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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

ATTENTION Please Read!!!


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Dear Everybody,


Again, I have lost power! I am running my computer on batteries and dial-up. Dial up will work as long as we have telephone lines.


I did not want anyone to think that I was neglecting them by not responding. All I will do is mod the posts, but not reply unless I feel that I just must. Please do not feel like I am not interested in what you have written, it is just that each post takes a couple of minutes to mod and I want to make sure that everyone's posts are approved and up on the board.


If you asked me a question and I forgot, I am an old hamster, please remind me of the question in a couple of days or so. I will let everyone know when I have electricity.


Thank you so very much for your patience.


Lots of love in friendship.


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:(  :unsure: Oh no,Horatio is losing his power!Wut will he ever do! :o

I am not losing my house electrical power, I have lost my house electrical power. It is the battery power that is on it's way out. :lol::lol::lol: I have three batteries to use in my computer.

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*is confused* What about a mole rat? :huh:

Ah, but it's so simple, MW! Too simple. You see, by repeatedly slamming the paper-weight against the wall, you can fashion a magnifying glass. The post clearly states that you use the flashlight to shine light on the ants, and use the magnifying glass to focus the light off of the backs of the ants into a beam. You aim the beam at the sun and burn a hole in it, causing all of the cheese-whiz in the sun's center to fall to Earth and smother all life, ending the planet as we know it! I'M ON THE YOUR CLEVER SCHEME, HORATIO! *builds anit-cheese shelter and prepairs*

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Ah, but it's so simple, MW! Too simple. You see, by repeatedly slamming the paper-weight against the wall, you can fashion a magnifying glass. The post clearly states that you use the flashlight to shine light on the ants, and use the magnifying glass to focus the light off of the backs of the ants into a beam. You aim the beam at the sun and burn a hole in it, causing all of the cheese-whiz in the sun's center to fall to Earth and smother all life, ending the planet as we know it! I'M ON THE YOUR CLEVER SCHEME, HORATIO! *builds anit-cheese shelter and prepairs*

Quote from MW...

*is confused*
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Ah, but it's so simple, MW! Too simple. You see, by repeatedly slamming the paper-weight against the wall, you can fashion a magnifying glass. The post clearly states that you use the flashlight to shine light on the ants, and use the magnifying glass to focus the light off of the backs of the ants into a beam. You aim the beam at the sun and burn a hole in it, causing all of the cheese-whiz in the sun's center to fall to Earth and smother all life, ending the planet as we know it! I'M ON THE YOUR CLEVER SCHEME, HORATIO! *builds anit-cheese shelter and prepairs*

Now I get it :huh:

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MW: ALLLOOOOOOOO to you too! *does the n_n thingy majiggy**is a wolf*

Kat: *is a cat*

Clive: *also just so happens to be a horse*


Vixen: *gives you all a funny stare* G'day Clive!*is a fox*

Clive: Actually, thats "good day". Australians have such funny phrases! *sips tea*

Vixen: *whispers to Kat & MW* Are horses supposed to talk?

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Vixen: *gives you all a funny stare* G'day Clive!*is a fox*

Clive: Actually, thats "good day". Australians have such funny phrases! *sips tea*

Vixen: *whispers to Kat & MW* Are horses supposed to talk?

MW:*is a wolf still* *yells to Kat* Hey Kat! Did you accidentally switch Clive with Mr.Ed? I dressed up Mr.Ed in a Clidesdale outfit!


To those who don't know who Mr.Ed is, he was a 'talking' horse on an old T.V. show.

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MW:*is a wolf still* *yells to Kat* Hey Kat! Did you accidentally switch Clive with Mr.Ed? I dressed up Mr.Ed in a Clidesdale outfit!


To those who don't know who Mr.Ed is, he was a 'talking' horse on an old T.V. show.


Vixen:*still a fox*Oh, Mr. Ed!*points at the horsie*

Clive: My name is not Ed! It's Clive. *still sipping tea*

Vixen: sorry... *cowers in a corner*

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Kat: *is a cat* *jumps out from behind Clive* That's no horse! It's Kat!

Kat: *is a cat* *unzipps Clide costume* And that's no Kat! It's a Pepsi Twist! *unzipps Kat costume to reveal a Pepsi Twist* Who's up for some soda?!?! *takes giant swig*

MW: *is a wolf*...

Vixen: *is a fox*...

Clive: *is a horse*...neigh?


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Kat: *is a cat* *jumps out from behind Clive* That's no horse! It's Kat!

Kat: *is a cat* *unzipps Clide costume* And that's no Kat! It's a Pepsi Twist! *unzipps Kat costume to reveal a Pepsi Twist* Who's up for some soda?!?! *takes giant swig*

MW: *is a wolf*...

Vixen: *is a fox*...

Clive: *is a horse*...neigh?


Good ending! :lol:

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Kat: *is a cat* *jumps out from behind Clive* That's no horse! It's Kat!

Kat: *is a cat* *unzipps Clide costume* And that's no Kat! It's a Pepsi Twist! *unzipps Kat costume to reveal a Pepsi Twist* Who's up for some soda?!?! *takes giant swig*

MW: *is a wolf*...

Vixen: *is a fox*...

Clive: *is a horse*...neigh?


It can end like this! not here, not now! I won't go down without a fight! Nooooooooooooooooooo!

Just kidding. :lol:



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Dear Everybody,


Again, I have lost power! I am running my computer on batteries and dial-up. Dial up will work as long as we have telephone lines.


I did not want anyone to think that I was neglecting them by not responding. All I will do is mod the posts, but not reply unless I feel that I just must. Please do not feel like I am not interested in what you have written, it is just that each post takes a couple of minutes to mod and I want to make sure that everyone's posts are approved and up on the board.


If you asked me a question and I forgot, I am an old hamster, please remind me of the question in a couple of days or so. I will let everyone know when I have electricity.


Thank you so very much for your patience.


Lots of love in friendship.



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Nooooo! *tries to burn it but sees label that says "INDESTRUCTABLE"* Oh no! *buries it in the woods* There! *goes home and finds it sitting on my bed* GASP! Oh well, I'll have to live with it!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:




The return of the INDESTRUCTABLE label.

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Ah, but it's so simple, MW! Too simple. You see, by repeatedly slamming the paper-weight against the wall, you can fashion a magnifying glass. The post clearly states that you use the flashlight to shine light on the ants, and use the magnifying glass to focus the light off of the backs of the ants into a beam. You aim the beam at the sun and burn a hole in it, causing all of the cheese-whiz in the sun's center to fall to Earth and smother all life, ending the planet as we know it! I'M ON THE YOUR CLEVER SCHEME, HORATIO! *builds anit-cheese shelter and prepairs*

Ah you are ingenious Kat!Heheheheheheheheh

I shall prepare w/ you! *grins evil grin*


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Ah you are ingenious Kat!Heheheheheheheheh

              I shall prepare w/ you!                  *grins evil grin*


*hands MKG (Your name is long and that is your new nickname.) a hammer and instructs her*

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Nooooo! *tries to burn it but sees label that says "INDESTRUCTABLE"* Oh no! *buries it in the woods* There! *goes home and finds it sitting on my bed* GASP! Oh well, I'll have to live with it!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:




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*walks in**Sees 2 cats hammering nails into the wall jumping up and down ever 5 seconds saying ow ow ow!!!*......*LOOKS AT THEM LIKE :huh:  :blink: LEAVES*LOL ^_^

But that is where you are wrong! I am very proficient with hammer and nails! I've build all kinds of shelters! *contunues*

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But that is where you are wrong! I am very proficient with hammer and nails! I've build all kinds of shelters! *contunues*

Pack your bags... tell your parents you are coming to Florida and start a construction business! :lol: You would probably be super successful! :D It seems like you cannot get anyone to work and if you find someone to answer their phone, then they tell you to call back in about 6, 8 months or a year. :blink::blink::blink::blink::blink: Can you imagine having a tarp on your roof for a year??????

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Pack your bags... tell your parents you are coming to Florida and start a construction business! :lol: You would probably be super successful! :D It seems like you cannot get anyone to work and if you find someone to answer their phone, then they tell you to call back in about 6, 8 months or a year. :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink: Can you imagine having a tarp on your roof for a year??????

As soon as I finish my anti-cheese shelter, I'll head right over! :lol:

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mmmm..... anti-cheese.....

foxes like cheese  :D

Then you will be in heaven when Horatio sets his (I'm refering to you as a boy now, Horatio, as that was the gender of the hamster.) evil plan into motion...

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*tries to stick video game in mouth, horatio chokes, falls on missile launch button, missle is hit by strong winds, now aiming towards nukler mill maker factory, all the nukjes blow up, worldd is destroyed, no more cheese. Wait, No more cheese?


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*tries to stick video game in mouth, horatio chokes, falls on missile launch button, missle is hit by strong winds, now aiming towards nukler mill maker factory, all the nukjes blow up, worldd is destroyed, no more cheese. Wait, No more cheese?



*tries to think of a good response, fails to think of anything*

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*tries to stick video game in mouth, horatio chokes, falls on missile launch button, missle is hit by strong winds, now aiming towards nukler mill maker factory, all the nukjes blow up, worldd is destroyed, no more cheese. Wait, No more cheese?



The real world might be destroyed but the cyber world lives on! hurrah!

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*makes more popcorn* Who wants melted butter on thier popcorn? *trips over Mega Wolf and drops popcorn all over everyone* uh... sorry! So... anyone want cold drinks?



*starts getting glasses, ice and a variety of cold drinks*

Lemonade would be great. May I help? :D

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*makes more popcorn* Who wants melted butter on thier popcorn? *trips over Mega Wolf and drops popcorn all over everyone* uh... sorry! So... anyone want cold drinks?



Oof! *somehow uses foodvision to make popcorn appear*

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*starts getting glasses, ice and a variety of cold drinks*

Lemonade would be great.  May I help? :D

Of course! It's always nice to have a helpful hammie around the house! :)

OK, everyone place your orders! Horatio wants Lemonade, I'll have... apple juice!

poison_ivy? Mega Wolf? Katdacatis#1?



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Of course! It's always nice to have a helpful hammie around the house!  :)

OK, everyone place your orders! Horatio wants Lemonade, I'll have... apple juice!

poison_ivy? Mega Wolf? Katdacatis#1?



Writes list of beverages...

Apple juice, Lemonade......

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*gets out two hammocks and strings them in the palm trees next to the river*

How about this, I have set up our hammocks, we have our snacks and drinks, anything else you can think of before we head out? :D



there might be some unpleasant creatures at the river.

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Bugspray for poison ivy??????  As for us hammies, no bugs for us to worry about.  There are dragon flies and a variety of flying creatures to consume the mosquitos. :lol:


I hate bugs, the most dominant being the fleas. <_< At least it's winter time now :)

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I hate bugs, the most dominant being the fleas.  <_< At least it's winter time now :)

As a well groomed fox I hate fleas too but sometimes it's so hard to resist rolling around in the cool grass and sand! Also, it is almost summer here and today is a very hot day... *relaxes in hammock under the shade of a palm tree* :)



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Bugspray for poison ivy??????  As for us hammies, no bugs for us to worry about.  There are dragon flies and a variety of flying creatures to consume the mosquitos. :lol:


well......... mostly it's for the spiders, i hate spiders!


they're always building their webs on my stems! do you know how long it takes to get those things off? yuck! and their little legs are always tickling.... *shivers*

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well......... mostly it's for the spiders, i hate spiders!


they're always building their webs on my stems! do you know how long it takes to get those things off? yuck! and their little legs are always tickling.... *shivers*

What you need is a bird friend who has a spider diet. That would take care of that problem.


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*thinks that the FedEx people should do thier job properley...*  <_>

No that wasn't the FedEx people, it was the box company. I had purchased a special box that deploys a sun umbrella, snow shoes and raincoat, for whatever conditions exist. Either I have a faulty box or I somehow got the boxes mixed up. :unsure::unsure::unsure:

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No that wasn't the FedEx people, it was the box company.  I had purchased a special box that deploys a sun umbrella, snow shoes and raincoat, for whatever conditions exist.  Either I have a faulty box or I somehow got the boxes mixed up. :unsure:  :unsure:  :unsure:

okies, at least now I won't have to send that threatening letter to the FedEx company :lol:



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okies, at least now I won't have to send that threatening letter to the FedEx company  :lol:



No, that threatening letter will need to go to the box company. I suggest you return the melted two week old turkey dinner. That might be very effective! :lol::lol::lol:

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Dear Everybody,


Again, I have lost power! I am running my computer on batteries and dial-up. Dial up will work as long as we have telephone lines.


I did not want anyone to think that I was neglecting them by not responding. All I will do is mod the posts, but not reply unless I feel that I just must. Please do not feel like I am not interested in what you have written, it is just that each post takes a couple of minutes to mod and I want to make sure that everyone's posts are approved and up on the board.


If you asked me a question and I forgot, I am an old hamster, please remind me of the question in a couple of days or so. I will let everyone know when I have electricity.


Thank you so very much for your patience.


Lots of love in friendship.



i remember that one faithful day... *asks for a moment of silence *



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