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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

The passing of HampsterKing


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We have some very sad news to convey. On the 25th of September, HampsterKing passed away. HampsterKing was quite passionate about this website and these message boards. He was a firefighter, teacher, and administrator in a high school. HampsterKing loved filmmaking and technology.


HampsterKing will not only be missed by his family but his HampsterDance family, as well.


Memorial donations in the name of Brian Hoffman made be made to the Upper Saddle River Volunteer Fire Department, 375 West Saddle River Road, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458


I thought you all should know the very sad news.



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I, and everyone else whose childhood was helped shaped by this site, owe HampsterKing more than I can say. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I would be a different person if it weren't for the friendships I made here. So many fond memories are held here, and he facilitated that for us, through his maintenance of the site and his judgement in letting people like Horatio on the moderation team.


Thanks for everything, HK. Rest in peace.

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I've just learned about this a few minutes ago. I'm sad to hear this news. I hope his family finds peace. Many thanks to hk for his years of caring for this place.

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I'm sorry to hear of his passing. It has been a long time since I've been active here, but I remember him putting in a lot of effort to make this into the friendly place that I loved it for. It definitely helped me through some growing pains, to say the least.


I'm going to take a moment to look back on some of the memories here. I can't imagine this place being permanent. Nothing lasts forever, but I think in this case we did make the best of it. :)

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This is truly tragic news. I know that myself and so many others have such pleasant, happy memories from the good old days of Hampsterdance forums. Hampsterking was always a warm, comforting presence right from the very start. I am truly sorry to hear about his passing and I cannot imagine what his family must be going through right now. My utmost commiserations to his family at this difficult time.


And wow... to be back here, after all this time. The memories! I have nothing but fond memories of this forum. I made some good friends, had some great times, telling great jokes. It was such a safe community to be a part of. According to my profile I've been a member here for a little over 16 years, and I still remember some of the funniest forum jokes and people who made all of this worthwhile. I am just so sad to return here under such upsetting circumstances.


Rest in peace, Hampsterking, and thank you for the memories.

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Its been forever since I was here. But this site as been a wonderful place of memories. HamppsterKing was very nice and always was willing to help. Its horrible to hear this news. My thoughts go out to his family and friends. To others on this site, if you need a shoulder to cry on or listen. Im here.

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Its been forever since I was here. But this site as been a wonderful place of memories. HamppsterKing was very nice and always was willing to help. Its horrible to hear this news. My thoughts go out to his family and friends. To others on this site, if you need a shoulder to cry on or listen. Im here.


Krisluvsdogs, thank you for offering a shoulder. We are all saddened by the news.

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Before Facebook, and before Myspace, there was the Hampsterdance forums. This was my first ever online community, back when we still had dial-up internet. This is where I learned how to type properly, and essentially how to act on the internet. Hampsterking and his team of wonderful admins and mods made this a safe and happy place for my teenage years. He created a very special place for friends to be themselves, and it was about so much more than dancing Hampsters (though that song will live on forever, I'm sure). Hampsterking left this world a better place, and he will be missed.

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I had been going through my email to clear out stuff (had over 15k), and as it became more clean, saw an email from Horatio. I know it's very late after, but it didn't hit me any less. I started off on the original board around the age of 14ish I think. HK definitely helped foster a safe and friendly community for people, along with with help people like Horatio. Like Jesusfreak said, for many this was our first community and how we learned how to become better people. But life is inevitable, and the fact it's been that many years says something, and is something to be thankful for. Most other communities do not last as long, even if it's not as big as it once was. 

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Taynio, I have been thinking about you.  How are you?  How is life treating you?  I am so very happy that you had not changed your email address.  Hopefully, you will stop back in and let us know what is happening in your life.

Thank you for posting a message.

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