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HampsterDance MessageBoard-pedia? Pics?


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I was thinking... Kai'n'I might be able to try and draw you and your pseudo-whatevers. I'm not very good, mind you, and Kai probably isn't good enough for you wonderful people, either, but we could try. You would have to give a detailed description and/or picture of you/character. Oh, yeah! That reminds me- characters would be okay, too! Oh, and I might be wantin' to start a HampsterDance MessageBoard equivalent of the Neopedia on Neopets! That would be neat, wouldn't it? There would be a section devoted to helping you people understand what on whatever Kai and I are talking about, o'course. Let me know, or whoever. And mayhaps, if you care, you ought to specify who you wanted to work on it! Au revoir!

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I was thinking... Kai'n'I might be able to try and draw you and your pseudo-whatevers.  I'm not very good, mind you, and Kai probably isn't good enough for you wonderful people, either, but we could try.  You would have to give a detailed description and/or picture of you/character.  Oh, yeah!  That reminds me- characters would be okay, too!  Oh, and I might be wantin' to start a HampsterDance MessageBoard equivalent of the Neopedia on Neopets!  That would be neat, wouldn't it?  There would be a section devoted to helping you people understand what on whatever Kai and I are talking about, o'course.  Let me know, or whoever.  And mayhaps, if you care, you ought to specify who you wanted to work on it!  Au revoir!



Please, please, please, draw a hamster in an airplane, jet or flying machine!

Thanks!!!!!! A topic about Kai would be wonderful! Great idea! Glad to see you are roaming about! :D

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Please, please, please, draw a hamster in an airplane, jet or flying machine!

Thanks!!!!!!  A topic about Kai would be wonderful!  Great idea!  Glad to see you are roaming about! :D

No, no, no! Not a topic about Kai! A topic that explains what Kai and I are talking about... :rolleyes:

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Anyone have any requests? Characters, items, and other things, too. Just post here.

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Ooooh! Yeah, and elemental attributes.


Air - represents the element of air

Dark (good) - For those of us who believe in a good dark and an evil light

Earth - represents rocks and plants

Fire - represents the element of fire

Ice - represents the element of ice or water, snow, etc.

Light (good) - For those of us who believe in a good light and an evil dark

Water - for those who would elsewise fall under the ice element, but either a.) believe in separating the elements of air, earth, fire, water, or b.) are predominately more watery than icy

Dark (evil) - The companion to Light (good). For those of us who believe in an evil dark and a good light.

Light (evil) - The companion to Dark (good). For those of us who believe in an evil light and a good dark.

Shadow - represents the Shadows. Is always evil. For those of us who see good in both dark and light, or for those who believe in an evil shadow.


Though the elemental attributes are for the characters/ items/ whatever in the HDMB-pedia, this list is based off your beliefs. Questions? Comments? POST HERE.

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sanity: a commodity highly prised among penguins and others, commnly extracted from living beings. Current ethics rules prohibit trapping of noobs for this purpose. some sanities are more valuable than others.

noone knows exactly what a sanity in it's natural state looks like, however common descriptions. are of glowing lights, or jellyfish-like creatures.

sanities have beome the basis for several industries, cheif among these are sanity theft and sanity defense.

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Please, please, please, draw a hamster in an airplane, jet or flying machine!

Thanks!!!!!!  A topic about Kai would be wonderful!  Great idea!  Glad to see you are roaming about! :D

Euh, you're going to have to wait until there are hammie pics on the board for me to steal the colours from... :)<_<

*taps feet impatiently*

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Ooh, I forgot to tell you what you need to tell me... fwee.


1. name of character/item/whatever

2. elemental attribute(s)

3. alignment

4. aura colour, or... oh, just describe their personality. For characters, that is.

5. story thinger

6. physical description

7. personality

8. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf... etc.

9. I'm probably forgetting several dozen things, so I'll come back and spew them later.



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Ooh, I forgot to tell you what you need to tell me... fwee.


1. name of character/item/whatever

2. elemental attribute(s)

3. alignment

4. aura colour, or... oh, just describe their personality.  For characters, that is.

5. story thinger

6. physical description

7. personality

8. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf... etc.

9. I'm probably forgetting several dozen things, so I'll come back and spew them later.



Not enough batteries for this answer, please, if I forget, remind me to come back here and answer this. :D

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When I get electricity, I will be more than happy to submit some hammie pictures. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I was wondering if the hurricane had affected you...I guess I know, now. Poor thing; you must be suffering from hampsterdance withdrawal. I hope you get power back soon. I heard something about waiting for three weeks...


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I was wondering if the hurricane had affected you...I guess I know, now.  Poor thing; you must be suffering from hampsterdance withdrawal.  I hope you get power back soon.  I heard something about waiting for three weeks...




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name: sanity

element: KI (life)

alignment: order(varies)

4. aura colour: depends on the source

5. highly prised and traded among penguins and others as a commodity, commonly extracted from living beings, but can be found in nature.

Current ethics rules prohibit trapping of noobs for sanity mining.


6.noone knows exactly what a sanity in it's natural state looks like, however common descriptions. are of glowing lights, or jellyfish-like creatures.

7. personality: varies by individual, however tend to be logical beings, exeptions however do exist

type: resource/helpful spirit





this the form you wanted?

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Horatio, you needed to give me the information, and send in some hammie pictures for me to steal the colours from.

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Horatio, you needed to give me the information, and send in some hammie pictures for me to steal the colours from.

I have been without electric for almost a total of one month. I will send some pictures after I get caught up. This will be after the paperwork for the insurance company, the paperwork for FEMA, sawing up a tree and removing all the debris from the yard. Please wait for me.

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name: sanity

element: KI (life)

alignment: order(varies)

4. aura colour: depends on the source

5. highly prised and traded among penguins and others as a commodity, commonly extracted from living beings, but can be found in nature.

Current ethics rules prohibit trapping of noobs for sanity mining.


6.noone knows exactly what a sanity in it's natural state looks like, however common descriptions. are of glowing lights, or jellyfish-like creatures.

7. personality: varies by individual, however tend to be logical beings, exeptions however do exist

type: resource/helpful spirit

this the form you wanted?


Pretty good, but I wanted you to choose an element from my element list, if possible. Oh, and 5. is no longer needed. Merci.

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I have been without electric for almost a total of one month.  I will send some pictures after I get caught up.  This will be after the paperwork for the insurance company, the paperwork for FEMA, sawing up a tree and removing all the debris from the yard.  Please wait for me.

D'accord. I just wanted to make sure you hadn't forgotten. And you did tell me to remind you.

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Ooh, I forgot to tell you what you need to tell me... fwee.


1. name of character/item/whatever Horatio

2. elemental attribute(s) Earth

3. alignment

4. aura colourYour choice

5. story thinger

6. physical description Hamster with angel wings

7. personality Nonviolent, kind

8. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf... etc. Hamster

9. I'm probably forgetting several dozen things, so I'll come back and spew them later.



That is as far as I got. Then I became brain dead. Sorry. You can fill in the rest. :)

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Aura colours explanation:


First of all, what is an aura. I'm sure a ton of you are wondering that. An aura is the colour of your soul. All by itself, aura is the colour of the soul, but adding "colour" after "aura" is meant to clarify things for those who would not understand otherwise.. :)


I am breaking up this into the four categories, two of which are non-applicable for the soul colours, as souls are incapable of coming in those colours. These are the categories (alignments) of neutrality (or bothness), and "neitherness". The alignments available are good and evil. Remember that what an aura colour represents and what the colour actually represents tend to be radically different.


Here are the colours so that you know.


Alignment- good

Status (available)

Frivolous saying: none

colours meanings



Red -truth

Blue -loyalty

Green -life

Black -darkness

Orange -love

Pink -good

purple -(?) I don't remember*

grey -(?) I don't remember*

Indigo -peace

teal -(?) I don't remember*

turquoise -(?) I don't remember*

maroon -(?) I don't remember*

*I'll get back to you on these.

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That is as far as I got.  Then I became brain dead.  Sorry.  You can fill in the rest. :)

J'ai besoin d'avoir des photographs ou des (pictures) de les hamsters, s'il vous plait.

*I need to have some photographs or some pictures of hamsters, please.*

Oh, and hay would be nice, too. What be your two favourite colours, Horatio? Or, more appropriately, what were Horatio's favourite two colours? I've got the back image drawn, but it needs colour, colour, colour!

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That is as far as I got.  Then I became brain dead.  Sorry.  You can fill in the rest. :)

Horatio!? I know you're on right now!

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This looks interesting. :)

1. name of character/item/whatever: Jesusfreak

2. elemental attribute(s): Earth, light (good) air, water, ice, and probebly some others I forgot. :rolleyes:

3. alignment :huh:

4. aura colour, or... oh, just describe their personality. For characters, that is. I'm a Jesusfreak! :P Very opnionated, good intelligence level, um.....


6. physical description: Doesn't really matter. I've got short blond hair, blue eyes and glasses if that helps at all.

7. personality: Eh, wasn't this the same as number 4?

8. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf... etc.: Person or person with wings.

9. I'm probably forgetting several dozen things, so I'll come back and spew them later.

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Where are the black and white spots on Horatio, again. The telling post was lost, and I lost the pic I made of Horatio, as well as the one of Kai...



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J'ai besoin d'avoir des photographs ou des (pictures) de les hamsters, s'il vous plait.

*I need to have some photographs or some pictures of hamsters, please.*

Oh, and hay would be nice, too.  What be your two favourite colours, Horatio?  Or, more appropriately, what were Horatio's favourite two colours?  I've got the back image drawn, but it needs colour, colour, colour!

The hammie pics will take a bit of time. As for favorite colors... tough one. I love colors. All colors. Magenta. Aquamarine. Burnt Sienna. Orangey-yellow. Red. Blue. Yellow. Green. Purple. Orange.

You get the hint. :lol:

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Where are the black and white spots on Horatio, again.  The telling post was lost, and I lost the pic I made of Horatio, as well as the one of Kai...


:(  :o  ;)  :(

Oh No! I am not aware of the black and white spots.


I do not want to lose those pics. :(

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7. personality: Eh, wasn't this the same as number 4?

Ooh, good catch! I suppose it is. Heaven only knows what I was thinking... :huh::)

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Absolutely! We still have not gotten around to having a meeting.  We are still in the planning stages.

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I am the ultimate procrastinator. I'd email everyone to tell them this, but its been like a month since I last checked on my account, I'm not even sure it still exists, but I've been meaning to check on it for a long, long, time. Or maybe two months. Oh, and I've got a project due for school on Wednesday, which I haven't even started even though we had like, three weeks. Oh, well...


And yes, this is the absolute truth. Oh, and I was going to look up your make-up word, but I couldn't find my French-English dictionary, which I have put off looking for for about a month, too. Sorry.

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Oh No!  I am not aware of the black and white spots.

:blink:  :unsure:  :blink:  :unsure:  :blink:

I do not want to lose those pics. :(

The pics are already lost. In fact, I lost them in early June, I just put off telling you about it. You said that Horatio had black spots and white spots somewhere. I finished the pic, typed HORATIO in Sans Serif, and waited for my fellow procrastinator to give me the word on what to say. Meanwhile, the hard drive got wiped. I lost both my pics.

:( :( :(

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I am the ultimate procrastinator.  I'd email everyone to tell them this, but its been like a month since I last checked on my account, I'm not even sure it still exists, but I've been meaning to check on it for a long, long, time.  Or maybe two months.  Oh, and I've got a project due for school on Wednesday, which I haven't even started even though we had like, three weeks.  Oh, well...


And yes, this is the absolute truth.  Oh, and I was going to look up your make-up word, but I couldn't find my French-English dictionary, which I have put off looking for for about a month, too.  Sorry.


No problem whatsoever...

I can totally relate. You are following in my footsteps. :D

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The hammie pics will take a bit of time.  As for favorite colors... tough one.  I love colors.  All colors.    Magenta. Aquamarine. Burnt Sienna. Orangey-yellow. Red. Blue. Yellow. Green. Purple. Orange.

You get the hint. :lol:

How 'bout Indigo? I figured out that was Horatio's aura colour. Now, for another colour... tell, tell, tell!

It's kinda stupid for me to be as impatient as I am, being also the ultimate procrastinator...

Isn't it?

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The pics are already lost.  In fact, I lost them in early June, I just put off telling you about it.  You said that Horatio had black spots and white spots somewhere.  I finished the pic, typed HORATIO in Sans Serif, and waited for my fellow procrastinator to give me the word on what to say.  Meanwhile, the hard drive got wiped.  I lost both my pics.

:( :( :(


Oh yes, this is really all my fault. Thanks for putting in all that effort. If I was not such a procrastinator, you would have the pics here.

*feels really bad for Kaei* :(

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Oh yes, this is really all my fault.  Thanks for putting in all that effort.  If I was not such a procrastinator, you would have the pics here.

*feels really bad for Kaei* :(

:o Don't feel bad... I submitted the unfinished Horatio pic and the Kai pic just in case this very thing happened... and they got lost in cyberspace... what irony...


I could, of course, try all over again. Just don't feel bad. Blame the internet or my email or something... :(:):)

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How 'bout Indigo?  I figured out that was Horatio's aura colour.  Now, for another colour... tell, tell, tell!

It's kinda stupid for me to be as impatient as I am, being also the ultimate procrastinator...

Isn't it?

Very strange... that is exactly the color I was thinking. Indigo. :D:D:D

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Very strange... that is exactly the color I was thinking.  Indigo. :D  :D  :D

Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :):):)

That's really, really scary.

What about another colour? And what about hay or alfalfa? Do you have pics of them/ know where I could find pics of them?



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Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :)  :)  :)

That's really, really scary.

What about another colour?  And what about hay or alfalfa?  Do you have pics of them/ know where I could find pics of them?


:huh:  :huh:

Hay. I have pics of hay that I took with some black and white cows in the field.

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Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :)  :)  :)

That's really, really scary.

What about another colour?  And what about hay or alfalfa?  Do you have pics of them/ know where I could find pics of them?


:huh:  :huh:

Another color... your choice. You pick the color you like. :D

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Hay.  I have pics of hay that I took with some black and white cows in the field.


You see, I've got a picture of an anthro Horatio, wearing a shirt and Elvis-like pants, and chewing on a blade of hay with a sunflower seed in his other hand. I do hope you like it. And that you can tell which is the sunflower seed and which is the blade of hay!

I'm not that good at drawing, sorry.

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Another color... your choice.  You pick the color you like. :D

I took art. Indigo is a bluish purple. Purple ought to best go with... yellow? Blue ought to best go with orange. You mentioned orange in your list, I clearly recall. So how about orange and indigo Horatio? I prefer orange to yellow, too. Whaddya think?

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I took art.  Indigo is a bluish purple.  Purple ought to best go with... yellow?  Blue ought to best go with orange.  You mentioned orange in your list, I clearly recall.  So how about orange and indigo Horatio?  I prefer orange to yellow, too.  Whaddya think?

Indigo and orange! Perfect!!! :D

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You see, I've got a picture of an anthro Horatio, wearing a shirt and Elvis-like pants, and chewing on a blade of hay with a sunflower seed in his other hand.  I do hope you like it.  And that you can tell which is the sunflower seed and which is the blade of hay!

I'm not that good at drawing, sorry.

No need to apologize! I love the fact that you just try! Thank you so much! I think that is a great idea, the blade of hay and the sunflower seed! :lol:

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No need to apologize!  I love the fact that you just try!  Thank you so much!  I think that is a great idea, the blade of hay and the sunflower seed! :lol:

Update is that I've filled in almost everything. I still need the hay. Oh where, oh where can I find some pictures of hay?! You said something about it, n'est-ce que pas?

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Update is that I've filled in almost everything.  I still need the hay.  Oh where, oh where can I find some pictures of hay?!  You said something about it, n'est-ce que pas?

I have a picture of cows standing in a field of hay that I took a year ago.

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I have a picture of cows standing in a field of hay that I took a year ago.

Right... and how could I access that?



You would have to upload it here or something. Otherwise, I would have to search elsewhere. If you could supply me the pic, that would be great!

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I was thinking... Kai'n'I might be able to try and draw you and your pseudo-whatevers.  I'm not very good, mind you, and Kai probably isn't good enough for you wonderful people, either, but we could try.  You would have to give a detailed description and/or picture of you/character.  Oh, yeah!  That reminds me- characters would be okay, too!  Oh, and I might be wantin' to start a HampsterDance MessageBoard equivalent of the Neopedia on Neopets!  That would be neat, wouldn't it?  There would be a section devoted to helping you people understand what on whatever Kai and I are talking about, o'course.  Let me know, or whoever.  And mayhaps, if you care, you ought to specify who you wanted to work on it!  Au revoir!



I will give a description of a person that I would like drawn, if you are still doing it.


Slim, yet somewhat muscular man. Appx 6 feet. He wears a tattered,black hooded robe. The hood of the robe barely covers his face. His face is shadowed, but noticably pale. His eyes are shaded red, shadowed by the hood of the robe. His robe is moving in the wind. The robe has blood on it, sploches only. He looks weary of battle, almost as he is about to collapse. He has a bastard sword (pronounced basard) in the ground, leaning to the left just slightly.

His surroundings are of devastation and destruction. In the right of the picture, there is a tower on fire (in the background). The sky is almost red, like a crimson colour. In the background, there seems to be flying creatures fighting. (The flying creature should be just black little drawings, like you would do birds during the sunset at the beach).


Hm...I think that is it. I don't care who does it, I trust both of you to do your best. Perhaps you both could work on your own version. Thank you for taking the time to read the long description.

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I am the ultimate procrastinator.  I'd email everyone to tell them this, but its been like a month since I last checked on my account, I'm not even sure it still exists, but I've been meaning to check on it for a long, long, time.  Or maybe two months.  Oh, and I've got a project due for school on Wednesday, which I haven't even started even though we had like, three weeks.  Oh, well...


And yes, this is the absolute truth.  Oh, and I was going to look up your make-up word, but I couldn't find my French-English dictionary, which I have put off looking for for about a month, too.  Sorry.


Wow, you sound a lot like me! :blink::lol:

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Right... and how could I access that?



You would have to upload it here or something.  Otherwise, I would have to search elsewhere.  If you could supply me the pic, that would be great!

I am sending HampsterKing a bunch of avatar pics, so when I do that I will send the cow in the field. That will not be until next week. Right now, I am overwhelmed with paperwork for the insurance companies, FEMA and everyone else who wants me to fill out forms. :blink:

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I will give a description of a person that I would like drawn, if you are still doing it.


Slim, yet somewhat muscular man. Appx 6 feet. He wears a tattered,black  hooded robe. The hood of the robe barely covers his face. His face is shadowed, but noticably pale. His eyes are shaded red, shadowed by the hood of the robe. His robe is moving in the wind.  The robe has blood on it, sploches only. He looks weary of battle, almost as he is about to collapse. He has a bastard sword (pronounced basard) in the ground, leaning to the left just slightly.

His surroundings are of devastation and destruction. In the right of the picture, there is a tower on fire (in the background). The sky is almost red, like a crimson colour. In the background, there seems to be flying creatures fighting. (The flying creature should be just black little drawings, like you would do birds during the sunset at the beach).


Hm...I think that is it. I don't care who does it, I trust both of you to do your best. Perhaps you both could work on your own version. Thank you for taking the time to read the long description.

It would be my pleasure.


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I am sending HampsterKing a bunch of avatar pics, so when I do that I will send the cow in the field.  That will not be until next week.  Right now, I am overwhelmed with paperwork for the insurance companies, FEMA and everyone else who wants me to fill out forms. :blink:


Oh fun. That happens to us the day before school starts at orientation. :rolleyes:

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Aura colours explanation:


First of all, what is an aura.  I'm sure a ton of you are wondering that.  An aura is the colour of your soul.  All by itself, aura is the colour of the soul, but adding "colour" after "aura" is meant to clarify things for those who would not understand otherwise.. :)


I am breaking up this into the four categories, two of which are non-applicable for the soul colours, as souls are incapable of coming in those colours.  These are the categories (alignments) of neutrality (or bothness), and "neitherness".  The alignments available are good and evil.  Remember that what an aura colour represents and what the colour actually represents tend to be radically different.


Here are the colours so that you know.


Alignment- good

Status (available)

Frivolous saying: none

colours                                        meanings

Red        -truth

Blue      -loyalty

Green        -life

Black        -darkness

Orange        -love

Pink        -good

purple        -(?) I don't remember*

grey        -(?) I don't remember*

Indigo        -peace

teal        -(?) I don't remember*

turquoise                    -(?) I don't remember*

maroon        -(?) I don't remember*

*I'll get back to you on these.


Alignment- Evil


Frivolous saying: none

colours meanings


light green -hate

light purple -death

yellow -betrayal

brown -lies

light blue -(?) I don't know*

"sea green" -evil

peach -(?) I don't remember*

light blue-green (aquamarine) -(?) I don't remember*

beige -war

brown-grey -(?) I don't remember*

slate -anger

*I'll get back to you on these.

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This looks interesting.  :)

1. name of character/item/whatever: Jesusfreak

2. elemental attribute(s): Earth, light (good) air, water, ice, and probebly some others I forgot. :rolleyes:

3. alignment :huh:

4. aura colour, or... oh, just describe their personality. For characters, that is. I'm a Jesusfreak! :P Very opnionated, good intelligence level, um.....


6. physical description: Doesn't really matter. I've got short blond hair, blue eyes and glasses if that helps at all.

7. personality: Eh, wasn't this the same as number 4?

8. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf... etc.: Person or person with wings.

9. I'm probably forgetting several dozen things, so I'll come back and spew them later.

I'm not sure if I already replied to this. If I didn't, I'm sorry. If I did, I'm sorry.

I would be glad to do one of you. What would you be doing, and which one of the fourteen aura colours best describes you? I'm assuming your alignment is good. Also, I'm about to add a couple of criteria which I realized I forgot. Luckily, I've alreay covered my butt with #9.


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criteria I've forgotten and remembered so far:

#9 Strength- How would you rate the strength of whatever on a scale from 0-100, 100 being all powerful in every aspect, 0 being nonexistent.

#10 How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (for characters, duh)? Ranked 1-100. 1 being very little of it, 100 being completely like it.




#11 How much of these personality traits dows the character have in them (or other thing, if applicable)? Ranked negative one hundred through positive one hundred, postive one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like that, and negative one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like the opposite of that.








Pacifistic and peaceful-

Capable of healing-









probably some others, too.

12. probably i've forgotten several other things, so expect me to come back and spew them, later.

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criteria I've forgotten and remembered so far:

#9 Strength- How would you rate the strength of whatever on a scale from 0-100, 100 being all powerful in every aspect, 0 being nonexistent.

#10 How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (for characters, duh)?  Ranked 1-100.  1 being very little of it, 100 being completely like it.




#11 How much of these personality traits dows the character have in them (or other thing, if applicable)?  Ranked negative one hundred through positive one hundred, postive one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like that, and negative one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like the opposite of that.








Pacifistic and peaceful-

Capable of healing-









probably some others, too.

12. probably i've forgotten several other things, so expect me to come back and spew them, later.



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criteria I've forgotten and remembered so far:

#9 Strength- How would you rate the strength of whatever on a scale from 0-100, 100 being all powerful in every aspect, 0 being nonexistent.

#10 How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (for characters, duh)?  Ranked 1-100.  1 being very little of it, 100 being completely like it.




#11 How much of these personality traits dows the character have in them (or other thing, if applicable)?  Ranked negative one hundred through positive one hundred, postive one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like that, and negative one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like the opposite of that.








Pacifistic and peaceful-

Capable of healing-









probably some others, too.

12. probably i've forgotten several other things, so expect me to come back and spew them, later.

further explanation:

parts 9 and ten are part of the basic descript you give,. There will be different symbols for the traits I listed under 9 and ten. I will give you the pics. According to your number on these traits, you will put a different amount of these symbols. To get the amount, whip out your calculator and divide your number by 5. If there is a decimal point, truncate (cut off all of) the numbers after the decimal. This gives you the quantity of full symbols. Multiply this whole by five, and subtract the result from your original score. These are the # of fifths you should add, although in some cases this will not be a problem. Here's an example for those of you who understand those better.


sldfjkasdf is ranked 93 on the guilt meter.


93/5= 18.6

(truncate the six)

whole of 18

18 full guilt symbols



18 and 3 fifths symbols.



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This looks interesting.  :)

1. name of character/item/whatever: Jesusfreak

2. elemental attribute(s): Earth, light (good) air, water, ice, and probebly some others I forgot. :rolleyes:

3. alignment :huh:

4. aura colour, or... oh, just describe their personality. For characters, that is. I'm a Jesusfreak! :P Very opnionated, good intelligence level, um.....


6. physical description: Doesn't really matter. I've got short blond hair, blue eyes and glasses if that helps at all.

7. personality: Eh, wasn't this the same as number 4?

8. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf... etc.: Person or person with wings.

9. I'm probably forgetting several dozen things, so I'll come back and spew them later.


Can you get a bit more specific, how short is short blonde hair, what would you be doing and wearing. What kind of glasses with what colour rims.

Also, for # four, could you try and pick out one of the seven positive aligned one I posted up? Or say which personality things you think would suit you best, if it is plural, which can happen?

Thank you very much, and I'm started on it.

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I'm not sure if I already replied to this.  If I didn't, I'm sorry.  If I did, I'm sorry.

I would be glad to do one of you.  What would you be doing, and which one of the fourteen aura colours best describes you?  I'm assuming your alignment is good.  Also, I'm about to add a couple of criteria which I realized I forgot.  Luckily, I've alreay covered my butt with #9.

:lol:  :lol:  :)



1. name of character/item/whatever: Jesusfreak

2. elemental attribute(s): Earth, light (good) air, water, ice, and probably some others I forgot.

3. alignment: Good

4. aura colours: Red, Blue, Green, Orange, (I can't pick one! :wacko: I guess if it absolutely has to be one I'd pick green)

5. Personality:Very opnionated, good intelligence level, crazy at times, creative, impatient, um.....I'm a Jesusfreak!

6. physical description: Doesn't really matter. I've got short blond hair (about 3 inches all around, layered, was once really short, uh, kinda like a mullet actually. It doesn't matter to me how long you make it, I'm growing it long again anyways.), blue eyes and glasses (rimless around the lenses, but otherwise gold) if that helps at all. I would be flying, swimming, or in a forest. I wear all sorts of things, usually in blue, black, green or brown. I have a wide variety of clothing styles, from punk to frilly dresses (not in pink o.O).

7. personality: Eh, wasn't this the same as number 4?

8. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf... etc.: Person or person with wings.

9. 80-90

10. Curiosity-90 Endurance-75 Guilt-0 magic-don't believe in it








Pacifistic and peaceful-50

Capable of healing-50



Jealous- -75

Greedy- -80

Tolerant- 20

humour- 55



That was the best I can do for now. Let me know what else is needed. :)

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1. name of character/item/whatever: Jesusfreak

2. elemental attribute(s): Earth, light (good) air, water, ice, and probably some others I forgot.

3. alignment: Good

4. aura colours: Red, Blue, Green, Orange, (I can't pick one! :wacko: I guess if it absolutely has to be one I'd pick green)

5. Personality:Very opnionated, good intelligence level, crazy at times, creative, impatient, um.....I'm a Jesusfreak! 

6. physical description: Doesn't really matter. I've got short blond hair (about 3 inches all around, layered, was once really short, uh, kinda like a mullet actually. It doesn't matter to me how long you make it, I'm growing it long again anyways.), blue eyes and glasses (rimless around the lenses, but otherwise gold) if that helps at all. I would be flying, swimming, or in a forest. I wear all sorts of things, usually in blue, black, green or brown. I have a wide variety of clothing styles, from punk to frilly dresses (not in pink o.O).

7. personality: Eh, wasn't this the same as number 4?

8. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf... etc.: Person or person with wings.

9. 80-90

10. Curiosity-90 Endurance-75 Guilt-0 magic-don't believe in it








Pacifistic and peaceful-50

Capable of healing-50



Jealous- -75

Greedy- -80

Tolerant- 20

humour- 55

That was the best I can do for now. Let me know what else is needed. :)

Thanks. I'll start on the drawing part as soon as possible!

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Lexxscrapham, I have finished your request and posted it up.

Jesusfreak and Taynio- I have almost completed your requests. Kai has decided she wants to take on both of your challenges and has started on Taynio's (started before I did, actually). :)

All I have left is some shading.

See ya!

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I will not be able to get it to you until the weekend.  I am the Florida Chainsaw Hamster!

:blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:


And this means what? :lol::)

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This means that I have purchased myself a chainsaw. A BIG chainsaw. I have my safety goggles, gloves and I am working my hammie muscles sore by sawing a tree into log size pieces. I can only do about 3 hours of sawing a day. Then I must load the dumpster with the branches and pile up the logs pieces. Some of the logs are so heavy (and they are NOT big) that I must roll them to the pile. I start at 08H00 and work as much as I can. If I feel that I am getting tired, I do not saw anything. The funny part is that I am not strong enough to pull the starter cord with my one arm with my other arm on the chain lock bar, so I have to use my left foot where I would be using my left arm and pull the cord with both arms. :blink::blink::blink: Anyway, I had 32 bags of leaves and twigs that I had to haul to the street for the trash guys today. By Thursday, I will have loaded up the dumpster about four times. The tree is over 40 feet tall and we are measuring, quite possibly nearer to 50 feet.

*is very, very tired*

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This means that I have purchased myself a chainsaw.  A BIG chainsaw.  I have my safety goggles, gloves and I am working my hammie muscles sore by sawing a tree into log size pieces.  I can only do about 3 hours of sawing a day.  Then I must load the dumpster with the branches and pile up the logs pieces.  Some of the logs are so heavy (and they are NOT big) that I must roll them to the pile.  I start at 08H00 and work as much as I can.  If I feel that I am getting tired, I do not saw anything.  The funny part is that I am not strong enough to pull the starter cord with my one arm with my other arm on the chain lock bar, so I have to use my left foot where I would be using my left arm and pull the cord with both arms. :blink:  :blink:  :blink: Anyway, I had 32 bags of leaves and twigs that I had to haul to the street for the trash guys today.  By Thursday, I will have loaded up the dumpster about four times.  The tree is over 40 feet tall and we are measuring, quite possibly nearer to 50 feet.

*is very, very tired*

Wonder how much paper you could make out of THAT

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Does anyone else want me to do their pictures for their pseudo-whatevers or items or anything?

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Lexxscrapham, I have finished your request and posted it up.

Jesusfreak and Taynio- I have almost completed your requests.  Kai has decided she wants to take on both of your challenges and has started on Taynio's (started before I did, actually).  :)

All I have left is some shading.

See ya!


Yay! ^_^

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1. name of character/item/whatever: Jesusfreak

2. elemental attribute(s): Earth, light (good) air, water, ice, and probably some others I forgot.

3. alignment: Good

4. aura colours: Red, Blue, Green, Orange, (I can't pick one! :wacko: I guess if it absolutely has to be one I'd pick green)

5. Personality:Very opnionated, good intelligence level, crazy at times, creative, impatient, um.....I'm a Jesusfreak! 

6. physical description: Doesn't really matter. I've got short blond hair (about 3 inches all around, layered, was once really short, uh, kinda like a mullet actually. It doesn't matter to me how long you make it, I'm growing it long again anyways.), blue eyes and glasses (rimless around the lenses, but otherwise gold) if that helps at all. I would be flying, swimming, or in a forest. I wear all sorts of things, usually in blue, black, green or brown. I have a wide variety of clothing styles, from punk to frilly dresses (not in pink o.O).

7. personality: Eh, wasn't this the same as number 4?

8. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf... etc.: Person or person with wings.

9. 80-90

10. Curiosity-90 Endurance-75 Guilt-0 magic-don't believe in it








Pacifistic and peaceful-50

Capable of healing-50



Jealous- -75

Greedy- -80

Tolerant- 20

humour- 55

That was the best I can do for now. Let me know what else is needed. :)

J'ai fini!

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I will give a description of a person that I would like drawn, if you are still doing it.


Slim, yet somewhat muscular man. Appx 6 feet. He wears a tattered,black  hooded robe. The hood of the robe barely covers his face. His face is shadowed, but noticably pale. His eyes are shaded red, shadowed by the hood of the robe. His robe is moving in the wind.  The robe has blood on it, sploches only. He looks weary of battle, almost as he is about to collapse. He has a bastard sword (pronounced basard) in the ground, leaning to the left just slightly.

His surroundings are of devastation and destruction. In the right of the picture, there is a tower on fire (in the background). The sky is almost red, like a crimson colour. In the background, there seems to be flying creatures fighting. (The flying creature should be just black little drawings, like you would do birds during the sunset at the beach).


Hm...I think that is it. I don't care who does it, I trust both of you to do your best. Perhaps you both could work on your own version. Thank you for taking the time to read the long description.

I have completed the basic picture, but could you please fill out the questions 1-...?, so that I can completely complete it?


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1. name of character/item/whatever: Garet Jax

2. elemental attribute(s): Basically all things dark.

3. alignment:Demonicly Unknown

4. aura colours: Black, dark grey, etc.

5. Personality: Unkown. He is like a tragic Hero. (Tragic Hero from Greek Drama)

6. physical description: I gave all I want/can in the previous post about him.

7. personality: ?????????

8. character type- I gave all I want/can in the previous post about him.

9. um...I don't know. I want to say 100, but strength brings down speed and that is what my character has equal of.

10. Curiosity-10 (Intelligent) Endurance-76 Guilt-100 magic-100



Good-? (Unknown)





Pacifistic and peaceful-?

Capable of healing-50



Jealous- ?

Greedy- ?

Tolerant- ?

humour- ?


I think that is the whole list...if not, please reply with the fully edited and revised version so that I may help you complete the picture.


If you have read the book WishSong of Shannara, you will know what I based my character on. (VERY GREAT SERIES OF BOOKS!! A MUST READ!!!)

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If you have read the book WishSong of Shannara, you will know what I based my character on. (VERY GREAT SERIES OF BOOKS!! A MUST READ!!!)

Please let me know who the author is. I will go to the library today. :D I am waiting for Paws1020 to return, the Cirque du Freak books are really good. :D

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Right. Starting (unfortunately,) with you, Taynio, I am going to have to impliment a policy for the physical-type liners, such as strength. I've been making everyone way too strong. Heracles (or Hercules, depending on which mythology), would probably have ranked 75 on the strength scale, eighty tops. For those I've already submitted, I will leave be. For everyone else, think of what I've said in this post. Taynio, I have put your character to be at about 60/ 65. This is really, incredibly strong. Please do not be angry with me about this. I'm just trying to make things... better.

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Right.  Starting (unfortunately,) with you, Taynio, I am going to have to impliment a policy for the physical-type liners, such as strength.  I've been making everyone way too strong.  Heracles (or Hercules, depending on which mythology), would probably have ranked 75 on the strength scale, eighty tops.  For those I've already submitted, I will leave be.  For everyone else, think of what I've said in this post.  Taynio, I have put your character to be at about 60/ 65.  This is really, incredibly strong.  Please do not be angry with me about this.  I'm just trying to make things... better.


Read what I fully said about stength and you will know my reply to this. If I sound, in any way, rude..please do not take this as that tone.

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Right.  Starting (unfortunately,) with you, Taynio, I am going to have to impliment a policy for the physical-type liners, such as strength.  I've been making everyone way too strong.  Heracles (or Hercules, depending on which mythology), would probably have ranked 75 on the strength scale, eighty tops.  For those I've already submitted, I will leave be.  For everyone else, think of what I've said in this post.  Taynio, I have put your character to be at about 60/ 65.  This is really, incredibly strong.  Please do not be angry with me about this.  I'm just trying to make things... better.

Which mythology? Oh, you are saying it depends on which you read the Roman mythology in which it is Hercules or Greek mythology in which it is Heracles (BIG mistake Disney)

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Which mythology? Oh, you are saying it depends on which you read the Roman mythology in which it is Hercules or Greek mythology in which it is Heracles (BIG mistake Disney)

The latter. The bigger mistakes were:

1. having Hera as Heracles's mother (his actual mother was the Princess Alcmene, one might recall)

2. having Hades as the bad guy (the 'bad guy' would actually be Hera)

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Read what I fully said about stength and you will know my reply to this. If I sound, in any way, rude..please do not take this as that tone.

I already had fully read what you had said on strength, and have been thinking of adding a "speed". Atalanta would probably score seventy on speed, I think. Also, I have not read the book to which you refer.

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Let's try and solidify this, shall we?


1. name of your character/item/thing

2. their age

3. their sex (if applicable)

4. character type- book, sword, ordinary hamster, ordinary wolf, etc.

5. alignment

6. elemental attribute(s):


Air - represents the element of air

Dark (good) - For those of us who believe in a good dark and an evil light

Earth - represents rocks and plants

Fire - represents the element of fire

Ice - represents the element of ice or water, snow, etc.

Light (good) - For those of us who believe in a good light and an evil dark

Water - for those who would elsewise fall under the ice element, but either a.) believe in separating the elements of air, earth, fire, water, or b.) are predominately more watery than icy

Dark (evil) - The companion to Light (good). For those of us who believe in an evil dark and a good light.

Light (evil) - The companion to Dark (good). For those of us who believe in an evil light and a good dark.

Shadow - represents the Shadows. Is always evil. For those of us who see good in both dark and light, or for those who believe in an evil shadow.


Though the elemental attributes are for the characters/ items/ whatever in the HDMB-pedia, this list is based off your beliefs.

7. physical description

8. aura colour:


How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (or other thing, if applicable)? Ranked negative one hundred through positive one hundred, postive one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like that, and negative one hundred being that they are completely and utterly like the opposite of that.








Pacifistic and peaceful-

Capable of healing-









probably some others, too.

9. description of personality and attitude in-depth

10. story including that character and/or a brief description of them

11. traits

#10 How much of these personality traits does the character have in them (for characters, duh)? Ranked 1-100. 1 being very little of it, 100 being completely like it.






For #10, the numbers you input will be broken up into icons, each whole icon representing 5 points. If you want to help me with this, you can follow these instructions and tell me the amount of icons I will need (note that you must tell me that these are icons, how else will I know?)


To get the amount, whip out your calculator and divide your number by 5. If there is a decimal point, truncate (cut off all of) the numbers after the decimal. This gives you the quantity of full symbols. Multiply this whole by five, and subtract the result from your original score. These are the # of fifths you should add, although in some cases this will not be a problem. Here's an example for those of you who understand those better.


sldfjkasdf is ranked 93 on the guilt meter.


93/5= 18.6

(truncate the six)

whole of 18

18 full guilt symbols



18 and 3 fifths symbols.

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The latter.  The bigger mistakes were:

1. having Hera as Heracles's mother (his actual mother was the Princess Alcmene, one might recall)

2. having Hades as the bad guy (the 'bad guy' would actually be Hera)

1) True

2) Just because Hades is lord of the Underworld does not make him bad.

3) Also Hades would not have 2 bumbling demons as sidekicks.

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1) True

2) Just because Hades is lord of the Underworld does not make him bad.

3) Also Hades would not have 2 bumbling demons as sidekicks.

I don't remember very much of the movie, but weren't the two "bumbling demons" 'fear' and 'pain'. Fear, at the very least, would have been Ares's son, Phobos. I'm not sure about pain. I don't recall Hades and Ares having ever been allied, even.

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If you had unlimited access to hordes of demons, fell creatures and the undead/reanimated dead would you pick out the two most bumblin.... Yes you would, wouldn't you? Just for some fun!


She would, but Hades was way too solemn to go that way. He didn't like his job at all...

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:lol:  :lol:

She would, but Hades was way too solemn to go that way.  He didn't like his job at all...

Oh, whoops! We need a highlighter on aisle she, please, a highlighter on aisle she. Thank you.

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1) True

2) Just because Hades is lord of the Underworld does not make him bad.

3) Also Hades would not have 2 bumbling demons as sidekicks.

I forgot to remind everyone that EVERYONE went to the Underworld after death, except major heroes like Heracles. Hades ruled over all dead, both good and evil. There were different sections, like the Elysian Fields for the good, and Tartarus for the evil.

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I don't remember very much of the movie, but weren't the two "bumbling demons" 'fear' and 'pain'.  Fear, at the very least, would have been Ares's son, Phobos.  I'm not sure about pain.  I don't recall Hades and Ares having ever been allied, even.

No, it's Pain and 'Panic'. Yeah. I just remembered that for no apparent reason.

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No, it's Pain and  'Panic'. Yeah. I just remembered that for no apparent reason.

Ah, pain and panic. I read somewhere that the word "Panic" comes from Pan, a musical woodland god, which is even more farfetched than to call Ares into this. As for pain (thinks for a while), I'm not sure.

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Alright. Does anyone have any requests (complete form, so far, higher up in this page.)

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Alright.  Does anyone have any requests (complete form, so far, higher up in this page.)

Naturally it would change pages deliberately so that my post would be on the wrong page. Okay, the form is rather high up on the previous page.

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I was thinking... Kai'n'I might be able to try and draw you and your pseudo-whatevers.  I'm not very good, mind you, and Kai probably isn't good enough for you wonderful people, either, but we could try.  You would have to give a detailed description and/or picture of you/character.  Oh, yeah!  That reminds me- characters would be okay, too!  Oh, and I might be wantin' to start a HampsterDance MessageBoard equivalent of the Neopedia on Neopets!  That would be neat, wouldn't it?  There would be a section devoted to helping you people understand what on whatever Kai and I are talking about, o'course.  Let me know, or whoever.  And mayhaps, if you care, you ought to specify who you wanted to work on it!  Au revoir!



Err, here, take this... I meant to include it in my Tunnels story, but never really got to!

It's my air form!

Good I could find it so easty!


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I will give a description of a person that I would like drawn, if you are still doing it.


Slim, yet somewhat muscular man. Appx 6 feet. He wears a tattered,black  hooded robe. The hood of the robe barely covers his face. His face is shadowed, but noticably pale. His eyes are shaded red, shadowed by the hood of the robe. His robe is moving in the wind.  The robe has blood on it, sploches only. He looks weary of battle, almost as he is about to collapse. He has a bastard sword (pronounced basard) in the ground, leaning to the left just slightly.

His surroundings are of devastation and destruction. In the right of the picture, there is a tower on fire (in the background). The sky is almost red, like a crimson colour. In the background, there seems to be flying creatures fighting. (The flying creature should be just black little drawings, like you would do birds during the sunset at the beach).


Hm...I think that is it. I don't care who does it, I trust both of you to do your best. Perhaps you both could work on your own version. Thank you for taking the time to read the long description.

What colour hair does he have?

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