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Hurricane Sandy...


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For all those impacted by Hurricane Sandy, we want you to know that you are in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. Although you probably will not be able to read this until your electricity returns, all of us here at HampsterDance are thinking of you and hope that you and your family are safe and secure.

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My folks moved to Florida several months ago, and here's their first hurricane!

Also some important friends of mine in Virginia and New York who I haven't heard from for a few weeks... I can only hope for the best.

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So... you have left some gaps. Your parents moved to Florida, from Texas or Nebraska? Where did they move to in Florida? You should be hearing from your friends in the northeast as soon as they get some power returned. Hope they are doing okay.

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Our family used to live in Texas about 3 years ago, at which time we all moved to Nebraska.

Dad got a job offer in Florida, so both parents moved there and left myself and my brother here in Nebraska, since we're big kids and can take care of ourselves and responsibility whatnot.

They're about an hour north of Orlando, if I remember right.

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I didn't think much of it until a morning news report emphasized fuel shortages in New York, and how it needed to be rationed among the mile-long lines. Most people weren't so much interested in fueling their chunky SUV's as they were for generators at home. Not a fun prospect to have a storm mess up your house and be without power for extended periods of time. And if tanker trucks with fuel weren't plentiful, one might assume other freight like groceries aren't a regular thing, either.

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