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Phase: One


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Halloween!! SA-WEET!! It be just arond teh cor-ner. ^_^ I do love this holiday so. So, yeah, as I decided quite a while ago because i'm a loser, i'm going to be a ninja for halloween. It's going to be so cool. ...possibly even cooler than my pirate costume last year. That one kicked so much butt. I swear, I could have been a real pirate.



....so.....young-in's, what are you going to be for this compleatly wicked awesome holiday?

Edited by Horatio
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all right wolfunit, may the cosmic cheese find you well.

(don't ask, It doesn't mean much to him either)

haight-ashbury sounds like it was an iteresting place, how much still exists? if I am ever there may have to find out. all I know is kersey was the coherent one on the tape. and that I guess is saying something.

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I was Thinking of being Barney......


































































































































































Not really, IDK what i want to be

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all right wolfunit, may the cosmic cheese find you well.

(don't ask, It doesn't mean much to him either)

haight-ashbury sounds like it was an iteresting place, how much still exists? if I am ever there may have to find out. all I know is kersey was the coherent one on the tape. and that I guess is saying something.

Um... yeah. :lol:

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of course, if you really dressed as a ninja,you would have on regular clothes, things that wouldn't attract attention, but allowed freedom of movement. then you would strike, there's a reason most ninja weapons look like garden tools.

Yeah, I got the coolest fake katona ever! And I have nun chucks (sp)! But it's not that plain. I've got black pants and shirt and stuff, but I have black fabric strips that I'm going to wrap around and arms and legs. It's goingto look so cool. ^__^ And i'm gunna make a cool head thing.

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Yeah, I got the coolest fake katona ever! And I have nun chucks (sp)! But it's not that plain. I've got black pants and shirt and stuff, but I have black fabric strips that I'm going to wrap around and arms and legs. It's goingto look so cool. ^__^ And i'm gunna make a cool head thing.

What is a katona? :huh:

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It's actually spelled katana. It's a Japanese sword.

My brother has two wooden ones...

Sorry, my spelling is horrible. Yeah, what she said.


Yeah, my friend has one, it's real and awesome and sexy. ^__^

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Ok, just checking. Once you get past the creepyness of his scissors, I suppose to some people he is cute in that movie. I dunno. He just looked creepy to me O_o

No way, ever with the siccors he's cute. He's all innocent and helpless. He's the best. I love that movie.

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