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Here I am again. :D


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I wasn't here for a longer time- many things changed.  :blink:


Well, I just wanted to say hello. What's going on?


We have missed you so much!!!! How is life treating you? How was your job? Are you still at the same job you were this summer? Are you in university now? What is going on??????????? So happy to see you again! :D

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We have missed you so much!!!!  How is life treating you?  How was your job?  Are you still at the same job you were this summer?  Are you in university now?  What is going on???????????  So happy to see you again! :D



I'm absolving my civilian service at the moment- it's the third of nine months.

I'm working in a foster home for physically disabled and mentally disordered people in the age of 50+. The oldest is 97 years old.

It's hard work, but ok.

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I'm absolving my civilian service at the moment- it's the third of nine months.

I'm working in a foster home for physically disabled and mentally disordered people in the age of 50+. The oldest is 97 years old.

It's hard work, but ok.

That must be extremely hard work. I have volunteered in an Orphanage and also taught swimming to the mentally challenged. There was another program that I was involved in to teach horseback riding to the mentally challenged. That was a wonderful program. I would still be there, but I had moved out of state.

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Hello Leguan, I am not sure who you are, for we have never met, but it is nice to see you back. I guess I will fill you in a bit on myself so we can get to know each other better. My Name is Nick, I am 12 years old, I live in New York. I am in the 7th grade(And Hating it),I love the outdoors and playing sports,(Excpet football and Baseball...). As you can tell by my username, I love MONEY!!!I am also TBFOF ( The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy ). I guess I will list a few of my favorites...

Drink ~ Milk

Food ~ Angel Hair Pasta or Scallops

Travel Location ~ Kiawah Island, South Carolina or Anywhere in Ireland

Subject ~ English

Game System ~ Xbox

Sport ~ Basketball

Im sorry, My mom is calling, I have to go, I will finish later... :)

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Hello Leguan, I am not sure who you are, for we have never met, but it is nice to see you back. I guess I will fill you in a bit on myself so we can get to know each other better. My Name is Nick, I am 12 years old, I live in New York. I am in the 7th grade(And Hating it),I love the outdoors and playing sports,(Excpet football and Baseball...). As you can tell by my username, I love MONEY!!!I am also TBFOF ( The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy ). I guess I will list a few of my favorites...

Drink ~ Milk

Food ~ Angel Hair Pasta or Scallops

Travel Location ~ Kiawah Island, South Carolina or Anywhere in Ireland

Subject ~ English

Game System ~ Xbox

Sport ~ Basketball

Im sorry, My mom is calling, I have to go, I will finish later... :)

*falls over laughing* AN XBOX! HA HA! AN XBOX! THAT IS AS BAD AS BUYING A N-GAGE! *recovers* Sell your Xbox and buy a Gamecube and PS2. Both are brilliant. XBox's only good games are Halo and Mechwarrior.

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I'm absolving my civilian service at the moment- it's the third of nine months.

I'm working in a foster home for physically disabled and mentally disordered people in the age of 50+. The oldest is 97 years old.

It's hard work, but ok.


Nice. Civilian service? *explain please :rolleyes: *

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*falls over laughing* AN XBOX! HA HA! AN XBOX! THAT IS AS BAD AS BUYING A N-GAGE! *recovers* Sell your Xbox and buy a Gamecube and PS2. Both are brilliant. XBox's only good games are Halo and Mechwarrior.

*agrees, without the mocking* Yes, Gamecube and PS2 are great.

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Nice. Civilian service? *explain please  :rolleyes: *



Usually in germany all male people in the age of 18-23years who are physically (there's a physical examination) and mentally abled to do so have to absolve a 9-month basic military service at the "Bundeswehr" (german army).

You can deny this service by writing an essay about the reasons why it is against your precepts.

If it passes, you have to do an alternative service.

People who do civilian service have to do jobs of public utility. They get the same pay like the people absolving military service.

It is not much- I get all in all 430 Euros per month (approx. 500 Dollars) for 38,5 hours work per week.


Hello Leguan, I am not sure who you are, for we have never met, but it is nice to see you back.


Well I know you already by having read several postings. ;)


As you have already noticed, I'm from germany, male and 19 years old. :rolleyes:

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*falls over laughing* AN XBOX! HA HA! AN XBOX! THAT IS AS BAD AS BUYING A N-GAGE! *recovers* Sell your Xbox and buy a Gamecube and PS2. Both are brilliant. XBox's only good games are Halo and Mechwarrior.

2 Things...

I do have all 3 of them...


And what do you mean by THAT IS AS BAD AS BUYING A N-GAGE! ...? I just got one and it ROCKS

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2 Things...

I do have all 3 of them...


And what do you mean by THAT IS AS BAD AS BUYING A N-GAGE! ...? I just got one and it ROCKS

N-gage? Rocks??? *decides to give TGHL a cakie to say I agree with what you say about the n-gage*

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2 Things...

I do have all 3 of them...


And what do you mean by THAT IS AS BAD AS BUYING A N-GAGE! ...? I just got one and it ROCKS

HA HA HA! AN N-GAGE! OMG, IT IS RUBBISH! YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE THING APART TO CHANGE GAMES! GBA RULES! SO DOES THE NINTENDO DS! I LAUGH AT YOUR PATHETIC CONCEPTIONS OF A GOOD GAMING CONSOLE! *Calms down* Sell your N-Gage boy, buy a DS. It's coming out in November in the states, we however have to wait until January.

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Usually in germany all male people in the age of 18-23years who are physically (there's a physical examination) and mentally abled to do so have to absolve a 9-month basic military service at the "Bundeswehr" (german army).

You can deny this service by writing an essay about the reasons why it is against your precepts.

If it passes, you have to do an alternative service.

People who do civilian service have to do jobs of public utility. They get the same pay like the people absolving military service.

It is not much- I get all in all 430 Euros per month (approx. 500 Dollars) for 38,5 hours work per week.

Well I know you already by having read several postings. ;)


As you have already noticed, I'm from germany, male and 19 years old.  :rolleyes:



Ah, fun. :)

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H/O, Lemme make sure we we are talking about the same N-Gage...The Nokia N-Gage...?...

Yes, the worst ever handheld gaming device known to man. YOU HAVE TO HOLD IT SIDEWAYS ON IN ORDER TO USE IT AS A PHONE! The graphics are PS1 standard, where as GBA graphics can achieve GC standard!

Edited by Horatio
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*pats Honey on the head and gives her money for being such a good child and supporting Nintendo*

*laughs at ML for believing in the face of all evidence that the N-Gage is good*

That money should get ML to change his mind....

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi leguan,

i'm so happy i decided to visit the boards, so i got the chance to say 'hi' to you. it's so long since i've seen you, or anyone for the matter. your job sounds very demanding, but i'm sure it is very rewarding as well.

i am working now too. i am a pharmacy technician. i enjoy it. although i still have plans of going to school for more training. i hope you will succeed in all your plans. take care.

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hi leguan,

i'm so happy i decided to visit the boards, so i got the chance to say 'hi' to you. it's so long since i've seen you, or anyone for the matter. your job sounds very demanding, but i'm sure it is very rewarding as well.

i am working now too. i am a pharmacy technician. i enjoy it. although i still have plans of going to school for more training. i hope you will succeed in all your plans. take care.

Hello Poison_Ivy! Welcome back. You have a great job. Hope you stop back every now and then. :D

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Hello Poison_Ivy!  Welcome back.  You have a great job.  Hope you stop back every now and then. :D


hi horatio. it's nice to talk to you again. please just call me Ivy ^_^ and thank you.

I will try to drop in now and again.

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Ivy, what are your plans for school and your career?


my original goal was to become a radiologic technician. (x-rays ect.) however since i have been working as a pharmacy tech. i have noticed the growing demand for pharmacists. Now i am at a point where i could go either way. it is really a matter i need to sit down and think about.

whatever i decide, i wish to go to a buissness college and learn that specific trade.

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my original goal was to become a radiologic technician. (x-rays ect.) however since i have been working as a pharmacy tech. i have noticed the growing demand for pharmacists. Now i am at a point where i could go either way. it is really a matter i need to sit down and think about.

whatever i decide, i wish to go to a buissness college and learn that specific trade.

That is fantastic! I am glad that you took some time to think about what you would like to do. You will be spending quite a few years doing that job, so I commend you for your decisions! :D

*hands Ivy The Black Bat Award*

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Poison Ivy!!!!!!!!! I mean IVY!!!!! OMG Do you remeber me from the old old boards?? We were pretty good friends, Westie22? OMG. I wanted to see you again so bad but when I finally came back again in april I was looking for you and you werent here. But Now you are!!! OMG Im so happy!!!I doubt you remember me tho, Its been so long...4-5years...

hi horatio. it's nice to talk to you again. please just call me Ivy ^_^  and thank you.

I will try to drop in now and again.

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hi leguan,

i'm so happy i decided to visit the boards, so i got the chance to say 'hi' to you. it's so long since i've seen you, or anyone for the matter. your job sounds very demanding, but i'm sure it is very rewarding as well.

i am working now too. i am a pharmacy technician. i enjoy it. although i still have plans of going to school for more training. i hope you will succeed in all your plans. take care.


IVY!!! *tackle* I haven't seen you for years! Sounds like you have a fun job. ^_^

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my original goal was to become a radiologic technician. (x-rays ect.) however since i have been working as a pharmacy tech. i have noticed the growing demand for pharmacists. Now i am at a point where i could go either way. it is really a matter i need to sit down and think about.

whatever i decide, i wish to go to a buissness college and learn that specific trade.

GASP! The great and knowledgable Poision Ivy has returned!

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hi leguan,

i'm so happy i decided to visit the boards, so i got the chance to say 'hi' to you. it's so long since i've seen you, or anyone for the matter. your job sounds very demanding, but i'm sure it is very rewarding as well.

i am working now too. i am a pharmacy technician. i enjoy it. although i still have plans of going to school for more training. i hope you will succeed in all your plans. take care.


IVY!!!!!!! Queen of the color wheel!!!!! ^_^ Good to see you again!!! ^_^

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That is fantastic!  I am glad that you took some time to think about what you would like to do.  You will be spending quite a few years doing that job, so I commend you for your decisions! :D

*hands Ivy The Black Bat Award*


thank you horatio. :) i'm afraid you'll have to explain the Black Bat Award, though.... :huh:

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Poison Ivy!!!!!!!!! I mean IVY!!!!! OMG Do you remeber me from the old old boards?? We were pretty good friends, Westie22? OMG. I wanted to see you again so bad but when I finally came back again in april I was looking for you and you werent here. But Now you are!!! OMG Im so happy!!!I doubt you remember me tho, Its been so long...4-5years...


believe it or not, i do remember you a little bit. but i was at the old boards for such a short time before they switched to the new format, that i hardly rememebr anyone from back then. But It is wonderful to hear from you again anyway. :) how are things going now?

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GASP! The great and knowledgable Poision Ivy has returned!


hi! i'm not really great or knowledgeable, but if you keep calling me that i will give you cookies :D

anyway, although i don't think we ever talked very much, it's nice to see you again.

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hi leguan,

i'm so happy i decided to visit the boards, so i got the chance to say 'hi' to you. it's so long since i've seen you, or anyone for the matter. your job sounds very demanding, but i'm sure it is very rewarding as well.

i am working now too. i am a pharmacy technician. i enjoy it. although i still have plans of going to school for more training. i hope you will succeed in all your plans. take care.


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thank you horatio.  :)  i'm afraid you'll have to explain the Black Bat Award, though.... :huh:

You are awarded The Black Bat Award when you do something that is really good for yourself. Just the fact that you are taking your time and thinking about what you want to do is great! Your parents must be really proud of you! :D

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You are awarded The Black Bat Award when you do something that is really good for yourself.  Just the fact that you are taking your time and thinking about what you want to do is great!  Your parents must be really proud of you! :D


i hope they are. i think they are.

what about you? i think you said you were involved in helping the mentally dissabled? is that the carreer you're interested in?

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i hope they are. i think they are.

what about you? i think you said you were involved in helping the mentally dissabled? is that the carreer you're interested in?

I have worked teaching horseback riding and swimming to people of all walks of life. This is very rewarding. But as a hamster, I fly jet planes as a career.

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hi! i'm not really great or knowledgeable, but if you keep calling me that i will give you cookies  :D

anyway, although i don't think we ever talked very much, it's nice to see you again.

I shall silence myself then and will be expecting the 1st delievery of cookies soon! :D

No, you left before I came. I have just heard many things (all good! :) ) about you and I am glad that I have had the chance to meet you.

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Whoa...You can remeber that when I cant remember what I did 2nd period today. Its so great to hear from you again. I am doing fine...Ive recently started(again) a thinking program called Odyssey of the Mind. Its where you get a problem and must solve it in the most creative way you can think of. It is quite fun. Ive been doing it for 4 years now..School this year is pretty tough on me. I was placed in all andavced classes and Im really taking a beating from them.But if we get out of the school life...Im doing very well. Im getting involed in other things...Like community service...On the weekends I will volunteer for local nursing homes. I am trying to go through all my old things, such as toys, stuffed animals, games, etc. and donating them to orphanages. I also do lemonade stands and bake sales where i donate half the money to charitable causes. I am also doing another program, Reflection, where you get a topic and must do something for it. I choose photography. I did this last year and was fortunet enough to get 3nd Place in the State competion. Sorry about my spelling tonight..Im so tired...So nough about me, How are you doing?

believe it or not, i do remember you a little bit. but i was at the old boards for such a short time before they switched to the new format, that i hardly rememebr anyone from back then. But It is wonderful to hear from you again anyway. :) how are things going now?

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I shall silence myself then and will be expecting the 1st delievery of cookies soon! :D

No, you left before I came. I have just heard many things (all good! :) ) about you and I am glad that I have had the chance to meet you.


I hope you like chocolate chip! My Aunt Penny bakes the best, so I've brought you a special batch from her :) *hands Grim a big box that smells of chocolate chips*


I am glad i have had the chance to meet you as well.

It is a strange feeling to have my reputation proceed me. :blush:

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Whoa...You can remeber that when I cant remember what I did 2nd period today. Its so great to hear from you again. I am doing fine...Ive recently started(again) a thinking program called Odyssey of the Mind. Its where you get a problem and must solve it in the most creative way you can think of. It is quite fun. Ive been doing it for 4 years now..School this year is pretty tough on me. I was placed in all andavced classes and Im really taking a beating from them.But if we get out of the school life...Im doing very well. Im getting involed in other things...Like community service...On the weekends I will volunteer for local nursing homes. I am trying to go through all my old  things, such as toys, stuffed animals, games, etc. and donating them to orphanages. I also do lemonade stands and bake sales where i donate half the money to charitable causes. I am also doing another program, Reflection, where you get a topic and must do something for it. I choose photography. I did this last year and was fortunet enough to get 3nd Place in the State competion. Sorry about my spelling tonight..Im so tired...So nough about me, How are you doing?


It's wonderful that you care about people enough to try and make a difference. And also that you take the time to exercise your mind. for that I award you a Black Bat Award :)


now what about me? i'm almost as boring as my bedroom rug. except for the mysterious spot that suddenly appeared on it yesterday.... :blink:

I don't know what you remember about me..... i don't remember about me from 4-5 years ago, so i'll start with a couple years ago (about the time i left the boards)

A few bad things have happened and a few good things.

At the beginning of 2003 there were two deaths in my family. It is very hard, we don't cry as much now but it's still hard. I would rather not disscuss it in detail.

After that I finnished school. i got a job as a cashier for 6 months untill a position opened in a nearby pharmacy. I have been working there for about 7 months. I work part-time so i can use my spare time for volenteering. (I am involved in Bible education)

i have a driver's permit and i am working on getting a license. I don't if they test you on paralel parking everywhere, but they do here. so that's what i need to practice. :P


that's about all there is (i hope this post isn't too long)

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i have a driver's permit and i am working on getting a license. OH NO!!!  What state do you live in?  If you are in Florida, warn me please! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



I don't if they test you on paralel parking everywhere, but they do here. so that's what i need to practice.  :P  I am a great, I repeat FANTASTICALLY GREAT parallel parker.  I can tell you how to do it and you will always get it!


i hope this post isn't too long  Never!!! :D nm

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I hope you like chocolate chip! My Aunt Penny bakes the best, so I've brought you a special batch from her :)  *hands Grim a big box that smells of chocolate chips*


I am glad i have had the chance to meet you as well.

It is a strange feeling to have my reputation proceed me. :blush:

Hmm... I like the nickname Grim... hmmmm...... COOKIES!

Edited by Horatio
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OH NO!!!  What state do you live in?  If you are in Florida, warn me please!  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  very funny. don't worry, i'm a couple days' drive north of florida.


I am a great, I repeat FANTASTICALLY GREAT parallel parker.  I can tell you how to do it and you will always get it!

okay. i'm listening  :)


Never!!!  :D  nm


:)  :)  :)

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OH NO!!! What state do you live in? If you are in Florida, warn me please!

...very funny. don't worry, i'm a couple days' drive north of florida.

Phew... *feels totally relieved* Oh no, both you and Jesusfreak up in the north with driver's permits!!!!!! :blink:


I am a great, I repeat FANTASTICALLY GREAT parallel parker. I can tell you how to do it and you will always get it!

...okay. i'm listening

Thinks about it as it occurs automatically, I will go and do it and make sure I have not missed a step. Then I will be back to put it in written form.

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Im sorry to here of your deaths. A coinsidence...I had too family members die that year too :( On very unfortunate dates...Chirstmas and my moms birthday. Congrats and Good job on finishing school! I find it great too that you are involved in bible education!! By the way, Thank you for the award.



If you would like to see a LONG post...Go to HD news In i think hado and look at TGHL's first news report. :D

It's wonderful that you care about people enough to try and make a difference. And also that you take the time to exercise your mind. for that I award you a Black Bat Award  :) 


now what about me?  i'm almost as boring as my bedroom rug. except for the mysterious spot that suddenly appeared on it yesterday....    :blink:

I don't know what you remember about me..... i don't remember about me from 4-5 years ago, so i'll start with a couple years ago (about the time i left the boards)

A few bad things have happened and a few good things.

At the beginning of 2003 there were two deaths in my family.  It is very hard, we don't cry as much now but it's still hard.  I would rather not disscuss it in detail.

After that I finnished school. i got a job as a cashier for 6 months untill a position opened in a nearby pharmacy. I have been working there for about 7 months. I work part-time so i can use my spare time for volenteering. (I am involved in  Bible education)

i have a driver's permit and i am working on getting a license. I don't if they test you on paralel parking everywhere, but they do here. so that's what i need to practice.  :P


that's about all there is (i hope this post isn't too long)

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hmmm..... i seem to remember starting something of this nature with Sheena a looong time ago. so, i shall graciously end it here, considering how long this could take...

*imagines Mega Wolf and Ivy old and decrepid*

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A most opportune meeting this is, Ivy, for it seems as if we have started off very well... Have we?


*trying to think of something witty and funny to say* (unsuccessful)


oh well, i'll just state it simply:


quite well. :D

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OH NO!!!  What state do you live in?  If you are in Florida, warn me please! 

...very funny. don't worry, i'm a couple days' drive north of florida.

Phew... *feels totally relieved*  Oh no, both you and Jesusfreak up in the north with driver's permits!!!!!! :blink:

perhaps we shall run into eachother someday.... i mean, not literally.

I am a great, I repeat FANTASTICALLY GREAT parallel parker.  I can tell you how to do it and you will always get it!

...okay. i'm listening

Thinks about it as it occurs automatically, I will go and do it and make sure I have not missed a step.  Then I will be back to put it in written form.

thank you for your desire to be accurate  :D

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OH NO!!!  What state do you live in?  If you are in Florida, warn me please! 

...very funny. don't worry, i'm a couple days' drive north of florida.

Phew... *feels totally relieved*  Oh no, both you and Jesusfreak up in the north with driver's permits!!!!!! :blink:

perhaps we shall run into each other someday.... i mean, not literally.

I am a great, I repeat FANTASTICALLY GREAT parallel parker.  I can tell you how to do it and you will always get it!

...okay. i'm listening

Thinks about it as it occurs automatically, I will go and do it and make sure I have not missed a step.  Then I will be back to put it in written form.

thank you for your desire to be accurate  :D


I had to go and practice a couple times taking notes. If anyone was watching I must have looked crazy. Here goes, I wanted to make a drawing as it would have made things easier, so let me know if you do not understand.


1. Pass the spot in which you wish to park and pull up alongside the vehicle in front of that spot. There should be about three feet between both cars. You will pull up until you, the driver, are equal with the driver's seat in the other car.


2. Now put the car into reverse and go straight back until you are about even with the back window of the other car meets the trunk. (If you have a big engine in the car you are driving you will have to go further back, say perhaps until you are lined up with the bumper of the other car.)


3. Turn the wheel hard to the right. Continue in reverse with the wheel hard right until you are at the end of the other car.


4. Straighten the wheel and continue back until your front bumper just slightly passes the rear bumper of the car in front of the space.


5. Now turn the wheel hard left and continue back until your front wheels are almost at the curb.


6. Straighten the wheel and you might need to pull forward a bit just to center the car in the spot. You should be 6 to 8 inches from the curb.




For some reason, I think I have messed up a step. I will go and try this again first thing tomorrow morning and make any corrections. Then it should be perfect.


Sorry it took me so long.

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I had to go and practice a couple times taking notes.  If anyone was watching I must have looked crazy. Here goes, I wanted to make a drawing as it would have made things easier, so let me know if you do not understand.


1.  Pass the spot in which you wish to park and pull up alongside the vehicle in front of that spot.  There should be about three feet between both cars.  You will pull up until you, the driver, are equal with the driver's seat in the other car. 


2.  Now put the car into reverse and go straight back until you are about even with the back window of the other car meets the trunk.  (If you have a big engine in the car you are driving you will have to go further back, say perhaps until you are lined up with the bumper of the other car.)


3.  Turn the wheel hard to the right.  Continue in reverse with the wheel hard right until you are at the end of the other car.


4.  Straighten the wheel and continue back until your front  bumper just slightly passes the rear bumper of the car in front of the space. 


5.  Now turn the wheel hard left and continue back until your front wheels are almost at the curb. 


6.  Straighten the wheel and you might need to pull forward a bit just to center the car in the spot.  You should be 6 to 8 inches from the curb.

For some reason, I think I have messed up a step.  I will go and try this again first thing tomorrow morning and make any corrections.  Then it should be perfect.


Sorry it took me so long.


THANK YOU SO MUCH! *gives Horatio and Pat a cookie each*

I shall study these instructions and go and practice!

Thank you so much for going through all that trouble and possibly looking silly in front of the neighbors. You're wonderful! :D

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THANK YOU SO MUCH! *gives Horatio and Pat a cookie each*

I shall study these instructions and go and practice!

Thank you so much for going through all that trouble and possibly looking silly in front of the neighbors. You're wonderful!  :D

Thanks for the cookies. I ate both of them. Patricia had nothing to do with the driving. Haven't you ever seen the Geico Gecko? He has a wonderful convertible. :lol::lol::lol: Anyway, I need to check these instructions one more time before you study them. After I reread my notes, something seemed to be missing.


To better explain about the practicing, the car was not parked along the curb but perpendicular to it, driven up to the building. Such as if you pulled your car up to a closed garage door. That is why I looked strange.


I will return in a couple of hours and verify my instructions. :D

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