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Your right, though this is. *opens wing to reveal a single hummingbird*

*follows the humming bird to the place that is apparently the oasis for hummingbirds and it is where the few stop since there are perchable trees with nectar all around*

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  • 3 weeks later...
I suppose a cake lsts longer, but cookies come in pre-sliced portions!

And what if you had an infinite supply of cookies versus an infinite supply of birthday cake!


Birthday cake, birthday cake, birthday cake, birthday cake!!!!!!!!!!

Extra roses made out of butter cream icing! Love that icing! :D

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*tries to picture, fails*

I suppose that is a special hamster treat.

:blink:  :blink:

*helps with picture*

Takes out cake mold. In pan over head, adds, peanut butter and honey and warms just slightly to melt. When melted, add nuts, seeds and dried fruit of choice. Spoon into mold, place in refrigerator. When it solidifies, then voila... it is a cake. Turn upside down on plate and remove mold. :D

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*helps with picture*

Takes out cake mold.  In pan over head, adds, peanut butter and honey and warms just slightly to melt.  When melted, add nuts, seeds and dried fruit of choice.  Spoon into mold, place in refrigerator.  When it solidifies, then voila... it is a cake.  Turn upside down on plate and remove mold. :D

Oh! I can sorta picture it now!

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<_ src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_mad.gif" alt=":angry:">  :glare:

Now how can he be burnt at the stake?

No. He is out of the picture. HampsterKing decided to delete him after he received a post saying that the poster was uncomfortable with the DTH character. That was the end of DTH.

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No.  He is out of the picture.  HampsterKing decided to delete him after he received a post saying that the poster was uncomfortable with the DTH character.  That was the end of DTH.

He was actually fun to eat really... he's like... like...


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I think dethtohamsters was very mean and am glad that he's gone. we did not need to have such a mean character, though it was fun arguing while he was here. I think a good debate every now and then is a good thing, because it gives you a chance to fool around with people's minds. dethtohamsters is gone, therefore, let us burn his memory instead. what do you think? Is it a good idea or what? hey, remember when we were making all those anti-hampster-killer weapons? It was fun coming up with ideas for traps and stuff like that. TGHL and I were making up special tools and ADTH weaps all the time until DTH was GONE. I'm mostly typing this small because I like to bug people. Also because it signifies the shy factor I tend to show in new circumstances. My friend Brian (not my youth leader) at school and I are in a feud right now, because he, Leigh, Irene and Mike are all in my creative writing class. Mike and I are supposedly going out. Hey, does anyone have any ideas on a coed sweet sixteen? I'm totally lost and want at least 5 boys, countered by 8 girls because i want to have 16 peeps at my 16th bday. me, leigh, irene, five other girls, and brian, mike, and three other boys (hopefully). anyway, i need 411 asap because i'm turning 16 on the ides of december. anyone who's read julius caesar knows when i'm talking about. anyway, I think I managed to make more than two lines out of this size font so I'll quit now.....................................................................paz the spastiz hd'r



enough of this, i'm adding to the parrafin pile and loudness of the thread! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!









down with conformity! it's great to be young and insane!


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I think dethtohamsters was very mean and am glad that he's gone. we did not need to have such a mean character, though it was fun arguing while he was here. I think a good debate every now and then is a good thing, because it gives you a chance to fool around with people's minds. dethtohamsters is gone, therefore, let us burn his memory instead. what do you think? Is it a good idea or what? hey, remember when we were making all those anti-hampster-killer weapons? It was fun coming up with ideas for traps and stuff like that. TGHL and I were making up special tools and ADTH weaps all the time until DTH was GONE. I'm mostly typing this small because I like to bug people. Also because it signifies the shy factor I tend to show in new circumstances. My friend Brian (not my youth leader) at school and I are in a feud right now, because he, Leigh, Irene and Mike are all in my creative writing class. Mike and I are supposedly going out. Hey, does anyone have any ideas on a coed sweet sixteen? I'm totally lost and want at least 5 boys, countered by 8 girls because i want to have 16 peeps at my 16th bday. me, leigh, irene, five other girls, and brian, mike, and three other boys (hopefully). anyway, i need 411 asap because i'm turning 16 on the ides of december. anyone who's read julius caesar knows when i'm talking about. anyway, I think I managed to make more than two lines out of this size font so I'll quit now.....................................................................paz the spastiz hd'r

enough of this, i'm adding to the parrafin pile and loudness of the thread! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!



down with conformity! it's great to be young and insane!


Very nice mini text Topazia, odd Huge text though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

why thank you, tghl... i think.


it's a habit.

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  • 3 months later...
Abu Grhaib/ various other spellings was a prisoner abuse scandal...

Abu Hanza was a fanatical mad muslim priest who started stirring up racial hatred and is currently locked away in a maximum security prison.

Abu Grhaib.... Now I remember! The prison where the photos the soldiers were taking of their prisoner abuse leacked to the press and then the press went pschotic on Bush and that person.... wossname!

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Abu Hanza was a fanatical mad muslim priest who started stirring up racial hatred and is currently locked away in a maximum security prison.

Abu Grhaib.... Now I remember! The prison where the photos the soldiers were taking of their prisoner abuse leacked to the press and then the press went pschotic on Bush and that person.... wossname!

Yes! That is it!


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Yes, but then the current government wouldn't be there and there would be a lot less material for potlitical satirists like me.

you wuld have more than plenty of material from the first four years. and it would be worth it.

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you wuld have more than plenty of material from the first four years.  and it would be worth it.

Then again, I don't think the current STYLE of government would exist. No more stupid Clause 42. No more being a republic and calling one's self the TRUE deomcracy.

Strange..... Why hasn't Bush made any Blunders yet apart from the comment about the Pope and the Terry Schiavo case?

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Then again, I don't think the current STYLE of government would exist. No more stupid Clause 42. No more being a republic and calling one's self the TRUE deomcracy.

Strange..... Why hasn't Bush made any Blunders yet apart from the comment about the Pope and the Terry Schiavo case?

Maybe it's not Bush talking, but one of his body doubles?


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I doubt it.  Probably, Bin Laden is being kept at an "undisclosed location".  I.e., he is playing chess with Cheney.

Look for a familiar turbaned face at the next press release.

We have ermm... captured... er.... Saddam. Er... No we haven't. I mean that uh we HAVEN'T caught er... that person... Saddam... Turns out he wasn't the actual.... er... guy...... Er..... He's in umm.... IRAN! and Syria! ANd er... lets throw North Korea in there.... and urmm.... China! Yep...he's in all those places..... Invade all of them if they do not deliver Saddam..... Yes.....

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Look for a familiar turbaned face at the next press release.

We have ermm... captured... er.... Saddam. Er... No we haven't. I mean that uh we HAVEN'T caught er... that person... Saddam... Turns out he wasn't the actual.... er... guy...... Er..... He's in umm.... IRAN! and Syria! ANd er... lets throw North Korea in there.... and urmm.... China! Yep...he's in all those places..... Invade all of them if they do not deliver Saddam..... Yes.....

Actually, he would probably only say Iran, and then wait a year, and say Syria, and another and say North Korea, and for his last year China!

Below is a cartoon by Gary Markstein.


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Hmmm. And wasn't one of your people, TGHL, who was giving money to Sadaam?


And, why do you guys complain about Bush, when you never state your reasons. Just another thing to nag about, I suppose.

He said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. None found.

He's a moron.

He rushed too much.

He's got a blow up the world button in his pocket right now.


And looky what I found.


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Did you know Kerry is friends with Anton La Vey, the head preist of the Church of Satan? Seriously. I have the newspaper artical.

His friends don't matter. His religion doesn't even matter. That's as bad as saying you'd never be friends with a Buddhist. Or something.

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