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And that's something worth mentioning right there, now that I think of it. I rarely really miss people. Usually, my feeling is along the lines of, "It would be awesome to hang out with so and so, and I look forward to seeing them." But this is different.

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My day is a bit better now, but I'm still in kind of a gloomy mood. I was able to text Phil for about a minute (he can't send/receive lots of texts because it runs up the phone bill. I just sent him a facebook message with a link to the page that lists different texting plans. :lol: ), and that made me a little happier. Not much else really went well for me today though. A fun combination of hormones, missing Phil, being tired from a weekend of chasing around little cousins, and just general bad luck are taking a toll on me. This week can't be over fast enough. :closedeyes:

Next week will soon be here and it can only get better. :D

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I'm going up to camp today, and won't be back until Monday morning, probably. My week is still kind of off, but Phil coming home on Monday should hopefully fix that. Last night was kind of cute. Phil and I were texting each other (like I said, we can't really send lots of messages so we were basically just saying hi and goodnight, and I told him I was going to camp today), and in one message I said, "And i would say something else but my heart is outrunning my brain so the words aren't there. >_< lol. I love you! ^_^ <3" Because that is actually what happened, and it happens all the time, and I couldn't think of what else to say other than the truth. :lol: His response was, "XD that was cute! And I love you too!" So it was just kind of adorable, and more or less the basis of the poem I put up. And that's pretty much it.

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Mmyep, this week wins as worst week ever. <_< Being at camp was no fun. I did pretty much nothing outside of some construction type things and chores. The one highlight is that mom and I went shopping yesterday and I got some much needed clothing. Last night my parents were ripping down walls in the cabin so they can be replaced, including my wall. So my bedroom was missing a wall as of last night. My bed got taken apart today. I got a later start than I was hoping to get home today. And to top it all off, I got a speeding ticket about 10 minutes away from home (I was doing the same speed as everyone else around me), and it's for nearly $300. At least my parents aren't too upset about it. Their general idea is that if this is the worst I've done and I'm 20 years old, that's still pretty good.

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Mmyep, this week wins as worst week ever. <_ being at camp was no fun. i did pretty much nothing outside of some construction type things and chores. the one highlight is that mom went shopping yesterday got needed clothing. last night my parents were ripping down walls in cabin so they can be replaced including wall. bedroom missing a wall as night. bed taken apart today. later start than hoping to get home top it all off speeding ticket about minutes away from doing same speed everyone else around me for nearly least aren too upset it. their general idea if this worst done years old still good.>

Ripping out walls so they can be replaced??????? :blink::unsure::blink:

I didn't know that walls went bad. LOL


Speeding ticket = points. Female, under 25, 27 (?) means that your insurance goes up.

My suggestion is to go the speed limit, even though other guys are passing you.

You don't need another ticket.

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Mmyep, this week wins as worst week ever. <_< Being at camp was no fun. I did pretty much nothing outside of some construction type things and chores. The one highlight is that mom and I went shopping yesterday and I got some much needed clothing. Last night my parents were ripping down walls in the cabin so they can be replaced, including my wall. So my bedroom was missing a wall as of last night. My bed got taken apart today. I got a later start than I was hoping to get home today. And to top it all off, I got a speeding ticket about 10 minutes away from home (I was doing the same speed as everyone else around me), and it's for nearly $300. At least my parents aren't too upset about it. Their general idea is that if this is the worst I've done and I'm 20 years old, that's still pretty good.

Ripping out walls so they can be replaced??????? :blink::unsure::blink:

I didn't know that walls went bad. LOL


Speeding ticket = points. Female, under 25, 27 (?) means that your insurance goes up.

My suggestion is to go the speed limit, even though other guys are passing you.

You don't need another ticket.

The cop said as long as I pay it on time, I don't get points, which is good. And on that stretch of highway, people don't even do the speed limit in the right lane. :rolleyes:


And the walls, well, some mice (and probably other critters) over the years decided that the walls would make a nice apartment complex. And dad apparently found a (dead) wasp nest in what was one of the walls to my room. The people that had the cabin before us had NO idea how to take care of it, so it's in such bad shape that walls need to be replaced, as does at least part of the roof, among other things. It was so bad, the camp actually paid us to take it (because of the amount of work we're putting into fixing it) instead of charging rent. We do, however, now have a properly functioning shower that's not a tarp and a garden hose attached to hot and cold water. :lol:

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Phil is back at home now. ^_^ It's nice to be able to talk to him efficiently again, although he was really tired and went to bed early (after falling asleep at the keyboard). And hopefully I'll see him tomorrow when I go grocery shopping. ^_^

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As expected, I got to see Phil when I went shopping today. He had apparently just gotten off early when I got there, and was wandering around the store while he was waiting for his grandma, so I actually got to chat with him and give him a hug instead of just saying hi, which was good. ^_^

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As expected, I got to see Phil when I went shopping today. He had apparently just gotten off early when I got there, and was wandering around the store while he was waiting for his grandma, so I actually got to chat with him and give him a hug instead of just saying hi, which was good. ^_^

*thinks Jesusfreak is very, very lucky* :D

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As expected, I got to see Phil when I went shopping today. He had apparently just gotten off early when I got there, and was wandering around the store while he was waiting for his grandma, so I actually got to chat with him and give him a hug instead of just saying hi, which was good. ^_^

*thinks Jesusfreak is very, very lucky* :D

*agrees* ^_^ Being able to hang out with him online again is nice too (we play on maplestory, where you have a character and go around doing quests and beating up assorted monster things and chat with people. It's kinda cool because you can see each others' characters, and you have a set of facial expressions you can use, so it gives the person you're talking to a bit more of a physical presence the biggest downside is their ridiculous curse filter that takes out words like spoon, cucumber, and pigs; not bad words, and sometimes the names of items that are actually in the game :blink: ). I missed him soooooooooo much when he was at martha's vineyard. Which is really saying something, because I rarely really miss people.

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As expected, I got to see Phil when I went shopping today. He had apparently just gotten off early when I got there, and was wandering around the store while he was waiting for his grandma, so I actually got to chat with him and give him a hug instead of just saying hi, which was good. ^_^

*thinks Jesusfreak is very, very lucky* :D

*agrees* ^_^ Being able to hang out with him online again is nice too (we play on maplestory, where you have a character and go around doing quests and beating up assorted monster things and chat with people. It's kinda cool because you can see each others' characters, and you have a set of facial expressions you can use, so it gives the person you're talking to a bit more of a physical presence the biggest downside is their ridiculous curse filter that takes out words like spoon, cucumber, and pigs; not bad words, and sometimes the names of items that are actually in the game :blink: ). I missed him soooooooooo much when he was at martha's vineyard. Which is really saying something, because I rarely really miss people.

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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So, today started out quite frustrating. Maplestory released a new patch, but of course it won't work right on my computer, so I tried to reinstall the full version (instead of just the patch, I've done the same thing before). But no, it won't work at all. Not even after uninstalling and reinstalling the whole thing. I still don't have it working. <_< When dad got home for lunch he made some comment about me not doing anything productive, which annoyed me (even though there's some truth behind it). Phil eventually signed onto aim (part of the reason I was so annoyed about MS not working is because a lot of times, Phil is on MS and not aim, because he knows I'll probably sign on there eventually and we'll talk then), so I was able to talk to him for a bit. Then he had to leave for work (they had him working from 3:30 to 9:30, he wasn't happy about that), at which point I gave up on installing MS and got some housework done (when mom's not around, dad doesn't do anything to pick up the slack. The floors and the bathroom were gross. So I cleaned them). I went to church for VBS decorations, and found out that tonight was actually a VBS meeting, so it was good that I made it down there (I keep forgetting to go >_<) And there was strawberry shortcake. ^_^ Dad wanted me to pick up some stuff on the way home (including cheese for dinner), so I got to see Phil again. ^_^ Apparently around 9pm is a pretty quiet time at the grocery store, so I once again got to hang out with him for awhile, and give him some much needed hugs (he got into a conversation about college with his grandma about college, and she told him she didn't think he could make it in the chem program, or something equally discouraging to that effect. And this is added to him being annoyed that he had to work so late, and just generally not being in a good mood today). He seemed to be pretty happy that I was able to come visit with him for awhile. ^_^


Tomorrow should be busy, but fun. Tomorrow morning I need to apply for some jobs. I know there's an opening for a local hotel for front desk people and reservationists, and Phil said he heard that another local store is looking to hire people to work for the next 7 weeks, since they're going out of business. So I'll look into those. Then in the afternoon I'll be hanging out with Phil, as well as Michy and Robin (remember them? The drama queens? I guess they still want to be friends or something. Probably because Phil was nice to them. We're invited to their birthday party too.), because we're all going to go see a movie, and probably get dinner at Denny's. So that should be fun. Phil's not sure if we're going to be able to hang out at his house (and his grandparents have some weird thing about wanting an adult to be in the house if we're hanging out at someone's house, despite the fact that we've all been at college for two years), so I suggested that we could hang out at the elementary school playground because it would be fun times (and it's not far from where our houses are). And he agreed that would be pretty awesome. :lol: So, the day ended much nicer than it began. Now if only I can get MS to work now.....

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Looks like you were the ray of sunshine in Phil's day. :D

It is always good to have the day end better than it started. :lol:


Thought I would let you know that I am hanging out in Newark at the moment, so I am pretty close to you. :D

Well... much closer than when I am in Florida.

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Looks like you were the ray of sunshine in Phil's day. :D

It is always good to have the day end better than it started. :lol:


Thought I would let you know that I am hanging out in Newark at the moment, so I am pretty close to you. :D

Well... much closer than when I am in Florida.

Ooh Newark. Driving past there on the highway is fun because you can see all the airplanes, and sometimes they fly really low over the highway which is pretty cool. And my mom grew up in a town near there.


As for Phil, we are the ray of sunshine in each others' day on a regular basis. ^_^ Last night I said "Yeah, you didn't seem like you're in such a good mood today," to which he responded something along the lines of, "Well I'm in a good mood now; you're here." Cheesy? Yes. But still adorable. ^_^

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So, job applying today. The hotel I applied at (surprise surprise) said they probably won't hire me because I can't work most weekends. And that place is INSANELY upscale. Dunno if I'd really fit in there anyways. The store Phil told me about had run out of applications, but the manager seemed pretty happy to see me anyways, and I was able to give her my resume and the paper I had all the stuff written down that I need to put on an application anyways. And it also seemed like a much more casual laid back type of place, which is awesome.

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Not cheesy... but nice words to hear! :D

(Rodentia do love cheese, in any form.)


Good luck on the potential job in the store.

As for the hotel... not working weekends makes them limited in trying to hire you.

Sorry that happened.

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Not cheesy... but nice words to hear! :D

(Rodentia do love cheese, in any form.)


Good luck on the potential job in the store.

As for the hotel... not working weekends makes them limited in trying to hire you.

Sorry that happened.

Yeah, the weekends thing gets me nuts. My parents harass me about getting a job, but they also generally want me at camp on the weekends to help with stuff and so I can see mom. But no one hires people that can't do weekends. So they need to pick one. I'm staying home this weekend though. And Phil has off on Saturday. ^_^


So, the rest of today. We came up with the plan of Michy and Robin getting Phil and then coming over to my house to hang out, and then going to the movies and dinner. Swimming, of course would be involved with that, but the pool needed to be vacuumed, so dad showed me how to do that when he was home at lunch, and then went back to work. I got the house reasonably cleaned up and then went back to work on the pool, but couldn't get the vacuum to work without sucking air through the pump (which is bad), so I gave up on it and tossed the pool vacuum over the side of the pool. Well, remember that yellow jacket nest I discovered last week? Totally not gone. Luckily I was far enough away when I noticed them flying around to be able to get away unharmed. Eventually, I managed to empty a can and a half of wasp killer on the nest, and then proceeded to squash it and knock most of it down with the end of the pool vacuum (it's on a reeeeeeally long pole). I win. ^_^ When everyone got to my house, we played Mario Kart for awhile (Phil brought his wii), and then went swimming (no bug problems, so I guess I did a good job). After that we went to the theater to see "Wanted," which was pretty interesting, and rather entertaining. After the movie, we got dinner at Denny's (which I actually managed to finish this time around. Granted it was two pancakes, but I ate both of them. I think the trick is to not pay attention to the fact that I'm eating :rolleyes: ), and then headed back to my house, where we played brawl for awhile. And then they all had to leave, because Phil had to get home by roughly 11:30 because he has work at 7am tomorrow. Overall, it was a pretty fun day. ^_^ Oh, and I finally got maplestory to work! Phil will be happy to hear that. :rolleyes:

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Not cheesy... but nice words to hear! :D

(Rodentia do love cheese, in any form.)


Good luck on the potential job in the store.

As for the hotel... not working weekends makes them limited in trying to hire you.

Sorry that happened.

Yeah, the weekends thing gets me nuts. My parents harass me about getting a job, but they also generally want me at camp on the weekends to help with stuff and so I can see mom. But no one hires people that can't do weekends. So they need to pick one. I'm staying home this weekend though. And Phil has off on Saturday. ^_^


So, the rest of today. We came up with the plan of Michy and Robin getting Phil and then coming over to my house to hang out, and then going to the movies and dinner. Swimming, of course would be involved with that, but the pool needed to be vacuumed, so dad showed me how to do that when he was home at lunch, and then went back to work. I got the house reasonably cleaned up and then went back to work on the pool, but couldn't get the vacuum to work without sucking air through the pump (which is bad), so I gave up on it and tossed the pool vacuum over the side of the pool. Well, remember that yellow jacket nest I discovered last week? Totally not gone. Luckily I was far enough away when I noticed them flying around to be able to get away unharmed. Eventually, I managed to empty a can and a half of wasp killer on the nest, and then proceeded to squash it and knock most of it down with the end of the pool vacuum (it's on a reeeeeeally long pole). I win. ^_^ When everyone got to my house, we played Mario Kart for awhile (Phil brought his wii), and then went swimming (no bug problems, so I guess I did a good job). After that we went to the theater to see "Wanted," which was pretty interesting, and rather entertaining. After the movie, we got dinner at Denny's (which I actually managed to finish this time around. Granted it was two pancakes, but I ate both of them. I think the trick is to not pay attention to the fact that I'm eating :rolleyes: ), and then headed back to my house, where we played brawl for awhile. And then they all had to leave, because Phil had to get home by roughly 11:30 because he has work at 7am tomorrow. Overall, it was a pretty fun day. ^_^ Oh, and I finally got maplestory to work! Phil will be happy to hear that. :rolleyes:

The next time your father mentions getting a job, be nice, but say that most employers want you to work weekends and it is hard finding a place with weekends off. Does he have any suggestions? :lol: Place the who thing back in his lap.


By the way... I do believe if you read the wasp/bee killing spray can, it probably will tell you to spray the nest during the evening, night through early morning.

The reason for this is so that you do not get stung.

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Not cheesy... but nice words to hear! :D

(Rodentia do love cheese, in any form.)


Good luck on the potential job in the store.

As for the hotel... not working weekends makes them limited in trying to hire you.

Sorry that happened.

Yeah, the weekends thing gets me nuts. My parents harass me about getting a job, but they also generally want me at camp on the weekends to help with stuff and so I can see mom. But no one hires people that can't do weekends. So they need to pick one. I'm staying home this weekend though. And Phil has off on Saturday. ^_^


So, the rest of today. We came up with the plan of Michy and Robin getting Phil and then coming over to my house to hang out, and then going to the movies and dinner. Swimming, of course would be involved with that, but the pool needed to be vacuumed, so dad showed me how to do that when he was home at lunch, and then went back to work. I got the house reasonably cleaned up and then went back to work on the pool, but couldn't get the vacuum to work without sucking air through the pump (which is bad), so I gave up on it and tossed the pool vacuum over the side of the pool. Well, remember that yellow jacket nest I discovered last week? Totally not gone. Luckily I was far enough away when I noticed them flying around to be able to get away unharmed. Eventually, I managed to empty a can and a half of wasp killer on the nest, and then proceeded to squash it and knock most of it down with the end of the pool vacuum (it's on a reeeeeeally long pole). I win. ^_^ When everyone got to my house, we played Mario Kart for awhile (Phil brought his wii), and then went swimming (no bug problems, so I guess I did a good job). After that we went to the theater to see "Wanted," which was pretty interesting, and rather entertaining. After the movie, we got dinner at Denny's (which I actually managed to finish this time around. Granted it was two pancakes, but I ate both of them. I think the trick is to not pay attention to the fact that I'm eating :rolleyes: ), and then headed back to my house, where we played brawl for awhile. And then they all had to leave, because Phil had to get home by roughly 11:30 because he has work at 7am tomorrow. Overall, it was a pretty fun day. ^_^ Oh, and I finally got maplestory to work! Phil will be happy to hear that. :rolleyes:

The next time your father mentions getting a job, be nice, but say that most employers want you to work weekends and it is hard finding a place with weekends off. Does he have any suggestions? :lol: Place the who thing back in his lap.


By the way... I do believe if you read the wasp/bee killing spray can, it probably will tell you to spray the nest during the evening, night through early morning.

The reason for this is so that you do not get stung.

I did say that to him actually. He's the one who suggested the hotel in the first place. As for the bug killing, I know you're supposed to do it at night, because that's when they're all asleep, and they can't see very well, especially in the dark. However, I wanted the pool to be safe to swim in before everyone came over, so I had no choice but to deal with it in the middle of the day.

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Today was spent mostly on maplestory. I didn't even get up until like noon, I guess I was worn out from yesterday. Tomorrow Phil's going to come over (hopefully), we're probably going to play DDR and go swimming. Then he has to go (I assume with his grandparents) to drop his little sister off at his older sister's house sometime in the evening.

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Today was spent mostly on maplestory. I didn't even get up until like noon, I guess I was worn out from yesterday. Tomorrow Phil's going to come over (hopefully), we're probably going to play DDR and go swimming. Then he has to go (I assume with his grandparents) to drop his little sister off at his older sister's house sometime in the evening.

I know you are excited about tomorrow! :D

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Today was spent mostly on maplestory. I didn't even get up until like noon, I guess I was worn out from yesterday. Tomorrow Phil's going to come over (hopefully), we're probably going to play DDR and go swimming. Then he has to go (I assume with his grandparents) to drop his little sister off at his older sister's house sometime in the evening.

I know you are excited about tomorrow! :D

Yep. ^_^ Assuming Phil's grandparents let him come over anyways, which they might not. They're strange like that. I figure if they don't, I have to go deposit a check, and should look into getting a study book for my praxis exam.

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So, today was fun times. ^_^ Instead of Phil coming over here, I went over to his house, where we played brawl and mario kart with his sister. Then we all ate dinner, and Phil's grandma asked if I wanted to come with them to drop Jazzy off at Alyssa's, to which I said yes, of course. It's about an hour each way, but car rides are nothing to me by now, and it was kinda nice being able to just sit and chat with them all. Alyssa and Chris' (her fiancee) apartment is covered in anime and video game stuff, which makes me realize what a wonderfully geeky family they all are. :D When we got back, I was able to hang out with Phil for a couple hours until about 11, which is more or less his bedtime. We played more brawl and maplestory, and he showed me how to play fire emblem, which was kind of cool. And then of course he walked me out to my car to say good night as usual. And it just occurred to me; we've only ever kissed outside. Usually when he's saying goodbye to me in his driveway, our first kiss at 6 Flags, and one other time just outside the grocery store. Interesting.

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Oh also, best line of the day from yesterday:


Phil: [talking about temperature] Wow I'm hot.

Me: Yeah you are! :lol:


So far today I went to church, and picked some things up at the grocery store (by which I mean visit Phil, because none of the four things I got were so urgent that they couldn't wait for a longer shopping list and Dad's debit card :rolleyes: ). The rest of the day will most likely involve depositing a check, doing dishes, and maybe applying for a job. Dairy Queen is apparently hiring. :lol:

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I couldn't find my checkbook (I think it's in a box of college stuff up at camp) so I didn't go back out after church today. I'll probably apply for that job tomorrow. And get gas. That needs to happen soon.

Hope you find your checkbook.

As for the job... your father might as well tell you to forget about it. It is almost August and you would only be hired for a few weeks. :lol:

So, by the time they tell you to start, train you, you are handing in your resignation papers. So, I say, kick back and enjoy the summer, and get a summer job next year. :D

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I couldn't find my checkbook (I think it's in a box of college stuff up at camp) so I didn't go back out after church today. I'll probably apply for that job tomorrow. And get gas. That needs to happen soon.

Hope you find your checkbook.

As for the job... your father might as well tell you to forget about it. It is almost August and you would only be hired for a few weeks. :lol:

So, by the time they tell you to start, train you, you are handing in your resignation papers. So, I say, kick back and enjoy the summer, and get a summer job next year. :D

I never need my checkbook for anything. I tend to do everything with my debit card. As for the job, it's at Dairy Queen, which is only open in the summer around here, and they had help wanted signs up. I don't really want a job, it's mostly just to get my parents off my case about it.

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Today was mostly boring. I got to see Phil at the grocery store, but that was about it. He has off tomorrow and thursday, but he has to watch his little cousin tomorrow. >_< I guess it kinda works out though, I'm pretty sure dad wants me to do house/yard work tomorrow, and I have to help with VBS decorations in the evening.

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The days you don't get to see Phil make the days you do get to see him better. :D

lol true. The other problem is that yesterday he wasn't able to get online until after 5pm because his internet was out (he had told me he planned to get online as soon as he got home, so it made me a bit nervous), and the day before that he didn't make it online at all because his mom spontaneously recruited him to babysit her kids. So the past two days there's been a bit of a lack of communication, which just generally puts me in an off mood. :closedeyes: I really hope I can spend the day with him tomorrow though, because I'm going to be at camp for the weekend, and unable to talk much then.

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The days you don't get to see Phil make the days you do get to see him better. :D

lol true. The other problem is that yesterday he wasn't able to get online until after 5pm because his internet was out (he had told me he planned to get online as soon as he got home, so it made me a bit nervous), and the day before that he didn't make it online at all because his mom spontaneously recruited him to babysit her kids. So the past two days there's been a bit of a lack of communication, which just generally puts me in an off mood. :closedeyes: I really hope I can spend the day with him tomorrow though, because I'm going to be at camp for the weekend, and unable to talk much then.



absence makes the heart grow fonder???? :blink:

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The days you don't get to see Phil make the days you do get to see him better. :D

lol true. The other problem is that yesterday he wasn't able to get online until after 5pm because his internet was out (he had told me he planned to get online as soon as he got home, so it made me a bit nervous), and the day before that he didn't make it online at all because his mom spontaneously recruited him to babysit her kids. So the past two days there's been a bit of a lack of communication, which just generally puts me in an off mood. :closedeyes: I really hope I can spend the day with him tomorrow though, because I'm going to be at camp for the weekend, and unable to talk much then.



absence makes the heart grow fonder???? :blink:

Haha :P Hopefully I'll get to see him tomorrow.

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Blah. Today was mostly boring, outside of doing VBS decorations. I got a brief scare when I thought my cat had been hit by a car (I heard a car come to a sudden stop, along with what sounded like my cat being moved suddenly), but the cat is fine. Then dad got a call from mom. Apparently grandma is becoming more delusional and argumentative. So, this weekend could be interesting, and will most likely be worse than usual. :closedeyes: Tomorrow Phil said he's going to wal-mart, but should be free after that, so hopefully I'll be able to see him.

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So, immediately upon getting home from wal-mart, Phil was bombarded with having to watch Trin again. >_< He did, however, manage to come over for a couple hours after dinner, which was good. I really really wanted to be able to spend some time with him in person before going to camp tomorrow, so it was good that he managed to come over. Next semester is going to be SO hard. :(

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So, immediately upon getting home from wal-mart, Phil was bombarded with having to watch Trin again. >_

The great news was that you go to spend some time with Phil. Have a great weekend, with pleasant thoughts dancing around in your head.

As for next semester... that's not here yet.

:rolleyes: LOL :rolleyes:

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So, immediately upon getting home from wal-mart, Phil was bombarded with having to watch Trin again. >_< He did, however, manage to come over for a couple hours after dinner, which was good. I really really wanted to be able to spend some time with him in person before going to camp tomorrow, so it was good that he managed to come over. Next semester is going to be SO hard. :(

The great news was that you go to spend some time with Phil. Have a great weekend, with pleasant thoughts dancing around in your head.

As for next semester... that's not here yet.

:rolleyes: LOL :rolleyes:

Next semester is coming up really fast though. I'm looking forward to seeing my college friends again, but I'm going to miss being with Phil in person soooo much. Hopefully he'll get a webcam by then, so at least we'll be able to see each other in a sense. It'll also be a good way for us to get to know each other's college friends better. And *hopefully* I'll be able to visit him every once in awhile on a weekend. And it would be really awesome if I could bring him down to my college for a weekend to meet everyone. I'm kind of hoping to be able to bring him down for spring break, but getting his grandparents' permission and finding him a place to sleep would be tricky (my roomie doesn't want guests in the room for more than like 2 nights, which is understandable. The guys all have a suite, so maybe he could stay with each of them for a night or two....).

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*sings, "Anyways, this cake is great...."* Mmkay, so, this weekend was actually pretty nice. On Friday on the way up to camp we picked up a washing machine for the cabin, which was good. On Saturday night I went to wal-mart while dad was at home depot to pick up some things mom wanted. Yesterday I helped dad take down a fan, and then escaped to go kayaking before any further work could be imposed on me. :D All sorts of interesting people out on the lake yesterday (the whole park area is a big tourist destination). One guy purposely flipped over in his kayak (he was practicing getting in and out of his kayak in the water, apparently). Later on, one guy in a family on the shore waved at me, and another one asked if I wanted some watermelon. :lol: Oh, and there were wild blueberries, which made for good snacking. ^_^ I was also able to talk to Phil all day yesterday (yay IM forwarding), which was good. ^_^ Today starts VBS. I need to find a t-shirt to put those iron on transfers on.....

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*sings, "Anyways, this cake is great...."* Mmkay, so, this weekend was actually pretty nice. On Friday on the way up to camp we picked up a washing machine for the cabin, which was good. On Saturday night I went to wal-mart while dad was at home depot to pick up some things mom wanted. Yesterday I helped dad take down a fan, and then escaped to go kayaking before any further work could be imposed on me. :D All sorts of interesting people out on the lake yesterday (the whole park area is a big tourist destination). One guy purposely flipped over in his kayak (he was practicing getting in and out of his kayak in the water, apparently). Later on, one guy in a family on the shore waved at me, and another one asked if I wanted some watermelon. :lol: Oh, and there were wild blueberries, which made for good snacking. ^_^ I was also able to talk to Phil all day yesterday (yay IM forwarding), which was good. ^_^ Today starts VBS. I need to find a t-shirt to put those iron on transfers on.....

I absolutely :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: wild blueberries!!!!!!!

Have fun at VBS, say hi to Phil for us, don't flip your kayak (the water is tooooooo cold) and please go to Wildcat's birthday topic in Warm Wishes and send a birthday greeting.

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Yes, wild blueberries are WAAAAAAY better than store bought ones. Also, my kayak is at camp, where the water was quite lovely. ^_^ I got to see Phil today, actually. He and Jazzy were going for a bike ride to blockbuster to return something and asked if I wanted to come along, and I said sure. (In retrospect, seeing as it's in the 80's today and I have a car, it probably would have been intelligent to drive down, but I needed the exercise. Oh also, blockbuster is on the far other side of town, and the area near where I live has hills.) It was a lovely ride though. I was all sorts of sweaty and gross by the time I got back, but a nice cool shower fixed that. Now my legs just really hurt, and aren't very stable. This is going to make VBS interesting. :lol:

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What is VBS?

VBS = vacation Bible school. It's fun times. Although I'm gonna have that theme song stuck in my head forever..... :wacko: Oh, and four year olds (like most kids, I think) are way smarter than most people give them credit for. Most of the time anyways. Best line of the day: "He had his eyes open when we were praying!" :lol: My legs are still killing me from that bike ride though. This might take a few days to go away. >_<

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So, my legs are feeling much better today. ^_^ I slept until noon, and then went to my bank to cash/deposit a check, grandma's bank to deposit her check, the post office for stamps, and then the grocery store to buy cookies say hi to Phil. :lol: Next on the list of fun things to do is cleaning the pool and mowing the lawn, which I'm going to see about maybe doing tomorrow.

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...and then the grocery store to buy cookies say hi to Phil. :lol:

:lol: LOL :lol:

Eh, it's true enough. My shopping list had salsa, fresh basil, and cookies. The first two things weren't there. I'll probably end up there again tomorrow because dad wants ant traps. :lol:

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...and then the grocery store to buy cookies say hi to Phil. :lol:

:lol: LOL :lol:

Eh, it's true enough. My shopping list had salsa, fresh basil, and cookies. The first two things weren't there. I'll probably end up there again tomorrow because dad wants ant traps. :lol:

You could always go to the hardware store for the ant traps.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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...and then the grocery store to buy cookies say hi to Phil. :lol:

:lol: LOL :lol:

Eh, it's true enough. My shopping list had salsa, fresh basil, and cookies. The first two things weren't there. I'll probably end up there again tomorrow because dad wants ant traps. :lol:

You could always go to the hardware store for the ant traps.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I could.....but I won't. :lol: I need to be downtown anyways to pick up grandma's prescription from the doctors (Yes, I did that last week. Mom lost it. <_< ) Also on the list of fun things to do today is cleaning the pool and mowing the lawn.

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Mm, so, scratch those last two. It's currently pouring rain with thunder and lightning. The power has already flickered at least once. And dad says he doesn't need the ant traps any more. :rolleyes: :closedeyes:

So... lightning and thunder scare the ants away?

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Mm, so, scratch those last two. It's currently pouring rain with thunder and lightning. The power has already flickered at least once. And dad says he doesn't need the ant traps any more. :rolleyes: :closedeyes:

I had the same weather this morning.

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Mm, so, scratch those last two. It's currently pouring rain with thunder and lightning. The power has already flickered at least once. And dad says he doesn't need the ant traps any more. :rolleyes: :closedeyes:

So... lightning and thunder scare the ants away?

Maybe? :unsure: I might leave early for VBS and stop by there anyways and grab a bottle of water and a muffin or something. :rolleyes:

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Mm, so, scratch those last two. It's currently pouring rain with thunder and lightning. The power has already flickered at least once. And dad says he doesn't need the ant traps any more. :rolleyes: :closedeyes:

So... lightning and thunder scare the ants away?

Maybe? :unsure: I might leave early for VBS and stop by there anyways and grab a bottle of water and a muffin or something. :rolleyes:

Mm so I did that, and Phil had gone home early because it wasn't busy. <_< Tomorrow's his day off, so we're going to see if I can get him out of the house to go see a movie or something.

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Mm, so, scratch those last two. It's currently pouring rain with thunder and lightning. The power has already flickered at least once. And dad says he doesn't need the ant traps any more. :rolleyes: :closedeyes:

So... lightning and thunder scare the ants away?

Maybe? :unsure: I might leave early for VBS and stop by there anyways and grab a bottle of water and a muffin or something. :rolleyes:

Mm so I did that, and Phil had gone home early because it wasn't busy. <_ tomorrow his day off so we going to see if i can get him out of the house go a movie or something.>

Movie... and then we want a movie review. :)

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Mm, so, scratch those last two. It's currently pouring rain with thunder and lightning. The power has already flickered at least once. And dad says he doesn't need the ant traps any more. :rolleyes: :closedeyes:

So... lightning and thunder scare the ants away?

Maybe? :unsure: I might leave early for VBS and stop by there anyways and grab a bottle of water and a muffin or something. :rolleyes:

Mm so I did that, and Phil had gone home early because it wasn't busy. <_< Tomorrow's his day off, so we're going to see if I can get him out of the house to go see a movie or something.

Movie... and then we want a movie review. :)

Haha well, there's the matter of finding a movie time that won't interfere with my getting to VBS on time. In all reality, it's not likely to happen, but we can try.

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So, we actually were able to go see a movie after VBS. We saw Hancock, awesome movie! ^_^ Phil has off again tomorrow, so I'm hoping we might be able to arrange some time to hang out a bit. I know at least that I need to pick up grandma's prescription (again, mom lost it the first time), and I have VBS. I should clean out the pool, but I can always do that on Saturday afternoon when Phil has work anyways. My praxis II exam is Saturday morning already. :wacko:

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Oh, and interesting thing today: when we were at the movies, we had the place to ourselves except for one kid and a parent who sat way up in the front, and left during the closing credits. Phil had tons of chances to kiss me then, but didn't, and didn't make moves in that direction. There was still lots of hand holding and such, and we still kissed as usual in the driveway when I was saying goodbye. I just thought it was interesting that he didn't while we were out, and I'm kind of curious as to why he didn't (not that I mind either way, I just find it to be really interesting because I assume that most guys would).

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Oh, and interesting thing today: when we were at the movies, we had the place to ourselves except for one kid and a parent who sat way up in the front, and left during the closing credits. Phil had tons of chances to kiss me then, but didn't, and didn't make moves in that direction. There was still lots of hand holding and such, and we still kissed as usual in the driveway when I was saying goodbye. I just thought it was interesting that he didn't while we were out, and I'm kind of curious as to why he didn't (not that I mind either way, I just find it to be really interesting because I assume that most guys would).

Perhaps? :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

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Ugh. Of all the things that could possibly go wrong, I got to the testing center only to realize my driver's license was missing. Despite having my student ID as well as a Sam's Club card and a 6 Flags season pass with photos of me on them, they wouldn't let me take the test. T_T Usually my license is in my camera case with everything else I'm likely to need, but on Monday I put it into my pocketbook along with my debit card and some other stuff because I was going for a bike ride, and the camera case isn't comfortable for carrying on a bike (it sits on my shoulder, whereas the pocketbook sits on my back like a backpack). So, I'm quite upset about that.


I did, however, get to see Phil today, which was good. We took a quick trip out to CVS to look for something (which we didn't find, but it was still good to spend time with him). He got stuck with the evening shift today, so I'll probably go visit him later to get water and soup. :rolleyes:


Oh, and the Praxis exams are exams you take for teaching. There are a ton of different ones, depending on what you want to teach. The Praxis I PPST (pre-professional standards test) is basically like the SATs, I took that one already and did awesome on it. The Praxis II tests are more specialized, I was supposed to take the Elementary Education Content Knowledge test today.

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That's awful. :( I hope you can retake the test without too much hassle. ...does that mean you were driving around without your license that whole time? :P

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That's awful. :( I hope you can retake the test without too much hassle. ...does that mean you were driving around without your license that whole time? :P

Apparently. :blink: I made it a point to go about the speed limit on the way home, except for that one part of I95 near the Q-Bridge where the speed limit is 40. The only time I've EVER seen people do 40 or under on that highway is if there's traffic. :rolleyes: I just registered for the test on September 13th. Good news: It's at my college! So if I forget anything, I can run back and get it from my room, and I won't have to get up at 5am to get there. ^_^ Bad news: I ordered an ebook to study for the test, but the page where I'm supposed to download it won't display anywhere close to properly, so I can't download it. <_< I sent tech support an email saying the things I tried and how it didn't work.

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Ugh. Of all the things that could possibly go wrong, I got to the testing center only to realize my driver's license was missing. Despite having my student ID as well as a Sam's Club card and a 6 Flags season pass with photos of me on them, they wouldn't let me take the test. T_T

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooo!

I hate when things like that happen. What horrible news. I am so sorry that they would not let you take the exam.

What would happen if someone did not drive? Would they have to get a non-driver identification card? :blink:

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Ugh. Of all the things that could possibly go wrong, I got to the testing center only to realize my driver's license was missing. Despite having my student ID as well as a Sam's Club card and a 6 Flags season pass with photos of me on them, they wouldn't let me take the test. T_T

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooo!

I hate when things like that happen. What horrible news. I am so sorry that they would not let you take the exam.

What would happen if someone did not drive? Would they have to get a non-driver identification card? :blink:

State ID, Military ID, passport, and drivers license are all acceptable. So, yes.

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Ugh. Of all the things that could possibly go wrong, I got to the testing center only to realize my driver's license was missing. Despite having my student ID as well as a Sam's Club card and a 6 Flags season pass with photos of me on them, they wouldn't let me take the test. T_T

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooo!

I hate when things like that happen. What horrible news. I am so sorry that they would not let you take the exam.

What would happen if someone did not drive? Would they have to get a non-driver identification card? :blink:

State ID, Military ID, passport, and drivers license are all acceptable. So, yes.

What??? No U.S. Government ID's? :blink:

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Ugh. Of all the things that could possibly go wrong, I got to the testing center only to realize my driver's license was missing. Despite having my student ID as well as a Sam's Club card and a 6 Flags season pass with photos of me on them, they wouldn't let me take the test. T_T

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooo!

I hate when things like that happen. What horrible news. I am so sorry that they would not let you take the exam.

What would happen if someone did not drive? Would they have to get a non-driver identification card? :blink:

State ID, Military ID, passport, and drivers license are all acceptable. So, yes.

What??? No U.S. Government ID's? :blink:

I would assume they'd accept those. :blink:


So, to add to the insanity, part of the cable kept flaking out, taking out both the internet and the home phone. <_< However, I got to see Phil at the grocery store. ^_^ I went towards the end of his shift, and he was putting away all the returned items, so I got to follow him around the store for a good hour at least, and chat with him, which was really nice. ^_^ The internet finally came back on a little while after I got home, which was good. Phil and I might take a trip out to target tomorrow if he can get out of the house, since he has off. I think I'll probably skip church tomorrow. I really need the sleep.

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Oh, and the Praxis exams are exams you take for teaching. There are a ton of different ones, depending on what you want to teach. The Praxis I PPST (pre-professional standards test) is basically like the SATs, I took that one already and did awesome on it. The Praxis II tests are more specialized, I was supposed to take the Elementary Education Content Knowledge test today.




And I'm very sorry you couldn't take it! :(



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Today was really boring. I slept in until 11, and dad made me vacuum the pool. And I was just in a rather bad mood today for no reason. :closedeyes: Although towards the end of today I came across the failblog website, which provided some much needed lawls. :lol:

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Today was really boring. I slept in until 11, and dad made me vacuum the pool. And I was just in a rather bad mood today for no reason. :closedeyes: Although towards the end of today I came across the failblog website, which provided some much needed lawls. :lol:

Sleeping in would be preferable to guys hammering at 07H00 in the morning. They could have at least waited until 08H00.

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Today was really boring. I slept in until 11, and dad made me vacuum the pool. And I was just in a rather bad mood today for no reason. :closedeyes: Although towards the end of today I came across the failblog website, which provided some much needed lawls. :lol:

Sleeping in would be preferable to guys hammering at 07H00 in the morning. They could have at least waited until 08H00.

Yeah, I saw your post about that in your topic. Being woken up early for no good reason is one of the few things that *really* annoys me.

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Today was really boring. I slept in until 11, and dad made me vacuum the pool. And I was just in a rather bad mood today for no reason. :closedeyes: Although towards the end of today I came across the failblog website, which provided some much needed lawls. :lol:

Sleeping in would be preferable to guys hammering at 07H00 in the morning. They could have at least waited until 08H00.

Yeah, I saw your post about that in your topic. Being woken up early for no good reason is one of the few things that *really* annoys me.

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. This would be grounds for being in a bad mood.

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Today was really boring. I slept in until 11, and dad made me vacuum the pool. And I was just in a rather bad mood today for no reason. :closedeyes: Although towards the end of today I came across the failblog website, which provided some much needed lawls. :lol:

Sleeping in would be preferable to guys hammering at 07H00 in the morning. They could have at least waited until 08H00.

Yeah, I saw your post about that in your topic. Being woken up early for no good reason is one of the few things that *really* annoys me.

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. This would be grounds for being in a bad mood.

Ohya. Depriving me of sleep makes me a really unpleasant person to be around, as do obnoxious noises. :rolleyes:

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Today was really boring. I slept in until 11, and dad made me vacuum the pool. And I was just in a rather bad mood today for no reason. :closedeyes: Although towards the end of today I came across the failblog website, which provided some much needed lawls. :lol:

Sleeping in would be preferable to guys hammering at 07H00 in the morning. They could have at least waited until 08H00.

Yeah, I saw your post about that in your topic. Being woken up early for no good reason is one of the few things that *really* annoys me.

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. This would be grounds for being in a bad mood.

Ohya. Depriving me of sleep makes me a really unpleasant person to be around, as do obnoxious noises. :rolleyes:

Loud obnoxious noises. UCK!!!

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Mmhmm. Depriving me of food generally ends badly too.


So, fun news for today. Looks like my friend Eamon (remember him?) might be coming over today to dye blue streaks in my hair. ^_^ This requires a trip to the mall to get hair dye. I'm gonna see if Phil wants to come along with me, and then he can meet Eamon too. The two of them would probably find each other quite amusing. :D

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Mmhmm. Depriving me of food generally ends badly too.


So, fun news for today. Looks like my friend Eamon (remember him?) might be coming over today to dye blue streaks in my hair. ^_^ This requires a trip to the mall to get hair dye. I'm gonna see if Phil wants to come along with me, and then he can meet Eamon too. The two of them would probably find each other quite amusing. :D

Sounds like a fun day. :lol:

Blue... hmmm. If you pick purple, then wait a few hours and go for a swim in a chlorine pool, you will come out with multi-coloured hair, which, by the way, looks very, very cool!!!!!

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Mmhmm. Depriving me of food generally ends badly too.


So, fun news for today. Looks like my friend Eamon (remember him?) might be coming over today to dye blue streaks in my hair. ^_^ This requires a trip to the mall to get hair dye. I'm gonna see if Phil wants to come along with me, and then he can meet Eamon too. The two of them would probably find each other quite amusing. :D

Sounds like a fun day. :lol:

Blue... hmmm. If you pick purple, then wait a few hours and go for a swim in a chlorine pool, you will come out with multi-coloured hair, which, by the way, looks very, very cool!!!!!

Nah, it'll be blue, not sure how dark though. During the course of the semester though, other colors might get sharpied in. :rolleyes:

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Mmhmm. Depriving me of food generally ends badly too.


So, fun news for today. Looks like my friend Eamon (remember him?) might be coming over today to dye blue streaks in my hair. ^_^ This requires a trip to the mall to get hair dye. I'm gonna see if Phil wants to come along with me, and then he can meet Eamon too. The two of them would probably find each other quite amusing. :D

Sounds like a fun day. :lol:

Blue... hmmm. If you pick purple, then wait a few hours and go for a swim in a chlorine pool, you will come out with multi-coloured hair, which, by the way, looks very, very cool!!!!!

Nah, it'll be blue, not sure how dark though. During the course of the semester though, other colors might get sharpied in. :rolleyes:

You use Sharpies????????


How long does Sharpie hair colouring last?

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Mmhmm. Depriving me of food generally ends badly too.


So, fun news for today. Looks like my friend Eamon (remember him?) might be coming over today to dye blue streaks in my hair. ^_^ This requires a trip to the mall to get hair dye. I'm gonna see if Phil wants to come along with me, and then he can meet Eamon too. The two of them would probably find each other quite amusing. :D

Sounds like a fun day. :lol:

Blue... hmmm. If you pick purple, then wait a few hours and go for a swim in a chlorine pool, you will come out with multi-coloured hair, which, by the way, looks very, very cool!!!!!

Nah, it'll be blue, not sure how dark though. During the course of the semester though, other colors might get sharpied in. :rolleyes:

You use Sharpies????????


How long does Sharpie hair colouring last?

Depending on your hair color and how aggressively you try to wash it out, 1-2 weeks. My roomie sharpied a blue streak in my hair last semester, remember?

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Mmhmm. Depriving me of food generally ends badly too.


So, fun news for today. Looks like my friend Eamon (remember him?) might be coming over today to dye blue streaks in my hair. ^_^ This requires a trip to the mall to get hair dye. I'm gonna see if Phil wants to come along with me, and then he can meet Eamon too. The two of them would probably find each other quite amusing. :D

Sounds like a fun day. :lol:

Blue... hmmm. If you pick purple, then wait a few hours and go for a swim in a chlorine pool, you will come out with multi-coloured hair, which, by the way, looks very, very cool!!!!!

Nah, it'll be blue, not sure how dark though. During the course of the semester though, other colors might get sharpied in. :rolleyes:

You use Sharpies????????


How long does Sharpie hair colouring last?

Depending on your hair color and how aggressively you try to wash it out, 1-2 weeks. My roomie sharpied a blue streak in my hair last semester, remember?

I remembered that part, but I thought it was just a whim and I could not remember asking how long it stayed.

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Mmhmm. Depriving me of food generally ends badly too.


So, fun news for today. Looks like my friend Eamon (remember him?) might be coming over today to dye blue streaks in my hair. ^_^ This requires a trip to the mall to get hair dye. I'm gonna see if Phil wants to come along with me, and then he can meet Eamon too. The two of them would probably find each other quite amusing. :D

Sounds like a fun day. :lol:

Blue... hmmm. If you pick purple, then wait a few hours and go for a swim in a chlorine pool, you will come out with multi-coloured hair, which, by the way, looks very, very cool!!!!!

Nah, it'll be blue, not sure how dark though. During the course of the semester though, other colors might get sharpied in. :rolleyes:

You use Sharpies????????


How long does Sharpie hair colouring last?

Depending on your hair color and how aggressively you try to wash it out, 1-2 weeks. My roomie sharpied a blue streak in my hair last semester, remember?

I remembered that part, but I thought it was just a whim and I could not remember asking how long it stayed.

Oh, it was on a whim. My roomie said it should only last about a week, but she has dark hair. Mine lasted closer to two weeks, although it faded a lot the first time I washed it.

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I now have blue streaks in my hair. ^_^ I just washed it, so it's still wet so I can't really see what it's going to look like, but the bits that are dry are a really awesome color. ^_^ My hair is kinda greasy though because we used petroleum jelly around my hairline to keep me from turning into a smurf (hair dye can dye skin too) and that stuff, being oil based, does not wash out well. My hair also smells like the hair dye too (smells kinda like shampoo). :lol:


Oh, and Phil says he hopes to be able to hang out tomorrow, which is exciting. ^_^

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I now have blue streaks in my hair. ^_^ I just washed it, so it's still wet so I can't really see what it's going to look like, but the bits that are dry are a really awesome color. ^_^ My hair is kinda greasy though because we used petroleum jelly around my hairline to keep me from turning into a smurf (hair dye can dye skin too) and that stuff, being oil based, does not wash out well. My hair also smells like the hair dye too (smells kinda like shampoo). :lol:


Oh, and Phil says he hopes to be able to hang out tomorrow, which is exciting. ^_^

I didn't know that hair dye could dye your skin. :blink:


We want pictures!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi Phil!!!!!!!! :)

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I now have blue streaks in my hair. ^_^ I just washed it, so it's still wet so I can't really see what it's going to look like, but the bits that are dry are a really awesome color. ^_^ My hair is kinda greasy though because we used petroleum jelly around my hairline to keep me from turning into a smurf (hair dye can dye skin too) and that stuff, being oil based, does not wash out well. My hair also smells like the hair dye too (smells kinda like shampoo). :lol:


Oh, and Phil says he hopes to be able to hang out tomorrow, which is exciting. ^_^

I didn't know that hair dye could dye your skin. :blink:


We want pictures!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi Phil!!!!!!!! :)

Pictures will almost definitely happen sometime today, but I'm not sure when I'll get them online. Hair dye can dye skin, but it washes off in like a week. So Eamon looks like he had a run-in with a smurf or something, because his hands were quite blue, even after washing them a couple times. :rolleyes:

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Today was fun ^_^ I rode my bike over to Phil's house, and then the two of us and Jazzy all rode to some really short hiking trails and took a walk, and rode back. Then I hung out at Phil's house and played mario kart and brawl until after dinner, at which point I went home because riding my bike in the dark isn't smart where I live. :rolleyes: The rest of the day was spent on maplestory lol, and a lot of that time was spent talking to this one kid that randomly added me as a friend one day, who's apparently suicidal. I think I may have actually talked him out of it, which would be nice. He's only 13, and he seems like a pretty cool kid, but his life just kinda stinks right now. He seems to think his life is worthless or something, but I think he'd do well as a counselor or something like that someday. So we'll see where that goes. Also, I lately I've been contemplating the possibility of being a health teacher instead of a science teacher.

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Today was fun ^_^ I rode my bike over to Phil's house, and then the two of us and Jazzy all rode to some really short hiking trails and took a walk, and rode back. Then I hung out at Phil's house and played mario kart and brawl until after dinner, at which point I went home because riding my bike in the dark isn't smart where I live. :rolleyes: The rest of the day was spent on maplestory lol, and a lot of that time was spent talking to this one kid that randomly added me as a friend one day, who's apparently suicidal. I think I may have actually talked him out of it, which would be nice. He's only 13, and he seems like a pretty cool kid, but his life just kinda stinks right now. He seems to think his life is worthless or something, but I think he'd do well as a counselor or something like that someday. So we'll see where that goes. Also, I lately I've been contemplating the possibility of being a health teacher instead of a science teacher.

Sounds like a great day in many aspects.

A health teacher... hmmmm. You will make the right choice.

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Today was fun ^_^ I rode my bike over to Phil's house, and then the two of us and Jazzy all rode to some really short hiking trails and took a walk, and rode back. Then I hung out at Phil's house and played mario kart and brawl until after dinner, at which point I went home because riding my bike in the dark isn't smart where I live. :rolleyes: The rest of the day was spent on maplestory lol, and a lot of that time was spent talking to this one kid that randomly added me as a friend one day, who's apparently suicidal. I think I may have actually talked him out of it, which would be nice. He's only 13, and he seems like a pretty cool kid, but his life just kinda stinks right now. He seems to think his life is worthless or something, but I think he'd do well as a counselor or something like that someday. So we'll see where that goes. Also, I lately I've been contemplating the possibility of being a health teacher instead of a science teacher.

Sounds like a great day in many aspects.

A health teacher... hmmmm. You will make the right choice.

It was a great day. ^_^ And yeah, being a health teacher might be fun. I'll have to ask my education adviser about it.

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Today was so much fun. ^_^ I picked up Phil, and we went out to the mall for a little bit, and then to the grocery store because dad wanted me to pick up some stuff (it was more fun than visiting Phil while he was working :lol: ), and then went back to my house, where we spent the whole time watching anime and playing MS. Oh, and we also made and ate dinner. XD It was awesome. ^_^ It was also good to see that he gets along pretty well with my dad. When we were saying goodbye, I told Phil I'm going to miss him this weekend (I'll be going to camp), and he said something along the lines of, "Me too, what are we gonna do about next semester?" to which I responded, "Next semester is gonna be rough..." and he said, "We'll have to deal with it," to which I said, "We don't have much of a choice." It's kinda just hitting me now, I go back to school a month from (technically) today, and he goes back at least a week before that. It's coming up so fast, and then it'll be another three and a half months before winter break. I'm going to miss him so much. :(

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Today was so much fun. ^_^ I picked up Phil, and we went out to the mall for a little bit, and then to the grocery store because dad wanted me to pick up some stuff (it was more fun than visiting Phil while he was working :lol: ), and then went back to my house, where we spent the whole time watching anime and playing MS. Oh, and we also made and ate dinner. XD It was awesome. ^_^ It was also good to see that he gets along pretty well with my dad. When we were saying goodbye, I told Phil I'm going to miss him this weekend (I'll be going to camp), and he said something along the lines of, "Me too, what are we gonna do about next semester?" to which I responded, "Next semester is gonna be rough..." and he said, "We'll have to deal with it," to which I said, "We don't have much of a choice." It's kinda just hitting me now, I go back to school a month from (technically) today, and he goes back at least a week before that. It's coming up so fast, and then it'll be another three and a half months before winter break. I'm going to miss him so much. :(

So... how long is the drive between the two schools???

I do believe your van will be making lots and lots of trips. :rolleyes:

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Today was so much fun. ^_^ I picked up Phil, and we went out to the mall for a little bit, and then to the grocery store because dad wanted me to pick up some stuff (it was more fun than visiting Phil while he was working :lol: ), and then went back to my house, where we spent the whole time watching anime and playing MS. Oh, and we also made and ate dinner. XD It was awesome. ^_^ It was also good to see that he gets along pretty well with my dad. When we were saying goodbye, I told Phil I'm going to miss him this weekend (I'll be going to camp), and he said something along the lines of, "Me too, what are we gonna do about next semester?" to which I responded, "Next semester is gonna be rough..." and he said, "We'll have to deal with it," to which I said, "We don't have much of a choice." It's kinda just hitting me now, I go back to school a month from (technically) today, and he goes back at least a week before that. It's coming up so fast, and then it'll be another three and a half months before winter break. I'm going to miss him so much. :(

So... how long is the drive between the two schools???

I do believe your van will be making lots and lots of trips. :rolleyes:

Somewhere between 4 and 5 hours, depending on traffic. If traffic is bad enough, it can take a lot longer than that. I don't really mind driving though. And yes, I do plan on visiting him a few times, and hopefully with my own car instead of the van. Dad needs to fix it. <_<

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Today was so much fun. ^_^ I picked up Phil, and we went out to the mall for a little bit, and then to the grocery store because dad wanted me to pick up some stuff (it was more fun than visiting Phil while he was working :lol: ), and then went back to my house, where we spent the whole time watching anime and playing MS. Oh, and we also made and ate dinner. XD It was awesome. ^_^ It was also good to see that he gets along pretty well with my dad. When we were saying goodbye, I told Phil I'm going to miss him this weekend (I'll be going to camp), and he said something along the lines of, "Me too, what are we gonna do about next semester?" to which I responded, "Next semester is gonna be rough..." and he said, "We'll have to deal with it," to which I said, "We don't have much of a choice." It's kinda just hitting me now, I go back to school a month from (technically) today, and he goes back at least a week before that. It's coming up so fast, and then it'll be another three and a half months before winter break. I'm going to miss him so much. :(

So... how long is the drive between the two schools???

I do believe your van will be making lots and lots of trips. :rolleyes:

Somewhere between 4 and 5 hours, depending on traffic. If traffic is bad enough, it can take a lot longer than that. I don't really mind driving though. And yes, I do plan on visiting him a few times, and hopefully with my own car instead of the van. Dad needs to fix it. <_>

Plan on the van... I don't believe your father will get your car fixed before your first trip to see Phil. :lol:

Five hours... piece of cake. I'm doing four plus one way for breakfast, then four plus back.

And we all know you won't be coming back the same day. :lol:

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Today was so much fun. ^_^ I picked up Phil, and we went out to the mall for a little bit, and then to the grocery store because dad wanted me to pick up some stuff (it was more fun than visiting Phil while he was working :lol: ), and then went back to my house, where we spent the whole time watching anime and playing MS. Oh, and we also made and ate dinner. XD It was awesome. ^_^ It was also good to see that he gets along pretty well with my dad. When we were saying goodbye, I told Phil I'm going to miss him this weekend (I'll be going to camp), and he said something along the lines of, "Me too, what are we gonna do about next semester?" to which I responded, "Next semester is gonna be rough..." and he said, "We'll have to deal with it," to which I said, "We don't have much of a choice." It's kinda just hitting me now, I go back to school a month from (technically) today, and he goes back at least a week before that. It's coming up so fast, and then it'll be another three and a half months before winter break. I'm going to miss him so much. :(

So... how long is the drive between the two schools???

I do believe your van will be making lots and lots of trips. :rolleyes:

Somewhere between 4 and 5 hours, depending on traffic. If traffic is bad enough, it can take a lot longer than that. I don't really mind driving though. And yes, I do plan on visiting him a few times, and hopefully with my own car instead of the van. Dad needs to fix it. <_<

Plan on the van... I don't believe your father will get your car fixed before your first trip to see Phil. :lol:

Five hours... piece of cake. I'm doing four plus one way for breakfast, then four plus back.

And we all know you won't be coming back the same day. :lol:

Oh I know. Dad's been saying "sometime next week" just about all summer. :rolleyes: And yeah, the ride is actually pretty easy, and no, I won't be returning the same day. If I visit it'll probably be for the weekend. I know I can stay in either his room or my sister's room with no trouble. I'll probably stay in his room if I can though. He and is roomie have a futon in addition to their own college dorm beds, whereas my sister and her roomie (who is Phil's roomie's girlfriend), do not have an extra place to sleep.

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So, eating breakfast with anyone, besides the bike, Horatio? :D

Yeah. Eight or nine guys who think I'm a guy. :lol:

Just wait until I show up.

Hahaha excellent. :lol: I've had numerous occasions on the internet where people thought I was a guy :lol:

When you use the screen name Horatio... it is almost a given that they won't thing anything else.

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So, eating breakfast with anyone, besides the bike, Horatio? :D

Yeah. Eight or nine guys who think I'm a guy. :lol:

Just wait until I show up.

Hahaha excellent. :lol: I've had numerous occasions on the internet where people thought I was a guy :lol:

When you use the screen name Horatio... it is almost a given that they won't thing anything else.

When you first joined, I thought you were a guy too. :lol:

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So, eating breakfast with anyone, besides the bike, Horatio? :D

Yeah. Eight or nine guys who think I'm a guy. :lol:

Just wait until I show up.

Hahaha excellent. :lol: I've had numerous occasions on the internet where people thought I was a guy :lol:

When you use the screen name Horatio... it is almost a given that they won't thing anything else.

When you first joined, I thought you were a guy too. :lol:

I tried posting yesterday, but kept getting an error.


Horatio IS a male, blonde, three and one-half year old hamster. :rolleyes:

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So, eating breakfast with anyone, besides the bike, Horatio? :D

Yeah. Eight or nine guys who think I'm a guy. :lol:

Just wait until I show up.

Hahaha excellent. :lol: I've had numerous occasions on the internet where people thought I was a guy :lol:

When you use the screen name Horatio... it is almost a given that they won't thing anything else.

When you first joined, I thought you were a guy too. :lol:

I tried posting yesterday, but kept getting an error.


Horatio IS a male, blonde, three and one-half year old hamster. :rolleyes:

The person at the keyboard, however, is not. :lol:

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Ohright, this is my topic, I'm supposed to post stuff about my life here. *is still a bit slow because she just got up* Um..... :rolleyes:


Mmkay, I was at camp this weekend. There were thunderstorms. It was mostly boring. On Sunday Dad and I took a walk to Jenny's camp (15 minutes through the woods, which is faster than driving since the bridge is out and we have to go all the way around town to get there now. <_< ). We had to drop off mail and such. It started raining right after we got there, and stopped about 15 minutes later so we were able to walk back without getting soaked. Oh, and if I forgot to mention it before, Jenny is now dating this guy Andy from her camp. He seems like a pretty cool guy. The other day, he dug up a raspberry bush from the woods and planted it behind the infirmary where she works. It was adorable. Only two potential problems though: 1. He's 30 years old (he acts like he's 20 though, minus the immaturity. He's actually a lot like dad..... :rolleyes: ). 2. He lives in New Zealand (which makes for a fun accent). So, it'll be interesting to see where that goes. Anyways, on the walk back to our camp, we went to explore a rocky overhang type thing, and ultimately ended up climbing up a small mountain, which had a lovely meadow-like terrain at the top, and cell reception! So I took some pictures and sent them to facebook, and one to Phil. We followed deer trails through the blueberry bushes and mountain laurel down the hill until we found our path again (we both had GPSs with us, and know a reasonable amount about orienteering, and it's not a terribly confusing part of the world to navigate). What else.....Grandma was exceptionally spacey this weekend. She kept thinking she was going to drive home and things like that, and mom kept having to explain that she's been living with us since April, and isn't allowed to drive anymore. It's starting to get to be really hard on mom, because grandma requires constant supervision and/or entertainment.


Yesterday I got up at about 5:30am to come home. After lunch, Phil, Jazzy, and I all went to the mall, which was fun. We both wanted to get NX cards for maplestory, and an excuse to get out of the house. The CVS at the mall only had $25 cards (I intended to just get a $10 card, and didn't have $25 in cash on me). So Phil insisted on putting $10 towards the card, and I ended up with a $25 NX card anyways. :rolleyes: Also, on maplestory, characters can get married. So we're going to get married on maplestory. :lol: That was half the reason for the NX cards lol. We then stopped at their house to pick up a guitar hero controller, and then came to my house to play Rock Band for awhile, which was fun. ^_^


After I got back from dropping Phil and Jazzy off at their house, dad and I went to the autoparts store to get some stuff and check what the computer on the car had to say about what was wrong with it (it didn't really tell us anything we didn't know). So we went home and replaced the spark plugs and did a compression check on each cylinder. Odd thing was, the spark plugs weren't covered in oil like the last time, even though the car is still going through oil really fast. :huh: The spark plugs were still really crispy though. The compression check revealed the pressure in two cylinders to be 160, the next was 110, and the last was 150 (not sure about the units). We have no idea why. The different symptoms of the car just don't match up to anything. It's like an episode of House, only it's a car and not a person. :rolleyes: After my car was put back together, we drove it out to Pizza Hut for dinner, which was good, and my car was driving a bit better after the new spark plugs. Also, the check engine light is gone. ^_^


Not sure what the plans are for today. Dad should be home for lunch in a half hour, and Phil has off today (this week he only has work tomorrow and Saturday). There might be some sort of small LAN party going on today. :lol:

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A good job while you are at home is to call around in your town and find if they have any programs for seniors in your grandmother's condition. Lots of times, they have painting classes, activities where they bring dogs and cats in and have musicians play, this is all for the care-giver to have a day off. The local YMCA is one of the places in my town who sponsors this and also the local senior center.


As for your car... wonderful to know your father is so good with tools and has such a fantastic mechanical ability. Hope your car continues to improve. Now just to conquer the oil and compression problems.


Hope you and Phil enjoyed the rest of the day.

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A good job while you are at home is to call around in your town and find if they have any programs for seniors in your grandmother's condition. Lots of times, they have painting classes, activities where they bring dogs and cats in and have musicians play, this is all for the care-giver to have a day off. The local YMCA is one of the places in my town who sponsors this and also the local senior center.


As for your car... wonderful to know your father is so good with tools and has such a fantastic mechanical ability. Hope your car continues to improve. Now just to conquer the oil and compression problems.


Hope you and Phil enjoyed the rest of the day.

The problem is that grandma can't be left alone. She's like a toddler you can't hire a sitter for. When they're home in CT, mom takes her out to the senior center, but stays with her.


Yeah, I think that given the right tools and funding, dad can fix anything. However, we don't always have the right tools and funding. :lol:


Phil never made it over here, but we'll see what happens when he gets out of work tomorrow. :rolleyes: At the very least, I'll see him at the store, because we actually need stuff this time.

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A good job while you are at home is to call around in your town and find if they have any programs for seniors in your grandmother's condition. Lots of times, they have painting classes, activities where they bring dogs and cats in and have musicians play, this is all for the care-giver to have a day off. The local YMCA is one of the places in my town who sponsors this and also the local senior center.


As for your car... wonderful to know your father is so good with tools and has such a fantastic mechanical ability. Hope your car continues to improve. Now just to conquer the oil and compression problems.


Hope you and Phil enjoyed the rest of the day.

The problem is that grandma can't be left alone. She's like a toddler you can't hire a sitter for. When they're home in CT, mom takes her out to the senior center, but stays with her.


Yeah, I think that given the right tools and funding, dad can fix anything. However, we don't always have the right tools and funding. :lol:


Phil never made it over here, but we'll see what happens when he gets out of work tomorrow. :rolleyes: At the very least, I'll see him at the store, because we actually need stuff this time.

The senior center here has lots of extra staff so that the people with various stages of dementia are watched closely. Plus they have so many activities, people are entertained and distracted. Your mother really needs to have a break. The stress must be very hard on her.


Funding... that is always a drawback. LOL


I think you will always 'need' something from the grocery store. LOL

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A good job while you are at home is to call around in your town and find if they have any programs for seniors in your grandmother's condition. Lots of times, they have painting classes, activities where they bring dogs and cats in and have musicians play, this is all for the care-giver to have a day off. The local YMCA is one of the places in my town who sponsors this and also the local senior center.


As for your car... wonderful to know your father is so good with tools and has such a fantastic mechanical ability. Hope your car continues to improve. Now just to conquer the oil and compression problems.


Hope you and Phil enjoyed the rest of the day.

The problem is that grandma can't be left alone. She's like a toddler you can't hire a sitter for. When they're home in CT, mom takes her out to the senior center, but stays with her.


Yeah, I think that given the right tools and funding, dad can fix anything. However, we don't always have the right tools and funding. :lol:


Phil never made it over here, but we'll see what happens when he gets out of work tomorrow. :rolleyes: At the very least, I'll see him at the store, because we actually need stuff this time.

The senior center here has lots of extra staff so that the people with various stages of dementia are watched closely. Plus they have so many activities, people are entertained and distracted. Your mother really needs to have a break. The stress must be very hard on her.


Funding... that is always a drawback. LOL


I think you will always 'need' something from the grocery store. LOL

The problem is that grandma is one of those stubborn types who most likely won't listen to anyone she doesn't know. The stress is getting to be difficult for mom, and her 5 brothers are usually not much help. The ones who want to help can't, and the ones who can help don't want to. :closedeyes: If things get too hard, we'll have to put grandma in a nursing home.


Yeah, funding is probably the #1 reason so many projects remain uncompleted. #2 is probably time.


Well yes, but this time I have a shopping list with more than three things on it. Actually, I figure it counts as "we need stuff" if I can't go through express checkout. :rolleyes: I hope dad left me his debit card like he was supposed to. Actually, I really ought to move the money back into my account from all the times I got groceries with my own card because dad forgot to give me his. I'm probably missing close to $100 by now. :rolleyes:

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A good job while you are at home is to call around in your town and find if they have any programs for seniors in your grandmother's condition. Lots of times, they have painting classes, activities where they bring dogs and cats in and have musicians play, this is all for the care-giver to have a day off. The local YMCA is one of the places in my town who sponsors this and also the local senior center.


As for your car... wonderful to know your father is so good with tools and has such a fantastic mechanical ability. Hope your car continues to improve. Now just to conquer the oil and compression problems.


Hope you and Phil enjoyed the rest of the day.

The problem is that grandma can't be left alone. She's like a toddler you can't hire a sitter for. When they're home in CT, mom takes her out to the senior center, but stays with her.


Yeah, I think that given the right tools and funding, dad can fix anything. However, we don't always have the right tools and funding. :lol:


Phil never made it over here, but we'll see what happens when he gets out of work tomorrow. :rolleyes: At the very least, I'll see him at the store, because we actually need stuff this time.

The senior center here has lots of extra staff so that the people with various stages of dementia are watched closely. Plus they have so many activities, people are entertained and distracted. Your mother really needs to have a break. The stress must be very hard on her.


Funding... that is always a drawback. LOL


I think you will always 'need' something from the grocery store. LOL

The problem is that grandma is one of those stubborn types who most likely won't listen to anyone she doesn't know. The stress is getting to be difficult for mom, and her 5 brothers are usually not much help. The ones who want to help can't, and the ones who can help don't want to. :closedeyes: If things get too hard, we'll have to put grandma in a nursing home.


Yeah, funding is probably the #1 reason so many projects remain uncompleted. #2 is probably time.


Well yes, but this time I have a shopping list with more than three things on it. Actually, I figure it counts as "we need stuff" if I can't go through express checkout. :rolleyes: I hope dad left me his debit card like he was supposed to. Actually, I really ought to move the money back into my account from all the times I got groceries with my own card because dad forgot to give me his. I'm probably missing close to $100 by now. :rolleyes:

My heart goes out to your mother. She is such a wonderful person to do what she is doing. Being a 24 hour care-giver is so hard.


Here is how things go for me... when I have time, I have no money and when I have money, I have no time.


That's a good way to view if you really need stuff... if you can't go through the express checkout. Although, I would be careful about the $100 that you're missing. Do you pay rent? :lol: As you are not working, may I might suggest being very diplomatic.

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A good job while you are at home is to call around in your town and find if they have any programs for seniors in your grandmother's condition. Lots of times, they have painting classes, activities where they bring dogs and cats in and have musicians play, this is all for the care-giver to have a day off. The local YMCA is one of the places in my town who sponsors this and also the local senior center.


As for your car... wonderful to know your father is so good with tools and has such a fantastic mechanical ability. Hope your car continues to improve. Now just to conquer the oil and compression problems.


Hope you and Phil enjoyed the rest of the day.

The problem is that grandma can't be left alone. She's like a toddler you can't hire a sitter for. When they're home in CT, mom takes her out to the senior center, but stays with her.


Yeah, I think that given the right tools and funding, dad can fix anything. However, we don't always have the right tools and funding. :lol:


Phil never made it over here, but we'll see what happens when he gets out of work tomorrow. :rolleyes: At the very least, I'll see him at the store, because we actually need stuff this time.

The senior center here has lots of extra staff so that the people with various stages of dementia are watched closely. Plus they have so many activities, people are entertained and distracted. Your mother really needs to have a break. The stress must be very hard on her.


Funding... that is always a drawback. LOL


I think you will always 'need' something from the grocery store. LOL

The problem is that grandma is one of those stubborn types who most likely won't listen to anyone she doesn't know. The stress is getting to be difficult for mom, and her 5 brothers are usually not much help. The ones who want to help can't, and the ones who can help don't want to. :closedeyes: If things get too hard, we'll have to put grandma in a nursing home.


Yeah, funding is probably the #1 reason so many projects remain uncompleted. #2 is probably time.


Well yes, but this time I have a shopping list with more than three things on it. Actually, I figure it counts as "we need stuff" if I can't go through express checkout. :rolleyes: I hope dad left me his debit card like he was supposed to. Actually, I really ought to move the money back into my account from all the times I got groceries with my own card because dad forgot to give me his. I'm probably missing close to $100 by now. :rolleyes:

My heart goes out to your mother. She is such a wonderful person to do what she is doing. Being a 24 hour care-giver is so hard.


Here is how things go for me... when I have time, I have no money and when I have money, I have no time.


That's a good way to view if you really need stuff... if you can't go through the express checkout. Although, I would be careful about the $100 that you're missing. Do you pay rent? :lol: As you are not working, may I might suggest being very diplomatic.

I just talked to mom, she said she'll probably be coming back home with grandma after next weekend because it's too hard to take care of her up at camp.


That's exactly how it works for us too. Although we also have the problem of good weather for construction projects being the same as good weather for flying. :rolleyes:


I don't pay rent, but it's well-established that my parents pay for groceries (not like I eat much anyways lol). I just moved the money over a little while ago and let mom know. She sounded happy to not have to deal with it. :rolleyes: My parents regularly joke about how great it is that Phil works at the grocery store because I'm always willing to get groceries for them. :lol:

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A good job while you are at home is to call around in your town and find if they have any programs for seniors in your grandmother's condition. Lots of times, they have painting classes, activities where they bring dogs and cats in and have musicians play, this is all for the care-giver to have a day off. The local YMCA is one of the places in my town who sponsors this and also the local senior center.


As for your car... wonderful to know your father is so good with tools and has such a fantastic mechanical ability. Hope your car continues to improve. Now just to conquer the oil and compression problems.


Hope you and Phil enjoyed the rest of the day.

The problem is that grandma can't be left alone. She's like a toddler you can't hire a sitter for. When they're home in CT, mom takes her out to the senior center, but stays with her.


Yeah, I think that given the right tools and funding, dad can fix anything. However, we don't always have the right tools and funding. :lol:


Phil never made it over here, but we'll see what happens when he gets out of work tomorrow. :rolleyes: At the very least, I'll see him at the store, because we actually need stuff this time.

The senior center here has lots of extra staff so that the people with various stages of dementia are watched closely. Plus they have so many activities, people are entertained and distracted. Your mother really needs to have a break. The stress must be very hard on her.


Funding... that is always a drawback. LOL


I think you will always 'need' something from the grocery store. LOL

The problem is that grandma is one of those stubborn types who most likely won't listen to anyone she doesn't know. The stress is getting to be difficult for mom, and her 5 brothers are usually not much help. The ones who want to help can't, and the ones who can help don't want to. :closedeyes: If things get too hard, we'll have to put grandma in a nursing home.


Yeah, funding is probably the #1 reason so many projects remain uncompleted. #2 is probably time.


Well yes, but this time I have a shopping list with more than three things on it. Actually, I figure it counts as "we need stuff" if I can't go through express checkout. :rolleyes: I hope dad left me his debit card like he was supposed to. Actually, I really ought to move the money back into my account from all the times I got groceries with my own card because dad forgot to give me his. I'm probably missing close to $100 by now. :rolleyes:

My heart goes out to your mother. She is such a wonderful person to do what she is doing. Being a 24 hour care-giver is so hard.


Here is how things go for me... when I have time, I have no money and when I have money, I have no time.


That's a good way to view if you really need stuff... if you can't go through the express checkout. Although, I would be careful about the $100 that you're missing. Do you pay rent? :lol: As you are not working, may I might suggest being very diplomatic.

I just talked to mom, she said she'll probably be coming back home with grandma after next weekend because it's too hard to take care of her up at camp.


That's exactly how it works for us too. Although we also have the problem of good weather for construction projects being the same as good weather for flying. :rolleyes:


I don't pay rent, but it's well-established that my parents pay for groceries (not like I eat much anyways lol). I just moved the money over a little while ago and let mom know. She sounded happy to not have to deal with it. :rolleyes: My parents regularly joke about how great it is that Phil works at the grocery store because I'm always willing to get groceries for them. :lol:

I'm sorry to hear she has to come back early, but I do understand her predicament.


Speaking of construction... in Florida when it is good weather for construction workers to be working, then the fish are biting or the surf is up. When it is raining and no construction can be accomplished, then those same guys are home recovering from too many days off.


It's always great to have someone to send on errands. Feel like driving to Florida or Tennessee... I could always use someone to run to the pet store for me. :lol:

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That's a bit too far of a drive for me lol XD


Today was fun. I went grocery shopping and saw Phil, which was nice, and then he was able to come over for dinner, which was even better. ^_^

Did you cook?

Psh no. Me cooking = ramen or chicken noodle soup, unless I'm really feeling motivated. Dad made hamburgers, which Phil loved, because they were cooked properly and not burnt, like how his grandpa makes them. :rolleyes:

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That's a bit too far of a drive for me lol XD


Today was fun. I went grocery shopping and saw Phil, which was nice, and then he was able to come over for dinner, which was even better. ^_^

Did you cook?

Psh no. Me cooking = ramen or chicken noodle soup, unless I'm really feeling motivated. Dad made hamburgers, which Phil loved, because they were cooked properly and not burnt, like how his grandpa makes them. :rolleyes:

My preference for hamburgers is 'walking'. :lol:

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That's a bit too far of a drive for me lol XD


Today was fun. I went grocery shopping and saw Phil, which was nice, and then he was able to come over for dinner, which was even better. ^_^

Did you cook?

Psh no. Me cooking = ramen or chicken noodle soup, unless I'm really feeling motivated. Dad made hamburgers, which Phil loved, because they were cooked properly and not burnt, like how his grandpa makes them. :rolleyes:

My preference for hamburgers is 'walking'. :lol:

Haha :-p I like meat cooked medium well. Cooked, but not crispy.

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Today was good. I went over to Phil's house for the evening for dinner and to hang out and watch the opening ceremony for the olympics, as well as play video games for a bit. And there was a lot more kissing than normal. I think it's really starting to hit us that he goes back to college in two weeks, and I go back in three. I probably already said this but it's going to be really hard. Not just for me, but I think for him too. It might have been because he was tired, but he almost looked like he was going to cry at a couple points in the evening (which, keep in mind, he hasn't cried in years, presumably due to some form of psychological abuse/trauma from his stepmom when he was little). I actually did start crying on my way home.

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Today I did nothing. I got up after noon, and just kinda sat around all day. I wasn't really in a great mood all day. Tomorrow I have church, and then I'm going with Phil and Jazzy to their mom's house to visit with their family (their little sister is sick, I think it's really adorable that Phil came up with the idea to visit her).

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Today I did nothing. I got up after noon, and just kinda sat around all day. I wasn't really in a great mood all day. Tomorrow I have church, and then I'm going with Phil and Jazzy to their mom's house to visit with their family (their little sister is sick, I think it's really adorable that Phil came up with the idea to visit her).

I missed the opening ceremonies and wish I could have seen it. Hopefully, Phil's little sister gets well soon.

Today was so filled, that I am finally in San Francisco and I just need to get some well deserved sleep.

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Today I did nothing. I got up after noon, and just kinda sat around all day. I wasn't really in a great mood all day. Tomorrow I have church, and then I'm going with Phil and Jazzy to their mom's house to visit with their family (their little sister is sick, I think it's really adorable that Phil came up with the idea to visit her).

I missed the opening ceremonies and wish I could have seen it. Hopefully, Phil's little sister gets well soon.

Today was so filled, that I am finally in San Francisco and I just need to get some well deserved sleep.

Sleep is good. I didn't get nearly enough of it last night. For some reason I had a hard time falling asleep, and then had to get up early because I have church today. And like I said before, try searching online for video footage of the ceremonies.

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Today I did nothing. I got up after noon, and just kinda sat around all day. I wasn't really in a great mood all day. Tomorrow I have church, and then I'm going with Phil and Jazzy to their mom's house to visit with their family (their little sister is sick, I think it's really adorable that Phil came up with the idea to visit her).

I missed the opening ceremonies and wish I could have seen it. Hopefully, Phil's little sister gets well soon.

Today was so filled, that I am finally in San Francisco and I just need to get some well deserved sleep.

Sleep is good. I didn't get nearly enough of it last night. For some reason I had a hard time falling asleep, and then had to get up early because I have church today. And like I said before, try searching online for video footage of the ceremonies.

:o:o WHAAAAAATTTTTTTT???????? No mention of Phil in your post? :o:o

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Today I did nothing. I got up after noon, and just kinda sat around all day. I wasn't really in a great mood all day. Tomorrow I have church, and then I'm going with Phil and Jazzy to their mom's house to visit with their family (their little sister is sick, I think it's really adorable that Phil came up with the idea to visit her).

I missed the opening ceremonies and wish I could have seen it. Hopefully, Phil's little sister gets well soon.

Today was so filled, that I am finally in San Francisco and I just need to get some well deserved sleep.

Sleep is good. I didn't get nearly enough of it last night. For some reason I had a hard time falling asleep, and then had to get up early because I have church today. And like I said before, try searching online for video footage of the ceremonies.

:o:o WHAAAAAATTTTTTTT???????? No mention of Phil in your post? :o:o

There was nothing new to report about him between when my last two posts. He was sleeping at that time. :P


Now, on the other hand..... :rolleyes:


After church, I spent pretty much the whole day with him. Phil, Jazzy, and I all went to his mom's house to hang out for the day with his two little (half?) sisters, which was fun times. One is 12 and the other is 5. We spent most of the time playing video games and just being silly in general, and it was a great day overall. It was kinda fun to see Phil interacting with his younger sisters. I don't really want kids, but I know that if someday we get married and have kids anyways, Phil is going to make a wonderful father. Saying good bye at the end of the day is getting harder and harder, knowing that Phil is going back to college soon. Today was probably our longest goodbye yet, and I found myself once again crying as I drove home. Phil looked like he was very near tears too. I'm not sure what kind of shape I'm going to be in the first few weeks we're apart, but this is harder than I expected.

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Today I did nothing. I got up after noon, and just kinda sat around all day. I wasn't really in a great mood all day. Tomorrow I have church, and then I'm going with Phil and Jazzy to their mom's house to visit with their family (their little sister is sick, I think it's really adorable that Phil came up with the idea to visit her).

I missed the opening ceremonies and wish I could have seen it. Hopefully, Phil's little sister gets well soon.

Today was so filled, that I am finally in San Francisco and I just need to get some well deserved sleep.

Sleep is good. I didn't get nearly enough of it last night. For some reason I had a hard time falling asleep, and then had to get up early because I have church today. And like I said before, try searching online for video footage of the ceremonies.

:o:o WHAAAAAATTTTTTTT???????? No mention of Phil in your post? :o:o

There was nothing new to report about him between when my last two posts. He was sleeping at that time. :P


Now, on the other hand..... :rolleyes:


After church, I spent pretty much the whole day with him. Phil, Jazzy, and I all went to his mom's house to hang out for the day with his two little (half?) sisters, which was fun times. One is 12 and the other is 5. We spent most of the time playing video games and just being silly in general, and it was a great day overall. It was kinda fun to see Phil interacting with his younger sisters. I don't really want kids, but I know that if someday we get married and have kids anyways, Phil is going to make a wonderful father. Saying good bye at the end of the day is getting harder and harder, knowing that Phil is going back to college soon. Today was probably our longest goodbye yet, and I found myself once again crying as I drove home. Phil looked like he was very near tears too. I'm not sure what kind of shape I'm going to be in the first few weeks we're apart, but this is harder than I expected.

You will be going to be making lots of trips to his school. I can see this already.

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Today I did nothing. I got up after noon, and just kinda sat around all day. I wasn't really in a great mood all day. Tomorrow I have church, and then I'm going with Phil and Jazzy to their mom's house to visit with their family (their little sister is sick, I think it's really adorable that Phil came up with the idea to visit her).

I missed the opening ceremonies and wish I could have seen it. Hopefully, Phil's little sister gets well soon.

Today was so filled, that I am finally in San Francisco and I just need to get some well deserved sleep.

Sleep is good. I didn't get nearly enough of it last night. For some reason I had a hard time falling asleep, and then had to get up early because I have church today. And like I said before, try searching online for video footage of the ceremonies.

:o:o WHAAAAAATTTTTTTT???????? No mention of Phil in your post? :o:o

There was nothing new to report about him between when my last two posts. He was sleeping at that time. :P


Now, on the other hand..... :rolleyes:


After church, I spent pretty much the whole day with him. Phil, Jazzy, and I all went to his mom's house to hang out for the day with his two little (half?) sisters, which was fun times. One is 12 and the other is 5. We spent most of the time playing video games and just being silly in general, and it was a great day overall. It was kinda fun to see Phil interacting with his younger sisters. I don't really want kids, but I know that if someday we get married and have kids anyways, Phil is going to make a wonderful father. Saying good bye at the end of the day is getting harder and harder, knowing that Phil is going back to college soon. Today was probably our longest goodbye yet, and I found myself once again crying as I drove home. Phil looked like he was very near tears too. I'm not sure what kind of shape I'm going to be in the first few weeks we're apart, but this is harder than I expected.

You will be going to be making lots of trips to his school. I can see this already.

I really hope I'm able to, because I'm starting to think that such trips might be necessary for my sanity. :unsure:

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Today I did nothing. I got up after noon, and just kinda sat around all day. I wasn't really in a great mood all day. Tomorrow I have church, and then I'm going with Phil and Jazzy to their mom's house to visit with their family (their little sister is sick, I think it's really adorable that Phil came up with the idea to visit her).

I missed the opening ceremonies and wish I could have seen it. Hopefully, Phil's little sister gets well soon.

Today was so filled, that I am finally in San Francisco and I just need to get some well deserved sleep.

Sleep is good. I didn't get nearly enough of it last night. For some reason I had a hard time falling asleep, and then had to get up early because I have church today. And like I said before, try searching online for video footage of the ceremonies.

:o:o WHAAAAAATTTTTTTT???????? No mention of Phil in your post? :o:o

There was nothing new to report about him between when my last two posts. He was sleeping at that time.


Now, on the other hand.....


After church, I spent pretty much the whole day with him. Phil, Jazzy, and I all went to his mom's house to hang out for the day with his two little (half?) sisters, which was fun times. One is 12 and the other is 5. We spent most of the time playing video games and just being silly in general, and it was a great day overall. It was kinda fun to see Phil interacting with his younger sisters. I don't really want kids, but I know that if someday we get married and have kids anyways, Phil is going to make a wonderful father. Saying good bye at the end of the day is getting harder and harder, knowing that Phil is going back to college soon. Today was probably our longest goodbye yet, and I found myself once again crying as I drove home. Phil looked like he was very near tears too. I'm not sure what kind of shape I'm going to be in the first few weeks we're apart, but this is harder than I expected.

You will be going to be making lots of trips to his school. I can see this already.

I really hope I'm able to, because I'm starting to think that such trips might be necessary for my sanity. :unsure:

What sanity? LOL

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Today I did nothing. I got up after noon, and just kinda sat around all day. I wasn't really in a great mood all day. Tomorrow I have church, and then I'm going with Phil and Jazzy to their mom's house to visit with their family (their little sister is sick, I think it's really adorable that Phil came up with the idea to visit her).

I missed the opening ceremonies and wish I could have seen it. Hopefully, Phil's little sister gets well soon.

Today was so filled, that I am finally in San Francisco and I just need to get some well deserved sleep.

Sleep is good. I didn't get nearly enough of it last night. For some reason I had a hard time falling asleep, and then had to get up early because I have church today. And like I said before, try searching online for video footage of the ceremonies.

:o:o WHAAAAAATTTTTTTT???????? No mention of Phil in your post? :o:o

There was nothing new to report about him between when my last two posts. He was sleeping at that time.


Now, on the other hand.....


After church, I spent pretty much the whole day with him. Phil, Jazzy, and I all went to his mom's house to hang out for the day with his two little (half?) sisters, which was fun times. One is 12 and the other is 5. We spent most of the time playing video games and just being silly in general, and it was a great day overall. It was kinda fun to see Phil interacting with his younger sisters. I don't really want kids, but I know that if someday we get married and have kids anyways, Phil is going to make a wonderful father. Saying good bye at the end of the day is getting harder and harder, knowing that Phil is going back to college soon. Today was probably our longest goodbye yet, and I found myself once again crying as I drove home. Phil looked like he was very near tears too. I'm not sure what kind of shape I'm going to be in the first few weeks we're apart, but this is harder than I expected.

You will be going to be making lots of trips to his school. I can see this already.

I really hope I'm able to, because I'm starting to think that such trips might be necessary for my sanity. :unsure:

What sanity? LOL

The ptmy's stole it once, but eventually gave it back. Sheena never managed to get ahold of it. So it's in my possession most of the time (sometimes it likes to wander off).


Anyways, today was fun. Phil and I went out to the mall, wal-mart, and a couple other places (Michy's birthday party is in a couple days, we ended up getting her a wal-mart gift card and some sour skittles from both of us :lol: ) He probably would have come to hang out with me afterwords, but his uncle had dropped off his little cousin Trin right before he left, so he wanted to get back to be able to help his sister with the babysitting (and also prevent any possible irritation about him not helping out or something like that. Yaaaay staying on the good side of parental units and siblings). His grandparents are actually away for the week though, which means the computer curfew is unenforceable, and it doesn't really matter where he goes or for how long as long as he takes care of things that have been deemed his responsibility, which is good. I'm going to be driving him to and from work tomorrow, and he's probably going to come over and hang out for awhile after work, which should be fun. I need to go grocery shopping too (which I would have done anyways), so it works out well. I'll also be up early enough to get some things done while he's at work, which is good.

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So, Phil wasn't able to come over today because he wasn't feeling well. He actually called me to bring him home from work. He was feeling better a few hours later (seems like it was a combo of lunch not agreeing with him and simple dehydration). Tomorrow he should be able to hang out after work though, I'm going to be driving him home anyways. ^_^

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So, Phil wasn't able to come over today because he wasn't feeling well. He actually called me to bring him home from work. He was feeling better a few hours later (seems like it was a combo of lunch not agreeing with him and simple dehydration). Tomorrow he should be able to hang out after work though, I'm going to be driving him home anyways. ^_^

Glad to know Phil felt better soon. Being sick is no fun. You both will have a great day today.

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So, Phil wasn't able to come over today because he wasn't feeling well. He actually called me to bring him home from work. He was feeling better a few hours later (seems like it was a combo of lunch not agreeing with him and simple dehydration). Tomorrow he should be able to hang out after work though, I'm going to be driving him home anyways. ^_^

Glad to know Phil felt better soon. Being sick is no fun. You both will have a great day today.

I really hope so. ^_^ Tomorrow and Friday is Michy's birthday party, which we're both going to, and that should be fun. :)

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So, Phil wasn't able to come over today because he wasn't feeling well. He actually called me to bring him home from work. He was feeling better a few hours later (seems like it was a combo of lunch not agreeing with him and simple dehydration). Tomorrow he should be able to hang out after work though, I'm going to be driving him home anyways. ^_^

Glad to know Phil felt better soon. Being sick is no fun. You both will have a great day today.

I really hope so. ^_^ Tomorrow and Friday is Michy's birthday party, which we're both going to, and that should be fun. :)

Birthday parties are always fun. You both will have a really great time.

Besides... you get to have my favorite food... birthday cake. :D

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So, I just took a shower, and right after I got out of the shower, I got really lightheaded and almost passed out a few times. :wacko: I have no idea why. The only other time that's happened was hormone-related, and it's the exact opposite end of the month for that. Hopefully, it won't happen again. Especially since I need to go get Phil from work soon.

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So, I just took a shower, and right after I got out of the shower, I got really lightheaded and almost passed out a few times. :wacko: I have no idea why. The only other time that's happened was hormone-related, and it's the exact opposite end of the month for that. Hopefully, it won't happen again. Especially since I need to go get Phil from work soon.

How is your eating?

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So, I just took a shower, and right after I got out of the shower, I got really lightheaded and almost passed out a few times. :wacko: I have no idea why. The only other time that's happened was hormone-related, and it's the exact opposite end of the month for that. Hopefully, it won't happen again. Especially since I need to go get Phil from work soon.

That's not gooood.

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So, I just took a shower, and right after I got out of the shower, I got really lightheaded and almost passed out a few times. :wacko: I have no idea why. The only other time that's happened was hormone-related, and it's the exact opposite end of the month for that. Hopefully, it won't happen again. Especially since I need to go get Phil from work soon.

How is your eating?

Normal, for me. At odd hours perhaps, but no more or less than usual. I was oddly tired the past couple days too. And I've had plenty of water. I told Phil what happened when I got him, and he said, "Drink more water!" (jokingly, because I always tell him that when he's not feeling well). It occurred to me that the faintness might have been due to having the water a little bit too hot, and Phil said he's been lightheaded after showers before too. I told dad when he got home what happened, and he seemed concerned. If it happens again, a doctor's visit will be in order. o.O Phil ended up being too tired to hang out today again, this time because he didn't get much sleep last night. I'll see him tomorrow morning though, and will be with him until Friday. :lol:


And TBFOF: no, it's not good. It was quite scary actually. :ph34r:

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So, Michy's birthday party was tons of fun, and included a 1am trip to Denny's. :lol: I'm going to be staying home again this weekend, partly because Phil needs a ride to work tomorrow morning, and probably a ride back as well. I would probably type more, but as I'm sure you can guess, I'm not running on much sleep, and am very tired.

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Ohright, last post was vaguely incomplete. Other activities at the party included the usual brawl and mario kart, watching amusing online videos, and a trip to wal-mart in search of the equipment necessary to use a TV as a computer monitor. It was fun times. ^_^ Getting there was a bit challenging though, because right as we were getting to where I needed to be able to read road signs, it started pouring. The ride home was nice and sunny though, which was good, because I was really tired anyways. No one got much sleep. We didn't go to bed until probably after 4:30am, and were all in a small basement. So I was somewhat curled up on a couch with Phil, and another guy was sleeping on the other end of the couch, and there were other people on the floor. It would have been easier to sleep if I wasn't so used to sleeping laying down on my stomach. Most of the other people left around 6am, at which point Phil said I should probably get some sleep (seeing as I had to drive back home again) and moved off the couch to the floor so I could actually lay down and fall asleep for a little bit. When we got up a couple hours later, we went upstairs to where Michy had ended up sleeping (she wasn't feeling well, so she went to sleep on the living room couch), ate breakfast, and hung out for a little while before heading home. When I was saying good bye to Phil when I dropped him off at his house, he said, "Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that head of yours...." (Sometimes we end up just looking in each others' eyes, and sometimes he'll say "What?" to which I usually reply "nothing," so I assume this comment was in the same world of comments). And it made me think about what actually does go on inside my head when I'm just looking at him like that, and then later told him on maplestory that I came to the conclusion that it's usually something along the lines of "I love you so much," "Wow you're attractive," "Can I keep you?" and "You're adorable." And sometimes "You're such a dork ^_^" and "Why is it 11pm already?" But mostly the first four. His response was LOLZ. :lol: Which, given the fact that he was running on less sleep than me (at that point, I had taken a good nap and a shower), probably means there was a lot more going on in his head, but he lacked the brainpower to put it into words. :rolleyes:

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Today was fun, but is beginning to dissolve into chaos. :rolleyes: Phil didn't have to go to work until 4pm (which means he won't be out until 10pm), so we got the bright idea for me to come over for a little bit to hang out, and then drive him to work since I had to go grocery shopping anyways, which was cool. But of course I realized I didn't have the shopping list when we were on our way there, and of course dad didn't have his phone on him, so it looks like I'll be going back out again tomorrow. :lol: Our current idea is for me to pick him up from work tomorrow when I go do the rest of my shopping, and bring him home to hang out for the day.


Now the chaos: The hinge on my laptop is broken, and Dad's working on fixing it. As it is, my computer hinge is half disassembled, and my laptop is resting on the coffee table with the screen propped up on a stack of magazines. :lol: At least it's working though.


Also, grandma keeps trying to go "home," which she sincerely believes is right around the corner. :closedeyes: Mom wants dad to go get grandma's car and bring it home, and leave the miata with mom at camp, and she wants him to do it like right now. o.O (not sure how much that will help, but whatever.)


And the weekend is going to be insanity. Here's my current plan: Thursday morning, I drive up to camp (dad's going up wednesday night), and stay until roughly Friday afternon, to help dad with the roof (cabin roof is getting replaced this weekend). I come home Friday, and then go out with Phil and his family for a surprise dinner for Phil, since he goes back to college on Saturday. Saturday, I (hopefully) hang out with Phil and friends at their college. Sunday I go back to camp, load up Jenny's stuff in the minivan. Monday morning, (at like 5am) I drive Jenny to college and help her check in and move in. From there, there might be more hanging out with Phil and other assorted people. I haven't gotten that far yet. :wacko:

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You are going to be super busy the next few days.


Phil will love your plans and all the grocery shopping you are doing.


I certainly hope your father can fix your lappy.

My paws are crossed on this one. Start looking at Macs. :lol:


Poor grandma. :( That has to be so very hard on your mother.

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You are going to be super busy the next few days.


Phil will love your plans and all the grocery shopping you are doing.


I certainly hope your father can fix your lappy.

My paws are crossed on this one. Start looking at Macs. :lol:


Poor grandma. :( That has to be so very hard on your mother.

Teehee. I'm amused now. I swear Phil's brain is like telepathically wired to mine or something. :lol: He was supposed to get online after he got home from work for a little bit, but didn't. So I was kinda sad, and sent him a text message saying, "It looks like you're not going to make it online tonight, so I just wanted to say good night, and let me know if you can hang out tomorrow. I love you. <3 *hugs*" About two seconds later, (not enough time for him to have read my text and responded) I got a text from him saying that he can hang out tomorrow, as per the plan I described earlier. So he must have been typing his text at the same time I was typing mine :lol: So, that's quite entertaining to me. ^_^


I think dad can fix it. And I'm sorry, but I can't stand macs. They confuse me. I like my PC. :lol:


And yes, it is getting to be really hard on my mom. Luckily, she came to her senses and dad didn't have to go all the way to camp today. (Mom's not very rational when she's upset) Grandma is going to get worse until she passes away, unfortunately. Eventually, we're going to have to put her in a nursing home. We're just trying to delay that for as long as possible. :closedeyes:

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The power was out for all of this morning. <_< Although it gave me a chance to sort through some stuff on my computer, drain the battery, and read part of the new National Geographic magazine. ^_^ Next on the list of fun things to do is going grocery shopping and bringing Phil home to hang out. ^_^

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Today was fun. ^_^ Phil got out an hour early and called to tell me. He sounded really happy, it was SO adorable. ^_^ We spent most of the evening playing MS and watching anime, as well as eating dinner. And then around 10pm we went swimming. :lol: Which was a lot of fun, but it was freezing. And I was shivering. I still am shivering, despite the fact that I'm wearing dry clothes now, and have been out of the water for an hour. Still, totally worth it. :rolleyes: I'll be putting warm pajamas on and going to sleep soon anyways. We're hoping that tomorrow I can pick Phil up from work and hang out at his house for the evening. And then Thursday I go to camp, and the chaos weekend begins.

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Today was fun. ^_^ Phil got out an hour early and called to tell me. He sounded really happy, it was SO adorable. ^_^ We spent most of the evening playing MS and watching anime, as well as eating dinner. And then around 10pm we went swimming. :lol: Which was a lot of fun, but it was freezing. And I was shivering. I still am shivering, despite the fact that I'm wearing dry clothes now, and have been out of the water for an hour. Still, totally worth it. :rolleyes: I'll be putting warm pajamas on and going to sleep soon anyways. We're hoping that tomorrow I can pick Phil up from work and hang out at his house for the evening. And then Thursday I go to camp, and the chaos weekend begins.

Crazy fun!

Now you need a fireplace to warm up in front of. :rolleyes:

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