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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Name Game Rap


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shut up all of you!!! you're all nuts and should be sent to the insane asylum!!!!!!


(sorry, I'm feeling odd today.)  :P  :P  :P  :blink:  :lol:  :) GRRRRR stupid thing won't let me add more smileys


*locks away in a padded white cell where she can think about how much of a n00b (!!!!) she is and how a change of course of action may improve her likelyhood of living for more than 2 more seconds*

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And if you want "in the morning/afternoon/evening in French" you don't put:

Dans le matin, j'ai vu Horatio tombe! (reminds self to find out the Alt codes for accented letters)

You Put:

Le matin, j'ai vu Horatio tombe!

Translation: In the morning, I saw Horatio fall!

*unleashes out of water flying Phoenix eating piranha*

There he is.... get him. Bon Appetit!

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*locks away in a padded white cell where she can think about how much of a n00b (!!!!) she is and how a change of course of action may improve her likelyhood of living for more than 2 more seconds*

TGHL, Thats not being a n00b. thats way too mature and sensible to be a n00b. :lol:


n00bs are people who use chatspeak for EVERYTHING. They mispell most of their abbreviations and chatspeak terms, (Which are excessively used as it is) who are usually determined on fulfilling ONE goal: Convince other people they arent a moron or a n00b. they try to convinve people of beleiving this, While still using excess chatspeak and so on.


In short, n00bs are dumb***es. o_O

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More, more, more!

How do you like it?

How do you like it?


(srry thinking of 70's songs or somethin)

Mushroom_king is getting her shrooms,

Hampsters Once again bein'called a n00b,

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Isn't that bad, because Mushroom King is breaching copyright law?

Or maybe he isn't because Toto failed to put © Toto industries on it? I don't know if she did or not.

I mean it was good that Horatio deleted the topic.

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Because you stole my lyrics. Please, I have quite a few songs here, do not steal them they are COPYRIGHTED.

Sorry. Im new. Not to mention, There is a Mushroom Controlling my brain.

No, I am sorry. Please forgive me, Because I am really really sorry. If you dont I cant come back, And I like this site so much, and I am really really really really really reall;y really really really really really really really really really really really reallyreally really really really really really really really really really realy really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really.................

Actelly, Its no point to say Im Sorry, Because NO ONE LIKES ME HERE.

Just beacause Im NEW and People have to be so... Oh, Forget it. NO ONE cares anyway....*runs off crying*

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NO ONE likes me here. You all can just forget it. Because None of you are going to like me, ever, And I am really sorry that I copyrigheted. I came here because I like Hampsterdance a Lot and NO ONE WANTS ME. So just forget me. I dont

care anymore.

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You really don't think someone would be idiotic enough to post something on the same board as someone else? And even a song about people he didn't know... :mellow:

WHAT?! I know Horatio and Moneylover and All those guys.

Plus Im a Girl you.... Oh whatever. Whatever I said I would just be called a n00b...

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NO ONE likes me here. You all can just forget it. Because None of you are going to like me, ever, And I am really sorry that I copyrigheted. I came here because I like Hampsterdance a Lot and NO ONE  WANTS ME. So just forget me. I dont

care anymore.

Take a few breaths. Relax. You will be liked. Good things take time. :D

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NO ONE likes me here. You all can just forget it. Because None of you are going to like me, ever, And I am really sorry that I copyrigheted. I came here because I like Hampsterdance a Lot and NO ONE  WANTS ME. So just forget me. I dont

care anymore.

Dont make quick stupid decisions like that. I see little to nothing that has been done, for there to be a reason for you to leave.


Dont leave (yet) There is some good stuffs on the board.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im Going to add more to the Rap, I put somethin reaaaaaaaaaal Speciel at the end.....




Skwerlhugger will is Talking in a Squirrlily way,

CheeseMaster is Taking all the Cheese away,

Hammylover is Giving away Avvies free,

Mushroom_king is No longer plaaning to leave,

Hampster is helping Everyone she sees,

Funky_Monkey is Making Bannana Stead of toast,

Top_Bannana is STILL making Posts,

JesusFreak is Freaking out (in a good Way)

The Grim Hampster Lord Is STILL Stealing Sanities!

From People Like Mushroom_king, Moneylover, and Other Enimies....


Copyright TM and ®. © Copyright Toto Records Inc. Name Game Rap Lyrics Used under Licece of Toto Records for GizaGear Inc. Tm And ® All Rights reserved. Used Un der Licesce.

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I like the end! :D


I would normally ask you if you wanted to be my rapster (is that a word?) partner, but I don't like rap anymore. >.>


So, if you play an instrument you can be in my band! I'm thinking about calling is Special Ed...

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Toto, You may be my freind but I am still mad because you said I was Idoitotic.

It wasnt my fault, You forgot the © Toto Records.


Yes. I might have forgotten the copyright sign, but it would not have been legally copyrighted.

Edited by Horatio
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Woo! I love it when people are mad at me.


Yes. I might have forgotten the copyright sign, but it would not have been legally copyrighted.

Actually, HampsterKing has stated, when you post an original work, it has a date and time stamp and it is considered copyrighted even though you have NOT put the copyright sign. You can relax knowing that HampsterKing will protect you in this department.

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Mega Wolf is still Sarcastic Clot

Why do you accuse me of being mean to you and then you make mean posts about me?


I don't suppose there's anyone here who's accused me of being mean before. And now that I have, I wonder if everyone else is just being polite and saying that I'm nice.

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Actually, HampsterKing has stated, when you post an original work, it has a date and time stamp and it is considered copyrighted even though you have NOT put the copyright sign.  You can relax knowing that HampsterKing will protect you in this department.


Really? That's awesome. I always knew that when you put down a piece on the internet or a magazine, you could always go back to the date and say, "HA! This is mine!"


I love you, HK. -hugs-


Wait...what did I say that Horatios deleted?

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Yes. I might have forgotten the copyright sign, but it would not have been legally copyrighted.

I came across a website the other day that had copyright rules and details and instructions about things, pretty much talking people out of vandalism and theft and such. I think it was the true/false or correcting any copyright myths or something.

One thing was that regardless of if you remembered to put the © on it or not, It's still copyrighted by you. Just because its not visible right there doesnt mean the subject is unprotected.

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I came across a website the other day that had copyright rules and details and instructions about things, pretty much talking people out of vandalism and theft and such. I think it was the true/false or correcting any copyright myths or something.

One thing was that regardless of if you remembered to put the © on it or not, It's still copyrighted by you. Just because its not visible right there doesnt mean the subject is unprotected.

If you had read what I posted regarding HampsterKing, he said that when you post here, it has a time and date stamp. He will protect anyone's work as it is copyrighted once you post, whether or not you put a copyright sign on it or not. This is another reason why you do not post other people's work here without permission.

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Why do you accuse me of being mean to you and then you make mean posts about me?


I don't suppose there's anyone here who's accused me of being mean before. And now that I have, I wonder if everyone else is just being polite and saying that I'm nice.

I don't care about you being mean to me(anymore), I'm Angry at top_bannana.

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*isn't too worried about the spy cams in Horatio's cage because she has them all over Patricia's house*




I SAID NOTHING! *throws amnesia dust she stole from Arkcher everywhere and runds*

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*isn't too worried about the spy cams in Horatio's cage because she has them all over Patricia's house*




I SAID NOTHING! *throws amnesia dust she stole from Arkcher everywhere and runds*

-throws some at Kat and runs- =D

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Are you suggesting we Phoenixs aren't watching Horatio?

There are so many decoys and replacement sanities for me that you really do not know who you are watching. What I do know is that you are clueless as to where the real sanity is. :lol::lol::lol:

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Are you suggesting we Phoenixs aren't watching Horatio?

I meant the one in Harry Potter.

I know, it was meant to be a joke... *sigh* not many people get it.

Oooooooooh. ^__^

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Heinz brought out a new type of robot that runs on Ketchup. I should know, I made them.  :P

And that's why you're in my mafia!

Da maifia always triumphs boss!


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That's just their back support. Robot's dont bleed like that. o_o; Unless they were ketchup-robots. =o

Heinz brought out a new type of robot that runs on Ketchup. I should know, I made them. :P

But what if it was like... Um.


I think it was Joanna. =o (Not MW. That one person I talks to on a IM. How handy. =D) Who made the robots.

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That's just their back support. Robot's dont bleed like that. o_o; Unless they were ketchup-robots. =o

Heinz brought out a new type of robot that runs on Ketchup. I should know, I made them. :P

But what if it was like... Um.


I think it was Joanna. =o (Not MW. That one person I talks to on a IM. How handy. =D) Who made the robots.

I thought you meant Joanna Dark at first.... >.<

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That's just their back support. Robot's dont bleed like that. o_o; Unless they were ketchup-robots. =o

Heinz brought out a new type of robot that runs on Ketchup. I should know, I made them. :P

But what if it was like... Um.


I think it was Joanna. =o (Not MW. That one person I talks to on a IM. How handy. =D) Who made the robots.

My name's Jeanette anyways. :lol:

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Heinz brought out a new type of robot that runs on Ketchup. I should know, I made them.  :P

And that's why you're in my mafia!

Da maifia always triumphs boss!




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Heinz brought out a new type of robot that runs on Ketchup. I should know, I made them.  :P

And that's why you're in my mafia!

Da maifia always triumphs boss!





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  • 2 months later...
Mega Wolg's tryin' hard to sing.

Toto's a followin' the yellow brick road,

Sleepoverfantatic's chattin' on phone.

Kep's typing a lovley poem,

Tanyio's recooperating for his awful go.

Arcker's telling us all that he knows,

Hampster King's sleeping on his thrown.

The Grim Hampster Lord is stealing sanities,

Along with Anonymous and Moneylover, and a few enimies...


we all sing....





Here is More!!!!!!!

© Toto records.

Kat is Claymoring Everything and all

Hoops is telling us about what she saw

Cheesie is back

Sheena and Hampster are Coming back soon

And Mushroom_kings singing-


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