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My two best friends.


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So, I have two bits of bad news.


The first is that one of my best friends dropped out of school this year to help support his family, and because he couldn't stand, in his words, 'being in a school with 3,000 a******* every day'. I haven't seen him since early September, and he's so busy getting his GED that while I can text him sometimes, we can't hang out anymore. If you couldn't tell, he comes from a really poor family, and his two older siblings refuse to help their single mom support the family, the sister basically being a freeloader who doesn't even have her own driver's license.


Secondly, my cat Libby, who has been my friend since I was very little, died a few weeks ago very suddenly of a heart attack. And maybe three weeks before that, my brother's cat Thomas who had been HIS friend since he was maybe five (and he's 20 now), had to be put to sleep because she was dying slowly and painfully. Both of us have lost our lifelong best friends very suddenly and sadly. The remaining cat, Snape, has been crying more often since Libby passed; the two of them used to cuddle together and wash each other's heads; now, his only friends are the three dogs and my mom and I.


Not to mention that on my part I've been going through some emotional trouble of my own. Fear for the future, fear of losing my friends/boyfriends, paranoid, etc.


So yeah. stuff. :| Guess I'm just looking for support, as well as updating you guys on what's happening to me.

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Oh my... that's quite a bit of emotional stress at one time.

*gives Mushroom_king a cyber hug*


I'm so sorry to hear about Libby and Thomas. I know how hard that is. Having a furry friend for so long just tears at your heartstrings when they are gone. Poor Snape must be beside himself. Usually a wind-up alarm clock, one that ticks, helps to ease their pain. The tick-tock reminds them of a heart beat. This is used for new kittens and puppies that are first separated from the litter and pets who have lost a partner. You wrap the clock in a washcloth or small towel and put it in the place where they sleep. Snape will not get too much bonding from the dogs, unfortunately.


As for your friend who had to drop out of school, I am so, so sorry. If he is looking for a part-time job with benefits, please tell him to check at his local FedEx. They should be hiring for the season and this would work around his school schedule. They have you work a minimum of 17 1/2 hours a week, but with this comes medical, dental and vision. FedEx also has a really great tuition rebate if he wishes to continue his education. His sister needs to have a wake-up call and help the family. I feel so bad for your friend having to work so hard, go to school and deal with his family.


I know these words don't make it any easier, but please try not worry about the future. It gets better. Honestly, it does get better. You are smart, talented and have lots of great opportunities to go and do anything you want. When you go to college, a good number of the friends you knew growing up through high school, with slowly be a thing of the past. Of course, there will be certain friends that you keep up with, but others seem to disappear. The new friends you make after high school will last a lifetime. With the social networking today, you can certainly keep up with all those people you wish to. Please do not fear losing them. Regarding boyfriends, if this relationship does not last, there will be many, many more guys who are interested in you, and who seem to be guys that you are also interested in.


As far as the paranoid problem, hopefully this will disappear. Quite possibly the paranoia goes hand-in-hand with the fears, but I really don't know much about the topic. I can only ask you to focus on the good things in your life, focus on your creative abilities and take a positive outlook on the future. You have so many positive attributes, that I believe you will find many doors opening that interest you.


Remember, we are always here for you.

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My friend is planning on, after he gets his GED, to get back into sign-making, which he says is what he really loves to do.


As for my boyfriend, our relationship is going really well, and there's not any sign of problems at all. I'm just paranoid. :|

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My friend is planning on, after he gets his GED, to get back into sign-making, which he says is what he really loves to do.


As for my boyfriend, our relationship is going really well, and there's not any sign of problems at all. I'm just paranoid. :|

Sign-making is a good business. He should always have work in that field. I wish him luck in the hard work involved in getting his GED.


Please do not be paranoid about your relationship. Your boyfriend is with you because he wants to be with you, so think about your relationship positively. Anytime a paranoid thought comes into your head, please try and put them out. Don't allow those feelings to exist. It is hard work, but you can do it.

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Aww, that's no fun. Losing pets is hard. And 15 years is a LONG time for a cat to live!


Everyone goes through paranoid bits. My best advice to you is to talk to your boyfriend about it, and let him know how you're feeling, even if you know it's irrational. It's something he needs to know, so he can support you as well as make sure to not do anything to make it worse.

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Thanks, guys. Me and my mom are working on getting some new cats, hopefully kittens. She's reluctant since I'll be going to college in a few years, but hopefully I can persuade her to get more, if only for Snape's sake.

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