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Poor little bird....

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A little birdie smacked into the sliding door, seeing the reflection of blue skies, now it's gone up into the blue skies. It was pretty. It had a yellow belly. But we couldn't save it. It smacked the door headfirst... :unsure:

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A little birdie smacked into the sliding door, seeing the reflection of blue skies, now it's gone up into the blue skies. It was pretty. It had a yellow belly. But we couldn't save it. It smacked the door headfirst... :unsure:


Does your mother use Windex? :lol::lol::lol:








Seriously, that is really sad. We love the big windows and sliding glass doors, but for the birds, it is deadly. I am sorry to hear he had such an untimely death. :(

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Does your mother use Windex?    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Seriously, that is really sad.  We love the big windows and sliding glass doors, but for the birds, it is deadly.  I am sorry to hear he had such an untimely death. :(

Woo my brother was teasing about the Windex(I love that commercial).


It was a pretty little finch we tried to save it but it probably would have had permanent brain damage even if we could have gotten it even slightly stable.

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Poor bird. :closedeyes: Lets protect the birds and put finger prints on the windows!!!LOL :lol:

Wee. There are a lot of fingerprints! But the glare sort of made it so that you can't see them unless you are examining the glass. :blink:

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i feel so bad :(


Why, hello there, mate. WE could be friends. why look over there! *points* *Grabs Dark Hamster's Sanity* *Runs away*




No one can save you. I know for a fact you had no protection. *Puts sanity in Jeep* And you thought I was just a wandering newbie. HA!

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Why, hello there, mate. WE could be friends. why look over there! *points* *Grabs Dark Hamster's Sanity* *Runs away*




No one can save you. I know for a fact you had no protection. *Puts sanity in Jeep* And you thought I was just a wandering newbie. HA!

Comes down from no where and sprays -anynomous-with a paralyzing spray.*Takes the sanity back and quickly dissapears* :ninja: *Comes back and sets sanity back down besides -anynomous- runs off*









































































































































































































*-anynomous- wakes up and grabs the sanity*

































































*Honey looks while -anynomous- is quickly running away with the decoy sanity*












































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Comes down from no where and sprays -anynomous-with a paralyzing spray.*Takes the sanity back and quickly dissapears* :ninja: *Comes back and sets sanity back down besides -anynomous- runs off*

*-anynomous- wakes up and grabs the sanity*

*Honey looks while -anynomous- is quickly running away with the decoy sanity*

                                                    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



That was excellent! :D

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Comes down from no where and sprays -anynomous-with a paralyzing spray.*Takes the sanity back and quickly dissapears* :ninja: *Comes back and sets sanity back down besides -anynomous- runs off*

*-anynomous- wakes up and grabs the sanity*

*Honey looks while -anynomous- is quickly running away with the decoy sanity*

                                                    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Nice try Honey, Not this time though, *Quickly turns on flat escaltor thing that brings Honey right back to Nick*...Shame Shame Honey, I told you, cross over to the dark side and you WILL win...Its just a shame, I must now take that sanity, * Starts tickling Honey till she drops it, AHHH the prisoner ( sanity ) is escaping! *Jumps on flat escaltor and turns it in to full speed, There it is!!!, * Jumps over the rail, Runs after it, HaHa, Nice try sanity, never will you escpae me...

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Nice try Honey, Not this time though, *Quickly turns on flat escaltor thing that brings Honey right back to Nick*...Shame Shame Honey, I told you, cross over to the dark side and you WILL win...Its just a shame, I must now take that sanity, * Starts tickling Honey till she drops it, AHHH the prisoner ( sanity ) is escaping! *Jumps on flat escaltor and turns it in to full speed, There it is!!!, * Jumps over the rail, Runs after it, HaHa, Nice try sanity, never will you escpae me...

*rescues sanity and Honey, takes Nick and puts him on a jet for Bora Bora*

Have a nice holiday! :lol::lol::lol:

Come on Honey. We will take this decoy sanity to Sanity Springs Spa and give it a rest. In the meantime, we will put a replacement sanity in here.

*they all hop in the jet and head for parts unknown, a different direction from Nick*

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*rescues sanity and Honey, takes Nick and puts him on a jet for Bora Bora*

Have a nice holiday! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Come on Honey.  We will take this decoy sanity to Sanity Springs Spa and give it a rest.  In the meantime, we will put a replacement sanity in here.

*they all hop in the jet and head for parts unknown, a different direction from Nick*

*blindfolds Honey for the trip because we can't let too many people know the secret location*

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*rescues sanity and Honey, takes Nick and puts him on a jet for Bora Bora*

Have a nice holiday! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Come on Honey.  We will take this decoy sanity to Sanity Springs Spa and give it a rest.  In the meantime, we will put a replacement sanity in here.

*they all hop in the jet and head for parts unknown, a different direction from Nick*

Darn you! I will get you next time!

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Nice try Honey, Not this time though, *Quickly turns on flat escaltor thing that brings Honey right back to Nick*...Shame Shame Honey, I told you, cross over to the dark side and you WILL win...Its just a shame, I must now take that sanity, * Starts tickling Honey till she drops it, AHHH the prisoner ( sanity ) is escaping! *Jumps on flat escaltor and turns it in to full speed, There it is!!!, * Jumps over the rail, Runs after it, HaHa, Nice try sanity, never will you escpae me...

No I will not join the dark side but u should join the good side.To bad u will not change ur mind.U could do some real help to these sanities oh well. ^_^

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*rescues sanity and Honey, takes Nick and puts him on a jet for Bora Bora*

Have a nice holiday! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Come on Honey.  We will take this decoy sanity to Sanity Springs Spa and give it a rest.  In the meantime, we will put a replacement sanity in here.

*they all hop in the jet and head for parts unknown, a different direction from Nick*

Thanks!!!So much u saved the sanity!!! ^_^

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Oh, I am confused you wish Moneylover a Marry Christmas???  Are you suggesting that Moneylover get married at Christmas? :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

hahahahahaha I mean:




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Good team work.  Now Moneylover is on his way to Bora Bora. :lol:  :lol:



*MoneyLover steps onto Bora Bora...*








*A few years later MoneyLover is comanding all Baroaens to give him thier sanitys*



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