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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

HampsterDance MessageBoard-pedia? Pics?


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Try making... a wolf with wings! I'll leave it to your imagination.

Right oh-y! Haven't been in awhile. Is added to my requests. Follow the links to find your pic when it comes...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

(Hampedia 1)

Post what story you want or basic info in (Hampedia 2) For an example, visit (Kai'n'my pedia)!

Artwork Pedia Links

Writing Pedia Links

(No matter which of these you go to, they will take you to the same place!!!

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review (thank heavens for cut'n'paste):



1. name of your character/item/thing

2. their age

3. their sex (if applicable)

4. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf, etc.

5. alignment

6. elemental attribute(s):


Air - represents the element of air

Dark (good) - For those of us who believe in a good dark and an evil light

Earth - represents rocks and plants

Fire - represents the element of fire

Ice - represents the element of ice or water, snow, etc.

Light (good) - For those of us who believe in a good light and an evil dark

Water - for those who would elsewise fall under the ice element, but either a.) believe in separating the elements of air, earth, fire, water, or b.) are predominately more watery than icy

Dark (evil) - The companion to Light (good). For those of us who believe in an evil dark and a good light.

Light (evil) - The companion to Dark (good). For those of us who believe in an evil light and a good dark.

Shadow - represents the Shadows. Is always evil. For those of us who see good in both dark and light, or for those who believe in an evil shadow.


Though the elemental attributes are for the characters/ items/ whatever in the HDMB-pedia, this list is based off your beliefs.

7. physical description

8. aura colour:


How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (or other thing, if applicable)? Ranked negative one hundred through positive one hundred, postive one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like that, and negative one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like the opposite of that.








Pacifistic and peaceful-

Capable of healing-









probably some others, too.

9. description of personality and attitude in-depth

10. story including that character and/or a brief description of them

11. traits

#10 How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (for characters, duh)? Ranked 1-100. 1 being very little of it, 100 being completely like it.






For #10, the numbers you input will be broken up into icons, each whole icon representing 5 points. If you want to help me with this, you can follow these instructions and tell me the amount of icons I will need (note that you must tell me that these are icons, how else will I know?)


To get the amount, whip out your calculator and divide your number by 5. If there is a decimal point, truncate (cut off all of) the numbers after the decimal. This gives you the quantity of full symbols. Multiply this whole by five, and subtract the result from your original score. These are the # of fifths you should add, although in some cases this will not be a problem. Here's an example for those of you who understand those better.


sldfjkasdf is ranked 93 on the guilt meter.


93/5= 18.6

(truncate the six)

whole of 18

18 full guilt symbols



18 and 3 fifths symbols.

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Aura colours explanation:


First of all, what is an aura. I'm sure a ton of you are wondering that. An aura is the colour of your soul. All by itself, aura is the colour of the soul, but adding "colour" after "aura" is meant to clarify things for those who would not understand otherwise..


I am breaking up this into the four categories, two of which are non-applicable for the soul colours, as souls are incapable of coming in those colours. These are the categories (alignments) of neutrality (or bothness), and "neitherness". The alignments available are good and evil. Remember that what an aura colour represents and what the colour actually represents tend to be radically different.


Here are the colours so that you know.


Alignment- good

Status (available)

Frivolous saying: none

colours meanings

Red -truth

Blue -loyalty

Green -life

Black -darkness

Orange -love

Pink -good

purple -(?) I don't remember*

grey -(?) I don't remember*

Indigo -peace

teal -(?) I don't remember*

turquoise -(?) I don't remember*

maroon -(?) I don't remember*

*I'll get back to you on these.







Alignment- Evil


Frivolous saying: none

colours meanings


light green -hate

light purple -death

yellow -betrayal

brown -lies

light blue -(?) I don't know*

"sea green" -evil

peach -(?) I don't remember*

light blue-green (aquamarine) -(?) I don't remember*

beige -war

brown-grey -(?) I don't remember*

slate -anger

*I'll get back to you on these.

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If you want, this form will make things a bit simpler:



1. name:

2. nickname(s):

3. age:

4. sex: (female)

5. character type-

6. alignment- (good, bad, neutral)

7. elemental attribute(s):

8. physical description

9. aura colour (derived from your rankings on the below):









Pacifistic and peaceful-

Capable of healing-









probably some others, too.

10. (goes to Hampedia 2, actually)

11. (goes to Hampedia 2, as well)

12. non-aura defining traits







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MW is certainly being distracted by something that is much more important than the boards.... I wonder what taht could be MW ;) Am I going to get in trouble if I whisper the name: Taylor... heehee?

Maybe Mega Wolf just does not like me. :unsure:

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I was thinking... Kai'n'I might be able to try and draw you and your pseudo-whatevers.  I'm not very good, mind you, and Kai probably isn't good enough for you wonderful people, either, but we could try.  You would have to give a detailed description and/or picture of you/character.  Oh, yeah!  That reminds me- characters would be okay, too!  Oh, and I might be wantin' to start a HampsterDance MessageBoard equivalent of the Neopedia on Neopets!  That would be neat, wouldn't it?  There would be a section devoted to helping you people understand what on whatever Kai and I are talking about, o'course.  Let me know, or whoever.  And mayhaps, if you care, you ought to specify who you wanted to work on it!  Au revoir!

Could you draw a Mushroom Person Who looks Like toad off the Mario Games

and She is wearing a Black Kimono and is Half Cat?

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1. That doesn't make any sense.

2. Would you PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE fill out my form?  Pretty please?

:unsure:  :unsure:  :unsure:

I'd be worrying about how you mix a toadstool and a cat if I was you. *thinks of some odd images, including of a mix of "The Grudge"'s Toshio (aka Catboy to me, like Batman but more odd O___o) and Toad. *shudders*

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  • 2 weeks later...


Please, please, please, draw a hamster in an airplane, jet or flying machine!

Thanks!!!!!!  A topic about Kai would be wonderful!  Great idea!  Glad to see you are roaming about! :D

a Cat in a Kimono one side black other rainbow!

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  • 1 month later...
Whoever had the unfinished requests... could you please fill out my form?

Mushroom King is the one with the outstanding request.

...and Mega Wolf , unless I'm much mistaken.

:( :( ...

MW just seems to be on and off, don't worry I'm sure she will post it when she see's it.

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Whoever had the unfinished requests... could you please fill out my form?

Mushroom King is the one with the outstanding request.

...and Mega Wolf , unless I'm much mistaken.

:( :( ...

MW just seems to be on and off, don't worry I'm sure she will post it when she see's it.

At least someone's sure...

*refocuses attention*

Okay, people with requests, please fill out my form. I'll dig it back up from the grave for your convenience.

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1. name of your character/item/thing

2. their age

3. their sex (if applicable)

4. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf, etc.

5. alignment

6. elemental attribute(s):


Air - represents the element of air

Dark (good) - For those of us who believe in a good dark and an evil light

Earth - represents rocks and plants

Fire - represents the element of fire

Ice - represents the element of ice or water, snow, etc.

Light (good) - For those of us who believe in a good light and an evil dark

Water - for those who would elsewise fall under the ice element, but either a.) believe in separating the elements of air, earth, fire, water, or b.) are predominately more watery than icy

Dark (evil) - The companion to Light (good). For those of us who believe in an evil dark and a good light.

Light (evil) - The companion to Dark (good). For those of us who believe in an evil light and a good dark.

Shadow - represents the Shadows. Is always evil. For those of us who see good in both dark and light, or for those who believe in an evil shadow.


Though the elemental attributes are for the characters/ items/ whatever in the HDMB-pedia, this list is based off your beliefs.

7. physical description

8. aura colour:


How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (or other thing, if applicable)? Ranked negative one hundred through positive one hundred, postive one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like that, and negative one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like the opposite of that.








Pacifistic and peaceful-

Capable of healing-









probably some others, too.

9. description of personality and attitude in-depth

10. story including that character and/or a brief description of them

11. traits

#10 How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (for characters, duh)? Ranked 1-100. 1 being very little of it, 100 being completely like it.






For #10, the numbers you input will be broken up into icons, each whole icon representing 5 points. If you want to help me with this, you can follow these instructions and tell me the amount of icons I will need (note that you must tell me that these are icons, how else will I know?)


To get the amount, whip out your calculator and divide your number by 5. If there is a decimal point, truncate (cut off all of) the numbers after the decimal. This gives you the quantity of full symbols. Multiply this whole by five, and subtract the result from your original score. These are the # of fifths you should add, although in some cases this will not be a problem. Here's an example for those of you who understand those better.


sldfjkasdf is ranked 93 on the guilt meter.


93/5= 18.6

(truncate the six)

whole of 18

18 full guilt symbols



18 and 3 fifths symbols.

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Aura colours explanation:


First of all, what is an aura. I'm sure a ton of you are wondering that. An aura is the colour of your soul. All by itself, aura is the colour of the soul, but adding "colour" after "aura" is meant to clarify things for those who would not understand otherwise..


I am breaking up this into the four categories, two of which are non-applicable for the soul colours, as souls are incapable of coming in those colours. These are the categories (alignments) of neutrality (or bothness), and "neitherness". The alignments available are good and evil. Remember that what an aura colour represents and what the colour actually represents tend to be radically different.


Here are the colours so that you know.


Alignment- good

Status (available)

Frivolous saying: none

colours meanings



Red -truth

Blue -loyalty

Green -life

Black -darkness

Orange -love

Pink -good

purple -courage*

grey -mercy*

Indigo -peace

teal -honour*

turquoise -honour*

maroon -hope*



Alignment- Evil


Frivolous saying: none

colours meanings


light green -hate

light purple -death

yellow -betrayal

brown -lies

light blue -cruelty*

"sea green" -evil

peach -despair*

light blue-green (aquamarine) -fear*

beige -war

brown-grey -shame*

slate -anger



Note that my memory is far from flawless, so some of these may be wrong, presumably the lessers.

Apologies for any mistakes.

I can probably judge your aura character based off the quantities of the traits I gave in previous post.

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Oh, and, in case you were curious.



Alignment- Neutral


Frivolous saying: "And sometimes the greatest evil of them all is to remain neutral..."

colours meanings


gold -power

iron -thought

salt -passion

steel -fear

copper -wealth

silver -will

bronze -knowledge


Alignment- non-existant


Frivolous saying: none

colours meanings


clear -age

light -balance

glass -pain

ice -punishment

air -freedom

mirror -magic

fire -repitition

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1. Terra

2. 3274

3. Female

4. Wolf goddess

5. alignment-good(is that right?)

6. elemental attribute(s):


Earth - represents rocks and plants

7. physical description

8. aura colour: blue


How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (or other thing, if applicable)? Ranked negative one hundred through positive one hundred, postive one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like that, and negative one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like the opposite of that.








Pacifistic and peaceful:20

Capable of healing:30



Jealous: -50

Greedy: -25




9. description of personality and attitude in-depth

Usually hyper when appears. Shows no mercy to beggars. Quite happy most of the time, unless she has sensed something serious that she needs to stop, which usually has to do with the end of the world.

10. story including that character and/or a brief description of them

She is the protector of the forest. Whenever she senses something, she'll check it out, even if it risks her immortality. She has a generally young appearance as she is a fairly new goddess(after all, she isn't even 5000 years old). A white wolf. Here is how her first time saving the world went down:

'Twas morning on 3 November, 993b.c. It started out a normal day, until she sensed something she had never sensed before. She ran to its source. She ran and ran, down to the planet Earth. There, she found that the humans had their armies set up and they seemed ready to destroy everything.


"What is this madness?"she thought to herself,"Do those fools not realize that for every guardian wolf they kill, a human shall die as well?"


To make a long story short, she beat the senses into them until they listened.

11. traits

#10 How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (for characters, duh)? Ranked 1-100. 1 being very little of it, 100 being completely like it.






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1. name of your character/item/thing: Japancat Pitchbalck

2. their age 14

3. their sex (if applicable) female

4. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf, etc. A Cat from the Dream dimension

5. alignment Good?

6. elemental attribute(s): Fire,dark(evil),ice,


Air - represents the element of air

Dark (good) - For those of us who believe in a good dark and an evil light

Earth - represents rocks and plants

Fire - represents the element of fire

Ice - represents the element of ice or water, snow, etc.

Light (good) - For those of us who believe in a good light and an evil dark

Water - for those who would elsewise fall under the ice element, but either a.) believe in separating the elements of air, earth, fire, water, or b.) are predominately more watery than icy

Dark (evil) - The companion to Light (good). For those of us who believe in an evil dark and a good light.

Light (evil) - The companion to Dark (good). For those of us who believe in an evil light and a good dark.

Shadow - represents the Shadows. Is always evil. For those of us who see good in both dark and light, or for those who believe in an evil shadow.


Though the elemental attributes are for the characters/ items/ whatever in the HDMB-pedia, this list is based off your beliefs.

7. physical description

Imagine an upright standing cat with a KLmono and one side is rainbo the other side is darker than shadows.

8. aura colour: Orange


How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (or other thing, if applicable)? Ranked negative one hundred through positive one hundred, postive one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like that, and negative one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like the opposite of that.








Pacifistic and peaceful- 50

Capable of healing-1000000000000000000000







humourous- positve one hundred


probably some others, too.

9. description of personality and attitude in-depth

Sorta odd. Likes things like Jellyfishs and Neopets, etc.  and funny.

10. story including that character and/or a brief description of them

Although she seems good and stuuf, she has a sdark dark secret... or so they say.

11. traits

Funny, Nice, and Elemental, gets weird around certain things.

#10 How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (for characters, duh)? Ranked 1-100. 1 being very little of it, 100 being completely like it.





magic-soooo High I cant count it.

For #10, the numbers you input will be broken up into icons, each whole icon representing 5 points. If you want to help me with this, you can follow these instructions and tell me the amount of icons I will need (note that you must tell me that these are icons, how else will I know?)


To get the amount, whip out your calculator and divide your number by 5. If there is a decimal point, truncate (cut off all of) the numbers after the decimal. This gives you the quantity of full symbols. Multiply this whole by five, and subtract the result from your original score. These are the # of fifths you should add, although in some cases this will not be a problem. Here's an example for those of you who understand those better.


sldfjkasdf is ranked 93 on the guilt meter.


93/5= 18.6

(truncate the six)

whole of 18

18 full guilt symbols



18 and 3 fifths symbols.

Okay me filled it in.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


1. name of your character/item/thing: Japancat Pitchbalck

2. their age 14

3. their sex (if applicable) female

4. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf, etc. A Cat from the Dream dimension

5. alignment Good?

6. elemental attribute(s): Fire,dark(evil),ice,


Air - represents the element of air

Dark (good) - For those of us who believe in a good dark and an evil light

Earth - represents rocks and plants

Fire - represents the element of fire

Ice - represents the element of ice or water, snow, etc.

Light (good) - For those of us who believe in a good light and an evil dark

Water - for those who would elsewise fall under the ice element, but either a.) believe in separating the elements of air, earth, fire, water, or b.) are predominately more watery than icy

Dark (evil) - The companion to Light (good). For those of us who believe in an evil dark and a good light.

Light (evil) - The companion to Dark (good). For those of us who believe in an evil light and a good dark.

Shadow - represents the Shadows. Is always evil. For those of us who see good in both dark and light, or for those who believe in an evil shadow.


Though the elemental attributes are for the characters/ items/ whatever in the HDMB-pedia, this list is based off your beliefs.

7. physical description

Imagine an upright standing cat with a KLmono and one side is rainbo the other side is darker than shadows.

8. aura colour: Orange


How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (or other thing, if applicable)? Ranked negative one hundred through positive one hundred, postive one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like that, and negative one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like the opposite of that.








Pacifistic and peaceful- 50

Capable of healing-1000000000000000000000







humourous- positve one hundred


probably some others, too.

9. description of personality and attitude in-depth

Sorta odd. Likes things like Jellyfishs and Neopets, etc.  and funny.

10. story including that character and/or a brief description of them

Although she seems good and stuuf, she has a sdark dark secret... or so they say.

11. traits

Funny, Nice, and Elemental, gets weird around certain things.

#10 How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (for characters, duh)? Ranked 1-100. 1 being very little of it, 100 being completely like it.





magic-soooo High I cant count it.

For #10, the numbers you input will be broken up into icons, each whole icon representing 5 points. If you want to help me with this, you can follow these instructions and tell me the amount of icons I will need (note that you must tell me that these are icons, how else will I know?)


To get the amount, whip out your calculator and divide your number by 5. If there is a decimal point, truncate (cut off all of) the numbers after the decimal. This gives you the quantity of full symbols. Multiply this whole by five, and subtract the result from your original score. These are the # of fifths you should add, although in some cases this will not be a problem. Here's an example for those of you who understand those better.


sldfjkasdf is ranked 93 on the guilt meter.


93/5= 18.6

(truncate the six)

whole of 18

18 full guilt symbols



18 and 3 fifths symbols.

Okay me filled it in.

Mushroom_king , could you please rewrite this so that #8 is ranked from -100 to positive 100? I'm getting confused. Thank you.


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Once upon a time Horatio requested something.  But... did she ever upload the picture with the hay?

A question. Oh-so-subtlely directed at you, HORATIO.


No. But you will be very proud of me... I have joined the technological age and bought a digital camera!!! :lol: Now there is NO excuse!!!

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Once upon a time Horatio requested something.  But... did she ever upload the picture with the hay?

A question. Oh-so-subtlely directed at you, HORATIO.


No. But you will be very proud of me... I have joined the technological age and bought a digital camera!!! :lol: Now there is NO excuse!!!

Hay, Horatio.

That's what we need. Assuming I still have the picture.

(leaves to rummage around in her computer; returns five minutes later)

Wow, I do!

Find me the hay!

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Once upon a time Horatio requested something.  But... did she ever upload the picture with the hay?

A question. Oh-so-subtlely directed at you, HORATIO.


No. But you will be very proud of me... I have joined the technological age and bought a digital camera!!! :lol: Now there is NO excuse!!!

Hay, Horatio.

That's what we need. Assuming I still have the picture.

(leaves to rummage around in her computer; returns five minutes later)

Wow, I do!

Find me the hay!


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Once upon a time Horatio requested something.  But... did she ever upload the picture with the hay?

A question. Oh-so-subtlely directed at you, HORATIO.


No. But you will be very proud of me... I have joined the technological age and bought a digital camera!!! :lol: Now there is NO excuse!!!

Hay, Horatio.

That's what we need. Assuming I still have the picture.

(leaves to rummage around in her computer; returns five minutes later)

Wow, I do!

Find me the hay!


I'm looking for hay to take a picture of. Do you know how much hay is in Florida????????? Not much near Cape Canaveral!!! :unsure:

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Once upon a time Horatio requested something.  But... did she ever upload the picture with the hay?

A question. Oh-so-subtlely directed at you, HORATIO.


No. But you will be very proud of me... I have joined the technological age and bought a digital camera!!! :lol: Now there is NO excuse!!!

Hay, Horatio.

That's what we need. Assuming I still have the picture.

(leaves to rummage around in her computer; returns five minutes later)

Wow, I do!

Find me the hay!


I'm looking for hay to take a picture of. Do you know how much hay is in Florida????????? Not much near Cape Canaveral!!! :unsure:


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Once upon a time Horatio requested something.  But... did she ever upload the picture with the hay?

A question. Oh-so-subtlely directed at you, HORATIO.


No. But you will be very proud of me... I have joined the technological age and bought a digital camera!!! :lol: Now there is NO excuse!!!

Hay, Horatio.

That's what we need. Assuming I still have the picture.

(leaves to rummage around in her computer; returns five minutes later)

Wow, I do!

Find me the hay!


I'm looking for hay to take a picture of. Do you know how much hay is in Florida????????? Not much near Cape Canaveral!!! :unsure:


Alfalfa... yes! I can take a picture of the alfalfa in their cages! Brilliant!!! :lol:

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Once upon a time Horatio requested something.  But... did she ever upload the picture with the hay?

A question. Oh-so-subtlely directed at you, HORATIO.


No. But you will be very proud of me... I have joined the technological age and bought a digital camera!!! :lol: Now there is NO excuse!!!

Hay, Horatio.

That's what we need. Assuming I still have the picture.

(leaves to rummage around in her computer; returns five minutes later)

Wow, I do!

Find me the hay!


I'm looking for hay to take a picture of. Do you know how much hay is in Florida????????? Not much near Cape Canaveral!!! :unsure:


Alfalfa... yes! I can take a picture of the alfalfa in their cages! Brilliant!!! :lol:


*backs away slowly*

But it was in my initial post, y'know.

Click here!

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Once upon a time Horatio requested something.  But... did she ever upload the picture with the hay?

A question. Oh-so-subtlely directed at you, HORATIO.


No. But you will be very proud of me... I have joined the technological age and bought a digital camera!!! :lol: Now there is NO excuse!!!

Hay, Horatio.

That's what we need. Assuming I still have the picture.

(leaves to rummage around in her computer; returns five minutes later)

Wow, I do!

Find me the hay!


I'm looking for hay to take a picture of. Do you know how much hay is in Florida????????? Not much near Cape Canaveral!!! :unsure:


Alfalfa... yes! I can take a picture of the alfalfa in their cages! Brilliant!!! :lol:


*backs away slowly*

But it was in my initial post, y'know.

Click here!

That was before I had my digital camera. Those cows were in Tennessee.

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Once upon a time Horatio requested something.  But... did she ever upload the picture with the hay?

A question. Oh-so-subtlely directed at you, HORATIO.


No. But you will be very proud of me... I have joined the technological age and bought a digital camera!!! :lol: Now there is NO excuse!!!

Hay, Horatio.

That's what we need. Assuming I still have the picture.

(leaves to rummage around in her computer; returns five minutes later)

Wow, I do!

Find me the hay!


I'm looking for hay to take a picture of. Do you know how much hay is in Florida????????? Not much near Cape Canaveral!!! :unsure:


Alfalfa... yes! I can take a picture of the alfalfa in their cages! Brilliant!!! :lol:


*backs away slowly*

But it was in my initial post, y'know.

Click here!

That was before I had my digital camera. Those cows were in Tennessee.

I was just mentioning I had mentioned alfalfa.

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Sorry about the mix up. Here's my form again. I'll wait to choose an element once you have the guide up.


Let's see if I mess this up...

1. name- - Kat -

2. nicknames- Kat, Da Boss, Blindbeard, the Jigging Queen, the Jello Queen, the Claymore Queen

3. their age- 14

4. their sex- F

5. character type- Cat hybrid (Half cat, half human), occationaly a cat-hybrid ninja

6. alignment- Neuteral (Did I spell that right?)

7. elemental attribute(s)- I have no idea

8. physical description- 5' 8" with short fur (Tabby markings) and red hair that has a white-blond streak in the front-right that reaches lower back. Blue eyes.

9. description of personality and attitude in-depth- Gernerally an easy-going person. It takes a lot to irritate her if you're friends with her, but if she's already annoyed with you, it won't take much to set her off. She prefers not to debate things that don't need debating and can be rather blunt when angered or defending her oppinion. Around friends, she's normally happy and playful. She can also get a little restless. Sometimes she speaks or acts before she thinks and accidentally hurts people's feelings, but it's usually not on purpose. When bored, she will come up with anything to entertain herself. Things such as changing the color of the moon, attacking innocent bystanders with large inflatable mallets, and preforming uber-neat acts of ninja-ness for no apparent reason.

10. story including that character and/or a brief description of them- Kat came to the boards in January of 2004, origionally titled "katdacatis#1". Sence then, she has become infamous for her mad ninja skillz, her control over Jello, her unmatched jigging abilities, her deadly Claymore, and a love for any and all things sugary.

11. personality

Good- 75% (15 symbols)

Loyal- 80% (16)

Honest- 95% (19)

Loving- 100% (20)

Caring- 100% (20)

Pacifistic and peaceful- 45% (9)

Capable of healing- 10% (2)

Trusting- 40% (8)

Tolerant- 20% for enemies, 90% for friends (4 or 18)

Kindness- 80% (16)

Helpfulness- 70% (14)

Humbleness- 50% (10)

Courage- 90% (18)

able to forgive- 20% for enemies, 100% for friends (4 or 20)

Mercy- 50% (10)

Honour- 80% (16)

Hope- 95% (19)

Wrath- 70% (14)

12. Mind and body

Curiosity- 50% (10)

Endurance- 80% (16)

guilt- I'm not sure what you mean by this. Is it how much of your life you feel guily about, or your ability to feel guilt?

strength- 80% (16)

magic- 40% (8)


If I need to re-do anything, tell me. ^^

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Could someone get mushroom_king to read my aid, and return here and fill out my form?  (runon?)

Additionally, Horatio, could you FIND ME SOME HAY??!!

Mushroom_king's computer is broken and she can only get on every other weekend. I hope to see her this weekend when she goes to her father's house.


Honey is taking a picture of hay for you. Her birthday was two days ago and there is a birthday topic for her in Warm Wishes. I believe she will post the hay pic there and I will transfer it down here.

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Could someone get mushroom_king to read my aid, and return here and fill out my form?  (runon?)

Additionally, Horatio, could you FIND ME SOME HAY??!!

Mushroom_king's computer is broken and she can only get on every other weekend. I hope to see her this weekend when she goes to her father's house.


Honey is taking a picture of hay for you. Her birthday was two days ago and there is a birthday topic for her in Warm Wishes. I believe she will post the hay pic there and I will transfer it down here.

Oh, okay. ^_^

It's only... I'm extremely impatient, and I don't know how much I can get done, what with school approaching rapidly...

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Could someone get mushroom_king to read my aid, and return here and fill out my form?  (runon?)

Additionally, Horatio, could you FIND ME SOME HAY??!!

Mushroom_king's computer is broken and she can only get on every other weekend. I hope to see her this weekend when she goes to her father's house.


Honey is taking a picture of hay for you. Her birthday was two days ago and there is a birthday topic for her in Warm Wishes. I believe she will post the hay pic there and I will transfer it down here.

And I didn't mean to look so vexed either. It was the closest smilie I could find.

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Could someone get mushroom_king to read my aid, and return here and fill out my form?  (runon?)

Additionally, Horatio, could you FIND ME SOME HAY??!!

Mushroom_king's computer is broken and she can only get on every other weekend. I hope to see her this weekend when she goes to her father's house.


Honey is taking a picture of hay for you. Her birthday was two days ago and there is a birthday topic for her in Warm Wishes. I believe she will post the hay pic there and I will transfer it down here.

And I didn't mean to look so vexed either. It was the closest smilie I could find.

I never thought you looked vexed. :lol::lol::lol:

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I am and Upright standing, Catlike Creture. It is called a Brownie. (Please Pick up a Copy of Dragon Rider.) One side of My fur Is Rainbow, the Other is black. I amd wearing a Red T-shirt with Toad on it that says "Toadally" in Groovy letters.

I am also wearing blue Jeans. I have a rainbow.black Tail. I amd wearing High Top patchwork Converse and a woll hat with weird symbols. I amd wearing a Black ASweatband with a Poisan Mushrooms that says Game Over and a Black Sweatband that has a Piranaha Plant on it that says- A Red ring on my middle Claw/Finger (Either hand, I dont care) Some Earrings on Long thin chains made out of Black Guitar picks with Pink stars on them and a Necklace with a Pink star on it that says Forever. Oh, My Cklaws/Nails are Brown and Sparkely, My Lips are Beige, and I have Green Eye Shadow.

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Oh, dear...





Mushroom_king ?




Could you please read this guide and resubmit your form?  Please?

Grrrr..... No........ BLEH............

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  • 6 months later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


This didn't appear in the new posts... :mellow:


-Opens teh topic in a new window and get teh thingy that i write in-


Is This it.


1. name of character/item/whatever: Japancat Vera Boomtang Gilmour Matsutake Mycota Van Dort PitchBlack, or Mushroom_king.

2. elemental attribute(s): Shadow and fire

3. alignment: Huh? :huh:

4. aura colour, or... oh, just describe their personality. For characters, that is.: :huh: Uh...I dunno...

5. story thinger: You mean the story that'l be inside the Hampsterpedia entry? OK. See below.

6. physical description: MK is around the size of a teenager, and has a body similer to a cat, but stands like a human. She wears four wristbands on each arm and also wears a Pink Floyd Jacket. She wears a Know your mushrooms shirt and jeans. Her hair goes to her shoulders and is Brown with Hot Pink and Dark Purple streaks in it.

7. personality: MK is a female teenage Brownie who is often known for her dark sense of Humour and plans of World Domination. Her Hobbies include putting stuff (I.E. Arkcher or Horatio) in the meat Grinder, taking over the world, Ordering stuff by mail, and Collecting trading cards and buttons. She enjoys playing Nintendo games and Listening to classic rock music, especcily Pink Floyd.

8. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf... etc.: Spectral Brownie


I can't really write a story right now, maybe I can write one later.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I just now saw this, but I'll only fill in ones that I didn't fill out before.



3. their sex (if applicable)

4. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf, etc.

5. alignment

6. elemental attribute(s):


Air - represents the element of air

Dark (good) - For those of us who believe in a good dark and an evil light

Earth - represents rocks and plants

Fire - represents the element of fire

Ice - represents the element of ice or water, snow, etc.

Light (good) - For those of us who believe in a good light and an evil dark

Water - for those who would elsewise fall under the ice element, but either a.) believe in separating the elements of air, earth, fire, water, or b.) are predominately more watery than icy

Dark (evil) - The companion to Light (good). For those of us who believe in an evil dark and a good light.

Light (evil) - The companion to Dark (good). For those of us who believe in an evil light and a good dark.

Shadow - represents the Shadows. Is always evil. For those of us who see good in both dark and light, or for those who believe in an evil shadow.


Though the elemental attributes are for the characters/ items/ whatever in the HDMB-pedia, this list is based off your beliefs.

7. physical description

8. aura colour: Black, Orange and light purple


How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (or other thing, if applicable)? Ranked negative one hundred through positive one hundred, postive one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like that, and negative one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like the opposite of that.

Well I don't think I am capable of that. Can I just put Yes or No?


Helpfulness-Sort of



Loving-Sort of

Caring-Sort Of

Pacifistic and peaceful-Yes

Capable of healing-No









probably some others, too.

9. description of personality and attitude in-depth

10. story including that character and/or a brief description of them

11. traits

#10 How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (for characters, duh)? Ranked 1-100. 1 being very little of it, 100 being completely like it.

Once again I don't think I'm capable of that.






For #10, the numbers you input will be broken up into icons, each whole icon representing 5 points. If you want to help me with this, you can follow these instructions and tell me the amount of icons I will need (note that you must tell me that these are icons, how else will I know?)


To get the amount, whip out your calculator and divide your number by 5. If there is a decimal point, truncate (cut off all of) the numbers after the decimal. This gives you the quantity of full symbols. Multiply this whole by five, and subtract the result from your original score. These are the # of fifths you should add, although in some cases this will not be a problem. Here's an example for those of you who understand those better.


sldfjkasdf is ranked 93 on the guilt meter.


93/5= 18.6

(truncate the six)

whole of 18

18 full guilt symbols



18 and 3 fifths symbols.

That...doesn't make sense.

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  • 11 months later...
I just now saw this, but I'll only fill in ones that I didn't fill out before.



3. their sex (if applicable)

4. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf, etc.

5. alignment

6. elemental attribute(s):


Air - represents the element of air

Dark (good) - For those of us who believe in a good dark and an evil light

Earth - represents rocks and plants

Fire - represents the element of fire

Ice - represents the element of ice or water, snow, etc.

Light (good) - For those of us who believe in a good light and an evil dark

Water - for those who would elsewise fall under the ice element, but either a.) believe in separating the elements of air, earth, fire, water, or b.) are predominately more watery than icy

Dark (evil) - The companion to Light (good). For those of us who believe in an evil dark and a good light.

Light (evil) - The companion to Dark (good). For those of us who believe in an evil light and a good dark.

Shadow - represents the Shadows. Is always evil. For those of us who see good in both dark and light, or for those who believe in an evil shadow.


Though the elemental attributes are for the characters/ items/ whatever in the HDMB-pedia, this list is based off your beliefs.

7. physical description

8. aura colour: Black, Orange and light purple


How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (or other thing, if applicable)? Ranked negative one hundred through positive one hundred, postive one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like that, and negative one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like the opposite of that.

Well I don't think I am capable of that. Can I just put Yes or No?


Helpfulness-Sort of



Loving-Sort of

Caring-Sort Of

Pacifistic and peaceful-Yes

Capable of healing-No









probably some others, too.

9. description of personality and attitude in-depth

10. story including that character and/or a brief description of them

11. traits

#10 How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (for characters, duh)? Ranked 1-100. 1 being very little of it, 100 being completely like it.

Once again I don't think I'm capable of that.






For #10, the numbers you input will be broken up into icons, each whole icon representing 5 points. If you want to help me with this, you can follow these instructions and tell me the amount of icons I will need (note that you must tell me that these are icons, how else will I know?)


To get the amount, whip out your calculator and divide your number by 5. If there is a decimal point, truncate (cut off all of) the numbers after the decimal. This gives you the quantity of full symbols. Multiply this whole by five, and subtract the result from your original score. These are the # of fifths you should add, although in some cases this will not be a problem. Here's an example for those of you who understand those better.


sldfjkasdf is ranked 93 on the guilt meter.


93/5= 18.6

(truncate the six)

whole of 18

18 full guilt symbols



18 and 3 fifths symbols.

That...doesn't make sense.

Okay, thank you! ^_^ I'll try to get right on it, but things are kinda hectic right now, so... who knows.... I'll let you know if I need anything (assuming that anyone remembers this place ^_^)

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I just now saw this, but I'll only fill in ones that I didn't fill out before.



3. their sex (if applicable)

4. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf, etc.

5. alignment

6. elemental attribute(s):


Air - represents the element of air

Dark (good) - For those of us who believe in a good dark and an evil light

Earth - represents rocks and plants

Fire - represents the element of fire

Ice - represents the element of ice or water, snow, etc.

Light (good) - For those of us who believe in a good light and an evil dark

Water - for those who would elsewise fall under the ice element, but either a.) believe in separating the elements of air, earth, fire, water, or b.) are predominately more watery than icy

Dark (evil) - The companion to Light (good). For those of us who believe in an evil dark and a good light.

Light (evil) - The companion to Dark (good). For those of us who believe in an evil light and a good dark.

Shadow - represents the Shadows. Is always evil. For those of us who see good in both dark and light, or for those who believe in an evil shadow.


Though the elemental attributes are for the characters/ items/ whatever in the HDMB-pedia, this list is based off your beliefs.

7. physical description

8. aura colour: Black, Orange and light purple


How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (or other thing, if applicable)? Ranked negative one hundred through positive one hundred, postive one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like that, and negative one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like the opposite of that.

Well I don't think I am capable of that. Can I just put Yes or No?


Helpfulness-Sort of



Loving-Sort of

Caring-Sort Of

Pacifistic and peaceful-Yes

Capable of healing-No









probably some others, too.

9. description of personality and attitude in-depth

10. story including that character and/or a brief description of them

11. traits

#10 How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (for characters, duh)? Ranked 1-100. 1 being very little of it, 100 being completely like it.

Once again I don't think I'm capable of that.






For #10, the numbers you input will be broken up into icons, each whole icon representing 5 points. If you want to help me with this, you can follow these instructions and tell me the amount of icons I will need (note that you must tell me that these are icons, how else will I know?)


To get the amount, whip out your calculator and divide your number by 5. If there is a decimal point, truncate (cut off all of) the numbers after the decimal. This gives you the quantity of full symbols. Multiply this whole by five, and subtract the result from your original score. These are the # of fifths you should add, although in some cases this will not be a problem. Here's an example for those of you who understand those better.


sldfjkasdf is ranked 93 on the guilt meter.


93/5= 18.6

(truncate the six)

whole of 18

18 full guilt symbols



18 and 3 fifths symbols.

That...doesn't make sense.

Okay, thank you! ^_^ I'll try to get right on it, but things are kinda hectic right now, so... who knows.... I'll let you know if I need anything (assuming that anyone remembers this place ^_^)

We all remember it. Pretty much everyone is still here. Just a little less posting.

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