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Short Hair (Help?)

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I'm going to be cutting my hair really short again soon, but I'm having a hard time finding a picture of what I want. All the short hair pictures online require straight hair (mine is thick and wavy) or excessive styling (gel, hairspray, and the like). I need pictures of short hair that would look good with my thick, wavy hair that has a mind of its own. Can anyone help me out?


Note: I'll add some pictures of my own hair in my next post.

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This is what my hair looks like now (with the top layer pulled back)

post-1041-084945100 1286088851_thumb.jpg


This is what my hair looked like last time it was cut short:

post-1041-040696500 1286088880_thumb.jpg

I don't plan to go quite that short this time. I need to keep what you see at the top from happening again (how it kind of waves inward, and then back out again, making a weird shape).


And this is an in-between picture, where the weird shape thing is really bad:

post-1041-081559500 1286088992_thumb.jpg

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Hokay, so, the overwhelming consensus to my asking for pictures for short hair cuts that require no styling has been one of the following: "OMG DONT CUT YOUR HAIR!!!1" and "You HAVE to style it." I'm ignoring the first one and now also asking this: If I HAVE to style it, how do I do it, what products do I need, and what look do they create? Styles must take less than 2 minutes and not require a straightener or blow dryer. Assume I know nothing about hair styling (which is pretty much the truth), and use pictures if you can find them.

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Hokay, so, the overwhelming consensus to my asking for pictures for short hair cuts that require no styling has been one of the following: "OMG DONT CUT YOUR HAIR!!!1" and "You HAVE to style it." I'm ignoring the first one and now also asking this: If I HAVE to style it, how do I do it, what products do I need, and what look do they create? Styles must take less than 2 minutes and not require a straightener or blow dryer. Assume I know nothing about hair styling (which is pretty much the truth), and use pictures if you can find them.

I just got off the phone with the guy who cuts my hair. He is very, very good and extremely well known. He asked me for pictures of your hair and I wanted to get your permission before I printed them. Is this okay? He said that you should be able to have your hair cut short, especially with naturally wavy/curly hair and do absolutely nothing except towel dry it and walk out the door, and have it look fabulous.


Please let me know if it is okay to print the pictures and show him. If you have any better pictures of your hair, that you would prefer, please let me know.



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Sure. :) Those are the best examples I could think of, but if he wants to see something specific, let me know.


Also, it's really encouraging to hear that from a hair stylist. Unless of course, he doesn't realize that I want it *really* short, not like chin-length short. (Slightly longer than the shortest picture is roughly what I'm hoping for.)

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Well, I'm probably getting my hair cut today. Anyone have any last-minute suggestions or advice for me? ^_^;

My apologies for not getting back to you. I went from Memphis to Anchorage, then off to Korea, and now I am in Hong Kong.

Hope your hair turned out fantastically. Ed, the guy who cuts my hair said, was to search for someone who understood curly hair. I wish you were in Memphis as he would have cut your hair and you would have loved it.


Please post a picture of your new haircut.

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Egad! Wish I had been here earlier to offer advice...

I cut my hair ridiculously short last Mardi Gras break and it's probably the best thing I've ever done. Ever. X)

Hmm, my hair is straight and thin though... So, I pretty much don't need to use anything in it...

Ah, my good friend cut her hair short and she has the thickest, curliest hair I know.

To my knowledge, she doesn't use much product in it.


^incredibly not helpful, I know!


I'm eager to see pictures though!

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