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An idea for a story. (If you don't know me by now, see if this idea for a story helps)


Judicial System

In the country of Phara, the law of the land is run by a omniscient and omnipresent organization that acts as the justice of the peace. The ranks/position are loosely based off the trio of gods (Rashnu, Sroasha, and Mithra)that in Zoroastrianism work together with souls, the dead, and justice.

Name of Organization: Law

Number of people: Countless

Purpose: To protect the innocence of all.

More information: Within Law, there are many ranks, titles, and positions people hold.

Student: Person undergoing graduate studies. Only 6 people may become a student every year.
	Authority within Law: None.

Lawyer: An information gatherer who assesses reports, crime scenes, speaks to all parties involved, witnesses, etc and brings the data to his superior.

	Authority within Law: No public authority, but allowed to use any method or resource desired.
	Number of lawyers: Unknown

	Official Garment: A third eye tattooed on the forehead

	Special skills: Information gathering, interrogating

               God association: Mithra, god who sees all with a thousand eyes. The third eye tattoo and job represents the all-seeing.

Attorney: Oversees all activities of Lawyers and handles high-profile cases. Gives information to a region's Judge.
	Authority within Law: Manages a team of lawyers. Has "Shield" authority (an officer of the law).

	Number of Attorney: Unknown

	Official Garment: Shawl wrapped around their head, with a gold-dyed image of farahavar.

	Special skills: Same as Lawyers, except with authority

               God association: Because they are, in essence, lawyers, but higher rank, they have no official affiliation. So the symbol of farahavar is used.

Judge: Oversees all activities of in a region and passes out verdicts, informing either their personal Justice or one capable of dealing with event.
	Authority within Law: The second highest regional authority, dealing in politics. 

	Number of Judges: 12, 1 per region of Phara

	Official Garment: A judge's robe, except for large Scales of Justice on the right shoulder and a sword pointing going the length of their left  arm.
		         (Special note: Judges, renown for spellsword use, the sword and scales symbol is also symbol of which arms they use for which technique)

	Special Skills: Clairvoyance, Master Spellswords, Speechcraft and Politics

               God association: Rashnu, who possess the Scales of Judgment and decides the fate.

Justice: Carry out the sentence they decide on the unjust, can also perform any of the aforementioned jobs if free-lance. (All Justice are in a sense free-lance and above the law, but all still are governed by the Courts, of which there are 3 levels in the hierarchy. However, a Justice may pledge oneself to a Judge and act as their own personal Justice)
	Authority within Law: Full-Authority, above the law, untouchable except by other Justices. 

	Number of Justices: Unknown, but is estimated to be around 300 in different ranking, position, and power.

	Official Garment: Based on individual choice. Usually marked by traditional Parsi or Iranian Zoroastrian clothing.

	Special skills: Based on the individual, but are masters of many forms of combat, including magic. Extremely talented and almost always lethal.

               God association: Sraosha, who accompanies souls through the bridge of judgment. Justices almost always kill the unjust, mercy rarely being used except by a few Justices.

Court Justice:  Of the 27 people, they oversee all activities of Justices within their court's jurisdiction, but has no actual authority over them, instead it is respect and fear. Can pass decisions and verdicts that a Justice must obey or face the risky consequences of being killed. The 9 Supreme Justices handle all matters and make all decisions regarding the entirety of Law, the Supreme Chief Justice having the last say.
	Authority within Law: Previously stated. However, the 3 Chief Justice (One for Region-ranked Justices, One for Country-ranked, and One over all)have an understood but not spoken rule above all in their jurisdiction, as they are the most powerful, intelligent, and wise.

	Number of Court Justices: 9 Regional, 9 Country, 9 Law

	Official Garment: Parsi and Iranian garments, but with hoods, with Chiefs having their face covered, as it is demanded as they represent the god.

	Special skills: The most powerful out of their jurisdictions, mastering in many forms and have the most experience.

               God association: Since they are Justices, they follow suit.

Supreme Chief Justice: The strongest of all Justice and is seen as a second king, rivaling or even surpassing in power. Always wears the hood, but adorns a special headband that is on the forehead, placed by magic and remains until death or resignation. What the symbol looks like is unknown, and is even regarded as legend since it is never seen. 

In Phara, there are no actual laws. So, stealing, killing, etc is all allowed. However, it is viewed as injustice and the Law, as is their philosophy and belief, will seek out to pure and cleanse the world, to make it safe for the innocent. They are, in the views of the masses, playing god, deciding who lives and who dies. Yet while that may be, they are viewed both in a positive and negative light, since they do clean the world up, they also do not show mercy. If a man has committed murder, should it matter if he was a good and devoted father?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Same here, you've got me hooked just with the description!

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