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Krisluvsdogs... Happy Hammie Birthday!!!!!!


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Dear Krisluvsdogs...


Here are a bundle of wishes for the best birthday. I hope that this birthday is a really great one with many, many more to come. May you have a spectacular day!









Here comes the specially prepared birthday cake, please make a wish, blow out all the candles and let us get this party started!!!



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Kris had a cool birthday, she and I and some friends went to a bowling alley/arcade and messed around and had fun, even if our bowling lane hated us and kept breaking.

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Well one of our other friends ended up hitting herself in the leg while she was trying to throw the ball, so maybe we should avoid it, too XD

:lol: That sounds like something I would do. :lol:

Inanimate objects and I are having some odd encounters.


Do they still have those strange bowling shoes?

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Yep. They aren't exactly high-fashion. And for some reason, they seemed to run about a size too big, so everyone was trying not to trip the whole time.


There was also an arcade, though. There weren't too many games and some of the two-players didn't work right, but it was still fun. We used the tickets we won to buy a bunch of cheap little toys. My good deed for the day was when a friend and I had pooled our tickets to get a pink inflatable crown, and there were some little kids in the lane next to us and a girl who must have been three or four years old kept telling her mom that she wanted our crown. So my friend and I went and won enough tickets to get another one for her XD

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That was so nice of you! Her mother was probably so happy you all saved her from trying to win some tickets and getting that pink clown herself. :lol:


I think I went bowling once... as I recall, I was awful. Probably all gutter balls. The only thing I remember were the shoes. :lol: Could not tell you who I went with or if I had a good time, but I can still describe the shoes with total recall and probably be very close to accurate. Strange. Now that I think of it, I probably did not have a good time as I never have been bowling again.

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