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The greatest OCTOBER 2012 THREAD


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nothing but the best for my old droogs and lewdies.


So I hear lots of people are off having birthdays, getting married and the like. How's that all going for you? Last time I checked, we were a lot of 12-year-olds spouting off whatever comes to mind without any thought. That's what I did, anyway.


Since then, I tried moving on from childhood habits and went on to more "grown up" things online, which almost exclusively meant logging upward of 30,000 hours playing PC games online. I ended up getting a job that allowed purchase of more software and shenanigans, I've since realized that I've wasted several years with nothing to show for it, and pretty much abandoned my lifetime hobbies, not exclusively gaming, but any and all computer-related activity, including my planned career path of programming.

And, let me tell you, there's a really cool world outside. I've been part of more meaningful hobbies, peers, relationships, employment, and in the past year I've pretty much changed every aspect of my life. I'd just about completely forgotten about my old stomping grounds here.

Occasionally while browsing lists of online contacts i've accumulated, downsizing wherever possible, Kat's presence reminded me of that one forum I'd always go to when I was a kid. We totally met there, you know. Like ten years ago.


So that's the last four to five years since my last check-in. I've recently picked up the art of chain mail crafting, more than once I've participated in medical research studies and indirectly helped in the efforts against cancer, (a fancy way of describing how I'm being paid to be a lab rat) and I've held a relationship together for a bit over a year with the loveliest of exceptionally short ladies.


I've gathered, from my brief tour, that only Horatio and Topazia stop by lately. I'll just use my wizard powers to suggest other users swing by, too.

By the way, I'm totally a wizard, now. I forgot that part.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds like you have been through quite a bit of growing up. And a wizard... my, I am impressed!!! What kind of work are you doing? Do you like it? Please find a job that you love as you will be working a long, long time and if you do not like it, that can be bad for your health.


A lady in your life... what wonderful news!!! I am using the iPhone to post, so i will cut this short as I do not spell well with fat thumbs. :lol:


-Kat- stops in every now and then, as do Lexxscrapham, Leguan, SleepoverFanatic, Krisluvsdogs, and a few others. We should really try for a reunion. It would be great to hear what everyone is up to.


Have to head to bed to sleep before my flight, then in the airplane for fourteen plus hours, then I will be back.

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Life outside the internet PSHAW.


It's good to hear from you again, I see your posts sometimes on Social Networking Site but I rarely get on there so I don't notice much :B Glad to hear things are going well for you!

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I kinda fell off the face of the planet for awhile with regards to this board, but I am on ye olde book of face, if you can find me. I'm friends with Kat, Jesse, and Horatio if that helps. Just please tell me who you are if you do find me, as I never add strangers. (Some weirdo tried adding me on facebook, and then on skype. o.O )

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Glad to see you back again, if at least only for a short visit.


You are so smart not to add any strangers. What is happening in Indonesia to the young girls using Facebook is so, so sad. Hopefully the authorities will catch those guys. Of course, more and more keep popping up, but at least it will not be easy for them.

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well let me just swing by a month later to check on my thread here


Last year I made an unwise investment in a first-generation Samsung Galaxy Tab which was obsolete before a month of ownership. Good job, Samsung. I'm never buying from those guys again.

Of course, I can still use it as an oversized mp3 player, so... there's that.

I've since upgraded to a laptop with the most dreadful habit of heating up to about 70C by just sitting idle. I'll keep myself occupied with this until I fix the copper heatsink one of these days.

And that's my cheap hardware story.


Is Hampsterking still around? Last I checked he was super old.

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HampsterKing is still around, alive and kicking.


Sorry to hear about the Samsung. That was an expensive mistake. As far as an oversized MP3 player... a little big to carry with you while jogging. :lol: Perhaps you could strap it to your back.


Glad to know you have upgraded to a laptop! I am shocked! So, overall... do you like the laptop?


Caught the comment that your parents moved to Florida. What town did they move to? What made you move to Lincoln?

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Well, aside from the overheating issue, it's pretty good. I built myself a fancy desktop computer about two years ago, with two 22" screens and a big ol' keyboard, so switching from that to a little compact laptop was pretty drastic.

I figure if I downgrade my hardware, I won't waste as much time, and I can focus on some things I've always wanted to get in to: namely audio recording/mixing, and flash animation. Right now I'm using Ubuntu Studio which tries to be Mac OSX with multimedia software built-in. I still beleive that Mac hardware is overpriced (although more stable than, say, Samsung) but i've grown to appreciate their software, especially after taking some programming classes. I intend to dual-boot to Mac OS and Ubuntu Linux with this HP dv9700.


Today I've got my M-Audio KeyStudio 49-key plugged in, and I've only just got it to work and make some noise with some soundfonts.

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As someone who arts on a laptop with some regularity, let me say that I cannot count the number of times I've wished my screen was bigger. I dunno how detailed you plan to get with that flash animation but I know when I'm working on stuff I want it as big as possible. So maybe keep one of those big monitors around to plug in for visually artistic indeavours.

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Arkcher, you are so talented and creative with your ability to build the computer of your dreams. I have total faith that you will accomplish great things with your laptop.


- Kat -, we could always find you a 60 inch screen and wifi you to that for your artwork. Would this be big enough? I think Apple TV will accomplish that. :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll be with my family in a little town called Leesburg, about an hour north of Orlando. Aside from Universal Studios and Disney Land (world?), I have no idea what there is to do around there.

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