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Hurricane Ivan Might Sink Louisiana!


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I think Ivan turned around and is heading north to where i am in north dakota! ittl prolly slow down by then but it could still make some tornadoes.

"This is a phenomenon" My 17 year old brother.


Oh my... North Dakota! That is some of the coldest weather I have seen. Fargo, Grand Forks... Brrrrrrrrrr!

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Theres a nother cane after Jean (i think it starts with a K) Ivan is going towards the New England States now. I guess Ivan didn't sink Louisiana. That would be weird if it did.

Actually Ivan is back in Florida as just a rain system. It will spend today, tonight and tomorrow raining on the same parts of Florida that was hit by Frances when it crossed the Florida east coast the first time. :(:(:(

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What is rather frightening to me is that i saw some of Ivan carrening through luisiana, Right toward north texas where I am.  :blink:



HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everybody run*runs around room like a manic and bumps into some walls*

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um wat was it... O ya North Dakota isn't that cold anymore. There will be a week in winter when it gets below 10- but last year it got colder than it was in Antartica (i want to start a city in Antartica). Weird huh? But we r used to it nothing unusual. NYC has more people in its ctiy than in North Dakota does in the whole state. Thats because ND is a farming area and so its all spread out. My uncle came down from Chicago and he seemed like he thought traffic was worse here than in Cicago (actually he doesn't live in Chicago but in the close suberbs). Im done now.

Just a little info on ND :D:D:D:D

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um wat was it... O ya North Dakota isn't that cold anymore. There will be a week in winter when it gets below 10- but last year it got colder than it was in Antartica (i want to start a city in Antartica). Weird huh? But we r used to it nothing unusual. NYC has more people in its  ctiy than in North Dakota does in the whole state. Thats because ND is a farming area and so its all spread out. My uncle came down from Chicago and he seemed like he thought traffic was worse here than in Cicago (actually he doesn't live in Chicago but in the close suberbs). Im done now.

Just a little info on ND :D  :D  :D  :D

I found the people of North Dakota to be so very, very nice and so very polite! It was a pleasure to be in North Dakota... in the summer. :lol::lol::lol:

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ND is so like, Empty


Yeah ur right but thats kinda wat makes so cool. In some towns (not fargo) you could know everbody in the town. One of my teachers grew up in a town where there were like 100 people. theres a town that has 9 people in it

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Yeah ur right but thats kinda wat makes so cool. In some towns (not fargo) you could know everbody in the town. One of my teachers grew up in a town where there were like 100 people. theres a town that has 9 people in it

That is great!!! I remember a town in upstate New York that had nine people during the winter and 200 in the summer. (That was because there was a summer sleepover camp.)

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What is rather frightening to me is that i saw some of Ivan carrening through luisiana, Right toward north texas where I am.


very creepy

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Yeah ur right but thats kinda wat makes so cool. In some towns (not fargo) you could know everbody in the town. One of my teachers grew up in a town where there were like 100 people. theres a town that has 9 people in it

Oooo! I want to live in a place with population:9!

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I found the people of North Dakota to be so very, very nice and so very polite!  It was a pleasure to be in North Dakota... in the summer. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Y thank you Horatio


There was a thing on the news on how it would be better for you if you lived in a place like NYC because more people walk there... I guess thats kinda true but in smaller cities there isn't as much of factory polution

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Y thank you Horatio


There was a thing on the news on how it would be better for you if you lived in a place like NYC because more people walk there... I guess thats kinda true but in smaller cities there isn't as much of factory polution

There's good points and bad points. If you cannot breathe, this to me would be a very, very big bad point. :lol::lol:

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