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Sad, sad news.


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I just wanted to let everyone know that my sister, Teddie, passed away last night. She was neither ill, nor had any health problems. It was so very sudden.


Thank you for your patience during this period in my life.



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Oh, wow...I'm so sorry, Horatio. I can't even imagine what that must be like. You know we're hear for you, whatever you need (and you've got several ways to reach me). I'll keep you in my prayers.

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Oh, wow...I'm so sorry, Horatio. I can't even imagine what that must be like. You know we're hear for you, whatever you need (and you've got several ways to reach me). I'll keep you in my prayers.

Thank you.

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Thank you. It has been very tough.

*gigantical hugs*


I'm so sorry to hear that, horatio! My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Like Kat said, if you need anything, let us know.

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I'm a bit late to the thread, but that is terrible news.

Makes me sad to know of unfortunate losses coming to people who have a consistent, positive, upbeat attitude such as yourself.

At the same time, it's very heartwarming to see these people continue through life without letting this drag them down.


You're a very respectable, patient person, Horatio. Sorry for your loss.

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Thank you both, Arkcher and Topazia. There is always some good that comes out of such sadness and that is the fact that I will try very hard to have an outstanding relationship with my nephew. He is an amazing young man and I look forward to spending much more time with him. Too often we put off until tomorrow, what we can do today. I plan on not doing that with Kyle. The only bad news is that he is in California. Perhaps I should move a little closer, such as Nevada. :lol:


I want to take this time to thank everyone here for their friendship. Although I do not always say, each and every person on the boards is special to me and I cherish all of you with a place in my heart.

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