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my poem book update

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so i'm making a poem book but it not done yet so yeah! so it's on its way people.

here is a poem to apprise u!


It Won't Matter

It won't matter if I dye my hair or change my makeup.

It won't matter if I say sorry and act different

Because you still won't understand me.

It won't matter why I stop talking to you or hang out anymore.

It won't matter at all.

Because no matter what I do, all you see is a mask.

Something that's not me, It just won't matter.

So, why does it matter to me?

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  • 3 weeks later...

listening to youtube lately and heard a song that inspired this.



I'm lying if I say that love songs are all I listen to and the reason why isn't because of you.

Lying, I'd be lying.

I'm lying when I look into your eyes and say that I slept all right and didn't wish you were there.

Lying, that's what I'm doing.

I'm lying when I say that I like to hold the new stuffed bear you just won tightly so I don't lose it instead of wishing it was you holding tightly on to me.


I'm lying all the time.

Just lying.

Why? because it's the only way to be yours.


It's not perfect and I might out a smiler one in later in my ongoing book bt for now it will do.

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