably wouldn't seem excited and would probably be in a bad mood because of the exam and tiredness. So naturally that put me in a bad mood. However, a little while after I got home, Phil IM'd me in a much better mood (since he had slept on the way home), and we made plans to meet up for dinner tonight. ^_^ It turns out he was so tired and cranky before because he had been up until 5am with his cousin the night before. :rolleyes: He also said that it turns out he didn't need the whole day to study, and he's going to study after dinner. So, I'm excited because I get to see Phil today! ^_^ After I get my paper done anyways..... Then tomorrow I have to drive back to college.

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Ohyeah, my topic. :rolleyes: My Thanksgiving was fun. We went out to dinner with half of Mom's side of the family, and then some of us went swimming in the pool at the hotel. I had to drive myself to the hotel from college, and beat my family there by about 10 minutes. :lol: Yesterday I went out shopping with my sister, which was really draining because the mall was packed. Phil texted me while I was there saying he was coming home that day, but would probably be going straight to sleep because he was tired. I suggested that maybe I'd visit him at college today since Jenny had to be driven up there anyways, and he said that it would be good to see me if I'm on campus, but that he had a tough exam to study for and probably wouldn't seem excited and would probably be in a bad mood because of the exam and tiredness. So naturally that put me in a bad mood. However, a little while after I got home, Phil IM'd me in a much better mood (since he had slept on the way home), and we made plans to meet up for dinner tonight. ^_^ It turns out he was so tired and cranky before because he had been up until 5am with his cousin the night before. :rolleyes: He also said that it turns out he didn't need the whole day to study, and he's going to study after dinner. So, I'm excited because I get to see Phil today! ^_^ After I get my paper done anyways..... Then tomorrow I have to drive back to college.

*psychic abilities kicking in*

Hee, hee, hee... I must have know he was coming. I posted in the topic about water, to have you take him with you. :D

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It was really nice seeing Phil today. ^_^ We grabbed dinner really quick at the dining hall and then hung out in his room for a bit. Driving wasn't too fun though since it was both dark and raining. >_


Hi Phil!!!

Sorry the driving was tiring, hope the paper didn't take long and you got lots of sleep.

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I left at 8am today expecting to be back on campus at about 11:30 so I'd have time to get my citations on the paper done and such, but I hit horrendous traffic and didn't get here until close to 1:30, making me late for my class, and my paper still needs citations. >_<

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So, Lara said she wants to be in an apartment next year too, and has dropped her desire to throw parties, so now I only need one or two more people! ^_^ Luckily, Lara knows like half the population of my college, so it will be easier to find people with her. She's considering asking her friend Kyra, who's a pretty cool person overall. If my roomie can do it too, then we've got our four people. So we'll see where this goes.

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So, Lara said she wants to be in an apartment next year too, and has dropped her desire to throw parties, so now I only need one or two more people! ^_^ Luckily, Lara knows like half the population of my college, so it will be easier to find people with her. She's considering asking her friend Kyra, who's a pretty cool person overall. If my roomie can do it too, then we've got our four people. So we'll see where this goes.

Sounds like you have a great plan. Hope you can solidify everything rather quickly so that you don't have to worry about it.

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So, both Christina and Kyra *want* do to the apartment now, but they aren't sure if they can afford it yet.


I don't understand. Do your residence halls have vastly different prices or something? My halls are all about the same except the apartment I have this year is $100 LESS than last year's dorm for whatever reason. :huh:

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Yeah, being in a triple room (three people in one room) is the cheapest, followed by doubles. There used to be single rooms, but the university accepted too many people last year so there were no singles available and some unlucky people were forced into triples. Singles are more expensive than doubles. Then there are apartments, which are three or four single rooms that share a bathroom, living area, and (sometimes) a kitchen. Those are more expensive, but you can opt out of a meal plan if you have a kitchen. There are also pods, which I think is 6 single rooms and two bathrooms with a living area. There's also a new building that's being built now which will have other types of more expensive housing.

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I can't believe to the extent that American colleges have shared rooms. They are, if anything, quite rare here. Even when I was offered the bad-quality uni-owned accomodation by my university it was a single room. :blink:

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I guess it's cheaper or something. I know single rooms are larger than half the size of a double room. Or maybe they just want to make sure everyone has someone else to sort of look after them or something. I'm not sure. I know freshman year, my roomie and I lived totally independent lives.

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I'm only three pages done with a 6 page paper that I want to finish today, and started yesterday. Why can't I concentrate on anything lately??? :wacko:


Eek. Maybe you're trying to do too much of the paper at once, though if it is to be finished today there's not much you can do to change that factor. Anyway I hope you will be able to get the focus to finish it.

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My psych law exam today went really well. ^_^ I also got my paper back, which I got a 97 on. ^_^ I'm almost done with my paper that I've been working on. I just need one more page. I'm having a hard time coming up with things to talk about though. >_

Congratulations!!! You did great! :D

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Today is December 10th, and it's 61 degrees and raining. WTF?* It's the same type of temperature and humidity as around when Phil asked me out though, so it put me in a good mood. ^_^ As of tomorrow, we'll have been together 8 months. ^_^




* for the intents and purposes of this board, the F stands for Freak or Frack

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Today is December 10th, and it's 61 degrees and raining. WTF?* It's the same type of temperature and humidity as around when Phil asked me out though, so it put me in a good mood. ^_^ As of tomorrow, we'll have been together 8 months. ^_^




* for the intents and purposes of this board, the F stands for Freak or Frack

Eight months... time flies!

How was your exam?

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Last night's exam went well enough. Not my best work, but I'm expecting at least a B. I got my presentation grade back, which was an A. ^_^ I have to leave in a little bit for my last exam. I'm not sure how that will go. Although that reminds me, I ought to go find the extra credit slip to hand in too....After this exam, I just have to write the BHP paper (7+ pages) and then I can go home. ^_^

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Last night's exam went well enough. Not my best work, but I'm expecting at least a B. I got my presentation grade back, which was an A. ^_^ I have to leave in a little bit for my last exam. I'm not sure how that will go. Although that reminds me, I ought to go find the extra credit slip to hand in too....After this exam, I just have to write the BHP paper (7+ pages) and then I can go home. ^_^

Another marathon paper... hope you get it accomplished and are able to get home soon.

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I didn't think I did well on today's exam but I got an A, so I'm happy. I also got an A in my psych law class. ^_^ I got through 4 pages of the paper today. I might be able to finish it tomorrow or saturday. ^_^

Congratulations!!! You are collecting lots and lots of A's!

You only have three pages remaining... that should be pretty easy for you. Good luck!

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Thanks! ^_^ I like collecting A's lol. I wonder if my behavior mod grade is in yet....(BHP obviously won't be in, and my autism professor said the grades won't be in until like Tuesday). Mmnope. Not surprising. Anyways, my paper is at 5 and a half pages now. I'm running out of things to talk about though. :wacko: Once I finish getting it past 7 pages and getting a decent conclusion done, I need to assemble my works cited list and then do in text citations (which I hate, but they'll make my paper look longer).

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Thanks! ^_^ I like collecting A's lol. I wonder if my behavior mod grade is in yet....(BHP obviously won't be in, and my autism professor said the grades won't be in until like Tuesday). Mmnope. Not surprising. Anyways, my paper is at 5 and a half pages now. I'm running out of things to talk about though. :wacko: Once I finish getting it past 7 pages and getting a decent conclusion done, I need to assemble my works cited list and then do in text citations (which I hate, but they'll make my paper look longer).

You're almost there. Good luck!!!

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I got him a couple things actually. A little while ago he was talking about making tea but not having a coffee cup at college, so I got him a set of two coffee mugs. I also got him two bottles of ramune, which is a type of Japanese soda you can usually only find at like anime conventions, but they sell it at Wegmans (upscale grocery store not far from my college. I got him a box of pocky (Japanese cookie type thing), but the box got a little beat up on the way home, so I don't know what sort of shape the pocky itself is in. And the last thing I got him was some peach tea flavored mints, which are actually really good (he LOVES peach things). I might pick up a couple little things to go with that as well. I also need to pick up something little to go with my sister's stuff, and maybe with my mom's stuff too. Hm....

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We got so much snow!!!! ^_^ Tomorrow we're gonna go get our Christmas tree, and I need to bring Phil home from work. I'm hoping he can come over for dinner too. Mom said it's fine, so now I'm awaiting a response from Phil (he's playing a video game with his sister I think).

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It's supposed to rain on Sunday, so that will take away the snow. I'm sad about that. I wanted to have Phil over to go sledding. :closedeyes:

I'd like to go sledding tomorrow....we have a ton of snow where I am!


Why don't you come with me? ;)



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Yesterday Phil was able to come over for dinner and we got the tree set up. My little sister got some pictures of us decorating to send to her boyfriend over in New Zealand. Once they get posted to facebook, I might grab a few of them to post here. :lol: Pictures include dad taking a hack saw to the top of the tree to get the star to fit on it, and me and Phil looking fabulous with an extra piece of garland. :lol: Tomorrow is Christmas eve, and I've been invited to Phil's mom's Christmas eve party, which should be fun. I still need to wrap everyone's Christmas presents. :wacko:

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I have some sort of cold-like thing now, which includes a sore throat, and I'm not happy about it. <_< Phil's mom's Christmas eve party was fun though, and today I visited with some family in RI. Tomorrow I'm hoping to be able to hang out with Phil, but we'll see what happens.

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I have some sort of cold-like thing now, which includes a sore throat, and I'm not happy about it. <_ phil mom christmas eve party was fun though and today i visited with some family in ri. tomorrow hoping to be able hang out but we see what happens.>

Tell Phil we say "Hi!". :D

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I'm sick and I don't like it. <_< My immune system baffles me. Everyone I know can be sick, and I won't have so much as a sniffle. But now, I don't know anyone who's sick at all, and I have the worst cold I've had in years (I'm really hoping it's not pneumonia). However, I still plan to go grocery shopping, pick up Phil from work, go shopping for wii stuff, and hang out with him for the evening. Tomorrow is Michy's New Year's party, so I hope I start feeling better soon. Then Friday I head to NJ for the family Christmas party. I think I come back on Sunday. So, the rest of the week is going to be busy. :wacko: Oh and yesterday we finally got the van windshield replaced, which I'm happy about. ^_^ Now it not only doesn't have a large crack down the center of it, but it's also nice and clean so I can see out of it when the sun hits it at that bad angle that lights up every particle of dirt so you can't see anything. :rolleyes:

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I'm sick and I don't like it. <_ my immune system baffles me. everyone i know can be sick and won have so much as a sniffle. but now don anyone who at all the worst cold had in years really hoping it not pneumonia however still plan to go grocery shopping pick up phil from work for wii stuff hang out with him evening. tomorrow is michy new year party hope start feeling better soon. then friday head nj family christmas party. think come back on sunday. rest of week going busy. src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_wacko.png" alt=":wacko:"> Oh and yesterday we finally got the van windshield replaced, which I'm happy about. ^_^ Now it not only doesn't have a large crack down the center of it, but it's also nice and clean so I can see out of it when the sun hits it at that bad angle that lights up every particle of dirt so you can't see anything. :rolleyes:

Sounds like your friends are passing the horrific germs on to you. They are sick, you are healthy, they pass the germs to you, they get well, you get the world's worst cold. If I was you, pass those germs back to them. The cold is always ten times worse when you get a relapse.


And you need to clean your windshield every time you gas up your vehicle. In addition, check the tyre pressure, check the oil and also check all the fluids.

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So this morning I took day-quil, and I couldn't taste it, but it still triggered an instant gag reflex. <_< Cough syrup is gross. But not as gross as having a liqui-gel capsule pop in the back of your throat. It's like having the entire grossness of a whole bottle of cough syrup concentrated into one teeny little capsule.


In other news, it's snowing, and Michy's party is today. I hope the roads aren't going to be too bad to drive up there. :wacko:

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Michy's party was fun. We played Apples to Apples, watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, watched the ball drop on TV and covered Michy's basement in confetti, and then went to Denny's before going to sleep. :lol: The roads getting up and back were pretty slippery, but we made it up and back without crashing or getting beeped at, so I guess I'm not too bad at driving in the snow. :lol: It also helps that the van has anti-lock brakes and traction control.


Today we're all going to NJ for the family Christmas party, which should be fun.

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Michy's party was fun. We played Apples to Apples, watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, watched the ball drop on TV and covered Michy's basement in confetti, and then went to Denny's before going to sleep. :lol: The roads getting up and back were pretty slippery, but we made it up and back without crashing or getting beeped at, so I guess I'm not too bad at driving in the snow. :lol: It also helps that the van has anti-lock brakes and traction control.


Today we're all going to NJ for the family Christmas party, which should be fun.

A family Christmas party a week after Christmas? :huh::lol:

Glad you made it safe and sound. The ball was pretty, but I liked the old ball dropping. It was more exciting.

Oh well... 2009


Happy New Year!

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Yep. It's always hard to get the family together before Christmas because everyone has other things they have to do around then, so we started having the family Christmas party the weekend after New Year's, and usually almost everyone can come. ^_^ (plus we can all buy Christmas stuff on clearance :lol: )

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Yep. It's always hard to get the family together before Christmas because everyone has other things they have to do around then, so we started having the family Christmas party the weekend after New Year's, and usually almost everyone can come. ^_^ (plus we can all buy Christmas stuff on clearance :lol: )

That's great thinking!!! :D

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I'm back home in CT, exhausted, and STILL sick. I should probably go to the doctor tomorrow, but grandma had a really bad day today so it might be best if I stick around here tomorrow. (She sometimes forgets she lives here, but today she thought WE didn't live here either.) But in better news, I got to see Phil today! ^_^ Jenny and I went to his house to watch the superstars of dance show, which was EPIC. I'm hoping tomorrow I can have Phil over here to watch the second part of it lol.

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Phil wasn't able to come over, but I'm hoping he can maybe come over today. If nothing else, I'll see him when I go grocery shopping today. ^_^ Also, I'm feeling much better than I was before, which is good. ^_^


Also, I need a haircut. Badly. The question is whether I should just get it trimmed, or have it cut really short (which makes it easier to manage). Most people like the way it looks long better (when it's short I look like a boy if I'm wearing baggy pants and a t-shirt).

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Phil wasn't able to come over, but I'm hoping he can maybe come over today. If nothing else, I'll see him when I go grocery shopping today. ^_^ Also, I'm feeling much better than I was before, which is good. ^_^


Also, I need a haircut. Badly. The question is whether I should just get it trimmed, or have it cut really short (which makes it easier to manage). Most people like the way it looks long better (when it's short I look like a boy if I'm wearing baggy pants and a t-shirt).

Sorry to hear about Phil. I'll cross my paws for an appearance today.


When you get to the haircutting place, you can make a decision at that time. Keep in mind that your hair can always grow back.

And if your hair is long enough, you can donate it to Locks of Love, which is a phenomenal organization.

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Gah, Phil couldn't come over today, or tomorrow. He's hoping to come over on Friday. I hate how things keep coming up so he can't come over. It's driving me nuts. >_< But since he can't come over tomorrow I think I might get my hair cut tomorrow instead. I have kind of an idea of how I want it cut, really short and sort of layered. I would do locks of love, but I dyed my hair so they won't take it.

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Gah, Phil couldn't come over today, or tomorrow. He's hoping to come over on Friday. I hate how things keep coming up so he can't come over. It's driving me nuts. >_

:o Your hair is dyed??????? I thought that blue or purple (can't remember what colour you put in) was not considered dye. Doesn't that wash out after a bit? My impression of dyed hair was if you were a brunette and you changed the colour to red or blonde. I had no idea the little bit of colours added were considered dyed. I am soooooooo out of touch! *slaps forehead*

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