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Happy Birthday Otter!!!!


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Woohoo! It's your special day!


Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday dear Otter!

Happy birthday to you!

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Woohoo! It's your special day!


Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday dear Otter!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy Hammie Birthday Otter! May your birthday be the best! We haven't hear from you in such a long time and wonder how you are, what's going on and how life is treating you. Hope you stop in for your birthday celebration.


*hands Topazia a piece of birthday cake for being so fast* :D


Hope this special day is one you will remember!



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happy birthday otter!

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  • 10 months later...

<3 I just stopped by to say hi, and thought this was probably the appropriate thread. I think I was about 12 when I joined this forum haha... and now I'm almost 18 and in my senior year. :) For those of you wondering how I am, I'm fantastic right now!! I'm very involved in community theater, play ukulele & guitar and perform with those at an open mic every week, taking AP classes (including AP Environmental Sciences for those of you who knew I was into nature), am having plenty of luck romantically, and am headed for an awesome trip to Mexico next week! :) I'm glad to see this place is still around.


And Horatio, I know you still have to approve posts so... if you want to keep in contact with me, my e-mail is kristin_otter@wavecable.com :) I know it seems kind of strange, but you really did make a big influence on my life. I was in a kind of dark place as a kid when I first got on here, & you were always the role model I needed. This was always an incredibly safe place for me to return to, and I'm so glad you were there for me.

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  • 1 month later...

For those of you wondering how I am, I'm fantastic right now!! I'm very involved in community theater, play ukulele & guitar and perform with those at an open mic every week, taking AP classes (including AP Environmental Sciences for those of you who knew I was into nature), am having plenty of luck romantically, and am headed for an awesome trip to Mexico next week! :) I'm glad to see this place is still around.


And Horatio, I know you still have to approve posts so... I know it seems kind of strange, but you really did make a big influence on my life. I was in a kind of dark place as a kid when I first got on here, & you were always the role model I needed. This was always an incredibly safe place for me to return to, and I'm so glad you were there for me.


No posts to approve. I will have HampsterKing take care of that for you.

My apologies for the delay in replying to your post, you were stuck in the post queue, and I was unable until last night to read it!


On my way out the door, so I will return to this post and make a proper reply as soon as I get home!!!

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