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Hmmm. And wasn't one of your people, TGHL, who was giving money to Sadaam?


And, why do you guys complain about Bush, when you never state your reasons. Just another thing to nag about, I suppose.

No, I believe it was one of YOUR people (of course, this can mean anything since you seem to be having an identity crisis) who gave the following to Saddam:


Weapons of Mass Destruction


Lots of MOney




Get your facts right Toto, America gave Saddam all those things before Conflict Desert Storm Numero Uno in the war against Iran. HA!


Reasons? Is this going to be like in Religon topic, where you ignore everything?

And for the last time, Liberal is good, not bad. And Kerry isn't the Number one State Liberal, California and its Statespeople has always held the title of Number 1 Liberal.

CALIFORNIA RULES! Ok, so do other states and before Horatio points it out, Florida is good as well.

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That would go into a third term.  Thank heavens for once presidents can only have two terms!  He'd better get crackin' if he wants to wage war on Iran, hadn't he?

Maybe its a "secret" war. (i.e. Bush hasn't worked out how to use the intercom or any other method of communication to use to deliever the order to invade)

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Did you know Kerry is friends with Anton La Vey, the head preist of the Church of Satan? Seriously. I have the newspaper artical.

Why is it that when I blow up the date, it reveals the newspaper to be from 1906 (last digit hard to read)?

And whats the matter with Satanists? I know a couple of satanists, addmitedly I loathe them, but not because they worship Satan. (not a lot of Good it'll do them when they realise Satan doesn't exist)

And anyway, Kerry and Bush both belong to the Skull and Bones "secret" chapter! SO Bush is really just as bad as Kerry. Except Kerry can tell better jokes.

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Hmmm. And wasn't one of your people, TGHL, who was giving money to Sadaam?


And, why do you guys complain about Bush, when you never state your reasons. Just another thing to nag about, I suppose.

Oh, heavens, what to say? How about:

1. How did the U.S. know there were WMD's in Iraq?-- We put them there of course. A present from when we were still friends with Saddam.

2. Who complains about Bush but doesn't state their reasons? Not The Grim Hamster Lord or I. So who?

3. It figures Stayskal would draw something like that.

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Did you know Kerry is friends with Anton La Vey, the head preist of the Church of Satan? Seriously. I have the newspaper artical.

Sounds like tabloid propoganda to me, but hey, what do I know? What would you say if I said that Dub was friends with the devil? Even I had proof?

You'd dismiss it the same way I am yours, wouldn't you?

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That is true, but to one of my previous posts, you wouldn't want your parent's tax money going to Satan (or the church of satan) would you?

You're really taking this too far Toto.

1) The photo can be altered, easy enough even if it was the 80's.

2) Kerry gave no evidence of him being friends with Satan boy

3) Maybe Kerry is trying to be something called ACCEPTING of other religons, not closed minded or Obdurate like most Christians?

4) Kerry doesn't worship Satan, or Bush would of used it in his Smear campagin against Kerry, but apparently this article was so UNRELIABLE and IMPROBABLE (see, I'm using Tabloidese.) that even Bush and Rice didn't trust it.

5) Kerry is Liberal. Liberal = Good.

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And, he was at a satanic meeting or somthing, I read the rest of the artical. Yeah! I want a president that will give all my money to satan, then kill us next!

SO about the same time BUSH Snr. (not Britain, stupid ignorant one who doesn't know anything that REALLY happened in History) gave Saddam those weapons?


Stop being hypocritical, you don't know what Kerry was doing at the meeting. He may have been doing what you CLAIM to do, but don't. Which is researching what goes on in these other religons. Maybe Kerry was looking at whether Satanism needed banning?

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SO about the same time BUSH Snr. (not Britain, stupid ignorant one who doesn't know anything that REALLY happened in History) gave Saddam those weapons?


Stop being hypocritical, you don't know what Kerry was doing at the meeting. He may have been doing what you CLAIM to do, but don't. Which is researching what goes on in these other religons. Maybe Kerry was looking at whether Satanism needed banning?

You have a great point there, TGHL.

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SO about the same time BUSH Snr. (not Britain, stupid ignorant one who doesn't know anything that REALLY happened in History) gave Saddam those weapons?


Stop being hypocritical, you don't know what Kerry was doing at the meeting. He may have been doing what you CLAIM to do, but don't. Which is researching what goes on in these other religons. Maybe Kerry was looking at whether Satanism needed banning?


Arkcher said you liked that word.

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Hypocrisy? Of course I know what that means. I've known what it meant since I was 7. After all, it's the greatest cause of athesim.


It's a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he does not hold.

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Hypocrisy? Of course I know what that means. I've known what it meant since I was 7. After all, it's the greatest cause of athesim.


It's a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he does not hold.

Well done, and I wouldn't call it the CAUSE of atheism, especially since Athiests are often more fevrent in their denial of God than most people who actually believe in God. And it isn't the CAUSE of anything, it is the BANE of Christianity.


Well done. Congratulations, you got a meaning of a work right for a change.

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  • 1 month later...
Probably both, but I was referring to the Kerry thing. :lol:

Kerry the 'Nam war hero. Not exactly something to be proud of......

But of course then you can always point out that Bush didn't go and is ergo not a patriot. He'll send others to war, but not go himself.

My point is that he, having have been in a war himself, would have more of a right to send people to war than the pampered, spoiled, rich kid who cheated his way out of it.

I myself am a pacifist. And a communist. Doesn't build a good case for me to support a war in Vietnam, does it?

Kerry is a hero for his courage, and Bush is a villain for his cowardice among others (his hypocrisy).

Oh, and here's the real reason we went to war in Iraq (editor's note included):

After all, this is a guy that tried to kill my dad at one time.

-- So that's why Dubya wanted to send in the troops, Houston, Texas, Sep. 26, 2002

That, and, of course, oil. Daddy + Oil = DO.

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Probably both, but I was referring to the Kerry thing. :lol:

Kerry the 'Nam war hero. Not exactly something to be proud of......

But of course then you can always point out that Bush didn't go and is ergo not a patriot. He'll send others to war, but not go himself.

My point is that he, having have been in a war himself, would have more of a right to send people to war than the pampered, spoiled, rich kid who cheated his way out of it.

I myself am a pacifist. And a communist. Doesn't build a good case for me to support a war in Vietnam, does it?

Kerry is a hero for his courage, and Bush is a villain for his cowardice among others (his hypocrisy).

Oh, and here's the real reason we went to war in Iraq (editor's note included):

After all, this is a guy that tried to kill my dad at one time.

-- So that's why Dubya wanted to send in the troops, Houston, Texas, Sep. 26, 2002

That, and, of course, oil. Daddy + Oil = DO.

Well, Dubya's Dad did give him a Trust Fund in case he messed up the economy. He did, oil prices rocket. He turns to his trust fund. Discovers it was based in Oil. Cherny slaps Bush and sends him a memo telling him to invade Iran. Bush however, cannot read and can only get a vague idea of what it says. So he inteprets it as Iraq, not Iran.

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...And there would be no people.

Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc.

No wonder Rue's such a fan.

That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe?

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...And there would be no people.

Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc.

No wonder Rue's such a fan.

That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe?

No, it's because you're suggesting plants are intelligent. And (Sui)Rue always insists they're sentient. Or yes. I'm not sure what you're saying.

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...And there would be no people.

Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc.

No wonder Rue's such a fan.

That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe?

No, it's because you're suggesting plants are intelligent. And (Sui)Rue always insists they're sentient. Or yes. I'm not sure what you're saying.

Well, arguably plants are sentient. Certainly a venus fly trap would be a better president than Bush.

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...And there would be no people.

Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc.

No wonder Rue's such a fan.

That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe?

No, it's because you're suggesting plants are intelligent. And (Sui)Rue always insists they're sentient. Or yes. I'm not sure what you're saying.

Well, arguably plants are sentient. Certainly a venus fly trap would be a better president than Bush.

Aye, m'lord!

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...And there would be no people.

Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc.

No wonder Rue's such a fan.

That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe?

No, it's because you're suggesting plants are intelligent. And (Sui)Rue always insists they're sentient. Or yes. I'm not sure what you're saying.

Well, arguably plants are sentient. Certainly a venus fly trap would be a better president than Bush.

Aye, m'lord!

What do you think milday? Replace Bush with a Venus Fly Trap?

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...And there would be no people.

Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc.

No wonder Rue's such a fan.

That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe?

No, it's because you're suggesting plants are intelligent. And (Sui)Rue always insists they're sentient. Or yes. I'm not sure what you're saying.

Well, arguably plants are sentient. Certainly a venus fly trap would be a better president than Bush.

Aye, m'lord!

What do you think milday? Replace Bush with a Venus Fly Trap?

Sounds like a plan. A good plan. For the benefit of the planet known as Earth.

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...And there would be no people.

Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc.

No wonder Rue's such a fan.

That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe?

No, it's because you're suggesting plants are intelligent. And (Sui)Rue always insists they're sentient. Or yes. I'm not sure what you're saying.

Well, arguably plants are sentient. Certainly a venus fly trap would be a better president than Bush.

Aye, m'lord!

What do you think milday? Replace Bush with a Venus Fly Trap?

Sounds like a plan. A good plan. For the benefit of the planet known as Earth.

I wonder what it's first decree would be... Probably eat congress and then embark on reducing CO2 and such like emissions.

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It would definitely make the president look smarter!

Bush is slightly less intelligent than a jolly rancher lollipop.

Oh, wait. They are intelligent beings. Nevermind.

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...And there would be no people.

Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc.

No wonder Rue's such a fan.

That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe?

No, it's because you're suggesting plants are intelligent. And (Sui)Rue always insists they're sentient. Or yes. I'm not sure what you're saying.

Well, arguably plants are sentient. Certainly a venus fly trap would be a better president than Bush.

Aye, m'lord!

What do you think milday? Replace Bush with a Venus Fly Trap?

Sounds like a plan. A good plan. For the benefit of the planet known as Earth.

I most certainly agree with this!

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...And there would be no people.

Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc.

No wonder Rue's such a fan.

That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe?

No, it's because you're suggesting plants are intelligent. And (Sui)Rue always insists they're sentient. Or yes. I'm not sure what you're saying.

Well, arguably plants are sentient. Certainly a venus fly trap would be a better president than Bush.

Aye, m'lord!

What do you think milday? Replace Bush with a Venus Fly Trap?

Sounds like a plan. A good plan. For the benefit of the planet known as Earth.

I wonder what it's first decree would be... Probably eat congress and then embark on reducing CO2 and such like emissions.

Most likely.

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...And there would be no people.

Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc.

No wonder Rue's such a fan.

That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe?

No, it's because you're suggesting plants are intelligent. And (Sui)Rue always insists they're sentient. Or yes. I'm not sure what you're saying.

Well, arguably plants are sentient. Certainly a venus fly trap would be a better president than Bush.

Aye, m'lord!

What do you think milday? Replace Bush with a Venus Fly Trap?

Sounds like a plan. A good plan. For the benefit of the planet known as Earth.

I most certainly agree with this!

The best plan since my taking over Earth....

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...And there would be no people.

Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc.

No wonder Rue's such a fan.

That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe?

No, it's because you're suggesting plants are intelligent. And (Sui)Rue always insists they're sentient. Or yes. I'm not sure what you're saying.

Well, arguably plants are sentient. Certainly a venus fly trap would be a better president than Bush.

Aye, m'lord!

What do you think milday? Replace Bush with a Venus Fly Trap?

Sounds like a plan. A good plan. For the benefit of the planet known as Earth.

I most certainly agree with this!

The best plan since my taking over Earth....




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...And there would be no people.

Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc.

No wonder Rue's such a fan.

That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe?

No, it's because you're suggesting plants are intelligent. And (Sui)Rue always insists they're sentient. Or yes. I'm not sure what you're saying.

Well, arguably plants are sentient. Certainly a venus fly trap would be a better president than Bush.

Aye, m'lord!

What do you think milday? Replace Bush with a Venus Fly Trap?

Sounds like a plan. A good plan. For the benefit of the planet known as Earth.

I most certainly agree with this!

The best plan since my taking over Earth....

And extreme deep sea diving for micicles.

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My jollypop just said we should pull our soldiers out of Iraq.

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My jollypop just said we should pull our soldiers out of Iraq.

I think we never should have gone to war and stuck by France in the anti-war stance.

I hate the tabloids. And most American newspapers. Mainly for being so nastily anti-French. Take something from USA Today; "The Frog legged, snail eating hopping cheesemongers have done it again!" Effectively the same as the Sun's headline. And the Daily Mirror. I hate our tabloids.

However, I am not happy with the French government and the French people in general. Mainly because;

1) They rejected the EU constitution for it being too "English"

2) They want to take away our rebate! Ha, we still pay more than them and without the rebate we would have to pay £89 per head to the EU rather than £39, while the French only pay £19-29!

3) Eurotunnel. It needs to be nationalised and taken over by a joint ANglo-French coatlition.

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My jollypop just said we should pull our soldiers out of Iraq.

I think we never should have gone to war and stuck by France in the anti-war stance.

I hate the tabloids. And most American newspapers. Mainly for being so nastily anti-French. Take something from USA Today; "The Frog legged, snail eating hopping cheesemongers have done it again!" Effectively the same as the Sun's headline. And the Daily Mirror. I hate our tabloids.

However, I am not happy with the French government and the French people in general. Mainly because;

1) They rejected the EU constitution for it being too "English"

2) They want to take away our rebate! Ha, we still pay more than them and without the rebate we would have to pay £89 per head to the EU rather than £39, while the French only pay £19-29!

3) Eurotunnel. It needs to be nationalised and taken over by a joint ANglo-French coatlition.

And how is that a reply to my jollypop's superior intelligence? It is very smart. It knows when I'm about to lick it.

Ouch! It bit me!

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My jollypop just said we should pull our soldiers out of Iraq.

I think we never should have gone to war and stuck by France in the anti-war stance.

I hate the tabloids. And most American newspapers. Mainly for being so nastily anti-French. Take something from USA Today; "The Frog legged, snail eating hopping cheesemongers have done it again!" Effectively the same as the Sun's headline. And the Daily Mirror. I hate our tabloids.

However, I am not happy with the French government and the French people in general. Mainly because;

1) They rejected the EU constitution for it being too "English"

2) They want to take away our rebate! Ha, we still pay more than them and without the rebate we would have to pay £89 per head to the EU rather than £39, while the French only pay £19-29!

3) Eurotunnel. It needs to be nationalised and taken over by a joint ANglo-French coatlition.

And how is that a reply to my jollypop's superior intelligence? It is very smart. It knows when I'm about to lick it.

Ouch! It bit me!

A very good one I thought. Wow, AI in a lollypop....

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And extreme deep sea diving for micicles.

(just to get the quotes back on track...*

Yes. Indeed.

Ah, my indeedness is rubbing off on you... or something like that.

Indeed. Is that so? ;)

Indeed. Again.

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Has anyone read Artemis Fowl? His lollypop comments were positively wonderful.

Yes, I have. All 5 or is there more?


Anyway. Why can no one seem to get them outside Eire and the UK?

You can get Artemis Fowl at our library and bookstore.

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Has anyone read Artemis Fowl? His lollypop comments were positively wonderful.

Yes, I have. All 5 or is there more?


Anyway. Why can no one seem to get them outside Eire and the UK?

You can get Artemis Fowl at our library and bookstore.

Ah, its just that no one seems to even mention them in the Book Club.

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There 5+? I thought there were only two.


Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident

Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code

Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception


The Seventh Dwarf

The Artemis Fowl Files


They haven't come out in the US yet, TGHL. only the first through the eternity code are out in this lagging nation.

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There 5+? I thought there were only two.


Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident

Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code

Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception


The Seventh Dwarf

The Artemis Fowl Files


They haven't come out in the US yet, TGHL. only the first through the eternity code are out in this lagging nation.

I can't help it if I don't know the US book release list.

And you get the Garth Nix books before us.

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There 5+? I thought there were only two.


Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident

Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code

Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception


The Seventh Dwarf

The Artemis Fowl Files


They haven't come out in the US yet, TGHL. only the first through the eternity code are out in this lagging nation.

I can't help it if I don't know the US book release list.

And you get the Garth Nix books before us.

That's coz Nix is American. Eoin C. is not. I like the Nix books. Read Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen yet? Libros buenos! *good books*

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There 5+? I thought there were only two.


Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident

Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code

Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception


The Seventh Dwarf

The Artemis Fowl Files


They haven't come out in the US yet, TGHL. only the first through the eternity code are out in this lagging nation.

I can't help it if I don't know the US book release list.

And you get the Garth Nix books before us.

That's coz Nix is American. Eoin C. is not. I like the Nix books. Read Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen yet? Libros buenos! *good books*

Nix is Australian actually. Yes, and I have read the little extra booklet that I found and I am reading the Keys to the Kingdom series as well.

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There 5+? I thought there were only two.


Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident

Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code

Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception


The Seventh Dwarf

The Artemis Fowl Files


They haven't come out in the US yet, TGHL. only the first through the eternity code are out in this lagging nation.

They did where I live...and Artemis Fowl rocks. :):D

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There 5+? I thought there were only two.


Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident

Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code

Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception


The Seventh Dwarf

The Artemis Fowl Files


They haven't come out in the US yet, TGHL. only the first through the eternity code are out in this lagging nation.

I can't help it if I don't know the US book release list.

And you get the Garth Nix books before us.

That's coz Nix is American. Eoin C. is not. I like the Nix books. Read Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen yet? Libros buenos! *good books*

Nix is Australian actually. Yes, and I have read the little extra booklet that I found and I am reading the Keys to the Kingdom series as well.


Oh. I never read the little mini-bio at the end of the books. Lucky! *pouts at tghl's fortune to have read Abhorsen*

I haven't been able to get it.

There 5+? I thought there were only two.


Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident

Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code

Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception


The Seventh Dwarf

The Artemis Fowl Files


They haven't come out in the US yet, TGHL. only the first through the eternity code are out in this lagging nation.

They did where I live...and Artemis Fowl rocks. :):D

Oh. Well, maybe I didn't look. I ♥ Arty!


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Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! LOUD!

*reads the sugar content on the micicle wrapper* :lol::lol::lol:

I ate 500 boxes of Sugar. Im all HYyewerfdsfsznojvnodzv fkdxvper.


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Oh. I never read the little mini-bio at the end of the books. Lucky! *pouts at tghl's fortune to have read Abhorsen*

I haven't been able to get it.

Oh. Well, maybe I didn't look. I ♥ Arty!


Am I? Have you read the little extra book, "Creature in the Case"?


Artemis rules.

Oh, yes. Very fortunate./

No, I haven't yet. I didn't even know it existed. (Haven't been to Barnes and Noble in a while.)


got that right!

*But I don't want a lollipop.*

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Oh. I never read the little mini-bio at the end of the books. Lucky! *pouts at tghl's fortune to have read Abhorsen*

I haven't been able to get it.

Oh. Well, maybe I didn't look. I ♥ Arty!


Am I? Have you read the little extra book, "Creature in the Case"?


Artemis rules.

Oh, yes. Very fortunate./

No, I haven't yet. I didn't even know it existed. (Haven't been to Barnes and Noble in a while.)


got that right!

*But I don't want a lollipop.*

May Orannis smite you.

Came out on World Book day.


Indeed, but you already have a lollipop.

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