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Nerds and gamers talk!


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I just felt like putting this topic up, And in the Hado place cuz it has the second most topics. Hado needs the most topics of the four hammies. (Its just common sense, Dont ask me :laughing )


So, For all the geeks or nerds who feel like talking mechanics, computing, education, english, all that other junk, Here is where you can go.


In other gaming news, Last night/this morning after mashin' on my gamecube all night, I finally beat the Pikmin game with all 30 parts. at 2:47.

SSBM has been got a few weeks ago, I got all 25 characters, all play stages, all event matches taken care of (I can talk like this in this topic. Whee.) I still have yet to finish all-star 1player with all characters. And the multi-man melee. Those are impossible. o_O


And heres a dillema (i doubt i spelled that right) i have, I have a virus or two on my computer. It annoys me very much. n_n; When ever i go to any website that does not have a forum or message board (luckily i can go here and to my message board) My IE browsers crash, And i have to start it all over again. So, I get a microsoft internet explorer (MIE) error reporting message, And gives me the option to send an anonymous error report to microsoft, or not. Either way it restarts IE. Im open for suggestions.


I have three anti-virus programs, I've run each of them ,ITs still there. I've reinstalled Windows 98 (Im too cheap for XP or all that fancy stuff, And not many people write viruses for 95 or 98 anymore) and done everything i can possibley think of. The only thing i have NOT done, Is reformat drive C, Which i dont want to do athaving 38 GB or data, all of which i want to keep. like, a lot.

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I like SSBM a lot.


I own with Yoshi, Kirby, and Zelda!

Whee. n_n


Im best with Mewtwo, Roy, Marth (pretty much the same thing) and Samus. Jigglypuff is really good too. Despite its appearance.

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I have three anti-virus programs, I've run each of them ,ITs still there. I've reinstalled Windows 98 (Im too cheap for XP or all that fancy stuff, And not many people write viruses for 95 or 98 anymore) and done everything i can possibley think of. The only thing i have NOT done, Is reformat drive C, Which i dont want to do athaving 38 GB or data, all of which i want to keep. like, a lot.

im not sure if this'll work...i've got XP but i had a virus...or a worm....i dont remember it was just like that though, but anyway, hit Ctrl Alt Delete and this window opens of all the crud thats running on your compy, the windows task manager- thats it. and go to processes, im not sure how it works but when i had that virus or whatever this one program would be running and be using a lot of CPUs....whatever that is, so you highlight that one and then "end process". you might have to do that two or three times before it goes away, not for good, you have to do that everytime you go on but it really slows down the compy seisures. oh and...by a lot, i mean like...80 to like...99. yeah, hope that helps. good luck.

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Note to those who have no clue what SSBM is: I'm pretty sure I'm right in saying we're talking about Super Smash Brothers Melee. Pretty sure. 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% sure.
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And heres a dillema (i doubt i spelled that right) i have, I have a virus or two on my computer. It annoys me very much. n_n; When ever i go to any website that does not have a forum or message board (luckily i can go here and to my message board) My IE browsers crash, And i have to start it all over again. So, I get a microsoft internet explorer (MIE) error reporting message, And gives me the option to send an anonymous error report to microsoft, or not. Either way it restarts IE. Im open for suggestions.




I have a perfect solution for you.......

     get a Mac.

:laughing         :laughing         :laughing

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And heres a dillema (i doubt i spelled that right) i have, I have a virus or two on my computer. It annoys me very much. n_n; When ever i go to any website that does not have a forum or message board (luckily i can go here and to my message board) My IE browsers crash, And i have to start it all over again. So, I get a microsoft internet explorer (MIE) error reporting message, And gives me the option to send an anonymous error report to microsoft, or not. Either way it restarts IE. Im open for suggestions.




I have a perfect solution for you.......

     get a Mac.

:laughing         :laughing         :laughing

From what i understand, Mac computers cant get viruses...? ???


And with a mac, In order to keep functioning you have to buy (manditory o_O) updates and stuff. I dont really wanna fork out the big bucks, Im sticking with what i have.

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have only played the first one,
Jigglypuff Da Bomb. Whee.


Flying narcolepsey kick!!!!


actually, pikachu's no slouch either.




anyone out there played C&C: Renegade

First one...Well, I have both of them. First one is great. (There, im best with Kirby. Best stradegy, Lure your opponent to an edge, use B and suck them into your mouth, Spit them out underneatht he arena or somewhere else anyhow, Then use your fluffy jumps and get back on. (Up+B if necessary.) Its cheap, Everyone gets real ticked off when I do it, Computer players cant do that though.


SSB Melee isnt much different, But the most noticable things about it would be the graphic improvements, more attacks and more characters.

remember in the first one, In the Data menu, (or somewhere) You can display character bios, descriptions, what games their from and such. In SSBM, Those are called Trophies, Where you can have up to three different trophies of one character. In addition to all 25 characters, You can get a million different trophies, mostly just details about games the characters are from.

I have about 260 of these. I think there are 300 or 350 total.

If i told you how to get them, I'd spoil all the surprise for when you get the game. if ever. (Hint, Buy it. Its worth the whole 30 bucks. 25. however much you buy it for.)

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Guest puppydog
I just felt like putting this topic up, And in the Hado place cuz it has the second most topics. Hado needs the most topics of the four hammies. (Its just common sense, Dont ask me :laughing )

why is it called nerds and gamers talk,then it says for the uniquely different?


first of all: not all gamers are nerds

second:not all nerds are gamers

third:gamers are not really uniquely different

foruth:nerds arn't really uniquely different either


and any combo of that u wanna make.

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I like to play Sw's KOTOR and KOTOR2.

I also like JK:JA.

I cannot wait till Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith comes out at the theatre..........(Captain Kurk: KHAAAAAANNNNN!!!!!!) lmao


anyways....I have a xbox. I did have game cube and playstation 2 but they bored me.

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Two words: Yoshi rocks.



Anybody ever played:

Dungon Keeper?

Space Channel 5?

Super Mario Sunshine?

The Sims (Any platform.)?

Go Sims! I like to put in the money cheat... one awesome thing I did was put my characters in the largest lot and wrote on the grass with tile. I think I wrote, "Star" because the main character was a celebrity and I have Sims Superstar.

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I just felt like putting this topic up, And in the Hado place cuz it has the second most topics. Hado needs the most topics of the four hammies. (Its just common sense, Dont ask me :laughing )

why is it called nerds and gamers talk,then it says for the uniquely different?


first of all: not all gamers are nerds

second:not all nerds are gamers

third:gamers are not really uniquely different

foruth:nerds arn't really uniquely different either


and any combo of that u wanna make.

Im a nerd, AND a gamer. Im different from the rest of you, (this isnt why though)


Nerds shall inherit the earth. Gamers will just kill everyone with their rotting minds. Whee.


There is also a difference between geek and nerd. I will say no more.

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I just felt like putting this topic up, And in the Hado place cuz it has the second most topics. Hado needs the most topics of the four hammies. (Its just common sense, Dont ask me :laughing )

why is it called nerds and gamers talk,then it says for the uniquely different?


first of all: not all gamers are nerds

second:not all nerds are gamers

third:gamers are not really uniquely different

foruth:nerds arn't really uniquely different either


and any combo of that u wanna make.

Im a nerd, AND a gamer. Im different from the rest of you, (this isnt why though)


Nerds shall inherit the earth. Gamers will just kill everyone with their rotting minds. Whee.


There is also a difference between geek and nerd. I will say no more.

I'm a nerd and a gamer, too! WEEEEE!

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I just felt like putting this topic up, And in the Hado place cuz it has the second most topics. Hado needs the most topics of the four hammies. (Its just common sense, Dont ask me :laughing )

why is it called nerds and gamers talk,then it says for the uniquely different?


first of all: not all gamers are nerds

second:not all nerds are gamers

third:gamers are not really uniquely different

foruth:nerds arn't really uniquely different either


and any combo of that u wanna make.

Im a nerd, AND a gamer. Im different from the rest of you, (this isnt why though)


Nerds shall inherit the earth. Gamers will just kill everyone with their rotting minds. Whee.


There is also a difference between geek and nerd. I will say no more.

I'm a nerd and a gamer, too! WEEEEE!

Well, I am not sure about the nerd part but I am a gamer for sure! Only the game I play all day is a website game, it's an MMORPG(is that what they're called? I'm not sure......)

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I just felt like putting this topic up, And in the Hado place cuz it has the second most topics. Hado needs the most topics of the four hammies. (Its just common sense, Dont ask me :laughing )

why is it called nerds and gamers talk,then it says for the uniquely different?


first of all: not all gamers are nerds

second:not all nerds are gamers

third:gamers are not really uniquely different

foruth:nerds arn't really uniquely different either


and any combo of that u wanna make.

Im a nerd, AND a gamer. Im different from the rest of you, (this isnt why though)


Nerds shall inherit the earth. Gamers will just kill everyone with their rotting minds. Whee.


There is also a difference between geek and nerd. I will say no more.

I'm a nerd and a gamer, too! WEEEEE!

Well, I am not sure about the nerd part but I am a gamer for sure! Only the game I play all day is a website game, it's an MMORPG(is that what they're called? I'm not sure......)

They are MMOLRPGs or MMORPGs. I've seen both.

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:eat my best in ssbm is mew2 or rrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyy :eat  :penguin  :penguin  :penguin  :penguin  :eek  :o  :P  :laughing

Mewtwo is my third best. If i lose with 'im, I get out Kirby. If i lose with Kirby (not likely though) i whip out Roy and start beatin' everyone. I can think of one time. ONE time i've lost with Roy. n_n

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I cannot wait till HALO 2 comes out!!!!!

halo is one of the few games that are actually any good on Xbox

There ALOT of good games on xbox. Especially when Splinter Cell recieved that highest rating for any game system and xbox. The only thing is, you younger kids are saying that xbox stinks because it is mostly for the 17+ mature age. You younger kids are into super smash bros or whatever and all that junk.

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I cannot wait till HALO 2 comes out!!!!!

halo is one of the few games that are actually any good on Xbox

There ALOT of good games on xbox. Especially when Splinter Cell recieved that highest rating for any game system and xbox. The only thing is, you younger kids are saying that xbox stinks because it is mostly for the 17+ mature age. You younger kids are into super smash bros or whatever and all that junk.

Due to board rules, I cant show it, But i can be really quite violent. Ive played a few of those games, And just because it has a bunch'a bloody stuff and people dying all that doesnt make a game good. Heck, I play StarCraft of PC all the time, Once a terran marine reaches 0 HP, reather it gets shot or scratched, It just literally explodes with blood everywhere. Whats creepy is that in SC, Humans play the main part, And they are the number one race who die the most. So, Seeing a bunch of your own kind just dying, Isnt quite comforting.


And heck, SSBM is a good game. Both StarCraft and Smash Bros melee are rated T, Im not much a fan of the mature games. Not because im under 17.


And i dont like X-box because its microsoft brand. i got windows on my computer, If i hit the wrong button sequence my computer crashes. If i do the wrong thing on X-box, its gonna explode. Nobody can get microsoft ANYTHING to work.

Its sad because theres nothing better to get around here.

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But i can be really quite violent.

Should that really be an  "I"  or an  "it" ?

Shall I summon the Typo Award presenter??

:laughing       :laughing       :laughing

OOH! OOH! I wanna typo award. o_O; and that was an I.

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But i can be really quite violent.

Should that really be an  "I"  or an  "it" ?

Shall I summon the Typo Award presenter??

:laughing       :laughing       :laughing

I'm waiting for an answer, too. *prays that he meant "it"*

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But i can be really quite violent.

Should that really be an  "I"  or an  "it" ?

Shall I summon the Typo Award presenter??

:laughing       :laughing       :laughing

I'm waiting for an answer, too. *prays that he meant "it"*

Too late, Its an I.

Im not violent all the frikkin time, Look on the bright side, I havent killed anything yet. that i know of.

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In your opinion, who is the one person who has had the greatest impact on modern gaming?

My sisters frieds brother, Lloyd. He has almost every game on every system. he's in his room, all day all night. I had to go help him figure out Majora's Mask. Heh. He's 17, im 12. and higher IQ, and better at games. Very strange. But Lloyd-man has NES, SNES, Gameboy Pocket, gameboy color, gameboy advance, gameboy SP, N64, Gamecube, PS1 and 2, Dreamcast.. You name it. He has a lot of Atari junk too.

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not exactly. . . admittedly, quantum physics jokes will go right over (or around) most peoples' heads, I just thought, maybe, with a topic for "nerds " someone would have heard of "Shrodinger's cat"

As I am neither a gamer nor a nerd, just an old hamster, I am always leary of cats. :unsure:

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*tests new materia*

anyways, you gus have a favorite FF summon?I am fond of bahamut, and bahamut ZERO,actually all three forms are cool

especially when they go off in sequence.

Final Fantasy? ^___^ Awesome!!! Don't really have one, just whatever will kick butt. I love....poo, i forgot what it's called....hold..on.....i think if it.....the thing when he turns into that guy. I feel stupid that I forgot....Haven't play....like....ever. I like Ultima Weapon for Cloud. ...yeah....XII. That's my favorite.

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You must be talking to Cow.  If you are talking to me, no, I have never played before. :D

Yeah, I'm guessing your talking to me too. And, yes, I have played. Its quite.... ......it's freakin awesome. ....i love red XIII he is so cool it scares me. Oh, and the thing, for some reason i want to say Diabol. .....but i don't think thats right. Speaking of, have you ever played the devil may cry. I've never actually played that one but i've watched my brother play it.....a lot. its pretty cool. the main characer is kickin.

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gender: male, like my human form. age: that's complictated, what level is the most indivdual?



now that I have freaked you out royally, I have only played VII ,but I agree, Red XIII is massively cool. his cosmo memory is pretty good, although I've only gotten a chance to use it once were it did much good. (stupid 1000hp wandering monsters)



I found this great quiz "what D&D caracter class are you?"

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gender: male, like my human form. age: that's complictated, what level is the most indivdual?

  now that I have freaked you out royally, I have only played VII ,but I agree, Red XIII is massively cool. his cosmo memory is pretty good, although I've only gotten a chance to use it once were it did much good. (stupid 1000hp wandering monsters)

I found this great quiz "what D&D caracter class are you?"

......yeah......what? heh. So, um, age?


Where might this quiz be?

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the age; like I said is complicated. at this time I am roughly, the two year old incarnation of about twenty years of awareness, using atoms billions of years old to create symbols the meaning of which are the result of thousands of years of interaction between beings like me, or at least the beleif that is what I am gets me through what I call "the day"


(If that sounds odd, you try posting while researching philosophy on the internet sometime)

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the age; like I said is complicated. at this time I am roughly, the two year old incarnation of about twenty years of awareness, using atoms billions of years old to create symbols the meaning of which are the result of thousands of years of interaction between beings like me, or at least the beleif that is what I am gets me through what I call "the day"


(If that sounds odd, you try posting while researching philosophy on the internet sometime)

Not odd at all. Philosophy is a wonderful subject as long as you do not need to write papers on the subject for class. To discuss philosophy is divine!

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Okay! Time to confuse you all with strange questions that only I would have any idea what the answers are but still don't! GOOD-FORTUNE FUNTIME!

-In the BESM System, is it better to attack six separate times, or have one attack that does six times the damage?

-Is it possible for a mecha to have seven layers of cream-cheese filling?

-Why do you still take damage if you're made out of water?

-If you fused microbots into your body to make you live forever, then why would you live in a cave and never come out? Whats the point?!

Errr...yeah...I guess...

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Today I was annoyed by a kid in my class. In fact, my P.E. teacher's kid. See, I had a moogol(sp?) pin on my hat, and he said,"Is that from Final Fantasy?" I replied yes, you know what he said?"Final Fantasy stinks." He's never really played it before, he's only watched his brother play. *glares at Brad*. He shouldn't judge games he's never played before.

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six attacks,more likely to do at least some damage.

only if you like piloting a supermegel.

ever hear of hydrogen bonding?

microbots cause severe XP, but you could still rule the Underdark.

( just guessing:LOL: )


wolfie: some people are just idiots. that is why we must have food allergy statements on peanut cans.

Ingedients: peanuts, salt.

Warning!!! this product contains nuts

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How true. Reading warning labels is entertaining. :lol:

You know what I don't get? When you buy hot sause, or something, and it says "Questions or coments? Call: [insert random phone number here.]" What an Earth are you gonna ask questions about?! "Okay. I have the chicken. What do I do now?" "What do you mean 'Put the sause on the chiken!'?!"

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You know what I don't get? When you buy hot sause, or something, and it says "Questions or coments? Call: [insert random phone number here.]" What an Earth are you gonna ask questions about?! "Okay. I have the chicken. What do I do now?" "What do you mean 'Put the sause on the chiken!'?!"


For some people, I do think that you need to spell out things.


Hmmmm, chicken... that sounds good. :D

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six attacks,more likely to do at least some damage.

only if you like piloting a supermegel.

ever hear of hydrogen bonding?

microbots cause severe XP, but you could still rule the Underdark.

( just guessing:LOL: )


wolfie: some people are just idiots. that is why we must have food allergy statements on peanut cans.

Ingedients: peanuts, salt.

Warning!!! this product contains nuts

Indeed. Hey wait... peanuts aren't really nuts. Aren't they legumes? :huh:


Anyways Bradley does seem the sort to need to find out on labels if a walnut or something contains nuts. :lol:

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Indeed. Hey wait... peanuts aren't really nuts. Aren't they legumes? :huh:

I would like to see you tell that to Delta Airlines. Weren't they the ones who banned Pea-nuts? I do believe they switched to Chex Mix or something like that. :lol::lol:

They could have just had chex as special request! :angry::lol::lol::lol:

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Indeed. Hey wait... peanuts aren't really nuts. Aren't they legumes? :huh:


Anyways Bradley does seem the sort to need to find out on labels if a walnut or something contains nuts. :lol:

Grr...*wacks stupid FF-hater-Brad on the head! With a mallet! A BIG mallet! *evil cacle, evil cakle*

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Indeed. Hey wait... peanuts aren't really nuts. Aren't they legumes? :huh:


Anyways Bradley does seem the sort to need to find out on labels if a walnut or something contains nuts. :lol:

Grr...*wacks stupid FF-hater-Brad on the head! With a mallet! A BIG mallet! *evil cacle, evil cakle*

*joins in wacking* *thinks, Brad might tell his mommy and I might get suspended* *decides its worth it and continues to wack*

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Grr...*wacks stupid FF-hater-Brad on the head! With a mallet! A BIG mallet! *evil cacle, evil cakle*

*joins in wacking* *thinks, Brad might tell his mommy and I might get suspended* *decides its worth it and continues to wack*

*hands MW a super-mallet* I have one, too!

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*borrows nail bat from cloud*


hey, stop with the mallet wacking for a sec


to brad: In the name of Gygax, I smite thee.


*returns nailbat*


if he was'nt stupid before, Inow hes breen whaeked and simted, he might be, of course we might have knocked some sense into him.

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*borrows nail bat from cloud*


hey, stop with the mallet wacking for a sec


to brad: In the name of Gygax, I smite thee.


*returns nailbat*


if he was'nt stupid before, Inow hes breen whaeked and simted, he might be, of course we might have knocked some sense into him.

Yay he's smited!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The chocobo racing is the best. I believe the place is in the golden saucer.


....you know the music when you enter that place, it's all like


dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dan dan dun dun dun dunn duuun yeah.....its part of this song, like...wow, when i heard it i was like....thats from final fantasy. its a divinity song. its mad awesome.

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*passing through interdimensional portal*

this is a strange place I go to think at times, I call it "bonfire of the gods" you'll

see wht shortly.

*as the group asends the hill, they spot a massive pile of flaming rocks on a nearby plateau*

"this place defies logic, and the normal laws of physics, as far I I can tell, that pile has been burning vigorously for thousands of years. certainly those ruins are that old."



>so, any of you play "black and white"?

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*passing through interdimensional portal*

this is a strange place I go to think at times, I call it "bonfire of the gods" you'll

see wht shortly.

*as the group asends the hill, they spot a massive pile of flaming rocks on a nearby plateau*

"this place defies logic, and the normal laws of physics, as far I I can tell, that pile has been burning vigorously for thousands of years. certainly those ruins are that old."

>so, any of you play "black and white"?

The only thing like that I've played is Dungeon Keeper.

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