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Would you read this?

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Mark Zimmer, 22, is fulfilling his father's last request: that he tell the world the Zimmers' story. Mark is currently married to Cheryl cotter, his childhood sweetheart. Somewhere between the busy schedule and reading his father's journal to try to understand him better, Mark realizes the man was hiding something... Something big. Something dangerous. Mark follows trail after trail, trying to figure out the riddles in Maurice's journal and letters.


When Mark decodes the final message, he comes to the gut-wrenching conclusion that his father's secret could mean the end... but of what?


Would you read this? What would you have the dreadful secret be? This is fantasy, so anything goes.


I was looking through my old scribblings and found this. I decided I would want to read the story, if it existed yet, so now I want to write it. But I've been sick lately and my creativity is drained from playing video games and working nonstop.


Small background:

Mark is one of the characters in my other story. He was the victim of child abuse. Later, when he was almost an adult, he got back into contact with his dad, now a changed man. His dad's last request was for Mark to spread a message of change throughout their world so that no more kids would get hurt.


Now that you're caught up, have at it. I just need some ideas thrown at me so I can formulate my own... :( Stupid cold.


When I get published, I'll dedicate this particular book to the person whose idea I liked the most :)

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Absolutely!!!!! This would be a must read on my list!!!


As for ideas, you will have to wait until tomorrow as my brain is somewhere between Hong Kong and Memphis.


Time for sleep now. :)

I'm glad you like the idea, H. Now to just... figure out what to write.


I'm writing this on a Mac iBook G4. We frankensteined the hard drive out of my computer to make it work. :) Now we just need to find another ide hard drive and all the computers in the room will be functional. I do like this computer. I like the keys. I'm not willing to shell out 800-1500 for a mac, but I'll play with a vastly outdated one for free :D

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it's a powerpc... so I can't play games or get new mic. office or get firefox or chrome or software or anything... and I don't think they even make ppc procs anymore and you can't convert it to intel.




But I can type and read webcomics on it :D

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  • 2 weeks later...


lol one word answers make me laugh.


how are you?

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:lol: I am not sure. :lol:


I started a 'bootcamp' workout program. The guy leading it is a maniac and I do believe he enjoys seeing all of us in pain.

So... ask this same question at the end of the summer. After I have had about eight weeks of this behind me.

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:lol: I am not sure. :lol:


I started a 'bootcamp' workout program. The guy leading it is a maniac and I do believe he enjoys seeing all of us in pain.

So... ask this same question at the end of the summer. After I have had about eight weeks of this behind me.

Ok. Well I hope all goes well.


I want to start a webcomic but don't know how to start or what to do... NVM! BRILLIANT idea!...


wait... that story won't work either because it's FULL of inconsistency that I haven't fixed...


durn it all :(

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:lol: I am not sure. :lol:


I started a 'bootcamp' workout program. The guy leading it is a maniac and I do believe he enjoys seeing all of us in pain.

So... ask this same question at the end of the summer. After I have had about eight weeks of this behind me.

Ok. Well I hope all goes well.


I want to start a webcomic but don't know how to start or what to do... NVM! BRILLIANT idea!...


wait... that story won't work either because it's FULL of inconsistency that I haven't fixed...


durn it all :(

OMG!!!!! You posted this at just the right time!!!! I am at the Cherry Capital Comic Con in Traverse City, Michigan. These guys are so amazing. Go to your local bookstore and look for David Petersen's "The Mouse Guard: Fall 1152". Please sit and read this. It should be in the Graphic Novels section of the bookstore. David also has a website you need to view... mouseguard.___. Email me if you have trouble finding this. When you get there look under "David's Blog". Here you will find tips on the illustrating.


Tomorrow I will look for something that can help you get started.

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:lol: I am not sure. :lol:


I started a 'bootcamp' workout program. The guy leading it is a maniac and I do believe he enjoys seeing all of us in pain.

So... ask this same question at the end of the summer. After I have had about eight weeks of this behind me.

Ok. Well I hope all goes well.


I want to start a webcomic but don't know how to start or what to do... NVM! BRILLIANT idea!...


wait... that story won't work either because it's FULL of inconsistency that I haven't fixed...


durn it all :(

OMG!!!!! You posted this at just the right time!!!! I am at the Cherry Capital Comic Con in Traverse City, Michigan. These guys are so amazing. Go to your local bookstore and look for David Petersen's "The Mouse Guard: Fall 1152". Please sit and read this. It should be in the Graphic Novels section of the bookstore. David also has a website you need to view... mouseguard.___. Email me if you have trouble finding this. When you get there look under "David's Blog". Here you will find tips on the illustrating.


Tomorrow I will look for something that can help you get started.

I came up with an idea late late last night.


hehe I think it's funny. Obnoxious Cat.


SOO jealous! I wanna go to a comic con! mouseguard dot underscore. got it. :P I like applegeeks and xkcd and dreamland chronicles.

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SOO jealous! I wanna go to a comic con! mouseguard dot underscore. got it. :P I like applegeeks and xkcd and dreamland chronicles.

It is .net, not the other.


Obnoxious Cat... I like that. Neal and I have ben hashing over ideas for your storyline. Neal is a prolific reader, of probably every type of book, except for romance, so he and I have had fun trying to come up with ideas. We are still working on it.


In Orlando, there is a comic con that comes every February or March. It is called the Mega Comic Con. You have one year to save for this. :lol: Have you ever been to one before? If not, one of the really cool things to do is to purchase one of that year's comic con semi-blank posters. Then you take it around to all the authors. artists, illustrators and ask them to sign it. Oh my goodness, how much fun I had meeting people. There is a friend of David Petersen called Jeremy Bastian... he has a book called The Cursed Pirate Girl. The story is great and the illustrations are superb. The second book is due out soon. I met a guy who just wrote his first book. He was at the show, and was fun to talk to as he had so much enthusiasm and excitement for where he is and how he got here. Everyone is so very nice and there were no egos. Perhaps at the big shows where the uber famous people are, but at the smaller shows, everyone was had a positive excitement.


You must do this!!! I plan on going to more comic conventions in the future.

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It is .net, not the other.


Obnoxious Cat... I like that. Neal and I have ben hashing over ideas for your storyline. Neal is a prolific reader, of probably every type of book, except for romance, so he and I have had fun trying to come up with ideas. We are still working on it.


In Orlando, there is a comic con that comes every February or March. It is called the Mega Comic Con. You have one year to save for this. :lol: Have you ever been to one before? If not, one of the really cool things to do is to purchase one of that year's comic con semi-blank posters. Then you take it around to all the authors. artists, illustrators and ask them to sign it. Oh my goodness, how much fun I had meeting people. There is a friend of David Petersen called Jeremy Bastian... he has a book called The Cursed Pirate Girl. The story is great and the illustrations are superb. The second book is due out soon. I met a guy who just wrote his first book. He was at the show, and was fun to talk to as he had so much enthusiasm and excitement for where he is and how he got here. Everyone is so very nice and there were no egos. Perhaps at the big shows where the uber famous people are, but at the smaller shows, everyone was had a positive excitement.


You must do this!!! I plan on going to more comic conventions in the future.


oh ok. :)

No I've never been. yeah, sean's sister went there this year. I'd like to go, but it's expensive from what I hear.


My comic is about a demonic (but not totally evil) cat clock.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Now that should be good!!!


We are still discussing ideas for you. I seem to be coming up with "already been used" ideas. :(

yeah, I tend to do that too.

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There were some thoughts along the lines of his father being a scientist, in a group of select scientists who each had a specific task. Put together, all the tasks meant the destruction of the world, with just a few people remaining, and none of the scientists understood the relationship to the other, but Maurice had figured it out. The end of the earth was to happen shortly.


That was one idea.

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There were some thoughts along the lines of his father being a scientist, in a group of select scientists who each had a specific task. Put together, all the tasks meant the destruction of the world, with just a few people remaining, and none of the scientists understood the relationship to the other, but Maurice had figured it out. The end of the earth was to happen shortly.


That was one idea.

That sounds like a cool idea. I couldn't use it verbatim, but I could definitely tweak it. (Maurice was a grunt soldier, but I could have him dabbling in science enough after retiring that this would be feasible.)

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There were some thoughts along the lines of his father being a scientist, in a group of select scientists who each had a specific task. Put together, all the tasks meant the destruction of the world, with just a few people remaining, and none of the scientists understood the relationship to the other, but Maurice had figured it out. The end of the earth was to happen shortly.


That was one idea.

That sounds like a cool idea. I couldn't use it verbatim, but I could definitely tweak it. (Maurice was a grunt soldier, but I could have him dabbling in science enough after retiring that this would be feasible.)

It is an idea to perhaps spark some other ideas. However you choose to use or not use it, is totally in your hands. I am not done... the idea generator has lots of cafe latte's yet to drink.

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Looking forward to it :D

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Okay. I found out today my grandmother needs open heart surgery within a month. She's still healthy and her heart is strong and normal-sized, but I think one of her valves is bad. Pray for her?

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Okay. I found out today my grandmother needs open heart surgery within a month. She's still healthy and her heart is strong and normal-sized, but I think one of her valves is bad. Pray for her?

Ohhhhhhh, I am so sorry. Of course, your grandmother, you and your family will be in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. Please keep us informed on how she is doing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok so Mimi is pretty good. Her heart is still pretty good. She still needs surgery within a few weeks, but it's not like "have it tomorrow or you DIE! buahaha.... heh"


I'm happy about that. also...


CHANGE??? boards are scaries...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, ok I like the javascript reply box down here now versus the dedicated page. Much better, more lightweight on the browser. *pushes geek glasses up nose* :( I'm such a nerd.


But that's a good thing :D *is helping sean build website and understands how the board works*

*also understands how to build a discussion board*

Don't ask me to do it, but I can tell you how to. :D


I will def let you know. I'm probably going to have to take a day off from work that day to watch the kids because I know full well Mom is gonna be !!!STRESSED!!! (and also at the hospital with her) and I can't really blame her. I'd be flipping out if my mother was having heart surgery too. I kinda like having a person to call mom and depend on and talk with and enjoy maternal company :)


Also I'm making a prettyful dress that I will post pics of :D I'm making it out of a bedsheet and It's a wear-in-a-million-ways dress aka a convertible dress aka a convertible dress. Excited!! Gonna be my little black dress muahaha :D

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Learning about how to build discussion boards is interesting... and harder than I thought. I admire Jesse for having his board up when he did. He is a genius at these things.


Your mother and grandmother, and all the family are in my heart, thoughts and prayers. Hopefully your mother will not be too stressed, although I know I would be as well.


So your talents extend to creating fashion!!! WOW!!! Please do post pictures. That is so amazing that you are so creative and can take your ideas from just a thought to the actual garment. I am impressed!!!


Always remember, we are here for you.

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:) Thanks, H. That means a lot.


Yeah... I need a new sheet because I tried to make it and then I needed a zipper but then the seam ripped and also it was too big but I could have shrunk it but the seam ripped so now I need a new sheet. Think I'll go with jersey fabric this time... :\


I didn't come up with it myself. I've been wanting to use my sewing machine for some time but don't have anything to do. I was looking for dresses online and found the infinity dress and it's SOOO pretty and versatile and it really only works with jersey knit or other stretch fabric but with zipper it COULD work with set fabric. Except I messed that up :( I also sewed the straps on backwards the first time.




I want it to be pretty. I should have cut the straps wider too. I hope I can find a cheap twin black jersey knit sheet. I'm SOO not willing to pay the price for jersey fabric.


Also my brother turned 21 today. I didn't get to watch him take his first legal drink. But I got to hang out with him which was nice :D

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Also I need black thread.

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Call the different fabric stores and ask if they have black jersey fabric remnants or for that matter, a remnants section. Perhaps you can get exactly what you want in a larger quantity for an extremely great price. When I was in Hong Kong, I ventured into a fabric store and bought some amazing fabric remnants and the price was phenomenal. I would not have considered looking but the sales lady suggested I search the remnants table and was thrilled with what I found.


Happy Birthday to your brother!!!! Glad you both enjoyed the time spent celebrating his birthday.


Just letting you know we are thinking of you and the family. Hope your mother is doing a little better with all the stress.

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I'm sure they have some :) I just need moneys to get it. She's doing alright. Thank you for thinking of us. I got bit by a gerbil yesterday. :(


It hurt. He got me right on the knuckle!! It's not his fault though. His brother died in the last week, the kids were stomping on the floor while he was in his ball, and I stuck my hand in the ball and I guess he didn't like it and had had enough.


The brat drew blood and my finger still hurts though.

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Wow! aww poor jayden... Do they mesh well with new gerbils?

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Yeah... the other gerbil died. Wow I didn't know hamsters were so hostile to one another. At the pet store I got Topazia at, there were always a bunch of hamsters together. I don't think they were related.


Mom said she was gonna get another pair and change the way they were being taken care of. idk what that means, seeing as how she's taken care of gerbils in the past without a problem.


How do they know they're not related? They're too little to know, aren't they?


I found these ADORABLE composition books at Wally World today for 3/$1! They have outlined patterns on the covers that are made to be colored in. SO CUTE!!!


Also, my little sister's teachers all adore her at school.

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Also, sad face. My friend's friend was in a bad wreck a few days ago and died this morning. I'm almost 23. The kid wasn't much older than me. :( I didn't know him but I can see that my friend is hurting really bad and I can't think of anything to say to him. :'(


I've never lost a friend. Just cats and my hamster. And my grandpa, but I was ten and didn't really get the whole effect. I don't WANT to lose a friend, but I wish I knew what to say.


Oh! My grandmother's surgery is Oct 7.

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First, hamsters, gerbils and mice usually come in as a sibling group. But, and this is a big BUT, you have to ask to see if the store knows if the tank is a sibling bunch. They should be able to know the answer to this. Most often the store will only bring in one sex, so they should be all brothers or all sisters. Good luck. I am so sorry to hear that the other gerbil passed away. :(


If a pet store is responsible, they should tell you that you cannot put hamsters together in the same cage or they will let you know the dwarf hamsters are siblings and can live together.


The notebook covers that you can colour in would be my choice. How fun those are!!!!! I would have love to whip out my Sharpie pens and start colouring.


How terrific to hear that your sister's teachers really like her. Wonderful!!! She must be quite like you!!! :)


As for the lost of your friend's friend. I am so very sorry to hear this news. Being at a loss for words is something that will happen quite often when you hear of a death. My words of advice are to simply say that you offer your sympathies at the loss of their friend and that you are there for them. This message lets the person know that you are thinking of them and you offer your condolences, without saying too much. Losing a friend is really hard. It brings home just how vunerable life is and how short it can be for some.


There is a prayer board where I have coffee, I will put up a prayer wish for your grandmother for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. I believe your grandmother's surgery will go well and she will be back up on her feet running a marathon before you know it. We will be here for you.

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*giggles a little at Mimi running a marathon* yeah... maybe swimming more but no marathon. Thank you for that, though. Every prayer is appreciated.


I'll have to see what's up with the gerbils tomorrow when I go see my family. I do know that the pet store I got Paz from had mixed genders in the tank. It was pretty obvious >.>


I haven't seen K (my sad friend) over the weekend, but Sean has, and I guess he's sad but functioning. He hasn't called in sick to work (mostly because he can't or a. he'll get in trouble or b. he'll leave his other job really short-staffed.) but he's managing to not deal with customers very often. Thank you for the advice. I know he knows he's getting prayed for; Daddy's part of a prayer chain so Daddy made sure of it. That's very important.


Yeah, emily's such a princess :) She's taken to sending me my mom's entire smilie library in texts. (Mom lets her pick out the faces and hits send lol) Yeah... I was very much a teacher's pet. I'm hoping she's not as much of one as I was, or at least well-rounded and friends with everyone.


I almost won a contest at work! We're supposed to sell service plans of certain things in the store. Well, the cashier who sells the most each week gets a free lunch. It came down to how many minutes I worked to plans sold, but I just barely didn't win. Had I left on time one day, rather than late (they don't mind as long as I get things done) I would have won. :D

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Well, next time you will be a winner!!!!! At least it came down to minutes worked. I think they should have called it a tie and given you both free lunches.


Your friend K, who is still working, is doing a good thing. Much better to be working than sitting at home thinking about what had happened. I am glad to hear he is still dedicated enough to continue doing his job. He sounds like a pretty good person.


Emily the smilie princess!!!!! You have to love those smilies!

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That's ok. I didn't really care about the lunch. My lunch costs $3 total anyway. I just want to be a geeky person so I have to impress the lady who wants me to *shudder* sell.


I hate selling but I'd rather walk around and tinker with computers than run cash register all day long.


I love my sister. As soon as she can say stethoscope I'll give her a big/little sister necklace set that I bought for her. (you know, one for me one for her type thing) (stefoscope is not accurate and she does NOT have a lisp. Just a bad habit. She can say thank you and the and think perfectly fine.)


K is an amazing person. He's funny and sweet and good with animals (works in a vet office) and cool and the right kind of mean (teasing) all at once. Definitely a great friend and always a fun person to hang out with. I want him to feel better soon. I have strong sympathetic emotional reflexes and all I want to do is make him feel better. I know Sean wants to help too. :\


He lives alone but he's been friends with his friend's girlfriend's sister for ages and he's been going to her place to take care of her to make sure she's okay too every night, so thankfully he's not going home alone all the time. He does have a very sweet dog too, so that helps when he's not visiting too. Not as much as human company, but Bosch is a sweetie pie. :)

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I agree... walking around the store playing with computers is far better than the cash register. Like you, I do not like to sell. Unless it is Apple, you might as well not even ask me. So you can see, I am way tooooooooo opinionated for working in a sales position. :lol:


You are so tough on your sister. Stethoscope. I almost cannot get that word out. :) When you give her the necklace, if you are worried that she will lose it, you could always tell her she can only wear it on special occasions until she is ____ (pick an age).


A vet tech... K is an amazing person. I tried to work in a veterinarian's office. My goal was to be a vet and I thought the best way to see if this was something I truly desired would be to work there. As you might guess, it did not last too long. I was way to emotional for the job. When people had their pets put to sleep, and they wanted to see them after they were 'gone', I would set up a little table, lacy sheet and matching pillow, and place their special friend on part of the sheet, with their head on the pillow and bring the rest of the sheet up over them, as if they were sleeping. Then as I wheeled them into one of the rooms, I would be crying as if it was my pet. The owner's loved it as they felt we really cared, but it was too much for me. The last straw was when a little cocker spaniel was hit by a car and his eyeball had popped out. Oh my goodness... you cannot put them to sleep, just a local anesthetic. Well, I was useless. the little puppy just cried and cried (sounds), and I cried and cried (tears). I gave them my two week notice. My next venture into this arena was at the race track as a vet's assistant. (I know you are asking... did I not learn?) Well, I was doing really well with the big animals, not as many euthanized pets, until one of the horses broke her cannon bone. Euthanizing her just made me cry and so that was when I decided I needed to find another profession.


Well, that was off the topic and rambling, but my point was that I am glad to hear he is in a great job with lots of support. Bosch will sometimes be better support than a human as K will not have to talk and Bosch will give unconditional love and support. Dogs have a sense about those things. I am glad he does not have a cat as I do not believe they have the same ability to sense when their human counterpart needs attention.


Keep us posted on everything as we love hearing from you.

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I don't really care if emily says it right. It's just fun and I know she'll enunciate for a special treat. It's labeled 7 and up so it's definitely a special occasions and hang on the mirror thing until she's 6 or seven.


The reason I want her to say it right is because mom is in the medical profession so it has a direct correlation to her life. Also, say "synthesizing stethoscope" :D It's the tongue twister sean and I made up! Fun. (by the way, that is the definition of an ultrasound.)


I had the same problem! I wanted to be a vet, but I realized I couldn't handle it when a friend of mom's who's a vet came over and gave the cats their shots and also did some work on my brother's cat (he had an abcess on his neck that wasn't improving as fast as mom wanted) and I discovered I couldn't bear to watch because there was blood involved.


K is doing a little better with each day. He's starting to be a little more like himself too. I'm really happy for that.


I've met cats who are very aloof, and cats who are incredibly in tune with their humans. My current cat, Calli, is kinda skittish for the most part, but she's surprisingly gentle and cuddly when I'm not feeling well. Also, I had a kitten who rarely slept in the bed, but one night I was really sick, he stayed the whole night next to me. So sweet! :D Sean's cat, georgie was people-smart (he had the personality and intelligence of a person. Ok a five year old in intelligence but still, what can you expect from a cat brain?) He knew how to shake his head no when he wanted to say no! His current cat, Juno (sweetie pie) likes to cuddle with sad sean.


I have met cats who were not so tuned in. They usually (not always. usually.) were friendly strays turned pets, came from abused kittenhoods, or were simply not of that personality type.


What is a cannon bone?


I really like being here. I like reading what you have to say. :)


the 30th is Sean's birthday! Happy birthday to him!! :D

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Well I learned something today... I had no idea that a synthesizing stethoscope (not only is it a tongue-twister, but a spelling challenge), was the definition of ultrasound. Very interesting. What kind of job does your mother do? Does she do ultrasounds?


Glad to know I am not alone in not being able to handle being a vet. For some strange reason, the blood or taking care of abcesses, and stuff like that did not bother me, just the crying. Now for myself, I cannot handle seeing or having blood drawn from my arm. So a career in human healthcare was also out.


The cannon bone is the bone between knee (front leg) or hock (rear leg) to the fetlock. The fetlock is the equivalent of our ankle.


You are right. My friend has a ragdoll cat, appropriately named Rags, and he is a lover, very much the little human. I love the fact that a cat could shake his head no. I guess I am more of a dog person, although I did have cats and dogs growing up. The cats were more barn cats than house cats, except for one and he thought he was a dog. :lol:


K will have good days and bad days, but at least he is getting back on track. This is good to hear. His friends had an enormous part in his feeling better.


Thank you for the nice words. I wish I could write one-tenth as well as you guys. English was never my strong subject. Spelling yes, but that is where it ended.


I will celebrate for Sean on the 30th! Happy Birthday tomorrow Sean!!!

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No, she's a respiratory therapist. Stethoscopes are her thing lol :) I thought about being a people doctor, but while there is a huge demand for it and great benefits, I'm a bleeding heart and couldn't take the dying people and terrible stories.


An ultrasound takes echoes (which is what a stethoscope also does, we just manually determine what's inside by ear) and synthesizes them into pictures! :D


Hey, spelling is half the battle. Have you seen the atrocities these days? Today I saw a record of someone thinking "dround" is when you sink someone in water, present tense. *heavy sigh*


And this is why I want to be a high school english teacher. So I can hone those poor kids into grammatically correct productive people.


He is doing better. Sean gave him his laptop the other day. It was nice to see K excited again. I know Sean's geek is rubbing off because K wants to upgrade it lol. I can tell he's going to be alright. :)


Sean had a good birthday. We did it on the 29 bc he worked the 30. We got gym memberships *sigh* and did that in the morning and then we had lunch and went to the store to give K the laptop. We had chinese food for dinner. We got some videogames and played with them after that. Then we went to bed. I got some really cute purple gym shorts out of it :)

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WOW! Your mother has a really tough job! Like you, I could not think of becoming a doctor.


I remember using an ultrasound machine on horses not for pictures but for a sort of sore muscle treatment. Never did know if it worked, but it seemed to be the rage at the time.


Spelling was one of those things on my mother's list that you absolutely, positively had to do correctly. There was no other option. There is a book that was recently published by a couple people who traveled across the USA photographing spelling errors. For some reason, I seem to think that it ended up being a special for television. It is amazing just how bad people spell, and in many cases, they have spell check!!! :o Grammar on the other hand, is one of those things that I could never master. I do try. One of my favorite books is Eats Shoots and Leaves. If you have not seen this book, it is outstanding. (What a difference a comma makes.)


Great news about K. This is exactly the news I was hoping for. He will have good days and bad days, but hopefully the good days will be more and more. How nice of Sean to give K his laptop!


Sounds like you both had a terrific birthday celebration for Sean. :lol: Gym memberships... at least you did not purchase those on the first of the year. Purple gym shorts... nice!!! Add some orange and you have FedEx colours. :lol:

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Sorry for the hiatus.


Mimi's surgery went well. She is in recovery.


Spelling was my mom's pet peeve as well. That and being polite. She taught me to read with her college text books XD


I haven't really seen K much since I last was on so I can't give any update with him.


Sean and I did enjoy it. We've been going to the gym when we can thankfully.


Well, purple, green, and orange are my three favorite colors! :D


Lol to the comma. *panda in a restaurant images* You do fine on here. I haven't really noticed any mistakes. I notice them constantly in real life lol :P

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Wonderful news!!! I am so happy to hear that the surgery went well and the recovery process is one step towards getting home.


Good spelling is a great pet-peeve to have, also being polite. That was one of my mother's pet-peeves as well. Good manners and common courtesy will place you strides ahead of the competition.


:lol: Learning to read with college textbooks, now I know why you are so tough on your little sister. :lol: You can thank your mother for helping develop your ability to write.


If you have an Octane machine at your gym, try it out. It is a really terrific machine that is perfect for strengthening your knees.


K is probably doing better and better. Time has a way of lessening the pain.


How nice of you to say that you have not noticed any mistakes. From you, I am so happy to hear this.

*panda in a restaurant images* conjures up images of *panda in the Wanchai Ferry advertisement*. :lol:


Your colours have touched both FedEx Overnight and FedEx Ground. Nice!!!!! I like that. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, she was in the hospital for about a week, and now she's in rehab and looking much much more like herself again. (people clothes help that) Mimi definitely has some pepper back in her too :D


Ah yes, politeness. Mom stressed that on me too. I'm pleased to say I say please and thank you nearly always. (when i'm tired, rushed, busy, etc I don't sometimes) Mom's a good teacher :)


I'm so proud of my sister. She's getting REALLY good at reading (she's recognizing words like 'sausages') and guess what she did last tuesday? She said stethoscope!! Matt is also very good at reading; he's quick to recognize words like distinguished.


I say recognize because when they do have trouble with a word that doesn't follow phonetic rules, they hear it once told to them and they've got it. My siblings are so smart :D


What's an Octane? they have a leg press and some thigh strengthening machines. We haven't been for a while. Gotta get back on that... :\


K is doing so much better. He's back to interacting with people and is working on selling his house to move to be closer to his girlfriend. That'll happen more like March. (I wish we could afford his house... it's affordable but then we wouldn't be able to afford other things like getting married or a second car)


Well of course :) Haha I love that commercial. "I didn't really want to go out anyway." lol


Ah, so they have. My room at Mom's house was purple.. with green, orange and blue spots... and a green stripe running along the middle... :( I miss my awesome amazing room.


:) Daddy has his book officially published! It's available on bn and bam's sites and it'll be more available in december! :D


I'm currently editing his second one. So proud ^^

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What an amazing post!!!!!


CONGRATULATIONS TO YOUR FATHER!!!!! He must be so excited that his book has been published. In Florida I go to BAM, but here in Memphis, Davis-Kidd is my favourite bookstore. Please tell us the title of the book or how to find his book. I would love to know more about it. The second one... outstanding! Do a great job editing!


I think intelligence runs in the family. You are very smart yourself. Now I know why your siblings are doing so well.


Speaking of you... you had failed to mention marriage plans. Is it official? Spill the beans please.


The Octane is sort of like an elliptical trainer, but not really. It is a machine that I would love to have in the house. It would be great to be able to hop on it at any hour. The company is Octane, so I believe you can look them up and see what they look like and what they do. I think the gym has the Octane 5000 or something like that. I just remember it is a four digit number and has three zeros.


Not much to report here... on reserve. B>O>R>I>N>G>.>.>.>.>. I want to fly, not sit and hang out waiting for the phone to ring. Some guys really like sitting around, but not me. At the moment, I am cleaning my office. It looks like ten F5 tornadoes just struck and hopefully I can get it all straightened out in the next two days of reserve.


Memphis is getting cold. BRRRRR.

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Spiritual Spring Cleaning. you can search larry barnhill at amazon, bn, or bam, and now the oldest import company in japan.

It is religious in nature, so maybe not everyone will want it, but it's really good.


I'm so happy he's getting published. :) I'm definitely going to make sure he gets it in on time.


Well, it's not so much official as we both went into the relationship assuming we'd get married. Now we've been together for three years, we want to work on making it happen.


Oh, ok. They do have elipticals there, as well as this elliptical-stairstepper hybrid that I really like.


Yeah, it got really cold here, too! like it was hot, and then one day and it was chilly!


I know how you feel just sitting, waiting... I hate staying still too long.

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I plan on purchasing a copy!!! Whoo Hoo!!! Thank you for the details!!! Memphis is located in The Bible Belt, so there are lots of people in this city who would love reading that book. I am so excited for you all!!!


Three years... wonderful! I am happy to know that you both are making future plans. You sound like you both are being totally logical about this, which is really good.


The elliptical is not my favourite, but the octane is because it strengthens my knees.


Hopefully next month I can get some flying because I am already tired of reserve. The great thing about this reserve is that I am getting my "fall cleaning" out of the way.

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Wonderful! I'm glad to hear that! Daddy'll appreciate it :)


Thank you :) I'm glad you think so.


I don't really like the elliptical either. all I'm doing is moving my feet. It doesn't feel like exertion. The other one I like is awesome though :) We might be tlaking about a similar machine. I'll have to figure out what it's actually called next time.


Yay, flying! Flying is fun! Well, that's always good :D Cleaning is good.

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Cleaning might be good for the house, but it is not one of my favourite tasks. I would rather be tortured by one million ants, two million crickets and three million grasshoppers. Of course, I do like the house after it is clean, so I guess I will just have to keep cleaning. When you wash your sheets, a really neat thing to do is to sprinkle a little baby powder on the mattress cover before putting on your fitted sheet. It makes the bed smell so nice.

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I'll clean before I let bugs touch me D: I hadn't heard that, I'll have to try it sometime.

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You can have the cleanest house, and bugs will still invade. One of the worst bugs for me, besides spiders are those flying palmetto bugs. Giant cockroaches! UCKKKKKKKKK! I have this giant jar that I trap them in and return them to where they belong... the outdoors.


Now that your sister pronounced stethoscope correctly, did you present her with the necklace?

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I did. She got a big kick out of it. The necklace actually fits her very well (she's tall for a five year old... a couple months ago she was the same height I was at ten... although I was and still am fairly short)


My biggest reaction toward bugs actually comes from flying bugs, namely wasps and other striped stingers. Like two have gotten into my work, and I immediately was reduced to cowering as far away as I could and still do my job. Sad fact, I flinch away from butterflies and dragonflies too. :( I have a reason though.


Before Mom and Dad got married, he'd take my brother and me fishing, and every single time, I'd think, bees like colors, I should wear grey or white. Every time, I'd end up wearing yellow or pink or blue or something, because I forget what I thought last time, and bees would fly near me.


Also like three years ago, a huge dragonfly landed on my chest. I didn't notice it at first, but my family and sean pointed it out and I freaked. :wacko: I'm such a chicken lol

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You would not last long in our backyard... there are zillions and zillions of dragonflies. In the evening they seem to be especially hungry and active and are so much fun to watch. We have some honey bees that hang out at our back gate. I really need to learn more about them as they seem to be in the same home every year.


The way you are with flying stingy things, I am with spiders. It could be a microscopic dot spider and I would be running. Those big hairy grove spiders are really creepy and really, REALLY fast. They can squish their bodies down to a sliver and slip through places that you would never imagine. Ohhhh, I remember once when I was in Arizona or New Mexico, all the tarantulas were coming into the FedEx facility in droves. And they JUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!! And really high! Not a pleasant sight when you are afraid of those guys.

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Dead board! I must revive it! *performs CPR to computer* doctor, it isn't responding! I need 40 ccs of adrenaline and a lidocaine drip, stat! :)

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:o invading spiders would send me into a panic...


I like watching dragonflies from a distance, they're actually amazing to watch... I just don't want them anywhere near me.

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The best part of that whole situation was when my first officer made fun of me for being afraid of spiders. He is about 6 feet 4 inches and about 250 pounds. Not a little guy. Well, he went to move his bag and one of the tarantulas jumped. He jumped and made this kind of scream-like utterance. Now that was worth all the creepy crawlies!!!!! I will say that I had the feeling that one of them had hopped a ride and was going to be in the cockpit, but luckily that was not the case.

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XD I sincerely hope you gave him a taste of his own medicine at that point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my... Happy Thanksgiving!!

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Pretty good. I'm trying to edit more of Daddy's second book and wondering what i'm going to get people for Christmas. Thanksgiving was fun this year. I was able to eat more than I usually can on Thanksgiving. I love when Daddy cooks... Turkey is always moist and flavorful!

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You are amazing, doing the editing of your father's book. I could not edit a children's book!!! By the way, you need to take a look at this children's book, "Snowy Valentine" by David Petersen. It is in bookstores now and you can run in and read it in a few minutes. The art is amazing and the story is so sweet. Originally it was written with a mouse and a red cardinal, but the publisher wanted it to be the same species, so he selected bunnies. David Petersen has a blog under his Mouse Guard site (not com but the other one), and he talks about how he writes and accomplishes the art. Take a look at it. Once you get to the site, look for the tab blog, then scroll back a through his blog until you get to the beginning of his talk about this book.


Glad to know that you had a terrific Thanksgiving dinner!!!


How is your grandmother? How is your mother handling things? The holiday always makes this a little more stressful, so I hope your mother and grandmother are doing well.

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Oh cool, I'll have to check that out. She's doing okay. Mom's freaking out because she lives alone. It's reasonable, her heart isn't working quite right (seems being 80 after heart surgery takes a toll on you).


Mom is so stressed. She has way too much on her plate to begin with, and now she's taking care of mimi, cleaning her house every couple of weeks, selling the van (it broke) and trying to get enough to get another car, borrowing mimi's VERY uncomfortable car to ease the car issues (it hurts her back, it's literally bruised), trying to make sure eddie gets to work (his car is broken too, needs a master cylinder... yuck) making sure he gets to gainesville for his air force stuff, and oh yeah, hoping to have enough money/energy leftover for a semi-decent christmas.


:( I want to hug her. she needs help with her life. I don't have the time or money to help my own life, let alone hers. :(


On a lighter note, she sold the van yesterday so that's a plus, hopefully she got a decent amount that will let her do what she needs to do. And I have geico, so I'm saving up to 15% on my car insurance. I guess. idk. lol :)

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Thank you for letting me know about your mother. Good news that she sold the van, I too hope she received an amount she is happy with. Car/van repairs are ridiculously expensive. As you know from my previous post... the computer diagnostic expense was outrageous!!! And that was before the repair. The master cylinder is another super expensive part. I totally understand the stress your mother is under. The worry plus working is really hard on a person. I admire your mother for the strength she has.


Your mother understands that you can only do so much and have to focus on you and what is happening in your life. She knows what a terrific daughter she has and appreciates your support. The fact that you are so considerate of her means more to her than you could ever imagine.


What I love best about you is the fact that you still have time to see the bright side of things. Glad to know you are saving up to 15% on your car insurance with Geico. :lol:

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I'm pretty sure she got at least a grand out of it. Hopefully that's enough but I don't know. They have to fix daddy's car and eddie's camaro, and I really hope they all have christmas and not the short people (little ones). Mom is my hero for that reason. there are things I could improve on, but I want to be a mom like her one day.


I hung out with mimi all day on tuesday. today she went to the hospital, but I'm sure she'll be okay. She was having chest pain, but she's in the best heart care center around. I need to hang out with her more often.


I know mom appreciates my help and support. I want to do more for her but I don't know how. My time is monopolied by work and when I do go over to see her and the rest of my family, I spend the bulk of it with the kids until bedtime, so I don't really get to hang out with her very much, let alone daddy. :(


Optimism is fun!!! No matter how lousy life is, I've learned that I need to find some silver lining, even if it's stupid. It makes life easier.



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Finding a silver lining in an overall crazy life will be the best for you. Otherwise the stress will kill you.


Spending time with your grandmother and your parents is as important as spending time with your siblings. I am happy that you take the time to enjoy your family members, as you never know just how short someone's life may be. Hope the hospital visit went well and was nothing more than a little chest pain.


More later... have to get my fur cut.

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She'll be in for a few more days. Turns out her heart got weaker for some reason, and she has fluid on the lungs. they already took out over a pint of stuff but she still has some left. She is breathing better and feeling better, and they're taking very good care of her. Mom is happy with the care Mimi is getting. Coming from someone in her field, that says something.


Today I got to hang out with Mom because the kids had a friend over so I could get away with hiding from them for a little while. That was nice.


Hope your furcut went well :)

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Exactly, when someone in the health care field is happy with the care a relative is receiving... then you know it is good. Hopefully this will be just a little setback for your grandmother. As we age, it is so much harder to recover from health problems.


How nice you and your mother had some time together, I know this is something you really desired.


I almost missed my my appointment. At least he only trimmed an eighth of an inch. :)

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oh that's good. :) Glad you got there in time.


She's doing better now. She can take showers now! She'll be out in a few days.


Yes, I'm quite pleased I was able to have some time with her.

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Actually I was about twenty minutes late, and as he only does a nano-trim, it takes him about five minutes total. He books me for a thirty minute appointment, so he was not too mad. Phew!!!!


Great news!!!!! I know you are counting the days until she is home. Just in time for Christmas!!! :D

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Oh that's terrible, kat! I'm glad she's getting better!


I'm glad he wasn't mad, h :D


She's been home a couple days now, thankfully, and has been doing really well. My cousins are coming down to visit her for christmas this year so I'm hoping she has enough in her for that, because I know she's excited. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Alas, The board is dead. REVIVE!!!!


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Lol. That's ok. I made a picture! Two actually. I'll put them up in artwork later when I convert them to a universally readable file.

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:) yay
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Thank you :) Sean is such a good photographer.

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I would show you a youtube video of someone editing a picture of a girl who, while not entirely unattractive, was quite overweight and he turned her into a knockout. But alas, I have no idea where it is.

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But thank you :)

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I would show you a youtube video of someone editing a picture of a girl who, while not entirely unattractive, was quite overweight and he turned her into a knockout. But alas, I have no idea where it is.


Well, you are quite right. In fact the youtube video of the FedEx guy throwing the box over the fence was edited by someone to show it as a UPS guy throwing it over the fence. What always bothered me about the video was the fact that the truck license plate was blurred out. That was the first indicator that something was wrong. Why else would you hide the license plate, except if you had not thought to get an actural one.

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exactly. I repaired a badly damaged photograph that sean was also doing for a photoshop class (we did them separately, no cheaters in this house lol) and it was almost flawless when I got done :D

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No prob! If you can't fix it, I'll be happy to try. I like playing with photoshop.

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please don't take that as creepy.

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*is totally creeped out*








:lol: LOL :lol:


Only joking with you. The thought never entered my mind. It will take me a while, but I would greatly appreciate you working with the photograph!!!!


*sends a freshly baked batch of the world's best fudgy brownies to Topazia*


Cyberspace is a little tough on baked goods... let me know if they arrived okay. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

yay! cookies! they're delicious!


:D sweet.


Sean got a promotion! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D *so happy!*


This was last month shortly after the 17th... :/ Been busy.


I'm proud of him!

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