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Sean just did a FANTASTIC rendition of a celebrity mashup that is incredibly hilarious but the only place you can find it is on deviantart...



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I...don't know what celebrity mashup is ._.

It's photoshopping two celebrities together to see what it would look like if they had a love child. I did one of Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Sean did one of Hulk Hogan and Conan Obrien. His came out better. Mine doesn't really look like either of them.


Here is the picture.


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That's hilarious!!!!


*hands Topazia The Gold Star Award*

yay! I'm glad you like it! We laughed over it for a long time the other night. One father is white with red hair and the other is red with white hair! sean came up with that.


thanks for the gold star!!! :D

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