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- Kat -

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It's our favorite blonde hamster's birthday today! Let's all send a ton of good wishes and chill vibes her way for a great birthday, and take a moment to thank her for everything she's done for the forum and its members over the years!


Before we let her loose on the birthday cake, we must indulge in our tribal tradition. Ahem.



*guitar solo*


*kazoo choir*


*trombone honk *


*does a sick kickflip off a halfpipe with fireworks in the background*

And many mooooore~

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OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! That was more spectacular than I have ever, even considered. Thank you so very, very much. I greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness and wonderful post. I will fill you in on the details of the camping, hiking, photographing adventure. Please wish me well and that I come back in one piece. LOL!!!


Thank you again. By the way, I saved you a slice of birthday cake.

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I know, I'm pretty impressive ;D


Have a fun and safe trip!!! *scarfs cake in your absence*



You are quite impressive! Look at all you have accomplished in the past year! Happy work anniversary on the 4th of November. One year and many, many more to come.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you! I felt special seeing my 1 year anniversary up on the birthday/anniversary board in the break room~ And then I saw the people with their 15+ year anniversary in November and felt less special XD But it was still nice!


You've had a very full year, too! So many places and experiences! Here's to many more for you!

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Never feel less special that you are having your one year anniversary. The people celebrating their fifteen year anniversaries are getting old and will soon be retiring. LOL!!! Then it will be your turn to celebrate those high numbers. Just think of how fortunate you are to have received a slot and the fact that you are there!!! Congratulations!!!!

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Thank you! But hey, isn't this your birthday topic? You're the one who should be getting nice things said about them XD


So! Thank you so much for all the work you've put into these forums over the years. Back when it was bustling every day, you were the one really responsible for letting us all talk to each other. And now you work to reach out to us and keep an eye on us, and that shows how caring you are. We're all really lucky to have met you!

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Pfft, there are lots of people I think I deserve to be paid for having to be nice to, but you are not one of them! All services and feelings of friendship at Horatio Appreciation Junction are free of charge~ As long as you're Horatio. The rest of you better pay up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

LOL!!! You are too nice. I am part of your fan club, so the feelings are mutual.


This last week, I was helping my friend move into a furnished apartment. The landlord thought the place was clean. Oh, not even close. We spent the week cleaning. In addition, a carpet and furniture/upholstery cleaning company was called to take over. The only things remaining are the blinds, the walls and the silk plants. We are cleaning the silk plants and then sticking them in plastic bags, so that when we move out, we can just take them out of the bags and they are still clean. Ha, ha, ha!!! There was so much dust that you could write messages in the inches of dust. I am very happy that all that dust is gone. After another day of cleaning, life will be excellent and I can return to Tennessee.

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LOL!!! Most likely he would not feel a thing. Have you ever had those weeks, when you have so much to do, and you can not figure out, logistically, how to get anything accomplished and in what order? That is exactly where I am. I need to be in Santa Monica for a day, I would like to be in Mendocino County this week, and I must be home to get paperwork in before Friday. This makes me feel like I am in a bowl of spaghetti trying to find an end.

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Oh gosh, that sounds like one of those days where so much needs to get done that you get overwhelmed trying to plan it out and none of them actually happen. ...Or maybe that's just me.


I'm pretty sure you're a lot better at getting all the necessary ducks in a row, though XD Goooo Horatio! *waves the Horatio banner*

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No, it is definitely not just you. I was so overwhelmed with the planning phase, that I finally omitted two of the plans, and opted to head straight back to Memphis. Once I arrived back at the house, the pile of mail was so, so huge, that I could only skim through the pile and pick out the very important items to deal with today. The pile is still quite huge, but at least I have a couple of the most important items taken care of. Tomorrow, I will begin very early in the morning and work until each and every item has been dealt with.


*feels the breeze from the Horatio banner*

My ducks are definitely not in a row, it is more like I am attempting to herd cats.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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