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TGHL, give me my sanity!


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I am devicing a fool proof plan inn the work for sanity.

*slaps on back*

prepare for PAYBACK!

As I have just planted that bomb on ur back, if u do not tell me where ur cool box is, you will explode! If u lie to me, u wll explode. TELL ME!

BTW, as I talk I have blown an erasable tracking device into you. You cannot resist either way telling or tracking me to were the cool box(and my sanity) is!



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I am devicing a fool proof plan inn the work for sanity.

*slaps on back*

prepare for PAYBACK!

As I have just planted that bomb on ur back, if u do not tell me where ur cool box is, you will explode! If u lie to me, u wll explode. TELL ME!

BTW, as I talk I have blown an erasable tracking device into you. You cannot resist either way telling or tracking me to were the cool box(and my sanity) is!



Hmmm... Some evil behaviour from Otter.... Have you ever considered a career in sanity stealing. Anyway, you have a clone there Otter, you need to check whether it is the original first before you slap on all these devices.

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I am devicing a fool proof plan inn the work for sanity.

*slaps on back*

prepare for PAYBACK!

As I have just planted that bomb on ur back, if u do not tell me where ur cool box is, you will explode! If u lie to me, u wll explode. TELL ME!

BTW, as I talk I have blown an erasable tracking device into you. You cannot resist either way telling or tracking me to were the cool box(and my sanity) is!



Only problem you have once you explode him, you still have me and Sheena to guard ur sanity !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Otter, really, really, really wants her sanity.

Howd ya guess?! :P GIMME SANITY!

*checks to see if TGHL is a clone* finally! We meet in person!

*puts undetachable tracking device inside TGH's bloodstream* You cannot escape! You would need serious surgery(which is impossible, you'd have to take a tracking device out of every blood cell) and you can blow up or will be injected with a truth serum into your veins in 1 simple comand!


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Howd ya guess?! :P GIMME SANITY!

*checks to see if TGHL is a clone* finally! We meet in person!

*puts undetachable tracking device inside TGH's bloodstream* You cannot escape! You would need serious surgery(which is impossible, you'd have to take a tracking device out of every blood cell) and you can blow up or will be injected with a truth serum into your veins in 1 simple comand!


Oh Otter, you are a geniue! I love that thinking! :D

No wonder you are a doctor, you are soooooooo smart!

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Howd ya guess?! :P GIMME SANITY!

*checks to see if TGHL is a clone* finally! We meet in person!

*puts undetachable tracking device inside TGH's bloodstream* You cannot escape! You would need serious surgery(which is impossible, you'd have to take a tracking device out of every blood cell) and you can blow up or will be injected with a truth serum into your veins in 1 simple comand!


Have you considered a career in sanity stealing?

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aww man now i have to buy a new sword! *kicks arkcher where the sun dont shine than whips him in circles*

Edited by Horatio
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Heheheh. Pain. It hurts. e_e Severe bleedingings. Ouch. Cease. I insist that you decist. -gives hiro a kitty toy- Use this instead, they work just as good. -glances over at a dead cat- uh >_>;;; yeah.


AHHHHHHH CAT!!!!! *runs behind rock*

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you never gave me a syrum that made me tell the truth, it just made me not lie.

ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT CAREER CHOICE? you could be a great sanity stealer!

I have considered this too, and have about three or four sanities hidden in various places. (Two of them are mine, but who cares. Then i have Greg's (i dont really know who he is though o_O) and strongbads. I stole SB's about a year ago. Heh.

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you never gave me a syrum that made me tell the truth, it just made me not lie.

ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT CAREER CHOICE? you could be a great sanity stealer!

Yes. I want everyone to have free sanitys, I have my career on sanity saving. What do you want for me to get back my sanity?

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Well we reamin the possesors of Otter's Sanity then

Otter, this is just a bluff to get you to let your guard down so they can try and steal your sanity*

Here is a business card for Mega Wolf's Discount Store, go there and get yourself some sanity protection gear, a few decoy sanities and a bunch of replacement sanities.

*hands Otter the business card*

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Why are your eyes narrowing Horatio? Why some people might suspect you were saying I want Otter to give away the location of something.... (significant pause) secret.

Hhmmmmmm. Well then TGHL, why don't you just tell us all what you might like Otter to tell you. That would clear up any misconceptions. :lol::lol:

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See the other topic Horatio.

I was there, but I want you, in your own words, to be more specific. You see, I do not believe that you will be truly happy with two pies, a ruby and a novelty foam hat.

*watches TGHL very, very, v e r y closely*

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I was there, but I want you, in your own words, to be more specific.  You see, I do not believe that you will be truly happy with two pies, a ruby and a novelty foam hat. 

*watches TGHL very, very, v e r y closely*

No, I am content in having Cakies over MW sanity so this is pittence compared to that deal!

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You cannot have a cakie, lol, since the cakies were for SS only. :D

Yes, I made the deal with TGHL that I would serve him cakies and in exchange no sanity stealer would be allowed to steal my sanity. *once again gives TGHL a cakie*

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Yes, I made the deal with TGHL that I would serve him cakies and in exchange no sanity stealer would be allowed to steal my sanity. *once again gives TGHL a cakie*


Yes, and even if ML (now seperate from the LSS (leauge of Sanity Stealers) ) takes it, we will reclaim it and return it to you. Also we shall take one of ML little fingers. *wolfs down Cakie*

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Yes, and even if ML (now seperate from the LSS (leauge of Sanity Stealers) ) takes it, we will reclaim it and return it to you. Also we shall take one of ML little fingers. *wolfs down Cakie*

Just ask if you want more cakies!

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