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Sean proposed to me Thursday night and obviously I said yes. It'll be March 23. I'm really looking forward to planning and getting married. Let me know if you have any ideas of like what flowers or any kind of ideas. The color theme is purple. I'm so happy!

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Thank you! It won't actually be Mar 23 tho... :( That's in Lent and my priest doesn't marry in Lent.

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How could I be late on such an important topic!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness!!!




I am so excited for you! Out of curiosity, why is Lent off limits to marriages? The 23rd of March seems Iike such a great day! Of course we would be honored to help you with ideas. Purple... What a spectacular color! You already know a great graphic artist, *cough, cough*, so I am sure that - Kat - can come up with some spectacular ideas. :). I already have some flower ideas, please let me know what shade or shades of purple you are thinking of. PLEASE!!!!


Ohhhhhhhhh, I am so excited!!!

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hehe I love you horatio.


I don't remember, I think it's a rule. I know right? It worked out great that it was a saturday...

Either light like lavendar or dark and rich. I've got some ideas, like tea-stain or ivory tablecloths over dark purple tablecloths that hang lower. Lilacs as centerpieces with babybreath or jasmine spilling out of the clear vases with purple and clear pebbles at the bottom with tea candles and purple stones around the base. Circle or square plates, white, with purple lines around the edges.


My ring got back from sizing yesterday. it's so gorgeous! :D

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WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? NO PICTURES??????


You are in such big trouble!!!!! Keeping me in suspense like this.


PICTURES, PLEASE, NOW!!!!!!! I want to see your ring!!!!!


*is jumping for joy*


I like the dark and rich color, with lavendar or lilac accents. Just my two cents worth.


*is always giving my opinion*

*blush, blush*


Of course, you have impeccable timing, I am in the lounge in Seoul, Korea and I just let out a squeak of joy!!!!!

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haha did you get funny looks? alright I'm working on the picture as I type since the ring got back on tuesday from sizing.


There. isn't it gorgeous!! :D I'm so happy!

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sorry for the huge size. I just took it with a 16 mpx camea and up'd it... lol

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:D Thank you MW! :D:D:D


*so excited*

it's ok that you're late, it's still fun to share :D

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asldfdgvdfg CONGRATS! 8D How exciting! I really like your table setting idea with the purple and tea-stain tablecloth over the longer dark purple. It sounds very elegant~

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^^ Thank you! I'm really looking forward to how pretty it's going to be

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Oh trust me there will be tons of pictures :D

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haha aww no we haven't done anything yet, still working on the basics right now.

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lol Will do :)

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Haha only in you can afford a 3d printer ;) That would be awesome though ^^

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lol yeah

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Date is officially set at April 6th. I know I want a strapless or one-shoulder dress with a corset style back. It will be gorgeous because it will be not quite floor length so I can show off my gorgeous wedding shoes (which I will be getting eventually)


I have the mandatory (because my priest says he only marries people who do) premarital counseling set up to begin this fall with Fr. Don (awesome man btw)


My wonderful amazing mom will be paying for everything but our clothes and the rings (I love my mom)




On a slightly sadder note, my friend Joe got married on Tuesday. I'm happy for him. I found out through that other social networking site. He didn't tell me or invite me. I made sure he felt like a jerk.


Back to good news. I'm excited and making tentative plans. Can't wait for april!

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I am member 5155.

Just noticed that.


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I know your feelings must have been hurt by your friend Joe. Quite tough hearing the news on a social network.


Speaking of which, when Facebook officially launches their mobile app allowing you to find all your friends within a specified mile radius, don't use it. They accidentally launched it prematurely and TechCrunch reported that it will show every Facebook person within that specified mile radius, friends and non-friends. The Facebook team pulled the app immediately, but not until after TechCrunch had reported on it. This is a scary app when it comes to surveillance.


As for the wedding dress, I do believe your dress will be absolutely gorgeous. The idea of not quite floor length is a fantastic idea. Your mother and father must be so excited. The wedding day will be here before you know it. A friend of mine just got married this past April on the 21st. That was a really fun time. Very, very low key.


For some reason I thought of you today and violets popped into my mind, the little purple flowers with the green leaves.

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That may or may not be creepy... maybe they'll fix it.


^^ I know right? It's gonna be awesome! They are, they're really happy for me. I'm glad they had a fun wedding!


Aww that's awesome. :) I do like violets.

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Facebook thinks that it is a great way to connect people. I think it is really creepy. They will put a spin on things to make people want to get the app, and then... ooops... too late.


I love those wild violets. Your wedding is going to be the greatest!!!

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I'm really looking forward to it :D


I went to Seaworld with Sean yesterday. I haven't been in a decade and he's never been. It's awesome. I'm burned and tired, but it was fun.

Just saying. :D


We made a binder for a wedding planner and weddings are expensive...


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Weddings are insanely expensive! Even eloping costs money. :lol: It always helps if you know people who are good at different things, such as a photographer, or a band, etc., who can donate their services. My friends had a very simple lasagna and salad dinner which saved them a ton of money. You could always have the reception in your backyard, but that can also run into a lot of money. It is really hard to get away without spending a whole lot of money. Creativity is the key and also it depends on how much you can do yourself. If you need ideas...

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True. I'm just hoping it doesn't break the bank D:

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I think that between you and your mother, you will find many creative ways to save money, yet still have a phenomenally beautiful wedding! You just have to be willing to think on a non-traditional route. For example, when you are talking flowers, the florist will tell you how to create beautiful arrangements with less expensive flowers as opposed to exhorbitant arrangements with top dollar flowers. For example, my neighbor had the most beautiful bird of paradise plant before the new people moved in. The new people pulled up a fifty year old plant and threw it in the garbage. If I had been there, I would have asked to have it and would have replanted it in my front yard. The plant would have almost three hundred flowers over the summer, more than enough for you to pick and use in displays. Plus, they have purple in them. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

That would have been lovely, that's a shame they just threw it away. Yeah, we're already trying to work out how to save money for the reception.

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Thank you so much wildcat! :D

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:D Of course!
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I was in Los Angeles and the hotel had hosted a beautiful wedding. The bride had used sort of a dark, purplish blue colour for the bridesmaid dresses and they carried bluish purple and orange flowers. The bride carried a bouquest of the same bluish purple, and white flowers. The tables were done with mostly white table cloths, orange accents and an occasional bluish purple touch thown in. It looked really fantastic. I thought the dark dresses were quite elegant and very dramatic, making the bride's white dress much more brilliant. I believe your colours are going to be a phenomenal choice!

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oh that sounds lovely! :)

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  • 1 month later...

Nothing new really... I have to schedule an appointment with my priest to start the process and I still need to go dress shopping. I know what I want on it, but I haven't been able to schedule a time when my mother, my friend megan and I can go out and oogle.


And now with a second job and a new car, time and money are even more constrained, but with my new job, I'm making more and working more than at staples so money won't be as much of an issue as I feel like.

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Just cashiering. I don't like to cashier but since I'm keeping my other job, it won't be so bad because the main reason I dislike it is I never get to do anything else. Standing all day kinda sucks though XD

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It's nice, though. I'm making friends with the other cashiers, and yesterday a customer stopped me in electronics and it was nice to be able to answer their questions.


also yesterday my old friend todd stopped in. I haven't seen him in four years. it was cool.

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I have tentative plans with my mother and one of the bridesmaids to begin searching for the dress on saturday, as long as I don't get stricken with an upcoming physical malady :\

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will do!

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  • 2 weeks later...

it didnt happen... :( predictable maladies suck. yesterday I worked 14 hrs straight. I was sick. so today, because i overexerted myself, I called in sick to the job I'm already quitting next week. I'm gonna make sure I get sick pay. I havent been this sick in years :( I'll be fine. It's mostly just a head cold. Friday I hope I'm feeling better because I have to work 16 hours.

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I did finish the essay questions I had to finish for fr don though :)

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Thanks jesusfreak! I'll have to look there. Now I need to get sean to finish his questions and pick the first reader for the ceremony, and we should be set for the second meeting with fr don.

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Jesusfreak!!! Welcome back! Hope you and Shane are doing well. I am certain you will be officially engaged soon. We are waiting to hear the news! Hopefully you both, and your families, weathered the storm and are doing okay. Please let us know.


Topazia... good luck on your second meeting!

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

The wedding went beautifully :D my brother was able to get leave to be there (haven't seen him since august) and everything was lovely and perfect.


Like the true dorks we are, we did the Time Warp for our first dance XD (we were in a production of RHPS, the show was this weekend. It was fabulous)


Married life is fun.


And also, life in general, while not perfect, is still a wonderful thing.

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What a wonderful post!!!!! We were waiting for you to surface and let us know that all was perfect! How about a picture? I would love to see you in your dress!!!


Glad to know that married life is fun. If life was perfect, it would probably be boring. A down day makes the up day so much nicer!


Please include some wedding pictures!!!


Pretty please!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...



a few pics from our wedding, as requested. :)

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Ohhhhhhhh, how beautiful you look!!!! I love the purple! The wedding cake is fantastic!!! Did you create the design? You and your mother have a wonderful picture. The black and white is a very nice touch! Your ring is simply gorgeous! What a great couple you two make. A handsome guy with a beautiful lady! Oh my!!! I am so excited for the two of you! All the best for a wonderful marriage!





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  • 3 weeks later...

the woman who did our cake met with us beforehand and yes, we had say over what it looked like. It was a lovely day. :)

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