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Happy birthday to the very best site manager and moderator I ever got to know! ❤️

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Thank you so very much.  I had completely forgotten that I had a birthday.  I greatly appreciate you remembering.  You have made me feel so special.

So much has happened.  Last year on my birthday, I went to the emergency room for appendicitis and had my appendix removed.  This year we were in the emergency for my husband.  Hopefully, next year everything is boring.  

Next, three days after my birthday, burglars broke into the house and removed everything.  Unfortunately, everything was in boxes, as we are renovating the house, so it was very easy to steal absolutely everything as it was perfectly packed and organised in boxes.  Our insurance company is useless.  They are depreciating everything down to the penny.  You could have spent five hundred dollars on a coat, and now it is worth one dollar.  But, you may have only worn it five times, and it is in perfect condition, that does not matter.  It is now worth only one dollar.  Now I understand how the CEO's of insurance companies make hundred million dollar salaries.  

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oh nooo that's awful!!! I hope you're able to rebuild quickly.... 💔

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  • 1 month later...


How phenomenal of you to arrive!  How are you?  How is life treating you?  What are you doing these days?  Do we call you doctor?  Have you discovered anything new?

Please let us know what is happening in life.

I hope that you stop by more often and also for Christmas.


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Hi Horatio,

I wish you a merry Christmas! Well, quite a bit happened since my last login I guess. I finished my Ph.D, but quit academia and did a qualification in quality assurance. After moving a couple of times, I'm now back in my home region and live in Solingen. You may have heard of it. Not a big city, but internationally known for its long tradition in manufacturing quality blades.  I'm now working in a company for molecular diagnostics (no blades :D) where I'm a member of product development teams. For instance, I'm involved in the development of improved COVID testing solutions. 

Private life also is going well. I got married to a wonderful wife and became the father of two wonderful little children. :) My daughter got 2 years last September and my son will celebrate his first birthday next March.

I guess that is all, in a nutshell. :)



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Merry Christmas and a very happy, healthy and wonderful New Year!  All the best to your family in 2022.

What wonderful news!!!  Congratulations on absolutely everything!  First of all, on your marriage and becoming a father!  How fantastic!  How did you meet your wife?  Is she also a scientist?  This is such terrific news, I am thrilled for you.  

You will have to tell me the date of your son's birthday.  Everyone in my family, save me, had a March birthday.  My father the seventh, my sister the fourteenth, my mother the fifteenth, my old boss, the fourth, my pen pal from ages ago, the twenty-second, and numerous friends scattered on the other March days.  

Of course, I know Solingen.  I have been there.  And yes, the world knows your city for the highest quality blades produced.  I remember living in Berlin and was able to travel all throughout Germany.  It was a wonderful time.  I am happy that you are not playing with blades, that might be very dangerous.  Your job in molecular diagnostics sounds very interesting.  It must be difficult work but exciting when you are able to develop products that you see improve lives.  This is fantastic news.  When you develop those COVID tests, please do not make them where you have to place the swab almost into your brain.  Those are so very painful.  I had to have that test when I had my appendix removed.  It was awful.  Fortunately, my diagnosis came back negative, no COVID.  But, that test was about the worst thing ever.  What I could not understand, is that is the virus is in my sinus cavity, would it not also be in my nostril?  

Congratulations on completing your doctorate.  That is exceptional!  I know that you worked so very hard to achieve your doctorate, so you definitely deserve the degree.  I think back to all of those days when you were studying and working on your projects.  At least you have all of that past you and now have a new opportunity in your job.  I am so very, very excited and happy for you.  

As I was writing the year, 2022, it made me think... you have been here almost twenty years.  That is really incredible.  So much has happened in all of those years.  Can you believe that we have known each other this long?  WOW!!!

Enjoy your Christmas with your family.  I am so very happy you returned to fill me in.  You have definitely made my day a happy one!


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