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oh, it's still there. I suppose we can keep the larger one, but it says someone else created it. :(

The fact that it does not say you created it was the fault of the computer.

You could always make a new topic and I could try and merge this one into it. I cannot say how that would turn out, but we could try! :unsure::huh::unsure:

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The fact that it does not say you created it was the fault of the computer.

You could always make a new topic and I could try and merge this one into it.  I cannot say how that would turn out, but we could try! :unsure:  :huh:  :unsure:

Yeah, And if it doesnt work out, Make another

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ToTo, I am Filling a case. I am sueing Horatio for his Infinate Card...He has taking mine and shredded it to pieces. All I did was say he was giving out to much money to everybody and is taking the fun away. So he took MY card and shredded it into little tiny pieces. Thank You... Mr. TBFOF.

:lol: You forgot, I also took back all the money I gave you! :lol:

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To To, eh? Well, you know, that is not against the law. Like, I could take Horatio's coffee cup and drop it. Would Horatio care? No? But that is beside the point, he gave back the tiny pieces, correct? And who might your attorney be?

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To To, eh? Well, you know, that is not against the law. Like, I could take Horatio's coffee cup and drop it. Would Horatio care? No? But that is beside the point, he gave back the tiny pieces, correct? And who might your attorney be?

Care... I would most definitely care. BTW I have an aluminum coffee cup. You would not shatter it, only dent it. :D:D:D

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I was trying to make a point! Go with me here! *sneaks horatio a special un breakable and undentable coffee cup. with 2 years supply of starbucks coffee!!*

I am a little slow every now and then. Duh.......

A two year supply! :blink::blink::blink:

WOW! Thank you , thank you, thank you!

*brews a pot of coffee to go with the blueberry and cinnamon scones in the oven*

Care to join me? :D

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To To, eh? Well, you know, that is not against the law. Like, I could take Horatio's coffee cup and drop it. Would Horatio care? No? But that is beside the point, he gave back the tiny pieces, correct? And who might your attorney be?

Excuse me...You wouldnt be saying that if it was YOUR infinate card, now would you. I am taking this case elsewhere...Hmffffff :angry:

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I am a little slow every now and then.  Duh.......

A two year supply! :blink:  :blink:  :blink:

WOW!  Thank you , thank you, thank you!

*brews a pot of coffee to go with the blueberry and cinnamon scones in the oven*

Care to join me? :D

*10 seconds later...*

Horatio: I need coffee....

What happened to your 2 year supply?

Horatio: It lasted 2 seconds.

But there was over 10 tonnes of coffee!

Horatio: COFFEE!

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You know what the problem is with you being HD's attorney, You take sides... :angry:  :(  :angry:


Oh? You wanted me to be your attorney? I do not take sides. You don't have a case. And I am Horatio's Attorney, I cannot be your's too. Horatio did not do anything wrong, I mean, it was his money. And, I the law, you never say, "Well, it is wrong what she did, I feel bad for him." You can never do that. There is no room for caring and compassion. :D

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I would like to present a case, your Honor. It seems The Grim Hamster Lord says he has my sanity,while I,nor no one else, remembers it happening. My witness, Horatio.

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*sits down* *hoping to get some buisness* EVERYONE! LETS GO TO STARBUCKS!!

Instead of Starbucks, you can all come to my house for coffee. Remember, I have a two year supply! Are you coming? The scones are in the oven and should be out any minute.

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Oh? You wanted me to be your attorney? I do not take sides. You don't have a case. And I am Horatio's Attorney, I cannot be your's too. Horatio did not do anything wrong, I mean, it was his money. And, I the law, you never say, "Well, it is wrong what she did, I feel bad for him." You can never do that. There is no room for caring and compassion. :D

Get a few things straight. 1. I dont NOt want you as my attorney. 2. The card was MINE not his, It was MY money not his. 3. I have a case. 4. I have a Lawyer. 5. You are taking sides... :angry::angry::angry::angry:

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Please, Mr. "Best Friend of Fuzzy", calm down. Please, show me where I am taking sides.

You didnt really take time to look at and let me give info on the case and u just said I have no case, I have nothing, Horatio did nothing, just so you are.....I have to go, finish later

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Well, I have the Sanity if thats what your asking. *holds up Otter's squirming sanity* See! I have already given details of the pilfering of the sanity, etc. etc. Blah Blah Blah *confers with Toto* Blah Blah Blah. etc. etc. etc.

Buuuut, you have no link to a topic as proof!

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Oh yes, I will be able to get to the bottom of this... 

*starts digging into old boards for all of TGHL's posts*

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

This is going to take ages............................................................................



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This is going to take ages............................................................................


*receives bad news from HampsterKing that all the old files are corrupted and must be gone through little by little*

You could just be correct. But I will not give up!

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This is going to take ages............................................................................



And I know why, cause there is no proof!

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proof the waht exactly?

That he stole it, he has no link to the topic saying he stole Jenny! And its wrong to lie, anytime. SanityStealers have no right to lie about this. It upsets me that I couldn't even go down without a fight!

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That he stole it, he has no link to the topic saying he stole Jenny! And its wrong to lie, anytime. SanityStealers have no right to lie about this. It upsets me that I couldn't even go down without a fight!

*conspires with Otter*

Here you go Otter... I have baked two pies, have one beautiful ruby and one foam novelty hat (the Cheesehead one) for you to give TGHL in exchange for your precious Jenny. :lol:

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Oh yes. Horatio can do that. You didn't sign anything, did you? Nope. So, there is nothing you can do about that. I suggest some finacial help.

I could help with that. Any financial help that you would like me to do?

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You already took the rest of my money

No, not exactly, I only took back what I gave you. You still have money in the bank that you used to own. Why not stop back in their and help yourself to a bit. Only you and Moosey368 have the combination so I am sure that your money is still there. :huh:

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*conspires with Otter*

Here you go Otter...  I have baked two pies, have one beautiful ruby and one foam novelty hat (the Cheesehead one) for you to give TGHL in exchange for your precious Jenny. :lol:

*tests the stuff in MW's lab* Do not try and fool me with pie substitute, glass and a Cheesehead non-novelty Hat!

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*tests the stuff in MW's lab* Do not try and fool me with pie substitute, glass and a Cheesehead non-novelty Hat!

*whispers to Otter... *


*tells TGHL*

Those are most definitely true pies, ruby not glass and a certified real novelty hat!

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*delivers one ruby from Dorothy's slipper (now mine!),one hat from a munchkin, and two of Aunty's pies.* Enjoy, but do NOT give otter back her sanity. keep it!


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*delivers one ruby from Dorothy's slipper (now mine!),one hat from a munchkin, and two of Aunty's pies.* Enjoy, but do NOT give otter back her sanity. keep it!

Hmmm....... PIE! I apologise Toto, but since I didn't say who I had to recieve the pie from in order for the sanity to be realeased, Otter gets her sanity back *rummages in cool box, picks out Animalkidd's, Mastermind's (from the Sheena box) and Otter's* *releases Otter's and gives Mastermind hers*

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Hmmm....... PIE! I apologise Toto, but since I didn't say who I had to recieve the pie from in order for the sanity to be realeased, Otter gets her sanity back *rummages in cool box, picks out Animalkidd's, Mastermind's (from the Sheena box) and Otter's* *releases Otter's and gives Mastermind hers*

Oh My! Otter, Mastermind... get your sanities!

*hops in helicopter and protects the sanities*

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Hmmm....... PIE! I apologise Toto, but since I didn't say who I had to recieve the pie from in order for the sanity to be realeased, Otter gets her sanity back *rummages in cool box, picks out Animalkidd's, Mastermind's (from the Sheena box) and Otter's* *releases Otter's and gives Mastermind hers*


*Imediatly puts Jenny in a homemade sanity stealer proof box, then slipping it gently into her pocket*


But I have uncovered more than just my sanity, I have also discovered where the cool box is!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! That irasable tracking device was in you and I know where the cool box is!*races over* This is easy,to easy. *takes out laser uncovering spray, spraying everywhere* Aha. Now... *does flips and carteweels, and backflips, avoiding all the lasers* Finaly. The cool box.

TGHL*appearing from the shadows*:Ahh. Otter, I knew you'd come. It was all a trap. Yes, that is the cool box, but you will never get it.*pulls out sword from belt swinging it above his head*

Otter: But I am also ready.* Pulls out steel bar* *runs to cool box*

TGHL: Not so fast... *jumps in front of cool box*

Otter:So TGHL, this is how it all ends. Its over, your out numbered.

*ninga hamster jumps out of dark corner with giant nife*

*A wolf hovering by the ceiling drops down*

Otter: Its over. All over.


Otter: I'll distract him, you get the box!*jumps in front of TGHL blocking him from the others*

Horatio*jumps onto MegaWolfs back* Lets go.

MegaWolf*Runs at supersonic speed to the cool box and grabs it* Otter! Hop on!

Otter: *slowly backs away from TGHL and jumps on MegaWolf* Lets get outa here!

MegaWolf: *flys dodging the lasers out the window*

TGHL: *shouting from window* WE'LL MEET AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mega Wolf:*lands on concrete sidewalk* *Otter and Horatio jump off as MegaWolf slowly lets down the cool box.

Horatio: Well guys, as soon as I open it, the war will be over... *Opens the box slowly* BE FREE SANITYS BE FREE!

Otter:Umm Horatio. He fooled us. There are no sanitys, it was a trap.

Horatio:*Opens box more*

Holographic TGHL : Hahahaha! I fooled you. This was a trap, you did nothing heroic. You are pathetic, for trusting me, Bye bye! MWAHAHAHAHAhahahaha.......

Otter:*Pounds ground* HeerrrAAAAWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MegaWolf:Lets go home. The war is still alive.

Otter: Yes it is. But as long as we live, we will someday stop him, and the caos will end.

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*Imediatly puts Jenny in a homemade sanity stealer proof box, then slipping it gently into her pocket*


But I have uncovered more than just my sanity, I have also discovered where the cool box is!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! That irasable tracking device was in you and I know where the cool box is!*races over* This is easy,to easy. *takes out laser uncovering spray, spraying everywhere* Aha. Now... *does flips and carteweels, and backflips, avoiding all the lasers* Finaly. The cool box.

TGHL*appearing from the shadows*:Ahh. Otter, I knew you'd come. It was all a trap. Yes, that is the cool box, but you will never get it.*pulls out sword from belt swinging it above his head*

Otter: But I am also ready.* Pulls out steel bar* *runs to cool box*

TGHL: Not so fast... *jumps in front of cool box*

Otter:So TGHL, this is how it all ends. Its over, your out numbered.

*ninga hamster jumps out of dark corner with giant nife*

*A wolf hovering by the ceiling drops down*

Otter: Its over. All over.


Otter: I'll distract him, you get the box!*jumps in front of TGHL blocking him from the others*

Horatio*jumps onto MegaWolfs back* Lets go.

MegaWolf*Runs at supersonic speed to the cool box and grabs it* Otter! Hop on!

Otter: *slowly backs away from TGHL  and jumps on MegaWolf* Lets get outa here!

MegaWolf: *flys dodging the lasers out the window*

TGHL: *shouting from window* WE'LL MEET AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mega Wolf:*lands on concrete sidewalk* *Otter and Horatio jump off as MegaWolf slowly lets down the cool box.

Horatio: Well guys, as soon as I open it, the war will be over... *Opens the box slowly* BE FREE SANITYS BE FREE!

Otter:Umm Horatio. He fooled us. There are no sanitys, it was a trap.

Horatio:*Opens box more*

Holographic TGHL : Hahahaha! I fooled you. This was a trap, you did nothing heroic. You are pathetic, for trusting me, Bye bye! MWAHAHAHAHAhahahaha.......

Otter:*Pounds ground* HeerrrAAAAWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MegaWolf:Lets go home. The war is still alive.

Otter: Yes it is. But as long as we live, we will someday stop him, and the caos will end.


That was great!

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I would like to present a case, your Honor. It seems The Grim Hamster Lord says he has my sanity,while I,nor no one else, remembers it happening. My witness, Horatio.

uhhh speaking of your honor,who is that...i would like to be...

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*Imediatly puts Jenny in a homemade sanity stealer proof box, then slipping it gently into her pocket*


But I have uncovered more than just my sanity, I have also discovered where the cool box is!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! That irasable tracking device was in you and I know where the cool box is!*races over* This is easy,to easy. *takes out laser uncovering spray, spraying everywhere* Aha. Now... *does flips and carteweels, and backflips, avoiding all the lasers* Finaly. The cool box.

TGHL*appearing from the shadows*:Ahh. Otter, I knew you'd come. It was all a trap. Yes, that is the cool box, but you will never get it.*pulls out sword from belt swinging it above his head*

Otter: But I am also ready.* Pulls out steel bar* *runs to cool box*

TGHL: Not so fast... *jumps in front of cool box*

Otter:So TGHL, this is how it all ends. Its over, your out numbered.

*ninga hamster jumps out of dark corner with giant nife*

*A wolf hovering by the ceiling drops down*

Otter: Its over. All over.


Otter: I'll distract him, you get the box!*jumps in front of TGHL blocking him from the others*

Horatio*jumps onto MegaWolfs back* Lets go.

MegaWolf*Runs at supersonic speed to the cool box and grabs it* Otter! Hop on!

Otter: *slowly backs away from TGHL  and jumps on MegaWolf* Lets get outa here!

MegaWolf: *flys dodging the lasers out the window*

TGHL: *shouting from window* WE'LL MEET AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mega Wolf:*lands on concrete sidewalk* *Otter and Horatio jump off as MegaWolf slowly lets down the cool box.

Horatio: Well guys, as soon as I open it, the war will be over... *Opens the box slowly* BE FREE SANITYS BE FREE!

Otter:Umm Horatio. He fooled us. There are no sanitys, it was a trap.

Horatio:*Opens box more*

Holographic TGHL : Hahahaha! I fooled you. This was a trap, you did nothing heroic. You are pathetic, for trusting me, Bye bye! MWAHAHAHAHAhahahaha.......

Otter:*Pounds ground* HeerrrAAAAWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MegaWolf:Lets go home. The war is still alive.

Otter: Yes it is. But as long as we live, we will someday stop him, and the caos will end.

Stop me? STOP ME!?!?!? No one can stop me while I have the code! *brandishes the Order of the Penguin book* I also have my secret enegy source! PENGUIN POWER!! *puts on Penguin Mask*

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TGHL!!! I have the most exelent spot for the cool box now that otter as discovered it...You see we put behind the _____ inside the _______ to the left of the ________ in locker number ___ that is inside the buliding of ____ in the city of _________ in _______ __________....

errr... right. Otter doesn't know where my cool box is ML, it is locked away well away from you and Otter.

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errr... right. Otter doesn't know where my cool box is ML, it is locked away well away from you and Otter.

Me? What happened to "Partners in crime"... I quit! Runs off back to the good side...HaHa TGHL, I know all you're secrets now...With Mega Wolf, Horatio and I, we will rule the world!!!! Mwahhahahahahaha...Maybe...If MW and Horatio make a good deal with me, Ohterwse I will start my own sanity stealing business

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Me? What happened to "Partners in crime"... I quit! Runs off back to the good side...HaHa TGHL, I know all you're secrets now...With Mega Wolf, Horatio and I, we will rule the world!!!! Mwahhahahahahaha...Maybe...If MW and Horatio make a good deal with me, Ohterwse I will start my own sanity stealing business

A deal... :unsure: hhhmmmmm what kind of deal might you have in mind?

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Hmm, Let me be one of the *Higher statused* Sanity Saver...As in you and MW, but a level lower...Then I let yopu in on all his secrets,,,

Tell me one thing, what happens if we accept you and then TGHL offers you a much better deal and you then take our secrets to him. How can we prevent something like this from occurring? :unsure:

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*looks at ML* You shall not put me on a lower level sanity stealer level! May I remind you that you went over to the other side and came back? I have done nothing of the sort. I have saved far more sanities than you have. Not only that you are likely to go back to TGHL. You will not get that part of the deal. Sanity savers save sanities because they want to, not because of a deal. :mellow::P

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Hmm, Let me be one of the *Higher statused* Sanity Saver...As in you and MW, but a level lower...Then I let yopu in on all his secrets,,,

Wolfie, Wolfie, Wolfie... slow down a bit and reread what Moneylover wrote. Moneylover is the one a level lower, not you. Here Wolfie, have a camomille micicle. :huh::huh::huh:

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Me? What happened to "Partners in crime"... I quit! Runs off back to the good side...HaHa TGHL, I know all you're secrets now...With Mega Wolf, Horatio and I, we will rule the world!!!! Mwahhahahahahaha...Maybe...If MW and Horatio make a good deal with me, Ohterwse I will start my own sanity stealing business

*brow furrows* I never told you any of my secrets Moneylover. *makes crazy signs at Toto and then jerks thumb at ML*

A new sanity stealing buisness? *shakes head* It will never work. Do you know why? BEcause accidents happen ML, say you hire some staff, they will go away mysteriously, if you buy new equipment it will be destroyed mysteriously.

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*looks at ML* You shall not put me on a lower level sanity stealer level! May I remind you that you went over to the other side and came back? I have done nothing of the sort. I have saved far more sanities than you have. Not only that you are likely to go back to TGHL. You will not get that part of the deal. Sanity savers save sanities because they want to, not because of a deal. :mellow:  :P

*beckons to MW* *Wolfie come over* *Both go into conference room where sounds of paper shuffling and shotguns being loaded are heard*

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Wolfie, Wolfie, Wolfie... slow down a bit and reread what Moneylover wrote.  Moneylover is the one a level lower, not you.  Here Wolfie, have a camomille micicle. :huh:  :huh:  :huh:


*calms down* Well, still, him being of high authority doesn't sound like a good idea...

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  • 2 weeks later...
No! It would be lord ore! Which I still haven't found out how many greats it is.  :lol:


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*falls asleep realizing that TGHL is all the way back to the beginning of civilization*

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Hmmm....... PIE! I apologise Toto, but since I didn't say who I had to recieve the pie from in order for the sanity to be realeased, Otter gets her sanity back *rummages in cool box, picks out Animalkidd's, Mastermind's (from the Sheena box) and Otter's* *releases Otter's and gives Mastermind hers*


oh, so Sheena entrusted you with all the sanities?

... i wonder how animalkidd is doing with out her sanity....

*peers into sanity fridge* who else is in there?

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oh, so Sheena entrusted you with all the sanities?

... i wonder how animalkidd is doing with out her sanity....

*peers into sanity fridge* who else is in there?

Let me set the record straight... Sheena did not entrust TGHL with the sanities. She freed the sanities and I took them to Sanity Springs Spa until the rightful owners had the opportunity to retrieve their sanities. TGHL thinks that he was able to catch the sanities and have possession of them. He has the decoy sanities that I released in their place. :lol::lol::lol:

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Let me set the record straight... Sheena did not entrust TGHL with the sanities.  She freed the sanities and I took them to Sanity Springs Spa until the rightful owners had the opportunity to retrieve their sanities.  TGHL thinks that he was able to catch the sanities and have possession of them.  He has the decoy sanities that I released in their place. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


that's good to hear :D

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  • 1 month later...
Courtroom! I did some redecorating!



TOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOT!!!!!!!!!!!!YAY! Where have you been! I missed you! Oh Toto i am so glad you are back!( unlesss bugs messed up the time your last post on this topic was a month ago)

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