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Check in!

Mega Wolf

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I'm not sure how well this will work, but hey, it's worth a shot. I think ANYONE who comes here should, well, say something every time they're here! Doesn't even have to be relevant to a conversation happening in this topic. But then it may potentially spark more conversations, as well as make it a lot easier to involve everyone. So, lurkers, post away. :lol:

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Checking in from well... small town, fl. joy. bedroom. lol


Woohoo for roll call?

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I'm feeling better, but I still have a cough that could come back up tomorrow during my recital.

To calm the cough, I urge you to get some Chloroseptic throat lozenges. They are very, very good.

When I fly, it I feel like my throat is dry, scratchy, etc., I suck on a couple of those during the flight. They work great.


Your recital will be phenomenal! Good luck, have fun and let us know how it went.

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I thought I added a reply.....


It's the number 87, on the inside of my left wrist in white ink. It's small, about the size of a dime. It only hurt when it went over the bone and the veins. Other than that, it wasn't as bad as I expected.


The number 87 represents my grandpa, it's the numbers from his birthday (12/21/35) and the say he died (01/10/08) added together.

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I thought I added a reply.....


It's the number 87, on the inside of my left wrist in white ink. It's small, about the size of a dime. It only hurt when it went over the bone and the veins. Other than that, it wasn't as bad as I expected.


The number 87 represents my grandpa, it's the numbers from his birthday (12/21/35) and the say he died (01/10/08) added together.

What a great tribute to your grandfather. I don't think I would have been so brave.

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  • 2 weeks later...

oh, heya. yep,. still around.. another black friday gone by.. I really should put a bit of effort into possibly NOT wasting my life in retail.. or something.

:lol: Then what excitement would you have? :lol:

We had a good birthday celebration for you in the warm wishes forum. :)

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Haven't been here for a while.

Something just made me want to pop in and say hello :)

Life is busy, working as a vet nursing (I <3 my job) and studying to be a fully qualified vet nurse :)

Rescued a kitten, moved house, got a new boyfriend and came face to face with one of my first friends on this website.


Excitement! Lifes not bad, hope everyone else is doing well!

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Haven't been here for a while.

Something just made me want to pop in and say hello :)

Life is busy, working as a vet nursing (I

Rescued a kitten, moved house, got a new boyfriend and came face to face with one of my first friends on this website.


Excitement! Lifes not bad, hope everyone else is doing well!

Oh my goodness!!!!!!!

*jumps up and gives Vixen an uber hug*


What a marvelous surprise!!! I'm so glad to hear that everything is going well. Leguan is over in Australia at the moment, having a great adventure.

Hope you stop back in to say hello.

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Woah...haven't been on here in YEARS!!!! :o

It's scary how much things have changed, so weird to come on here after all this time and see all the familiar people!

*tackle, glomp, hug, hug, hug*


TOP BANANA !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so, so happy to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!


How is life, how are you and what is going on????????

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Woah...haven't been on here in YEARS!!!! :o

It's scary how much things have changed, so weird to come on here after all this time and see all the familiar people!

*tackle, glomp, hug, hug, hug*


TOP BANANA !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so, so happy to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!


How is life, how are you and what is going on????????


Aw thank you :D It has been waay too long!!


Life is great, I am in my final year at university, doing history, then next year I will do a year of teacher training. Back home in Scotland at the minute, getting ready for Christmas!!!


How are things with you? How are things here? What have I missed?

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Haha, oh dear. Wow, people seem to have popped up while I was busy. That happens a lot, doesn't it? xD


Come to think of change, I came back here, after being here for a short stint in 3rd grade, in middle school. Haha. Life sure is different than I expected. xD

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Haha, oh dear. Wow, people seem to have popped up while I was busy. That happens a lot, doesn't it? xD


Come to think of change, I came back here, after being here for a short stint in 3rd grade, in middle school. Haha. Life sure is different than I expected. xD


"Life sure is different than I expected."


Oh yes, it sure is.

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I'm still alive, things are still crazy. I'm at home for Christmas, things with Shane are good, things with my budget are not good (bills are now more than I make at Walmart since the student loans are coming in). :ph34r:

That is stressful. I'm so sorry. Hopefully you will get a teaching job very soon.

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I agree, warming up from the cold is such a terrific feeling. Outdoor winter activities, I do enjoy, if properly dressed, and the walking inside after having a good run is such a wonderful feeling. My skin hates the dryness, and then I don't much care for chapped lips.

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Just returned from breakfast... totally delicious.


On another note... I wonder if Jesusfreak is okay. Her area was hit pretty hard and there are lots of people without electricity.

*waits for her to check in*

What a way to spend your birthday. :o

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You are right, but then I think of Gary Larsen, who is the creator of The Far Side. He is amazing and in my opinion, a creative genius. If you have not seen then, look at The Mouse Guard series, by David Petersen. Start with Fall 1152, then Winter 1152, followed by Legends of The Guard and now the first two issues of The Black Axe.

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  • 1 month later...

The three busses just made an emergency stop because I slept through the last rest stop and really had to go for the past hour and there was another half hour before our regularly scheduled stop. Yeah, I got to be that person. Also, not sure if I ever told you, but a few weeks ago I finally sent that letter on my first laundry day off time. My brother says he's sent me a couple letters since, but obviously I'm not home to read them, and he's aware of that.

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When you have to go...

you have to go.


Hilarious that you were the one to make all the busses stop. A half hour would have been excrutiating! I know... as it is about one half hour from the top of descent to landing, bar any holding which would only make it longer. So, you were the one. :lol:


No, you forgot to tell us about the letter. You were too excited about band camp.


On my way to the airport to deadhead to Paris.

I can live with 2 days off there. It is going to be hard, but I believe I can struggle through it. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

New Jersey, Ohio, and then we end in Indiana for that last week after.

in other exciting news, free day in DC on Monday.

It seems like you are criss-crossing states. What cities in Indiana and Ohio?


Enjoy your day in DC. Fantastic city. We owned an airport in northern Virginia, and I was able to spend time in DC. You will really enjoy Georgetown is you are able.

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