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Check in!

Mega Wolf

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Hi!!! Randomly thought of you guys, thought I would come on here and check how things are!!! I can't believe how things have changed!!! We were all just a bunch of kids when I started posting here in 2004!!! I would have been fifteen!! Just a naive teenager, thinking the world revolved around me!! Life certainly hasn't turned out like I thought it would,but nothing ever does!!! Graduated from uni now, and starting teacher training in September for a year!! I've been in a relationship for the past year and a half, things are going great :) Just realised how many exclamation marks I have used, so I'm going to go now, I must be scaring you guys!!

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Hi!!! Randomly thought of you guys, thought I would come on here and check how things are!!! I can't believe how things have changed!!! We were all just a bunch of kids when I started posting here in 2004!!! I would have been fifteen!! Just a naive teenager, thinking the world revolved around me!! Life certainly hasn't turned out like I thought it would,but nothing ever does!!! Graduated from uni now, and starting teacher training in September for a year!! I've been in a relationship for the past year and a half, things are going great :) Just realised how many exclamation marks I have used, so I'm going to go now, I must be scaring you guys!!

Welcome back! Jesusfreak is also a teacher. So nice to hear that your life is going well. Great to know that you have a special relationship and that it has been going well for such a along time. Congratulations on graduating from university. I am so proud of you!!!


I have been in Cambridge a number of times and just love it!!! I try and go back about once a month if I can work it out.


Hopefully you will stop back in and visit again. It is wonderful to see you.

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New Jersey, Ohio, and then we end in Indiana for that last week after.

in other exciting news, free day in DC on Monday.

It seems like you are criss-crossing states. What cities in Indiana and Ohio?


Enjoy your day in DC. Fantastic city. We owned an airport in northern Virginia, and I was able to spend time in DC. You will really enjoy Georgetown is you are able.

Massilon, ohio, and we end in Indianapolis. There's a lot of criss-cross traveling in this activity, particularly when there are large regional competitions. DC was fun, definitely wish I had more than a day.


Good to hear from you, TB, it really is strange how thingd have changed over the years.

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Ah, it's alright, I haven't been very detailed about what I'm doing. Since this is one of the most competitive forms of marching music, if not the most, I might add that I have a ridiculous tan and I'm crazy athletic at the moment.

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Oh uh, right. *is still alive but very busy and with bad internets* :rolleyes:

Jesusfreak... glad to hear you are alive, busy and having some wired connection. Top Banana stopped in and filled us in and has told us that she is starting teacher training this fall. Not much else to report. Pictures of Israel and Jerusalem will be posted in the next couple days in my topic.

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My house was totally fine. The power was out, but it was restored sometime Sunday evening. My family in CT is fine, their house is fine, but they have a tree down (which fell conveniently in the direction of the wood pile out back), and the power's probably going to be out there until at least the weekend. I've heard camp is fine, but the roads to it are impassable except by off-road vehicles.


Oddly enough, it was the western part of NJ that got wrecked by flooding. I saw some pictures of Rt.1 looking like a river. My part of NJ, however, saw only minor flooding, and a handful of trees down. It was mostly just small branches and leaves though.

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Haha, yeah, it's pretty cool, our band is sent to do a lot of stuff in Hollywood, particularly if they don't want to deal with USC, so that's kind of neat. When I can, I'll give more details about this particular gig. I think if I didn't live in Socal I'd be more starstruck. lol

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Today I finally remembered I needed to pay rent, woops, been kinda gone from normal life for a while, plus the three day weekend. So now I have a $50 late fee tacked on and they say they won't accept a personal check, which I really don't want to have to deal with, and they really don't need it because WHEN have I ever handed them a check that's bounced? Ugh.

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Mega Wolf... absolutely phenomenal about the Hollywood event and I hope that we get to watch you on the show when it airs!!! As for the rent check, welcome to the world of hassles. It does not matter that you have never bounced a check, it is a type of lesson that they like to impose so hopefully you will never be late again. But of course, they love those late fees.


Jesusfreak... glad to hear that the storm did not do too much damage to both you and your parents homes. That is good news. As for the tree that fell in the back yard, the guy will probably charge you more as now he has to stack the wood. :lol: They always come up with a plan to make more money than they should actually charge.


Lexxscrapham... so nice to see you!!!

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I'll try to remember to let you know when it airs... I don't want this post to show up on a search engine so I'll just tell you that it's a show where they sing obnoxious pop songs,are trying to make their way competing with their singing, and express ridiculous high school stereotypes. I think that should be sufficient description.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My friend wanted me to bunnysit her to rabbits. She mentioned that they have a little bad-bunny habit... they like to chew on furniture legs. Well, I do not believe that they will visiting my house anytime soon. I happen to enjoy sitting on a chair that has all four legs of equal length. :lol:

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I was sorry to hear about the people who lost their lives in the avalanche, but was very impressed with the woman who was saved by wearing a jacket with an air bag. What an incredible idea for those people who are out in the snow. I had never heard about these type jackets before.

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  • 7 months later...



How long has it been since I made this account, it was like ten years ago.

And it feels like even longer since I actually used it.

I was very thrilled to see Horatio's enthusiasm once again, i tell you whut

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  • 3 months later...

Outstanding! Other than same old, same old... and a touch of laziness, which in my opinion, is a wonderful trait... how are you?


Please remind me, do you live in the San Juan Islands?


Talked to - Kat - and they have been hit by all those midwest snow storms... she is without power. BRRRRRRRRR. That must be brutal. I do not like the cold, but to be without power... I would pack up and move south. A nice little bungalow on the Equator would be about my preference.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 10 months later...

so, wnadering back though.. Apparently, there was more or less enough stuff sitting around for another Pink Floyd album. was pretty good, what stuck in my head (you know how their newer stuff is, {and yes, yes, I know "the wall / saucerfull of secrets was the last /real/ Pink floyd album"...})

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Amazing what stuff is found where another album or book can be created. This past week, more stories from Dr. Seuss were found and there will be three more books!!! One of those books will be something along the lines of Which Pet Would You Pick? Will it be a hamster?

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I have to hear the new music!!! Thank you!!!


Of course, if someone wants you to believe something, such as the marketers, they can always present a view with some points to consider. In the end, only the public will be the judge as to what they believe.

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  • 8 months later...


Lexxy... you always come up with the best posts to brighten my day!!! Today has been a total fiasco. I appreciate your post. This was terrific. I played it about five times, before replying. LOL!!!


Sooooo, how are you? How is life treating you? What are you doing? Fill us in... PLEASE!!!

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  • 2 years later...

I return in the wake of what i assure you is an unspeakable incident caused by delving too deep into internet, But it did find a realtivley pleasent nightcore version of a eurobeat cover of offenbach's "infernal Galop" So, I suppose you win some, you lose some.

How are you assorted mammals and others doing?

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Lexxy!!!!!!! I wish that you would stop by more often and tell us what is happening. I have a zillion, million questions. How are you? How is life treating you? What are you doing? Where are you working? Where are you living? Are you married, single, traveling the world, writing a book? WHAT??? Inquiring minds absolutely must know what is going on!


Please... stop back, make sure that your email address is good, and visit with all the news.

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