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Evil Masterclass

The Grim Hamster lord

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will


I love Europe!  All of it!  The people of each country are just wonderful and make each country very special!!! :D

but know it shall be mine hahahaha and skwerls shallrule



mwah hahahah :lol:


today europe tomorrow squirreltopia

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lets start with Europe! (think we have started a rpg)

Hmm... i think not. You obviously need some tips on World Domination.


World Domination, Lesson 1:

If you want to domminate the world, then you must sow the seeds of discord among the World powers. I shall detail which countries you need to set against each other in order to conquer the world. I shall detail HOW next lesson


Britain against America: The relationship between these two powers is what enables America to involve itself in so many crisis'. So, we must set Britain against America.


The rest of Europe against America: Although Europe is already against America, we must Aggravate Europe into a hostile stance against America in order to eliminate the chances of anyone interferring with our plans.


Russia and China against America: These two countries both have huge Armed Forces, so pitting them against America is the only way European forces can stand up to American's ground forces.


North Korea and America: Little provocation needed here, but you need N.Korea against America for N.Korea's huge nuclear arsenal.


Japan to ally with Europe and other countries: You need to stir Japan towards pro-European sentiments. Japan being most-technologically advanced, this will be a great asset.

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will

tghl i feel i no longer need you to train me and have gone off to capture the world and my squirrels shall rule your evil master class for i shall reign supream!!!!!!!

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tghl i feel i no longer need you to train me and have gone off to capture the world and my squirrels shall rule your evil master class for i shall reign supream!!!!!!!

That probably would work, however all I have told you is WHICH countries to set against each other. You need to know HOW!

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Lets start off in evil bases. Well. Your evil base needs to be the center of your operations. This where you mastermind your evil plots. This where you track the movements of your agents and of governments. It is obviously advisable to make your base with a large communicational capacity. I will produce a checklist for the communications center, but in the mean time, let us talk about other things your base must have. Always, Always have a large nuclear missile stock. You also need to build your base on a location where it is possible to launch air, ground, sea and space attacks without a major country sticking it's nose in when you do. This is why islands are always popular. So, build a space shuttle lauch area, an airbase, a naval base and a training ground for your evil armies.

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*puts on fake mustache*


Ich komme aus Deutschland. Ich mag Ãœbel! :D


Translation: I come out of Germany. I like evil!

Edited by Horatio
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*puts on fake mustache*


Ich komme aus Deutschland. Ich mag Ãœbel!  :D

Translation:  I come out of Germany.  I like Evil!

Du bist einen dumkopf, Hast du meinen Affe gesehen?


Translation: Are you a dumkopf, saw you my ape?

Edited by Horatio
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Lets start off in evil bases. Well. Your evil base needs to be the center of your operations. This where you mastermind your evil plots. This where you track the movements of your agents and of governments. It is obviously advisable to make your base with a large communicational capacity. I will produce a checklist for the communications center, but in the mean time, let us talk about other things your base must have. Always, Always have a large nuclear missile stock. You also need to build your base on a location where it is possible to launch air, ground, sea and space attacks without a major country sticking it's nose in when you do. This is why islands are always popular. So, build a space shuttle lauch area, an airbase, a naval base and a training ground for your evil armies.


...Goes off to purchase the Canary Islands...

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Du bist einen dumkopf, Hast du meinen Affe gesehen?


Translation:  Are you a dumkopf, saw you my ape? 

What the? The correct translation is;


You are a silly person (foolish head lit.), Have you seen my monkey?


You have been using an online translator Horatio.... tut Tut

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Is this the Insta chat thing MW was on about?



But I will not be able to stay on as I my computer is on batteries and I am on a very, very slow dialup. So I will go now and come back on later and check for posts. :D Let's pray that I do not lose the phone lines. :unsure::unsure::unsure:

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Lets start off in evil bases. Well. Your evil base needs to be the center of your operations. This where you mastermind your evil plots. This where you track the movements of your agents and of governments. It is obviously advisable to make your base with a large communicational capacity. I will produce a checklist for the communications center, but in the mean time, let us talk about other things your base must have. Always, Always have a large nuclear missile stock. You also need to build your base on a location where it is possible to launch air, ground, sea and space attacks without a major country sticking it's nose in when you do. This is why islands are always popular. So, build a space shuttle lauch area, an airbase, a naval base and a training ground for your evil armies.

Let us talk about what else your evil base must have. A centre of operations is a good move, include a world map, a holo-communicator, an early missile warning system, a very, very large missile fire button. Then you should have Kitchen. A good quality kitchen. Full of good qualiyt food. You must also include a nice Dining room and lesuire facilities. then you need somwhere to dispose of enemy agents, preferably a nice gruesome death like Pirhanas, sharks, mincer etc.

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Hurricane Jeanne.  The winds at my father's house, which is 60 miles south of me, were recorded at 122 MPH.  The winds here were recorded between 80 and 100 MPH.  They are predicting another 3 to 4 hours of hurricane strength winds. :blink:  :blink:

Oh, has that hit know? Ooh er.... Britain has got some of the aftermath of your hurricanes as well. Gale Force winds, terrontial rain etc.

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Let us talk about what else your evil base must have. A centre of operations is a good move, include a world map, a holo-communicator, an early missile warning system, a very, very large missile fire button. Then you should have Kitchen. A good quality kitchen. Full of good qualiyt food. You must also include a nice Dining room and lesuire facilities. then you need somwhere to dispose of enemy agents, preferably a nice gruesome death like Pirhanas, sharks, mincer etc.

I think that concludes Evil bases. Let us move on to henchman, but first an evil message from our sponsor *adverts appear*

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Ah Ha!!!!!!  Now I know where you get your money from... Advertising!!!

I don't like American style advertising where it repeats the phone number over and over and over again! I prefer European advertising where it says what it is, what it does and the phone number is done ONCE!

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I don't like American style advertising where it repeats the phone number over and over and over again! I prefer European advertising where it says what it is, what it does and the phone number is done ONCE!


I think you had better rethink that statement.... you must not have seen German advertisements! :lol::lol::lol:

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I think you had better rethink that statement....  you must not have seen German advertisements! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I have, STILL better than American advertsing where it repeats itself over and over and over and over and over again. And then when it finishes it puts the same advert on!

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I have, STILL better than American advertsing where it repeats itself over and over and over and over and over again. And then when it finishes it puts the same advert on!

No, no, no, no, nooooooo!!! Who do you think Americans copied..... Germans. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...................

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No, no, no, no, nooooooo!!!  Who do you think Americans copied..... Germans.  Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...................

True, however German adverts are STILL better than American ones. The reason being that German adverts don't hire a monotonous or disturbing voice over.

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Let us talk about what else your evil base must have. A centre of operations is a good move, include a world map, a holo-communicator, an early missile warning system, a very, very large missile fire button. Then you should have Kitchen. A good quality kitchen. Full of good qualiyt food. You must also include a nice Dining room and lesuire facilities. then you need somwhere to dispose of enemy agents, preferably a nice gruesome death like Pirhanas, sharks, mincer etc.


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Welcome to Evil Henchmen Section 1.

In our line of work (Evil-ness) we must always have a henchman to do your dirty work. However, he/she MUST have a unique feature. So for example Oddjob and his strength and hat, Stamper (from Tommorow never dies) has a high pain thresh hold, and most famously, Jaws and his teeth.

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Welcome to Evil Henchmen Section 1.

In our line of work (Evil-ness) we must always have a henchman to do your dirty work. However, he/she MUST have a unique feature. So for example Oddjob and his strength and hat, Stamper (from Tommorow never dies) has a high pain thresh hold, and most famously, Jaws and his teeth.

Hmm, Who do you have?

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Hmm, Who do you have?

Ever heard of the Agony Aunts Dotsie and Sadie?

MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, they're mine.

Er... Well I have *looks at list*

Yassen. Russian, experienced in all forms of torture. Can't feel anything at all because of birth defect.

Maria Santa. Spanish, Speciality:pointed metal fingernails, laced with posion naturally.

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Ever heard of the Agony Aunts Dotsie and Sadie?

MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, they're mine.

Er... Well I have *looks at list*

Yassen. Russian, experienced in all forms of torture. Can't feel anything at all because of birth defect.

Maria Santa. Spanish, Speciality:pointed metal fingernails, laced with posion naturally.

Medusa, Can I have her?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am not calling u Commander!



Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha rebellion!!!!

Rebellion shall take over you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wacko:


It will consume U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Mwuhahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

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I am not calling u Commander!

            Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha rebellion!!!!

          Rebellion shall take over you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    :wacko:


      It will consume U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Mwuhahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

*locks away in a carboard box*

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Grabs onto to TGHL and pulls him in too.

I wish you would stop saying what you should have done. You need to put it in asterixes you know like this:

*pushes ML off Niagra Falls, Canadian and US coatguard don't save him because they are too busy arguing about whos side ML is on and who should rescue him*

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I dont give about asteriks! Or what ever the name is..

I wish you would stop saying what you should have done. You need to put it in asterixes you know like this:

*pushes ML off Niagra Falls, Canadian and US coatguard don't save him because they are too busy arguing about whos side ML is on and who should rescue him*

Edited by Horatio
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I dont give about asteriks! Or what ever the name is..

What happens when you use asterisks, is that you are showing an action that the person did.

*picks Moneylover up in the helicopter and goes and looks for additional brains*

So you would read this and understand that I was picking you up. That is all he was saying. :lol:

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I know, And I said I dont care about asterisks

What happens when you use asterisks, is that you are showing an action that the person did. 

*picks Moneylover up in the helicopter and goes and looks for additional brains*

So you would read this and understand that I was picking you up.  That is all he was saying. :lol:

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That's not very nice to do to a newbie!

        *100 angels come down and get MKG out of box*

There!Anyways, wut is a carboard box?

    *angels go over to TGHL and tye him up with their halos!*


*halos shatter*

I wasn't being nasty anyways! She was being an inexperienced evil doer and if she wants to become great, she needs to listen to me.

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These halos are one of a kind!Don't you know Spot's gone?That means he used his own halo!So did Dot!!Plus people don't need to listen to you to be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P Take that!Oh yeah, 1 point for my side! :lol:

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I am Spot! Dot was my best friend's hamster and she died! Spot was my hamster and he just died last week! :(  i am still Spot,but I couldn't log in because it said my password was wrong! :(  :huh:

If you log out, then try and log in again manually, enter your user name, then, IF YOU ENTERED THE CORRECT EMAIL ADDRESS in the original information, then click on Lost Password and your password will be returned to you in your email inbox.

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If you log out, then try and log in again manually, enter your user name, then, IF YOU ENTERED THE CORRECT EMAIL ADDRESS in the original information, then click on Lost Password and your password will be returned to you in your email inbox.

I tried doing that with Darkness' account but it didn't work....

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You didn't notice that the difribilator wasn't connected to the what-cha-mac-all-it, and the whodinger is in the wrong place for the thingymajigger. And it doesn't have a BRB!!!!!(big red button) We need more buttons!!! Lots and lots and lots of buttons!!!

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*hops up and down* Why haven't I've seen this topic before? Shall I join??


i havent seen it either......i may hav been in hibernation for the past 10 billion years I have no idea what its about cud sumone explain???

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i havent seen it either......i may hav been in hibernation for the past 10 billion years I have no idea what its about  cud sumone explain???

Just noticed your sig and thought you would like to know that Sheena released all the sanities before she left. She doesn't have any sanities. I took all the sanities to Sanity Springs Spa and you can pick your sanity up there. :D

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i havent seen it either......i may hav been in hibernation for the past 10 billion years I have no idea what its about  cud sumone explain???

Lovely Laura, I just noticed your sig and thought you would like to know that Sheena released all the sanities before she left. She doesn't have any sanities. I took all the sanities to Sanity Springs Spa and you can pick your sanity up there. :D

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Lovely Laura, I just noticed your sig and thought you would like to know that Sheena released all the sanities before she left.  She doesn't have any sanities.  I took all the sanities to Sanity Springs Spa and you can pick your sanity up there. :D


whoooaaa good and bad news there......sheena has gone?????when which who what where? :mellow::unsure::huh:


where is the SSS? i think my sanity need a huuuug......

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whoooaaa good and bad news there......sheena has gone?????when which who what where?  :mellow:  :unsure::huh:


where is the SSS? i think my sanity need a huuuug......

*informs Laura of the fact that I probably have her sanity because I was there when SHeena released them with a BIG Net* *allows Laura visting and hugging rights with her sanity*

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*informs Laura of the fact that I probably have her sanity because I was there when SHeena released them with a BIG Net* *allows Laura visting and hugging rights with her sanity*

Ha, ha, ha...... LovelyLaura, TGHL has the decoys, but we are letting him think he has the real sanities. :lol::lol::lol:

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*Wolf suddenly appears to have lethal attachments and bionical additions* I won't even ask how you made it bio-mechanical MW!  :lol:

*starts whistling* I didn't make evil mechanical genius-arms-that-just-slip-over-your-real-ones-and-happen-to-activate-on-their-own! :lol:

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*informs Laura of the fact that I probably have her sanity because I was there when SHeena released them with a BIG Net* *allows Laura visting and hugging rights with her sanity*


Not this again


Hey what did happen to sheena?

i think i joined like 5 dayz before she left.

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And set all her sanities free, which I caught just as she released them, much to the annoyance of Horatio. Horatio has now been driven into denial by the revelation that I, TGHL beat him.


*decides to let TGHL think he has the true sanities, when everyone knows that he doesn't*

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Sheena is on an extended holiday.  She is resting, recuperating and relaxing. :D

so wen she is rested recuperated and relaxed will we see her again? :unsure:

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gudgud! :D

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