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There are still a handful of us who check in from time to time. I'm always glad to see familiar faces wander back in :D It's good to hear from you two, I hope things are going well!

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WHOA!!!!!! I go camping and away from the internet for a bit, and voila, here are three posts that I totally missed on the first day!


Lexxy... it has been ages! How are you? How is life treating you and how is every little thing??? Would you please update me on you and your life?


Wildcat... welcome back? What have you been doing? Are you good? What is going on with you? Would you please catch me up on all things Wildcat???


As for me, I went camping in Zion and in a place called White Pocket. Zion was great, but one night the temperature was in the twenties. - Kat - would have loved the cold, but I shivered all night. The next day I went out and bought another pad for underneath the air pad, and a sleeping bag liner. In addition, I changed out my air pad for an insulated air pad. The good news is that my campsite was right next to the bathroom. Our next camping adventure took us out in the back country. Absolutely no facilities whatsoever. Using a special bag as a toilet is very strange. But you must carry out anything you carried in, no matter what the form. During the night, which was back in the twenties, I heard two animals of unknown origin, growling with each other. They were so very, very close to my tent. This night also had me shivering excessively. I was shivering so bad that I was clenching my teeth. Sunrise was a very welcome sight.


Just so you know, I bought a sleeping bag that was rated to minus twenty. Ha. I think the outfitter made a big mistake. Perhaps this bag was only rated to positive twenty, not negative twenty. When I get back to Memphis, I am going to head over there and confirm the information.


As for other news, I have been hanging out in Utah and Arizona quite a bit. Very beautiful country and fun to hike all over.


That is it for me.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Yessss give me that cold weather! I relish in it =w= I'm sorry that you had to deal with it, though! I have to admit, even I would hate to have to crawl out of a warm bed in 20 degree weather to walk outside and use the restroom.


I've heard of people using baggies with kitty litter in them when they go camping with no restrooms! This is another reason why I don't think I could deal with staying in a tent that wasn't in my backyard.


Whatever was growling, I'm glad it didn't become a problem for you D8 that sounds scary.


I hope the pictures behave soon! I've been excited to see them~

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There are little sacks just for those areas where no facilities exist. For me, getting up without a hot, hot, boiling hot shower is the absolute worst thing in the world. For all of my life, that I am able to remember, I have taken a shower every morning. Camping in a place, where you crawl out of your sleeping bag and get into your clothes, is such a grimy feeling. LOL!!!

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Hot water makes me sleepy so I take my showers before bed, but if I was sleeping outside, I'd probably want one in the morning, too. And cold clothes feel so stiff and crusty... That would probably be the worst part for me XD I hope the days were extra fun to make up for the rough nights and mornings.

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LOL!!! How did I not respond to this? :o Cold clothes are awful. That was really awful, but after the first night, I decided to place my clothes in the bottom of my sleeping bag to keep them warm. Ha, ha, ha. If I could only find a different way to keep my clothes warm, then I would do it. Perhaps one of those hand warmers placed inside an insulated bag to heat up my clothes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For some reason, when I am camping, I still can not become accustomed to getting dressed without a shower. You wake up, get dressed, go out and take photographs, then head to breakfast. The very next thing after breakfast, is to take a shower and put on clean clothes. But then you are thinking... tomorrow, I have to wake up and put on the dirty clothes again. LOL!!! But, I do plan on purchasing some of those hand warmers to heat up my clothes.

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