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Taynio's Pet Photo Gallery

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Here I will post my animals and their pictures. Check frequently, as there will be current pictures. Also, I will see if Horatio can create a poll to see which picture is the best! (IN THE FUTURE)

Absolutely! I would love to create a poll. I am really anxious to see your pets. :D

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************** ****NEW PICTURES**** ***************

Are being put here. I am going to try to update Daily/Weekly. I WANT comments on these pictures on what you think and how you think I should take the picture.


I want to know if I should have them in a different position, enviornment, etc.!!!!






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They aren't producing egss that will live? That's odd. Maybe theres something wrong with one of them...

They produce eggs and they might live. The first time, we had a special person incubating them, but he has like 1000 other reptiles to take care of, so they heated up and died.


The second time was because my step-dad was forgetfull that snakes can produce eggs more than 1x a year.

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They produce eggs and they might live. The first time, we had a special person incubating them, but he has like 1000 other reptiles to take care of, so they heated up and died.


The second time was because my step-dad was forgetfull that snakes can produce eggs more than 1x a year.

Ah okay. So it's not their fault really...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Whoa...It looks like the white one is a ghost or something in the last 2 pics...It has a white glow around it...Or maybe its my computer.. <_<

She, Charlie, is my guardian angel! That is why she glows! Unfortunately though, she busted one of my front teeth a while ago and had to get a porcelain or whatever tooth.

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New pictures coming either Tues, Wed, or Thurs, or maybe not for a while.


I have to prepare for a competition for ROTC.

I am excited for the new pics, but I can be patient.


What kind of competition does the ROTC have and how do you need to prepare?

Good luck! Let us know when it is. :D

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I am excited for the new pics, but I can be patient.


What kind of competition does the ROTC have and how do you need to prepare?

Good luck!  Let us know when it is. :D


The comp is the 20th................but I have to train for it.


The kind of comp is with rifles.





OH NO! I fell asleep!


I started this thing at like 6 pm and now it is 7 am...........................................



I was sick yesterday............................

Edited by Horatio
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*still waiting for Taynio's pictures*  :blink:

I dont have any time and wont untill monday.


For the last two weeks, the rest of this week, I am getting up at 5 am and going to the school at 630 and not getting home untill about 630 pm.


On Saturday, I will have to get up at like 3 am and go to the school at 4 am. I will not be back home untill about 8 pm.


On Sunday, I am going to sleep, hopefully. Monday is when I will take pictues......

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I dont have any time and wont untill monday.


For the last two weeks, the rest of this week, I am getting up at 5 am and going to the school at 630 and not getting home untill about 630 pm.


On Saturday, I will have to get up at like 3 am and go to the school at 4 am. I will not be back home untill about 8 pm.


On Sunday, I am going to sleep, hopefully. Monday is when I will take pictues......

How did the competition go? Hope that you did well.

I could not imagine putting in so many hours at school during the week and then having to be at school at 04H00 on a Saturday. You are really working hard! :blink:

Get some sleep Sunday and we will hope that sometime next week you will have a few free minutes. I just wanted to let you know that I was still interested! Not trying to have you do too much. :)

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How did the competition go?  Hope that you did well.

I could not imagine putting in so many hours at school during the week and then having to be at school at 04H00 on a Saturday.  You are really working hard! :blink:

Get some sleep Sunday and we will hope that sometime next week you will have a few free minutes.  I just wanted to let you know that I was still interested!  Not trying to have you do too much. :)



*sniff* *sniff* :(:(:(:(


I didn't go to the school Thursday, Friday, and the competition today.



I have been sick (but didn't really realize it) for the last week and a half. I went to the hospital Thursday to see what was wrong.


Well, my doctor was checking me ( i am not going to go into details) and thought that either my apendix or gull blader was going to explode so needless to say, I was at the hospital all day. They took blood work and a stat ct and found nothing, sadly.


I did so many thing at the hospital that day and still didnt find out what was wrong with me....talk about queer.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Whoa...It looks like the white one is a ghost or something in the last 2 pics...It has a white glow around it...Or maybe its my computer.. <_<

hey, i see the glow too!

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Gone where?

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  • 3 years later...

Nah, the snakes never tried that. Though they bit my step-dad several times, including the jumbo python.


We no longer have snakes or any reptiles for that matter, anymore. We opted for fish. I got tired of them. Though, I'm tired of the fish, too... I can't play with them =*(


Or can I...


*flop flop*

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Nah, the snakes never tried that. Though they bit my step-dad several times, including the jumbo python.


We no longer have snakes or any reptiles for that matter, anymore. We opted for fish. I got tired of them. Though, I'm tired of the fish, too... I can't play with them =*(


Or can I...


*flop flop*

*throws the poor little fishy back into the tank*

No more playing with the fish!!!


Tell us... how are you doing?

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