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Dear Leguan,


Hope you are enjoying your birthday while you are in Australia. This will definitely be a birthday to remember. We want to wish you all the best, a great day, a great year and a really terrific celebration of your birth! Of course, no one escapes without the traditional birthday song, so here goes:









Start the party!!!



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Thanks for the greetings.

I had a nice birthday having a BBQ with colleagues in a nearby national park- surrounded by kangaroos. My first birthday in summer (so many things are just the opposite here...). Even though there was a thunderstorm in the afternoon, it was very nice. The BBQ place was sheltered anyway.

Beside the kangaroos (they were everywhere) we've seen emus, wallabies and platypuses. Lots of Aussie animals. :lol:


When I spent NYE in Sydney (superb fireworks BTW), I found a car. So my first car (I just had my little Honda motorbike at home in Germany) is a 96 Holden Commodore station wagon. 370.000 km on the clock- nothing extraordinary here. I like the V6 engine. Due to the high fuel prices in Germany most cars have smaller engines. Also here fuel became much more expensive the locals told me (it is around 1,30 Dollars now per litre), but that's still much cheaper than at home (1,50 Euros now, so approx. 2 Dollars even though the Euro is very weak at the moment). It's quite funny, the Aussies try to increase energy-efficiency at the moment. That's why small cars on the used car market cost the same like a full-size car. They were very unpopular, so there are few. However, now many people want them now because of their fuel-efficiency and pay a lot for them. Anyway, compared to Germany used cars are extremely expensive here and it's incredible what crappy cars are still on the road. In Germany they would have ended at the wreckers like 10 years ago. :lol: For Aussies my Commodore isn't very old and was still 3.000 Dollars. At home you could maybe sell it for a few hundreds for parts...

I hope it survives my trip without major breakdowns.


So one week left in Canberra, then the 3 months of work are over. And already one third of my one-year overseas experience. Next friday my brother comes back from New Zealand and we start travelling along the south coast to Perth, pick up our parents at the airport, travel a bit around at the west coast, leave our parents in Perth, and then head back to New South Wales to renew the registration of the car, work or travel a bit around the east coast, go to New Zealand for a month or so and then back home. That's at least the current plan, but I'm sure it will change during travelling.

I hope the weather isn't too bad. It's amazing with all the floodings. In Queensland an area of the size of Germany and France taken together is flooded. :o The bushcamp where we were staying in October is completely gone and Brisbane looks 'a bit' different in the news... Now there are also major floodings in Victoria which is on our planned route. The scenic Great Ocean Road is closed at the moment. :(

Well, let's see. I'm really looking forward to go on travelling, now on our own wheels which means a lot more freedom.

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What an incredible birthday!!!! Certainly one you will never forget!!!!


The time has passed so fast. I can't believe how exciting your trip/work is going. Please do keep us posted!

I wish you would post a picture from your birthday with the kangaroos.


Your first car!!! Whoo Hoo!!!


Glad your summer birthday was fantastic!!!

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I wish you would post a picture from your birthday with the kangaroos.



You have the link to my blog... ;)

True. I still have to bring some of your photographs over here for you.

Will do... but not today. Tomorrow I am off for Japan, then China. In a couple of days.

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