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Hampsterdance Newz!

Mega Wolf

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News from all around the world! Before we start, I need a person from the UK to do the European stuff while I do the American. And we will need some more people to contribute. Like a joke column. Or perhaps a game hints column. Thank you. :D

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I am glad to see you are doing better!

Your siggie is great!  I like that! :D

Heh but the 'like sheena will return' doesn't fit very well because Honey2 is the same person but Sheena is not under a different alias. Perhaps it should say HONEY SHALL RETURN!!!!!!!!!! or somethin like that :P (btw im just super bored)

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Heh but the 'like sheena will return' doesn't fit very well because Honey2 is the same person but Sheena is not under a different alias. Perhaps it should say HONEY SHALL RETURN!!!!!!!!!! or somethin like that :P (btw im just super bored)

Sorry you are bored. It is still early in California! :D

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i was skimmin through the old posts revived and i saw a post by Honey and im like WOAH NELLY I NEED THAT IN MY SIGGI so i settled my difference with my aunt dying and went from mad/sad to happy/honey get your butt back here!



angry moosey:well i dont like honey!



NICE MOOSEY:well some people do so back off


MOOSEY(normal moosey):she is my friend!






if you see me post sumthin like that about a person/wolf/ect. its not rood i just put thenm there so plz do not get mad at me for doing things like that!

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Hampsterdance Newz


Hello and welcome to the first ever news report in this topic! We shall cover what has been going on!


-1 America, Hurricanes Still Strike!

Is it really true that nature is on strike? What does nature want? Is it a cry for cleaner environment? We may never know. Multiple storms in a row.When will it stop? We won't know until it does. It's hurricane seaason. Hurricanes are not a nice present. They are unpredictable. Careful, Floridians!


-2 Dances Terrorizing Hampster Dancers!

It all started recently, with school starting up. But then terror striked again! Three Hampsterdancers are currently are suffering from upcoming dances! Two school dances and a church dance! Could it get any worse?

"Morgan and I were just out on a quick walk, it's tough being a sanity, you know."says Jenny, Mega Wolf's second sanity."She was talking to her mom and during the conversation it got up to the dance. Her mom asked if she wanted to go, and since her common sense Fredrick always tags along with us, she blurted yes."

As you can see this is dreadful news. More updates as it comes....


-3 Bush or Kerry?

It is intense. As November draws nearer, the election continues to be unpredictable. This will be close. Which bonehead is worse? Both served in the 'Nam, Bush being a pilot for the Texas Air Force, and Kerry did as well, having three Purple Hearts. Some say it's from self inflicted wounds. More America election news as it comes......

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Hampsterdance Newz


Hello and welcome to the first ever news report in this topic! We shall cover what has been going on!


-1 America, Hurricanes Still Strike!

Is it really true that nature is on strike? What does nature want? Is it a cry for cleaner environment? We may never know. Multiple storms in a row.When will it stop? We won't know until it does. It's hurricane seaason. Hurricanes are not a nice present. They are unpredictable. Careful, Floridians!


-2 Dances Terrorizing Hampster Dancers!

It all started recently, with school starting up. But then terror striked again! Three Hampsterdancers are currently are suffering from upcoming dances! Two school dances and a church dance! Could it get any worse?

"Morgan and I were just out on a quick walk, it's tough being a sanity, you know."says Jenny, Mega Wolf's second sanity."She was talking to her mom and during the conversation it got up to the dance. Her mom asked if she wanted to go, and since her common sense Fredrick always tags along with us, she blurted yes."

As you can see this is dreadful news. More updates as it comes....


-3 Bush or Kerry?

It is intense. As November draws nearer, the election continues to be unpredictable. This will be close. Which bonehead is worse? Both served in the 'Nam, Bush being a pilot for the Texas Air Force, and Kerry did as well, having three Purple Hearts. Some say it's from self inflicted wounds. More America election news as it comes......

Hey this is such a great idea! I think it needs a topic of it's own... what do you think?

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News from all around the world! Before we start, I need a person from the UK to do  the European stuff while I do the American. And we will need some more people to contribute. Like a joke column. Or perhaps a game hints column. Thank you. :D

European news? Your London correspondant is here!

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i was skimmin through the old posts revived and i saw a post by Honey and im like WOAH NELLY I NEED THAT IN MY SIGGI so i settled my difference with my aunt dying and went from mad/sad to happy/honey get your butt back here!

angry moosey:well i dont like honey!

NICE MOOSEY:well some people do so back off


MOOSEY(normal moosey):she is my friend!

if you see me post sumthin like that about a person/wolf/ect. its not rood i just put thenm there so plz do not get mad at me for doing things like that!

Well I am glad for the last one and I am confused about the middle and I am sorry that the Angry Mossey does not like me!!!

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So you're going to report on Europe? Good, good!

Latest news from Britain:



One doctor has gone ahead despite the international ban on cloning and done the unthinkable. He has attempted to clone a human child. Whether the results are successful we will find out, but the doctor is now facing the EU commitee.


Baghdad crisis.

The British man who has been captured by Tawhid and Jihad Groups group has made a viedo plea to day, pleading for someone to save his life. Over 50,000 pamphlets were handed out in Baghdad asking for help. They were distributed in western Baghdad's Mansour district, where Mr Bigley and two colleagues were taken.


The three were captured at gunpoint and Americans Eugene Armstrong and Jack Hensley have since been beheaded.


The pamphlets were written in arabic and said this:

Written in Arabic, the leaflets read: "This is a personal appeal from a family whose son is missing.


"A family man called Ken Bigley is being held somewhere in your community.


"We are Ken's family. Ken's mother, brothers, wife and child love him dearly.


"We are appealing for your help. We appeal to those who have taken him to return Ken to us.


"Do you know where Ken is? Do you have any information about his whereabouts?"


"Show mercy"



Labour party conference


Tony Blair must do more to explain his Iraq decision but not say sorry, ex-Cabinet minister Stephen Byers has said ahead of Labour's annual conference.

Mr Byers urged the prime minister to stress that elections in Iraq next January will provide democracy.


And he needed to show he was in touch with domestic concerns after the focus on world affairs, Mr Byers told ITN.


The MP also appeared to confirm reports that Labour's polling suggests Iraq might have lost 3m votes.


Putin's plea

There will be no about-turn in the country's life," Mr Putin told international media executives.


"Russia made its choice 10 years ago for a democratic, society-orientated state with a market economy," he said.


Mr Putin vowed to tighten the Kremlin's grip over the regions, after the Beslan school hostage tragedy this month.


Mr Putin also urged journalists on Friday not to be passive in the face of international terrorism.


"I'm convinced that in the condition of a global terrorist threat, that when people are being killed, the mass media cannot be simply observers," he said. "We do not have the right to forget."


He also said terrorism must not be used as an excuse to limit freedom of the press.


Kremlin tightens grip


Mr Putin has proposed nominating top regional officials, including governors, before they are approved locally.




Many Russians compare Beslan with the 9/11 attacks in the US

The idea - if implemented - could increase the Kremlin's influence on Russia's local politics dramatically.



The Moscow Times reported on Friday that 10 governors had signed up to the pro-Kremlin United Russia party this week.


Quoting party leader Boris Gryzlov, it said at least 20 others were preparing to join the party.


Russia has 89 regional governors, currently elected directly.


Some observers say Mr Putin's plans are reminiscent of the party loyalty and central control that characterised the Soviet system.


US President George W Bush spoke to Mr Putin by telephone on Thursday and reiterated the need to protect democratic institutions while prosecuting the war on terrorism, the White House said.


Mr Putin announced the sweeping political changes as part of a package of tough anti-terrorism measures following the Beslan school siege in which at least 338 people died - nearly half of them children. The Beslan attack was claimed by Chechen rebel warlord Shamil Basayev.


Russia has called for the extradition of Chechen political leaders living abroad, including rebel spokesman Akhmed Zakayev, who is currently in London.


Britain and Russia are working on a new UN Security Council resolution to stop terrorists evading justice by hiding behind asylum and refugee laws.


Chechen Rebels condem each other

The Chechen rebel leader, Aslan Maskhadov, has said he wants his former comrade-in-arms Shamil Basayev to go on trial for the Beslan school siege.

Mr Basayev has admitted organising the hostage-taking at the Russian school but blamed the hundreds of deaths there on the Russian security forces.


Mr Maskhadov said Mr Basayev and others would have to go on trial at the end of Chechnya's war of independence.


Mr Maskhadov's statement appeared on the rebel website Chechenpress.com.


He again insisted that Chechen rebel forces under his command had "nothing to do with the terrorist act" in Beslan.


The Chechen conflict



"Unfortunately, with the current war continuing, it is practically impossible to bring to justice those responsible for the terrorist act," he admitted.


More than 320 hostages were killed, many of them children, when pro-Chechen militants seized a school in Beslan, North Ossetia, in early September. The victims died during a fierce battle between the gunmen and surrounding Russian security forces.


Mixed gang


Mr Basayev says his fighters carried out the hostage-taking as well as the recent bombing of two Russian airliners and the Moscow underground.



3 Sep: At least 320 hostages die when Beslan school siege comes to bloody end

31 Aug: Suicide bomber kills 10 outside Moscow metro station

24 Aug: Suspected suicide bombers destroy two airliners shortly after they leave the same Moscow airport, killing 89



Russia's most wanted


He identified the commander of the Beslan raid as a "Colonel Orstkhoyev" and said that 31 people from various ethnic groups in Russia were involved along with two "Arabs". The attackers included 12 Chechen men and two Chechen women, he said.


Moscow blames both Mr Maskhadov and Mr Basayev for Beslan and has offered a $10m reward for their capture.


Russia has always insisted its commandos assaulted the Beslan school only when explosives planted by the hostage-takers began to go off inside and children tried to run to safety.


Mr Basayev said the hostage-takers had been demanding the withdrawal of Russian forces from Chechnya.

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Latest news from Britain:



One doctor has gone ahead despite the international ban on cloning and done the unthinkable. He has attempted to clone a human child. Whether the results are successful we will find out, but the doctor is now facing the EU commitee.


Baghdad crisis.

The British man who has been captured by Tawhid and Jihad Groups group has made a viedo plea to day, pleading for someone to save his life. Over 50,000 pamphlets were handed out in Baghdad asking for help. They were distributed in western Baghdad's Mansour district, where Mr Bigley and two colleagues were taken.


The three were captured at gunpoint and Americans Eugene Armstrong and Jack Hensley have since been beheaded.


The pamphlets were written in arabic and said this:

Labour party conference


Tony Blair must do more to explain his Iraq decision but not say sorry, ex-Cabinet minister Stephen Byers has said ahead of Labour's annual conference.

Mr Byers urged the prime minister to stress that elections in Iraq next January will provide democracy.


And he needed to show he was in touch with domestic concerns after the focus on world affairs, Mr Byers told ITN.


The MP also appeared to confirm reports that Labour's polling suggests Iraq might have lost 3m votes.


Putin's plea

There will be no about-turn in the country's life," Mr Putin told international media executives.


"Russia made its choice 10 years ago for a democratic, society-orientated state with a market economy," he said.


Mr Putin vowed to tighten the Kremlin's grip over the regions, after the Beslan school hostage tragedy this month.


Mr Putin also urged journalists on Friday not to be passive in the face of international terrorism.


"I'm convinced that in the condition of a global terrorist threat, that when people are being killed, the mass media cannot be simply observers," he said. "We do not have the right to forget."


He also said terrorism must not be used as an excuse to limit freedom of the press.


Kremlin tightens grip


Mr Putin has proposed nominating top regional officials, including governors, before they are approved locally.


Many Russians compare Beslan with the 9/11 attacks in the US

The idea - if implemented - could increase the Kremlin's influence on Russia's local politics dramatically.

The Moscow Times reported on Friday that 10 governors had signed up to the pro-Kremlin United Russia party this week.


Quoting party leader Boris Gryzlov, it said at least 20 others were preparing to join the party.


Russia has 89 regional governors, currently elected directly.


Some observers say Mr Putin's plans are reminiscent of the party loyalty and central control that characterised the Soviet system.


US President George W Bush spoke to Mr Putin by telephone on Thursday and reiterated the need to protect democratic institutions while prosecuting the war on terrorism, the White House said.


Mr Putin announced the sweeping political changes as part of a package of tough anti-terrorism measures following the Beslan school siege in which at least 338 people died - nearly half of them children. The Beslan attack was claimed by Chechen rebel warlord Shamil Basayev.


Russia has called for the extradition of Chechen political leaders living abroad, including rebel spokesman Akhmed Zakayev, who is currently in London.


Britain and Russia are working on a new UN Security Council resolution to stop terrorists evading justice by hiding behind asylum and refugee laws.


Chechen Rebels condem each other

The Chechen rebel leader, Aslan Maskhadov, has said he wants his former comrade-in-arms Shamil Basayev to go on trial for the Beslan school siege.

Mr Basayev has admitted organising the hostage-taking at the Russian school but blamed the hundreds of deaths there on the Russian security forces.


Mr Maskhadov said Mr Basayev and others would have to go on trial at the end of Chechnya's war of independence.


Mr Maskhadov's statement appeared on the rebel website Chechenpress.com.


He again insisted that Chechen rebel forces under his command had "nothing to do with the terrorist act" in Beslan.


The Chechen conflict



"Unfortunately, with the current war continuing, it is practically impossible to bring to justice those responsible for the terrorist act," he admitted.


More than 320 hostages were killed, many of them children, when pro-Chechen militants seized a school in Beslan, North Ossetia, in early September. The victims died during a fierce battle between the gunmen and surrounding Russian security forces.


Mixed gang


Mr Basayev says his fighters carried out the hostage-taking as well as the recent bombing of two Russian airliners and the Moscow underground.



3 Sep: At least 320 hostages die when Beslan school siege comes to bloody end

31 Aug: Suicide bomber kills 10 outside Moscow metro station

24 Aug: Suspected suicide bombers destroy two airliners shortly after they leave the same Moscow airport, killing 89

Russia's most wanted 


He identified the commander of the Beslan raid as a "Colonel Orstkhoyev" and said that 31 people from various ethnic groups in Russia were involved along with two "Arabs". The attackers included 12 Chechen men and two Chechen women, he said.


Moscow blames both Mr Maskhadov and Mr Basayev for Beslan and has offered a $10m reward for their capture.


Russia has always insisted its commandos assaulted the Beslan school only when explosives planted by the hostage-takers began to go off inside and children tried to run to safety.


Mr Basayev said the hostage-takers had been demanding the withdrawal of Russian forces from Chechnya.


TGHL, that was excellent! Thank you so very much!!! :mellow:

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Latest news from Britain:



One doctor has gone ahead despite the international ban on cloning and done the unthinkable. He has attempted to clone a human child. Whether the results are successful we will find out, but the doctor is now facing the EU commitee.


Baghdad crisis.

The British man who has been captured by Tawhid and Jihad Groups group has made a viedo plea to day, pleading for someone to save his life. Over 50,000 pamphlets were handed out in Baghdad asking for help. They were distributed in western Baghdad's Mansour district, where Mr Bigley and two colleagues were taken.


The three were captured at gunpoint and Americans Eugene Armstrong and Jack Hensley have since been beheaded.


The pamphlets were written in arabic and said this:

Labour party conference


Tony Blair must do more to explain his Iraq decision but not say sorry, ex-Cabinet minister Stephen Byers has said ahead of Labour's annual conference.

Mr Byers urged the prime minister to stress that elections in Iraq next January will provide democracy.


And he needed to show he was in touch with domestic concerns after the focus on world affairs, Mr Byers told ITN.


The MP also appeared to confirm reports that Labour's polling suggests Iraq might have lost 3m votes.


Putin's plea

There will be no about-turn in the country's life," Mr Putin told international media executives.


"Russia made its choice 10 years ago for a democratic, society-orientated state with a market economy," he said.


Mr Putin vowed to tighten the Kremlin's grip over the regions, after the Beslan school hostage tragedy this month.


Mr Putin also urged journalists on Friday not to be passive in the face of international terrorism.


"I'm convinced that in the condition of a global terrorist threat, that when people are being killed, the mass media cannot be simply observers," he said. "We do not have the right to forget."


He also said terrorism must not be used as an excuse to limit freedom of the press.


Kremlin tightens grip


Mr Putin has proposed nominating top regional officials, including governors, before they are approved locally.


Many Russians compare Beslan with the 9/11 attacks in the US

The idea - if implemented - could increase the Kremlin's influence on Russia's local politics dramatically.

The Moscow Times reported on Friday that 10 governors had signed up to the pro-Kremlin United Russia party this week.


Quoting party leader Boris Gryzlov, it said at least 20 others were preparing to join the party.


Russia has 89 regional governors, currently elected directly.


Some observers say Mr Putin's plans are reminiscent of the party loyalty and central control that characterised the Soviet system.


US President George W Bush spoke to Mr Putin by telephone on Thursday and reiterated the need to protect democratic institutions while prosecuting the war on terrorism, the White House said.


Mr Putin announced the sweeping political changes as part of a package of tough anti-terrorism measures following the Beslan school siege in which at least 338 people died - nearly half of them children. The Beslan attack was claimed by Chechen rebel warlord Shamil Basayev.


Russia has called for the extradition of Chechen political leaders living abroad, including rebel spokesman Akhmed Zakayev, who is currently in London.


Britain and Russia are working on a new UN Security Council resolution to stop terrorists evading justice by hiding behind asylum and refugee laws.


Chechen Rebels condem each other

The Chechen rebel leader, Aslan Maskhadov, has said he wants his former comrade-in-arms Shamil Basayev to go on trial for the Beslan school siege.

Mr Basayev has admitted organising the hostage-taking at the Russian school but blamed the hundreds of deaths there on the Russian security forces.


Mr Maskhadov said Mr Basayev and others would have to go on trial at the end of Chechnya's war of independence.


Mr Maskhadov's statement appeared on the rebel website Chechenpress.com.


He again insisted that Chechen rebel forces under his command had "nothing to do with the terrorist act" in Beslan.


The Chechen conflict



"Unfortunately, with the current war continuing, it is practically impossible to bring to justice those responsible for the terrorist act," he admitted.


More than 320 hostages were killed, many of them children, when pro-Chechen militants seized a school in Beslan, North Ossetia, in early September. The victims died during a fierce battle between the gunmen and surrounding Russian security forces.


Mixed gang


Mr Basayev says his fighters carried out the hostage-taking as well as the recent bombing of two Russian airliners and the Moscow underground.



3 Sep: At least 320 hostages die when Beslan school siege comes to bloody end

31 Aug: Suicide bomber kills 10 outside Moscow metro station

24 Aug: Suspected suicide bombers destroy two airliners shortly after they leave the same Moscow airport, killing 89

Russia's most wanted 


He identified the commander of the Beslan raid as a "Colonel Orstkhoyev" and said that 31 people from various ethnic groups in Russia were involved along with two "Arabs". The attackers included 12 Chechen men and two Chechen women, he said.


Moscow blames both Mr Maskhadov and Mr Basayev for Beslan and has offered a $10m reward for their capture.


Russia has always insisted its commandos assaulted the Beslan school only when explosives planted by the hostage-takers began to go off inside and children tried to run to safety.


Mr Basayev said the hostage-takers had been demanding the withdrawal of Russian forces from Chechnya.

Excellent. Yoou are officially hired as the main newscaster of Europe in your area.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for a Euro update:

Law Lords review terror detention


Nine Law Lords have begun hearing a challenge to the government's right to detain foreign terror suspects without trial.

The case focuses on nine suspects who have been held for up to three years.


The detainees' legal team argue it is wrong for them to be held without charge indefinitely and wrong to single out foreign nationals.


The government believes the measure is justified because of the scale of the terrorist threat after 11 September.


The Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act (ATCSA) allows the imprisonment without trial of foreign nationals certified by the home secretary as a threat to national security, but who cannot be sent home because they might face death or torture.


Opening the hearing in the House of Lords, Ben Emmerson QC, who represents seven of the detainees, said the issue was "very straightforward".


He said: "In a democracy it is unacceptable to lock up potentially innocent people without trial or without any indication when, if ever, they are going to be released.


"We say it is doubly unacceptable for a democracy committed to the principles of equality and anti-discrimination to single out foreign nationals when it is not prepared to apply the same measures to its own nationals."



A legal challenge was mounted but in August, three Court of Appeal judges decided by a two-to-one majority that the government was legally entitled to hold the men.


The nine detainees are challenging that decision.


Eight of the appellants are currently in custody. The ninth, an Algerian man known as "D", was released in September.



'Compelling evidence'


Attorney General Lord Goldsmith QC is leading a team of lawyers who will vigorously defend the government's stance.


He will argue that the 2001 attacks were an "unprecedented form of terrorism" - a new phase in an "ideological war by Islamist extremists - which demanded a robust response from the government.


"No responsible government could have failed to give careful consideration to an appropriate response to this new and intense threat to the nation."



Protest attacks terror detentions

He will say that the measures taken were "well within" the scope of what was open to Parliament.


In an earlier statement the Home Office said that the measures were a "necessary and proportionate response to the threat we continue to face".


"The home secretary has used these powers sparingly and on the basis of detailed and compelling evidence," it added.


The detainees cannot be put on trial because evidence is too secret or would be inadmissible in a criminal court, the government claims.


Shami Chakrabarti, director of campaign group Liberty, says the case of the detainees, many of whom are detained in Belmarsh maximum security prison in London, is "possibly the most important constitutional law case for a lifetime".



"If we, British voters, thought it might be our family or our friends we would be a lot more nervous about letting the home secretary suspend the rule of law in this way."

Cambodia's parliament has ratified legislation to set up a UN-backed tribunal to put leaders of the murderous Khmer Rouge regime on trial.

The tribunal, which has been delayed by political infighting within Cambodia, will be the first chance for the regime's leaders to face justice. It will include Cambodians and foreigners, but still needs funding.


More than 1m Cambodians died from starvation, disease or execution under the Khmer Rouge's 1975-79 rule.


Cambodia's National Assembly voted by 107-0 to ratify the tribunal, which has been under discussion for more than five years.


"What we have been waiting for so long has happened today," Prime Minister Hun Sen said after the vote.



-Will try cases of genocide and crimes against humanity

-Five judges (three Cambodian) sit in trial court

-Cases decided by majority

-Maximum penalty is life imprisonment



Key figures facing trial


The delays, and a 11-month political stalemate in Cambodia, had raised fears that none of the Khmer Rouge's ageing leaders would face justice.


Its main architect, Pol Pot, died in 1998.


Former army chief, Ta Mok, and chief interrogator Kaing Khek Iev, are the only two senior figures currently in detention awaiting trial.


Other leaders, including head of state Khieu Samphan, foreign minister Iang Sary, and Nuon Chea, known as "Brother Number Two", are still free.


The UN-backed tribunal will be made up of Cambodian and foreign legal experts, with Cambodians in the majority.


Cambodian and foreign analysts have welcomed the tribunal's establishment.


But there are worries that it will not be free of interference from the Cambodian government, some of whose members fought for the Khmer Rouge.


There has also been criticism that, by focussing on a few high-profile leaders, the tribunal, will allow lower-ranking Khmer Rouge leaders who were also involved in serious crimes to escape justice.


Funding for the tribunal has yet to be agreed. Cambodia's Foreign Minister, Hor Namhong, last week urged the UN to help find funds for half of the $50m tribunal.


So far, only Australia has pledged to donate more than $2m.


It was not clear how quickly the tribunal would be able to begin work.


It still needs to be approved by the Senate and King Norodom Sihanouk, although these are expected to be formalities.


That should be enough for now, it has been a slow news week.

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Time for a Euro update:

Law Lords review terror detention


Nine Law Lords have begun hearing a challenge to the government's right to detain foreign terror suspects without trial.

The case focuses on nine suspects who have been held for up to three years.


The detainees' legal team argue it is wrong for them to be held without charge indefinitely and wrong to single out foreign nationals.


The government believes the measure is justified because of the scale of the terrorist threat after 11 September.


The Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act (ATCSA) allows the imprisonment without trial of foreign nationals certified by the home secretary as a threat to national security, but who cannot be sent home because they might face death or torture.


Opening the hearing in the House of Lords, Ben Emmerson QC, who represents seven of the detainees, said the issue was "very straightforward".


He said: "In a democracy it is unacceptable to lock up potentially innocent people without trial or without any indication when, if ever, they are going to be released.


"We say it is doubly unacceptable for a democracy committed to the principles of equality and anti-discrimination to single out foreign nationals when it is not prepared to apply the same measures to its own nationals."

A legal challenge was mounted but in August, three Court of Appeal judges decided by a two-to-one majority that the government was legally entitled to hold the men.


The nine detainees are challenging that decision.


Eight of the appellants are currently in custody. The ninth, an Algerian man known as "D", was released in September.

'Compelling evidence'


Attorney General Lord Goldsmith QC is leading a team of lawyers who will vigorously defend the government's stance.


He will argue that the 2001 attacks were an "unprecedented form of terrorism" - a new phase in an "ideological war by Islamist extremists - which demanded a robust response from the government.


"No responsible government could have failed to give careful consideration to an appropriate response to this new and intense threat to the nation."

Protest attacks terror detentions 

He will say that the measures taken were "well within" the scope of what was open to Parliament.


In an earlier statement the Home Office said that the measures were a "necessary and proportionate response to the threat we continue to face".


"The home secretary has used these powers sparingly and on the basis of detailed and compelling evidence," it added.


The detainees cannot be put on trial because evidence is too secret or would be inadmissible in a criminal court, the government claims.


Shami Chakrabarti, director of campaign group Liberty, says the case of the detainees, many of whom are detained in Belmarsh maximum security prison in London, is "possibly the most important constitutional law case for a lifetime".

"If we, British voters, thought it might be our family or our friends we would be a lot more nervous about letting the home secretary suspend the rule of law in this way."

Cambodia's parliament has ratified legislation to set up a UN-backed tribunal to put leaders of the murderous Khmer Rouge regime on trial.

The tribunal, which has been delayed by political infighting within Cambodia, will be the first chance for the regime's leaders to face justice. It will include Cambodians and foreigners, but still needs funding.


More than 1m Cambodians died from starvation, disease or execution under the Khmer Rouge's 1975-79 rule.


Cambodia's National Assembly voted by 107-0 to ratify the tribunal, which has been under discussion for more than five years.


"What we have been waiting for so long has happened today," Prime Minister Hun Sen said after the vote.



-Will try cases of genocide and crimes against humanity

-Five judges (three Cambodian) sit in trial court

-Cases decided by majority

-Maximum penalty is life imprisonment

Key figures facing trial 


The delays, and a 11-month political stalemate in Cambodia, had raised fears that none of the Khmer Rouge's ageing leaders would face justice.


Its main architect, Pol Pot, died in 1998.


Former army chief, Ta Mok, and chief interrogator Kaing Khek Iev, are the only two senior figures currently in detention awaiting trial.


Other leaders, including head of state Khieu Samphan, foreign minister Iang Sary, and Nuon Chea, known as "Brother Number Two", are still free.


The UN-backed tribunal will be made up of Cambodian and foreign legal experts, with Cambodians in the majority.


Cambodian and foreign analysts have welcomed the tribunal's establishment.


But there are worries that it will not be free of interference from the Cambodian government, some of whose members fought for the Khmer Rouge.


There has also been criticism that, by focussing on a few high-profile leaders, the tribunal, will allow lower-ranking Khmer Rouge leaders who were also involved in serious crimes to escape justice.


Funding for the tribunal has yet to be agreed. Cambodia's Foreign Minister, Hor Namhong, last week urged the UN to help find funds for half of the $50m tribunal.


So far, only Australia has pledged to donate more than $2m.


It was not clear how quickly the tribunal would be able to begin work.


It still needs to be approved by the Senate and King Norodom Sihanouk, although these are expected to be formalities.


That should be enough for now, it has been a slow news week.

Thank you so very much TGHL. You do an outstandingly excellent job of reporting the news and I really appreciate hearing this. I do hope that you continue to report the news from your side of the Atlantic. Thank you again. Horatio

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*thinking back*

I guess that I was trying to make it more like a thank you note.  I really do appreciate the great job you do on the European news.

Well, I'll give you the Conservative party update if you wnat. Which has kind of angered me to say about I was originally 99% against the Conservative party...

I am now [type in to the most powerful caculator, the biggest number possible, multiplied by itself a quad-trillion (actual number there) times]% angry at them. Their leader, has made this comment "If you want power to come back from Brussels to Britain, no matter what party you are, come to us."

Now consider me, and how that statement could possibly make me angry.

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Hum...could I do the advise column? Or the weather....Or that "What's hot what's not" thing....


*valley girl voice* The style for this year? PINK! Um..how about no? According to the Toto-domiter, the colour is green. You can also ware "jelly bean" bracelets...but really, what do I care?


Lol.....what do you need? I did do the advice column for the school paper and I was a newscaster for my school.

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Well, I'll give you the Conservative party update if you wnat. Which has kind of angered me to say about I was originally 99% against the Conservative party...

I am now [type in to the most powerful caculator, the biggest number possible, multiplied by itself a quad-trillion (actual number there) times]% angry at them. Their leader, has made this comment "If you want power to come back from Brussels to Britain, no matter what party you are, come to us."

Now consider me, and how that statement could possibly make me angry.

That is a no-brainer. :lol:

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Latest news from Britain:



One doctor has gone ahead despite the international ban on cloning and done the unthinkable. He has attempted to clone a human child. Whether the results are successful we will find out, but the doctor is now facing the EU commitee.


Baghdad crisis.

The British man who has been captured by Tawhid and Jihad Groups group has made a viedo plea to day, pleading for someone to save his life. Over 50,000 pamphlets were handed out in Baghdad asking for help. They were distributed in western Baghdad's Mansour district, where Mr Bigley and two colleagues were taken.


The three were captured at gunpoint and Americans Eugene Armstrong and Jack Hensley have since been beheaded.


The pamphlets were written in arabic and said this:

Labour party conference


Tony Blair must do more to explain his Iraq decision but not say sorry, ex-Cabinet minister Stephen Byers has said ahead of Labour's annual conference.

Mr Byers urged the prime minister to stress that elections in Iraq next January will provide democracy.


And he needed to show he was in touch with domestic concerns after the focus on world affairs, Mr Byers told ITN.


The MP also appeared to confirm reports that Labour's polling suggests Iraq might have lost 3m votes.


Putin's plea

There will be no about-turn in the country's life," Mr Putin told international media executives.


"Russia made its choice 10 years ago for a democratic, society-orientated state with a market economy," he said.


Mr Putin vowed to tighten the Kremlin's grip over the regions, after the Beslan school hostage tragedy this month.


Mr Putin also urged journalists on Friday not to be passive in the face of international terrorism.


"I'm convinced that in the condition of a global terrorist threat, that when people are being killed, the mass media cannot be simply observers," he said. "We do not have the right to forget."


He also said terrorism must not be used as an excuse to limit freedom of the press.


Kremlin tightens grip


Mr Putin has proposed nominating top regional officials, including governors, before they are approved locally.


Many Russians compare Beslan with the 9/11 attacks in the US

The idea - if implemented - could increase the Kremlin's influence on Russia's local politics dramatically.

The Moscow Times reported on Friday that 10 governors had signed up to the pro-Kremlin United Russia party this week.


Quoting party leader Boris Gryzlov, it said at least 20 others were preparing to join the party.


Russia has 89 regional governors, currently elected directly.


Some observers say Mr Putin's plans are reminiscent of the party loyalty and central control that characterised the Soviet system.


US President George W Bush spoke to Mr Putin by telephone on Thursday and reiterated the need to protect democratic institutions while prosecuting the war on terrorism, the White House said.


Mr Putin announced the sweeping political changes as part of a package of tough anti-terrorism measures following the Beslan school siege in which at least 338 people died - nearly half of them children. The Beslan attack was claimed by Chechen rebel warlord Shamil Basayev.


Russia has called for the extradition of Chechen political leaders living abroad, including rebel spokesman Akhmed Zakayev, who is currently in London.


Britain and Russia are working on a new UN Security Council resolution to stop terrorists evading justice by hiding behind asylum and refugee laws.


Chechen Rebels condem each other

The Chechen rebel leader, Aslan Maskhadov, has said he wants his former comrade-in-arms Shamil Basayev to go on trial for the Beslan school siege.

Mr Basayev has admitted organising the hostage-taking at the Russian school but blamed the hundreds of deaths there on the Russian security forces.


Mr Maskhadov said Mr Basayev and others would have to go on trial at the end of Chechnya's war of independence.


Mr Maskhadov's statement appeared on the rebel website Chechenpress.com.


He again insisted that Chechen rebel forces under his command had "nothing to do with the terrorist act" in Beslan.


The Chechen conflict



"Unfortunately, with the current war continuing, it is practically impossible to bring to justice those responsible for the terrorist act," he admitted.


More than 320 hostages were killed, many of them children, when pro-Chechen militants seized a school in Beslan, North Ossetia, in early September. The victims died during a fierce battle between the gunmen and surrounding Russian security forces.


Mixed gang


Mr Basayev says his fighters carried out the hostage-taking as well as the recent bombing of two Russian airliners and the Moscow underground.



3 Sep: At least 320 hostages die when Beslan school siege comes to bloody end

31 Aug: Suicide bomber kills 10 outside Moscow metro station

24 Aug: Suspected suicide bombers destroy two airliners shortly after they leave the same Moscow airport, killing 89

Russia's most wanted 


He identified the commander of the Beslan raid as a "Colonel Orstkhoyev" and said that 31 people from various ethnic groups in Russia were involved along with two "Arabs". The attackers included 12 Chechen men and two Chechen women, he said.


Moscow blames both Mr Maskhadov and Mr Basayev for Beslan and has offered a $10m reward for their capture.


Russia has always insisted its commandos assaulted the Beslan school only when explosives planted by the hostage-takers began to go off inside and children tried to run to safety.


Mr Basayev said the hostage-takers had been demanding the withdrawal of Russian forces from Chechnya.

WOW, thats alot

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Yes it is. Because I am intrested in telling the truth, unlike you who lies to increase your own social ranking on HD. Now Horatio may tell me off for not being nice to you.

TGHL....... you are not being nice. :(

TGHL, please calm down a bit, ok? :P


Hey I just noticed I have 4000 posts.....

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Time for more Royal scandals in Britain..... *sigh*


Prince Harry in scuffle with paparazzi



LONDON (Reuters) - Prince Harry was hit in the face with a camera during a scuffle with photographers as he left a London nightclub in the early hours of Thursday, royal aides have said.


A photographer's lip was cut after Harry, 20, pushed a camera away.


Sources said the prince, third in line to the throne, was hit on the nose by a camera as he tried to get into a car after partying at Pangea club in Piccadilly.


Pictures shown on television show the red-haired prince, who has a reputation as a playboy, scuffling with a group of photographers.


Harry's injuries are not thought to be serious.


London's Metropolitan Police had no official comment on the incident but a police source said it seemed there had been no arrests and that no charges were likely.


Harry, who has grown up in the shadow of his elder brother Prince William, has attracted unwanted media attention in recent years after he admitted smoking cannabis and under-age drinking.


Harry, who achieved only modest exam results from exclusive private school Eton, is to begin army officer training next year, continuing the royal family's long tradition of military service.


Milosevic lawyers plead to quit



Milosevic's lawyers say it his basic right to defend himself

Lawyers appointed to defend Slobodan Milosevic are appealing for the former Yugoslav president to be allowed to defend himself at his war crimes trial.

Mr Milosevic refuses to co-operate with the defence team and insists on his right to put his case to the court.


His lawyers claim the judges sacrificed this right to speed up the trial, which has suffered numerous delays.


Mr Milosevic is accused of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes during the 1990s Balkans war.


The reason for more than a dozen delays to the trial proceedings has been Mr Milosevic's poor health.


'Fundamental right'


British barrister Steven Kay was part of the defence team appointed last month when the court ruled Mr Milosevic was too ill to continue acting as his own defence lawyer.



Began February 2002

Milosevic faces more than 60 charges

Prosecutors' case rested February 2004

Court already heard from 295 witnesses



Mr Kay told the five-judge panel at the appeals court: "One cannot think of a more fundamental right, more in the interest of justice, more going to the fairness of a trial, than the right to present your defence as you want to present it, rather than how somebody else would like for you to present it."


The defence lawyers also claim it is difficult to represent him, as he has refused to co-operate with them.


The prosecution argues that the trial would be delayed even further if Mr Milosevic was allowed to represent himself.


Many witnesses are refusing to testify unless Mr Milosevic is allowed to conduct his own defence.


Another thing...

British troops in Iraq are being moved after AMERICAN politicans asked for them to move to the conflict ridden area of central Iraq, this will mean that the US troops in the area are going to pull out, meaning less casualities amongst the US Army during the Election. If this move had been denied, US soilders would carry on dying at the current/increased rate, possibly losing Bush those crucial votes and giving Kerry the President-ship on a silver platter. So now the Royal Marines and the British Army are sacrificing their lives for Bush's votes.



Edited by Horatio
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Time for more Royal scandals in Britain..... *sigh*


Prince Harry in scuffle with paparazzi



LONDON (Reuters) - Prince Harry was hit in the face with a camera during a scuffle with photographers as he left a London nightclub in the early hours of Thursday, royal aides have said.


A photographer's lip was cut after Harry, 20, pushed a camera away.


Sources said the prince, third in line to the throne, was hit on the nose by a camera as he tried to get into a car after partying at Pangea club in Piccadilly.


Pictures shown on television show the red-haired prince, who has a reputation as a playboy, scuffling with a group of photographers.


Harry's injuries are not thought to be serious.


London's Metropolitan Police had no official comment on the incident but a police source said it seemed there had been no arrests and that no charges were likely.


Harry, who has grown up in the shadow of his elder brother Prince William, has attracted unwanted media attention in recent years after he admitted smoking cannabis and under-age drinking.


Harry, who achieved only modest exam results from exclusive private school Eton, is to begin army officer training next year, continuing the royal family's long tradition of military service.


Milosevic lawyers plead to quit



Milosevic's lawyers say it his basic right to defend himself

Lawyers appointed to defend Slobodan Milosevic are appealing for the former Yugoslav president to be allowed to defend himself at his war crimes trial.

Mr Milosevic refuses to co-operate with the defence team and insists on his right to put his case to the court.


His lawyers claim the judges sacrificed this right to speed up the trial, which has suffered numerous delays.


Mr Milosevic is accused of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes during the 1990s Balkans war.


The reason for more than a dozen delays to the trial proceedings has been Mr Milosevic's poor health.


'Fundamental right'


British barrister Steven Kay was part of the defence team appointed last month when the court ruled Mr Milosevic was too ill to continue acting as his own defence lawyer.



Began February 2002

Milosevic faces more than 60 charges

Prosecutors' case rested February 2004

Court already heard from 295 witnesses

Mr Kay told the five-judge panel at the appeals court: "One cannot think of a more fundamental right, more in the interest of justice, more going to the fairness of a trial, than the right to present your defence as you want to present it, rather than how somebody else would like for you to present it."


The defence lawyers also claim it is difficult to represent him, as he has refused to co-operate with them.


The prosecution argues that the trial would be delayed even further if Mr Milosevic was allowed to represent himself.


Many witnesses are refusing to testify unless Mr Milosevic is allowed to conduct his own defence.


Another thing...

British troops in Iraq are being moved after AMERICAN politicans asked for them to move to the conflict ridden area of central Iraq, this will mean that the US troops in the area are going to pull out, meaning less casualities amongst the US Army during the Election. If this move had been denied, US soilders would carry on dying at the current/increased rate, possibly losing Bush those crucial votes and giving Kerry the President-ship on a silver platter. So now the Royal Marines and the British Army are sacrificing their lives for Bush's votes.



WHAT?! That's America's problem, not yours!

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WHAT?! That's America's problem, not yours!

No it is our problem because George Bush is going to have over 1,000 black watch (very very elite) killed in what the Times is calling 'The Triangle of Death'. Our men are going to die, just so your president get scrounge some extra votes, comprende? Also, you should try comparing the behaviour of our soilders to yours (I can assure you this is not being snooty, biased etc.) Our troops (genuine fact this) are going around handing out sweets, pencils (What the Dickens?) and calling people ma'm and sir. However what are American troops doing? You have had people jailed for abusing POWs and breaking the Geneva Conventions laws about war and various other things. What good have America's troops done so far?

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No it is our problem because George Bush is going to have over 1,000 black watch (very very elite) killed in what the Times is calling 'The Triangle of Death'. Our men are going to die, just so your president get scrounge some extra votes, comprende? Also, you should try comparing the behaviour of our soilders to yours (I can assure you this is not being snooty, biased etc.) Our troops (genuine fact this) are going around handing out sweets, pencils (What the Dickens?) and calling people ma'm and sir. However what are American troops doing? You have had people jailed for abusing POWs and breaking the Geneva Conventions laws about war and various other things. What good have America's troops done so far?

Got a point. I have no clue why anyone so much as tolerates Bush sending your troops over just to get votes. I do hope he doesn't keep his presidency. Unfortunately, I am only a 12 year old who a lot of adults ignore and say I am uninformed and that is why I cannot vote. I am not an adult, I cannot vote, just because most of the people my age would not know squat about politics. I hate it how few rights the people under 18 get. Ah well. I can't do anything about it. They wouldn't listen to me, I'm just a kid. Even though everyone is supposed to have a voice to be heard. :lol:

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Got a point. I have no clue why anyone so much as tolerates Bush sending your troops over just to get votes. I do hope he doesn't keep his presidency. Unfortunately, I am only a 12 year old who a lot of adults ignore and say I am uninformed and that is why I cannot vote. I am not an adult, I cannot vote, just because most of the people my age would not know squat about politics. I hate it how few rights the people under 18 get. Ah well. I can't do anything about it. They wouldn't listen to me, I'm just a kid. Even though everyone is supposed to have a voice to be heard.  :lol:

More adults should listen to the people under 18. They just might learn something other than who is the best scorer on a team. :lol::(:lol:

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Got a point. I have no clue why anyone so much as tolerates Bush sending your troops over just to get votes. I do hope he doesn't keep his presidency. Unfortunately, I am only a 12 year old who a lot of adults ignore and say I am uninformed and that is why I cannot vote. I am not an adult, I cannot vote, just because most of the people my age would not know squat about politics. I hate it how few rights the people under 18 get. Ah well. I can't do anything about it. They wouldn't listen to me, I'm just a kid. Even though everyone is supposed to have a voice to be heard.  :lol:

No one tolerates it and for a change, Tony Blair was against the move. However he said that this was up to the military and then the Defense Secretary goes and forces the troops to move!

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No one tolerates it and for a change, Tony Blair was against the move. However he said that this was up to the military and then the Defense Secretary goes and forces the troops to move!

Wow hes against something that he should be for once...

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Sorry, I need to actually watch news for once,I've been forgetting. Anyhow, a seal was being abuse by people at a childrens pool and died later. A woman witnessed it. Vets say there were no signs of abuse. However it did die. That's all I've seen, I've been just too busy.


NOTE: Anyone is welcome to post news!

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In other news, scientists may have finally come up with a way to make CDs far more difficult to scratch -- which is nice because basically, in my experience, if you look at them funny they start skipping like 6-year olds at the zoo. I have some questions. A) What took them so long? B) Can I get free replacement copies of all the CDs I mangled in my car before they figured this out? Also C) When are they gonna unleash that jonx on the public, 'cause it's pretty much, in my mind, the most important scientific advancement like... ever.

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Latest news from Britain:



One doctor has gone ahead despite the international ban on cloning and done the unthinkable. He has attempted to clone a human child. Whether the results are successful we will find out, but the doctor is now facing the EU commitee.


Baghdad crisis.

The British man who has been captured by Tawhid and Jihad Groups group has made a viedo plea to day, pleading for someone to save his life. Over 50,000 pamphlets were handed out in Baghdad asking for help. They were distributed in western Baghdad's Mansour district, where Mr Bigley and two colleagues were taken.


The three were captured at gunpoint and Americans Eugene Armstrong and Jack Hensley have since been beheaded.


The pamphlets were written in arabic and said this:

Labour party conference


Tony Blair must do more to explain his Iraq decision but not say sorry, ex-Cabinet minister Stephen Byers has said ahead of Labour's annual conference.

Mr Byers urged the prime minister to stress that elections in Iraq next January will provide democracy.


And he needed to show he was in touch with domestic concerns after the focus on world affairs, Mr Byers told ITN.


The MP also appeared to confirm reports that Labour's polling suggests Iraq might have lost 3m votes.


Putin's plea

There will be no about-turn in the country's life," Mr Putin told international media executives.


"Russia made its choice 10 years ago for a democratic, society-orientated state with a market economy," he said.


Mr Putin vowed to tighten the Kremlin's grip over the regions, after the Beslan school hostage tragedy this month.


Mr Putin also urged journalists on Friday not to be passive in the face of international terrorism.


"I'm convinced that in the condition of a global terrorist threat, that when people are being killed, the mass media cannot be simply observers," he said. "We do not have the right to forget."


He also said terrorism must not be used as an excuse to limit freedom of the press.


Kremlin tightens grip


Mr Putin has proposed nominating top regional officials, including governors, before they are approved locally.


Many Russians compare Beslan with the 9/11 attacks in the US

The idea - if implemented - could increase the Kremlin's influence on Russia's local politics dramatically.

The Moscow Times reported on Friday that 10 governors had signed up to the pro-Kremlin United Russia party this week.


Quoting party leader Boris Gryzlov, it said at least 20 others were preparing to join the party.


Russia has 89 regional governors, currently elected directly.


Some observers say Mr Putin's plans are reminiscent of the party loyalty and central control that characterised the Soviet system.


US President George W Bush spoke to Mr Putin by telephone on Thursday and reiterated the need to protect democratic institutions while prosecuting the war on terrorism, the White House said.


Mr Putin announced the sweeping political changes as part of a package of tough anti-terrorism measures following the Beslan school siege in which at least 338 people died - nearly half of them children. The Beslan attack was claimed by Chechen rebel warlord Shamil Basayev.


Russia has called for the extradition of Chechen political leaders living abroad, including rebel spokesman Akhmed Zakayev, who is currently in London.


Britain and Russia are working on a new UN Security Council resolution to stop terrorists evading justice by hiding behind asylum and refugee laws.


Chechen Rebels condem each other

The Chechen rebel leader, Aslan Maskhadov, has said he wants his former comrade-in-arms Shamil Basayev to go on trial for the Beslan school siege.

Mr Basayev has admitted organising the hostage-taking at the Russian school but blamed the hundreds of deaths there on the Russian security forces.


Mr Maskhadov said Mr Basayev and others would have to go on trial at the end of Chechnya's war of independence.


Mr Maskhadov's statement appeared on the rebel website Chechenpress.com.


He again insisted that Chechen rebel forces under his command had "nothing to do with the terrorist act" in Beslan.


The Chechen conflict



"Unfortunately, with the current war continuing, it is practically impossible to bring to justice those responsible for the terrorist act," he admitted.


More than 320 hostages were killed, many of them children, when pro-Chechen militants seized a school in Beslan, North Ossetia, in early September. The victims died during a fierce battle between the gunmen and surrounding Russian security forces.


Mixed gang


Mr Basayev says his fighters carried out the hostage-taking as well as the recent bombing of two Russian airliners and the Moscow underground.



3 Sep: At least 320 hostages die when Beslan school siege comes to bloody end

31 Aug: Suicide bomber kills 10 outside Moscow metro station

24 Aug: Suspected suicide bombers destroy two airliners shortly after they leave the same Moscow airport, killing 89

Russia's most wanted 


He identified the commander of the Beslan raid as a "Colonel Orstkhoyev" and said that 31 people from various ethnic groups in Russia were involved along with two "Arabs". The attackers included 12 Chechen men and two Chechen women, he said.


Moscow blames both Mr Maskhadov and Mr Basayev for Beslan and has offered a $10m reward for their capture.


Russia has always insisted its commandos assaulted the Beslan school only when explosives planted by the hostage-takers began to go off inside and children tried to run to safety.


Mr Basayev said the hostage-takers had been demanding the withdrawal of Russian forces from Chechnya.

Whoa! You're amazing!

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Time for more Royal scandals in Britain..... *sigh*


Prince Harry in scuffle with paparazzi



LONDON (Reuters) - Prince Harry was hit in the face with a camera during a scuffle with photographers as he left a London nightclub in the early hours of Thursday, royal aides have said.


A photographer's lip was cut after Harry, 20, pushed a camera away.


Sources said the prince, third in line to the throne, was hit on the nose by a camera as he tried to get into a car after partying at Pangea club in Piccadilly.


Pictures shown on television show the red-haired prince, who has a reputation as a playboy, scuffling with a group of photographers.


Harry's injuries are not thought to be serious.


London's Metropolitan Police had no official comment on the incident but a police source said it seemed there had been no arrests and that no charges were likely.


Harry, who has grown up in the shadow of his elder brother Prince William, has attracted unwanted media attention in recent years after he admitted smoking cannabis and under-age drinking.


Harry, who achieved only modest exam results from exclusive private school Eton, is to begin army officer training next year, continuing the royal family's long tradition of military service.


Milosevic lawyers plead to quit



Milosevic's lawyers say it his basic right to defend himself

Lawyers appointed to defend Slobodan Milosevic are appealing for the former Yugoslav president to be allowed to defend himself at his war crimes trial.

Mr Milosevic refuses to co-operate with the defence team and insists on his right to put his case to the court.


His lawyers claim the judges sacrificed this right to speed up the trial, which has suffered numerous delays.


Mr Milosevic is accused of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes during the 1990s Balkans war.


The reason for more than a dozen delays to the trial proceedings has been Mr Milosevic's poor health.


'Fundamental right'


British barrister Steven Kay was part of the defence team appointed last month when the court ruled Mr Milosevic was too ill to continue acting as his own defence lawyer.



Began February 2002

Milosevic faces more than 60 charges

Prosecutors' case rested February 2004

Court already heard from 295 witnesses

Mr Kay told the five-judge panel at the appeals court: "One cannot think of a more fundamental right, more in the interest of justice, more going to the fairness of a trial, than the right to present your defence as you want to present it, rather than how somebody else would like for you to present it."


The defence lawyers also claim it is difficult to represent him, as he has refused to co-operate with them.


The prosecution argues that the trial would be delayed even further if Mr Milosevic was allowed to represent himself.


Many witnesses are refusing to testify unless Mr Milosevic is allowed to conduct his own defence.


Another thing...

British troops in Iraq are being moved after AMERICAN politicans asked for them to move to the conflict ridden area of central Iraq, this will mean that the US troops in the area are going to pull out, meaning less casualities amongst the US Army during the Election. If this move had been denied, US soilders would carry on dying at the current/increased rate, possibly losing Bush those crucial votes and giving Kerry the President-ship on a silver platter. So now the Royal Marines and the British Army are sacrificing their lives for Bush's votes.



Could I agree more? What a self-important, pompous, apathetic JERK!

*calms down*

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No it is our problem because George Bush is going to have over 1,000 black watch (very very elite) killed in what the Times is calling 'The Triangle of Death'. Our men are going to die, just so your president get scrounge some extra votes, comprende? Also, you should try comparing the behaviour of our soilders to yours (I can assure you this is not being snooty, biased etc.) Our troops (genuine fact this) are going around handing out sweets, pencils (What the Dickens?) and calling people ma'm and sir. However what are American troops doing? You have had people jailed for abusing POWs and breaking the Geneva Conventions laws about war and various other things. What good have America's troops done so far?

He's right, you know, Mega Wolf...

Also, why are they handing out pencils?

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Got a point. I have no clue why anyone so much as tolerates Bush sending your troops over just to get votes. I do hope he doesn't keep his presidency. Unfortunately, I am only a 12 year old who a lot of adults ignore and say I am uninformed and that is why I cannot vote. I am not an adult, I cannot vote, just because most of the people my age would not know squat about politics. I hate it how few rights the people under 18 get. Ah well. I can't do anything about it. They wouldn't listen to me, I'm just a kid. Even though everyone is supposed to have a voice to be heard.  :lol:

I sympathize completely! I have known more about politics thatn most ADULTS around me since I was your age! Yet they can vote, and I can't.

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No one tolerates it and for a change, Tony Blair was against the move. However he said that this was up to the military and then the Defense Secretary goes and forces the troops to move!

Blair seems mor3e like a follower, and I don't feel against him like I do bush. I rather pity him. America is like the world's bully, and Blair is just handing over his lunch money.

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In other news, scientists may have finally come up with a way to make CDs far more difficult to scratch -- which is nice because basically, in my experience, if you look at them funny they start skipping like 6-year olds at the zoo. I have some questions. A) What took them so long? B) Can I get free replacement copies of all the CDs I mangled in my car before they figured this out? Also C) When are they gonna unleash that jonx on the public, 'cause it's pretty much, in my mind, the most important scientific advancement like... ever.

Yay! That's true! A I agree B I want them too! C When are they? Will they replace the CDs already in stores?

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Everyone? I think not. Maybe he shouldn't have jumped into the war. But, what about abortions? Gays getting married? The world shall surely fall with those things.

So not true!

I don't have an opinion on abortions, but I'm for same-sex marriages! I have homosexual friends!

Also, they are already legal in several countries, including our neighbor to the North, Canada! As for the Everyone, you are unfortunately right. Too many people are as apathetic as Bush.

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Everyone? I think not. Maybe he shouldn't have jumped into the war. But, what about abortions? Gays getting married? The world shall surely fall with those things.

Abortions: I find wrong. That is like murder.

Gays getting married: They should have the same rights as straight couples.


Dubya looks like he's gonna win the election... that's what I've seen on the so-far electoral votes. Dubya is in the lead by around eighty so far... but things could turn... and I think Dubya will win California, all these republicans round here... and Texas, thats his birthplace... so he has states with a lot of electoral votes on his side.

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Abortions: I find wrong. That is like murder.

Gays getting married: They should have the same rights as straight couples.


Dubya looks like he's gonna win the election... that's what I've seen on the so-far electoral votes. Dubya is in the lead by around eighty so far... but things could turn... and I think Dubya will win California, all these republicans round here... and Texas, thats his birthplace... so he has states with a lot of electoral votes on his side.

It all relies on Ohio's 20 elctoral votes, if Kerry gets them he is the new President of the USA!!

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yesterday in the newspaper, there was an article about a 13 year-old girl who had been conversing with a 40 year-old man pretending to be 19. They conversed for two years, the man said he wanted to marry her. then he showed up at her door with dishonorable purposes.

i just thought it was a good reminder to us all to use discernment when giving out personal information on boards that are not as carefully moderated as these.


thankfully the man was caught and is currantly in jail.

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yesterday in the newspaper, there was an article about a 13 year-old girl who had been conversing with a 40 year-old man pretending to be 19. They conversed for two years, the man said he wanted to marry her. then he showed up at her door with dishonorable purposes.

i just thought it was a good reminder to us all to use discernment when giving out personal information on boards that are not as carefully moderated as these.


thankfully the man was caught and is currantly in jail.

Thanks for mentioning that article. This is exactly why HampsterKing does not permit any personal information, or any methods of contacting each other to be permitted. Again, thank you for writing about that. :)

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Thanks for mentioning that article.  This is exactly why HampsterKing does not permit any personal information, or any methods of contacting each other to be permitted.  Again, thank you for writing about that. :)


yay! to HK for caring about us so much! :D

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remember that AIM it up trick cow tried using?

Oh that one I will never forget. I had a feeling on her screen name, but then I thought hhhmmmm that sounds like a screen name, but there is nothing to go with it. The she came up with the next post and I wondered, alert light coming on, but not seeing anything immediately wrong, and Cow slid that one right past me. :lol: It took me a while, but now I have my magnifying glass out for everything. :lol::lol::lol:

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Oh that one I will never forget.  I had a feeling on her screen name, but then I thought hhhmmmm that sounds like a screen name, but there is nothing to go with it.  The she came up with the next post and I wondered, alert light coming on, but not seeing anything immediately wrong, and Cow slid that one right past me. :lol: It took me a while, but now I have my magnifying glass out for everything. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Lol that was an interesting trick. Wasn't the SN including a bunch of random numbers?

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Oh that one I will never forget.  I had a feeling on her screen name, but then I thought hhhmmmm that sounds like a screen name, but there is nothing to go with it. The she came up with the next post and I wondered, alert light coming on, but not seeing anything immediately wrong, and Cow slid that one right past me. :lol: It took me a while, but now I have my magnifying glass out for everything. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I finally caught one of you're typos! :P

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  • 4 months later...
I'm one to defend the innocent, and that proofreader is sounding pretty innocent to me...

Okay, Horatio!


Don't you want to defend the not-so-innocent Phantom Mega Wolf who happens to be on Sheena's side, therefore is on the sanity stealing side? :lol:

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*wonders what MW has to swoop down and kidnap* *has an idea* *gets Horatio to stand in position* *plays some more dramatic music*

*kidnaps Horatio's sanity*


I tested it. It's real. Real as can be. Fact. It's the realest real sanity to ever be real. And it's Horatio's realest real sanity. Don't argue. *shifts eyes*

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*kidnaps Horatio's sanity*


I tested it. It's real. Real as can be. Fact. It's the realest real sanity to ever be real. And it's Horatio's realest real sanity. Don't argue. *shifts eyes*

*laughs at Mega Wolf not realizing her sanity equipment was rigged*


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Those were Permanent Ink Horatio Tattoos!

Um. Oops.

Whats the oops for? All you did is proove Horatio can't produce good quality Permanent Ink Tattoos!

I accentally used nonpermanent ink remover. When used on permanent ink, it can have some crazy side effects...

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Those were Permanent Ink Horatio Tattoos!

Um. Oops.

Whats the oops for? All you did is proove Horatio can't produce good quality Permanent Ink Tattoos!

I accentally used nonpermanent ink remover. When used on permanent ink, it can have some crazy side effects...

On whom, what or when?

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Those were Permanent Ink Horatio Tattoos!

Um. Oops.

Whats the oops for? All you did is proove Horatio can't produce good quality Permanent Ink Tattoos!

I accentally used nonpermanent ink remover. When used on permanent ink, it can have some crazy side effects...

On whom, what or when?

The bumper stickers on the sanity. I mean. The permanent ink on Horatio's sanity. It looks like a trumpet now. :blink:

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Those were Permanent Ink Horatio Tattoos!

Um. Oops.

Whats the oops for? All you did is proove Horatio can't produce good quality Permanent Ink Tattoos!

I accentally used nonpermanent ink remover. When used on permanent ink, it can have some crazy side effects...

On whom, what or when?

The bumper stickers on the sanity. I mean. The permanent ink on Horatio's sanity. It looks like a trumpet now. :blink:

Donate it to an Orphan Soul Band.

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Those were Permanent Ink Horatio Tattoos!

Um. Oops.

Whats the oops for? All you did is proove Horatio can't produce good quality Permanent Ink Tattoos!

I accentally used nonpermanent ink remover. When used on permanent ink, it can have some crazy side effects...

On whom, what or when?

The bumper stickers on the sanity. I mean. The permanent ink on Horatio's sanity. It looks like a trumpet now. :blink:

Donate it to an Orphan Soul Band.

Are you sure you want to donate Horatio's sanity?

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Those were Permanent Ink Horatio Tattoos!

Um. Oops.

Whats the oops for? All you did is proove Horatio can't produce good quality Permanent Ink Tattoos!

I accentally used nonpermanent ink remover. When used on permanent ink, it can have some crazy side effects...

On whom, what or when?

The bumper stickers on the sanity. I mean. The permanent ink on Horatio's sanity. It looks like a trumpet now. :blink:

Donate it to an Orphan Soul Band.

Are you sure you want to donate Horatio's sanity?

WHAT?!?!?!??! It's Horatio's sanity, I thought it was the sanity detector. *snatches the sanity back off Orphans*

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Those were Permanent Ink Horatio Tattoos!

Um. Oops.

Whats the oops for? All you did is proove Horatio can't produce good quality Permanent Ink Tattoos!

I accentally used nonpermanent ink remover. When used on permanent ink, it can have some crazy side effects...

On whom, what or when?

The bumper stickers on the sanity. I mean. The permanent ink on Horatio's sanity. It looks like a trumpet now. :blink:

Donate it to an Orphan Soul Band.

Are you sure you want to donate Horatio's sanity?

WHAT?!?!?!??! It's Horatio's sanity, I thought it was the sanity detector. *snatches the sanity back off Orphans*

When are you going to learn??????? I have my true sanity securely stored in a place that you will never find it. The only sanities of mine, running around out here, are decoys and replacements.


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