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My mother in law...


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My MIL was diagnosed with cancer in January and given 6 months untreated or 2 years with chemo. So she started chemo last month so she could make memories with her first grandchild. Well, with a myriad of other health issues, the chemo was too much. Due to complications, she was put on life support earlier this week. Yesterday we had to let her go. My husband and I held her hand. She was 68.


I'm coping. He seems to be doing as well as you can be the day after a parent dies. Just keep us in your thoughts.



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Dear Topazia,


We are so very sorry to hear this news. You and your family, have our deepest condolences with the loss of your ? mother-in-law ?. I hope the few memories MacKenzie had with her, will remain in her heart. MacKenzie is pretty young, and hopefully, when she looks back on the photographs you have taken, she will have some remembrance. This is hard at such a young age. I lost my grandfather when I was three, but still have some memories of us playing together. Oddly, I do not remember anything else from my very young years.


You and your family will be in our thoughts, hearts and prayers, during this time of such deep sadness.



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Thanks, H. I don't know if she'll remember her. But she'll know about her. She loved her grandma, and grandma loved her back. Yeah, it was my mother in law.

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