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Please... update your email address!


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My account profile apparently broke with the change in forum software a while back. I think, at the time, the offical word was that module was supposedly disabled for all but the administrator, as a bit of redundancy against the possibility of user info falling into the wrong paws.

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Oh hi! I'm still alive! Yeah I can't update my email which I know is wrong in here because there is an incompatible file on line 88 of the code. Or something like that. I could post my accurate one here since I'm over 18 and trust the people here within reason.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can do that!


...I lost your email address. Shall I message it to you on the book of faces?

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  • 1 month later...

Yay! I did it right! Except I had to use an account that I rarely use (but I'll start now) because my primary account is attached to a different profile on here (yes, remember I have like five).

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Nah it's ok. It's a googlomerate email address and I have a googlomerate phone so I can get notifications. If I really feel like changing it it's just a matter of adjusting another email and then this one and then the other one again.


Heh. Googlomerate. Sorry, proud of my terrible pun. B)

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Googleomerate. Nice!


For now, I am happy that you have updated your email. Yeah!!!


What are you doing? How is life working at Wally World? Personally, I am appalled at the CEO's salary, of $19.3 million. Really? Then in Memphis, we have these insulting advertisements how they are raising the salaries of Walmart workers as they are such a valuable asset. Absolutely insulting and disgusting. Do they think the American people are stupid? When the CEO gives the same health care he has access to, to all the workers, even part-time, then I will change my mind. As for now, I would not step foot in a Walmart, even if I was starving and they had free food inside. My apologies for the rant, but I can not tolerate the management in that company and their business guidelines.

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Life is going ok. Work is...eh. I get a tiny raise in September (they're changing how they give raises and it's gonna suck) and then I'll be upped to ten an hour next February along with the rest of the store. I'm not pleased with what they're doing with the new associates and everything (established associates like me are getting left behind) but I keep reminding myself it's temporary and paying 20% of my tuition to becoming a teacher. As lousy as it is there, though, it's still the best paying job in this area without a degree so...And my insurance, while expensive in deductible, has semi decent coverage.


Other than work, I am mostly satisfied tho. :-)

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Good news that life is going okay. I will not start your day with a rant, :lol: I have already ranted enough on the Wally World topic. It is nice to hear that other aspects of your life are going well. How far along are you with your degree to become a teacher? I am taking some online college courses and I think going into a classroom is much easier than online. It seems like online, there is so much more work. Are your courses in a classroom or online?


Time to run. I am behind in my homework.

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In Japan, the usual business practice is that if the company isn't doing well, people like the CEO are the first to get pay cuts, because they feel they're responsible for the company and if it's losing money, it's because of them.


Just saying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That should happen in the USA. Except the opposite is true. Here, they may or may not oust the CEO with a golden parachute that most of can never comprehend. Vile.


Now what I find very impressive, but you will hear little about, is the latest news regarding the CEO of Boxed. The CEO Chieh Huang, has guaranteed that every employee who has a child wishing to go to college, he will pay the entire four year tuition personally, not from the company. What an incredibly generous CEO!

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