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Wow, just decided to revive this topic. I saw a mysterious guest viewing this topic and thought that it might be LE, just not signed in or someone else because no Guest could find this without specifically knowing where it was.

SO, welcome back to S.A.N.I.T.Y. It hopes that it will protect your sanity from the Sanity Stealer (When Sheena returns, Stealers) of the boards.

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Wow, just decided to revive this topic. I saw a mysterious guest viewing this topic and thought that it might be LE, just not signed in or someone else because no Guest could find this without specifically knowing where it was.

SO, welcome back to S.A.N.I.T.Y. It hopes that it will protect your sanity from the Sanity Stealer (When Sheena returns, Stealers) of the boards.

I will resign from being part of S.A.N.I.T.Y. seeing as I have decided to join forces with evil since they are da greatest.

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A good idea. A VERY good idea. A MARVELOUS idea it was, to revive this topic!




Greetings from someone who never turns up anymore, i.e. me.

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A good idea. A VERY good idea. A MARVELOUS idea it was, to revive this topic!




Greetings from someone who never turns up anymore, i.e. me.

I looked at the post and thought it was TGHL.... then my eyes opened!!!!!


LIFESEAGLE !!!!!!!!!!!

*realizes that I am soooooo happy now* :D

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Yay Ur the best!!! ^_^

This is really off-topic, but Honey wins the Poisoned Thin Mint award for having the longest siggy. Yes, I know, this is the 3rd award I've invented tonight, but I DON'T CARE!!! *runs around living room in happy bunny pajamas doing the funky chicken* MAHA!!!!!



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A good idea. A VERY good idea. A MARVELOUS idea it was, to revive this topic!




Greetings from someone who never turns up anymore, i.e. me.

I blame myself and the mysterious guest who was viewing it.


You've got History coursework already! I haven't got mine until Summer! Let me help because my uber-specialist topic is History! What topic?!?!??!?!


Welcome back oh mighty LE!

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This is really off-topic, but Honey wins the Poisoned Thin Mint award for having the longest siggy. Yes, I know, this is the 3rd award I've invented tonight, but I DON'T CARE!!! *runs around living room in happy bunny pajamas doing the funky chicken* MAHA!!!!!


:blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:

What kind of poison? Cyanide for a quick death, but recognisible in toxicology scans and by 40% of the population of the USA who can pick up its scent of bitter almonds? Or maybe Arsenic?

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A good idea. A VERY good idea. A MARVELOUS idea it was, to revive this topic!




Greetings from someone who never turns up anymore, i.e. me.

IT'S LE! At first I thought you were Toto cuz I wasn't paying attention. But hey! DIS ISH BETTER!

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A good idea. A VERY good idea. A MARVELOUS idea it was, to revive this topic!




Greetings from someone who never turns up anymore, i.e. me.

Ahh, You're telling me I missed the return of Miss LE???


Gahh..Rotten Schoolwork.


BTW LE, I have passed you in posts.. :P

Edited by Horatio
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Ahh, You're telling me I missed the return of Miss LE???


Gahh..Rotten Schoolwork.


BTW LE, I have passed you in posts.. :P

Big deal, I don't think LE really cares how many posts she has. She's focusing on her schoolwork and what's important.... Actually I need to revise for my exams. Razzle Frazzle Irony.....

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It's been almost impossible to return here right now. I might return properly in the future, but I've got SO much work to do it's getting way over my head.


But so much has changed. I keep coming back and meeting all these people who weren't here before. A lot of my old friends that I used to have have disappeared. TBOH was my best friend on Hampsterdance for a long time, and then she stopped coming. I don't know if she has returned since then. We used to have such fun in Hado... we'd have pages upon pages of different topics. It was wonderful! We RULED Hado. But that was such a long time ago now.


If I ever came back, it would be because I'm lonely, which I am now. I WILL come back - or at least visit, when Horatio reminds me. I'd really appreciate some word from friends.


I'm sorry for this ramble, but after watching Pocahontas for this millionth time yesterday I noticed some lyrics in Colours of the Wind that I've never noticed before: "Have you ever heard to wolf cry to the blue corn moon, or let the eagle tell you where he's been?" Just change it to "she", and you've got me! :P

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It's been almost impossible to return here right now. I might return properly in the future, but I've got SO much work to do it's getting way over my head.


But so much has changed. I keep coming back and meeting all these people who weren't here before. A lot of my old friends that I used to have have disappeared. TBOH was my best friend on Hampsterdance for a long time, and then she stopped coming. I don't know if she has returned since then. We used to have such fun in Hado... we'd have pages upon pages of different topics. It was wonderful! We RULED Hado. But that was such a long time ago now.


If I ever came back, it would be because I'm lonely, which I am now. I WILL come back - or at least visit, when Horatio reminds me.  I'd really appreciate some word from friends.


I'm sorry for this ramble, but after watching Pocahontas for this millionth time yesterday I noticed some lyrics in Colours of the Wind that I've never noticed before: "Have you ever heard to wolf cry to the blue corn moon, or let the eagle tell you where he's been?" Just change it to "she", and you've got me!  :P

I've been trying to get TBFOH back here via a different site, but I don't believe that'll be easy, since the restrictions on that site for her are immense on the account I know of.

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I've been trying to get TBFOH back here via a different site, but I don't believe that'll be easy, since the restrictions on that site for her are immense on the account I know of.


I talk to her sometimes on AIM, but very rarely. Even if she DID come back, she'd only post in Hado, as before.

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It's been almost impossible to return here right now. I might return properly in the future, but I've got SO much work to do it's getting way over my head.


But so much has changed. I keep coming back and meeting all these people who weren't here before. A lot of my old friends that I used to have have disappeared. TBOH was my best friend on Hampsterdance for a long time, and then she stopped coming. I don't know if she has returned since then. We used to have such fun in Hado... we'd have pages upon pages of different topics. It was wonderful! We RULED Hado. But that was such a long time ago now.


If I ever came back, it would be because I'm lonely, which I am now. I WILL come back - or at least visit, when Horatio reminds me.  I'd really appreciate some word from friends.


I'm sorry for this ramble, but after watching Pocahontas for this millionth time yesterday I noticed some lyrics in Colours of the Wind that I've never noticed before: "Have you ever heard to wolf cry to the blue corn moon, or let the eagle tell you where he's been?" Just change it to "she", and you've got me!  :P

Aww, I'm gunna miss you not being around here. What grade are you in now (If it's not too personal or anything..)? What about some summers?



Well..I don't have much time, so to make the long story short. Please don't forget about us and I hope to see you really soon!!! :)


Also..Good luck with all your school work.

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Aww, I'm gunna miss you not being around here. What grade are you in now (If it's not too personal or anything..)? What about some summers?

Well..I don't have much time, so to make the long story short. Please don't forget about us and I hope to see you really soon!!! :)


Also..Good luck with all your school work.

LE's the same age and "Grade" (I say Grade, but thats silly because Grade is what you get marks wise i.e. A*-G and maybe U. For us its "Year" Which makes sense because it goes from Year 1 (first year of education) to Year 13 (final year before university)) as me. Which is 14, nearly 15 and Year 10.


Good luck LE with all your GCSEs! And if you need help with History, I'd be glad to help.

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How is it possible to get more han 8,000 posts in one forum?


She posted. A LOT. Every single page was filled with "Last post by The Biggest Fan of Hado". I remember finding it very funny.


Aww, I'm gunna miss you not being around here. What grade are you in now (If it's not too personal or anything..)? What about some summers?



Well..I don't have much time, so to make the long story short. Please don't forget about us and I hope to see you really soon!!! 


Also..Good luck with all your school work.


TGHL has already answered your first question, as you can see. It's the Easter holidays soon, so I'll probably come on then.


I won't forget. :D Congratulations on getting ahead of me. No hard feelings... Even though I spent over two years working on that post count...


Good luck LE with all your GCSEs! And if you need help with History, I'd be glad to help.


Are you sure that you don't have any coursework? I've got chemistry and geography to work on at present. I got my English media coursework piece back yesterday - a film review on The Truman Show - and I got an A*!!

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She posted. A LOT. Every single page was filled with "Last post by The Biggest Fan of Hado". I remember finding it very funny.

TGHL has already answered your first question, as you can see. It's the Easter holidays soon, so I'll probably come on then.


I won't forget.  :D  Congratulations on getting ahead of me. No hard feelings... Even though I spent over two years working on that post count...

Are you sure that you don't have any coursework? I've got chemistry and geography to work on at present. I got my English media coursework piece back yesterday - a film review on The Truman Show - and I got an A*!!

*misses TBFOH and knows that Forest misses her too*


As for the A+, I would believe you are excellent in school! How about that paper you had missed? You were home and it was in school?

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She posted. A LOT. Every single page was filled with "Last post by The Biggest Fan of Hado". I remember finding it very funny.

TGHL has already answered your first question, as you can see. It's the Easter holidays soon, so I'll probably come on then.


I won't forget.  :D  Congratulations on getting ahead of me. No hard feelings... Even though I spent over two years working on that post count...

Are you sure that you don't have any coursework? I've got chemistry and geography to work on at present. I got my English media coursework piece back yesterday - a film review on The Truman Show - and I got an A*!!

Uhh, Yeah, About that first question..TGHL lost me..So..What year/grade, are you in?

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umm i am new on here.... i am hammylover334's best friend.... i am not sure what to do on here so if somebody could tell me the rules that would be great.. thanx.. :P

I am sorry, I thought I had helped you.

*is embarrassed* :blush::blush::blush:


Please wander around and post your thoughts to all those topics that interest you. You can always revive old topics, comment on new topics and start your own. In the beginning, it is better if you read some of the most popular topics and post there. Starting a poll is also a great way to get people to know you. If you wish to do this, write a post with a topic title, a poll question, up to 20 poll choices and let me know that you want to have a poll created. I will then make the poll for you. The poll feature has been disabled because the polls are not moderated and go directly up on the boards.


Here is another idea, go to the Creative forums and check out the Stories forum. Arkcher's Werewolf story is really great. Vote in MegaWolf's poll and get her to write a story. Look at the artwork in the Art forum.


If you need anything else, please let us know.

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Are you sure that you don't have any coursework? I've got chemistry and geography to work on at present. I got my English media coursework piece back yesterday - a film review on The Truman Show - and I got an A*!!

Well, there is French coursework, but thats because of the Dual Language (twice the GCSEs in half the time) course I'm doing. I've abviously got to do English, but this time the excuse is because I have to do at least 6 before the Yr11 exams. I've done the... er... let me think..... ah. That's it. I've done the Original Writing coursework and got an A* (woop de di doo, Basil. :lol:) and I've done my Oral/Presentation coursework and got 52/54, even though I was so nervous I was shaking like a "leaf" (strange, I haven't noticed any leaves shaking.... Odd saying.) and almost collapsed by the Q&A section. We're doing our Media coursework now, and guess what we've got to study? The Iceland chase sequence in Die Another Day. Ruins it a bit really......


Well done on your Media coursework! And knowing you LE, you've probably never even heard of grades like A or B, especially not U (the dreaded U! *cringes*)

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*is stunned that TGHL would ever understate anything*

Everyone understates things occasionally. Whoa, that's even an understatement. People underestimate things all the time!!!!!


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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 years later...
This topic so needs to be bumped.

I can do that...


Calling all sanities, calling all sanities...


Time to take a trip to Sanity Springs Spa. It is a relaxing place where the staff will pamper you, cater to your every need and indulge your wishes.

So, just let me know and every sanity will have their special get-away in a magnificent undisclosed location until they are ready to return.

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My sanity seems to have broken itself into little pieces, some of which I retain, and some of which wander off because of things like finals. :rolleyes:

*hands Jesusfreak little invisible nano sized GPS sanity locators for each one her little sanity pieces*

These should help. :D Just open the envelope and the GPS sanity locators will attach themselves to your pieces and bring them back home.

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