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The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy

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I like the green party cause my fovorite color is green!

(not really)


Personallllllllllllllllly i think that the us stinks and we should all move to japan! Except the non-anime/manga likers!

No, You are completely wrong! We should not move to Japan!
































































































































































































































































































Their language is too hard to learn. We should all move to canada! :D

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Ruins lives?


You mean, soilders being drafted? When they sign up for the army, and they sign the dotted line, it says that you may be drafted. Bush doesn't work for the Army. Not his deal.



Terrorism? Everyone has terrorists. It's not Bush's fault.



What else is Bush's fault?

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Ruins lives?


You mean, soilders being drafted? When they sign up for the army, and they sign the dotted line, it says that you may be drafted. Bush doesn't work for the Army. Not his deal.

Terrorism? Everyone has terrorists. It's not Bush's fault.

What else is Bush's fault?

Terrorism? Bush has caused Osama and Al Queada to have so many terrorists volunteer to fight against America, Osama can't hide them all. Bush caused this by his EVIL policy on the Middle East and more to the point on Lybia and Syria.

Ruins lives? yes he does. Europe is annoyed. Think there's gonna be an election in 2008? Wrong, by then Bush will have blown it up. Logic.

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  • 1 month later...
Terrorism? Bush has caused Osama and Al Queada to have so many terrorists volunteer to fight against America, Osama can't hide them all. Bush caused this by his EVIL policy on the Middle East and more to the point on Lybia and Syria.

Ruins lives? yes he does. Europe is annoyed. Think there's gonna be an election in 2008? Wrong, by then Bush will have blown it up. Logic.

An Answer would be nice....

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Ok people! You heard the Hamster! Let us zip it! *Deathly scilence follows*

...was looking through the board favourites and found this...

my comment is: methinks Mr. Grim is too attatched to his scythe, elsewise he wouldn't try to include it in every remotely eligible word. (scythe; scilence)


I'm just playing, in case you could'nt tell.

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Ruins lives?


You mean, soilders being drafted? When they sign up for the army, and they sign the dotted line, it says that you may be drafted. Bush doesn't work for the Army. Not his deal.

Terrorism? Everyone has terrorists. It's not Bush's fault.

What else is Bush's fault?

1. Abu Ghraib

2. invading Iraq and Afghanistan under false pretenses

3. September 11th

4. increases in Global Warming

5. the universal hatred of Americans

6. the deaths of many innocent Iraqi civilians as well as the deaths of many American and allied troops

7. the plummeting of the U. S. Economy

etc., etc., etc.

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Terrorism? Bush has caused Osama and Al Queada to have so many terrorists volunteer to fight against America, Osama can't hide them all. Bush caused this by his EVIL policy on the Middle East and more to the point on Lybia and Syria.

Ruins lives? yes he does. Europe is annoyed. Think there's gonna be an election in 2008? Wrong, by then Bush will have blown it up. Logic.

Oddly enough, or not (well, okay, definately not oddly), I agree 99%. But Bush is unwilling to destroy his sheep, not when they're all suddenly transforming into ravenous wolves. He needs his sheep so that they're the ones who are eaten. Not him.

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...was looking through the board favourites and found this...

my comment is: methinks Mr. Grim is too attatched to his scythe, elsewise he wouldn't try to include it in every remotely eligible word. (scythe; scilence)


I'm just playing, in case you could'nt tell.

I do love my scythe. *stalks the dark passage ways for an appointment with the Chinese Chairman*

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Well, actually, it was offensive, just luckily not to The Grim Hamster Lord.  The doves in Cinderella poked out the stepsisters eyes, and I had no desire to suffer a similar fate, no doubt with a bonus burning sensation due to phoenixal (word?) involvement.

Fantastic word. Pheonixal. I like that.

*files that word away for lots of future use*

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That falls under C., along with crazy.


As does: Religous central Americans who love Bush because he is complete theocrat, gets religon involved in politics (which, it shouldn't. We got that out of our system long ago, when we stopped being Catholic) and hates all things sciece-riffic. Oh and he hates anything that helps people and everything European.


Examples of helping people:

1) Abortion

2) Euthansia (Mrs.Schiavo is finally allowed to die, thank you supreme court for letting her husband win. But know her parents have to be childish and kick up a fuss about burial rights. What a bunch of afore-mentioned closed minded religous idiots.)

3) A nice chiny free health care system

4) Getting rid of the passage in the constitution that allows gun totting manics to blast your brains out at any given moment.

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As does: Religous central Americans who love Bush because he is complete theocrat, gets religon involved in politics (which, it shouldn't. We got that out of our system long ago, when we stopped being Catholic) and hates all things sciece-riffic. Oh and he hates anything that helps people and everything European.


Examples of helping people:

1) Abortion

2) Euthansia (Mrs.Schiavo is finally allowed to die, thank you supreme court for letting her husband win. But know her parents have to be childish and kick up a fuss about burial rights. What a bunch of afore-mentioned closed minded religous idiots.)

3) A nice chiny free health care system

4) Getting rid of the passage in the constitution that allows gun totting manics to blast your brains out at any given moment.


2) About Mrs. Schiavo, it does bring up an interesting point: Who has the right to your life when you can't control it yourself? Maybe people should write out a "will" that says who can decide what happens to them in such a situation; that way it's more on a personal basis, which it should be. For example I would give my parents that permission over my spouse, but again that's just me.


I'm not disagreeing with you, just looking at how this controversy could be helped/prevented.


4) Do you mean the right to bear arms? JF has found that the easier it is to get guns, the less shootings there are (ie. it's hard to get guns in New York, so there are more shootings there). Why? Because people won't bother to use guns for violence if they know that other people could have them. But I think JF can explain it better than I do.

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2) About Mrs. Schiavo, it does bring up an interesting point: Who has the right to your life when you can't control it yourself? Maybe people should write out a "will" that says who can decide what happens to them in such a situation; that way it's more on a personal basis, which it should be. For example I would give my parents that permission over my spouse, but again that's just me.


I'm not disagreeing with you, just looking at how this controversy could be helped/prevented.


4) Do you mean the right to bear arms? JF has found that the easier it is to get guns, the less shootings there are (ie. it's hard to get guns in New York, so there are more shootings there). Why? Because people won't bother to use guns for violence if they know that other people could have them. But I think JF can explain it better than I do.

2) Yes, that probably should crop up in a will and be mandatory, but it isn't so leaves us with people having to make a difficult decision.


4) JF? I don't know who that is, if you added a K on the end I would but otherwise no. I'd still say that no guns is better than loads of guns. I haven't heard of a shooting for about 2 months now, because apart from Army training camps and the rarely used Police Amoury, oh and the air guns for clay pidgeon shooting and the now extinct hunting, there aren't any in the country. (That's probably an over-statement) Although, when there is a shooting, its a big one.

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As does: Religous central Americans who love Bush because he is complete theocrat,


ahem, sorry to start arguing as soon as i get back, BUT, technicaly, Bush is not a theocrat.

Don't get "religious" confuzed with "theocratic"

A theocracy is a form of government in which a diety is recognized as the supreme ruler. there is only one form of government in the US. it is called democracy. the laws are made by the people not by God. there can not be theocracy AND democracy. Bush is a religious democrat, period.

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ahem, sorry to start arguing as soon as i get back, BUT, technicaly, Bush is not a theocrat.

Don't get "religious" confuzed with "theocratic"

A theocracy is a form of government in which a diety is recognized as the supreme ruler.  there is only one form of government in the US. it is called democracy. the laws are made by the people not by God. there can not be theocracy AND democracy. Bush is a religious democrat, period.

So glad to have another voice. :D

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ahem, sorry to start arguing as soon as i get back, BUT, technicaly, Bush is not a theocrat.

Don't get "religious" confuzed with "theocratic"

A theocracy is a form of government in which a diety is recognized as the supreme ruler.  there is only one form of government in the US. it is called democracy. the laws are made by the people not by God. there can not be theocracy AND democracy. Bush is a religious democrat, period.

Bush does say he has "god is on my (his) die" doesn't he and say that all his actions are God's will? I used the theocrat because Bush mixes Religon too much in politics and he does it to get votes, the nasty little rat.

Correction, although it may have originally been a democracy, it is no longer a democracy, but a Republic. And you can tel this by the way that even when the Democrats ARE in power, the structure doesn't change and the fact the structure is a carbon copy of the Roman Empire's structure and it is like Pre-Nazi Germany's government. (please note, it is defintely NOT a democracy because of Clause 42. Republics are not good. Do not support them. You just ASK for a Hitler/Star Wars' emperor kind of thing happening.)

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2) Yes, that probably should crop up in a will and be mandatory, but it isn't so leaves us with people having to make a difficult decision.


4) JF? I don't know who that is, if you added a K on the end I would but otherwise no. I'd still say that no guns is better than loads of guns. I haven't heard of a shooting for about 2 months now, because apart from Army training camps and the rarely used Police Amoury, oh and the air guns for clay pidgeon shooting and the now extinct hunting, there aren't any in the country. (That's probably an over-statement) Although, when there is a shooting, its a big one.

You would? I know of two famous JFK's in Usa alone. 1. John F. Kennedy, a former American president, and 2. John F. Kerry, who ran against Bush last election...

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ahem, sorry to start arguing as soon as i get back, BUT, technicaly, Bush is not a theocrat.

Don't get "religious" confuzed with "theocratic"

A theocracy is a form of government in which a diety is recognized as the supreme ruler.  there is only one form of government in the US. it is called democracy. the laws are made by the people not by God. there can not be theocracy AND democracy. Bush is a religious democrat, period.

Actually, they're made by the Legislature...

Bush is a republican, dear, sorry...

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I shall tell you a story. Today, my father went to vote for something. There was a man 25 feet away from the building, holding up a sign. My father went in, voted, and came out. He went up to the man.


"Hey...was that the rebublican canidate?" He asked, pointing to the sign.




"Oh..man! I voted for the wrong person!" -sarcasim-

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quote=Erendayu,Apr 6 2005, 12:00 AM]

You would?  I know of two famous JFK's in Usa alone.  1. John F. Kennedy, a former American president, and 2. John F. Kerry, who ran against Bush last election...

I'm suprised Kerry didn't use that in some way.

"Look at the last JFK to rule... I mean... err.... be president of this great country, he was one of the best negotiaters and diplomats the world has ever seen! So what can a second JFK do? Just as good!"
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I shall tell you a story. Today, my father went to vote for something. There was a man 25 feet away from the building, holding up a sign. My father went in, voted, and came out. He went up to the man.


"Hey...was that the rebublican canidate?" He asked, pointing to the sign.




"Oh..man! I voted for the wrong person!" -sarcasim-

He was probably still more right-er (I call the process of unessecary addition of -ers onto words that should never have -er on the end a Bushism) person to vote for than the Republican candidate if Bush is anything to go by.

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He was probably still more right-er (I call the process of unessecary addition of -ers onto words that should never have -er on the end a Bushism) person to vote for than the Republican candidate if Bush is anything to go by.


Hmmm. Yeah. Definantly. Why don't we just put a sticker on our heads that say "I'm for murder!" if were democrats? I know Bush isn't the greatest president, but were in the greatest country in the world, and we are safe, and have freedom. I can't imagin John Kerry doing better.

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Hmmm. Yeah. Definantly. Why don't we just put a sticker on our heads that say "I'm for murder!" if were democrats? I know Bush isn't the greatest president, but were in the greatest country in the world, and we are safe, and have freedom. I can't imagin John Kerry doing better.

:rolleyes: You've already done that under the Republicans Toto, I think the Democrats might have more sense and take the stickers off.

If you have a very lax definition of safe, freedom and great.

He could of probably brought you back into the boom years of the 90's.

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This whole republicans/democrats thing is pointless. I hate the way both of the parties work. Why can't there be a president independent of the two? Let's have something different for a change.

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Bush does say he has "god is on my (his) die" doesn't he and say that all his actions are God's will? I used the theocrat because Bush mixes Religon too much in politics and he does it to get votes, the nasty little rat.

Correction, although it may have originally been a democracy, it is no longer a democracy, but a Republic. And you can tel this by the way that even when the Democrats ARE in power, the structure doesn't change and the fact the structure is a carbon copy of the Roman Empire's structure and it is like Pre-Nazi Germany's government. (please note, it is defintely NOT a democracy because of Clause 42. Republics are not good. Do not support them. You just ASK for a Hitler/Star Wars' emperor kind of thing happening.)


Ah-ha! So I'm not the only one who noticed that Usa is no longer a democracy!!!

There is supposed to be a wall between church and state, but Dubya had blown it to smithereens with his policies.

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Hmmm. Yeah. Definantly. (1.)Why don't we just put a sticker on our heads that say "I'm for murder!" if were democrats? I know Bush isn't the greatest president, (2.)but were in the greatest country in the world, and we are safe, and have freedom. (3.)I can't imagin John Kerry doing better.

I'm trying really hard not to be mean, but,

1.a. Dubya was the "execution governor". When he was governor of Texas, do you know how many people he killed? Thought not.

1.b. Remind me who sent us to war again?

1.c. If murder is such a terrible thing, than why are we democrats against it, and ye republicans for it.

2. It's statements like this that get everyone hating us, as David Sedaris says "It's not like everyone else is saying 'We're number two!'" (or approximately thereabouts)

3.a. Kerry, unlike Bush, is a Vietnam vet. He knows what war is like and would only use it as a last resort. Bush was "in" the Air National Guard, doing such dangerous things as having his teeth fixed, while Kerry was risking his life.

3.b. Kerry also had the courage to come back and protest against the war, despite his prior involvement.

3.c. In other words, I can.

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Democrats?...SENSE?! I'm sorry, but wasn't it Clinton who cheated on his wife? -laughs-

We don't like wars as much as Bushie, and, as David Horsey (Seattle Post-Intelligencer) said,

"Which will prove more damaging to the nation? Clinton's lies?... or the things Bush believes are true?"

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Democrats?...SENSE?! I'm sorry, but wasn't it Clinton who cheated on his wife? -laughs-

*laughs moronically*

Republicans?... Not be a facsist who shouldn't be allowed to walk the earth? Hah, I'm sorry but aren't the Republicans the one who made Bush the leader?

And these allegations were ever proven on Clinton? More likely its just the muck spreading Republicans... again! Is there a single election they can win without using slander or false inforamtion?

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This whole republicans/democrats thing is pointless. I hate the way both of the parties work. Why can't there be a president independent of the two? Let's have something different for a change.

Even if a third party was created, no one would vote for it beause America is traditionally a two party state. And that has its advatages sometimes, for example prevents certain isolationist factions creeping in. Then again thats covered by the two parties isn't it? All the stupid issues are always covered by the big parties, whereas over here we just leave the extremists to talk about that rubbish. Although now the Tories have cottoned onto it. Doesn't matter anyway, polls show Blair up, Howard down and Kennedy muttering rubbish.

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Ah-ha!  So I'm not the only one who noticed that Usa is no longer a democracy!!!

There is supposed to be a wall between church and state, but Dubya had blown it to smithereens with his policies.

But of course Toto (if this was the World Hunger topic, might start spreading propoganda) will insult me, then my country and basically start claiming she is of mulitple nationalities. Which one are you today Toto? American? Anglo-Italian? Chinese?

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I'm trying really hard not to be mean, but,

1.a. Dubya was the "execution governor".  When he was governor of Texas, do you know how many people he killed?  Thought not.

Do you want to know something? Last year there were more death sentences handed out than ever before (except under Maggie Thatcher. :lol: :lol: Although I think even that certain someone topped the pile of dead bodies left in the wake of the Iron Madien)? And can you guess who gave out the most? I'll give you their Initals: GWB (jr) a.k.a OBL!

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Even if a third party was created, no one would vote for it beause America is traditionally a two party state. And that has its advatages sometimes, for example prevents certain isolationist factions creeping in. Then again thats covered by the two parties isn't it? All the stupid issues are always covered by the big parties, whereas over here we just leave the extremists to talk about that rubbish. Although now the Tories have cottoned onto it. Doesn't matter anyway, polls show Blair up, Howard down and Kennedy muttering rubbish.


I don't want a third party. I don't want any parties. I want presidents to be more than just one thing or another - I want presidents to be unique, independent, not conforming to a party's standards. But I guess that's asking a lot of America.

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*laughs moronically*

Republicans?... Not be a facsist who shouldn't be allowed to walk the earth? Hah, I'm sorry but aren't the Republicans the one who made Bush the leader?

And these allegations were ever proven on Clinton? More likely its just the muck spreading Republicans... again! Is there a single election they can win without using slander or false inforamtion?

Oh my! That's what I wanted to say, but didn't have the nerve! *resists urge to look out the window for AD's (Agents of Dubya)*

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I don't want a third party. I don't want any parties. I want presidents to be more than just one thing or another - I want presidents to be unique, independent, not conforming to a party's standards. But I guess that's asking a lot of America.

That's probably the best thing, individual presidents who aren't tied down with inter-party splits and schisms.

It may be asking a lot, but why not do it gradually? Take it in steps, if the step to individual presidents is too big, why not take a smaller step?

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Let's remember that I too am British. I'm just not proud... And, today I am Antarctic.

No you're not! You're Anglo-Italian, and you made sure we knew as well. Or are you Chinese? I can never seem to remember which nationality you are because somehow you manage to change it as many times as you want. You can't be Antarctic unless you are a Penguin or seal.


ANd you should be proud of your country. You often live in it, it may have its faults or problems, but its still your country.

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I'm American, TGHL. I've lived here all my life.


And, yes. I am Italian, if you wish to trace the background history. Who cares if I'm whatever percent british. I love Italy more.

Living somewhere all your life makes you of that continent? I don't think so, your race is where your ancestors are from, not where you live.


Good for you Toto, good for you. Be what ever race you want to be in your multi-racial background, I'm sure you can get an easy visa or citizenship there because you're an ex-patriot of there, and I'm sure you can blend in easily. Just find somewhere you feel happiest in and stay there.

Anyway who cares what race you are? I don't. Do I care if someone is from France or America? No. They can be from under the sea and I really don't care, because we're all from the same DNA in the sea. And even if you don't take evolution as our cause for existance, we all come from the same man and woman, Adam And Eve.

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Living somewhere all your life makes you of that continent? I don't think so, your race is where your ancestors are from, not where you live.


Good for you Toto, good for you. Be what ever race you want to be in your multi-racial background, I'm sure you can get an easy visa or citizenship there because you're an ex-patriot of there, and I'm sure you can blend in easily. Just find somewhere you feel happiest in and stay there.

Anyway who cares what race you are? I don't. Do I care if someone is from France or America? No. They can be from under the sea and I really don't care, because we're all from the same DNA in the sea. And even if you don't take evolution as our cause for existance, we all come from the same man and woman, Adam And Eve.

I, personally, would find that interesting.

1. communication with merfolk

2. how do they use a computer and the internet and whatnot underwater?

But your sentiments are good, whether you like that or not.

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It says a lot... that Britain now is freer than the U.S.

The irony...

Indded. Well... we've always been free since the Magna Carta really. Yeah, but I know what you mean. U.S. saying it is the "True Democracy" and can only be, sorry I mean, be the ONLY country that has peacekeeping status and Nuclear missiles.

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I, personally, would find that interesting.

1. communication with merfolk

2. how do they use a computer and the internet and whatnot underwater?

But your sentiments are good, whether you like that or not.

So would I.

1. Watch this space for Bush either:

1) poisoning them all

2) making a hilarious statement and forcing the merfolk to join the EU. Need I mention the "Hamburg" incident?


2. Laminate them, like Horatio.


Oh Darn it all to heck, if it wasn't for the fact all my moral energy is used up on being anti-racist, I would retract that statement for something less moral and more evil.

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  • 1 month later...

felt like posting  :lol:

More pointless than Bush's second term.

obviously-- Bush's second term has a point, and that is to make everyone in the world either hate or fear Usa.

It depends where you live. The rest of the Western World would be hate, for the Eastern, its an intoxicating mix of fear and hate.

Anyone noticed how the East/West boundires have changed now?

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Errr.  This sounds really familiar, only last time Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord was on the other side of things.  I'm sure that you are mistaken in thinking that Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord hates you, and I recommend you prevetn Silvia from seeing this, lest she should go ballistic.

:lol:  :rolleyes:  :blink:

I know, it seems as if I am either being hated/hating people on this site....

... :(

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Errr.  This sounds really familiar, only last time Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord was on the other side of things.  I'm sure that you are mistaken in thinking that Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord hates you, and I recommend you prevetn Silvia from seeing this, lest she should go ballistic.

:lol:  :rolleyes:  :blink:

I know, it seems as if I am either being hated/hating people on this site....

... :(

Is that sadness at what I said, which I cannot remember, which I apologise for. Although I don't know what it is.


Or is that sadness at the fact of the hatred at me and my hatred for certain people on this site? Well, no one hates me at the minute and I hate no one. Well... No one on this site :D;) except DTH. Anyway, do not feel sad for me, for I choose the path I walk. But does the walker choose the path or the path the walker?

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Errr.  This sounds really familiar, only last time Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord was on the other side of things.  I'm sure that you are mistaken in thinking that Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord hates you, and I recommend you prevetn Silvia from seeing this, lest she should go ballistic.

:lol:  :rolleyes:  :blink:

I know, it seems as if I am either being hated/hating people on this site....

... :(

Is that sadness at what I said, which I cannot remember, which I apologise for. Although I don't know what it is.


Or is that sadness at the fact of the hatred at me and my hatred for certain people on this site? Well, no one hates me at the minute and I hate no one. Well... No one on this site :D;) except DTH. Anyway, do not feel sad for me, for I choose the path I walk. But does the walker choose the path or the path the walker?

...sadness at my contribution...to the deplorable state of... ... ... well... everything.

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I remember DTH. I got on his case right quick, remember?

Wow, what a joke.


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Errr.  This sounds really familiar, only last time Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord was on the other side of things.  I'm sure that you are mistaken in thinking that Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord hates you, and I recommend you prevetn Silvia from seeing this, lest she should go ballistic.

:lol:  :rolleyes:  :blink:

I know, it seems as if I am either being hated/hating people on this site....

... :(

Is that sadness at what I said, which I cannot remember, which I apologise for. Although I don't know what it is.


Or is that sadness at the fact of the hatred at me and my hatred for certain people on this site? Well, no one hates me at the minute and I hate no one. Well... No one on this site :D;) except DTH. Anyway, do not feel sad for me, for I choose the path I walk. But does the walker choose the path or the path the walker?

...sadness at my contribution...to the deplorable state of... ... ... well... everything.

Only way you can change something is by doing something about it. Like "accidently" killing Bush.

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Errr.  This sounds really familiar, only last time Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord was on the other side of things.  I'm sure that you are mistaken in thinking that Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord hates you, and I recommend you prevetn Silvia from seeing this, lest she should go ballistic.

:lol:  :rolleyes:  :blink:

I know, it seems as if I am either being hated/hating people on this site....

... :(

Is that sadness at what I said, which I cannot remember, which I apologise for. Although I don't know what it is.


Or is that sadness at the fact of the hatred at me and my hatred for certain people on this site? Well, no one hates me at the minute and I hate no one. Well... No one on this site :D;) except DTH. Anyway, do not feel sad for me, for I choose the path I walk. But does the walker choose the path or the path the walker?

...sadness at my contribution...to the deplorable state of... ... ... well... everything.

Only way you can change something is by doing something about it. Like "accidently" killing Bush.

...is a nice idea, but hard to accomplish.

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Errr.  This sounds really familiar, only last time Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord was on the other side of things.  I'm sure that you are mistaken in thinking that Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord hates you, and I recommend you prevetn Silvia from seeing this, lest she should go ballistic.

:lol:  :rolleyes:  :blink:

I know, it seems as if I am either being hated/hating people on this site....

... :(

Is that sadness at what I said, which I cannot remember, which I apologise for. Although I don't know what it is.


Or is that sadness at the fact of the hatred at me and my hatred for certain people on this site? Well, no one hates me at the minute and I hate no one. Well... No one on this site :D;) except DTH. Anyway, do not feel sad for me, for I choose the path I walk. But does the walker choose the path or the path the walker?

...sadness at my contribution...to the deplorable state of... ... ... well... everything.

Only way you can change something is by doing something about it. Like "accidently" killing Bush.

...is a nice idea, but hard to accomplish.

Oh I don't know... I could do it given the funds and time.

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Errr.  This sounds really familiar, only last time Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord was on the other side of things.  I'm sure that you are mistaken in thinking that Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord hates you, and I recommend you prevetn Silvia from seeing this, lest she should go ballistic.

:lol:  :rolleyes:  :blink:

I know, it seems as if I am either being hated/hating people on this site....

... :(

Is that sadness at what I said, which I cannot remember, which I apologise for. Although I don't know what it is.


Or is that sadness at the fact of the hatred at me and my hatred for certain people on this site? Well, no one hates me at the minute and I hate no one. Well... No one on this site :D;) except DTH. Anyway, do not feel sad for me, for I choose the path I walk. But does the walker choose the path or the path the walker?

...sadness at my contribution...to the deplorable state of... ... ... well... everything.

Only way you can change something is by doing something about it. Like "accidently" killing Bush.

...is a nice idea, but hard to accomplish.

Oh I don't know... I could do it given the funds and time.

...Big Brother [Dubya] is watching you...

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Errr.  This sounds really familiar, only last time Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord was on the other side of things.  I'm sure that you are mistaken in thinking that Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord hates you, and I recommend you prevetn Silvia from seeing this, lest she should go ballistic.

:lol:  :rolleyes:  :blink:

I know, it seems as if I am either being hated/hating people on this site....

... :(

Is that sadness at what I said, which I cannot remember, which I apologise for. Although I don't know what it is.


Or is that sadness at the fact of the hatred at me and my hatred for certain people on this site? Well, no one hates me at the minute and I hate no one. Well... No one on this site :D;) except DTH. Anyway, do not feel sad for me, for I choose the path I walk. But does the walker choose the path or the path the walker?

...sadness at my contribution...to the deplorable state of... ... ... well... everything.

Only way you can change something is by doing something about it. Like "accidently" killing Bush.

...is a nice idea, but hard to accomplish.

Oh I don't know... I could do it given the funds and time.

...Big Brother [Dubya] is watching you...

AMazing how 1982 is coming true in 2000-2008 and probably for some time after that as well, and the irony is that Britain may as well be Air strip 1 for America because Blair brown noses Bush most of the time, although he is at war with him about the G8 conference and of course the enviroment strategy.

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felt like posting  :lol:

More pointless than Bush's second term.

obviously-- Bush's second term has a point, and that is to make everyone in the world either hate or fear Usa.

It depends where you live. The rest of the Western World would be hate, for the Eastern, its an intoxicating mix of fear and hate.

Anyone noticed how the East/West boundires have changed now?

TGHL. What do you mean about the bounderies?

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felt like posting  :lol:

More pointless than Bush's second term.

obviously-- Bush's second term has a point, and that is to make everyone in the world either hate or fear Usa.

It depends where you live. The rest of the Western World would be hate, for the Eastern, its an intoxicating mix of fear and hate.

Anyone noticed how the East/West boundires have changed now?

TGHL. What do you mean about the bounderies?

The concept of the boundry. In the cold war, Europe and America was West, USSR and Eastern EUrope was East. But now the boundries have changed. The boundry between East and West had changed, it circles most of the Middle East and the bits between India, China, Russia and Iran. It also snicks in in Korea, China and most of Indonesia too.

Economically speaking, the boundries have change too. North and South boundries have changed in the divide between Rich North, Poor South (Australia is obviously the exception, as is NZ). Russia is in there now, as is Korea, Eastern Europe and Saudi Arabia and Kuwait (very rich and rapidly developing countries). Probably Egypt and S.Africa if you want to be generous. Maybe CHina too.....

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AMazing how 1982 is coming true in 2000-2008 and probably for some time after that as well, and the irony is that Britain may as well be Air strip 1 for America because Blair brown noses Bush most of the time, although he is at war with him about the G8 conference and of course the enviroment strategy.


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AMazing how 1982 is coming true in 2000-2008 and probably for some time after that as well, and the irony is that Britain may as well be Air strip 1 for America because Blair brown noses Bush most of the time, although he is at war with him about the G8 conference and of course the enviroment strategy.


Dickens. Did I type 1982 instead of 1984? Must be the fact I was thinking of Catch 22 at the time.

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Errr.  This sounds really familiar, only last time Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord was on the other side of things.  I'm sure that you are mistaken in thinking that Mr. The Grim Hamster Lord hates you, and I recommend you prevetn Silvia from seeing this, lest she should go ballistic.

:lol:  :rolleyes:  :blink:

I know, it seems as if I am either being hated/hating people on this site....

... :(

Is that sadness at what I said, which I cannot remember, which I apologise for. Although I don't know what it is.


Or is that sadness at the fact of the hatred at me and my hatred for certain people on this site? Well, no one hates me at the minute and I hate no one. Well... No one on this site :D;) except DTH. Anyway, do not feel sad for me, for I choose the path I walk. But does the walker choose the path or the path the walker?

...sadness at my contribution...to the deplorable state of... ... ... well... everything.

Only way you can change something is by doing something about it. Like "accidently" killing Bush.

...is a nice idea, but hard to accomplish.

Oh I don't know... I could do it given the funds and time.

...Big Brother [Dubya] is watching you...

AMazing how 1982 is coming true in 2000-2008 and probably for some time after that as well, and the irony is that Britain may as well be Air strip 1 for America because Blair brown noses Bush most of the time, although he is at war with him about the G8 conference and of course the enviroment strategy.

...errr... 1984...?

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I remember DTH. I got on his case right quick, remember?

Wow, what a joke.



Hmm, was he that guy that I ate like, 10 times? Or was that someone else?

That was him. MW managed to snatch him a couple of times as well though.



That is why Jesse and Mega Wolf are my heros.

(tosses them each a box of randomly flavoured micicles; hopes Mega Wolf gets hers; figures Jesse will; that's an awful lot of text and semicolons for one parenthethetical set)

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AMazing how 1982 is coming true in 2000-2008 and probably for some time after that as well, and the irony is that Britain may as well be Air strip 1 for America because Blair brown noses Bush most of the time, although he is at war with him about the G8 conference and of course the enviroment strategy.


Dickens. Did I type 1982 instead of 1984? Must be the fact I was thinking of Catch 22 at the time.


Yes, you did. :)

I remember DTH. I got on his case right quick, remember?

Wow, what a joke.



Hmm, was he that guy that I ate like, 10 times? Or was that someone else?

That's the one. I remember the one reply in his topic I made where it took me ten minutes of storming on the keyboard about how I: "I can't believe you would get on her just to write that! I can't believe why anyone would write that! Yadayadayada! rararararar! blablabla!" Good times, man. :P



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AMazing how 1982 is coming true in 2000-2008 and probably for some time after that as well, and the irony is that Britain may as well be Air strip 1 for America because Blair brown noses Bush most of the time, although he is at war with him about the G8 conference and of course the enviroment strategy.


Dickens. Did I type 1982 instead of 1984? Must be the fact I was thinking of Catch 22 at the time.


Yes, you did. :)

I remember DTH. I got on his case right quick, remember?

Wow, what a joke.



Hmm, was he that guy that I ate like, 10 times? Or was that someone else?

That's the one. I remember the one reply in his topic I made where it took me ten minutes of storming on the keyboard about how I: "I can't believe you would get on her just to write that! I can't believe why anyone would write that! Yadayadayada! rararararar! blablabla!" Good times, man. :P



The Golden age of the HBs.

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AMazing how 1982 is coming true in 2000-2008 and probably for some time after that as well, and the irony is that Britain may as well be Air strip 1 for America because Blair brown noses Bush most of the time, although he is at war with him about the G8 conference and of course the enviroment strategy.


Dickens. Did I type 1982 instead of 1984? Must be the fact I was thinking of Catch 22 at the time.


Yes, you did. :)

I remember DTH. I got on his case right quick, remember?

Wow, what a joke.



Hmm, was he that guy that I ate like, 10 times? Or was that someone else?

That's the one. I remember the one reply in his topic I made where it took me ten minutes of storming on the keyboard about how I: "I can't believe you would get on her just to write that! I can't believe why anyone would write that! Yadayadayada! rararararar! blablabla!" Good times, man. :P



Hopefully he/she/it won't find us here. This is a hamster sanctuary!

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AMazing how 1982 is coming true in 2000-2008 and probably for some time after that as well, and the irony is that Britain may as well be Air strip 1 for America because Blair brown noses Bush most of the time, although he is at war with him about the G8 conference and of course the enviroment strategy.


Dickens. Did I type 1982 instead of 1984? Must be the fact I was thinking of Catch 22 at the time.


Yes, you did. :)

I remember DTH. I got on his case right quick, remember?

Wow, what a joke.



Hmm, was he that guy that I ate like, 10 times? Or was that someone else?

That's the one. I remember the one reply in his topic I made where it took me ten minutes of storming on the keyboard about how I: "I can't believe you would get on her just to write that! I can't believe why anyone would write that! Yadayadayada! rararararar! blablabla!" Good times, man. :P



The Golden age of the HBs.

...EVIL... EVIL... deth2hamsters-or-whatever was EVIL!

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AMazing how 1982 is coming true in 2000-2008 and probably for some time after that as well, and the irony is that Britain may as well be Air strip 1 for America because Blair brown noses Bush most of the time, although he is at war with him about the G8 conference and of course the enviroment strategy.


Dickens. Did I type 1982 instead of 1984? Must be the fact I was thinking of Catch 22 at the time.


Yes, you did. :)

I remember DTH. I got on his case right quick, remember?

Wow, what a joke.



Hmm, was he that guy that I ate like, 10 times? Or was that someone else?

That's the one. I remember the one reply in his topic I made where it took me ten minutes of storming on the keyboard about how I: "I can't believe you would get on her just to write that! I can't believe why anyone would write that! Yadayadayada! rararararar! blablabla!" Good times, man. :P



The Golden age of the HBs.

...EVIL... EVIL... deth2hamsters-or-whatever was EVIL!

I know, but the age between his termination and his reappearance is what I call the golden age.

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I remember DTH. I got on his case right quick, remember?

Wow, what a joke.



Hmm, was he that guy that I ate like, 10 times? Or was that someone else?

He tasted good, didn't he?

I wouldn't know...


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