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mushroom's poetry.

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(the moon)


i want to go to the moon


where no one would find me

no one would mind me

no one would bully me

no one would hate me

no one would hurt me

no one would bother me

no one would boss me

and no one would miss me




(at the seams of a dream)


Across the forest

beyond the water

Watching, the breakfast's gaze

This coffee has eyes

The car wants my love

The meat has want, in truth, it's trying

Poles grow from my skin, a passage of rain,

The poles continued growing like a cancer

As I walked through the passage of rain


the rain began to change

and turned into a gas

other things woke up

The hoe pretends to run

And then pretends to rest

The battery begins to boil

The alarm is in a bone

The leaves fear they are aging

The rust fears it's alone

forward from the other

No, not with the home

The days become overpowering

Monday becomes Friday

The coffee wanting sugar

the car wanting a wheel

the meat wanted a friend

The poles wanted to be called by them

The hoe is wanting to be put away

As the battery is wanting to say Yes

The alarm is far from wanting

The bone happens to have a perk

to start something, we know

What with it is up to us

The rust is wanting something

that it is getting from

the leaves that each are ending

as they do something seen

and the car is going to lose

its other unknown something

Some alarm kidnapped deep within us

Is doing no wrong to move


"And we make to try from doing time,"

The alarm says to the rust

and it replies "We can't keep track for we are not alive"

And this quiet statement makes a riot

and the rust to prove a point

What we want and what it is wanting

Might be one and the same

and in the dark of the passage

the gas begins to fly

and as it does, the breakfast & coffee both

agree we do no wrong

"But we don't do good, either."


The hoe looks around, and of sudden thought, screams


As the coffee moves about, at the end of what was the passage

the cancer speaks up, and the others freeze

The poles and my skin jump off together

To be together is their wanting

At the same time the skin screams

"Do you know what it means?

To be and of the seams?

And instead to be of fading dreams?"

And the battery boiling burst at the seams.

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The Seams of a Dream one was written for my English class and so far is one of two inherently awesome things I've made this year (the other being some art and poetry interpretation). Most of the stuff we're asked to do is, to me, really dumb.

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The Seams of a Dream one was written for my English class and so far is one of two inherently awesome things I've made this year (the other being some art and poetry interpretation). Most of the stuff we're asked to do is, to me, really dumb.

I believe you have lots of talent. It makes lots of sense why you would think some of the things you are asked to do is dumb. You are far more advanced than most of the people in your class.

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The Seams of a Dream one was written for my English class and so far is one of two inherently awesome things I've made this year (the other being some art and poetry interpretation). Most of the stuff we're asked to do is, to me, really dumb.

I believe you have lots of talent. It makes lots of sense why you would think some of the things you are asked to do is dumb. You are far more advanced than most of the people in your class.

And the teacher tries WAY too hard to be 'modern', often failing with hilarious results.

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The Seams of a Dream one was written for my English class and so far is one of two inherently awesome things I've made this year (the other being some art and poetry interpretation). Most of the stuff we're asked to do is, to me, really dumb.

I believe you have lots of talent. It makes lots of sense why you would think some of the things you are asked to do is dumb. You are far more advanced than most of the people in your class.

And the teacher tries WAY too hard to be 'modern', often failing with hilarious results.

I could see where that would happen.

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The Seams of a Dream one was written for my English class and so far is one of two inherently awesome things I've made this year (the other being some art and poetry interpretation). Most of the stuff we're asked to do is, to me, really dumb.

I believe you have lots of talent. It makes lots of sense why you would think some of the things you are asked to do is dumb. You are far more advanced than most of the people in your class.

And the teacher tries WAY too hard to be 'modern', often failing with hilarious results.

I could see where that would happen.

One big problem is that a lot of my teachers try WAY too hard to identify with the popular crowd, leaving us outcasts in the dust. This year I manage to have a lot of teachers who like me, but the only one I can really relate with is my History teacher. He's a geek, and he's really not afraid to show the class that he is. Even though he makes references to Soylent Green and Chuck Norris Facts in the middle of lessons, everybody likes him.

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The Seams of a Dream one was written for my English class and so far is one of two inherently awesome things I've made this year (the other being some art and poetry interpretation). Most of the stuff we're asked to do is, to me, really dumb.

I believe you have lots of talent. It makes lots of sense why you would think some of the things you are asked to do is dumb. You are far more advanced than most of the people in your class.

And the teacher tries WAY too hard to be 'modern', often failing with hilarious results.

I could see where that would happen.

One big problem is that a lot of my teachers try WAY too hard to identify with the popular crowd, leaving us outcasts in the dust. This year I manage to have a lot of teachers who like me, but the only one I can really relate with is my History teacher. He's a geek, and he's really not afraid to show the class that he is. Even though he makes references to Soylent Green and Chuck Norris Facts in the middle of lessons, everybody likes him.

He sounds like a teacher I would really like. He must have a good personality and be very confident in himself. That's great!

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We had another stupid assignment today where we had to think about a time someone sang to us and describe the scene as well as write the lyrics of the song. The only person who ever sang to me was my ex-boyfriend and I HATED it when he sang to me.


So, the scene I described was me checking my Facebook and the lyrics were from the Mystery Science Theater 3000 theme song. I'll post it once i get the paper back.

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We had another stupid assignment today where we had to think about a time someone sang to us and describe the scene as well as write the lyrics of the song. The only person who ever sang to me was my ex-boyfriend and I HATED it when he sang to me.


So, the scene I described was me checking my Facebook and the lyrics were from the Mystery Science Theater 3000 theme song. I'll post it once i get the paper back.

Your teacher picks the worst topics. I was trying to think about when someone last sang to me and I cannot remember a positive thought.

Please do post your paper.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I sit with my laptop and cats.


(In the not-too-distant future)


My cats are trying to crawl on my lap.


(Next Sunday, A.D.)


The cat curls up on my old electronics.


(There lived a guy named Joel)


This one is Thomas.


(Not too different from you or me)


I log onto my computer to talk to my friend.


(He worked at Gizmonic institute just another face in a red jumpsuit)


On my TV an 80s movie plays.


(He did a good job cleaning up the place)


I log onto my Facebook and ignore Farmville requests.


(But his boss didn't like him so they shot him into space)


I joined so many anti-farmville pages you'd think they'd stop.


(We'll send him cheesy movies)


I checked my inbox. I'm excited at first, but...


(The worst we can find, lalala)


...It's just a group message.


(He'll have to sit and watch them all)


I go back and see if I got tagged in any new pictures


(and we'll moniter his mind)


I did-more anime tagging memes.


(Now keep in mind Joel can't control when the movies begin or end, lalala)


I'm always 'the crazy one'.


('Cause he used all those special parts to build his robot friends)


I guess it fits, but it's so boring.


(Robot Roll Call!)


I always have to help tag because I'm the only one friends with everybody in the group.


(Cambot! Gypsy! Tom Servo! CROOOOOOW!)


I never complain about tags...but everyone complains when I tag them.


(If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts, lalala)


Sometimes I feel like my friends don't like me


(Just repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax)


Even though there's enough proof they do.


(for Mystery Science Theater 3000)

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